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Legislative Process This bill was created to amend Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 and Subpart 2 of Part 2 of Article 16 of Chapter

2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Geor ia Annotated! The chan es that were made include pro"isions relatin to carr#in weapons within certain school $ones and at school functions and e%emptions for carr#in weapons within school safet# $ones! Another chan e includes that carr#in licenses must be carried and shown on demand! Chan es were also made in"ol"in the e%pulsion and disciplinar# polic# for students who brin weapons to school and pro"isions to the student codes of conduct and safet# rules on school buses! This chan e also includes chan in certain definitions! This bill also amends certain parts of Chapter 11 of Title 1&' Title 16' Chapter 2 of Title 20' and Code section 40(&(22 of the Official Code of Geor ia Annotated! These chan es relate to the )u"enile code' crimes and offenses' elementar# and secondar# education' and persons not to be licensed! This bill also relates to chan es made re ardin minimum a e for licenses and school attendance re*uirements! There are also chan es relatin to carr#in weapons in unauthori$ed locations' and to repeal conflictin laws! This bill was assi ned to two different committees! The +ouse Committee that this bill was assi ned to was the ,u"enile ,ustice Committee! This committee was created durin the 201- le islati"e session to ser"e as more of a )udiciar# committee o"er )u"enile related issues! The chairman of this committee is Tom .eldon! The Senate Committee that this bill was assi ned to was the /ducation and 0outh Committee! This committee is responsible for 1(12 education' certificated emplo#ees of schools and school facilities! This committee also follows le islation re ardin childcare and 1(12 acti"ities! The +ouse had its third read and "oted on the bill on 2ebruar# 2&' 2014! There were 130 "otes in fa"or of the bill' 0 "otes a ainst the bill' & people that did not "ote and & people were e%cused from "otin ! On 4arch 20' 2014 the Senate had its third read and "oted on the bill! There were 44 "otes in fa"or of the bill' 2 "otes a ainst the bill' 10 people who did not "ote and 0 people were e%cused from "otin ! After the bill left the senate it was sent to the o"ernor and is still waitin to be si ned to be made a bill 5Geor ia eneral assembl#' 20146 This bill was not assi ned to an# sub(committees and there were no public hearin s re ardin this bill while oin throu h the le islation process! There were also no si nificant chan es in this bill durin the le islati"e process! At the be innin of the session there were one or two other bills introduced to le islation that were fairl# similar to +ouse 7ill 826 in re ards to e%pulsion of students for brin in weapons to school and weapons within school safet# $ones! .hen researchin to find those bills a ain we were unable to find them! .e don9t 1now if the bill numbers chan ed or if those bills did not cross o"er and died in session but when searchin for those bills on the Geor ia General Assembl# website the# had become completel# different bills so were unable to include an# information re ardin those bills that we ori inall# found! This was disappointin because we were loo1in forward to comparin the two bills and seein how the# effected each other!

7reedlo"e' ,! 52014' 2- 4arch6! :ep! ,ason Spencer; .ee1 ten; le islati"e session ad)ourns sine die! Ga pundit. :etrie"ed 4arch 2&' 2014' from http;<< apundit!com<2014<0-<2-<rep( )ason(spencer(wee1(ten(le islati"e(session(ad)ourns(sine(die<

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