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A PROJECT STUDY REPORT ON Training Undertaken at




Submitted to the Partial Fulfillment of the Award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration
Su !itted B"# $ %r . BBA III "ear Su !itted T&#$

t is with great of gratitude and ha!!iness that !resent a thoroughl" made !ro#ect on the $om!arati%e &ar'et Anal"sis of Personal (oans and its da" to da" o!erations offered b" )*S BA+, and other ma#or !la"ers in this sectorThis !ro#ect is an insight into the current ban'ing scenario of countr" in Personal (oan.i%ision- n the com!letion of the !ro#ect man" !eo!le ha%e wor'ed with me to carr" forward m" !ro#ecte/!ress m" dee! sense of gratitude to all that ha%e directl" or indirectl" hel!ed in the successful com!letion of the !ro#ectwould li'e to than's whose guidance !ro%ide me to e/!erience the !ractical wor'ing and understanding, and all the )*S Ban' staff for their interest0 untiring efforts0 unfailing courtes"0 encouragement and coo!eration in ma'ing a !ro#ect a successwould also li'e to gi%e m" sincere gratitude to m" *a'u)t" Guide &r %ent&r, and all for !ro%iding the !recious 'nowledge in regard of m" !ro#ectThere can !ossibl" be no claim to the !erfection in the !ro#ect- n the case re1uest to bear with an" errors0 omissions or discre!ancies that ma" ha%e cre!t in des!ite due care and caution on m" !art-

E+e'uti,e -u!!ar"
Rea) e-tate in India is currentl" one of the hottest in,e-t!ent- &.ti&n- in A-ia- A recent sur%e" of the real estate scenario ac'nowledge the ndian metro!olis of %u! ai, Banga)&re and Ne( De)/i as the to! three in%estors2 choices for real estate in%estment in Asia- But there were concerns mainl" related to the a%ailabilit" of necessar" funds for in%estment and in the more recent times0 the boom in the real estate mar'et o!ened the doors for a host of realt" funds from financial institutions- Prior to fi%e "ears0 the real estate segment in ndia was neither organi3ed nor were there too man" large institutions in the construction industr"- But now with an organi3ed finance sector and with the increase in trans!arenc" le%els0 it has become easier to create financing %ehiclesThe decrease in .er-&na) )&an interest rates and an increase of dis!osable income has contributed largel" to an increased demand in the residential segment- n s!ite of a rise in Per-&na) L&an- intere-t rate- and 1ualitati%e sanctions being le%ied b" the 4B on ban's0 bu"ing interest has not waned because Personal (oans are still chea!er than ten "ears agoThe retail mar'ets are also undergoing a defining change with the introduction of larger retailing formats- The financial institutions also wasted no o!!ortunit" in ta!!ing the fund re1uirement catering to the inflow of !otential bu"ers in the retai) -e't&r- 5hile most funds were initiall" floated b" financial nstitutions or ban's such as SBI, LIC, HD*C, ICICI Bank, A0IS Bank and IDBI Bank0 and e%en retailers ha%e now entered the real estate sector for creating more retail facilities and ha%e been hugel" successfulAs the realt" !rices in ndia s'"roc'ets0 housing com!le/es mushrooming and cit" landsca!es becoming unrecogni3able0 the growth across all real estate segments and e/!erts estimate that demand will remain stead" at the currentl" high le%els because of the im!ro%ing economic en%ironment and the real estate sector is e/!ected to grow 306 e%er" "ear- This rising !ro!ert" !rices encourage ban's and financial institutions to lend more with the increase in collateral %alues- Although the Personal (oan!ro%iders ha%e hi'ed their

rates twice in less than three months0 Per-&na) )&an- continue to be nearl" 47 !er cent chea!er than what the" were in earl" 20011- Because if statistics are referred to0 the interest rates which now range between 10-12 !er cent0 are still much lower than what the" were ten "ears ago0 at 18-19 !er centn addition to funds being raised b" the ndian financial institutions li'e :.F$0 $ $ and .F$ abroad0 the mone" could be used to de%elo! business and T !ar's and townshi!s- A stud" has re%ealed that as man" as one million homes are financed e%er" "ear in ndia now with an estimated home mortgages mar'et of ;S< 10-9 billion - contributing to ndia2s !henomenal realt" !ros!ect-

Ta )e &1 '&ntentPage N&TITLE.............................................................................................................................................................. 2 CERTI*ICATES33333... 333333333333333333333333333333 AUTHENTICATION CERTI*ICATE33333333333333333333333 4 TRAINING ORGANI5ATION6S CERTI*IACTE333333333333333333 7 %ENTOR6S CERTI*ICATE333333333333333333333333333 8 AC9NO:LEDGE%ENT............................................................................................................................. ; E0ECUTI<E SU%%ARY............................................................................................................................ = TABLE O* CONTENTS............................................................................................................................... > 2. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................... ? 1-1 AB=;T )*S BA+,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > 1-2 & SS =+ A+. $=4* ?A(;*S----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-3 ,*) &A+A@*&*+TAAAAAAAAA-----AAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAA---12 1-4 $or!orate Partners3333333333333333333333333 33333 27 1-7 B=A4. =F . 4*$T=4SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 17 1-8 & (*ST=+*SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---18 4. INDUSTRY SCENARIO........................................................................................................................ 2> 2-1 P*4S=+A( (=A+ + +. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1B 2-2 T)P*S =F :=&* (=A+SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA20 2-3 TAC B*+*F TS =+ :=&* (=A+SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA23 7. YES BAN9 @ PO:ER HO%E333333333333333333333333333. 4= 3-1 =?*4? *5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA28 3-2 (=A+ P;4P=S*SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--29 3-3 *( @ B ( T)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--2B 7

3-4 .=$;&*+TAT =+AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--2> 3-7 (=A+ A&=;+TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA33 3-8 T*4&S A+. $=+. T =+AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 34 3-9 FA 4 P4A$T $* $=.* F=4 (*+.*4SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA37 8. OPERATION *LO: O* HO%E LOANS33333333333333333333333 8A 4-1 *( @ B ( T) $A($;(AT =+AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-41 4-2 *& $A($;(AT =+AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-42 4-3 (=A+ T= ?A(;* TAB(*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--------43 4-4 : *4A4$:) =F =P*4AT =+SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 44 ;. CO%PARATI<E ANALYSIS O* PERSONAL LOANS333333 3.. 333333333..8; 7-1 F*AT;4*S =FF*4*. B) =T:*4 BA+,SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-48 =. ANALYSIS AND *INDINGS33.. 33333333333333333333333333.;7 B. RECO%%ENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS3...3333333333333333333 ;8 >. SU%%ARY AND CONCLUSION333. 33333333333333333333333.;; ?. RE*ERNCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY3...33333333333333333333333 ;> 2A. APPENDI0ES333333333333. 3333333333333333333333.;?

O,er,ie( &1 YES Bank

A &ut YES BAN9 YES BAN90 ndiaDs new age !ri%ate sector Ban'0 is a state-of-the-art high 1ualit"0 customer-centric0 ser%ice-dri%en Ban' catering to the E*uture Bu-ine--e- &1 IndiaF- An outcome of the !rofessional G entre!reneurial commitment of its Promoter G Founder0 .r- 4ana ,a!oor and his to! management team0 YES BAN9 i- India6- 1&urt/ )arge-t .ri,ate -e't&r ank Hb" balance sheet dated &arch 310 2012ISince its ince!tion in 20040 )*S BA+, has fructified into a JEFull Ser%ice $ommercial Ban'F that has steadil" built $or!orate and nstitutional Ban'ing0 Financial &ar'ets0 n%estment Ban'ing0 $or!orate Finance0 Branch Ban'ing0 Business and Transaction Ban'ing0 and 5ealth &anagement business lines across the countr"0 and is well e1ui!!ed to offer a range of !roducts and ser%ices to cor!orate and retail customers- )*S BA+, has ado!ted international best !ractices0 the highest standards of ser%ice 1ualit" and o!erational e/cellence0 and offers com!rehensi%e ban'ing and financial solutions to all its %alued customers- Toda"0 )*S BA+, has a wides!read branch networ' of &,er 7>A ran'/ea'r&-- 4B; 'itie-, (it/ =;AC AT%- and 4 Nati&na) O.erating Centre- in %u! ai and Gurga&n. )*S BA+, has been re'&gniDed a!&ng-t t/e T&. and *a-te-t Gr&(ing Bank- in ,ari&u- Indian Banking League Ta )e- " .re-tigi&u- !edia /&u-e- and G)& a) Ad,i-&r" *ir!-0 and has recei%ed se%eral national and international honours for our %arious Businesses including $or!orate Finance0 n%estment Ban'ing0 Treasur"0 Transaction Ban'ing0 and Sustainable !ractices through 4es!onsible Ban'ing- The Ban' has recei%ed numerous recognitions for its world-class T infrastructure0 and !a"ments solutions0 as well as e/cellence in :uman $a!italThe sustained growth of )*S BA+, is based on the 'e" !illars of Gr&(t/, Tru-t, Te'/n&)&g", Hu!an Ca.ita), Tran-.aren'" E Re-.&n-i )e Banking - )*S BA+, has a 'nowledge dri%en a!!roach to ban'ing0 and a su!erior customer e/!erience for its retail0 cor!orate and emerging cor!orate ban'ing clients- As the Pr&1e--i&na)-6 Bank &1 India0 )*S BA+, has e/em!lified Jcreating and sharing %alueD for all its sta'eholders0 and has created a differentiated Ban'ing Paradigm with the %ision of FBui)ding t/e Be-t Gua)it" Bank &1 t/e :&r)d in India6b" 20179

Brand <i-i&n E Strateg" )*S BA+, is !ursuing a Brand strateg" to build one of the finest financial ser%ices brands in ndia- )*S BA+, belie%es that differentiation begins with its ser%ice and trust mar' embedded in J)*SD0 which re!resents the Ban'Ds fundamental goal of being a highl" ser%ice-oriented Financial nstitution- The endea%or at )*S BA+, is to deli%er an un!recedented .elightful Ban'ing */!erience to all its customersT/e na!e YES -igni1ie- @ K The essence of the brand b" con%e"ing all the %alues and characteristics - Attracti%e0 Smart0 Sim!le0 Serious0 4eliable0 Trustworth"0 =!timistic0 Positi%e0 *fficient0 ;ni%ersal K $lutter brea'ing in the ban'ing en%ironment0 and affirmati%e with target clients across business and mar'et segments Brand <i-i&n and C&!!it!ent K To be recognised as the JBest Lualit" Ban' of the 5orld in ndiaD K To !ro%ide a Su!erior and $onsistent Ban'ing */!erience to all its customers K To be a long term !artner with all sta'eholders !articularl" customers b" creating G sharing %alue K To be a solid and trusted financial trust mar' bac'ed b" two !rofessional !romoters and an e/ce!tional management team Brand Pi))arThe )*S BA+, brand is built around 7 ,e" Brand Pillars0 which e!itomi3e the growing strengths of the Ban'- All communication and ad%ertising has been created around these 'e" brand !illarsK Gr&(t/M )*S BA+,2s core !romise is growth for its internal and e/ternal sta'eholders s"mbolised in JSa" )*S to @rowthND K Tru-tM )*S BA+,2s Promoters0 n%estors0 and To! &anagement team are all of the highest !edigree with a demonstrated trac' record0 thus ins!iring and establishing a Trust &ar' O JSa" )*S to TrustND

K Hu!an Ca.ita)M )*S BA+, has ado!ted a 'nowledge-dri%en0 entre!reneurial management a!!roach and offers financial solutions be"ond the traditional realm of ban'ing- )*S BA+,2s to! 1ualit" :uman $a!ital re!resents the finest talent in ndian ban'ing0 chosen from ndia and abroadK Te'/n&)&g"M )*S BA+, is establishing the highest standards in customer ser%ice b" ado!ting cutting-edge0 inno%ati%e Technolog"- The onl" thing constant about )*S BA+,2s technolog" is *%olutionK Tran-.aren'" E Re-.&n-i )e BankingM )*S BA+, considers Trans!arenc" and Accountabilit" to be of utmost im!ortance- )*S BA+, has established the most stringent $or!orate @o%ernance norms0 and is committed to 4es!onsible Ban'ing b" focusing on Sustainabilit" and Social 4es!onsibilit"T/e YES %&ne" P)ant The mone" !lant0 Scinda!sus Aurous0 deri%es its name from the 4oman word Aureus which means 2gold coin2- t is belie%ed that the mone" !lant brings wealth and ha!!iness0 and is most effecti%e when shared with others)*S BA+, has been concei%ed in much the same s!irit- 5e belie%e in ado!ting a focused0 'nowledge-based a!!roach to establish long-term !artnershi!sP thereb" enabling us to 2create and share %alue2 that e/tends be"ond the traditional realm of ban'ingA !erennial climber0 the mone" !lant is characteri3ed b" growth- At )*S BA+,0 it is our constant endea%or to !artner the growth of our clients0 while the" gain from our e/!ertiseSince its ince!tion in 20040 )*S BA+, has sent o%er 3700000 mone" !lants to our %alued customers across ndia-

9e" %anage!ent

.r- 4ana ,a!oor Founder0 &anaging .irector G $*= ?iew Profile

&r- Aalo' @u!ta >

*?P G $ountr" :ead- 4etail Ban'ing 4is' &anagement ?iew Profile &r- Adit"a Sanghi President G Senior &anaging .irector - n%estment Ban'ing ?iew Profile

YES BAN9H- C&r.&rate Partner)*S BA+, has formed strategic relationshi!s with eminent ndian and global com!aniesThese !artnershi!s not onl" widen business !latforms but also la" the foundation for a sustainable futureA@S Transact Technologies AT=& Technologies Atos 5ordline AT& .e!lo"ment !artners &obile Ban'ing Ser%ices &erchant ac1uiring

Bill .es' H ndiaideas-comI Ba#a# Allian3 Bharti Airtel FundTech $ S$= $&$

=nline Bill Pa"ment Facilit" @eneral nsurance Telecom $onnecti%it" $ash &anagement and Financial Su!!l" $hain Solutions Technolog" nno%ation and nfrastructure Bac' =ffice T Solutions

$ogni3ant Technolog" A!!lication .e%elo!ment O Business Process Solutions &anagement Platform $ord"s .e (a 4ue *as" Bill FS B& ntel Technologies &aster$ard nternational &a/ (ife &icrosoft &ure/ +$&S( +ew@en Software Technologies +S $ +uance +ucleus Software =racle Financial Ser%ices Port5ise Business Process &anagement Suite Teller Automation and $ash .is!enser &achines nternet Ban'ing Securit" Solutions .ebit $ard G Switching Ser%ices Technolog" :ardware 5ireless Fidelit" H5i - FiI Branch Ban'ing Solutions nternational .ebit $ards and Pre!aid $ards (ife nsurance *nter!rise Agreement for Ser%ers0 .es'to!s and other !roducts ntegrated 4is' &anagement and Treasur" Solution $ollateral &anagement G 5arehousing Ser%ices $he1ue Truncation Solution Financial Solutions and Ad%isor" for Small Scale ndustries S!eech 4ecognition Solution - $ontact $entre * - 4etail Assets Platform $ore Ban'ing and nternet Ban'ing Solution nternet Ban'ing Securit" Solutions

+ABA4. Q +AB$=+S Strategic Ad%isor" for Food and Agribusiness Sector

Pri3m Pa"ments Ser%ices 4eliance nfocomm 4euters Ser%ion @lobal S .B

AT& .e!lo"ment Partners Telecom $onnecti%it"0 5A+ &P(S Bac'bone and .ata $entre :osting .ealing Solution and =nline Fore/ Trading Platform ntegration Partners for $ontact $entre Phone Ban'ing Ser%ices Financial Solutions for S&*s 4edundant 5A+ &P(S Bac'bone 0 AT& $onnecti%it" and .ata $entre :osting

Sif" $ommunications

S!an Across TATA Teleser%ices T$S ?isa ?irtusa 5incor +i/dorf 5i!ro )odlee nc )S*

=nline Ta/ 4eturn Filing Solution Telecom $onnecti%it" :osted $he1ue Truncation Solution nternational .ebit $ards A!!lication .e%elo!ment O Business Process &anagement Platform Self Ser%ice SolutionsM Automated Teller &achines HAT&I and Financial ,ios's Total Technolog" =utsourcing =nline Personal Finance &anagement Pre!aid $ards

S/are Ca.ita) &1 YES Bank

Authori3ed Share $a!ital M 4s- 300 $rores

Paid ;! Share $a!ital M 4s- 232-B8 $rores

S/are/&)ding Pattern IA- &n 7AJA=J4A24K

Sr. No. Name of the Shareholders No. of Shares Held % Stake to Total


A. 1. . ". !. %. -. 7.

Promoter Shareholding Administrator of the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India -UTI - I (SUUTI) #ife Insurance $orporation of India (enera) Insurance $orporation of India The *e+ India Assurance $ompan, #imited *ationa) Insurance $ompan, #imited United India Insurance $ompan, #imited The .rienta) Insurance $ompan, #imited

9,7 , !,"7" ",71,9%,&"1 &1, ",""1 "&,'-,!!" -,&1,7!' 1-,1-,!1% 1!,&9,11& 15,21,37,251

7.11 1'."7 . 7 1.''.7% '.!% '.! 2. 3

Total Promoter Shareholding A !. &. 9. 1'. Non"Promoter Holding Indian /inancia) Institutions (I/Is) 0utua) /unds .thers (Indi1idua)s2$orporate 3odies24U/2Trusts23anks)

"7, ",&19 ,9',-","7!, !,%!,-77,52, 1,$71

1.'! &.11 11.&! 2%.&&

Total Non"Promoter #ndian Shareholding ! '. 11. 1 . 1". (oreign Shareholding /5I 6oute - (56s Issue ( ''% 7 ''7) /oreign /inancia) Institutions (/IIs) *6Is2.$3s2/35

1,"-,7 ,' & 11,19,' ,7 ' %-,1',--1

".-! "".9' 1.%3).5$ 1%%.%%

Total Non"Promoter (oreign Shareholding ' Total A * ! * '

13,11,$5, %& 35,$5,) ,531

K Share $a!ital - 4s- 37B-78 crores K +et 5orth - 4s- B0941-98 crores K Boo' ?alue !er share - 4s- 274-42 K &ar'et Price as on 11Q9Q0B - 4s- 887-27

K &ar'et $a! as on 11Q9Q0B - 4s- 230B78 crores H;S < 7-78 billionI

.thers "1."18

UTI-I 7.118

#I$ 1'."78 /IIs "1. 18

B&ard &1 Dire't&r

.r- 4ana ,a!oor Founder0 &anaging .irector G $*= )*S BA+, (T.$hairman - +ominations G @o%ernance $ommittee $hairman - Fraud &onitoring $ommittee $hairman O $a!ital 4aising $ommittee

&r- S-( ,a!ur Promoter +ominee +on nde!endent .irector Former Secretar"0 @o%ernment of ndia0 &inistr" of Food Processing G Small Scale ndustries &r- Arun , &ago nde!endent .irector $hairman O Board 4emuneration $ommittee $hairman O 4is' &onitoring $ommittee Former $hief Secretar"0 @o%ernment of &aharashtra

Per-&na) L&an- in India
The Per-&na) L&an-e't&r in India is the !i-%ital role !la"er in the growth of the rea) e-tate -'enari& in India- 5ith ta/ incenti%es gi%en to the housing finance sector in the annual budget0 transactions related to bu"ing and selling of residential !ro!erties increased considerabl" and was much higher as com!ared to !re%ious "ears-

Since the new class of bu"ers are relati%el" "ounger set of customers who are more aware about legal documentation and a!!ro%als0 bu"ers are now more 2end-users2 rather than in%estorsP the !ro!ert" mar'et in ndia undergoes transformation to align itself with global

standards with an increased em!hasis on 1ualit" G cost control and documentation methods- n the current econom" of ndia0 the real estate sector has the ma/imum !ro!ensit" to generate income and demand for materials0 e1ui!ment and ser%ices- t can be said that housing finance com!anies were formed for co-e/isting with bu"er2s re1uirements of housing loans for in%esting in !ro!erties- Personal (oansare made a%ailable b" financial institutions to both ndian and +4 customers at floating and fi/ed rate of interest and also at attracti%e *& o!tions

For construction or bu"ing a new home For home re!airs and reno%ations For !urchase of !lots Against mortgage of !ro!ert"

+o ta/ benefits are a%ailable for NRI customers unless "ou file returns and thereb" become eligible to a%ail of the ta/ benefitsBesides /&!e )&an-0 C&!!er'ia) .r&.ert" loans are also a%ailable and different financial institutions in ndia !ro%ide commercial loans at different rates and different u!!er limits-

4eal estate loans are a%ailable to builders0 !romoters and real estate de%elo!ers- The e/!erience and financial standing of the builders is ta'en into account before the loan is granted which is to be returned with the minimum installmentsToda"0 the amount of mone" that a cit" dweller s!ends on rent is roughl" the same0 or onl" slightl" less than the amount he !a"s as an *& on a housing loan- *arlier the Personal (oan sector in ndia was solel" de!endent on nationali3ed and !ublic sector ban's0 but the entr" of !ublic sector ban's into the housing finance business mar'ed the beginning of the first round of interest rate cuts- And this reduction in interest rates has enhanced the borrowing !ower of customers- &oreo%er0 :F$s are offering incenti%es to attract in%estors li'e

Some com!anies sanction the housing loan without re1uiring "ou to identif" !ro!ert" as a !re-re1uisite for eligibilit"

Free accident insurance G !ro!ert" insurance 5ai%ing of !re-!a"ment !enalt" 5ai%ing of !rocessing fee

The realt" boom in ndia has gi%en a new dimension to the 1inan'e -e't&r in India - both in Personal (oans and :ome nsurance segments- This has not onl" gi%en a com!etiti%e edge to the finance com!anies to !ro%ide attracti%e o!tions to customers but has also contributed to the increased in%estments in the real estate sector- This has resulted in 13 new institutions fora"ing into the housing finance business in the last three "ears-

%aL&r Per-&na) L&anPr&,iderBan's G Public Sector :ousing Finance nstitutions State Ban' of ndia0 Ban' of Baroda :ousing Finance0 ( $ :ousing Finance0 P+B :ousing Standard $hartered- @rind la"s0 .B Ban' (td0 etc-

$om!anies And Financial Finance0 SB :ome Finance0 :.F$0 $ $ Ban' (td0

T".e- &1 Per-&na) L&anA !erson see'ing in%estments for house or a !ro!ert" o!ts for Personal (oans for a %ariet" of !ur!oses ranging from construction to reno%ation- The H&u-ing *inan'e C&!.anieH:F$sI now offer indi%iduals with %arious alternati%es to choose from while bu"ing a home loan- And the a%ailabilit" of H&!e L&an- offered is as %aried as their re1uirements

Personal Purchase (oans Personal $onstruction (oans Personal m!ro%ement (oans Personal */tension (oans Personal $on%ersion (oans (and Purchase (oans

Stam! .ut" (oans Balance Transfer (oans 4efinance (oans (oans to +4 s

Personal Purchase Loans: This is the basic /&!e )&an for the !urchase of a new homePer-&na) C&n-tru'ti&n L&an-# This loan is a%ailable for the construction of a new home on a said !ro!ert"- The documents that are re1uired in such a case are slightl" different from the ones "ou submit for a normal :ousing (oan- f "ou ha%e !urchased this !lot within a !eriod of one "ear before "ou started $onstruction of "our house0 most :F$s will include the land cost as a com!onent0 to %alue the total cost of the !ro!ert"- n cases where the !eriod from the date of !urchase of land to the date of a!!lication has e/ceeded a "ear0 the land cost will not be included in the total cost of !ro!ert" while calculating eligibilit"Per-&na) I!.r&,e!ent L&an-# These loans are gi%en for im!lementing re!air wor's and reno%ations in a home that has alread" been !urchased0 for e/ternal wor's li'e structural re!airs0 water!roofing or internal wor' li'e tiling and flooring0 !lumbing0 electrical wor'0 !ainting0 etc- =ne can a%ail of such a loan facilit" of a home im!ro%ement loan0 after obtaining the re1uisite a!!ro%als from the rele%ant building authorit"1B

Per-&na) E+ten-i&n L&an-# An e/tension loan is one which hel!s "ou to meet the e/!enses of an" alteration to the e/isting building li'e e/tensionQ modification of an e/isting homeP for e/am!le addition of an e/tra room etc- =ne can a%ail of such a loan facilit" of a home e/tension loan0 after obtaining the re1uisite a!!ro%als from the rele%ant munici!al cor!orationPer-&na) C&n,er-i&n L&an-# This is a%ailable for those who ha%e financed the !resent home with a Personal (oan and wish to !urchase and mo%e to another home for which some e/tra funds are re1uiredThrough a home con%ersion loan0 the e/isting loan is transferred to the new home including the e/tra amount re1uired0 eliminating the need for !re-!a"ment of the !re%ious loan-

Land Pur'/a-e L&an-# This loan is a%ailable for !urchase of land for both home construction or in%estment !ur!oses Sta!. Dut" L&an-# This loan is sanctioned to !a" the stam! dut" amount that needs to be !aid on the !urchase of !ro!ert"Ba)an'e$Tran-1er L&an-# Balance Transfer is the transfer of the balance of an e/isting Personal (oanthat "ou a%ailed


at a higher rate of interest H4= I to either the same :F$ or another :F$ at the current 4= a lower rate of interestRe$1inan'e L&an-# 4efinance loans are ta'en in case when a loan for "our house from a :F at a !articular 4= "ou ha%e ta'en dro!s o%er the "ears and "ou stand to lose- n such cases "ou ma" o!t to swa! "our loan- This could be done from either the same :F or another :F at the current rates of interest0 which is lowerNRI H&!e L&an-# This is tailored for the re1uirements of +on-4esident ndians who wish to build or bu" a home or !ro!ert" in ndia- The :F$s offer attracti%e housing finance !lans for +4 in%estors with suitable re!a"ment o!tions-

Ta+ Bene1it- &n Per-&na) L&anAs the ndian real estate mar'et ma'es an u!ward swing0 and in%estors o!t for housing finance or home loans0 ta/ benefits obtained from them is a lucrati%e o!tion- $ustomers a%ailing of :ome (oans can claim a certain !ortion of the interest and !rinci!al that the" !a" towards the loan installments for reducing ta/ liabilit"- 4esident ndians are eligible for certain ta/ benefits on !rinci!al and interest com!onents of a loan under the ncome Ta/ Act0 1>81- &oreo%er0 an added ta/ benefits under Sec B0 $ on re!a"ment of !rinci!al amount u! to 4s- 10000000 !-a- can be a%ailed that can further reduce "our ta/ liabilit" b" about 4s- 300000 !-aTa/ benefits can be claimed on both the !rinci!al and interest com!onents of the Personal (oan as !er the ncome Ta/ Act0 1>81- These deductions are a%ailable to assesses0 who

ha%e ta'en a loan to either bu" or build a house0 under Section 24HbI- nterest on borrowed ca!ital is deductible u! to 4s 1700000 if the following conditions are satisfiedM

$a!ital is borrowed on or after A!ril 10 1>>> for ac1uiring or constructing a !ro!ert"The ac1uisitionQconstruction should be com!leted within 3 "ears from the end of the financial "ear in which ca!ital was borrowedThe !erson0 e/tending the loan0 certifies that such interest is !a"able in res!ect of the amount ad%anced for ac1uisition or construction of the house A loan for refinance of the !rinci!le amount outstanding under an earlier loan ta'en for such ac1uisition or construction-

f the conditions stated abo%e are not fulfilled0 then the interest on borrowed ca!ital is deductible u! to 4s 300000 though the following conditions ha%e to be satisfiedM

$a!ital is borrowed before A!ril 10 1>>> for !urchase0 construction0 reconstruction re!airs or renewal of a house !ro!ert"$a!ital should be borrowed on or after A!ril 10 1>>> for reconstruction0 re!airs or renewals of a house !ro!ert"f the ca!ital is borrowed on or after A!ril 10 1>>>0 but construction is not com!leted within 3 "ears from the end of the "ear0 in which ca!ital is borrowed-

n addition to the abo%e0 !rinci!al re!a"ment of the loanQca!ital borrowed is eligible for a deduction of u! to 4s 1000000 under Section B0$ from assessment "ear 2008-09-

Ter!- and '&nditi&n- 1&r a,ai)ing Ta+ ene1it- &n Per-&na) L&an1- Ta/ deductions can be claimed on housing loan interest !a"ments0 sub#ect to an u!!er limit of 4s 1700000 for a financial "ear- nterest on the fresh loan can be claimed as a deduction0 sub#ect o the stated u!!er limit2- An additional loan for e/tensionQaddition to the same house and the !erson2s deductions on the e/isting loan are less than 4s 1700000P he can claim further

benefits from the additional loan ta'en0 sub#ect to the u!!er limit of 4s 1700000 for a financial "ear3- Ta/ benefits under Section 24 and deduction under section B0$ of the ncome Ta/ Act can be claimed onl" when the !a"ment is made- f a !erson fails to ma'e *& !a"ments0 he cannot claim ta/ benefits for the same4- According to the ncome Ta/ Act0 onl" the !erson who has ta'en the loan can claim ta/ rebates7- The interest on Personal (oansta'en for re!airs0 renewals or reconstruction0 also 1ualifies for the deduction of 4s 17000008- A husband and wife0 both of whom are ta/-!a"ers with inde!endent income sources0 get ta/ deduction benefits0 with res!ect to the same housing loanP to the e/tent of the amount of loan ta'en in their own res!ecti%e name-

9- f a !erson bu"s a house and sells it within the same "earQafter 3 "ears0 and if an" !rofit is made0 then a ca!ital gains ta/ liabilit" arises on the same for which the indi%idual is liable to !a" short-term ca!ital gains ta/ since the sale too' !lace in the same "ear- But0 if the sale had ta'en !lace after 3 "ears0 then a long-term ca!ital gains ta/ liabilit" would ha%e arisenB- f it is !ro%ed that the Personal (oanis sim!l" an arrangement between the loansee'er and the builder or with a third !art" for the !ur!ose of claiming ta/ benefits0 then ta/ benefits will not be allowed and benefits0 !re%iousl" claimed0 will be clubbed to the income and ta/ed accordingl">- Ta/ benefits on interest on housing loans are allowable onl" for the original loan and

for a second loan ta'en to re!a" the first loan and not for subse1uent loans- This means that if "ou ha%e alread" a%ailed of one loan to refinance the original loan and want to now a%ail a third loan to refinance the second loan0 ta/ rebate on interest !a"ments will not be !ermissible- This is because the Section 24 H1I onl" tal's of the

second loan and not of subse1uent loans- *%en if "ou ta'e the second loan at a rate of interest higher than the original loan0 "ou will be eligible for a ta/ rebate on the second loan-


Gui'k and ea-" /&!e )&an-

)*S Ban'2s Power :ome !uts an end to "our 4eal *state troubles- Augment "our reach and bu" the house that "ou2%e set "our heart on

*eature Attracti%e interest rates Balance Transfer facilit" .oorste! ser%ice


=!tion to choose from floating rate or fi/ed rate

Bene1it- gi,en " YES Bank#

Free !ersonal accidental G !ro!ert" insurance +o Pre!a"ment charges-

P&(er Per-&na) L&an Pur.&-e)ou can a!!l" for Power :ome for the following !ur!oses Purchase of a !lot of land and construction of a house thereon $onstruction of a house on !lot of land alread" owned Purchase of a new house or flat 4esidual age of the !ro!ert" should not be less than 30 "ears old H:ome Ac1uisition PlanI */tension or reno%ation or re!air of a house or flat alread" owned b" self Him!ro%ement or e/tension !lanI Ta'e-o%er of e/isting :ousing (oan HBalance TransferI Pre-allotment boo'ing finance (oan ta'eo%er with additional refinance HBalance Transfer R to! u!I (oan to +4 for !urchase of read" residential !ro!ert" onl" Purchase of residential !lots onl"


P&(er Per-&na) )&an# E)igi i)it"

Sa)aried Indi,idua)-

An" indi%idual who is in !ermanent ser%ice in @o%ernment or re!uted com!anies The a!!licant in all the cases should be abo%e 24 "ears of age at the time of loan commencement and u! to the age of su!erannuation-


Professionals Hie0 doctors0 engineers0 dentists0 architects0 chartered accountants0 cost accountants0 com!an" secretar"0 management consultants onl"I can a!!l" The a!!licant should be abo%e 24 "ears of age at the time of loan commencement and u! to 87 "ears or less at the time of loan maturit"-

Self Employed Individuals

An" indi%idual filing ncome Ta/ returns can a!!l"27

The a!!licant in all the cases should be abo%e 24 "ears of age at the time of loan commencement and u! to 87 "ears or less at the time of loan maturit"-

P&(er H&!e# D&'u!entati&n

D&'u!ent- ReMuired T/e 1&))&(ing d&'u!ent- are reMuired a)&ng (it/ "&ur )&an a..)i'ati&n @



:ousing Board

T/e .r&.ert" (&u)d e .ur'/a-e 1r&! t/e 1&ur t".e of Authority

.e%elo!ment authorit"

ndustrial $or!oration

In S&'iet" Ca-e Societ" Allotment (etterSite Plan Societ" 4ecei!t.e%elo!ment $harges H4s- 10QS1ure "ardI-


In Ca-e &1 H&u-ing B&ard

Allotment (etterPossession letter4egulari3ation cum += dues $ertificate$on%enience .eed Hfor structureIPer!etual (ease .eed Hfor (andI-

In 'a-e &1 De,e)&.!ent Aut/&rit"

Site Plan .A 4egistered (ease .eed-

In Ca-e &1 Indu-tria) C&r.&rati&n

Allotment (etter Site Plan-

*i)e D&'u!entati&n

Proof of

?oter2s . card or dri%ing license or

Ot/er?oter2s . card or dri%ing



PA+ card or !hoto credit card or em!lo"ees . card or defense or !olice or go%ernment de!artment . card (atest salar" sli! showing all deductions or Form 18 along with recent salar" certificate Ban' account statement or latest electricit" bill or latest mobile or tele!hone bill or latest credit card statement or latest ( $ !olic" or insurance !remium recei!t or em!lo"ers letter certif"ing the current mailing address or latest +S$ or other similar instruments indicating the address or e/isting house lease agreement

license or PA+ card or !hoto credit card T returns for the last 2 "ears and com!utation of income for the last 2 "ears certified b" a $A Ban' account statement or latest electricit" bill or latest mobile or tele!hone bill or latest credit card statement or latest ( $ !olic" or insurance !remium recei!t or latest +S$ or other similar instruments indicating the address

Proof of ncome

Proof of residence

Ban' statement or Pass Boo' where salar" or income is credited @uarantor form

(ast 8 months

(ast 8 months




F=4 S*(F *&P(=)**S

n case of !ro!rietorshi! firm

n case of Partner shi! firm

n $ase of $om!an"-

(ast three "rs- ESaralF form$om!utation of incomeTrading GPG( aQcBalance sheet-

The abo%e .ocuments R PartnerDs $a!ital aQc Partnershi! .eed-

&emorandum GArticles of Association Board 4esolution-


Si/ &onths Sa%ing Ban' statements(ast one "ear Statement in case of $urrent AQ$Address !roofPhoto .F $ustomer is alread" ta'en an" other (oan than Trac' 4ecord of that loan-

5ith these .ocuments we also ta'e a blan' che1ue of Pr&'e--ing 1ee. HThat i%a+.2Nof )&an a!&untI

P&(er Per-&na)# L&an A!&unt

T/e )i!it- &n t/e )&an

&inimum O 4s- 1 lac &a/imum O +o (imit

176 in the case of Personal (oans 276 in case of im!ro%ement or reno%ation loans


P&(er H&!e# Ter!- and C&nditi&nRe.a"!ent

4e!a"ment !eriod for Personal (oansshall not e/ceed 20 "ears 4e!a"ment !eriod of !re-allotment boo'ings of housing loans shall not e/ceed 1S "ear 4e!a"ment !eriod of im!ro%ement or reno%ation or e/tension of e/isting !ro!ert" shall not e/ceed 10 "ears

*1uitable mortgage of the !ro!ert" to be financed b" wa" of de!osit of title deeds-

Di- ur-e!ent
The loan will be disbursed in full or in suitable installments0 ta'ing into account the re1uirement of funds and !rogress of construction0 as assessed b" the Ban' directl" to seller or builder or local de%elo!ment authorit" or su!!lier of materials etc-

Pr&'e--ing '/arge- &r ad!i--i&n 1ee

Processing fee e1ui%alent to 16 of the loan amount Ha!!lied forI will be collected along with the a!!lication form Hta/es as a!!licableI-

Pena)t" 1&r ear)" ')&-ure

26 of the !rinci!le outstanding in case of ta'eo%er b" other ban' or :F$0 otherwise nil32

Ot/er C&nditi&n Ban' reser%es the right to re#ect an" a!!lication without assigning reasons thereof The a!!licant will underta'e to inform the Ban' as and when there is a change in address or em!lo"ment

The terms and conditions mentioned abo%e and elsewhere under the scheme are sub#ect to modification from time to time solel" at Ban'2s discretion-


P&(er H&!e# *air Pra'ti'e C&de 1&r LenderAs directed b" the 4eser%e Ban' of ndia0 %ide circular .B=.-+o-(eg-+o- B$-87Q 0>-09-007Q2008-09 dated &arch 80 2009P the Ban' has ado!ted modified Fair Practice $ode for lenders as a!!ro%ed b" the Board of .irectors- The salient features of the same areM

A..)i'ati&n- 1&r L&an

n the loan a!!lication form0 the Ban' shall !ro%ide com!rehensi%e information including information about fees and charges if an" !a"able for !rocessing and amount of such fees refundable in case of non acce!tance of a!!lication0 !re!a"ment o!tions and other matter which affects the interest of the borrowers0 of all categories of loans0 irres!ecti%e of the amount of loan sought b" them-

The Ban' shall !ro%ide ac'nowledgement for recei!t of all loan a!!lications indicating the time frame within which the a!!lication will be dis!osed of The Ban' shall %erif" the loan a!!lication and if additional details Q documents are re1uired0 these will be sought from the a!!licant For all categories of loans and irres!ecti%e of an" threshold limits0 the Ban' will be e/!ected to !rocess the a!!lication without dela"- n case the a!!lication is turned down0 the Ban' will con%e" in writing to the a!!licant the reasons for re#ection within one month-


L&an A..rai-a) and Ter!- and C&nditi&n The sanctioning authorit" will be e/!ected to ensure !ro!er assessment of the credit a!!lication as !er the e/tant instructions and credit !olic" of the ban'- The a%ailabilit" of ade1uate margin and securit" will not be a substitute for due diligence on the creditworthiness of the customer All the terms and conditions and other ca%eats will be dul" communicated b" an authori3ed official of the Ban' to the customer in writing The acce!tance of the customer will be obtained on the sanction letter with the customer2s signature under the ca!tion T Q5* A$$*PT A(( T:* T*4&S A+. $=+. T =+S 5: $: :A?* B**+ 4*A. A+. ;+.*4ST==. B) &*Q;ST A co!" of the loan agreement along with all the enclosures 1uoted in the loan agreement will be furnished to the customer at the time of issue of the sanction letter The sanction letter Q loan agreement will clearl" state that the credit facilities will be e/tended solel" at the discretion of the Ban' and that drawings under the following circumstances will be solel" at the discretion of the Ban'iI iiI .rawings be"ond the drawing !ower Q sanctioned limits:onoring of che1ues issued for the !ur!ose other than s!ecificall" sti!ulated in the sanctioniiiI i%I .rawings in an account once it is classified as +PA+o drawings will be allowed in case of non-com!liance of the terms and conditions b" the borrower%I &eeting further re1uirements of the borrower on account of growth in business will be sub#ect to !ro!er re%iew of the credit limits37

Di- ur-e!ent &1 )&an- in')uding '/ange- in ter!- E '&nditi&n The disbursement will be done immediatel" on com!liance of all the terms and conditions of the sanction b" the borrower and the branches need not refer to the sanctioning authorit" for disbursement An" changes in the terms and conditions of the sanction such as interest and charges will be notified to the borrower before effecting the changes An" changes in interest rate and charges will be effected onl" !ros!ecti%el" after gi%ing due notice to the borrower-

P&-t di- ur-e!ent,i-i&n

The !ost disbursement su!er%ision0 such as submission of !eriodical re!orts and !eriodic ins!ection0 will be sti!ulated at the time of issue of the sanction letter- The sanction letter would also mention whether the Ban' or the borrower will bear the cost of ins!ection-

The Ban' will issue notices to the borrowers in ad%ance in case the Ban' decides to recall the ad%ance Q accelerate the !a"ment Q accelerate the !erformance under the loan agreement- =r see' additional securities The Ban' shall release all securities on recei%ing !a"ment of loan- :owe%er0 the Ban' ma" decide to e/ercise the right to set off an" legitimate right or lien for an" other claim against borrower- n case the Ban' decides to retain the securit"0 the borrower will be notified about the remaining claims and the documents under which the Ban' is entitled to retain the securit" till the rele%ant claim is !aid Q settled-


Ot/er The Ban' will not interference in the affairs of the borrowers e/ce!t where !ro%ided for in the terms and conditions of the loan sanction documents0 such as !eriodic ins!ection0 scrutin" of boo's of accounts0 %erification of stoc's and boo' debts0 and scrutin" of L S statements n case an" information not disclosed earlier b" the borrower has come to the notice of the Ban'0 the Ban' will ha%e the right to elicit the necessar" information from the borrower and initiate action to !rotect its interest 5hile0 the Ban' ma" !artici!ate in credit-lin'ed schemes framed for wea'er sections of the societ"0 the Ban' shall not discriminate on grounds of se/0 caste and religion in the matter of lending n the matter of reco%er" of loans0 the Ban' shall not resort to undue harassment such as !ersistentl" bothering the borrowers at odd hours and use of muscle !ower n the case of recei!t of re1uest for transfer of borrowal account0 either from the borrower or from other ban's Q F s which !ro!ose to ta'e o%er the loan0 the Ban's2 consent or ob#ection0 if an"0 shall be con%e"ed within 21 da"s from the date of recei!t of re1uest-

Grie,an'e Redre--a)

Though the sanction of the loans will be at the sole discretion of the Ban'0 borrowers will ha%e an o!!ortunit" to a!!eal against the decision of the Ban'2s functionaries- An" such grie%ance recei%ed from the borrower will be heard and dis!osed of b" the ne/t higher authorit"- For this !ur!ose the following re%iew structure is a%ailable to the borrower0

Grie,an'e again-t de'i-i&n &1 Branch :ead ?P Q A?P Uonal :ead Uonal :ead Uonal :ead

Re,ie(ing Aut/&rit"

President H$reditI for cor!orate ad%ances President H&erchant Ban'ingI for ca!italmar'et related ad%ances and Senior ?ice President H4etail Ban'ingI for retail ad%ances*/ecuti%e .irector $hairman and $*=

$or!orate $redit G 4etail (oans Hunder 4etail Ban'ingI All others


O.erati&n *)&( &1 Per-&na) L&an-in YES BAN9



#ogin of /i)es (9:ce) sheets)

/ie)d In1estigation (/I)

#ega) 7 Technica) 1a)uation initiation 5is=urse ment ;rocess

;roces s ;a,ment to customer


$redit Appraisa) Sheet ($AS)

Sancti on

;unching of /i)es (/innone)

$redit 6ecommendation

#oan <it Signature

#oan Sanction


L&gin &1 *i)e-# .etails related to customer is stored in */cel Sheet40

*ie)d In,e-tigati&n# ncome .ocuments of customer is %erifiedCredit A..rai-a) S/eet# At this stage !re!aration of loan eligibilit" and
calculation of *& ta'e !lace-

Ca)'u)ati&n &1 E)igi i)it"

4 O ncome to installment rates F= 4 O Fi/ed obligation installment rate N Sa)aried f net salar" is9700 to>>>> f net salar" is 10000 to 1>>>> f net salar" is 20000 abo%eSe)1 E!.)&"ed f net income is B000 to>>>> f net salar" is 10000 to 1>>>> f net salar" is 20000 abo%eSe)1 E!.)&"ed I.r&1e--i&na)K f net income is 9700 to>>>> f net salar" is 10000 to 1>>>> f net salar" is 20000 abo%e-

476 706


*&r E+a!.)e @
Salar" H!mI V 100000 Then0 a!!licable F= 4 V 100000 W 476 V 40700Q>8> V 4-84 lacs +ow0 a ma/- limit of loan to be !ro%ided is 4-84 lacs O *&r Se)1 E!.)&"ed @ 4 "ear- a,erage &1 Net Pr&1it i- '&n-idered.

Ca)'u)ati&n &1 Net Sa)ar"


n case of salaried !erson we calculate the a%erage of the si/ months !a" sli!-H f +et Salar" is %ariableI n case of self em!lo"ed we use the following formula-

Net income = net profit +depreciation (upto 15 ! of NP" + 5 ! of

income from other sources +1 ! rental income + # ! of a$riculture income (if cont for last % years"

E%I Ca)'u)ati&n
P W rQ12 H1 R rQ12I n W 12 *& V H1 R rQ12I n W12 O 1
&ere: P V Princi!al Amount 4 V 4ate of interest + V +o- of "ears

*&r E+a!.)e - 10 000000 X 106 for 20 "ears
nterest V 10 000000 W 10 6 V 100000 nterest !er month V 100000 Q 12 V >00 4sPrinci!al amount V *& O nterest V >8> O >00 V 8> 4s

L&an 9it Signature# (oan agreement is signed b" customer and P.$Ds is ta'en
from customer-


L&an t& <a)ue I*undingKTa )e

T".e- &1 L&an$onstruction Purchase PlotQ(and Purchase 4e!airQ*/tension (and Purchase R $onstruction Balance Transfer +4 (and Purchase :ouse Purchase

B76 B76 976 976 B76 B76

%a+.Year20 20 10 10 20 20 10 17

L&an Tenure
S.N&. 2. 4. 7. Categ&r" Sa)aried Se)1 E!.)&"ee Pr&1e--i&na) Tenure
;! to retirementQ20 "rsHwhiche%er is earlierI &a/imum 17 "rs Qsub#ect to87 "rsHwhiche%er is earlierI &a/imum 20 "rsQsub#ect to 87 "rsHwhiche%er is earlierI

%&de &1 Pa"!ent

PDC6- IP&-t dated '/e'k-K. S.I.IStandard In-tituti&nK ECS IE)e'tr&ni' C)earan'eK

Hierar'/" &1 O.erati&n43

Sa)es 0anager

Sourcing of fi)es

$redit ;rocessing Agenc,

#ogin of /i)es, /I, #ega) 7 Technica), preparation of $AS

$redit 0anager

/or Appro1a)

$redit ;rocessing Agenc,

;unching of detai)s in /I**.*9

.perations 0anager


C&!.arati,e Ana)"-i- &1 Per-&na) L&an44

'om+arati,e 'hart on Personal -oan#nterest .ates (inan/ial #nstit0tions Ten0re 1in 2ears3 .ate of #nterest (i4ed .ate of #nterest (loating Pr&'e--ing C/arge8 to )oan amount 1!8 11.8 8 to )oan amount '- ' ,ears '- ' ,ears '- % ,ears '- ' ,ears 1". %8 1 .''8 - 1 . %8 1". %8 1'. %8 1'.%8 1'8 1'.7%8 8 to )oan amount 8 to )oan amount
1 8 of #oan Amount

State !ank of #ndia '- ' ,ears #'#'# '- % ,ears -#' Ho0sing (inan/e -td. H5(' #5!# 67S !ank


(T? O B76 &inimum 4eturn O 1-20 lac

*eature- O11ered B" Ot/er Bank-

UniMue 1eature-#
Pro%ision for on the s!ot T n !rinci!leT a!!ro%al47

(oan sanctioned within 8 da"s of submission of re1uired documents

=!tion to a%ail Personal (oanas a Term (oan or as an =%erdraft facilit" to sa%e on interest and ma/imi3e gains Hsee SBI %a+Gain in the following sectionsI-

=!tion to club income of "our s!ouse and children to com!ute eligible loan amount Pro%ision to club de!reciation0 e/!ected rent accruals from !ro!ert" !ro!osed to com!ute eligible loan amount Pro%ision to finance cost of furnishing and consumer durables as !art of !ro#ect cost 4e!a"ment !ermitted u!to 90 "ears of age Free !ersonal accident insurance co%ers u!to 4s-40 (ac =!tional @rou! nsurance from SB (ife at concessional !remium H;!front !remium financed as !art of !ro#ect costI nterest calculated on dail" reducing balance basis0 and starts from the date of disbursementJPlusD schemes which offer attracti%e !ac'ages with concessional interest rates to @o%t*m!lo"ees0 Teachers0 *m!lo"ees in Public Sector =il $om!anies S!ecial scheme to grant loans to finance *arnest &one" .e!osits to be !aid to ;rban .e%elo!ment Authorit"Q :ousing Board0 etc- in res!ect of allotment of sitesQ houseQ flat =!tion to a%ail loan at the !lace of em!lo"ment or at the !lace of construction-

Pa'kage &1 e+')u-i,e ene1it-# $om!limentar" international AT&-.ebit card $om!limentar" SB $lassicQ nternational $redit $ard =!tion for internet-ban'ing $oncessional !ac'age under J$redit ,ha3anaD for !ros!ecti%e Auto (oan0 Student (oan0 Personal (oan borrowers whose accounts are conducted satisfactoril"

706 concession in charges in res!ect of all !ersonal remittancesQ collection of outstation che1ues Personal loan at attracti%e rates under SB :ome Plus scheme tailored e/clusi%el" for SB Personal (oancustomers-

S&!e &1 t/e -.e'ia) &11er- (e /a,e are#
Attracti%e )&an intere-t rate Per-&na) L&ana!&unt- suited to "our needs Personal (oantenure u!to 27 "ears Sim!lified .ocumentation .oorste! .eli%er" of Personal (oan!a!ers Sanction a!!ro%al without ha%ing selected a !ro!ert" Free Personal Accident nsurance ITer!- E C&nditi&n-K nsurance o!tions for "our Personal (oanat attracti%e !remium

+o matter what the re1uirement0 we ha%e an a!!ro!riate !lan for "ou0 though most of our Personal (oan!lans are for salariedQself-em!lo"ed 4esident ndians- @et the best deals e%er0 and finance the !erfect home0 onl" from $ $ Ban'.


LIC H&u-ing *inan'e

S.e'ia) *eature-#
(oan amount from 4s- 1 (a'h onwards (ow interest rates +o hidden costs *as" a!!lication G 1uic' a!!ro%als (argest +etwor' Ta/ Benefit A financiall" strong and stable com!an" we ha%e alread" sanctioned loans to o%er ; )ak/ a!!licants5ith a networ' of !&re t/an 2AA offices in the countr" we are alwa"s accessible to "ou0 where%er "ou ma" be-

Per-&na) L&an- Personal (oansfor indi%iduals to !urchase Hfresh Q resaleI or construct houses- A!!lication can be made indi%iduall" or #ointl"- :.F$ finances u! to >;N

!a+i!u! &1 t/e '&-t &1 t/e .r&.ert" HAgreement %alue R Stam! dut" R 4egistration chargesIH&!e I!.r&,e!ent L&an - : ( facilitates internal and e/ternal re!airs and other structural im!ro%ements li'e !ainting0 water!roofing0 !lumbing and electric wor's0 tiling and flooring0 grills and aluminum windows- :.F$ finances u! to >;N &1 t/e '&-t &1 ren&,ati&n I2AAN 1&r e+i-ting 'u-t&!er-KH&!e E+ten-i&n L&an - :*( facilitates the e/tension of an e/isting dwelling unit- All the terms are the same as a!!licable to :ome (oanLand Pur'/a-e L&an - Be it land for a dream house0 or #ust an in%estment for the future0 :.F$ (and Purchase (oan is a con%enient loan facilit" to !urchase land:.F$ finances u! to 906 of the cost of the land H$onditions A!!l"I- 4e!a"ment of the loan can be done o%er a ma/imum !eriod of 10 "earsC/&&-e 1r&! *i+ed Rate &r *)&ating Rate with o!tions to structure "our loan as Partl" Fi/ed or Partl" Floating*)e+i )e re.a"!ent &.ti&n- to suit "our indi%idual needsL&an '&,er Ter! A--uran'e P)an - :.F$ Standard (ife nsurance $om!an" (td- offers an insurance !lanW0 which is designed to ensure that life2s uncertainties do not affect "our famil"2s interests and "our !recious home- ($TAP !ro%ides a lum!-sum !a"ment on the unfortunate demise of the life assured-


This !ure ris' !lan is designed in a wa" that the co%er decreases as "ou re!a" "our Personal (oanma'ing it a low cost !remium insurance !lanW nsurance is the sub#ect matter of solicitationAut&!ated Re.a"!ent &1 Per-&na) L&anE%I - )ou can gi%e us standing instructions to re!a" "our Personal (oan*& s directl" from "our :.F$ Ban' Sa%ings Account0 thus0 sa%ing "ou the trouble of !rocuring0 signing and trac'ing !ost-dated che1ues:.F$ also offers In$/&u-e -'rutin" &1 Pr&.ert" d&'u!ent- for "our com!lete !eace of mindCu-t&!er .ri,i)ege- - f "ou are an e/isting :.F$ Per-&na) L&an'u-t&!er0 "ou can a%ail of other loans Hsuch as Personal (oans0 $ar (oans0 Two-wheeler (oans and (oan against securitiesI at lower interest rates-

Ad,antage- &1 IDBI U)tra *)e+i )e H&!e L&an-#
&a/imum Funding

Fle/ibilit" of choosing between Floating or Fi/ed interest rate Attracti%e rate of interest *& on dail" reducing balance Personali3ed doorste! ser%ice Sim!le documentation (egal and technical assistance Balance transfer facilit" 4eassessment and ad#ustment of a!!licant2s loan eligibilit" in case of change of income and residence status S.e'ia) in-uran'e '&,er 1&r "&u )ou can a%ail of a s!ecial insurance co%er on "our Personal (oanfor a small !remium*eature Tenure of a Personal (oancan be u! to 27 "ears for a resident indi%idual whereas for +4 s the ma/imum tenure is 17 "ears sub#ect to ma/imum age of 80 "ears at maturit" (oan can be a!!lied for a ma/imum of >06 of the !ro!ert" %alue sub#ect to credit discretion Securit" for the loan is a first mortgage of the !ro!ert" to be financed0 normall" b" wa" of de!osit of the title deeds or such collateral securit" as ma" be necessar" Title to the !ro!ert" should be clear and free from encumbrance0 i-e-0 without an" !ending legal litigation ad%ersel" affecting the ownershi! of the !ro!ert" =ther !arameters considered include an account of "our age0 income0 number of de!endents0 financial stabilit" and co-a!!licantDs income Personal (oan5ith (ife nsurance

)ou can include "our s!ouseQ!arentsQchildren as co-a!!licant if "ou re1uire higher eligibilit" sub#ect to ma/imum of three a!!licants The ma/imum !ossible tenure for a 4esident ndian is 27 "ears if em!lo"ed and 17 "ears if self em!lo"ed- 5hile the same for an +4 is 17 "ears n the e%ent of "our o!ting to !re-!a" the Personal (oanwith us0 a nominal fee of 26 is !a"able in case0 it is transferred to another ban' or housing finance com!an":owe%er0 no charges are a!!licable if "ou !re!a" from "our own sources after 8 months of commencement of *& -

Ana)"-i- and *inding72

%&rtgage %arket Gr&(t/. As ndiaDs housing mar'et continues to grow and mature0 it will be im!ortant to monitor the mar'et- .uring the ra!id e/!ansion of the mortgage mar'et from about 2003 to 200B0 man" commercial ban's eased their lending standards as the" !ursued heightened demand in the mar'et s!urred b" low interest rates and rising !ersonal incomes5ith demand out!acing housing su!!l"0 !ro!ert" !rices in urban areas doubled in some neighborhoods- Prices were also bolstered b" some s!eculati%e acti%it" in the mar'et in from mid-2007 to about earl" 200B- Thus0 some commercial ban's !ursued aggressi%e growth strategies0 offering loans as high as 1006 of the cost of the !ro!ert"Retai) A--et Pr&du't- $ 5hile wor'ing on the !ro#ect found out and anal"sis that 4etail ad%ances of )*S BA+, grew from 4s- B0>2B crores as at end &arch209 to 4s1307>2 crores as at end &arch20B0 a growth of 726 "o"- 4etail Ad%ances account for 236 of the total Ad%ances of the Ban' as at end &arch20B- The Ban' has set u! 4etail Asset $entres H4A$sI at 90 towns and cities for focused retail lending-

Le--&n- and Re'&!!endati&n C&!!er'ia) <ia i)it" &1 Under-er,ed Seg!ent-#


=ne of the most im!ortant lessons that can be learned from the Pro#ect is that mortgages for customers in the (ow-&iddle ncome segments can be commerciall" %iable- This borrower segment can be more ris'"0 but0 if underwritten and !riced a!!ro!riatel"0 the ris's can be ade1uatel" contained Ne( %arketing Strategie-# $om!arati%e ad%ertising should be done to aware the consumers with the benefits !ro%ided b" the ban'- Pro!er branding of 4etail Asset $enter should be made for a large mar'et ca!itali3ation and growth Pa"!ent S"-te!# f facilit" of Dire't a''&unt tran-1er should be offered0 then it will ma'e !a"ment s"stem easier for customer whose accounts are in other ban's *unding O1 S&ur'e-# At !resent A/is Ban' is !ro%iding 8-316 a!!o/- retail ad%ances of total de!osits- f increase in the !ercentage ratio B-1060 then it will allow more finances of short term loans to the customers which will assist the ban' to increase their income sources Ot/er-# 1- &inimum limit of Personal (oansamount should be decreased to attract the small Personal (oansector Hconstruction0 re!air etc-I2- Pro%ide finances u! to >;N &1 t/e '&-t &1 ren&,ati&n I2AAN 1&r e+i-ting 'u-t&!er-K-


Finance for real estate is now easil" a%ailable in ndia- The !ro!ert" boom is not restricted to the national ca!ital region but it has e%en transcended to satellite towns and remote semiurban areas in and around the national ca!ital- The number of transactions in the real estate sector has increased a number of times0 ma'ing it !rofitable for the ban's and other lending institutions to offer more finance o!!ortunities to the bu"ersn ndia0 the most of the borrowers in Personal (oansegment fall in the first time bu"er categor"- t means that the" are either tenants or li%ing with their !arents in their ancestral house- As the salaried-class is s!reading and emerging stronger than e%er0 more and more !eo!le are becoming ca!able of bu"ing house- Their need to get finance from ban's is being ta'en care of b" all the ma#or !la"ers in the mar'et- Ban's li'e AC S0 $ $ 0 SB 0 ( $0 :.F$ and all the nationali3ed ban's are offering Personal (oansat attracti%e ratesThe housing finance industr" is getting increasingl" commoditi3ed- $om!etition within the sector is ensuring that !la"ers offer consumers fle/ibilit" and features to choose fromFeatures such as ad#ustable rate !lans0 lower !rocessing fees0 monthl" rest0 low interest rates0 low *& 0 lower margin mone"0 no !re-!a"ment !enalt" ha%e become common across the industr"- There is a growing trend among Ban's and :F$s to include the cost of registration0 stam! dut"0 societ" charges and other associated costs while sanctioning loans to differentiate and ma'e the Personal (oans!roducts more attracti%e- This has resulted in further lowering the threshold limit for bu"ing a house for differentiation of their Personal (oan!roducts0 com!anies are also resorting to offering of free add-ons such as life insurance0 credit cards and consumer loans at reduced rates for furnishing the houseSe%eral housing finance com!anies ha%e now begun to offer tailor-made loan schemes to reno%ate0 re!air0 e/tend0 con%ert or otherwise im!ro%e oneDs home- $om!anies li'e :.F$ and others !ro%ide home im!ro%ement loans for !ur!oses li'e e/ternal re!airs0 water!roofing0 roofing0 internal and e/ternal !ainting0 !lumbing and electrical wor'0 tiling and


flooring0 grills and aluminum windows0 construction of underground or o%erhead water tan's0 !a%ing of com!ound walls and setting u! borewells0 among other thingsSome of the ma#or !la"ers in the housing finance industr" ha%e started organi3ing !ro!ert" fairs0 wherein the !ro#ects of different construction com!anies are brought together and bundled with a lower than normal interest rate loan !roduct- Such initiati%es are e/!ected to result in a more organi3ed housing mar'et and more %alue for the customer=n the ser%ices front the housing finance com!anies ha%e begun addressing concerns of borrowers through counseling and legal ad%isor" ser%ices on matters !ertaining to !ro!ert"Ds title0 its technical e%aluation0 its !ricing etc- $ustomer relationshi! management is emerging as one of the 'e" areas of com!etition to win o%er new customers- :ousing finance com!anies ha%e been u!grading their technolog" and in%esting in so!histicated s"stems for sourcing0 !rocessing and managing information !ertaining to Personal (oancustomersAs the sco!e for !roduct differentiation is increasingl" getting limited0 the housing finance com!anies will increasingl" com!ete on the strength of their ser%ice 1ualit"- 4endering technolog"-enabled %alue added ser%ices would enable the housing finance com!anies to better withstand the com!etitionThe !rocedure for ta'ing a Personal (oanis rather eas"- )ou can directl" a!!roach the ban' or call for a meeting to be arranged with the ban'2s loan e/ecuti%e- This can also be done o%er the nternet- The ban's ma" as' for %arious !roofs li'e those related to "our residence0 income0 s!ouse2s income0 number of de!endants0 etc- Based on a number of !arameters0 the ban's arri%e at "our credit rating and offer "ou %ar"ing amount of loansPersonal (oansin ndia come in %arious forms in%iting fi/ed interest rate or floating interest rates- There are h"brid loans also that are a middle !ath between fi/ed and floating o!tionsThe borrower can !ut a !art of his loan amount under fi/ed rate and e/!ose the other !art to the floating rates that de!end on mar'et conditions and the inter%entions b" the 4eser%e Ban' of ndia-


The nternet as a medium of loan arrangement is fast catching u! in ndia- &an" websites are coming u! that ta'e care of indi%idual and cor!orate finance for %arious !ur!oses li'e bu"ing real estate0 in%estments0 business o!erations0 etc- This medium of finance is growing ra!idl" although it is surel" in its nascent age as far as the ndian mar'et is concerned-


References and Bibliography

Net Site-#
www-a/isban'-com www-em'a"share-com www-indiaground-comQhomeYloans www-in-ibtimes-comQarticlesQ20090B08 www-niftindia-comQA/isban'list-html www-indiahousing-com www-indiaearnings-mone"control-comQsubYindiaQcom!news-!h!Z autonoV3307B4 www-e1uit"master-comQ.*TA (-ASPZstor"V2Gdate


Anal"st PPT L1 F)0> of )*S Ban' Annual Performance 4e!ort-

Ne(- and %agaDine-M

Business 5orld A!ril O [une *ditions 4PDs of &ar'eting A!ril O [une *ditions *conomic Times A!ril O [une *ditions-



9e" *inan'ia) Per1&r!an'e Indi'at&rG2*Y27 4eturn on Assets 4eturn on *1uit" +& $ost to ncome 4atio +on nterest ncome to Total ncome $a!ital Ade1uac" Tier 4atio Boo' ?alue H\I @ross +PA +et +PA 1-76 24-06 2-B6 3>-76 39->6 18-76 >-26W 140-9 0-2B6 0-086 G2*Y24 1-76 22-16 2-B6 39-46 31-B6 18-26 >-86 117-7 0-196 0-016 G8*Y24 1-76 23-86 2-B6 3>-B6 39-36 19->6 >->6 132-7 0-226


G2*Y27 Per1&r!an'e /ig/)ig/t] S&und gr&(t/ in Ad,an'e- and De.&-it-M Total Ad%ances grew b" 2=.8N to \ 3B0733-> crore as at [une 300 2012 from \ 330104-2 crore as at [une 300 2011- $ustomer Assets H(oans G $redit SubstitutesI grew b" 32-46 "-o-" to \ 4>033B-9 cr as at [une 300 2012$urrent and Sa%ings Account H$ASAI de!osits grew b" B2.;N "-o-" to \ B0190-2 crore ta'ing the $ASA ratio to 2=.7N as at [une 300 2012 u! from 10->6 as of [une 300 2011The Ban' continues to demonstrate increased traction in $ASA on the bac' of enhanced Sa%ings 4ate offerings and im!ro%ements in !roducti%it"- 4etail Ban'ing (iabilities H$ASA R 4etail Ban'ing term de!ositsI im!ro%ed from 29-26 of Total .e!osits as of [une 300 2011 to 7B.7N as of [une 300 2012- Total .e!osits grew b" 2;.4N to \ 70020B-1 crore as at [une 300 2012 from \ 430797-> crore as at [une 300 2011- The Ban'Ds Balance Sheet grew b" 7B.7N to \ 9B0223-> crore as at [une 300 2012 from \ 780>83-8 crore "-o-"The Ban' has ado!ted a cautious a!!roach to lending gi%en the economic en%ironment and hence the current loan mi/ stands atM $or!orate G nstitutional Ban'ing accounting for 84-06 of the loan !ortfolio0 $ommercial Ban'ing O 20-26 and Branch Ban'ing O 17-B6] Hea)t/" Net Intere-t In'&!e INIIK Gr&(t/# + for L1F)13 increased b" 33-36 "-o-" to \ 492-2 crore from \ 374-2 crore in L1F)12- This was on account of stable growth in $ustomer Assets and stable + & of 2-B6] R& u-t gr&(t/ in N&n Intere-t In'&!e -trea!-# +on nterest ncome grew b" 94-36 "-o-" to \ 2BB-1 crore for L1F)13 from \ 187-3 crore in L1F)12- This was on the bac' of continued growth across all income streams O Financial Ad%isor"0 Transaction Ban'ing0 Financial &ar'ets and 4etail Ban'ing Fees G =thers0 that showed firm traction "-o-"-

] Str&ng gr&(t/ in Net .r&1it# +et !rofit for L1F)13 was u! 34-36 to \ 2>0-1 crore as com!ared to \ 218-1 crore for L1F)12 dri%en !rimaril" b" sustained and di%ersified re%enue growth- The $ost to ncome ratio was 3>-76 in L1F)1380

] C&n-i-tent)" /ea)t/" A--et Gua)it"# The Ban'Ds continued ris' mitigation !ractices results in @ross +on Performing Ad%ances ratio of 0-2B6 HTotal @+PA at \ 10>-7 croreIand a +et +on Performing Ad%ances ratio of 0-086 HTotal ++PA at \ 23-9 croreIas of [une 300 2012Ban'Ds total loan loss co%erage ratio was at 2>76 while s!ecific !ro%isioning co%er was at 9B-36 as at [une 300 2012- Total 4estructured Ad%ances of \ 1>8-7 crore remained flat se1uentiall" at 0-716 of @ross Ad%ances as of [une 300 2012] Str&ng S/are/&)der- return-M The Ban' deli%ered 4o* of 24-06 and 4oA of 1-76 for L1F)13- 4eturn on Assets has been at or abo%er 1-76 o%er the !ast 17 1uarters0 and 4eturn on *1uit" has been a!!ro/imatel" 206 or abo%e o%er the last 4 "ears] Ca.ita) *und-M Tier $a!ital stood at ?.4N H>-96 including L1F)13 PATI and total $4A4 stood at 2=.;N as at [une 300 2012- Total $a!ital funds grew b" 77.?6 to \ >04>4-> crore as at [une 300 2012 com!ared to \ 900>0-3 crore as at [une 300 2011* In,e-t!ent Initiati,e] )*S BA+, added 27 branches across the countr" during the 1uarter0 ta'ing the total branch count to 7>2] )*S BA+, further augmented its !resence in $hennai with the launch of its state-ofthe-art branch at Ad"ar- The branch was inaugurated b" Hi- E+'e))en'", Dr. 9. R&-aia/, t/e G&,ern&r &1 Ta!i) Nadu. ] )*S BA+, added 3B9 AT&s to its networ' since 30 [une 20110 ta'ing the total count to =84 AT&s as on [une 300 2012] *m!lo"ee strength stood at =,2>7 as on [une 300 2012P a growth of 416 o%er [une 300 2011Retai) Pr&du'tYES S:ARN# )*S BA+, entered into @old Bullion distribution0 ma'ing a%ailable the "ellow metal to its customers at com!etiti%e !rices and strong demand was seen among wealth management customersOn)ine G&a)$ a-ed Re'urring De.&-it- -'/e!e# A uni1ue %ariant of the traditional 4ecurring .e!osits scheme was launched0 based on the S"stematic n%estment Plan model0 using the Ban'Ds +et Ban'ing ser%icesA(ard- E Re'&gniti&n)*S BA+, recei%ed the N&. 2 Su-taina )e Bank &1 t/e Year IA-iaJPa'i1i'K a(ard at t/e *TJI*C Su-taina )e *inan'e A(ard- 4A24, L&nd&n, for the -e'&nd '&n-e'uti,e "ear and for the third time in the last 7 "ears )*S BA+, was awarded the PPer1&r!an'e E+'e))en'e Tr&./"Q HSer%ice $ategor"I at the I%C Ra!kri-/na BaLaL Nati&na) Gua)it" A(ard- 4A22Ca.ita) Rai-ing Initiati,eYES BAN9 -u''e--1u))" rai-ed ` 28A 'r&re &1 Inn&,ati,e Per.etua) De t In-tru!ent @ Tier I Ca.ita) E ` =A 'r&re &1 Tier II Ca.ita)0 rated $4A AA- b" $4A G $A4* AA- b" $A4**inan'ia) Ad,i-&r", De t Stru'turing, De t Ca.ita) %arket- E L&an S"ndi'ati&n)*S BA+, was the S&)e Arranger of ` 2,;AA 'r&re Bond issue for :indalco ndustries (td )*S BA+, was the J&int Arranger of ` 2,;AA 'r&re Bond ssue for Tata Steel (td )*S BA+, was the S&)e Arranger of ` 7AA 'r&re Bond issue for ;nited Phos!horus (td-


)*S BA+, was the J&int Arranger of ` 4AA 'r&re Bond issue for ndian :otels (td-

F) 2011-2012 F) 2011-2012



In G2, *ee- /a,e gr&(n .arti'u)ar)" -tr&ng)" in Ca.ita) %arket- and C&r.&rate Banking
F) 2011-2012 F) 2011-2012


.ank Se/tors % of Total 'or+orate 'redit

1 2 3 4 7 8 9 B > 10

@ems G [eweller" &etals nfrastructure 4eal *state Financial $om!aniesW Trade Te/tiles Petrochemicals Food Processing $hemicals

B->9WW B-24 9-90 9-8B 9-33 7-84 7-43 4-02 4-00 3->>

As on 3%.).2%12
W :ousing Finance $om!anies and other +BF$sWW 986 of this e/!osure is bac'ed b" cash margins



&arD2009 &arD2011 &arD200B &arD2012 &arD200> [;+D2012 &arD2010


!ran/h 5emogra+hi/s


&etro ;rban Semi-urban 4ural TOTAL

!ran/hes 238 2B4 149 28 =?7

74tn. 'o0nters 17 7 0 0 4A

[;+D2012 [;+D2012

> 4etail Assets grow 726 "o"K 4etail Assets constitute 246 of the Ban'Ds total ad%ances0 as against 236 at end [uneD0989

K @rowth dri%en through 4etail Asset $entres H4A$sIK 90 4A$s established so far.


4e!resentati%e =ffice o!ened at .ubai in &a"D12
K Branches at Singa!ore0 :ong ,ong and . F$0 .ubaiK 4e!resentati%e office at ShanghaiK Total assets under o%erseas o!erations amounted to ;S< 1-B0 billionK $or!orate Ban'ing0 Trade Finance !roducts0 .ebt S"ndication and (iabilit" businesses-


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