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Sri Kamakoti Mandali Sri Kamakoti Mandali

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Gandabherunda Nrsimha

daityAsthipa~n ara!"idAraNalabdharandhra! raktAmbu!nir ara!sariddhana Atapa~NkA # bAlenduko$iku$ilAH shukacha~nchubhAso rakShantu siMha"apuSho nakharA harer"aH ##

$he secreti"e upAsanA o% shrI &aN'abheruN'a n()isiMha has remain concealed amon& *uali%ied practitioners %or a&es+ $he basic %orm o% the ,ord constitutes o% ei&ht %aces:


&AN'abheruN'a pakShirA a:

,ord is said to ha"e de%eated sharabhesh"ara and his .i"es .ith this %ace+ /orship o% this %ace .ith the associated mantra protects one %rom abhichAra prayo&a o% e"ery kind and destroys aris+


n()isiMha m()i&arA a:

,ord is described to ha"e subdued "Irabhadra1 a&hora and other astra m2rtis o% sharabhesh"ara .ith this %ace+ /orship o% this %ace .ith the associated mantra destroys diseases and &rants &ood health+



,ord is supposed to ha"e subdued nandin1 &aNesha and other pari"Ara de"as o% sharabhesh"ara .ith this %ace+ /orship o% this %ace .ith the associated mantra protects one %rom all dan&ers: %rom nature1 other humans or celestial %orces+



/orship o% this %ace .ith the associated mantra &rants one pro%iciency in all shAstras and ultimately the liberatin& kno.led&e+



/orship o% this %ace .ith the associated mantra destroys po"erty and blesses one .ith ka,atra1 putra and unima&inable riches+


a&hora "Anarendra:

/orship o% this %ace .ith the associated mantra %rees one %rom &raha bAdhA o% e"ery kind and &rants pro%iciency in Sha$karma prayo&a+



/orship o% this %ace .ith the associated mantra %rees one o% nA&a doSha1 nA&a bhaya1 "iSha bhaya1 pit()I doSha etc+



/orship o% this %ace .ith the associated mantra &rants one Sho'asha siddhis+

$he hidden ninth %ace o% the ,ord1 sometimes re%erred to as ba'abAnala mukha1 re%ers to Adi nArAyaNa and is "isible to a true prapanna bhA&a"ata alone+ $his %ace &rants one kai"alya+ $he three mantras associated .ith this %ace are the kai"alya n()isiMha mantra1 aSh$AkSharI and mantrarA a+

An ad"anced upAsaka .ho has earned the &race o% AchArya is blessed .ith the secret o% the upAsanA o% d"Adasha mukha &aN'abheruN'a n()isiMha .hose %orm constitutes o% the n()isiMha m2rtis:

-+ 0+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ -:+ --+ -0+

&aN'abheruN'a n()isiMha "yA&hra n()isiMha hayAnana n()isiMha "Anarendra n()isiMha Adi "arAha n()isiMha &Aru'a n()isiMha bhall2ka n()isiMha "()ishabhAr2'ha n()isiMha haMsAr2'ha n()isiMha k2rmAr2'ha n()isiMha sharabhAr2'ha nr)isiMha mahA"ishNumukha &aru'Ar2'ha n()isiMha

$he ,ord in this %orm is .orshipped .ith thirteen mAlA mantras and the --8 lettered m2la mantra+ $he uttarA~N&as %or this mantra are ei&ht includin& mahAsudarshana+

An upAsaka .ith &reater *uali%ication and control on the senses is blessed by the AchArya .ith the details o% the .orship o% 2rdh"amukha &aN'abheruN'A n()isiMha1 .ho1 alon& .ith the pre"ious -0 %orms1 includes the

-+ 0+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ -:+

mAyA n()isiMha raudra n()isiMha "idAraNa n()isiMh "AruNa n()isiMha "AlA n()isiMha "Ira n()isiMha a&hora "Ira ba'abAnala n()isiMha maho&ra "Ira "i ayapratApa n()isiMha sudarshana n()isiMha ;propitiated by ayanta< lakShmI nr)isiMha ;propitiated by mahAde"a<

$he dhyAna %or each o% these %aces1 the mAhAtmya and details o% the associated shaktis ;=or e+&+ shakti %or haMsAr2'ha n()isiMha is "A&"AdinI> padmA"atI is the consort o% k2rmAr2'ha n()isiMha .ho is nidhipradAyaka< should be understood %rom Sad&uru+ Other %orms o% the ,ord .hich include the d"AtriMshanmukha and panchAshanmukha &aN'abheruN'a n()isiMhas are also .orshipped by upAsakas %or attainin& "arious siddhis+ $he &aN'abheruN'a n()ihari nAma stotra popular amon& upAsakas is simply a list o% the %i%ty %aces?%orms o% the ,ord+ $he shAstras declare aSh$AkSharI and mantrarA a as the basic *uali%ication %or the initiation into the .orship o% the .ondrous %orm o% bha&a"An kno.n as &aN'abheruN'a n()isiMha+

sar"ottamottameshAya purANapuruShAya cha # puruShottamar2pAya sASh$A~N&aM praNato+asmyaham ##

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