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Number 3

Volume 18 march 2012

Journal of Engineering


Dr. Bushra S. Albusoda Le !urer" C#$#l E%&. De'ar!(e%! U%#$ers#!) o* Ba&hdad E+,a#l- albusoda.)ahoo. o( Lub%a A. /h. Sale( B.S . C#$#l E%&. De'ar!(e%! U%#$ers#!) o* Ba&hdad E+,a#l- lub%asale(01234.)ahoo. o(

ABASTRACT As a result of the growth of economic, demographic and building activities in Iraq, that necessitates carrying out geotechnical investigations for the dune sand to study behavior of footings resting on these soils. To determine these properties and to assess the suitability of these materials for resting shallow foundation on it, an extensive laboratory testing program was carried out. Chemical tests were carried out to evaluate any possible effects of the mineralogical composition of the soil on behavior of foundation rested on dune sands. Collapse tests were also conducted to trace any collapse potential. Loading tests were carried out for optimum water content and different shapes of footing. Loading test recommends manufacturing of steel box and footing models with different shapes and dimensions. The results indicated that, Affe dune sand is predominantly fine sand with non!plastic fines. "ecause the content of sulphate #as $%&' is only (.()*, and the al alinity of dune sand, which reduces the corrosion potential, ordinary +ortland cement can be used in concrete foundation construction in,on dune sands. The results of collapsing tests showed that Affe dune sand exhibit a slight to moderate potential depending on stress level. -ue to $oa ing by water, the reduction in bearing capacity of optimum state was about .)*. The bearing capacity of square footing was greater than those of the circular and rectangular footings. 56789:;< ET7>@67 OP U:5VW67 X:P36 I00JK F73L7 2M83N67 OP Q5R7 ,S73H67 ED F:@567 G:06:HD8 2345678 29:;1<=7 >?@A6 BC01/ B0g:g=7 B[351j?67 G:R>e\A6 iP:/3b cd8 IK .BAeN67 fg=7 h?eK `Aa X:P367 _^Y Z3;K B[:\]8 B0W0@WK>0C67 l>eD q6^] p[3L7 .BAeN67 fg=7 Z3;K `Aa X:P3A6 E/mH?67 n>1e?67 30o:K m[me16 B[8:0?W67 l>e\67 :N[7 h?k8 Bb>u367 B6:e6 B68meP Bb31b8 X:Wk=7 B\A1jP fg7 `Aa h0?e167 G:R>eD q6t mHb p[3L78 .B\A1jP S3rb M:0s/=7 U7 :N[7 iw:1@67 G3sx78 .:s@P IH/7 B/m6 30v 97>P8 B?a:/ X:PM OP U>W1K q\a BJr@P ED U:5VW67 X:PM U7 .`AV?67 B/:g3j67 OP fg=7 F:4/= B?w|P {R>e\?67 U:5VW67 X:PM U:D B0Aa8 #$%&z(.()*'7mL h0A< Ey5C67 n>1e?67 M:0s/=7 {0/:WP} nmb7 m< l>e\?67 hP367 U7 M:0s/=7 l>eD iw:1/ G3sx7 .M3d 27 U8mb 29:H67 p@?y67 X:?H1g:b BC01/ \j/7 m< fg=7 h?eK U7 :N[7 iw:1@67 G3sx78 B0Aa 9:sL=7 n>1yP yT {rg>1P `67 BA0~d OP 8731K .Z8367 f\/ peK BA0r1y?678 B[3w7m67 fg=7 h?eK OP `Aa7 cb3?67 :g=7 h?eK U78 *.) 98meb F:?6:b3?67 /e)=ord- bear#%& a'a #!)" shallo= *oo!#%&s" du%e sa%d" load#%& !es!


-r. "ushra $. Albusoda Lubna A. h. $alem

"AI CA+ACIT % $ALL% %%TI$ $TI % - $A-

-une sands usually have a single!sied grading curve. They occur frequently in loose state with low in situ densities. That is due to the poor pac ing of uniformly graded materials deposits in a sub!arid environment. They also have low bearing capacity and large settlement due to their low density. -as #((' mentioned some of typical properties of dune sands as follows . rain sie distribution of the sands at any particular location is uniform. The uniformity can be attributed to the sorting action of the winds The general grain sie percentages decrease with distant from the source, because the wind carries the small particles farther than the large ones. The relative density of sand deposited on the windward side of the dunes is as high as #)(!)' * and decrease to about #(!)' * on the leeward.

Al!Taie #((' assessed the suitability of real sand and pseudo dune sand as a construction material. The results showed that the real sand dune is considered suitable for use in bac filling and emban ments construction. %n the other hand, for construction purposes on pseudo dune sands, a combination of placement densities in lower than the maximum values and placement moisture higher than the optimums are required. That is to insure low expansion and to reduce the loss of strength. It is worth to remind that the real sand dunes are defined as the dunes that their soil have more than (* of sand, while pseudo!sand dunes have appreciable amount of clay and silt.

Du%e Sa%d Affe dune sand was chosen in this study. It is located between -iwaniya and ut governorates, more precise, it is ) m away from the town Affe or ffech as the local people use to call it. The grain sie distribution curves of the soil sample are shown in ig. Affe dune sand is predominantly fine sand with non!plastic fines. According to the nified $oil Classification $ystem, the soil is classified as $+!$ material. +hysical properties, shear strength and compressibility parameters could be seen in Table , while the Chemical tests results are shown in Table . Chemical tests were done in the $tate Company for eological $urvey and ining, and ational Center for Construction Laboratories and esearch #CCL'. Also, small difference can be noticed between the maximum and minimum unit weights, this may attributed to the poorly grading of dry soil. %n the basis of permeability, the soil may be classified as low permeability soil #Teraghi and pec , '. 299


Ismael #.' presented a review of the geotechnical properties, composition nature and spatial variability in three main soil deposits in uwait #surface windblown sands was one of them'. The researcher concluded that . The surface windblown dune sands are sensitive to saturation. It may collapse at some location due to ground wetting, and The collapse will be evident for compacted sand at low relative density.

$o, that research reflected how important is to determine the collapse potential for such soils

Number 3

Volume 18 march 2012

Journal of Engineering

Also, small difference can be noticed between the maximum and minimum unit weights, this may attributed to the poorly grading of dry soil. %n the basis of permeability, the soil may be classified as low permeability soil #Teraghi and pec , '. The results showed that the silica is the main component in the dune sand. "ecause the low content of sulphate #as $%&' and the al alinity of dune sand, which reduces the corrosion potential, %rdinary +ortland cement can be used in construction of foundations in,on the dune sand tested.

on compacted soil following anning and night #)' procedure are shown in igure &. This "ehavior may be attributed to two reasons *#rs!, the effect of compaction, which decrease the void ratio of soil and ma e it more dense and se o%d, the effect of initial water content of compacted specimens. It is clearly shown that an increase in collapse potential #Cp' with the decrease of initial water content. In order to determine the collapse potential of the dune sand in loose and dense states, and to show the effect of compaction on such soils, single collapse tests were carried out. The results of these tests are shown in ig. .. The loose state specimens exhibited higher collapse potential than the dense state. In accordance with the anning and night #)' procedure the results show that oderate collapsing behavior. The collapse potential was about *, while the collapse potential of dense state was about *. This collapse behavior could be attributed to the dry, uncompacted, cohesionless, natural state of the dune sand. The results of double %edometer tests are shown in ig. , which indicate that the level of stress plays a maor role compared to that of compaction, ig. ). The igure also shows that the collapse potential increase with increase of level of stress for both dry and wet side conditions. hile on the optimum, the collapse potential did not show the same trend. The effect of compaction is an accepted reason for that behavior.

Colla'se Tes!s
Collapse is a typical feature of unsaturated, loose and low plasticity soils, which are typical features of dune sand. Collapse is defined as the significant volume reduction observed when wetting an unsaturated sample under load. anning and night discussed the problem in ). Then, in &, they proposed a test method by which they determined the collapse potential for one specimen under an applied vertical stress of (( +a, after one day of soa ing. A$T-)))&!(( were used to determine the magnitude of one!dimensional collapse that occurs when the soil inundated with fluid #water'. The expended nights criterion, the -ouble %edometer ethod, was followed to estimate the amplitude of possible collapse as below

=collapse potential (%) = initial void ratio = change in void ratio due to soaking. The relation of collapse potential to the severity of foundation problems according to A$T!-)&&&, is shown in Table & The results showed slightly collapsible trends of behavior as shown in Table & and ig. . The results of single collapse tests 300 A shallow footing model tests were carried out in a test box having dimensions of #&( &(' mm in plane and )( mm in depth. The sie of the box was decided suitable for the sie of footing and the range of load influence. #-epending on "ossineqs approach three footing models were used to fulfill the obectives of this wor square#$' ( ( mm, circular #C' ( mm in diameter, and rectangular#' &( (mm'.

-r. "ushra $. Albusoda Lubna A. h. $alem

"AI CA+ACIT % $ALL% %%TI$ $TI % - $A-

It is nown that the method of sample preparation can have a maor influence on the measured response of soil. To place the soil in the box reliable as much as possible, static compaction method was used by compression machine of #(,((( g'. The preparation of the soil was done in two stages #' $oil was compacted in dense, dry unit weight as in #A$T -(.!.T', then #' Layer with .)" thic ness at three unit weights and the corresponding water contents, #ig. '. $amples were tested and compacted as quic ly as possible, to avoid losing the water. The inside of the box was lined by plastic sheets to lessen the friction between the soil and the box sides. Through the preparation of soil and loading test performance, the following points were considered . hen soa ing conditions were conducted, the box was left to soa for . hours to ensure that all the soil was completely soa ed. After the test completed, the sand was spread for air drying over night #It loo ed enough in hot $ummer days where the temperature was more than .C' and the soil lumps were crashed by rubber hammer.

The results showed that the reduction in bearing capacity ratio of the dry side and optimum states were about .)*. It is further recommend that for non!cohesive soils, the values shall be reduced by )(* if the water table expected to be above or near the base of footing. ?. E**e ! o* Sha'e o* Fou%da!#o% rom the Teraghi equations, its clear that for granular soil, the bearing capacity of square footing is greater than that of circular footing by &&*. These results coincide with the results of this research wor #ig ' .The bearing capacity of square footing is greater than that of circular footing in the present wor by about *!*. In addition, the rectangular footing showed a smaller bearing capacity than both of the circular and square footings. This behavior may be attributed to the scale effect that depends directly on " #width of footing'. $ince "z ( mm for circular and square footings, while "z &( mm for rectangular footing. Accordingly, the bearing capacity for rectangular footing was smaller, ig. (.

Co('ar#so% be!=ee% !he Ul!#(a!e Bear#%& Ca'a #!) *ro( !he ,odel Load#%& Tes! a%d I!s @alues Fro( Well+>%o=% Theor#es
In comparison with the well nown theories of ultimate bearing capacity determinations, the ultimate bearing capacity from the loading tests are shown in Table . The results showed a lac of agreement between theoretical and experimental findings. "y re!examining Table #.!', same trend can be seen between the different shapes and different initial water content. The large differences between theoretical and experimental finding, which may be attributed to . It was found that theoretical solution based on plane strain angle of internal friction which is

odel loading tests were carried out on dune sand as given in the test program. To evaluate the bearing capacity in this wor , the failure point considered at settlement equal to (* of the width of footing #"' as A$T #-.!.' recommended. Also, the effects of the following factors were ta en in consideration 1. E**e ! o* Soa>#%& It is important to carry out a model test in soa ing condition to trace any susceptible collapse potential in soil. odel tests were carried out with optimum initial water content and different shapes of footing. ig. 301

Number 3

Volume 18 march 2012

Journal of Engineering

higher than that based on direct shear. A variation in friction angle of only may result in a variation in the value of )(* #hite, (('. Consequently, the bearing capacity will be increased. . The above mentioned theories are more conservatives. eyerhof #&' and -e "eer #(' propose a conservative estimate for shape factor acceptable for design only for low internal friction angle and a small aspect ratios #hu and ichalows i, (()'. &. The physical model for shallow footing have many short comings included the self weight variations between actual self weights of the model elements, temperature also different to assess in different levels in the models, & moisture movements cannot model with time.

and optimum states were about .)*. ). The results showed a lac of agreement with theoretical and experimental findings, as these theories are more conservatives.

REFREANCES . Aiban, $. A. #)' Centrifugal erification of "earing Capacity and $hape actors of $hallow oundations on $ands, The fourth Saudi Engineering Conference, ovember, olume , pp &!&. . Al!Taie, A. . #((' +roperties and "ehavior of -une $ands as a Construction aterial, .$c. thesis, Civil ngineering -epartment, niversity of "aghdad, Iraq. &. A$T -.!. $tandard Test ethod for "earing Capacity of $oil for $tatic Load and $pread ootings, #ithdrawn ((&'. .. A$T -(.! Test ethod for elative -ensity of Cohesionless $oils. #ithdrawn &'. ). A$T -.&.!.T $tandard Test ethod for +ermeability of ranular $oils, #ariable ead'. . A$T -&((!.T AS!a%dard Tes! ,e!hod *or D#re ! Shear Tes! o* So#ls U% o%sol#da!ed U%dra#%ed Co%d#!#o%s. . A$T -.)&!(( AS!a%dard Tes! ,e!hod *or ,aB#(u( I%deB De%s#!) a%d U%#! We#&h! o* So#ls Us#%& a @#bra!or) TableA. 302

. Affe dune sand is predominantly fine sand with non!plastic fines. ater effectively influenced the cementation agents between the particles. . The results showed that silica is the main component in Affe dune sand. "ecause the low content of sulphate #as $%&' and the al alinity of dune sand, which reduces the corrosion potential. %rdinary +ortland cement can be used in construction of foundations in,on dune sand. &. Compacted dune sand showed a slight collapse potential when tested by single collapse test, while it showed moderate collapse potential under high stress level . .. The reduction in bearing capacity ratio due to soa ing of the dry side

-r. "ushra $. Albusoda Lubna A. h. $alem

"AI CA+ACIT % $ALL% %%TI$ $TI % - $A-

. A$T -.).!(( AS!a%dard Tes! ,e!hod *or ,#%#(u( I%deB De%s#!) a%d U%#! We#&h! o* So#ls a%d Cal ula!#o% o* Rela!#$e De%s#!)A. . A$T -)&&&!(( AS!a%dard Tes! ,e!hod *or ,easure(e%! o* Colla'se Po!e%!#al o* So#ls. (. A$T -!((a AS!a%dard Tes! ,e!hods *or Labora!or) Co('a !#o% Chara !er#s!# s o* Us#%& S!a%dard E**or! C4DD >N+ (E(FG. . A$T -).!(( AS!a%dard Tes! ,e!hod *or S'e #*# Gra$#!) o* So#l Sol#ds b) P) %o(e!erA. . -as, ". . #((' Principle of Foundation Engineering, $ixth dition, Adapted International $tudent dition, elson a -ivision of Thomson Canada Limited. &. annings, . . and night, . #)' A Gu#de !o Co%s!ru !#o% o% or =#!h ,a!er#als EBh#b#!#%& Add#!#o%al Se!!le(e%! Due !o HColla'seH o* Gra#% S!ru !ure, Proceedings, Sixth egional Conference for !frica on Soil "echanics and foundation Engineering #ohannes$urg, $outh Affrica, pp !(). .. Ismael, . . #.' Pro'er!#es a%d Beha$#or o* Ar#d Cl#(a!e So#l De'os#!s #% /u=a#!A" Civil ngineering -epartment, niversity of uwait. ). Teraghi, . #.&' Theoretical Soil Mechanic , ohn iley and $ons, ew or . 303

. Teraghi, . and +ec , . #' "Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice". $econd dition, ohn iley and $on, . . hite, -. . #((' ACo%!r#bu!#o%s !o GHeo!e h%#Iue 12J3+?DD3Ph)s# al ,odel#%&A, %&eotechni'ue ), o. ), pp. .&! ..

" c C Cc Cp Cr

idth of ooting Cohesion Circular ooting Compression Index Collapse +otential ebound Index Initial oid atio of $oil $pecific ravity Coefficient of +ermeability

e s

L.L + $

Liquid Limit "earing Capacity actors ot +lastic ectangular ooting $quare ooting Angle of Internal riction nite eight of the $oil

Number 3

Volume 18 march 2012

Journal of Engineering

Table 1 +hysical properties, shear strength and compressibility parameters

Pro'er!) @alue T)'e o* !es! S!a%dard

L.L +I s max min dmax

&* + . ). ,m& &.( ,m& .) ,m& . ( cm,s


Atterberg limits $pecific ravity of $olids aximum nit eights inimum nit eights $tandard Compaction Coefficient of +ermeability %ne!dimension Compression -irect $hear Tests

"$ &) test o. A$T -!). A$T -.)& A$T -.). A$T !( A$T -.&.! .T A$T -.&)

eo Cc c

(.)( (.( (


A$T -&((!

Table ? esults of Chemical Tests

Che(# al Co('os#!#o% $i% Ca% g% $%& Cl! CaC%& ypsum Content %rganic aterial T.$.$ L.%.I p Per e%!a&e CKG ..) .& .( (.() (. &(.( (.( (.( (. ).&. .


-r. "ushra $. Albusoda Lubna A. h. $alem

"AI CA+ACIT % $ALL% %%TI$ $TI % - $A-

Table F elation of Collapse +otential to the $everity of oundation +roblems

De&ree o* Colla'se one $light oderate oderately severe $evere Colla'se Po!e%!#al K ( (. to .( . to .( . to (.( (

Table J ltimate "earing Capacity # +a' from the odel Loading Test and ell!nown Theories
The Sha'e $quare Circular ectangular TerLa&h# ( ( ! ,e)erho* ). ). . ,odel Load#%& Tes!s .(( &)( &&)

F#&. 1 rain $ie -istribution Curves


Number 3

Volume 18 march 2012

Journal of Engineering

F#& ? esults of $ingle Collapse Tests ariation of Collapse +otential with Initial water contents

F#&. F esults of $ingle Collapse Tests at -ifferent Initial ater Contents

F#&. J $ingle Collapse Test esults of -une $and #a. -ense, b. Loose'


-r. "ushra $. Albusoda Lubna A. h. $alem

"AI CA+ACIT % $ALL% %%TI$ $TI % - $A-

F#&. M esults of -ouble %edometer Test at -ifferent Initial ater Contents

F#&ure 4 esults of -ouble %edometer Tests ariation of Collapse +o tential with ffective $tress Level at -ifferent Initial ater Content

1.5 B Compacted Soil

Soil in Dense State

F#&. N "ox +reparation


Number 3

Volume 18 march 2012

Journal of Engineering

F#&. 3 The results of the odel Test on $oa ed $oil in elative with nsoa ed $oil #%ptimum $tate'

F#&. 2 "earing +ressure!$ettlement Curves for -ifferent $hapes of ooting on $oil with -ifferent Initial ater Contents

F#&. 1D Influence of ooting $ie on "earing Capacity actors #rom Cerato and Lutenegge, (('


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