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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Hannah Damsteegt Date 4-!4 Subject/ Topic/ Theme E"L Food #nit$ Lesson 4$ All about Health Part I Grade __%-! __

I& 'b(ectives Ho) does this lesson connect to the unit *lan+ This lesson marks the beginning of the last section in the food unit. Since I am teaching about food, I thought it made sense to include a lesson on health. I would like to bring up the topics of good eating habits, sleeping habits, and e ercising habits. This lesson will focus on e ercise and good sleeping habits. cogniti!e" ph)sical socio" Learners )ill be able to$ # $ %p %n & '( de!elopment emotional
%ppreciate the importance of e ercising $nderstand wh) e ercise is important *now what e ercise is *now what e ercise does *now what kinds of e ercises the) can do own their own #ead and full) understand the short stor) Sleep Well ,uild more !ocabular) related to the short stor) $nderstand the importance of sleeping well *now how to get a better night-s sleep #, $ #, $ #, $ # $ #, $ $ +es +es +es +es +es +es

+es +es


Common Core standards ,or -LCEs if not available in Common Core. addressed$ Listening ./01 following simple and comple directions, /21 understand spoken &nglish in order to participate in social conte ts3, "*ea/ing .S01 use spoken language for dail) acti!ities within and be)ond the school setting, S41 use spoken &nglish and non!erbal communication in sociall) and culturall) acceptable wa)s, S51 use &nglish to interact in the classroom, S21 engage in con!ersations for personal enjo)ment and e pression, S61 pro!ide and obtain information, e press opinion, S71 demonstrate comprehensible pronunciation3, 0eading .#51 understand and use grammatical e pressions of &nglish to impro!e comprehension, #41 build !ocabular) to de!elop concepts, #81 make inferences, predictions, and conclusions from reading, #91 read for research purposes, #61 read and demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and supporting details3, 1riting .:41 write using appropriate !ocabular) choice and !ariation, :01 use con!entions and format of written &nglish, :21 use grammatical con!entions of &nglish3.
.;ote$ :rite as man) as needed. Indicate ta onom) le!els and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objecti!e applies to particular learners write the name.s3 of the learner.s3 to whom it applies.3 (remember, understand, appl), anal)<e, e!aluate, create

II& 2efore 3ou start Identif3 *rere4uisite /no)ledge and s/ills&

This lesson is intended for Intermediate /ow to Intermediate =igh &S/ learners.
Pre-assessment (for learning): First Hour1 %sk the students wh) e ercise a good thing for the human bod) and what kind of e ercises the) do "econd Hour1 Go around the room and ask each student how much he or she sleeps in a night. >uestion the students wh) getting more hours of sleep is a good thing. Formative (for learning): "econd Hour1 reading the stor) Sleep Well and working on the Google Doc assignment Formative (as learning): First Hour1 e ploring the e ercise website together as a class and discussing/answering ?uestions pro!ided b) the teacher. Summative (of learning31 "econd Hour1 filling out the Google Doc and answering the ?uestions

'utline assessment activities .applicable to this lesson3

relating to the Sleep Well stor) and the e ercise website. 1hat barriers might this lesson *resent+ 1hat )ill it ta/e 5 neurodevelo*mentall36 e7*erientiall36 emotionall36 etc&6 for 3our students to do this lesson+
Provide 8ulti*le 8eans of 0e*resentation @ro!ide options for perception" making information perceptible " In this lesson, the students will be taking in information b) doing some research in!estigation in a website " Students will also glean information b) reading a short stor) Provide 8ulti*le 8eans of Action and E7*ression @ro!ide options for ph)sical action" increase options for interaction Provide 8ulti*le 8eans of Engagement @ro!ide options for recruiting interest" choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats " This lesson ought to be !er) interesting because the instructor is not going to reall) Ateach atB the kids. #ather, the students will be doing their own hands"on"learning.


@ro!ide options for language, mathematical e pressions, and s)mbols" clarify connect language

@ro!ide options for e pression and communication" increase me!ium of e"pression " Dor the first hour class period, the onl) medium of e pression will be talking in a discussion.

@ro!ide options for comprehension" activate, apply highlight " The instructor has a list of ?uestions that should be answered when doing research on the e ercise website. The students should t)pe .or write3 both the ?uestions and the answers " The learners will recei!e the short stor) in a hard cop), so the) can feel free to mark up the stor)

@ro!ide options for e ecuti!e functions" coor!inate short long term goals, monitor progress, an! mo!ify strategies " Ene of the long term goals that will be stressed in this lesson is the importance of de!eloping better sleeping and e ercising habits

@ro!ide options for sustaining effort and persistence" optimize challenge, collaboration, mastery-oriente! fee!back " During both first and second hour, the whole class .including the instructor3 will be collaborating in order to glean all the information. @ro!ide options for self" regulation" e"pectations, personal skills an! strategies, self-assessment reflection " The learner will do indi!idual work on the Google Doc, and it is up to the instructor to gi!e ?uick and effecti!e feedback to the learner so that he knows what he still needs to work on.

8aterials-)hat materials ,boo/s6 handouts6 etc. do 3ou need for this lesson and are the3 read3 to use+

The students will need to use their chromebooks, and the instructor should use the projector to project onto the screen while she is researching the same website as the students. The instructor can also use :ord to t)pe out the ?uestions and answers as the) are found during the e ploration of the website. /ater, the students will need the hard cop) of the short stor) Sleep Well and the Google Doc which contains the !ocab list from the stor) and the ?uestions that need to be answered for the ne t da). In the first hour, the students will sit at their table groups. Three to four students can sit at each table group. The tables will be arranged into a circle during second hour so that e!er)one can hear the reader-s !oice as he or she reads the assignment section of the reading.

Ho) )ill 3our classroom be set u* for this lesson+ III& 9he Plan- first hour 9ime < min& Com*onents 8otivation .opening/ introduction/ engagement3

Describe teacher activities A:D student activities for each com*onent of the lesson& Include im*ortant higher order thin/ing 4uestions and;or *rom*ts& " %sk the students, AToda) we are going to start talking " @articipate in the discussion about health. Do )ou know wh) e ercise is good for the human bod)F :hat kinds of e ercises do )ou gu)s do to keep )our bod) health)FB

% min& Develo*ment .the largest component or main bod) of the lesson3


AIn order to learn more about e ercise, we are going to e plore a website together and we are going to tr) to answer the list of ?uestions I ha!e put on the whiteboard.B Instruct the students to open the following link from the Google Doc that has been shared with them1 http1// html


Students open the link and help search the website in order to answer the ?uestions. T)pe out the ?uestions and answers .or write them on paper3


= min&

Closure .conclusion, culmination, wrap"up3


%sk them the same ?uestions from the warm"up. A:h) is e ercise good for the human bod)F :hat kinds of e ercises can we do to keep our bodies in shapeFB


%nswer the ?uestions

>our reflection about the lesson6 including evidence,s. of student learning and engagement6 as )ell as ideas for im*rovement for ne7t time& .:rite this after teaching the lesson, if )ou had a chance to teach it. If )ou did not teach this lesson, focus on the process of preparing the lesson.3 For all the *revious lessons6 I thin/ that the teacher has done a lot of ?tal/ing to the students&@ "o6 for this lesson I )anted to do something a little bit different& I )anted the students to do the searching and the *resentation of the material that the3 learnedA the ?teaching&@ I thin/ that this hands-on-learning is different and innovative and I ho*e that the students )ill li/e the difference and benefit from it& III& 9he Plan- second hour 9ime % min& Com*onents 8otivation .opening/ introduction/ engagement3 Describe teacher activities A:D student activities for each com*onent of the lesson& Include im*ortant higher order thin/ing 4uestions and;or *rom*ts& " :rite each student-s name on the white " %nswer the instructor-s ?uestions and board and as the kids file back into the gi!e their opinions as to what happens classroom after the break, ask them how when )ou don-t get enough sleep at night man) hours of sleep the) got the night and wh) it is important to get a lot of before. #ecord each number on the sleep at night. board. ;e t ask the students, A:hat happens when )ou don-t get a lot of sleep at nightF :h) is it better to get more hours of sleep at nightFB " A:e are going to read a short stor) that talks about wh) it is important to get a good night-s sleep and how we can get enough sleep at night.B " %sk the students to help mo!e the tables " Students help mo!e the desks into a circle formation " %ssign each student a section of the " The students re!iew their parts and stor). Gi!e the students some time to practice the pronunciation of the words, re!iew their parts and to practice the read their parts out"loud when it is their pronunciation of the words. =a!e the turn students read their parts " %fter reading the stor), go o!er some " Tr) to guess the meaning of the new potentiall) troubling !ocab and talk about !ocab words, participate in the what the words mean. discussion of what the words could mean. " #emind the students that the Google Doc .the !ocab list and the ?uestions3 are due the ne t da) before second hour. %sk for an) final ?uestions " If there are an) ?uestions, students can ask the instructor.

! min&

B min& Develo*ment .the largest component or main bod) of the lesson3

C min& != min& = min&

= min&

Closure .conclusion, culmination, wrap"up3



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