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Cross/Core Workout

(With explanations)

Knee Ups/High knees with arm motion (2 min)

Standing in one place alternate lifting knees up and over waist height. Arm movements/stretches at the same time. Arms up and down, left and right.

Push Ups (10 reps) Jab/Cross then Hugs in squat position (30 sec. each = 1:30 min. total) No weight
Stand with feet at shoulder-width, knees bent to squat position. Jab forward with left fist and then cross over or jab towards left with right fist. Switch sides for second circuit. Then for hugs hold arms at horizontally at shoulder height swing both to wrap around yourself (like a hug). Do it with one arm swinging on top for half then switch for the last half or alternate as you go.

Hitchhiker (10 reps per side)

Resistance band attached at waist level. Attachment point to one side. Hold one handle in closest hand to attachment point to side. Hold other handle and lift other hand from down across body at about waist level to fully extended at shoulder height on opposite side of body.

Cross Crunch (15 reps per side)

Lie on your back with arms and legs diagonally out so that your body forms an "X." Keeping arms and legs straight lift both your right hand and left foot towards each other. Be sure to lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground. Alternate sides or switch after a set on one side.

Goal-Post Press (30 reps) Light weight dumb bell or no weight

Extend arms out to sides at shoulder height, elbows bent up at 90 degrees, palms forward. Raise arms over head, then lower back to beginning position.

Spiderman Plank Crunch (20 reps per side)

Standard plank position, forearms on ground and back straight. Bring right leg up towards right elbow. Then do the other side.

Upper Bells (50 reps per side)

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Place fingers behind head (or place dumb bell over shoulders and hold with both hands) and bring right elbow toward right hip, then left elbow toward left hip. Dont slouch. Dont swing hips out. Try to keep hips and abdomen stable. Keep head/neck straight.

Triangle Push Ups (10 reps)

Like a normal push up only with hands together under the chest forming a triangle with thumbs and pointer fingers touching.

3-Point Row (30 reps per side) Light weight

Feet staggered, bent down towards one arm/hand on knee height platform (bench/chair), other arm lifts dumb bell from hanging down position to rib cage height.

Bicep curl (20 reps per side) Light weight

Sitting on bench with legs spread open. Right arm holding the dumb bell hanging straight down between legs with elbow braced against the inside of your right thigh. Rest left (non-working) arms elbow on the left knee and set/rest the left hand on inner right thigh near and inside of where the right arms elbow I placed. Curl right arm all the way up and towards chest and then lower back to start position. Thats one rep.

Triceps extension (20 reps per side) Light weight

Lunge position/feet staggered. Left leg forward. Left elbow on left knee. Dumb bell in right hand brought to rib cage elbow at 90 degrees. Extend arms backwards and up. Back to 90 degrees.

Rotation (resistance band) (20 reps)

Stand holding a cable with both hands out in front of you at just under shoulder height. Keeping your arms fixed and straight and your abs engaged, rotate your upper body to the left, then back to center, and then to the right, and then back to center. Thats one rep.

Swiss-Ball Rollout (10 reps)

Kneel on a mat with your hands on a Swiss stability ball. Keeping your back straight and your abs engaged, roll the ball as far away from you can, then slowly roll back to starting position. (If on a hard floor, I use a rolling computer chair

Bicycle Crunch (20 reps per side)

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, and your legs raised and bent at 90 degrees. Alternate sides by bringing your right elbow towards your left knee while extending your right leg. Alternate sides. Try and hold the crunch for a two-count on each side to force a slower, concentrated movement.

Spread Open (resistance band) (20 reps)

Stand with band attached at shoulder height in front of you. Arms together and held out straight in front of you holding band. Spread arms wide open and close again. Thats one rep.

Draw Closed (Resistance band) (20 reps)

Exact opposite of the Spread Open above. Stand with band attached at shoulder height and back towards the attachment point. Arms held out horizontally to each side and draw arms together in front you and then back to start position. Thats one rep.

Push Ups (25 reps) Jab/Cross then Hugs (1 min. each = 3 min. total) Weighted
You dont need very much weight to make this hard.

Hitchhiker (15 reps per side) 3-Point Row (30 reps per side) Heavy weight Bicep curl (15 reps per side) Heavy weight

Triceps extension (10 reps per side) Heavy weight Planks with Cross-Over (25 reps per side)
Begin in full push-up position. Pull right knee toward left elbow, keeping abs tight and back flat; return to start and repeat. Switch sides for second set.

Goal Post Rotation (20 reps)

Resistance band attached at waist level. Arms holding handles held out and low in front of body. Pull arms straight to shoulder height, parallel to ground, elbows at 90 degrees. Maintain elbows at 90 degrees and rotate arms to straight up goal post position.

Bicycle Crunch (25 reps per side) Goal Post Rotation Opposite (20 reps)
Attach band at shoulder height. Same motions as Goal Post Rotation only go down instead of up.

Triangle Push Ups (15 reps) Goal-Post Press (15 reps) Heavy weight dumb bell Cross Crunch (20 reps per side) Spiderman Plank Crunch (25 reps per side) Swiss-Ball Rollout (10 reps) Triangle Push Ups (15 reps) Bicep curl (15 reps per side) Heavy weight Triceps extension (10 reps per side) Heavy weight Rotation (resistance band) (20 reps) Push Ups (20 reps) T-25 or like aerobic workout Jog (2 mile with sprints) Jumping Jacks (100)

Cross/Core Workout
(Without explanations)

Knee Ups/High knees (2 min.) Push Ups (10 reps) Jab/Cross then Hugs in squat position (30 sec. each = 1:30 min. total) No weight Hitchhiker (10 reps per side)

Planks with Cross-Over (25 reps per side) Goal Post Rotation (20 reps) Bicycle Crunch (25 reps per side) Goal Post Rotation Opposite (20 reps) Triangle Push Ups (15 reps)

Cross Crunch (15 reps per side) Goal-Post Press (15 reps) Heavy weight dumb bell Goal-Post Press (30 reps) Light weight or no weight Cross Crunch (20 reps per side) Spiderman Plank Crunch (20 reps per side) Spiderman Plank Crunch (25 reps per side) Upper Bells (50 reps per side) Swiss-Ball Rollout (10 reps) Triangle Push Ups (10 reps) Triangle Push Ups (15 reps) 3-Point Row (30 reps per side) Light weight Bicep curl (15 reps) Heavy weight Bicep curl (20 reps per side) Light weight Triceps extension (10 reps per side) Heavy weight Triceps extension (20 reps per side) Light weight Rotation (resistance band) (20 reps) Rotation (resistance band) (20 reps) Push Ups (20 reps) Swiss-Ball Rollout (10 reps) T-25 or like aerobic workout Bicycle Crunch (20 reps per side) Jog (2 mile with sprints) Spread Open (resistance band) (20 reps) Jumping Jacks (100) Draw closed (resistance band) (20 reps) Push Ups (25 reps) Jab/Cross then Hugs (1 min. each = 3 min. total) Weighted in squat position for first 2 min. Hitchhiker (15 reps per side) 3-Point Row (30 reps per side) Heavy weight Bicep curl (15 reps per side) Heavy weight Triceps extension (10 reps per side) Heavy weight

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