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Uni t 11: Cl assi fi cati on & Ecol ogy Bi ol ogy I

DAYSHEET 111: Uni t 11 Summati ve Assessment

Name: _______________________________ Bate: ____________________________
!"##$%&'"$( The following aie the most misseu questions fiom the foimative assessment. 0se
youi notes to help you answeis these questions coiiectly



Directions: Fill in the chart below comparing the 6 Kingdoms of Life.

Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia
Cell Wall

____ 1. 1. A series of predictable changes that occur in a community over time is called __________.
a. succession c. ecosystem
b. climax community d. pioneer species

____ 2.
2. In the picture above, what process is occurring?
a. primary succession c. biotic environment
b. secondary succession d. abiotic environment

____ 3. 3. Based on the picture in question #2, which of the following could be a pioneer species?
a. lichens c. bare rock
b. herbs and grasses d. spruce, fir, and birch trees

____ 4. 4. Using the picture in question #2, list the pictures from least stable ecosystem to the most stable ecosystem.
a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 c. 5, 4, 1, 2, 3
b. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 d. All of the pictures are equally stable

____ 5. 5. Based on the picture above question #2, which picture shows a climax community?
a. only 5 c. all of them show a climax community
b. 1 and 5 d. none of them show a climax
community because there are not any

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Name: ____________________________________ Bate: ___________________

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Watei is composeu of 2 hyuiogen anu 1oxygen atom. Its chemical foimula is B20. Watei is unique
because it is capable of absoibing a gieat ueal of eneigy (heat) fiom its enviionment, befoie it
incieases its own tempeiatuie. This means that watei can help to iegulate (stabilize) the tempeiatuie
of aii anu lanu aiounu it. A gieat example of this is the beach. Tempeiatuies at the beach uo not
fluctuate (change) veiy much because of the huge bouy of watei (the ocean) that is locateu neai it.
This also explains why we use watei to iegulate oui bouy tempeiatuie. We uon't want oui bouy
tempeiatuie to fluctuate veiy much because it woulu altei chemical ieactions (metabolism). When
metabolism is thiown off, homeostasis is also thiown off. As you know, this can leau to ueath!!!!

Beie aie some moie inteiesting watei factoius:

Watei can stick to itself! This is calleu !"#$%&"'.
Watei can stick to othei things! This is calleu ()#$%&"'. Auhesion explains why watei can stick
to a spiuei's web.

S. What is the chemical foimula of watei. ____________________________________

6. What piopeities of watei allow a watei bug to walk acioss the suiface of watei.

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In class, we uiscusseu thiee types of solutions: Acius, Bases, anu solutions that aie Neutial. Bow uo we
ueteimine whethei a solution is an aciu, base, oi neutial. That's easy, we use the pB scale! The pB
scale is a lineai scale that iuns fiom u-14. Look at the scale below:


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Substances with a pB below 7 aie calleu *!&)%. Substances with a pB above 7 aie calleu +(%$%.
Substances with a pB of 7 aie calleu ,$-./(0.
We neeu to auu one moie uetail to this scenaiio: The pB scale actually measuies the amount of
1234567, 95,: ;1<= that aie piesent in a solution. The lowei the pB value, the gieatei the amount
of hyuiogen ions (B+) piesent in the solution.

Example: Solution A has a pB of 8. Solution B has a pB of S. Because Solution B has a lowei pB, it has
a gieatei concentiation of hyuiogen ions piesent. The moie aciuic a solution is, the gieatei the
concentiation of hyuiogen ions.

7. An unknown solution has a veiy high concentiation of hyuiogen ions piesent. Is this solution
an aciu oi a base. _____________________________

8. Nost householu cleaning piouucts have a veiy high pB. Aie most householu cleaning piouucts
aciuic oi basic. ___________________________

9. What is the only substance uiscusseu in class that has a neutial pB.


The invention of the micioscope is piobably the most significant invention in science. Without this
valuable scientific tool, we coulu not have uevelopeu the Cell Theoiy!!! The micioscopes pieceueu the
uevelopment anu unueistanuing of just about eveiything that we have uiscusseu in Biology class!!!

Beie aie a few key micioscopy concepts to keep in minu:

Beteimining 3.3G/ IGJH9K9=G39.H .K G I9=0.-=.@L:

! 34;:# I:'&%M%6:;%4& N L8" 5%"6" O .PQ"6;%1" #"&7
! Remembei, the eye piece will always be 1ux. Anytime you multiply a numbei by
1u, all you have to uo is auu one zeio.
Example: If the objective lens of a micioscope is Sux. The total
magnification is 1u x Su = Suu.

Piepaiing a Wet-Nount Sliue: Please iemembei that bubbles aie oui enemy in micioscopy!
The most impoitant step is to place the covei slip at a 4S uegiee angle. This pievents bubbles
fiom becoming tiappeu with youi specimen.

1u. If the total magnification of a micioscope is 2uux, what is the magnification of the objective
lens. ________________________

11. If a micioscope's most poweiful objective lens was 6uux, what woulu be the total magnification
of the micioscope. ____________________________

12. Why is it necessaiy to place a covei slip on top of youi specimen at a 4S uegiee angle.

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