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Qeveloped herein is statistically-based me periods.

hart, Dept. of Chem. t y , Lubbock, T X 79

Process conml applicadons for steady-state iden~ficadon indude data validity checks, fault detecdon, data recon~~l~tion, and adj ent of steadystate models. There are several exlrdng methods for identification. A direct approach is to perform a linear regression over a data window and then to perform a ttest on the regresskmslope. hother method8uses an Ftest type of statistic, the rad0 of variances as measured on the same set of data by two different methods. Both methods have several undesirable features, including necessary user experdse and mmputadonal load.

The previous filtered value xr,, is used instead of xr, In Equadon (2) to prevent autocorreladon between x and x, This artifice is neither necessary nor detrimental, but it simplifies the subsequent analysis and allows one to estimate a: from the following:
U ;

c l ; + cl4


Further, for the exponendally weighted moving average, when (3) are independent

a, o r / (2-1,)


Then equations (3) and (4) yield Consider that there is a "me" value of a process variable, but that the measured value contains noise: an ~ndependentidendcally disuibuted(lid) perturbadon. The a ratio of variances of the estimated by two separate methods. As illustrated in Figure 1, the numerator variance is estimated from deviadons between iladM$ual data and a filtered value. The de~ominator variance i s estimated from de~a~ons between successive data. 6; = (2-a,) a ; / 2

However, equation (2) is computadonally expensive; so, use a filtered variance instead of a traditional average.
6; 4 = q"f-xr,,>2



and then

s mly at a steadystate, If the measured proc value i and, i~ea~ly, the then the two estimates will be equiv~ent

, e :



numerator t o be large, and the variance greater than unity. However, random even

This was method 1 to obtain b:, the estimate of the process variable variance at the I* sampling. Now use method 2. Define

m e steady-state. Therefore, the deviation which triggers a "not at steadystate" have a value which is greater than some crid
In the limit of large N,

gins by ~lcuiadng an average value of the noisy process variable by the conventiona~ first-order Biter. This requires I and i s c~mputatlonally fa& In algebraic notadon x4 = x,xi + (1-1,) xkl (1)
where i is the dme increment counter, and i would represent the current sampling. Then estlmate the mean square deviation, a:, of the current measurement x, from this ly would be the previous filtered value xr,, ~ m f ~ e

U ;

= p2/2

( 9 )

However, equation (8) is computatlonally expensive; s o , use a filtered approach.

Pi = A3(x,-xi-,Y



er,= O i l 2


w a s the second method to estimate the process variabl~ variance at the i* sampling.
o the ratio of a:, as determined by equation (7) t n (119
"/ = (2-1,)

Crow, Davis, and Maxfield, Statistics Manual, 1) Dover Publications, Inc. New York, NY (1955).



~ u m ~ a ~ use ~ ~ (7) n to g ,caiculate ai,. Then use ( 1 ) t o calculate x, m e n use ( 1 I ) to calculate ri:, . Then use to a h l a t e r,, Each are direct, one-step, low ge, l o w operation calculations.

ity Fundon and C r i t i c a l Values

r-statistic is dimensionless and Independent of the Because it is a ratio of estimated independent of the process variance, However the probability density the rate with which the value of r, its current value depends on the Monte Carlo experiments can df(r). Recommended values are =.02. The shape is characteristic of the The critical value of r for which there is nce of a larger value when the process is rap5,is 1 .Q for the recommended A values. Acc~rd~ngly, if a measured value of r k greater than 1.6 en one can claim, at a 95% confidence level, that the k "not at steady-state."
o~~iatio innthe n o b process behavior at "steadyshifts pdf(r) to the right. At some point an r w o ~ "see" l ~ the autocorrelation and decide that e ~roce k ~not at steadystate. In the authors' ~ x p e ~ e n this c e visual determination coincides with an r found that changes in " diameter pilot-scale 20. Consequently a the sritlcal value, and steady-state identifier accept" or "reject" the y-state hypothesis. Satisfyingly, the identifier agrees v~sual inspection of the actual Row rate. Note that is^ ~ m p changes ~ ~ as ~ the ~ Rowerate changes.

C o ~ ~ ~ ~ o n
Illy-based computationally inexpensive developed for automated identification

The author appreciates discussions with Dr. Karen Yin pt of Ch.E., U. Minn, Duluth) and with Dr. Kamal anda (Dept of Math, Texas Tech Univ.) and e x p ~ o r a t i o by ~ Dr. Soundar ~mchandran, Venkat and Songling Cao (Depe of ChE, Texas Tech ~n~.).


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