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1. Complete this passage with the verbs from the list. Use the past, present or future tense.

Buy. Drive. et. o. - Have to. - Use. - Make. - !ell. - Have.

"n many #ities nowa$ays, foo$ shopping takes very little time. "n the past, people ha$ a $ifferent shop for ea#h item. %or e&ample, you bought meat at a but#her's shop an$ fish at a fish market. ( fruit market ha$ fruit an$ vegetables. %or $ry foo$s like ri#e or beans you get all these things at a supermarket. Many supermarkets make a lot of money these $ays. But times are #hanging. !oon, people have to $rive in their #ars to huge out of town stores #alle$ )hypermarkets* to buy everything an$ who knows+ !ometimes in the future, everyone will have a #omputer at home. ,eople will use them to pur#hase everything from foo$ to furniture, from legal a$vi#e to me$i#al help. "n some pla#es that is happening alrea$y. -. Complete these senten#es with your own information. "f you go shopping on !atur$ay " will spen$ all my money. ".ll feel healthier "f " will $o e&er#ise every $ay. "f " get more e&er#ise " will have a better shape. "f " $on't get goo$ gra$e in s#hool " will repeat the level. " might get more sleep "f " #oming earlier to my house.

/. Choose the #orre#t responses. /.1. a0 " en1oy working in sales. b0 222222 well, " #an. 222so $o ". a0 " like working night shifts. b0 2222 ee, " $on't 222222 neither $o ". a0 " #an stan$ getting to work late. b0 222222 " #an.t 2222neither #an ". a0 ".m intereste$ in using my language skills. b0 2222 so am ". 222222 oh, " $on.t min$.




3. Complete these senten#es using the passive form of the verb in the list. Compose. Design. - Dis#over. - ,aint. - "nvent. - 4rite.

3.1. 3.-. 3./. 3.3. 3.<. 3.>.

5he bank of China buil$ing in Hong 6ong was $esigne$ by the ar#hite#t ".M ,ei in the 1789s. 5he play :omeo an$ ;uliet was written by 4illiam !hakespeare in the 1<79s. 5he telephone was invente$ by (le&an$er raham Bell 18=>. 5he pi#ture !unflowers was painte$ by ?in#ent ?an ogh in 1888. ,eni#illin was $is#overe$ by !ir (le&an$er %leming in 17-7. 5he musi# for the film west si$e story was #ompose$ by @eonar$ Bernstein in 17<=.

<. Des#ribe your a#tivities yester$ay. 4here were you+ (n$ 4hat 4ere you $oing+ <.1. (t 7099 a.m0 " was with frien$sA we are having breakfast at #offee shop before go to the meeting. (t 11099 in the morning. " was in my 1ob. " was supervising a buil$ing. (t noon. " was in my house. " was typing a report. "n the afternoon. " was in the football sta$ium. " was playing so##er. (t 19099 last night. " was in my be$. " was sleeping.

<.-. <./. <.3. <.<.

>. :eporte$ spee#h are reBuest with the verbs 2ask2, 2tell2, 2say2. =. 4rite a paragraph about s#ien#e. C19 lines minimumD. Eowa$ays the s#ien#e is ne#essary for the people, sin#e the litter until the bigger invents have #hange$ the people life. ( #lear e&ample is the #ell phone. 5his is an a$vi#e for the #ommuni#ation to big $istan#es. But, there is too mu#h problem originate$ by the !#ien#e in the human life. 5he nu#lear plants are invents that have $estroye$ the oFone layer, an$ "t has pro$u#e$ the air pollution. 5he automobiles are polluting the atmosphere too, an$ there are many invents that #an $estroy the nature.

"n #on#lusion, the s#ien#e #an help to the people to have a better life an$ it #an $estroy the nature too. "s ne#essary to $o a #orre#t use the s#ien#e for guarantying a goo$ future life.


. English test.

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