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The Maryland Poll April 10-13, 2014 Precise Wording of Questions in Order Asked Question 1 [Q1]

Do you (one) support, (two) oppose or (three) have no opinion on increasing the states minimum wage from seven-twenty-five an hour to ten dollars and ten cents an hour in 2017? Press 1 if you support raising the minimum wage. 2 if you oppose raising the minimum wage. 3 if you do not have an opinion.

Some of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act -- the health care law known as Obamacare -- have already gone into effect. So far, has the new law (one) helped you and your family, (two) not had any effect, or (three) has it hurt you and your family? Press 1 if the law has helped you and your family 2 if the law has not had any effect on you and your family 3 if the law has hurt you and your family 4 if you are unsure about the effect

Are you (one) in favor of, (two) opposed to, or (three) undecided about passing legislation to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana in Maryland? Press 1 if you are in favor of decriminalizing possession of small amounts 2 if you think possession of small amounts should remain illegal 3 if you are unsure or have no opinion

Do you think it is more important to (one) protect the right of Americans to own guns or (two) pass laws to control gun ownership? Or (three) are they equally important? Press 1 if you think it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns 2 if you think it is more important to control gun ownership 3 if you think these goals are equally important 4 if you are uncertain or have no opinion

Regarding political issues in Maryland, would you prefer Delegates and Senators to focus more on (one) education or (two) jobs and the economy? Or (three) are they equally important? Press 1 if they should focus on education 2 if they should focus on jobs and the economy 3 if these issues are equally important 4 if you are uncertain or have no opinion

Do you (one) strongly agree, (two) agree, (three) disagree, or (four) strongly disagree with this statement? Minority groups need Affirmative Action to achieve greater success in the job market. Press 1 if you strongly agree 2 if you agree 3 if you disagree 4 if you strongly disagree 5 if you Dont Know or have no opinion

When you registered to vote in Maryland, did you register as (one) a Democrat, (two) a Republican, (three) with some other party, or (four) are you unaffiliated? Press 1 if you registered as a Democrat 2 if you registered as a Republican 3 if you registered with a third party and not as a Democrat or Republican 4 if you are registered, but not affiliated with any party. 5 if you are not registered to vote

[Q8] Only if answered 5 in Q7

Do you intend to register to vote in Maryland and vote in the 2014 elections? If so, which party will you affiliate with? Press 1 if you do not plan to register and vote in the 2014 elections 2 if you plan to register as a Democrat 3 if you plan to register as a Republican 4 if you plan to register and affiliate with a third party other than the Democratic or Republican Parties 5 if you plan to register but do not plan to affiliate with any party

[Q9] only if answered 1 in Q7 or 2 in Q8

If the Democratic primary for Governor of Maryland were held today, who would you vote for? Press 1 for Anthony Brown 2 for Douglas Gansler 3 for Heather Mizeur 4 if you are undecided

[Q10] only if answered 2 in Q7 or 3 in Q8

If the Republican primary for Governor of Maryland were held today, who would you vote for? Press 1 for David Craig 2 for Ronald George 3 for Larry Hogan 4 for Charles Lollar 5 if you are undecided

Which of these four Republicans (one) Jeb Bush, (two) Mike Huckabee, (three) Chris Christie, or (four) Rand Paul has the best chance of winning the 2016 Presidential election? Thats 1 for Jeb Bush 2 for Mike Huckabee 3 for Chris Christie 4 for Rand Paul

Which of these five Democrats (one) Elizabeth Warren, (two) Martin OMalley, (three) Joe Biden, (four) Hillary Clinton, or (five) Andrew Cuomo has the best chance of winning the 2016 Presidential election? Thats 1 for Elizabeth Warren 2 for Martin OMalley 3 for Joe Biden 4 for Hillary Clinton 5 for Andrew Cuomo

Do you think the U.S. Representative for your Congressional District is doing a good job? Press 1 for yes 2 for no 3 if you are uncertain

[Q 14]
Dominion Resources wants to build a Liquid Natural Gas export terminal at Cove Point on the Chesapeake Bay in Southern Maryland. Dominion says it will create jobs, increase Marylands tax revenues, and add to the energy exports of the United States. Opponents say that the terminal and ship traffic will harm the Bay and increase greenhouse gas production in Maryland, that pipelines to deliver natural gas across Maryland and Virginia to the terminal will endanger nearby communities, and that it will lead to increased fracking in the region. Do you think the Liquid Natural Gas export terminal should be approved? Press 1 if you think it should be approved 2 if you think it should NOT be approved 3 if you are uncertain or have no opinion

Do you think the health of the Chesapeake Bay and the general environment in Maryland is (one) improving, (two) getting worse, or (three) staying about the same? Press 1 if you think it is improving 2 if you think it is getting worse 3 if it is staying about the same 4 if you are unsure

Fracking is the use of pressurized liquids to obtain natural gas from underground sources. Do you (one) favor or (two) oppose the current moratorium that prohibits fracking in Maryland? or (three) have no opinion

Do you think the worlds temperature during the past century has (one) been increasing, (two) decreased, or (three) stayed about the same? Press 1 if you think it has been increasing 2 if you think it has been decreasing 3 if you think it has stayed about the same 4 if you are unsure

What region of Maryland do you live in? Press 1 if you live on the Eastern Shore 2 if you live in Southern Marylandwhich includes Charles, Calvert, and St. Marys Counties 3 if you live in the Baltimore Suburbswhich includes Anne Arundel, Harford, Howard, and Baltimore Counties 4 if you live in Baltimore City 5 if you live in Washington Capitol Regionwhich includes Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties 6 if you live in Western Marylandwhich includes Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett and Washington Counties


In politics, as of today, what do you consider yourself? Press 1 for Republican 2 for Democrat 3 for Independent 4 for Green Party 5 for Libertarian 6 for something else

[Q 20]
What is your gender? Press 1 for Male 2 for Female

What is your age group? Press 1 for 18 to 24 2 25 to 34 3 35 to 44 4 45 to 54 5 55 to 64 6 65 and older

What is the race or ethnicity that you primarily identify yourself as? Press 1 for white, non-Hispanic 2 for black 3 for Hispanic 4 for Asian 5 for American Indian 6 for something else

Our last question--overall, do you think Maryland is (one)on the right track, or (two) it is headed in the wrong direction? Press 1 for on the right track 2 for headed in the wrong direction 3 if you are uncertain or have no opinion.

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