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Grading Guidelines

An A paper (93-96.99) is well-written, well-researched and well-argued. It is easy to read. The writer has paid attention to all parts of the prompt (the essay assignment). The paper shows intelligence and engagement and some degree of insight and creativity. An A + paper (97-100) has all of the qualities of an A paper but to a greater degree. It is the paper of somebody who has thought about what they are writing and who expresses some element of originality. The qualities of insight and creativity in an A+ paper put it in a small minority of the papers you read. The paper is smooth and well written a pleasure to engage with. An A- paper (90-92.99) is well on its way to being an A paper but there are nonetheless minor problems perhaps the writing is just a little bit hard to read or the argumentation seems a bit flat and uninspired in the last pages of the paper. Still, all the main components of a good paper are there they have just not been fully realized. B papers (83-86.99) generally have some problems. Perhaps it is the writing; ungrammatical sentences that are hard to decipher, awkward passages, a series of poor word choices. Perhaps it is a problem of conceptualization and the writer doesnt seem to have grasped the basic ideas he or she is dealing with, or has overlooked some important point. Maybe the problem is one of research there doesnt seem to be enough of it. Perhaps the quality of the paper is generally good but the writer failed to engage with some part of the prompt. In a B paper there is something lacking. In a B+ paper (87-89.99) there are some problems but they are not too serious the paper is mostly good, the writing is slipshod in parts but generally fine. A B+ is a grade you give when a paper is just about an A- but you dont quite feel right about bumping it into the very good/excellent category. It does everything decently, but the paper doesnt really stand out. In a B paper (80-82.99) the problems are quite serious. Perhaps both the writing and the conceptualization are faulty. A B- paper is generally somewhat difficult to read you have to go over sentences a couple of times to figure out what the writer is trying to say. The paper is not well organized or the research is half-hearted. There are generally problems on more than one front, but not quite so bad as C grade work. A C paper (73-76.99) has very serious problems on at least two levels poor writing and poor organization for example, or sloppy research and poor argumentation. It is generally substandard work for an undergraduate below the average performance. Cs are also assigned to papers which are so badly written that it is hard to figure out whether the argumentation is decent or not. There may be something there, but the writing is impenetrable. That kind of paper gets a C or a C- (70-72.99). D (60-69.99) and Fs (anything below a 60) are assigned to seriously mediocre work. An F is for somebody who seems to be completely disengaged from the assignment.

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