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Gesta Romanorum 273 King Lear

Theodosius in civitate Romana regnavit prudens valde et potens; qui tres filias pulchras & habebat, dixitque filiae seniori: "Quantum diligis me?" At illa: " erte plus quam me ipsam!" ' (

Ait ei pater: ""t te ad magnas divitias promovebo!" #tatim ipsam dedit uni regi opulento ) et potenti in uxorem! $ost haec venit ad secundam filiam et ait ei: "Quantum diligis me?" At illa: "Tantum sicut me ipsam!" %mperator vero eam cuidam duci tradidit in uxorem! "t post haec venit ad tertiam filiam et ait ei: "Quantum me diligis?" At illa: "Tantum sicut vales et non plus neque minus!" * + , .

Ait ei pater: ""x quo ita est, non ita opulenter ero maritare sicut et sorores tuae!" Tradidit &/ eam cuidam comiti in uxorem!
erus, 0 m 0 master of a house mart 1&2 0 to marr3 opulenter 0 adv 0 richl3, sumptuousl3 opulentus, a, um 0 adj 0 4ealth3, opulent prmove, re, mv, motum 0 to move for4ard, advance prudns, entis 0 adj 0 prudent &! Theodosius 0 not the historical figure! '! seni5r6 0 note the langauge change! This is comparative in morpholog3, 3et superlative in meaning! %t7s similar to ho4 the modern Romance languages 4or8! (! At illa 0 introduces daughter7s dialog! )! ipsam 0 intensifies b3 highlighting the antecedent7s absence 4hen used as a pronoun! *! in ux5rem 0 in marriage; literal3 9into 4ife:! ,! Tantum 0 note ho4 it echoes the quantum from the question in the previous line! cuidam duc6 0 to some du8e; not ;ust a leader! rgn 1&2 0 to rule Rmnus, a, um 0 adj 0 Roman secundus, a, um 0 adj 0 second senior, ris 0 adj 0 older Theodosius, 0 m 0 Theodosius vald 0 adv 0 ver3 .! et n5n 0 another 4a3 of sa3ing nec! &/! "x qu5 ita est 0 for this reason; literall3 9from 4hich so it is:! er5 0 not the future of sum! mar6t<re 0 getting married; an alternate form of martris! 1=r 4orse, a passive imperative! =r suppl3 dbs if 3ou reall3 need it to be an infinitive, but then as8 3ourself: 4here7s the accusative for this transitive verb?2 et 0 even &&! cuidam comit6 0 to some count; not ;ust an associate!


Accidit cito post haec, quod imperator bellum contra regem Aeg3pti habebat! Rex vero & imperatorem de imperio fugabat, unde bonum refugii habere non poterat! #cripsit litteras anulo ' suo signatas ad primam filiam suam, quae dixit, quod patrem suum plus quam se ipsam dilexit, ( ut ei succurreret in sua necessitate, eo quod de imperio expulsus erat! >ilia cum has litteras eius ) legisset, viro suo regi casum primo narrabat! Ait rex: "?onum est, ut succurramus ei in hac sua magna necessitate! exercitum meum et cum toto posse meo adiuvabo eum!" * olligam + ,

Ait illa: "%stud non potest fieri sine magnis expensis! #ufficit, quod ei concedatis, quamdiu est extra imperium suum, quinque milites, qui ei associentur!" "t sic factum est! >ilia . patri rescripsit, quod aliud auxilium ab ea habere non posset nisi quinque milites de sumptibus &/ regis in societate sua!
adiuv, re, adiv, aditum 0 to help Aegyptus, 0 f 0 "g3pt nulus, 0 m 0 ring associ 1&2 0 to ;oin 4ith expend, ere, d, nsum 0 to 4eigh out expell, ere, pul, pulsum 0 to drive out, e;ect extr 0 p + acc 0 outside of posse 0 n indec 0 manpo4er, often militar3 quamdi 0 adv 0 as long as &! quod 0 introduces indirect speech! '! bonum 0 benefit! <nul5 su5 0 means b3 4hich signts happens! (! s@ ipsam 0 herself! quod 0 indirect speech again! )! e6 0 him; dative complement of succurreret! succurreret 0 imperfect sub;unctive; sho4s purpose after ut! This is 4h3 the emperor 4rite the letter! su< 0 refers to the emperor; reflexive possessives are not as tightl3 reflexive in Aedieval Batin, li8e here! e5 quod 0 for the reason that! *! legisset 0 pluperfect sub;unctive after cum! qunque 0 adj 0 five quod 0 conj 0 that refugium, 0 n 0 recourse, refuge rscr , ere, ps, ptum 0 to 4rite bac8, repl3 sign 1&2 0 to mar8, seal societs, ttis 0 f 0 partnership, alliance succurr, ere, , cursm 0 to run under, aid, help suffici, ere, fc, fectum 0 to meet the need, suffice sumptus, s 0 m 0 outla3, expense +! succurr<mus 0 present sub;unctive; sho4s result after ut! e6 0 him; dative complement of succurr<mus! su< 0 refers to the emperor; Aedieval reflexivesC ,! cum t5t5 posse me5 0 4ith m3 4hole posse; that7s right, posse is posse! -! conc@d<tis 0 present sub;unctive; sho4s result after quod! associentur 0 present sub;unctive; consecutive qu6Dclause used to sho4 limit 1but that probabl3 ;ust muddies a perfectl3 understandable thing2! &/ quod 0 introduces indirect speech nisi 0 other than; this 4ord can be tric83! &&! su< 0 properl3 reflexive here!


%mperator cum hoc audisset, contristatus est valde et infra se dicebat: "Eeu mihi, tota & spes mea erat in seniore filia mea, eo quod dixit, quod plus me dilexit quam se ipsam, et propter ' hoc ad magnam dignitatem ipsam promovi!" (

#cripsit statim secundae filiae, quae dixit "Tantum te diligo quantum me ipsam", quod ) succurreret ei in tanta necessitate! At illa cum audisset, viro suo denuntiabat et ipsi consiliavit, * ut nihil aliud ei concederet nisi victum et vestitum, quamdiu viveret, honeste pro tali rege, et + super hoc litteras patri suo rescripsit! ,

%mperator cum hoc audisset, contristatus est valde, dicens: "Feceptus sum per duas filias! %am temptabo tertiam, quae mihi dixit 7Tantum te diligo, quantum vales!7" Bitteras scripsit . ei, ut ei succurreret in tanta necessitate, et quomodo sorores suae ei respondebant! Tertia filia &/
cnsili 1&2 0 to consult contrst 1&2 0 to ma8e sad dcipi, ere, cp, ceptum 0 to trap, cheat, deceive dnunti 1&2 0 to declare heu 0 interj 0 alas infr 0 prep + acc 0 belo4, under prmove, re, mv, motum 0 to move for4ard, advance quamdi 0 adv 0 as long as &!*! imperator 0 in the topic position before cum! audisset 0 s3ncopated form of audvisset; pluperfect sub;unctive! "xpressing 4hen after cum! 6nfr< s@ 0 to himself! Eeu 0 often has an attached dative! '! e5 quod 0 for the reason that! (! ipsam 0 intensive pronoun! *! sucurreret 0 imperfect sub;unctive; sho4s purpose after quod! illa cum audisset 0 see line &! quod 0 conj 0 that rscr , ere, ps, ptum 0 to 4rite bac8, repl3 secundus, a, um 0 adj 0 second senior, ris 0 adj 0 older succurr, ere, , cursm 0 to run under, aid, help tempt 1&2 0 to tr3, test vald 0 adv 0 ver3 vctus, s 0 m 0 sustinence, nourishment, victuals +! conc@deret 0 imperfect sub;unctive; sho4s 4hat the plan 4ill be after ut! nisi 0 except! v6veret 0 imperfect sub;unctive; it7s not indirect question, but 4e7re not certain ho4 long he7ll live so sub;unctive! ,! super hoc 0 about this 1matter2; super is edging to4ard its Romance langauge meaning of 9about:! -! %mper<tor cum hoc audisset 0 compare this to line &! per 0 b3; sho4s agent the 4a3 the modern Romance languages do! GHiva el cambio lingIJsticoC 1Hiva language changeC2

cum vidisset inopiam patris sui, ad virum suum dixit: "Fomine mi reverende, mihi succurre in & hac necessitateC %am pater meus expulsus est ab hereditate sua!" Ait ei vir eius: "Quid vis tu, ut ei faciam?" At illa: ""xercitum colligas et ad debellandum inimicum suum pergas cum eoC" Ait comes: "Holuntatem tuam adimplebo!" ' ( ) *

#tatim collegit magnum exercitum et sumptibus suis propriis cum imperatore perrexit ad + bellum! Hictoriam obtinuit et imperatorem in imperio suo posuit! Tunc ait imperator: , "?enedicta hora, in qua genui filiam meam iuniorem! %psam minus aliis filiabus dilexi et mihi in magna necessitate succurrit, et aliae filiae meae defecerunt, propter quod totum imperium . reliquero post decessum meum filiae meae iuniori!" "t sic factum est! $ost decessum patris filia &/ iunior regnavit et in pace vitam finivit!
adimple, re, v, tum 0 to fill up enedc, ere, dx, dictum 0 to bless, praise d ell 1&2 0 to finish a 4ar dcd, ere, cess, cessum 0 to go a4a3, 4ithdra4 expell, ere, pul, pulsum 0 to drive out, e;ect fni 1)2 0 to finish hrdits, ttis 0 f 0 inheritance inopia, ae 0 f 0 lac8 &! virum 0 husband! succurre 0 ta8es dative complement! (! faciam 0 present sub;unctive; introduced b3 ut! )! collig<s 0 present sub;unctive; she7s suggesting a course of action for her husband! ad d@bellandum 0 to finish off the 4ar; ad K gerund sho4s purpose! suum 0 the notDquiteDreflexive possessive! %n classical Batin it 4ould be ius! inior, ris 0 adj 0 3ounger o tine, ere, u, tum 0 to have, get quod 0 conj 0 that rgn 1&2 0 to rule reverendus, a, um 0 adj 0 insipiring a4e, venerable succurr, ere, , cursm 0 to run under, aid, help sumptus, s 0 m 0 outla3, expense perg<s 0 present sub;unctive; still suggested course of action! *! comes 0 count, not companion! ,! su5 0 once again, the notDquiteDreflexive possessive! -! ?enedicta 0 suppl3 est if 3ou need it here! %psam 0 intensive pronoun! .! succurrit 0 ta8es dative complement 1up online -2! propter quod 0 because of 4hich!


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