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Interview with Mr.

Mofizul Mossain Choudhury, Chief Computer Division, AB Bank Hardware available in the Bank AS-400- !his is the main server. !he bank has "ot three of them # one is for $oordinatin" the online bran$hes of Dhaka $ity, # one is for $oordinatin" the online bran$hes of Chitta"on" $ity # the other one is ba$k up. All data that are $onstantly bein" stored at the two server in Dhaka and Chitta"on" are also stored in the third ba$kup server. In $ase, one of the server fails, that will be repla$ed by the third one. !he Dhaka A%#&'' is $urrently $ontrollin" ( bran$hes. !hese bran$hes in$lude ) remote bran$hed *of $ourse lo$ated in Dhaka City+, prin$iple bran$h and the head offi$e+. !he A%#&'' has the option of $ontrollin" ,- bran$hes. AB bank has $onta$t with IBM. If any trouble o$$urs, the bank mana"ement at $alls the IBM. !he bank mana"ement has the toleran$e for - days at most. If the problem is not solved in these two days, the bank mana"ement looks for the alternatives. Mechanism working with AS-400 .hile havin" $onne$tion with A%#&'', there is no need to have separate $omputer for ea$h $ounter/terminal. 0nly monitors and other input devi$es su$h as the keyboard, mouse are enou"h. .hat happens is that ea$h terminal is dire$tly $onne$ted to A%#&'' and whenever any transa$tion takes pla$e * or any data is entered or retrieved+ the data is dire$tly entered to A%#&'' or retrieved from A%#&''. %o there happens to have no need for havin" e1tra $omputer in ea$h $ounter/terminal, the input devi$es are enou"h. Currently, the A%#&'' in Dhaka $ity is mana"in" &2,''' a$$ounts. How the need for another terminal is determined: At first the bran$h mana"ement de$ides the need for another terminal. !hey then send for the ne$essary re3uirements to the head offi$e. !he head offi$e assesses the need and takes ne$essary steps for settin" up the re3uirements, if there is at all a need. .hat a$tually happens is that if any bran$h mana"ement observes that they are havin" diffi$ulty in $losin" the transa$tion on time due to 3ueue, that parti$ular bran$h realizes the need for another $ounter/terminal to share some of the load of the busy $ounter. !he bran$h mana"ement then writes to the head offi$e whi$h then assesses the need *whether there is a$tually a 3ueue+. 4sually the assessment is on observin" the no. of transa$tion per day as well as the no. of a$$ounts Software used by AB Bank: !he online bran$hes are usin" 5apiti#-.)- whereas those whi$h are yet to $ome online *&6 bran$hes+ are usin" Ba1iBank#2''' plus. And the operatin" system in ea$h $ase is 0%#&'''. 7e"ally, a bank should pay a lump sum of )''' pounds if the no. users in$reases by a person. If a bran$h is in$orporated into online, its e1istin" Ba1iBank#2''' 8lus must be repla$ed by 5apiti.

Recruitment and salary status of the IT rofessionals: !his is done by the head offi$e in $oordination with IBM. .hen there is need, the head offi$e asks IBM to take the test. IBM brin"s in the 3uestionnaire from 7ondon * a standard one+ and takes the e1am. !hen the interview is taken with the $oordination with the AB Bank offi$ials. Besides the people who want to be e1amined must be advised by the AB Bank. IBM has a rate of !5. 2'' per person for his purpose. !he salary status and the ranks are same as those of other departments of the bank. !here is a te$hni$al allowan$e per month for almost all I! professionals beside the salary *allowan$e#!k. &'' to !k.9''+ . !he I! $hief seems very dissatisfied beside the $urrent amount of allowan$e. !o him, the amount is not at all enou"h to keep a "ood I! professional in the bank. !rawbacks with installed "ersion of #a iti Does not support # Credit $ards # :#$ommer$e et$. In order to over$ome the drawba$ks, either new version will have to be installed or some other measures $an taken *he is yet to know+ $ain %b&ecti"e of %nline Bankin' # 8rompt servi$e. (hy current system of tele-bankin' )introduced by some of the banks such as I*I+, is not feasible # most of Ban"ladeshi people do not have telephone. # !he system is $omple1 to many $ustomer.

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