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through Bertha Dudde 7829

Work of the spirit and the work of the spirit wor d ....

!ou are guided into truth .... Do "ou understand how signifi#ant it is to ha$e the guarantee of i$ing in a%so ute truth %e#ause & '( instru#ting "ou )"se f* 'nd do not %e (is ead if "ou are fa#ed %" #ontentions that "ou #annot %e #ertain that it is I Who speaks to "ou+ or "ou wou d even ha$e to dis(iss the Book of Books+ whi#h # ear " refers to )" working of the spirit .... But peop e are a read" so distant fro( )e that the" no onger know of )" spirits work in a hu(an %eing .... ' though o##asiona " the" indeed ook for #onta#t with the spiritua kingdo( the" are #o(p ete " without know edge and therefore in danger of a##epting (essages whi#h do not #orrespond to truth+ sin#e the" know too itt e a%out the working of the spirits who ha$e not "et entered the kingdo( of ight. ,he" (ake #onta#t with spiritua regions+ with the wor d of spirits whi#h+ in fa#t+ a so ook for #onta#t with peop e %ut on " to (ake the(se $es heard in order to transfer their (isguided+ #onfused thoughts to peop e+ as the" did on earth. For as ong as the" are not in the wor d of ight the" do not think #orre#t "+ their spirit is sti dark and the" are on " a% e to pass on wrong #on#epts to peop e. 'nd peop e $a ue su#h (essages fro( the wor d of spirits too high " .... But the" do not ook for the right re ationship with Me+

whi#h wou d assure the( to re#ei$e the truth. My spirit wi guide "ou into truth .... & want to instru#t "ou Myself+ and a though & speak to "ou through (essengers of ight it is sti the sa(e+ for the truth originates fro( )e and is passed on to "ou through )" (essengers of ight. ,he" wi ne$er %e a% e to sa" anything other than is My wi nor wou d the" want to+ sin#e the" re#ei$e the spiritua know edge the" pass on to "ou fro( )e .... I Myself instru#t "ou through the spirit .... !ou hu(ans shou d #o(prehend that God Himself speaks to "ou+ do not -ust dis(iss this as i(possi% e .... For "ou are in dire#t #onta#t with )e+ %e#ause "ou are )" i$ing #reations+ )" #hi dren+ who %e ong to )e eterna ". ,he Father wi a wa"s speak to .is #hi dren pro$iding the" want it and fu fi )" re ated #onditions for the #hi d to hear the Fathers $oi#e. !ou ha$e to %e ie$e that & speak to "ou+ prepare "ourse $es as a $esse for the f ow of )" spirit and isten inward " .... ,o %e able to %e ie$e "ou ha$e to i$e in o$e+ where%" "ou prepare "ourse $es as a dwe ing for )e so that & then #an %e present in "ou. 'nd if "ou isten attenti$e " "ou wi hear )e .... 'nd what & sa" to "ou is truth+ for the /terna ,ruth &tse f speaks to "ou+ &t edu#ates "ou+ and "ou wi earn e$er"thing that is ne#essar" for the sa $ation of "our sou . But do "ou need the $oi#es fro( the spirit wor d for this* Be serious " warned not to a##ept (essages as truthfu whi#h were not gi$en to "ou through the working of )" spirit .... 'nd a$oid those who # ai( to ha$e #onta#t with the wor d of spirits .... ,he" are a danger for "ou %e#ause the" #onfuse "our thoughts and keep "ou awa" fro( the pure truth. 0eop e with a read" (atured sou s #ertain " #an ha$e o##asiona insights into these wor ds and e1er#ise their inf uen#e on the sou s in darkness+ %ut the peop e on earth wi ne$er benefit fro( seeking #onta#t with the wor d of darkness.

,hat is wh" the" shou d a$oid su#h dea ings with the spirit wor d+ %e#ause the" are a so )" ad$ersar"s (eans in the ast da"s to #onfuse peop es thoughts so that the" are una% e to appre#iate the truth or e$en re-e#t it+ or the" take ess noti#e of it than those (essages and o$er ook an in$a ua% e gift of gra#e .... ,he truth #o(es forth fro( Me Myself+ and "ou hu(ans wi re#ei$e it if "ou so desire. .owe$er+ if "ou are satisfied with (essages whi#h do not originate fro( Me+ if "ou pa" attention to the(+ "ou do not desire truth and wi ne$er #o(e to possess it either .... But where )" spirit is working there is truth .... For & #an on " work where the #onditions are (et+ %ut then & wi keep e$er" error at %a"+ for this is tru " within )" power .... & want truth to %e sent to earth+ and & ha$e the power to e1er#ise )" wi + %e#ause "ou hu(ans i$e with (is#on#eptions and are therefore in ut(ost danger .... !ou hu(ans #an on " %e#o(e % essed through truth and therefore ha$e to sin#ere " ask )e for it .... But then "ou #an a so %e #ertain that "ou wi re#ei$e it+ that I wi tea#h "ou Myself+ as & ha$e pro(ised ....


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