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!"#$% '( )'*+%*+,
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How important are idioms?
What are idioms?
What this ebook covers
Section 1: Idioms & Prepositions
Prepositions & Idioms: From
Prepositions & Idioms: To
Prepositions & Idioms: With
Prepositions & Idioms: Of
Prepositions & Idioms: For
Prepositions & Idioms: Against
Prepositions & Idioms: On
Prepositions & Idioms: In & By
A Potpourri (4 more prepositions)
Compound prepositions
Because vs. Because of
Idioms involving as
Do you know your prepositions?
Section 2: Clauses & Organizations of a Sentence
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs + that clauses
Idioms involving so
Idioms of cause & consequence
Idioms of comparison
The: A quirky comparions idiom
Comparisons: More vs. Greater, Less vs. Fewer
Act like vs. Act as
Idioms of whole and parts
Means of vs. Means to
Idea words: Idioms of beliefs & ideas
Consider this idiom
Correlative Conjunctions
If vs. Whether
Idioms involving Whether
Practice Questions
Very Hard
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how important
are idioms for the GMAT sentence correction?
Idioms appear just as frequently
as parallelism so... VERY IMPORTANT!
logical predication
verb form
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? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
based on the OG, of the 13-14 Sentence Correction
questions you see on the GMAT Verbal Section...
about 3-4 of them should test idioms
The chance that, of the 14 sentence correction questions
on the real GMAT, you do not see an idiom question is about
1 in 100.
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Ability to do X
Prevent from doing X
Scarcer than hens teeth
Raining cats and dogs
kinds of idioms on the GMAT
The articles in this ebook cover idioms as well as a bit about diction
and a bit about rhetorical construction. Idioms are about unique com-
binations of words, which words always belong together. Diction
concerns the meaning of individual words, and whether this single
word is used properly in a sentence. Rhetorical construction concerns
the overall flow of a sentence, how a sentence is put together for the
most clarity and power, but no ambiguity. Discussion of idioms neces-
sarily reaches into these other two areas, so topics in diction and
rhetorical construction will appear throughout the ebook.
!"#$%&' &'"
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T|e word "fron" is a preposition. T|is neans, it nust oe followed oy a noun = or oy sone
t|ing playing t|e role of a noun. T|is latter category includes gerunds and suostantive claus
1) T|e SEC pro|ioits folks wit| inside infornation aoout a conpany fron trading t|at con
pany's stocks and options.
2) T|e state senator strove to distinguis| |is party's nuanced position on innigration fron
w|at t|e controversial fringe group advocates.
n sentence #1, t|e oo|ect of "fron" is a gerund p|rase, and in sentence #2, t|e oo|ect is a
suostantive clause. ncidentally, oot| of t|ese are exenplary of idions involving t|e word
Sone veros require t|e word "fron." Sone of t|ese veros involve sone kind of spatial
separation, at least in t|eir literal sense.
!"#$%&' )*#+
"',%*%&' )*#+
-'".'/- )*#+
For ot|er veros, t|e separation is not literal and spatial, out conceptual
-!))'* )*#+
,*'0'/& 1 )*#+ 2
,*#3!4!& 1 )*#+ 2
the preposition from
verbs + from
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!"# %&'() *+&, -.( */'&0, -'# 1)#( /&' -22'&-3" -.( '#3#(4.56 /'&0 7 +& 86 9&+" :4+#'-::; -.(
4) Ceneral S|ernan narc|ed fron ltlanta to Savanna|, destroying everyt|ing along t|e way.
<= >"#'#-) - 0&(#'. 70#'43-. /#-)+ 4) )-4( +& 5& */'&0 )&12 +& .1+),6 -. -.34#.+ ?&0-.
oanquet went ao ovo usque ad pono ("fron t|e egg to t|e apple").
C) Sviatoslav Pic|ter's repertoire ranged fron works oy eig|teent| century Baroque conpos@
ers, suc| as Bac| and Handel, to contenporary conpositions, oy Soviet conposers suc| as
S|ostakovic| and Prokofev, sone of w|ose works Pic|ter preniered.
A&+43#6 4. +"-+ :-)+ )#.+#.3# +"# 4(4&0 *+& '-.5# /'&0 7 +& 8*, a way of talking aoout t|e literal
or fgurative extent of sonet|ing.
For oot| "prevent" and "pro|ioit", t|e oo|ect of "fron" is alnost always a gerund = "to
prevent soneone fron talking", "to pro|ioit citizens of one state fron suing a anot|er state."
lnot|er unusual "fron" idion involves t|e vero "to c|oose". W|en a person c|ooses an
action, we say t|at person "c|ooses to do X" = t|e action is expressed as an infnitive.
W|en we are discussing t|e various options availaole to t|e person c|oosing, we use t|e
!"##$% '(#)
Here, t|e oo|ect of "fron" is t|e set or list of availaole options.
3) Congress oalked w|en President Peagan c|ose Pooert Bork fron all availaole federal
Here, t|e p|rase "all availaole federal |udges" gives t|e array of options fron w|ic| t|e
c|oice was nade.
verbs + from
spacial relationships
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loove, cited a vero idion involving t|e preposition "fron". !" $%&&'( &(")
T|e ad|ective forn "different" also follows t|is forn. $%&&'('*! &(")
7) Few can say w|et|er a c|aconne is truly different fron a passacaglia.
Sonetines a root word retains t|e sane idion as it c|anges fron one grannatical forn to
lnot|er idion t|e vero differ follows is !" $%&&'( %*+ Here, we are not descrioing t|e two
parties w|o differ, out rat|er t|e feld or discipline in w|ic| t|ey differ
8) Pepresentative Hostettler and Pepresentative Frank differ in t|eir position on gay nar
T|e noun forn "difference" s|ares t|is latter idion wit| t|e vero and follows its own idions.
$%&&'('*,' %*- $%&&'('*,' .'!/''*- 0*$ $%&&'('*,' /%!1 ('23',! !"+
9) T|e president and prine ninister |ave no difference in standing on t|e proposed trade
10) Et|icists ordinarily underscore t|e difference oetween "w|ite lies', designed to protect
t|e feelings of ot|ers, and lies of nalice notivated oy venal selfinterest.
11) Since t|e Senator's reelection, political connentators |ave renarked on suotle differ
ences wit| respect to |is portrayal of t|e tax reforn.
T|e "oetween" idion indicates t|e parties t|at differ, w|ile t|e "in" or "wit| respect to"
descrioe t|e suo|ect or feld of t|e difference. eit|er one of t|ese latter can oe conoined wit|
t|e "oetween" idion.
12) T|e difference in |itting tec|nique oetween Baoe Put| and Ted Willians is t|e suo|ect of
endless deoate.
13) Between t|e original 1937 novie and t|e current renake, critics |ave noted differences
wit| respect to t|e nurderer's notivations.
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!"# %&'( )*&+ ,- . /'#/&-,*,&01 !",- 2#.0-3 ,* 24-* 5# 6&77&%#( 58 . 0&40 9 &' 58 -&2#*",0:
/7.8,0: *"# '&7# &6 . 0&401 !",- 7.**#' ;.*#:&'8 ,0;74(#- :#'40(- .0( -45-*.0*,<# ;7.4-#-1
1) attrioute ny lack of acunen to staying up late every nig|t for t|e past fve nig|ts.
=> ?# .;@0&%7#(:#- 0& '#-/&0-,5,7,*8 *& %"&#<#' 2.8 4-# *"# '&&2 .6*#' ",21
A0 BC3 *"# &5D#;* &6 )*&+ ,- . :#'40( /"'.-#3 .0( ,0 B=3 *"# &5D#;* &6 )*&+ ,- . -45-*.0*,<#
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T|e preposition "to" also oegins infnitive. ln infnitive is sonet|ing very different fron a
/'#/&-,*,&0.7 /"'.-#1 !",- 57&: .'*,;7# ,- (,-;4--,0: /'#/&-,*,&0 /"'.-#- ,0<&7<,0: )*&+3
,0;74(,0: %&'(- .0( /"'.-# *".* ,(,&2.*,;.778 (#2.0( *",- /'#/&-,*,&01 !"#'#G- . %"&7#
ot|er post on veros t|at idionatically require infnitives, anot|er topic necessarily for
perforning well on CMlT Sentence Correction.
!"# /'#/&-,*,&0 )*&+ :#0#'.778 ;&00&*# 2&*,&0 *&%.'( -&2#*",0:3 .0( 2.08 &6 ,*- 4-#- '#*.,0
-&2#*",0: &6 *".* ;&00&*.*,&01
the preposition to
lgain, |ust to oe perfectly clear. t|is section is aoout veros t|at require a prepositional p|rase
oeginning wit| "to" = see pp. 4344 for veros t|at require infnitives. T|e following two
veros require a prepositional p|rase oeginning wit| "to".
!""#$%&"' ")
*)+,)#- ")
*)+"#$%&"' ")
verbs + to
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W|en we attrioute sonet|ing (l) to soneone (B), we are saying t|at we t|ink person B |as
t|e quality or skill or talent of l, t|at sonet|ing, l, can also oe a realworld ac|ievenent or
acconplis|nent. T|e "credit" for t|e talented or ac|ievenent, as it were, "travels" to t|e
person to w|on t|e attrioution was nade. t|is is w|y t|e preposition "to" is used.
3) Despite initial controversies, nat|enaticians now universally attrioute t|e proof of
Fernat's Last T|eoren to lndrew Wiles.
W|en we contrioute sonet|ing (l) to soneone (B), we are giving (l) a gift or donation to B.
n nost contexts including t|e CMlT, w|en t|e oo|ect contriouted is ot|erwise unspecifed, it
is assuned to oe noney. T|e gift or w|atever is contriouted "noves toward" t|e one w|o
receives it.
4) Warren Buffet contrioutes suostantially to p|ilant|ropic and c|aritaole organizations.
5) n one of t|e renarkaole collaoorations of nusic |istory, Paul McCartney would contrioute
nore conplex and interesting |arnonies to Jo|n Lennon's songs, and in turn, Lennon would
contrioute nindoending p|rases to McCartney's lyrics.
T|e idion involving t|e vero "conforn" is a little nore unusual. W|en say conforn l to B,
t|en l is usually sonet|ing under ny control (ny oe|avior, ny |aoits, etc.), and B is sone
kind of nore universal standard or set of rules. T|e connotation is t|at B is oased in sone
sort of aut|ority, and l is sonet|ing w|ic| s|ould oe governed oy t|is aut|ority.
C) Professor Higgins argued t|at status of t|e various races, wit| respect to t|e lnerican
legal systen, still does not conforn to t|e Fourteent| lnendnent's lofty idea of "equal
protection under t|e law."
7) T|e CFC estinated t|at Fonal|aut Corporation would |ave to spend nore t|an S7 nillion
in order to conforn conpletely to t|e full panoply of EPl regulations.
verbs + to
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!" $%&'()* +,) -./0 1)2+)2$) 3%'')$+4%2 5%6)( $%789'4(%2(: 0,) "%55%;42< $%789'9+46)
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comparisons with to
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!"# %&'()*+,(- *.%* +&+#/%*+)%001 *%2( % 34(3#-+*+#5%0 3.4%-( 6(7+55+57 "+*. *.( 34(3#-+*+#5
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adjectives + to
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T|e word "wit|" is a preposition. T|is neans, it nust oe followed oy a noun = or oy sone
t|ing playing t|e role of a noun. T|is latter category includes gerunds and suostantive
1) Despite an earlier attenpt oy C|ancourois, |istorians of science general credit Dnitri
Mendeleev wit| fornulating t|e Periodic Taole of t|e Elenents.
2) T|e Federal Judge argued t|at |is recent controversial ruling was consistent wit| w|at
t|e franers of t|e US Constitution t|oug|t aoout a rig|t to privacy.
n sentence #1, t|e oo|ect of "wit|" is a gerund p|rase, and in sentence #2, t|e oo|ect is a
suostantive clause. ncidentally, oot| of t|ese are exenplary of idions involving t|e word
"wit|." T|e proposition "wit|", as an ordinary preposition, can carry a variety of connotations.
3) fxed t|e taole wit| |anner and nails. (indicates neans)
4) fxed t|e taole wit| |aste. (indicates nanner)
5) fxed t|e taole wit| ny friend C|ris. (indicates acconpaninent)
T|e idions oelow reflect t|is diversity of usages.
Sone veros require t|e word "wit|." Here's a list of t|e nost connon veros t|at require
!"#$$ &'()* +,--!.,#!($ &'()* +,/0-1 &'()* +#$2'( 3 &'() 4* $5!/,#$2 &'()* 0#,6'2$ &'()*
71/0!()'8$ &'()
T|e idions involving "agree", "collaoorate", and "synpat|ize" are nost like t|e acconpani
nent use of "wit|", in #5 aoove. in all t|ree of t|ese, t|e oo|ect of "wit|" is a person wit|
w|on sone |as sone kind of affliation or affnity, or t|at person's view.
C) T|e Hunan Pesources Director does not agree wit| t|e CFC's plans for redesigning t|e
enployee retirenent options.
the preposition with
verbs + with
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7) Bra|ns collaoorated wit| t|e fanous violinist Josep| Joac|in in conposing |is Violin
8) Despite a lifetine of opposition, t|e nun synpat|ized wit| |er gravely ill opponent.
Sinilar to t|ese is t|e idion involving "enanored." To oe "enanored wit|" soneone or
sonet|ing is to really like it. it |as a connotation of sonet|ing like ronantic infatuation or
passionate ent|usiasn.
9) For nany years, Yeats was enanored wit| Maud Conne, w|o re|ected Yeats' narriage
proposals on four different occasions.
10) llt|oug| Jefferson was enanored wit| t|e idea of lioerty and equal rig|ts for all, t|e
Sout|ern delegates to t|e Continental Congress were successful in denanding t|at p|rases
condenning slavery oe renoved fron t|e Declaration of ndependence.
T|e idion involving "provide" is nost like t|e neans exanple, #3 aoove.
Here, t|e oo|ect of t|e proposition "wit|" is a p|ysical or netap|orical support given to
11) T|e resupply station provided t|e |ungry soldiers wit| nuc|needed food.
12) l young Peagan secretly provided t|e HUlC wit| danning infornation aoout |is fellow
13) lquinas' !"##$ &'()*)+,-$ provided Dante wit| a vast p|ilosop|ical systen wit|in
w|ic| to frane |is fanous drana.
T|e idion involving oot| "credit" and "conply" is sonew|at analogous to t|e nanner exan
ple, #4 aoove, only insofar as t|e oo|ect of "wit|" is necessarily sonet|ing aostract.
verbs + with
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!" $%& '(')* +$) ,-&('$ . /'$% 0+1 . '2 $%& 3&-2)" /%) -&,&'4&2 $%& ,-&('$1 5"( 0 '2 $%& 6758'$9
)- 5,,)*38'2%*&"$ 5$$-':7$&( $) $%& 3&-2)";
<=> ?4&" %'2 3)8'$',58 @)&2 ,-&('$ $%& 3-'*& *'"'2$&- /'$% &A,&3$')"58 '"$&B-'$9;
15) llt|oug| Cregor Mendel en|oyed scant scientifc recognition, current oiologists univerC
25889 ,-&('$ %'* /'$% $%& ('2,)4&-9 )@ B&"&$',2;
!" $%& '(')* $) +,)*389 /'$% D+1 $%& D '2 5 85/1 5 -78&1 )- 2)*& )$%&- 5:2$-5,$ 57$%)-'$5$'4&
15) T|e CEC fred t|e vice president for repeatedly failing to conply wit| conpany policy.
verbs + with
E&-& 5-& $%-&& '(')*2 $%5$1 '" )"& /59 )- 5")$%&-1 5-& 72&( '" %)/ /& /)78( ,)*35-& )-
-&85$& $/) $%'"B2;
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<H> ?5-89 '" %'2 ,5-&&-1 I5--98 J$-5/:&--9K2 2/'"B /52 ,)*35-&( /'$% L&( M'88'5*K2;
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/)-( +,)"$-52$G1 /& "&&( $) :& ,5-&@78;
Have feedback or questions?
!" $% &'% &()*+%,- .*/(0//*12 & 3%'/41 $54 */ 3%'"4'6*12 )5% (41)'&/)7 )5%1 $% (&1 /&- )5*/
3%'/41 8(41)'&/)/ 9 $*)5 :;<
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B5&) $*,, &,$&-/ D% $'412; B5% (4''%() *.*46 */ 8!1 (41)'&/) $*)5 97 : H<
=I? !1 (41)'&/) $*)5 )5% /*12,%JD44A /('*3)0'%/ 4" %&(5 4" )5% )5'%% 2'%&) K%/)%'1 L%,*2*41/7
)5% M&,* G&1417 )5% /)&1.&'. (4,,%()*41 4" )5% /('*3)0'%/ 4" B5%'&+&.& :0..5*/67 %&/*,- $40,.
fll a large oookcase, alt|oug| ironically, Budd|isn is nuc| less textoased t|an are its
K%/)%'1 (401)%'3&')/;
B5% *.*46 *1+4,+*12 )5% &.C%()*+% 8(41/*/)%1)< */ /*6*,&'7 &,)54025 .*/(0//*41 4" (41/*/)%1(-
.*""%'/ "'46 (463&'*/41/ 3%' /%; K5%1 $% /&- 9 */ (41/*/)%1) $*)5 :7 $% 2%1%'&,,- 6%&1
t|at B is sone larger systen or set of rules, and l is sonet|ing t|at "fts into" t|is larger
NO? !1 /0.1% 2-3 4&' /.(0# .5 6#"7(4+.%7 )5% E03'%6% G40') "401. )5&) ,%2&,,- %1"4'(%.
/%2'%2&)*41 $&/ 14) (41/*/)%1) $*)5 )5% PQ0&, M'4)%()*41 G,&0/% 4" )5% R40')%%1 96%1.J
21) Euclid's fft| postulate, t|e notorious Parallel Postulate, is consistent wit| t|e ot|er four
34/)0,&)%/7 &,)54025 *) (&114) D% .%.0(%. *1.%3%1.%1),- "'46 )5%6;
Have feedback or questions?
T|e word "of" is a preposition. T|is neans, it nust oe followed oy a noun = or oy sonet|ing
playing t|e role of a noun. T|is latter category includes gerunds and suostantive clauses.
1) No anount of talking aoout issues facing t|e |oneless will satisfy t|eir nost oasic needs
in t|e s|ort tern.
2) We are now aosoroing t|e unfortunate consequences of w|at last year's county adninis
tration t|oug|t would oeneft us all.
n sentence #1, t|e oo|ect of t|e preposition "of" is a gerund p|rase, and in sentence #2, t|e
oo|ect is a suostantive clause. ncidentally, oot| of t|ese are exenplary of idions involving
t|e word "of."
T|ere are t|ree very different vero idions involving "of".
!"#$%$& "(
)!!*$+ , "( -
&.%#/ "( , )$ -
n t|e idion "l consists of B", l is t|e conplete oo|ect or t|e fnis|ed product, and B is t|e
naterial of w|ic| t|is product is conposed. t can oe used literally, for t|e actual p|ysical
naterial naking up an oo|ect, or it can oe used netap|orically for t|e content of sonet|ing.
3) ltonic T|eory states t|at all naterial oo|ects consist of atons and t|at t|e nacroscopic
properties of oo|ects depend on t|e nicroscopic interactions of t|ese atons.
4) T|e candidate argued t|at |is opponent's "New Horizons" progran consisted of no nore
t|an a revision of t|e forner governor's discredited ideas.
Notice t|at, idionatically, we would use t|e present participle for t|is vero, "consisting of",
out t|e past participle for two veros wit| t|e sane neaning. "nade of" and "conposed of."
the preposition of
verbs requiring of
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$ & '"'&(() *+,,-.-/' +*+"01 23-/ 4"0-"/- &5564-4 7 ", 8$ 7 +4 '3- 9-.4"/ &5564-*$ &/* 8
+4 '3- 5.+0- ". +/,.&5'+"/1
:; <&=-.' &5564-* >&(?-&/ ", =&.+"64 5.+0-41
C) T|e nquisition never fornally accused Calileo of |eresy, only fnding |in "ve|enently
4649-5' ", 3-.-4)1@
T|e fnal idion is particularly diffcult. t|ink of l as B. Here, l is t|e person or t|ing under
consideration, and B is a role or a rank or a netap|or for l.
7) t|ink of ny friend C|ris as a walking dictionary and t|esaurus.
8) Many C|inese t|ink of Li Bai as t|e single greatest poet in t|eir t|reet|ousand year old
9) Sone feninists t|ink of c|ivalry as an outnoded set of oe|aviors and values t|at, despite
t|eir patina of gentility, pronote danaging gender inequities.
10) Fundanentalist C|ristians in t|e US t|ink of Evolution as nerely an opinion |eld oy sone
scientists, w|ereas nost scientists writing in peerreviewed |ournals t|ink of it as estaolis|ed
trut| oeyond any douot.
T|e diversity of idions involving "of" is nindooggling. Cne collection |as to do wit| t|e
conposition or constituency of t|ings.
!"#$%$&%#' ")
*+,- ")
!"*."$-, ")
+ !"//-!&%"# ")
+ #0*1-2 ")
+# +*"0#& ")
verbs requiring of
potpourri of idioms
Have feedback or questions?
T|e frst t|ree were discussed in t|e previous section. Most ot|er collective nouns (organi!
zation, association, crowd, tean, |erd, flock, etc.) follow t|is pattern. T|e oo|ect of t|e prepo!
sition "of" are t|e people or itens or naterial t|at conpose t|e group or t|e w|ole. Penen!
oer to use "nunoer" for t|ings you can count, and "anount" for uncountaole oulk.
11) l large nunoer of coal niners develop pneunoconiosis.
12) T|e anount of revenue t|at t|e United States governnent collects fron payroll taxes in
t|e US is approxinately equal to t|e anount of revenue fron personal incone taxes.
lnot|er closely related idion.
!"#$!% '(
)*'+#+,-,./ '(
W|en we speak of a "c|ance of l" or a "prooaoility of l", l is t|e event w|ose prooaoility we
are discussing. T|is event l nay oe an ordinary noun, or even a gerund or gerund p|rase,
out t|e CMlT does not like t|e construction
|preposition||noun||participial p|rase|
f you want to talk aoout t|at nuc| action, you need a full "t|at" clause wit| a |noun| |vero|.
Don't try to wedge a full action into a preposition p|rase using a noun & a participial p|rase.
c|ance t|at or prooaoility t|at
13) Cn a fve card draw fron a full deck, t|e c|ance of drawing a "royal flus|" is C49,740 to 1.
14) T|e prooaoility t|at a player will |it four |oneruns in a single oaseoall gane is very low.
t|is feat |as |appened only sixteen tines in t|e |istory of Ma|or League Baseoall.
f t|is last sentence |ad oeen p|rased "T|e prooaoility of a player |itting .", t|at would oe
t|e forn to w|ic| t|e CMlT oo|ects.
Cne idion netap|orically related to t|e "constituency" idion aoove is.
!#)#+-% '(
potpourri of idioms
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$ &'(&)*+,+)#* -)#*+*, ). )#/$ )#( 0)'12 34, +# " .(0 +#*,"#-(*2 ,0) 0)'1* ,)5(,6('
.4#-,+)# "* " *+#5/( &'(&)*+,+)#7 8)4' ). ,6(*( +#9)/9( :).;<
!"#$%&" ()
*+&,"$- ()
$& ()
(%, ()
=('(2 06(# 0( *"$ > +* -"&"3/( ). ?2 > +* ,6( &('*)# "#1 ? +* "# "-,+)#7 !(,"&6)'+-"//$2 >
:-)#,"+#*; )' :+* @"1( ).; ,6( -"&"-+,$ ,) 1) ?7 A.,(#2 ,6+* &/"+# *,",(@(#,2 :> +* -"&"3/( ).
?;2 -"# 3( '(&6'"*(1 @)'( -)#-+*(/$ 4*+#5 :-"#7; B(9(',6(/(**2 ,6+* ./(C+3/( +1+)@ -"# "&&("'
+# " #4@3(' ). ),6(' 54+*(*<
DEF G6( 1(,(-,+9( -)#*+1('(1 ,6( -4/&'+, -"&"3/( ). -)/1H3/))1(1 @4'1('7
DIF G6( *0"#2 -"&"3/( ). ./$+#5 /)#5 1+*,"#-(*2 +* @4-6 @)'( .'(J4(#,/$ 1(&+-,(1 )# 0",('
,6"# +# ,6( "+'7
G0) 0)'1* .)//)0 " 9('$ 1+..('(#, +1+)@ 0+,6 :).;
."&%/, ()
#(+&"0%"+#" ()
K6(,6(' 0( *"$ > +* " '(*4/, ). ? )' > +* " -)#*(J4(#-( ). ?2 0( "'( *"$+#5 ? +* ,6( -"4*(
"#1 > +* ,6( (..(-,7
DLF MN+# -"#-(' +* ).,(# ,6( '(*4/, ). @"#$ $("'* ). *4#3",6+#57
DOF P#(@&/)$@(#, +* ).,(# "# 4#+#,(#1(1 -)#*(J4(#-( ). '"+*+#5 +#,('(*, '",(*7
Cnce again, it's fne to |ave a gerund or gerund p|rase, out if t|e case involves oot| a noun
"#1 " 9('32 0( -)4/1 #) /)#5(' 4*( ,6( &'(&)*+,+)# :).; Q 0( 0)4/1 6"9( ,) -6"#5( "')4#1
,6( (#,+'( *(#,(#-(7
potpourri of idioms
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %& '&()*+
Have feedback or questions?
special combinations
Finally, |ere are t|ree particular conoinations of terns wit| prepositions t|at you need to
!" $%"&'( )*
!" +!),%-!)" )*
)" %..)/"- )*
n t|e idion in danger of l, l is sone penalty or unfortunate consequence.
25) T|e sop|onore w|o |osted all t|e keg parties was in danger of failing all of |is classes.
2C) f t|e governnent of Creece defaults on its national loans, t|e country will oe in danger of
losing its Eurozone nenoers|ip.
n t|e idion in violation of l, l is t|e law or principle t|at t|e agent is violating.
27) Pepuolicans |ave argued t|at t|e PPlCl is in violation of t|e Connerce Clause.
28) T|e cultural critic pointed out t|at t|e oe|avior depicted on prinetine television is in
violation of nost of t|e Connandnents.
29) n Euclidean Ceonetry, a triangle w|ose angles |ad a sun ot|er t|an 180 would oe in
violation of t|e Parallel Postulate.
Finally, a very tricky case. t|e idion on account of is roug|ly synonynous to t|e idion
oecause of. T|e latter is nore natural in nost cases, and usually lends itself to a nore
concise p|rasing. T|e forner is nore pretentious and veroose, w|ic| nakes it appropriate,
say, for legalese, out not particularly appropriate for t|e CMlT.
30a) Cn account of t|e stock narket's sudden and precipitous rise, t|e oond narket |as
rallied over t|e past few days.
30o) Because of t|e stock narket's sudden and precipitous rise, t|e oond narket |as rallied
over t|e past few days.
Tec|nically, oot| versions of t|e previous sentence are correct. Nevert|eless, |ave never
seen t|e idion "on account of" part of a correct answer on t|e CMlT Sentence Correction.
Cn t|e one |and, oe suspicious if you see Sentence Correct answer c|oices involving "on
account of", out on t|e ot|er |and, know t|at it is tec|nically correct.
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %&'( )*&'+ ,- . /'#/&-,0,&12 !",- 3#.1-4 ,0 35-0 6# *&77&%#( 68 . 1&51 9 &' 68 -&3#:
0",1; /7.8,1; 0"# '&7# &* . 1&512 !",- 7.00#' <.0#;&'8 ,1<75(#- ;#'51(- .1( -56-0.10,=#
>? @&3#&1# %"& (&#-1A0 51(#'-0.1( 6.-#6.77 %#77 ,- 7,B#78 0& 3,-0.B# '511,1; .- /.'0 &* .
",0:.1(:'51 /7.8 *&' -0#.7,1; . 6.-#2
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*.=&' *&' -&3#&1#)4 )-.8 . /'.8#' *&' -&3#&1#)4 )6.B# . <.B# *&' -&3#&1#)4 #0<2 !",- <&1:
-0'5<0,&1 0#1(- 0& .',-# ,1 #,0"#' 1.''.0,=# &' ,1 ,1*&'3.7 (.8:0&:(.8 <&1=#'-.0,&14 -& ,0 ,-
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0",- -0'5<05'# ;,=#- . ",10 0& -&3# &* 0"# <&'# 3#.1,1;- &* ,0- 5-#-2 D* &1# ,- )*&' . <.5-#+4
0"#1 &1# -5//&'0- 0".0 <.5-# .1( ,- ,1 *.=&' &* ,02 J.18 &* 0"# 5-#- &* )*&'+ <.''8 0",- -5/:
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!"#$% '("
!))(* '("
the preposition for
uses of for
verbs requiring for
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %&'()&('# *'+(# ,-' .% /#'0 1()" .2 3.2# 4.&" &"# 5,-' * )*(%#6 .7.-1 1#2&.-2#7 *8-/#9 :,
: *'+(# ,-' ;< &"*& ; .% %-1# =-%.&.-2 -' =#'%=#)&./# -' -=.2.-2 -' =-.2&>-,>/.#4 &"*& : %(==-'&9
?@ !"# %#2*&-' *'+(#7 ,-' 2*1.2+ &"# 2#4 /#&#'*2A% "-%=.&*3 .2 ".% %&*&# *,&#' B1*' C'*73#09
!"# -==-%.&# .7.-1 D ., -2# =#'%-2 *'+(#% ,-' ;< &"#2 ".% -==-2#2& 1*0 *'+(# *+*.2%& ;9
!"# ='#=-%.&.-2% 5,-'6 E 5*+*.2%&6 ,-'1 * 2*&('*3 =*.' -, -==-%.&#%9
!"# %&'()&('# *33-4 ,-' .% ,*' 1-'# )-1=3.)*&#7 *27 %(8&3#9 B2# (%# .% &"# %&'()&('# F *33-4%
for C, w|ere P is a law or set of rules and C is sone activity or specifc case consistent wit|
&"#%# '(3#%9
G@ !"# H.'%& I1#271#2& *33-4% ,-' ,'## %=##)"< #/#2 %=##)" )'.&.)*3 -, &"# +-/#'21#2&9
J@ !"# K#.%#28#'+ L2)#'&*.2&0 M#3*&.-2 *33-4% ,-' 1-1#2&*'0 /.-3*&.-2% -, ,(27*1#2&*3 3*4%
-, F"0%.)%< %()" *% N-2%#'/*&.-2 -, O2#'+09
I %#)-27 (%# .% &- *33-4 ; ,-' P< 4"#'# ; .% %-1# '#%-(')# Q&.1#< 1-2#0< '--1< #&)9@ 2##7#7
&- *))-11-7*&# P9
R@ !"# )-(2&0 8(7+#& 7-#% 2-& *33-4 *20 *77.&.-2*3 ,(27% ,-' (2#1=3-01#2& %#'/.)#%9
S@ I,&#' 8#+.22.2+ )-2%&'()&.-2< &"# 7#/#3-=#' 7.%)-/#'#7 &"*& &"# %&*&#A% 4*&#' *33-)*&.-2
systen would not allow suffcient drinking water for |is planned |ousing developnent.
T@ C*%#8*33A% (2.U(# %&'()&('# *33-4% #%%#2&.*330 (23.1.&#7 &.1# ,-' &"# '#%-3(&.-2 -, #/#2&% *&
&"# #27 -, * +*1#9
I 1-'# *8%&'*)& (%# -, &".% .7.-1 &- *33-4 ,-' V |as t|e neaning. to acknowledge extenuat>
.2+ )-27.&.-2%< &- +./# )-2%.7#'*&.-2 &- )-2&.2+#2).#%9 :2 &".% )-2%&'()&.-2< V .% &"# U(*3.&0 -'
c|aracteristic t|at would excuse or provide nitigating conditions for soneone.
W@ I33-4.2+ ,-' &"# 0-(2+ =#'%-2A% '*%" X(7+1#2&< &"# =-3.)# 7#).7#7 &- 7'-= *33 )"*'+#%9
10) T|e career nunoers Ted Willians produced are even nore extraordinary w|en we allow
,-' ".% &4- 3-2+ %&.2&% .2 &"# *'1#7 %#'/.)#% 7('.2+ ".% ='.1#9
verbs requiring for
Have feedback or questions?
T|ree furt|er veros forn a set of related idions involving "for"
!"#!$%$"$& ( )*+ ,
-%!$./& ( )*+ ,
sacrhce A for B
n all t|ree, l is soneone or sonet|ing t|at "takes t|e place" of B. W|en we say we are
going to suostitute l for B, we are saying t|at, in sone context, we will replace B wit| l. T|is
is precisely |ow we use t|e terninology in nat|. "suostitute (2x 7) for y." We use it wit| t|e
very sane neaning in any one of a nunoer of ot|er contexts.
11) Cn t|e World Series roster, t|e nanager suostituted a rookie for t|e in|ured veteran.
12) S|e suostitutes naple syrup for cane sugar in |er nuffn recipes.
13) Critics of t|e Soviet Union argued t|at t|e Bols|eviks nerely suostituted one oppressive
despotic systen for anot|er.
Notice, incidentally = w|en we suostitute l for B, B is gone and l is part of t|e fnal product,
out w|en we replace l wit| B, l is gone and B is part of t|e fnal product.
T|e idion to nistake l for B is like a "suostitution" t|at |appens entirely in one person's
|ead. f nistake l for B, t|en l is t|e real person or situation at |and, and t|roug| ny
nistake, don't recognize l = for w|atever reason, instead an under t|e nistaken inpres
sion t|at B is at |and, rat|er t|an l.
14) T|e students, seeing an inage of Henry David T|oreau, nistook |in for Lincoln.
15) T|e inexperienced investors nistook a s|ortcovering rally for a na|or upturn in t|e
verbs requiring for
Have feedback or questions?
T|e idion to sacrifce l for B also is like a kind of suostitution. n t|is idion, l is t|e resource
or asset t|at one gives up, wit| t|e specifc intention of attaining B, sone desired condition
or result.
1C) T|e executive was not willing to sacrifce |is integrity for t|e lucrative deal.
17) n t|e |indsig|t of |istory, Neville C|anoerlain is seen as |aving sacrifced t|e Sudeten!
land for w|at |e naively t|oug|t would oe "peace for our tines."
18) T|e t|ink tank's paper argued t|at t|e federal deot, in effect, sacrifces t|e prosperity of
future generations for our own unoridled consunption.
verbs requiring for
T|is idion is an exanple of t|e sane root word taking t|e sane preposition in different
forns. Bot| t|e noun responsioility and t|e ad|ective responsiole take t|e preposition "for"
!"#$%&#'(')'*+ -%!
!"#$%&#'()" -%!
n oot| cases, t|e agent w|o "is responsiole" or w|o "|as responsioility" is t|e person/t|ing
on w|on events depend, and t|e oo|ect of t|e preposition "for" is t|e process or event or
person or t|ing t|at t|e suo|ect controls or influences.
19) T|e President is ultinately responsiole for t|e actions of t|e entire Executive Branc| of
t|e governnent.
20) W|ile t|e Moon's gravitation is responsiole for t|e overall cycle of t|e tides, t|e Sun's
gravitation is responsiole for t|e difference oetween spring tides and neap tides.
21) Patients' rig|ts groups conplained t|at t|e proposed nedical nalpractice reforn essen!
tially would aosolve doctors of any responsioility for t|eir professional decisions.
responsible/responsibility for
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$ #&#'( #$ )*#+),- .* / 0/12 3"#$ #$ / 45/((/3#6/7 #&#'( 3"/3 &,5#8,$ 95'( 9'5(/7 7'4#6-
:",* 0, $/1 ;'5 ,8,51 <2 =2 0, /5, $/1#*4 3"/3 < #$ $'(, 6/3,4'51 0#3" ()73#>7, (,(?,5$2
and for sone reason (legal or nat|enatical or scientifc or .), we know t|at for eac|
(,(?,5 #* 3"#$ 6/3,4'512 = #$ 35),- @'(,3#(,$ #3 #$ )$,& 3' ,A>5,$$ 5/3#'$ #* / >'>)7/3#'*
("For every 3 people w|o do X, 7 people do Y.")
22) For every |ig| sc|ool oaseoall player w|o eventually rises to a career in t|e Ma|or
B,/4),2 ('5, 3"/* CDE '3",5 "#4" $6"''7 ?/$,?/77 >7/1,5$ *,8,5 4' $' 9/5-
23) Because of t|e doninance of natter over antinatter, at least in our Solar Systen, sone
3",'5,3#6/7 >"1$#6#$3$ &')?3 3"/3 3",5, 35)71 #$ / >'$#35'* 9'5 ,8,51 ,7,635'*-
24) T|e Fundanental T|eoren of lrit|netic states t|at for every natural nunoer, t|e nunF
?,5G$ >5#(, 9/63'5#H/3#'* #$ )*#+),-
for every A, B
Have feedback or questions?
l preposition nust oe followed oy a noun = or oy sonet|ing playing t|e role of a noun. T|is
latter category includes gerunds and suostantive clauses.
1) C|arles Lindoerg| argued against entering World War on t|e side of t|e lllies.
2) T|e CEC state |e was pre|udice against w|oever t|oug|t |is predecessor's SevenPoint
Plan was a sound way to run t|e corporation.
n sentence #1, t|e oo|ect of t|e preposition "against" is a gerund p|rase, and in sentence #2,
t|e oo|ect is a suostantive clause. ncidentally, oot| of t|ese are exenplary of idions involv
ing t|ese prepositions.
T|e preposition "against" |as connotations of conflict and opposition. T|e nost inportant
idions associated wit| "against" are.
!"#$%&'(#& *+*',-.
!"/.#(. 0"/12*+*',-.
*"+%# 3'.42*+*',-.
hght wth/aganst
5'(./"6 /5#"2*+*',-.
Etynologically, t|e word "pre|udice" sinply neans to pre|udge, and t|at pre|udging could
oe favoraole or unfavoraole, out in nodern Englis|, t|e word "pre|udice" carries t|e connota
tion of |aving pre|udged in a way t|at is unfavoraole. T|e nost discussed kind of pre|udice
is racial pre|udice, t|oug| of course one could oe pre|udice aoout nany ot|er issues.
Because of t|e negative connotation, we use t|e preposition "against" wit| "pre|udice."
3) Pre|udiced against s|ort tern securities, s|e only invested in options wit| nore t|an a
year oefore expiration.
the preposition against
prejudiced against
Have feedback or questions?
T|e pair of idions "argue wit|" vs. "argue against" is tricky. f we are speaking aoout t|e
nanner of one's arguing, t|en we always use "wit|".
C) T|e c|arisnatic lawyer always argued |is case wit| trenendous persuasive powers.
f we are discussing t|e idea or cause one opposes, t|en we always use "against."
7) Clenn Could argued against t|e strict necessity for using original instrunents in perfor
nance of Baroque nusic.
8) lt|anasius spent |is life arguing against t|e lrian interpretation of C|ristianity.
f t|e oo|ect of t|e preposition is a person, t|en t|e difference oetween "argue wit| |person|"
vs. "argue against |person|" is suotle. n general, if t|e affliation or oond oetween two people
is stronger t|an t|eir conflict = t|e relations|ip is ongoing, and t|e conflict is tenporary oy
conparison = t|en we would use "wit|" = |usoand & wife argue wit| one anot|er, orot|er
argues wit| sister, student argues wit| teac|er. n general, if t|e conflict is t|e essential
defning feature of t|e relations|ip = if l didn't |ave an argunent wit| B, t|en l would not oe
|ave any relations|ip at all wit| B = t|en we would use "against." T|is is not a
|ardandfast rule, and in sone contexts, eit|er would oe correct.
9) n t|e fanous Scope trial, conservative C|ristian Willian Jennings Bryan argued against
progressive lioertarian lawyer Clarence Darrow.
T|e distinction oetween t|ese two is very nuc| like t|e distinction oetween "argue wit|" vs.
"argue against." We certainly would use "wit|" to descrioe eit|er a quality of t|e fg|ting ("|e
foug|t wit| dignity") or a p|ysical tool used in fg|ting ("|e foug|t wit| orass knuckles"). We
use "against" for any idea or cause or novenent one opposes.
10) !"# %&'( &) *&+,'- depicts Poland's enenies as Muslins, out in reality, at t|e Battle of
Poncevaux Pass, Poland foug|t against Basque C|ristians.
argue with/against
fight with/against
Have feedback or questions?
T|ese two are virtually identical = t|e latter seens sonew|at nore connon in sports
|ournalist. For t|e purposes of CMlT Sentence Correction, oot| victory over and victory
against are correct and inply no discerniole difference in neaning. Bot| are used to descrioe
t|e party or t|ing defeated in t|e victory.
1C) T|e passage of t|e Twenty First lnendnent, repealing t|e Eig|teent|, was a decisive
victory against t|e tenperance novenent.
17) lrising fron |ig|ly controversial ideas aoout t|e p|ysical world, Cuantun Mec|anics
consolidated a clear victory over Classical Mec|anics in t|e 1920s.
11) Tyc|o Bra|e |oped to use |is extensive ooservational data of planetary positions to fg|t
against t|e Copernican systen.
ls wit| "argue", we tend to say "fg|t wit| |a person|" if t|e ongoing relations|ip is nore
enduring and/or nore essential t|an t|e nature of t|e conflict, we tend to say "fg|t against
|a person|" if t|e conflict is t|e prinary node of relating. lgain, t|is is not a strict rule, and in
sone contexts, eit|er would oe correct.
12) n t|e "T|rilla in Manila", on Cctooer 1, 1975, Mu|annad lli's foug|t wit| Joe Frazier for
t|e t|ird and fnal tine.
13) Be|ind closed doors, t|e CFC argued wit| t|e |ead of t|e corporation's legal tean aoout
potential inpact of t|e new policy, out puolicly, t|ey presented a united front of support.
14) n 1942, Ceneral Montgonery was assigned to Nort| lfrica to fg|t against Field Mars|al
Erwin Ponnel, t|e "Desert Fox."
15) lfter t|e Second Triunvirate collapse, Cctavian foug|t against Marc lntony and Cleopa
tra, defeating t|en decisively at t|e Battle of lctiun.
fight with/against
victory over/against
Have feedback or questions?
! #$%#&'()(&* +,') -% .&//&0%1 -2 3 *&,* 4 &$ -2 '&+%)5(*6 #/32(*6 )5% $&/% &. 3 *&,*7 85('
/3))%$ 93)%6&$2 (*9/,1%' 6%$,*1' 3*1 ',-')3*)(:% 9/3,'%'7
;< 85% =>? $%.,'%1 )& %@#%*1 3*2 +&$% 93#()3/ &* '3:(*6 )5% .3(/(*6 1(:('(&*'7
A< B3'5(*6)&* 0%// ,*1%$')&&1 )53) 5(' /&*6C)%$+ ',99%'' (* )5% B3$ &. !+%$(93* D*1%#%*C
1%*9% +(65) 0%// 1%#%*1 &* 05%)5%$ E$3*F/(* 0&,/1 -% 3-/% )& #%$',31% )5% E$%*95 )& G&(* 3'
D* '%*)%*9% H;I )5% &-G%9) &. )5% #$%#&'()(&* J&*K (' 3 6%$,*1 #5$3'%I 3*1 (* '%*)%*9% HAI )5%
&-G%9) (' 3 ',-')3*)(:% 9/3,'%7 D*9(1%*)3//2I -&)5 &. )5%'% 3$% %@%+#/3$2 &. (1(&+' (*:&/:(*6
)5%'% #$%#&'()(&*'7
85% #$%#&'()(&* J&*K /()%$3//2 1%*&)%' )5% ',$.39% ',##&$)(*6 '&+%)5(*6 LJ)5% -&&F (' &* )5%
)3-/%K<I 3*1 +%)3#5&$(93//2I () 93* $%.%$ )& 3 9($9,+')3*9% &$ )5% )&#(9 &. 3 )3/F7
M< ?* .&$+3/ &993'(&*'I )5% 6%*%$3/ 0&$% 5(' 9%$%+&*(3/ '3-%$7
N< !* 39F*&0/%16%1 3,)5&$()2 &* %(65)%%*)5 9%*),$2 /()%$3),$%I )5% #$&.%''&$ 03' 3'F%1 )&
/%31 3 '%+(*3$ &* #&')C+&1%$* #&%)$27
85% )5$%% +&') (+#&$)3*) (1(&+' (*:&/:(*6 J&*K 3$%
!"#$% '(
$)*$(% +,-.$/.'($0/$($1203 '(
%$*$(%# '( +45$,5$13
the preposition on
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$% '( )**+ %,- "."'/ 0 "$ 1)$-. '2 3 /-)2$ 4'5*. *"%-#)**6 /-)2 %,)% 3 "$ %,- 7,6$"8)* ('529
.)%"'2 '2 4,"8, 0 $"%$: ;,"$ "."'/ "$ #)#-*6 5$-. "2 "%$ $%#"8%*6 *"%-#)* $-2$-: <'#- '(%-2+ 3 "$
%,- -=".-28- '# 7,"*'$'7,"8)* 52.-#7"22"2> %,)% $577'#%$ 0:
?@ ;,- $8,-/) '( 752"$,/-2%$ .-$8#"1-. "2 A)2%-B$ !"#$%"& "$ 1)$-. '2 %,- %,-'*'>6 '(
;,'/)$ CD5"2)$:
Sinilarly, t|e idion oased on C, P is a perfectly valid participial nodifer construction. lgain,
3 "$ %,- %,"2> .'"2> %,- $577'#%"2>+ )2. 0 "$ %,- %,"2> $577'#%-.:
C) Based on 25 years of researc| in t|e feld, t|e doctor |ad a |unc| t|at t|e new nedicine
4'5*. 1- $588-$$(5*:
Here, t|e participial p|rase "oased on 25 years of researc| in t|e feld" nodifes t|e noun it
touc|es, t|e noun "doctor" = t|e doctor, in |is capacity as a nedical proolensolver, is
$577'#%-. 16 ,"$ 6-)#$ '( #-$-)#8,: ;,"$ "$ 7-#(-8%*6 8'##-8%:
;,"$ "."'/+ %,'5>,+ "$ 4)2%'2*6 )15$-. "2 8'**'D5")* $7--8,:
!" $%&'( )* +,'-. /)&-*0 .'1).(-*0 %/&+ 2'%.3 +,' +'%4 ()'&*5+ ,%6' % 1,%*1' +,-& 2'%.7
8" $%&'( )* 2)9. :',%6-).3 ; %4 0)-*0 +) <9*-&, 2)97
E'%, '( %,-$- /">,% 1- $)". 8'**'D5")**6+ 1'%, )#- FGGH IJKLM: N2 OP+ %,- %-)/ "$ 2'% $579
ported oy its losing record last year = it would oe far nore accurate to say sonet|ing like
QE-8)5$- %,- %-)/ ,). ) *'$"2> #-8'#. *)$% 6-)#+ 4- $5$7-8% %,)% R:Q ;,- )5%,'#"%)#")2
speaker of #8 is certain not supported oy |is interlocutor's oad oe|avior. lgain, a "oecause"
8*)5$- 4'5*. 1- ()# /'#- )885#)%-:
based on
Have feedback or questions?
!" $ %&'&(%) *( +, -.&( + /) -.& 0*(%/-/*( *1 0/1023)-4(0& -.4- &/-.&1 5/66 466*5 $ -* .4''&(
*1 5/66 4""&0- -.& 7246/-8 *" $9 !( *-.&1 5*1%), :(*5/(; + 5/66 4()5&1 )*3& </-4668 /3'*1-4(-
72&)-/*( 4=*2- $9
>?@ A.& 6*04-/*( *" -.&/1 5&%%/(; 1&0&'-/*( 5/66 %&'&(% *( -.& 5&4-.&19
>B@ C =4)&=466 '648&1D) ./--/(; '1*5&)) %&'&(%) 3*1& *( ./) </)246 4=/6/-/&) -.4( *( 4(8-./(;
!( 3*1& 0*3'6&E )&(-&(0&), &/-.&1 $ *1 + F *1 =*-.G F "1*3 -./) )-120-21& 0*26% =& 4 )2=H
)-4(-/<& 0642)&, 3*)- -8'/04668 =&;/((/(; 5/-. -.& 5*1% I5.&-.&19J
>K@ L/(0*6( "&6- -.4- /))2/(; -.& !"#$%&'#(&)$ +,)%-#"#(&)$ ).*26% %&'&(% *( 5.&-.&1 -.&
C138 *" -.& $*-*340 5*26% =& 4=6& -* %1/<& -.& M*("&%&14-& "*10&) *2- *" N41864(%9
expend... on
A.& <&1= I-* &E'&(%J 3&4(), /( &))&(0&, -.& )43& -./(; 4) -.& <&1= I-* )'&(%9J O.&( 5&
)'&(% *1 &E'&(%, 5& 41& ;/</(; 4548 4 1&)*210& P3*(&8, -/3&, &(&1;8, &-09@ 4(% -.&1&=8
4072/1/(; )*3& ;**%9 !( -.& /%/*3 -* &E'&(% $ *( +, $ /) -.& I'1/0&J, -.& 1&)*210& )'&(- /(
-./) /(-&140-/*(, 4(% + /) -.& ;**% I'210.4)&%J 5/-. -./) &E'&(%/-21&9 A.& (*2( "*13 *" -./)
)43& /%/*3 /) -.& &E'&(%/-21& *" $ *( +9 PQ*1 3*1& *( <&1=H"*13) <)9 (*2(H"*13), )&& -./)
R@ A.& S(/-&% T-4-&) .4) &E'&(%&% *<&1 &/;.-H.2(%1&% =/66/*( %*6641) *( -.& '*)-HRU>> O41
/( !1479
>V@ W4</(; 461&4%8 5*( 4 X*=&6 $1/Y& 4(% ;41(&1&% /(-&1(4-/*(46 "43&, Z/()-&/( &E'&(%&%
t|e last t|ree decades of |is life on an apparently fruitless searc| for a Unifed Field T|eory.
>>@ !( -.& 64-& 1*2(%) *" 4 34-0., 4 ):/66&% =*E&1 5/66 =& '41)/3*(/*2) 5/-. '*5&1"26 '2(0.H
&), '1&"&11/(; (*- -* &E'&(% <4624=6& &(&1;8 *( =6*5) -.4- %*(D- )2=)-4(-/4668 %434;& ./)
depends on
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %&'(&') *+, -+.-/-.0*1 2*)(-31' .'3*, 4'50'+3' 6330)4 .'2'+.4 6+ 7&'(&') *11 )'1'/*+(
36+/')4*(-6+ 1*74 2')8-( -(9
!:# ;67 '*4-1, * +*8' -4 )'8'8<')'. .6'4 +6( .'2'+. 6+ (&' 50*1-(-'4 6= (&*( 2')46+9
!># %&*( * 2')46+ =0+.*8'+(*11, <'1-'/'4 .'2'+.4 40)2)-4-+?1, 1-((1' 6+ &67 803& (&*(
2')46+ &*4 -+ &') <*+@ *3360+(9
!A# ;67 460+.1, * 2')46+ 41''24 6+ *+, ?-/'+ +-?&( .'2'+.4 6+ 7&*( (&*( 2')46+ '*(4 -+
(&' &60)4 -88'.-*('1, <'=6)' )'(-)-+?9
B0<4(*+(-/' 31*04'4 ?*16)'C D&-4 -.-68 1'+.4 -(4'1= 7'11 (6 (&'89
depends on
!"# % &'(
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! #$%#&'()(&* +,') -% .&//&0%1 -2 3 *&,* 4 &$ -2 '&+%)5(*6 #/32(*6 )5% $&/% &. 3 *&,*7 85('
/3))%$ 93)%6&$2 (*9/,1%' 6%$,*1' 3*1 ',-')3*)(:% 9/3,'%'7
;< 85% /&0%$ )3$(..'= 6,3$3*)%%1 -2 )5% 0&$/10(1% )$%3)2= $%',/)%1 (* &#%*(*6 %*)($%/2 *%0
+3$>%)' )& !+%$(93* (+#&$)'7
?< 85% #$%+(,+ &. 3 93// &#)(&* (' *&) 3) 3// 1%)%$+(*%1 -2 5&0 +3*2 &#%* (*)%$%') 9&*)$39)'
&* )53) &#)(&* %@(') 3) 3*2 6(:%* )(+%7
A* '%*)%*9% B;= )5% &-C%9) &. )5% #$%#&'()(&* D(*E (' 3 6%$,*1 #5$3'%= 3*1 (* '%*)%*9% B?= )5%
&-C%9) &. )5% #$%#&'()(&* D-2E (' 3 ',-')3*)(:% 9/3,'%7 A*9(1%*)3//2= -&)5 &. )5%'% 3$% %@%+F
#/3$2 &. (1(&+' (*:&/:(*6 )5%'% #$%#&'()(&*'7
85% #$%#&'()(&* D(*E 1%*&)%' 9&*)3(*(*6 3*1 (*9/,'(&* GD(* 3 -&@D= D(* +2 53*1D= D(* )5(' -&&>D<=
3*1 )5(' 93* -% +%)3#5&$(93//2 %@)%*1%1 )& 6%&6$3#5(9 /&93)(&* GD(* H%$+3*2D<= 3* 3$%3 &.
%+#/&2+%*) GD(* $%)3(/ '3/%'D<= &$ 3* 3931%+(9 1('9(#/(*% GD(* 6%*1%$ '),1(%'D<7 80& (+#&$)3*)
(1(&+' (*:&/:(*6 D(*E 3$%
!"#$%& ()
*(+ ()
T|e frst is easy. T|e vero "to result" idionatically takes t|e preposition "in"
I< !/#53 1%932 $%',/)' (* 3 *,9/%,' 0()5 )0& .%0%$ #$&)&*'7
J< H&$-395%:K' #$&6$3+ &. !"#"$%#&'() ,/)(+3)%/2 $%',/)%1 (* )5% 1(''&/,)(&* &. )5% L&:(%)
the preposition in
idioms involving aid
85(' (' 3 :%$2 )$(9>2 /())/% 0&$17 N5%* D3(1E (' ,'%1 3' 3 :%$-= )5% ',-C%9) (' )5% #%$'&* #$&:(1F
(*6 5%/#= )5% 1($%9) &-C%9) (' )5% #%$'&* 5%/#%1= 3*1 3* D(*E #$%#&'()(&* 93* -% ,'%1 0()5 3
6%$,*1 )& (*1(93)% )5% 39)(:()2 (* 05(95 5%/# 03' &..%$%17
!"# % &'(
Have feedback or questions?
!" $% &'()*'++) ',-.- /'0.) &.(.-,1* ,2 '11.2-,23 1*. $2,4.(),15 67 &,)),)),88,9
:*.2 ;',-< ,) =).- ') ' 26=2> 1*. (.?,8,.21) 67 1*. *.+8 ?'2 @. 6@A.?1) 67 .,1*.( ;16< 6( ;76(<
B;',- 16 (.7=3..)<> ;',- 76( 4,?1,0) 67 1*. -,)')1.(<"9 C3',2> 1*. ;,2< 8(.86),1,62 ,) 76++6D.- @5
' 3.(=2- '2- -.261.) 1*. '?1,4,15 ,2 D*,?* *.+8 ,) 8(64,-.-9
C) His aid in stuffng t|e envelopes was invaluaole.
!"# %&' "&( )* ')+,, )-. ./0.1*2.' 3"' &/0"1+"41.5
E" F*. '3.2?5G) ',- ,2 1('?H,23 -6D2 ;-.'-@.'1 -'-)< )*6=+- 261 @. =2-.(.)1,0'1.-9
F*. 26=2 ;',-< ?'2 @. 76++6D.- @5 ' ;16< 8(.86),1,62 16 ,2-,?'1. ' (.?,8,.21> @=1 ,1 ,) ' 0,)1'H.
to follow "aid" wit| an infnitive. T|is is a classic idionnistake on t|e CMlT.
F*,) 4.(@ ,) =).- ,2 1*. 3.2.('+ 8')),4. ?62)1(=?1,629 F*. ?608+.0.21 67 1*. )1(=?1=(. I
J'?1,4. 4.(@K L ,) L J8')),4. 4.(@K @5 I9
M" N(.- .'1) 1*. 0.'+9 F*. 0.'+ ,) .'1.2 @5 N(.-9
O" P6)165.4)H5 D(61. !"#$% '() *+(#,-$%(.9 /-% 0"1.-%", 2'"'$'314 D') D(,11.2 @5
ls a general rule, t|e CMlT frowns on nost passive constructions for t|e nain vero of t|e
).21.2?.9 Q$F R 261,?. 1*'1 ,7 D. =). 1*. 4.(@ ,2 ,1) 8')1 8'(1,?,8+. 76(0 B,9.9 ;D(,11.2<"> D.
?6=+- -.261. ' )=@A.?1 D,1* ' ;@5< 8(.86),1,62 '2- =). 1*. 8'(1,?,8+. 16 06-,75 ' 26=29 F*,)
is a nuc| nore acceptaole structure on t|e CMlT Sentence Correction.
ST" :(,11.2 @5 P6)165.4)H5> F*. Q(61*.() U'('0'V64 ,) 62. 67 1*. 06)1 8*,+6)68*,?'+ 264.+)
.4.( ?6086).-9
idioms involving aid
!"# % &'(
Have feedback or questions?
Cne vero t|at particularly lends itself to t|e |past participle|"oy"|actor| nodifer structure is
t|e vero "to deternine." f t|e "deternining" is t|e nain fact in a sentence, t|e CMlT would
far prefer to see it in t|e active voice t|an in t|e passive voice = "Moon p|rases deternine
tides", rat|er t|an "Tides are deternined oy Moon p|ases." t's t|e nature of t|is vero,
t|oug|, t|at it's nuc| nore frequently in a nodifying role a conplex CMlTlike sentence =
|ence, its frequent appearance in t|e aforenentioned nodifer structure.
13) Deternined prinarily oy Moon p|ase, ocean tides take on oizarre and idiosyncratic
patterns in enclosed |aroors, suc| as New York Haroor and t|e San Francisco Bay.
14) l |unan is not responsiole for |is face during yout|, a face deternined alnost exclu
sively oy genetics, out arguaoly is responsiole for |is wizened face in old age, a face deter
nined largely oy lifelong enotional patterns.
15) Deternined strictly oy t|e BlackSc|oles nodel, t|e price of a stock option will rise
signifcantly w|en t|e underlying stock enters a period of volatility.
11) Feeling unappreciated oy t|e Pevolutionary lnerican leaders|ip, Benedict lrnold decid
ed to |oin t|e Britis|.
12) T|e "Caprice in l ninor", originally conposed oy Paganini as a virtuoso piece for solo
violin, served as t|e oasis of solo piano works oy Sc|unann and Bra|ns as well as an
extended concert work oy Pac|naninov.
lll of t|ese use nodifers of t|e forn |past participle|"oy"|actor| = clearly, nost active veros
in Englis| could oe plugged into t|is fornula. Two special cases deserve furt|er attention.
deternined oy and fascinated oy.
determined by
!"# % &'(
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Finally, let's sort out tricky idion issue, t|e fascinating issue of t|e vero "to fascinate." ls
wit| all ot|er veros, t|is vero can oe plugged into t|e nodify fornula. |past participle|"oy"|ac
tor|. For t|is vero, t|is is t|e idion fascinated oy. T|is idion, oy itself, is not surprising.
1C) Fascinated oy t|e peculiarities of Duolin, Joyce flled |is novels wit| a nyriads reference
to every corner of t|e city.
t gets trickier w|en we consider t|e noun forn, "fascination." T|e noun "fascination" idion
atically takes t|e preposition "wit|" = fascination wit|. T|is is an inportant case in w|ic|
t|e required idionatic preposition c|anges w|en t|e word c|anges fron vero to noun.
17) l lifelong fascination wit| t|e !"#$ &'(# t|ene |aunts all of Pac|naninov's na|or works.
Bot| fascinated oy and fascination wit| are correct idions, and very predictaole nistake
patterns on t|e CMlT Sentence Corrections are t|ese two wit| t|e prepositions swapped
= "fascinated wit|" and "fascination oy" = oot| 100 incorrect.
fascinated by & fascination with
! #$%#$&''(
Have feedback or questions?
l preposition nust oe followed oy a noun = or oy sonet|ing playing t|e role of a noun.
T|is latter category includes gerunds and suostantive clauses.
1) Most people worry aoout speaking in front of large groups.
2) T|e dictator was surprisingly indifferent towards w|oever criticized |is policies.
n sentence #1, t|e oo|ect of t|e preposition "aoout" is a gerund p|rase, and in sentence #2,
t|e oo|ect of t|e preposition "towards" is a suostantive clause. ncidentally, oot| of t|ese
are exenplary of idions involving t|ese prepositions.
T|e word "indifferent" and its idion indifferent towards are tricky. T|e neaning of t|e word
"indifferent" |as aosolutely not|ing to do wit| t|e neaning of t|e word "different." T|e word
"indifferent" neans "|aving no particular concern, interest, or synpat|y." T|e word can |ave
t|e connotation of "callous, unfeeling", as w|en one is "indifferent towards anot|er's suffer
ing." T|e word also can |ave t|e connotation of |ealt|y oalance and good enotional
ooundaries, as w|en one is "indifferent towards nindless criticisn." T|e noun forn takes
t|e sane preposition. indifference towards. T|is idion lends itself well to suostantive claus
es oeginning wit| "w|et|er" or "|ow".
3) l student indifferent towards t|e niceties of grannar cannot expect to do well on CMlT
Sentence Correction.
4) n t|e Cverland Canpaign, Crant pus|ed relentlessly forward, seeningly indifferent
towards |ow nany nen |e lost.
5) T|e Viet Cong foug|t oitterly for t|ree decades, indifferent towards w|et|er t|eir eneny
was t|e Frenc|, t|e lnericans, or t|e Sout| Vietnanese.
four more prepositions
indifferent/indifference towards
! #$%#$&''(
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %&'( )%&''*+, -. /&0" -01 .&2. 3.( 4#'/ 5&'6, -(-&630-7388* 039#1 0"# :'#:&1-0-&. )3/&20;+
<. #=36:8# %-0" 3 >#'2.( -1 >-4#. -. ?@ 3/&4#, 3.( 0"-1 -(-&6 381& 8#.(1 -01#85 0& 12/103.0-4#
AB !"# 6&'.-.> &5 0"# %#((-.>, 0"# /'-(# %&''-#( 3/&20 0"# %#30"#';
@CB <6#'-73.1 (&.D0 2.(#'103.( :'&/3/-8-0*E :#&:8# %"& 16&9# 3 :379 3 (3* %&''* 3/&20
>#00-.> 10'279 /* 8->"0.-.>F
@@B G.8-9# &0"#' >'#30 <6#'-73. >#.#'381, H#&'># I31"-.>0&. 5'#J2#.08* "3( 0& %&''* 3/&20
%"#0"#' "# %&28( /# 3/8# 0& :3* "-1 8&*38 0'&&:1;
!"-1 -1 3 0'-79* -(-&6; I"#. %# 13* 0& 6&(#8 K 350#' L &' L -1 6&(#8#( 350#' K, L -1 0"# :'&(M
270 &' 7'#30-&. 0"30D1 0"# 5&721 &5 0"# 1#.0#.7#, 3.( 0"-1 7'#30-&. L %31 531"-&.#( %-0" 1&6#
#3'8-#' :'&(270 &' 7'#30-&., K, -. 6-.(; K -1 0"# 6&(#8 &. %"-7" L -1 /31#(;
NB O0; K30'-79D1 P30"#('38 &. Q-50" <4#.2# -. R#% S&'9 -1 6&(#8#( 350#' 0"# P30"#('38 &5
TB U##0"&4#. 6&(#8#( "-1 !"#$% '#()* +*),-$.*, -. P 6-.&', 350#' V&W3'0X1 /012 '#()* +*)3
,-$.*, 381& -. P 6-.&';
YB V3.* Z2'&:#3. -.0#88#70238 83.(63'91, 5'&6 O:-.&W3X1 4."#,5 0& R#%0&.X1 '$#),#6#(, %#'#
6&(#8#( 350#' 0"# '->&'&21 10'2702'# &5 Z278-(X1 47-8-).5;
model after
worry about
! #$%&$'(()
Have feedback or questions?
dated at
T|is is a diffcult construction. Most CMlT takers are faniliar wit| t|e word "date" as a
noun, and prooaoly are faniliar wit| "date" as a vero in t|e sense of an anorous encounter
= a use of t|e word |ig|ly unlikely to appear on t|e CMlT! = out fewer are faniliar wit|
t|e vero "to date" neaning "to deternine t|e date of." T|is usage is connon in acadenic
writing, and t|erefore is connon on t|e CMlT. n t|e idions to date P at C and P is dated at
C, P is t|e |istorical event or oo|ect, and C is always quite specifcally a tine = eit|er a year
or period or anyt|ing else t|at indicated age.
12) Following connents oy Herodotus, nany |istorians date Honer at 7t| or 8t| centuries
13) Current evidence suggests t|e !"#$%&' is t|e oldest oook in t|e world. it descrioes astro!
nonical events dated at 4000 BCE.
14) Paleoant|ropologists deoate w|et|er |unan control of fre can oe dated at 400,000
years ago, t|e age of t|e ()*) %,%-./0.
!"#$"%&' )*+$",-.-"&,
Have feedback or questions?
l preposition nust oe followed oy a noun = or oy sonet|ing playing t|e role of a noun. T|is
latter category includes gerunds and suostantive clauses.
1) Prior to conposing t|e early nasterpiece !"# %&'"(")*" +,&&-)*"#, Wagner conposed a
few secondrate operas t|at critics today would consider |ardly wort|y of |in.
2) lccording to w|oever wrote t|ese inane instructions, we cannot conplete t|e papier
nac|e |ouse wit|out a lat|e!
n sentence #1, t|e oo|ect of t|e preposition "prior to" is a gerund p|rase, and in sentence #2,
t|e oo|ect of t|e preposition "according to" is a suostantive clause. ncidentally, oot| of
t|ese are exenplary of idions involving t|ese prepositions.
T|ese seven are t|e nost connon conpound prepositions in t|e Englis| language.
!""#$%&'( *#
!+ #,
-."/0+. #,
1'+*./% #,
2.3* *#
40* #,
5$&#$ *#
To sone extent it is a natter of deoate w|et|er sone of t|en are "conpound prepositions"
= for exanple, "prior" is an ad|ective, so if we were to say "P is prior to C", is t|at an ad|ective
preposition or a conpound preposition oefore C? lnow t|at grannatical purists nay
deoate suc| t|ings. Because t|e answer to suc| questions doesn't inpinge at all on prepar
ing for t|e CMlT Sentence Correction, an |ust going to plow forward treating all seven as
conpound prepositions. will explain a oit aoout t|e usage of eac|. will not discuss t|ird,
t|e idion "oecause of", oecause t|at is treated in its own section on pg. 4C.
compound prepositions
!"#$"%&' )*+$",-.-"&,
Have feedback or questions?
T|is is a very specifc idion. t is used to indicate t|e tine of sone inportant transition.
T|e oo|ect is always a tine of sone kind. T|e oo|ect could oe a suostantive clause oegin!
ning wit| "w|en" or "w|enever", alt|oug| t|is sonew|at unusual construction is unlikely to
appear on t|e CMlT.
3) ls of July 1, 1997, Hong long |as oeen fully a part of t|e People's Pepuolic of C|ina.
4) ls of next Wednesday, our stores will no longer carry Eridanus products.
5) ls of w|enever s|e returns fron work, we will start t|e party.
according to
T|is structure is used alnost always to cite an aut|ority of sone kind, eit|er a person
"according to lristotle"
"according to Margarette"
or an aut|oritative oody
"according to t|e Pussian Crt|odox C|urc|"
"according to t|e Cpra| Magazine"
or a discipline or oody of knowledge
"according to Cuantun C|ronodynanics"
"according to t|e BlackSc|oles nodel"
T|e oo|ect of t|is preposition always |as to oe soneone or sonet|ing t|at could issue an
opinion or support a position of sone kind. Most often, t|is will oe a sinple noun, suc| as
t|e ones cited in t|is paragrap|, out t|e oo|ect could oe a relative clause indicating an
unknown or indefnite suo|ect, as in exanple #2 aoove.
as of
!"#$"%&' )*+$",-.-"&,
Have feedback or questions?
instead of
!"# %&'()&('#% *+,%&#-. /01 -,. *+, 23-)# /01 4#-, #%%#,&+-335 &"# %-4# &"+,6 -,. -'# +,&#'7
)"-,6#-83#9 !"#/'#&+)-335: &"# %&'()&('# *; +,%&#-. /0 <1 =/(3. 8# )/''#)& +0 ; > < =#'#
%+423# ,/(,%9 !52+)-3 4+%&-?#% +,@/3@+,6 *+,%&#-. /01 (%# &"# %&'()&('# *; +,%&#-. /0 <1 &/
)/,&'-%& 2'#2/%+&+/,-3 2"'-%#% /' 3-'6#' 6'-44-&+)-3 )/,%&'()&+/,%9
A-B !"#%# )//?+#% -'# %=##&#,. =+&" )+&'(% C(+)#% +,%&#-. /0 =+&" )-,# %(6-'9
!"-& %#,&#,)# =+33 -3=-5% 8# )/,%+.#'#. +,)/''#)& /, &"# DE;! F#,&#,)# G/''#)&+/,9
A8B !"#%# )//?+#% -'# %=##&#,#. =+&" )+&'(% C(+)#% '-&"#' &"-, =+&" )-,# %(6-'9
!"# DE;! 3/@#% &/ )/,&'-%& -, +,)/''#)& *+,%&#-. /01 %&'()&('# =+&" - )/''#)& *'-&"#' &"-,1
%&'()&('#9 !"# %&'()&('# *+,%&#-. /01 %##4% ,#@#' &/ -22#-' /, &"# DE;! +, +,%&-,)#% +,
="+)" &"+% %&'()&('# =/(3. 8# )/''#)&9
next to
H+&#'-335: &"+% %&'()&('# +,.+)-&#% 2"5%+)-3 -.C-)#,)5I *&"# 3-=,4/=#' +% ,#J& &/ &"# %"#.91
!"+% (%# +% 6'-44-&+)-335 )/''#)&: 8(& +& +% &52+)-335 &// %+423# &/ -22#-' /, &"# DE;! F#,7
&#,)# G/''#)&+/,9
K, )/33/L(+-3 ;4#'+)-, M,63+%": &"# )/,%&'()&+/, *,#J& &/1 +% (%#. -% - %5,/,54 0/' *)/47
2-'#. &/91
N-B O#J& &/ P-5.,: E/Q-'& "-. - '#3-&+@#35 %4-33 /(&2(& -% - )/42/%#'9
!"-& =+33 -3=-5% 8# )/,%+.#'#. &// )-%(-3 -,. +,0/'4-3: -,. ,#@#' =+33 8# )/''#)& /, &"#
N8B G/42-'#. &/ P-5.,: E/Q-'& "-. - '#3-&+@#35 %4-33 /(&2(& -% - )/42/%#'9
!"# )/42-'#. &/ %&'()&('# +% &"# 2'/2#' %&'()&('# 0/' %()" )/42-'+%/,%9
!"#$"%&' )*+$",-.-"&,
Have feedback or questions?
out of
Literally, t|is construction indicated spatial novenent fron sonet|ing enclosed or interior to
a wider expanse = "out of lfrica", "out of t|e University of Minnesota", "out of t|e ooon
docks." Many of t|ese statenents are too colloquial and casual for t|e CMlT.
T|is construction is also used colloquially to denote "lacking", as in "out of gas", "out of
oreat|", "out of |is nind." T|ese constructions will never appear on t|e CMlT.
T|e words "out of" can oe used to denote ratios = "Seven out of ten enployees said ." W|ile
slig|tly nore fornal t|an t|e ot|er forns of "out of", even t|is is quite unlikely to appear on
t|e CMlT sentence correction.
prior to
T|e words "prior to" nean "oefore", out t|ere is a oig difference. T|e words "prior to" func
tion only as a preposition = t|e oo|ect can only oe a noun or sonet|ing functioning as a
noun (gerund or suostantive clause). By contrast, t|e word "oefore" can function as a prepo
sition, followed oy a noun, or as a suoordinate con|unction, followed oy a full |noun| |vero|
clause. BEWlPE = t|e CMlT doesn't approve of structure |preposition||noun||participial
p|rase| = t|e CMlT doesn't like trying to cran t|at nuc| action into a prepositional
p|rase. f you want to talk aoout t|at nuc| action, use a full |noun| |vero| clause, not |ust a
preposition. llso, note. wit| sinple clock tines or tines of day, t|e word "oefore" sounds
nore natural, and t|e p|rase "prior to" sounds artifcial.
8) Before dawn every day, t|e colonel would |og fve niles.
T|e words "prior to" would sound awkward in t|is sentence. n t|e following sentences,
notice t|e suotle c|anges oetween t|e paired sentences.
9a) Before |e was 20 years, Mozart was renowned as a virtuoso perforner and an accon
plis|ed conposer.
!"#$"%&' )*+$",-.-"&,
Have feedback or questions?
prior to
!"# %&'(& )( *'+ ),-.)'-)* /-0&1 2(30&) ,0+ &-.(,.-4 0+ 0 5'&)6(+( 7-&8(&9-& 0.4 0. 0::(9;
7<'+*-4 :(97(+-&=
>?0# @-8(&- 2-<5'<<- 76"<'+*-4 *'+ 90A.69 (76+1 !"#$ &'(), |e |ad oeen fnancially suc;
:-++86< ,')* 0 :(67<- +90<<-& .(5-<+=
>?"# %&'(& )( 76"<'+*'.A *'+ 90A.69 (76+1 !"#$ &'()* Melville was fnancially successful
,')* 0 :(67<- +90<<-& .(5-<+=
B+ <(.A 0+ )*- +6"C-:) (8 )*- D"-8(&-E :<06+- 0.4 )*- +6"C-:) (8 )*- 90'. :<06+- 0&- (.- 0.4
)*- +09-1 )*- :(.+)&6:)'(. D7&'(& )(E F GA-&6.4H :0. "- 6+-4= I*-. )*-+- ),( +6"C-:)+ 0&-
4'88-&-.)1 )*(6A*1 7&("<-9+ 0&'+-=
>>0# @-8(&- J*0:K<-)(. :(6<4 9(6.) 0 +-:(.4 B.)0&:)': -L7-4')'(.1 M(0<4 B96.4+-.
oecane t|e frst person to reac| t|e Sout| Pole.
>>"# %&'(& )( J*0:K<-)(. 9(6.)'.A 0 +-:(.4 B.)0&:)': -L7-4')'(.1 M(.0<4 B96.4+-. "-:09-
t|e frst person to reac| t|e Sout| Pole.
- -
Have feedback or questions?
By itself, t|e word "oecause" is a suoordinate con|unction. W|at does t|at nean? t neans,
t|is word opens a suoordinate clause. l suoordinate clause, like any clause, nust |ave a
conplete |noun| |vero| structure wit|in it, like a ninisentence. in fact, if you drop t|e suoor
dinate con|unction, t|e rest of t|e suoordinate clause s|ould oe aole to stand alone as a
sentence. Furt|ernore, t|e fact t|at t|is clause is suoordinate (i.e. dependent) neans t|ere
nust oe anot|er nain, independent clause providing t|e neatandpotatoes of t|e sentence.
T|e general outline of a sentence involving t|e word "oecause" nig|t oe.
"Because" |suo. noun| |suo. vero|, |nain noun| |nain vero|.
Cf course, all kinds of ad|ectives, adveros, and ot|er nodifes can oe added to t|is structure.
T|e |suo. noun| |suo. vero| provide t|e structure of t|e suoordinate clause = and could
stand on t|eir own as a conplete sentence. T|e sentence as a w|ole depends on t|e |nain
noun| |nain vero| as its core structure. For exanple,
2) Because teenagers are insatiaoly |ungry, t|eir parents are always ouying food.
Notice t|at t|e |noun| |vero| wit|in t|e suoordinate clause, "teenagers are insatiaoly
|ungry", could work as its own sentence. t|at's a great trick to test a clause on t|e CMlT
Sentence Correction. Nevert|eless, in t|is context, "t|eir parents" is t|e nain suo|ect and
"are . ouying" is t|e nain vero.
T|e words "oecause of" is a preposition. Prepositions are designed to oe followed oy only a
noun = "oecause of t|e rain", "oecause of t|e parade", "oecause of t|e c|ild's tenper
tantrun", etc. T|e oo|ect of t|is or any preposition can oe a gerund or gerund p|rase =
"oecause of waiting for t|e senator", "oecause of linited parking", "oecause of |aving eaten
out every nig|t t|is week", etc. T|at last exanple is getting to t|e linit of |ow nuc| action,
|ow nuc| story, t|e CMlT likes to pack inside a prepositional p|rase.
because of
- -
Have feedback or questions?
Cn t|e Sentence Correction, t|e CMlT is adanantly opposed to t|e following structure.
|preposition| |noun| |participle|
Even t|oug| t|is could oe grannatically correct in a tec|nical sentence, nany would oe
likely to fnd t|is in poor taste, and for CMlT Sentence Correction purposes, t|is is 100
Exanple "Because of t|e President going to Myannar ." WPCNC!
ls far as t|e CMlT is concerned, t|is is |ust too nuc| action, too nuc| story, for a preposi
tion to |andle. f you are going to |ave oot| an action and t|e person/agent perforning t|e
action, t|en w|at you need is a clause, not nerely a prepositional p|rase.
because of
practice question
Having read t|is section, take anot|er look at t|e practice sentence aoove oefore reading t|e
explanation oelow. Here's anot|er practice Sentence Correction question involving t|is
We |ave an actor & an action, so a preposition is not enoug|. we need a full |noun| |vero|
clause, w|ic| neans we need t|e suoordinate con|unction "oecause". T|e frst two, wit| t|e
preposition "oecause of", are wrong. C|oice (C) involves t|e nissing vero nistake = |aving
a |noun| |participle| in place of |noun| |vero|. Cnly (D) & (E) |ave "oecause" |noun|
|vero|. C|oice (E) involves a very strange tense. t|e past perfect progressive = t|is is not at
all required oy or appropriate to t|e context. T|us, t|e only possiole correct answer is (D).
!"#$%& #()$*)#(+ ,-&,
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$ &$"'()*)+ (,("'- .").*$) +/* 012 0* +/()3 14"#+ "$ &*$.*(5* -"'*+/()67
dehne A as B
regard A as B
thnk of A as B
vew A as B
8) 199 :"#$ ": +/*-*; < (- +/* "4=*.+ ": .")+*'&91+("); +/* 9(+*$19 $*:*$*).*; 1), > (- +/* (,*1 "$
5(*0 0* 1++$(4#+* +" (+? @/* 91-+ +/$** ": +/*-* 1$*; *--*)+(1992; -2)")2'"#-?
AB !"# %#&'()* %'+,'-./01 defnes a "oore" as "l person w|o talks w|en you wis| |in to
CB D91,('($ E"$"0(+F $*61$,*, G5(1+"-915 H(./+*$ 1- +/* 6$*1+*-+ ": +/* H#--(1) &(1)(-+-?
IB J#/1''1, <9( +/"#6/+ ": /*1520*(6/+ ./1'&(") K1.3 K"/)-") 1- +/* &$*,*.*--"$ 0(+/
0/"' /* /1, +/* '"-+ () ."''")?
LB J(9(+1$2 /(-+"$(1)- 5(*0 M1+/1)1*9 N$**)* 1- ")* ": 6$*1+*-+ <'*$(.1) 6*)*$19-; 1), 2*+
+/* &#49(. 3)"0- )*O+ +" )"+/()6 14"#+ /('?
n t|is collection of idions, t|e word "as" is used to denote t|e role of a person or t|e use of
1) "4=*.+?
apprentceshp as
work as
use as
empIoy as
For t|e frst idion, see SC #135 in t|e CC13. n oot| of t|e next two idions, t|e words
"work" and "use" can oe used as eit|er nouns or veros. (T|at's a quite selfreferential sen
cognitive idioms
idioms of role
!"#$%& #()$*)#(+ ,-&,
Have feedback or questions?
5) l 17yearold Ben|anin Franklin ran away fron Boston, and went to P|iladelp|ia, looking
for work as a printer's aide.
C) Would a free weig|t work well as a |anner?
7) Einstein's revolutionary insig|t was to use t|e equivalence of inertial franes as t|e oasis
of |is new paradign.
8) T|e senator agreed wit| t|e court's oasic ruling, out oo|ected to its use as a political
criticisn of t|e current adninistration.
9) n 1723, t|e city of Leipzig enployed Jo|ann Seoastian Bac| as Cantor, or nusic naster,
of t|e city's sc|ool and c|urc|es, a position |e |eld until |is deat| in 1750.
10) Did you know you can enploy a suostantive clause as t|e oo|ect of a prepositional
T|e word "as" is used extensively in conparisons. Cne particular construction nerits spe
cial nention.
!"#$ &' ( "! &' )
11) W|ile ot|er nannals lack t|e cognitive capaoilities associated wit| t|e |unan cereoral
cortex, all nannals |ave a linoic systen, t|erefore fundanental enotions are t|e sane to
ot|er nannals as to |unans.
T|e idion so as to is roug|ly a synonyn of so t|at = oot| are used to discuss t|e purpose
of an action.
12) Like Hannioal and C|arlenagne oefore |in, Napoleon crossed t|e llps so as to invade
taly oy land fron t|e nort|.
idioms of role
a comparisons idiom
!"#$ &#'( )(*)#+,-,#"+
Have feedback or questions?
You know your idions, rig|t? You've studied a list=indeed you've veritaoly pored over it (not
pored t|roug| it!)=so you can distinguis|, wit| t|e unerring eye of a seasoned grannarian,
t|e nuances of (or was t|at in?) idion usage. T|en, in t|e nidst of a question and a flurry of
words, you olank out.
t is w|at call list lull=t|e tendency for your orain to oe lulled to sleep oy an seeningly
endless series of words followed (or not followed) oy a preposition, and for you to oe lulled oy
t|e false conplacency t|at you |ave learned t|e proper idionatic construction. For w|en you
open t|e Cffcial Cuide, you are suddenly stynied, !"# %& "&&'%()&*+ &, ,' "&&'%()&*+ %-? (t's
t|e latter).
To see if you truly know your idions, 've concocted a nasty little quiz. Below are four sen
tences, eac| containing several idions. You |ave to c|oose w|ic| idion of t|e two (or t|ree)
is correct. Sonetines neit|er will oe correct. Ct|er tines oot| will oe correct.
Donning ny nat| |at. f a sentence tests four idions, and t|ere are four different possioili
ties, t|e c|ances of guessing correctly are 1 in 25C. So if you can answer all fve correct
ly.well, you |ave a knack for (not towards!) idions. Cood luck!
1. T|e governnent !"#$""!%!"#$""! '()' anyone w|o dared '* +$"),%+$"),-./ t|e curfew
oe |eld accountaole *.%0*$ t|eir !-1$"/)$! *0%!-1$"/)$!-./ t|e law.
2. lttriouting t|e unprecedented droug|t '*%'*2)$!1 c|anges in t|e solar cycle, t|e researc|
tean failed to )##*3.' 0*$%')," )##*3.' *0 t|e influence of any terrestrial culprits, nanely
our destruction -.%*0 rainforests and our unoridled consunption -.%*0 gasoline.
3. Prone -.%'* nistaking natural c|ild|ood inpulsivity )1%0*$ attention defcit disorder (lDD),
c|ild|ood psyc|ologists are notorious -.%0*$ overnedicating c|ildren, creating a lifelong
dependency *.%'*2)$!1 certain nedications.
4. 4* #-'"%#-'-./ t|e proliferation of snart p|ones as one of t|e c|ief #)31"1 *0%#)31"1 0*$
student inattention, nany |ig| sc|ools are cracking down *.%35*. t|e 31" *0%31" -. |and
|eld devices oy $"63-$-./ '()'%$"63-$-./ students to 13+7-'%13+7-' '* a netal detection test.
1. decreed t|at, oot|, for, disregard of
2. to, account for, of, of
3. to, for, for, on
4. Citing, oot|, on, use of, requiring, suonit to
!"#$%&' $)&
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$% '()' *"+,-#" ./0-/-'-1"%
Have feedback or questions?
T|e infnitive forns of veros are t|e "dictionary forn" of t|e vero, t|e forn you would fnd if
you looked t|e vero up in a standard dictionary. We construct t|e infnitive as follows. "to"
|t|e infnitive forn|. For alnost every vero in Englis|, t|e infnite forn is identical to t|e
present tense of t|e vero, w|at we would use after t|e pronoun "" in t|e present tense =
walk, eat, listen = t|ese oecone t|e infnitives. to walk, to eat, to listen. T|e only vero for
w|ic| t|e infnitive forn is wildly different fron any of t|e present tense forns is t|e nost
irregular vero in t|e entire language. t|e vero "to oe", wit| present test forns an/is/are.
T|e infnitive itself acts as a noun in a sentence. Nevert|eless, since t|e infnitive is t|e forn
of a vero, it can take adveros & direct oo|ects. W|en we attac| all t|ese ot|er forns to t|e
infnitive, we create an infnitive p|rase.
the infinitive
Certain Englis| veros idionatically denand t|e infnitive. t|at is to say, t|e only grannatical
ly correct construction t|at can follow t|en is an infnitive or an infnitive p|rase. Here are a
few inportant exanples of t|ese veros.
! !""#$ l to do X
! %&##'( to do X
! )(%*)( to do X
! +#,-*) l to do X
! .(,'/!)( l to do X
! 0,1 to do X
Notice, t|ose six veros are all aoout volition and intention. T|ese veros are connon in
Englis|, and connon on t|e CMlT Sentence Correction. T|e CMlT wants you to know
t|ese idions. eac| one of t|ese six veros nust |ave an infnitive, and it is an idion nistake
to follow t|en wit| anyt|ing else = " persuaded |er into .", " foroid |in fron doing .."
=all autonatically incorrect.
verbs + infinitives
!"#$% '()' *"+,-#" ./0-/-'-1"%
Have feedback or questions?
T|ere are a few ot|er constructions t|at require t|e infnitive
T|e words !"#$ & !"%#%&'( T|e word "aole" is an ad|ective, and t|e corresponding noun forn
is "aoility." Bot| of t|ese nust oe followed oy an infnitive or infnitive p|rase. T|is is an
idion t|e CMlT Sentence Correct loves to test. Connon nistake patterns involve t|e word
"aoility" followed oy sone ot|er preposition and t|en a gerund. "t|e aoility for doing X", "t|e
aoility of doing X" = all incorrect!
T|e ad|ective )$#*+&!,&. T|is ad|ective idionatically takes t|e infnitive. e.g. " was reluctant
to do X." ls wit| "aoility", any ot|er preposition a gerund is wrong!
T|e idion "%, .)/$) &. /. 0". t|is is an idionatically correct way to descrioe t|e purpose or
intention or goal of one's action. For exanple. "T|e independent investor puolis|ed a series
of scat|ing articles aoout t|eir nanagenent procedures in order to s|ortsell t|at conpany."
T|e structure descrioes a frst action undertaken (|ere, puolis|ing t|e articles) in order to
oring out a second less oovious result or consequence (s|ortselling t|e conpany). You are
expect to understand t|is idion on t|e CMlT, and you are expect to recognize t|is as correct
and ot|er variants (e.g. "in order t|at |e could .") incorrect.
other words + infinitives
lnot|er vero t|at requires special nention is t|e vero "to 1!,&." n nost constructions you
are likely to see on t|e CMlT, t|is vero also idionatically takes an infnitive. Following t|e
vero "want" wit| a "t|at"clause is always wrong on t|e CMlT. Cne alternate acceptaole
construction is w|at is called an "oo|ect conplenent". t|e structure of t|is forn is "want"
|direct oo|ect| |ad|ective|. For exanple.
T|e s|eriff wanted t|e oandit dead.
T|e CFC wants t|e overseas division solvent oefore t|e end of t|e year.
T|is is a connon forn in casual speec|, and t|ere's an off c|ance it could appear on a
CMlT Sentence Correct in t|e future. n ot|er words, don't autonatically discount t|e vero
"want" if it is not followed oy an infnitive. it could oe an "oo|ect conplenent."
verbs + infinitives
!"#$% '()' *"+,-#" ./0-/-'-1"%
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$% '() *+,'+- ./'0%"%
Have feedback or questions?
First of all, a "t|at" clause nust |ave a full |noun||vero| structure, a structure t|at could
stand on its own as a sentence. Sonetines "t|at" is pronoun (as in t|e previous sentence)
and serves as t|e suo|ect of t|e clause, out as t|e oo|ect of "t|inking" or "arguing" veros, t|e
word "t|at" introduces a suostantive clause, w|ic| |as its own suo|ect after t|e word t|at.
lgain, in suostantive clause, w|at follows t|e "t|at" could oe a standonitown sentence in
its own rig|t.
1a) He oelieves t|at t|e Mets will |ave a winning record in 2013.
1o) T|e Mets will |ave a winning record in 2013.
Pegardless of w|et|er you agree wit| t|e content, w|at follows t|e word "t|at" functions as
a full grannatically correct sentence on its own.
basics of that clauses
l. !"#$$#%& $() *!+, -$(.$/
n colloquial speec|, t|e word "t|at" is dropped all t|e tine. " t|ink it's going to rain." "
douot |e's coning." "S|e clains |e is not t|e oest for t|e |oo." Cf course, t|ose topics are
also infornal, out even at t|e level of grannar, t|ese sentences would oe incorrect on t|e
CMlT Sentence Correction, oecause t|ey onit t|e word "t|at" oetween t|e vero and t|e
B. use oI the infnitive instead oI the "that" clause
T|is is less connon, out |eard sonetines. " know |er to oe |onest." " t|ink Mooy Dick to
oe t|e greatest lnerican novel." T|is is used enoug| in speec| (especially oy folks trying to
sound fancy) to sound plausiole. Don't oe fooled. T|is is also 100 wrong as a suostitute
for "t|at" clause following one of t|ese veros.
!"#$% '() *+,'+- ./'0%"%
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$ &' ($) '&**&+,-. /)012 ,3,&4"(,#"**5 ("6)2 " 7($"(8 #*"92): " 2912("-(,/) #*"92): "2 ,(2
3,0)#( &1;)#(< =&0 "** &' ($)2): 30&>>,-. ($) 7($"(8 +&9*3 1) #&-2,3)0)3 ,-#&00)#( &- ($) ?@AB<
For all of t|ese except "oelieve", t|e infnitive is also incorrect.
!"#$% '(!'
believe that
claim that
conclude that
contend that
)*$+' '(!'
hold that
predict that
,$##%,' '(!'
'(-./ '(!'
C&4) )D"4>*)2E
FG B$) *"+5)0 #*",4)3 ($"( $,2 #*,)-( +"2 &9( &' ($) #&9-(05 '&0 ($"( )-(,0) +))6<
HG B$) B$)&05 &' I)*"(,/,(5 >0)3,#()3 ($"( -&($,-. +,($ 4"22 #&9*3 (0"/)* "2 '"2( "2 ($) 2>))3
&' *,.$(<
JG B$) $,2(&0,"- "0.9)3 ($"( A'.$"-,2("- +"2 4&0) " K9".4,0) '&0 ($) C&/,)( L-,&- ($"-
M,)(-"4 +"2 '&0 ($) L-,()3 C("()2<
B$) /)01 71)*,)/)8 #"- "*2& ("6) "- &1;)#( +,($ ($) ,3,&4"(,# >0)>&2,(,&- 7,-8
NG O90) P"-3 Q933$,2(2 1)*,)/) ,- 2"*/"(,&- ($0&9.$ 0)>)(,(,&- &' ($) -"4) &' ($) A4,3"
Unlike t|e ot|ers on t|e list, t|e vero "oelieve" can legally and legitinately take t|e infnitive.
RG S&-2>,0"#5 ($)&0,)2 1)*,)/) O&>) T&$- O"9* U (& $"/) 1))- 4903)0)3: >&22,1*5 ,- #&--)#V
(,&- +,($ ($) "''",02 &' Q"-#& A410&2,"-&<
!"#$% '() *+,'+- ./'0%"%
Have feedback or questions?
T|e word "predict" also can take an ordinary noun as a direct oo|ect.
7) SU5 Crand Unifed T|eory predicted proton decay.
8) T|e analyst predicted a stock narket cras| oy t|e end of t|e year.
T|ese two veros require special nention.
!""#$% '(!'
reveal that
Bot| of t|ese take t|at clauses, like t|e ones aoove, and for oot| of t|ese, oot| colloquialisn
would oe incorrect on t|e CMlT. But, oot| of t|ese can also include a person, a recipient of
t|e news, as an oo|ect.
T|e word "assure" takes an ordinary direct oo|ect as t|e recipient, along wit| t|e "t|at"
9) T|e CFC assured t|e Board of Trustees t|at t|e conpany would renain solvent t|roug|
t|e end of t|e calendar year.
T|e vero "reveal" can |ave only w|at is revealed as an oo|ect, or it can also include a recipi
ent, following t|e preposition "to", t|e person or group to w|on sonet|ing is reveals. T|is is
conplicated oy t|e fact t|at w|at is reveals could oe a full t|at clause or a sinple noun as a
direct oo|ect, and eit|er of t|ese can oe acconpanied oy a "to" preposition p|rase for t|e
recipient. Here are exanples of t|e variations.
10) Leeuwen|oek's inprovenents to t|e nicroscope revealed t|e existence of individual
oiological cells.
two more verbs
!"#$% '() *+,'+- ./'0%"%
Have feedback or questions?
T|e fnal vero, "to ask", requires special treatnent. ronically, unlike t|e ot|ers, |ere t|e
ordinary infnitive construction is legal. T|e p|rase !" $%& !" '" ( )*+,)-% !.$! !.- %/01-2! "3
!.- %-4!-42- )% 5-6/-%!)47 +-5*)%%)"4 !" '" (8 9.),- !.- +.5$%- !" $%& : !" '" ( )*+,)-% !.$!
!.- %/01-2! .$% %"*- +5);),-7- "5 $/!."5)!< ";-5 :8 $4' !.- %/01-2! 9$4!% : !" '" (=
>?@ A.- %!/'-4! $%&-' !" ,-$;- %2."", -$5,<=
>B@ A.- !-$2.-5 $%&-' !.- %!/'-4! !" 95)!- !.- $4%9-5 "4 !.- 0"$5'=
C- 2$4 $,%" /%- $ D!.$!E 2,$/%- 9)!. !.- ;-50 D!" $%&E8 0/! .-5-8 !.- D!.$!E 2,$/%-8 !.- "01-2! "3
!.- 5-6/-%!8 )% +.5$%-' )4 !.- %/01/42!);-=
>F@ A.- !-$2.-5 $%&-' !.$! !.- %.-,;-% "4 !.- %)'- "3 !.- 5""* 0- &-+! 2,-$5=
>G@ H)5 I2!"5 $%&-' !.$! J)47 K5!./5 2.""%- .)% .$,3L05"!.-5 J$<8 I2!"5M% %"48 $% .)% %-4-L
>N@ A.- O"47,- I*+-5"58 )4 ,$/42.)47 $4 )4!-54$!)"4$, !5)0/!- *)%%)"4 $25"%% ,$4' $4' 9$!-58
-%%-4!)$,,< 9$% $%&)47 !.$! !.- 9.",- 9"5,' $2&4"9,-'7- P.)4$ $% !.- %/+5-*- 4$!)"4=
>>@ H-4$!"5 Q2P$5!.< 5-3/%-' !" 5-;-$, !" P"475-%% !.- $2!/$, 4$*-% "3 !.- D&4"94 2"*L
*/4)%!%E 9."* .- $,,-7-' 9-5- 9"5&)47 )4 !.- H!$!- R-+$5!*-4!=
>S@ T4 SUUV8 1"/54$,)%! W"0-5! X";$& +/0,)2$,,< 5-;-$,-' )4 .)% 2",/*4 !.$! Y$,-5)- :,$*- 9$%
$ 2";-5! PTK "+-5$!);-8 !.-5-0< 5/)4)47 .-5 2$5--5 $% $ %+<=
13) T|e fnal witness revealed to t|e |ury t|at all of t|e previous witnesses were |eavily
)4!"Z)2$!-' $! !.- !)*- "3 !.- 25)*-=
two more verbs
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$ &# &'$( ' )*+,-./$'(# 01'*)# (, /$./0'(# ("# 2*-2,)# ,- /$(#$(/,$ ,3 ),4# '0(/,$5 ("'(
01'*)# 0'$ +#6/$ &/(" ("# &,-.) 7), ("'(8 ,- 7), ') (,89 :#-# '-# ' 0,*21# #;'421#)<
=> ? &#$( /$(, (,&$ ), ("'( ? 0,*1. )## @'-0/' +#3,-# )"# 1#3(9
A> ? &#$( /$(, (,&$ ), ') (, )## @'-0/' +#3,-# )"# 1#3(9
B,(" ,3 (",)# '-# 2#-3#0(1C 0,--#0(9 ?$ ("/) /$)('$0#5 ("# )#0,$. /) )1/6"(1C )",-(#-5 ), /( &,*1.
+# 4'-6/$'11C 2-#3#-'+1#5 '1(",*6" ("# D@EF GH &/11 $#I#- ')J C,* (, 0,42'-# (&, 0,$)(-*0K
tions as sinilar as t|is. Notice, t|e second forn, "so as to", is slig|tly nore effcient w|en t|e
'0(,- /$ ("# /$.#2#$.#$( 01'*)# /) ("# )'4# ') ("# '0(,- /$ ("# )*+,-./$'(# 01'*)#9 !"'( /3
(",)# (&, '0(,-) '-# ./33#-#$(L
M> ? 1#$( N,+#-( 4C 0'-5 ), ("'( "# 0,*1. .-/I# (, (,&$ '$. )## @'-0/' +#3,-# )"# 1#'I#)9
O> ? 1#$( N,+#-( 4C 0'-5 ), ') (, '11,& "/4 (, .-/I# (, (,&$ '$. )## @'-0/' +#3,-# )"# 1#'I#)9
E6'/$5 +,(" '-# 0,--#0(5 '1(",*6" $,& ("# )#0,$. 0,$)(-*0(/,$ ),*$.) ' +/( (,, &,-.C '$.
/$./-#0(9 E6'/$5 ("# D@EF GH &/11 $,( "'I# C,* 0,42'-# (&, )#$(#$0#) ("/) 01,)#9 F"#
CMlT defnitely does not like t|is variation at all.
! #$%& '%&( &(#% )( ! *(+,- )$$ ./0*'/ 1$2(0$ )3$ ,$2&4
F"# &,-. 7("'(85 ,- ("# &,-.) 7') (,85 '-# $##.#. /$ ("/) 0,$)(-*0(/,$9 G#$(#$0# PQ 0,*1. +#
'$ /$0,--#0( '$)&#- 0",/0#5 0,42'-#. (, #/("#- P= ,- PA '+,I#9
clauses of purpose
F"# &,-. 7),8 0'$ +# *)#. ') '$ '.I#-+ /$(#$)/3C/$6 ("# .#6-## ,3 ' $,*$9
R> S,0'(#. ,$ ,$# ,3 ("# 4,)( )0#$/0 )(-#(0"#) ,3 ("# T$,$.'6' N/I#-5 ("# )*+*-+ ,3 E*-#*4
/) ), #;2#$)/I#9
E.4/((#.1C5 ("/) /) ' +,-.#-1/$# 0,11,U*/'1 *)'6# $,( 1/J#1C (, '22#'- ,$ ("# D@EF9 F"# &,-.)
7') V ')8 '-# *)#. 3,- 0,42'-/),$)9
Have feedback or questions?
7) Located on one of t|e nost scenic stretc|es of t|e Cnondaga Piver, t|e suouro of lureun
is as expensive as t|e nost exclusive neig|oor|oods of Westc|ester County, nort| of New
York City.
T|at conparison is 100 grannatically correct. T|e proolen cones w|en t|ese two forns
are conflated.
!" $%&'()* %+ %+) %, (-) .%/( /&)+0& /(1)(&-)/ %, (-) 2+%+*'3' 405)16 (-) /78718 %,
971)7. 0/ /% ):;)+/05) '/ (-) .%/( ):&<7/05) +)03-8%1-%%*/ %, =)/(&-)/()1 >%7+(1?6
+%1(- %, @)A B%1C >0(?D
T|at is a classic nistake pattern for a conparison on t|e CMlT SC. t's all t|e nore tenpt
ing oecause, as will discuss oelow, t|e conoination "so . as" is correct in an entirely differ
ent structure. n a sinple conparison of two nouns, t|e structure "as . as" is correct, and
t|e structure "so . as" is always wrong.
Sonetines we specify t|e degree of an ad|ective ("so large", "so far nort|") sinply for
enp|asis. Sonetines, we construct a conparison ("as large as", "as far nort| as"). Sone
tines, t|oug|, we underscore t|e degree of an ad|ective in order to discuss sonet|ing t|at
results fron t|is. Cne perfectly correct construction for t|is is t|e forn. "so |ad|ective| t|at".
For exanple,
9) Jupiter is so large t|at, if it were |ollow, a t|ousand Eart|s could ft inside.
10) T|e city of Murnansk is so far nort| t|at it undergoes nore t|an two full nont|s of
sunless darkness in t|e niddle of winter.
Bot| of t|ese are 100 grannatically correct, and eit|er could oe t|e correct answer on a
CMlT SC question. lnot|er perfectly correct construction is t|e forn. "so |ad|ective| as to"
= t|is is t|e legitinate use of t|e "so . as" conoination! For exanple,
clause of consequence
Have feedback or questions?
11) T|e |urricane was so powerful as to topple every telep|one pole on Main St.
12) Mariano Pivera is so doninant a closer as to top t|e career rankings in ld|usted EPl.
lgain, perfectly correct, and eit|er could oe could oe t|e correct answer on a CMlT SC
question. Be careful, t|oug|, not to confuse t|is conpletely correct use of "so . as" wit| t|e
faulty conparison given in #8 aoove.
clause of consequence
T|e following questions in t|e CC13 feature sone of t|ese uses of "so". SC #1C, #35, #39,
and #111. Furt|ernore, |ere's a Magoos| practice question.
further practice
!"#$% "'( !)'$%*#%'+%
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %"&## '&()*&+ (,(-). ,#*/(01 2(%" 3*4.#. *&# *. 5-//-2.6
!"#$%&" ()
*%" +(
T|e frst two were already discussed on p. 4C. T|e oig idea is t|at !"#$%&" is a suoordinate
con|unction, w|ic| neans nust oe followed oy a full olown |noun| |vero| clause, a clause
t|at wit| t|e word "oecause" could stand on its own as a oonafde independent sentence.
1) Because oxygen receives electrons in alnost all its c|enical reactions, oxygen itself is
never "oxidized", instead, oxygen is reduced as it oxidizes t|e ot|er reactant.
2) Because Poosevelt violated Was|ington's precedent of serving only two terns, t|e lneri7
can people ens|rined t|is precedent as law in t|e TwentySecond lnendnent.
Notice t|at in oot| sentences, everyt|ing after t|e word "oecause" and oefore t|e frst
conna could oe an independent standonitsown sentence.
By contrast, oot| !"#$%&" () is a conpound preposition. t also identifes a cause, out t|at
cause nust oe t|e oo|ect of a preposition. a noun. Cccasionally, t|e oo|ect nay oe a gerund
or a suostantive clause, out t|ese constructions are rare on t|e CMlT Sentence Correction.
3) Because of t|e lingering effects of t|e recession, t|e Federal Peserve introduced nultiple
rounds of Cuantitative Easing.
4) P|ysicists |ave aoandoned nost t|eories t|at call for proton decay, oecause of a con7
plete lack of experinental evidence for t|is process.
!"# '"&*.# *%" +( (. .()(/*& %- !"#$%&" ()8 *0, (0 3-//-94(*/ 4.# %"#+ *&# 4.#, (0%#&3"*01#7
aoly, out t|ere is a suotle difference. T|e words "oecause of" are a conpound preposition,
and t|e preposition p|rase forned can nodify t|e vero and t|us oe placed in any part of t|e
sentence. T|e word "due" is an ad|ective and nust nodify a noun. Most often, t|is occurs
w|en "due to" follows "is"/"are" in t|e predicate, nodifying t|e suo|ect. lgain t|e "to" t|at
idionatically follows t|e word "due" is a preposition and can only oe followed oy a noun, or
on rare occasions, oy a gerund or suostantive clause.
idioms of cause
!"#$% "'( !)'$%*#%'+%
Have feedback or questions?
5) T|e delay, due to t|e senator's c|ange in plans, cost t|e convention sponsors t|ousands
of dollars.
C) T|e s|arp rise in t|is stock is due to t|e crisis in t|e corporation of t|eir closest conpeti!
n sentence #5, "due" nodifes t|e noun "delay", and sentence #C s|ows t|e nost typical use
of t|e "due to" structure, following t|e word "is" and nodifying t|e suo|ect. T|e CMlT is
quite unlikely to test on t|e suotle difference oetween "!"#$%&" ()" and "*%" +(".
T|e CMlT defnitively does not like t|e structure |preposition||noun||participial p|rase|.
Prepositions aren't designed to |andle t|at nuc| action. f you want full |noun| |vero| type
action, use a suoordinate con|unction.
!"# %&'"()& *+ ,-) ./**0) 12-34 +/*5 .,& '*617 8"0*6&*3 ,"1 .* /&./&". +/*5 9())-":
T|at sentence structure will oe wrong 100 of t|e tine on t|e CMlT Sentence Correction.
Here is a corrected version of t|e sane sentence, using t|e suoordinate con|unction "oe!
cause" instead.
7o) Because |is troops were dying fron t|e cold, Napoleon |ad to retreat fron Pussia.
idioms of cause
T|ere are six clauses of consequence t|at appear regularly on t|e CMlT.
&( +,$+
&( $& +(
&%#, +,$+
&( !"#$%&'()%* +,$+
&( !"#$%&'()%* $& +(
&%#, !+,-+* +,$+
clauses of consequence
!"#$% "'( !)'$%*#%'+%
Have feedback or questions?
n all six of t|ese, w|at precedes t|ese words it t|e causing situation or condition, and w|at
follows t|en is w|at results as a consequence. T|is is a standard construction for denon!
strating t|e purpose of an action. T|e four wit| "t|at" require a full |noun| |vero| clause, and
t|e two wit| "to" denand an infnitive p|rase.
8) T|e Berlin lirlift provided t|e city wit| food and valuaole resources, so t|at t|e vitally
inportant city would not fall into Soviet control.
9) Upon |is election, Pope Jo|n Paul decided to learn Spanis|, so as to connunicate
directly wit| t|e single largest group of Cat|olics in t|e world.
10) T|e local rulers of early nedieval Europe were alnost constantly at war, suc| t|at t|e
infrastructure |ad little c|ance to develop oeyond t|e nost rudinentary level.
n t|e two structures t|at involve an ad|ective, it nust oe an ad|ective t|at adnits of degree
= i.e. one could oe nore or less of t|is ad|ective. Cne can oe nore |appy or less |appy,
nore tired or less tired, nore ric|, nore |ealt|y, nore educated, etc. Sone ad|ectives |ave
an allornot|ing quality = left|anded, electric, fnancial, individual, etc. = one cannot oe
"nore" or "less" or any of t|ese. Tec|nically, t|e word "unique" is in t|is latter category =
"#$%&'()* (" %(&'%, -)(.-% #, (& (")/&0 1)2 (& (" 3#*(41335 ()4#,,%4& &# "15 "#$%&'()* (" 6$#,%
unique" or "less unique." Cnly ad|ectives t|at adnit of degree, ad|ectives aoout w|ic| we can
legitinately say "nore" or "less", can oe used in t|ese two structures. Notice, we could use a
participle in t|e place of an ordinary ad|ective.
11) T|e |ig|est peaks of t|e Hinalayas are so tall t|at t|ere is insuffcient oxygen to support
life at t|e peaks.
12) T|e appeal of t|e 1942 fln !"#"$%"&'" is so enduring t|at, ever since its release, it |as
oeen naned as one of t|e greatest flns of all tines.
13) Clenn Could was so devoted to recreating flawlessly t|e intentions of t|e conposers t|at
|e foreswore live perfornance entirely and c|ose to perforn only in t|e pristine conditions of
t|e recording studio for t|e last 18 years of |is life.
clauses of consequence
!"#$% "'( !)'$%*#%'+%
Have feedback or questions?
14) T|e planets Venus and Jupiter are so orig|t as to outs|ine easily t|e stars of t|e nig|t!
tine sky.
15) Critics suggest t|at Jo|nson oecane so concerned wit| t|e lnerican involvenent in
Vietnan as to neglect entirely t|e social prograns for w|ic| |e |ad oeen elected.
Notice, in oot| #13 and #15, t|e ad|ective's place is taken oy long participial p|rases. expect
to see sinilar constructions on t|e CMlT Sentence Correction.
n t|e fnal construction, !"#$ "#$%#& %$&%, t|e noun nay oe nodifed oy an ad|ective t|at is
t|e oo|ect of t|e intensifer "suc|". T|e noun also nay oe a singular noun wit| t|e article "a"
" $!"#$ & '(&)*+,$% $!"#$ & '(-"./$$% $!"#$ & /(012*.$% $!"#$ & $*2/" = out t|is construction
would oe rare in t|e fornal language of t|e CMlT.
1C) Modern nat|enatics is suc| a diverse and fragnented discipline t|at few professors
understand nuc| outside of t|eir own narrow region of expertise.
17) T|e Don Juan legends presented suc| a provocative c|aracter t|at nunerous works of
art and suosequent p|ilosop|ical works explored t|e t|enes.
18) T|e oallet 3* 4&#(* +" /(-5'*./! presented suc| radical oreakt|roug|s in tonality t|at it
produced riots anong t|e audience at t|e preniere.
clauses of consequence
!"#$%& $( )$%*+,#&$-
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %&''&()*+ %&,-. /0* 1# 2.#3 ("#* &*# 4#,- &% 4"# /&-50,).&* ). 4"# .216#/4 &% 4"#
.#*4#*/#7 0 8#,9 /&--&* %&,- &* :;<! =#*4#*/# >&,,#/4)&*?
!"#$ &'()
!"#$ *(+,$-&./$0 &'()
+.11$#$)& 1#"!
.) -")&#(2& &" 34 5
6)7.8$ 34 5
-"!9(#$+ &" 34 5
T|e frst involves a few variations. f t|e vero is intransitive (i.e. it takes no direct oo|ect), t|en
(# /0* 2.# 4"# /&*.4,2/4)&* < @8#,1A B-&,# 4"0*C D?
1) llison sings nore t|an Bertrand.
E#,#7 4"# 5",0.# B-&,# 4"0*C /0* 1# ,#5'0/#3 ()4" 0*9 /&-50,04)8# 038#,1 5",0.#?
2) C|arles sleeps nore deeply t|an David.
3) Elizaoet| laug|s nore |eartily t|an Francine!
n any of t|ose t|ree, it would also oe correct to stick a vero after t|e word "t|an"
1a) llison sings nore t|an does Bertrand.
2a) C|arles sleeps nore deeply t|an David does.
T|ese sentence are fne eit|er wit| or wit|out t|e vero after t|e word "t|an."
f t|e vero is transitive (i.e. it takes a direct oo|ect), t|en we use t|e construction 3 :/$#;<
=!"#$> :+.#$-& ";,$-&< =&'()> 5 "# 3 :/$#;< :+.#$-& ";,$-&< :-"!9(#(&./$ (+/$#;< =&'()> 5?
4) Cerald |as puolis|ed nore articles t|an Henry.
5) p|igenia follows oaseoall nore avidly t|an does Janes.
comparisons to subjects
!"#$%& $( )$%*+,#&$-
Have feedback or questions?
C) len gives nore noney to c|arity t|an does Lawrence.
n #4, we could |ave added a vero after "t|an" = t|at also would |ave oeen correct. n #5
and #C, t|e vero after "t|an" is aosolutely necessary to resolve anoiguity. Consider t|en
!"#$%&# #$"( ()*%+, -)./0
!"# %&'()*+(" ,-..-/0 1"0*1".. 2-3* "4(5.6 7'"+ 8"2*09
:"# ;*+ )(4*0 2-3* 2-+*6 7- <'"3(76 7'"+ ="/3*+<*9
Does p|igenia follow Janes as well as oaseoall? Does len give noney to Lawrence as well
as to c|arity? T|e aosence of a vero creates anoiguity. is t|e oo|ect of "t|an" in parallel wit|
t|e suo|ect or t|e direct oo|ect? T|is anoiguity did not arise in #4, oecause Cerald could not
possioly "puolis|" Henry = oecause of t|e context, Henry can only oe parallel to t|e suo|ect.
1"#$%&# #$) -)./2 #$%&3$2 #$) %#$). #!% 4.) 45/"3&%&(2 4+, #$) 6789 :)+#)+*) ;%..)*#"%+
!"#$% 45/"3&"#<=
T|e ad|ective "different" idionatically take t|e preposition "fron." T|e construction !" $%
&$''()(*+ '),- ./ contrasts l wit| B, out it's not very interesting in and of itself. f we add an
!$* +01+/ *>4&()2 #$)+ #$) ()+#)+*) /)*%5)( 5&*$ 5%.) (%?$"(#"*4# ),0
7) T|e fnal novenent of Bra|ns' !"#$%& ()*+&",) is different fron t|e fnal novenent of
-".#&4>>< )-).< %#$). (<5?$%+< "+ #$) *>4(("*4> .)?).#%".) "+ #$4# "( 4 ?4((4*43>"4=
T|e next t|ree idions all act as nodifers to t|e suo|ect.
8) Conpared to t|e -",. /01., Leonardo's /.2) 30%& ., 4$*0,5 $4( 4 (5">) #$4# "( @4. >)((
@45%&( /&# A&(# 4( )+"354#"*=
9) n contrast to |is depraved predecessor Caligula, Claudius (10 BCE lD 54) was a particB
ularly |ust and effcient ruler w|o enric|ed t|e enpire wit| extensive puolic works.
10) Unlike a naze, a laoyrint| |as only one pat| fron entrance to goal and t|us involves no
*$%"*)( 4# 4>>0 "#( %/A)*# "( "++). .)@>)*#"%+ 4+, 5<(#"*4> *%+#)5?>4#"%+2 .4#$). #$4+ #$) .4#"%B
nal puzzlesolving t|at a naze denands.
comparisons to subjects
!"#$%& $( )$%*+,#&$-
Have feedback or questions?
Sentence #10 was a "twofer" = in addition to t|e "unlike" idion, we also |ad an exanple of
t|e !"#$%&" $%#() t|an idion. Bot| rat|er and instead can oe used as adveros, neaning "on
t|e contrary," out t|ese constructions don't appear on t|e CMlT. T|e CMlT focuses on
rat|er t|an vs. instead of. T|e latter is a conpound preposition, and as suc|, could only take
a noun as its oo|ect. By contrast, "#$%&" $%#( can act as eit|er a preposition (taking a noun)
or a suoordinate con|unction (followed oy a full clause). nstead of could only put nouns in
parallel, out rat|er t|an can put nouns or veros or entire actions in parallel. n general, t|e
CMlT seens to avoid t|e situations in w|ic| a correct use of "instead of" would oe allowed,
and seens to use "instead of" only as an incorrect c|oice for "rat|er t|an."
11) S|e sinply ooug|t a condo in Boston, rat|er t|an pay for a |otel roon for several
n t|at sentence, t|e veros "ooug|t" and "pay" are in parallel. Notice, since t|e latter action is
|ypot|etical, it is in t|e suo|unctive. f t|is were t|e correct c|oice in a Sentence Correction
question, a typical incorrect c|oice would oe.
**#+ ,%& -./012 3456%$ 74(84 .( 94-$4(: .(-$&#8 4; 0#2.(6 ;4" # %4$&1 "44/ ;4" -&<&"#1
rather vs. instead
Because all t|ree of t|ese are nodifers, all t|ree are vulneraole to proolens involving t|e
nodifer touc| rule. For exanple, consider
>#+ ?4/0#"&8 $4 $%& !"#$ &'($: @&4(#"84 0#.($&8 )*+ &$,- .'/* $# 012'#+ .( 4"8&" $4===
T|is is a classic CMlT Sentence Correction nistake pattern = |ere, t|e grannar suggests
we are conparing t|e painting T|e Mona Lisa to t|e artist Leonardo da Vinci. T|e CMlT
loves to construct incorrect SC answer c|oices of t|is forn. nisplaced nodifers and viola
tions of t|e Modifer Touc| Pule for conparative nodifers! T|is is one of t|e nost connon
nistake patterns on t|e entire Sentence Correction section.
comparisons to subjects
!"# %&'%#& ()('*+ "#&# ,&# !"#$"%&'"#( *+$,++% - .%! / ,-) !"#$"%0$"1% *+$,++% - .%! /.
!"#$"%&'"#( - 2314 / ,-) $(+ !"#$"%0$"1% 12 - 2314 /5 !"# +/012# )(33#&#-4#+ 0#15##- 1"#+#
are not wort| exploring = t|e CMlT Sentence Correction will not split |airs like t|is. n all of
1"#+# 4'-+1&/41('-+. 0'1" 6 ,-) 7 ",8# 1' 0# #(1"#& -'/-+ '& +'*#1"(-9 1",1 ,41+ ,+ , -'/-
= a gerund or a suostantive clause. Here's an exanple wit| gerunds.
12) Many et|icists do not distinguis| oetween telling an outrig|t lie and intentionally con:
4#,2(-9 +'*# %,&1 '3 1"# 1&/#;
Here's an exanple wit| suostantive clauses.
13) T|e distinction of w|at t|e eye sees fron w|at t|e orain perceives is, for all practical
%/&%'+#+. *#,-(-92#++;
!"#$%& $( )$%*+,#&$-
Have feedback or questions?
7'1" '3 1"#+# ()('*+ ,&# 4'&&#41< "% 01%$3.#$ ,"$( ,-) "% 01%$3.#$ $1; !"# 4'-+1&/41('- =,+
4'-1&,+1#) 5(1">1'? (+ -'1 ,44#%1,02#; 7'1" =5(1"? ,-) =1'? ,&# %&#%'+(1('-+. +' ,9,(-. 1"#@
can oe followed oy a noun, or oy sonet|ing t|at acts as a noun = a gerund or a suostantive
clause. Here's an exanple wit| a gerund.
14) n contrast to sending an enail, writing a text nessage seens like suc| an evanescent
3'&* '3 4'**/-(4,1('-;
T|e CMlT Sentence Correct does not like t|e structure |preposition||noun|participial p|rase|
= t|at's too nuc| "action" for a preposition to contain.
!"#$ &' ()'*+#,* *) -#'*. #,,/0'/'0 1/, .'.2/., *) 1.334 5)6(.4 /' !"##$%&#' )&*$4 (.3.7
8+#*., #'9 1#, :;' .<.' =/*1 *1. =)+9, ): 1/, 1#+,1.,* (+/*/(,>
We would |ave to c|ange t|at frst action entirely to a noun (e.g. "Dante's assignnent of |is
#-#*(#+ 1' "#22? A !"#"!$%&), or |ave to use a suoordinate con|unction contrast word, suc|
,+ 6,(+3+.#7
15o) W|ereas Dante assigned |is enenies to |ell, Joyce, in Finnegans Wake, celeorates and
",+ 3/- #8#- 5(1" 1"# 5'&)+ '3 "(+ ",&+"#+1 4&(1(4+;
!"#$%& $( )$%*+,#&$-
Have feedback or questions?
!"#"$ &" #"'() *)" )"+,)*- ./ 0'#1'--2-$ -.3" ./ *)" 3.-* -.4)+-*+('*"5 6'1,2'," 7.2 (.265
-"" .1 *)" 89:; <"1*"1(" =.##"(*+.1>
!"#$ &' ( "! &' )
*+!& "! ,- !' .
/ 0! &' 1 23"& ( 0! &' )
T|e frst is a renarkaoly succinct construction. n t|is, l and B are nost often people, and
t|e suo|ect is sone sort of experience.
1C) lre t|e enotional inflections in t|e |unan voice t|e sane to a dog as to a oaoy?
Notice, we could include repeat t|e suo|ect & vero after "as" = !"# %&'( ")' %* " +"+(, = t|is
&.265 '6-. ?" (.##"(*$ ?2* 6"-- -2((+1(*>
n t|e second idion, P and C are full |noun||vero| clauses, descrioing actions we are con@
17) Just as Darwin's ideas "det|roned" |unans fron t|eir supposed unique place anong
oiological entities, so Freud's ideas suoordinated t|e conscious suo|ect to nuc| nore power
forces of t|e Unconscious.
18) Just as t|e Sun is t|e center of eig|t planets and nunerous snaller satellites, so Jupiter
|olds in oroit four large noons and dozens of snaller noons, forning a "solar systen in
Per|aps t|e nost sop|isticated is t|e fnal idion, w|ic| conpares two relations|ips = it
conpares t|e relations|ip oetween X & Y to t|e relations|ip oetween l & B.
19) Franklin was to nany of t|e younger nenoers of t|e Continental Congress, suc| as
Jefferson and Hancock, w|at Niels Bo|r was to t|e founders of Cuantun Mec|anics.
20) T|e ancient Celtic stories of lrt|ur were to Malory's -' .*)%' /01)%&2) &)'* 92-6+3 *'6"-
./ *)" .30)"4 were to Dante's /3536' 7*8'9(>
sophisticated idioms
! #$%&'( )*%+,
Have feedback or questions?
1) lccording to lepler's Second Law of Planetary Motion, as a planet noves t|roug| its
elliptical oroit, it c|anges its oroital speed as its distance fron t|e Sun c|anges. in particular,
t|e closer t|e planet is to t|e Sun, t|en it is noving its oroit t|at nuc| faster.
l. t|e closer t|e planet is to t|e Sun, t|en it is noving in its oroit t|at nuc| faster
B. t|e closer t|e planet is to t|e Sun, t|e faster it noves in its oroit
C. w|en t|e planet is closer to t|e Sun, t|e faster it noves in its oroit
D. w|en t|e planet is closer to t|e Sun, noving fasting in its oroit as well
E. oy oeing closer to t|e Sun, also noving fasting in its oroit
2) lepler's T|ird Law says expresses t|e relations|ip oetween t|e senina|or axis of a
planet's oroit and its oroital period. t|e furt|er a planet's oroit is fron t|e Sun, t|e longer t|e
planet's period of revolution around t|e Sun.
l. t|e furt|er a planet's oroit is fron t|e Sun, t|e longer t|e planet's period of revolution
around t|e Sun
B. w|en a planet's oroit is furt|er fron t|e Sun, t|e longer t|e planet's period of revolution
around t|e Sun
C. t|e furt|er a planet's oroit is fron t|e Sun, t|ereoy t|e planet's period of revolution around
t|e Sun is t|at nuc| longer
D. w|en a planet's oroit is furt|er fron t|e Sun, t|e planet's period of revolution around t|e
Sun oeing t|at nuc| longer
E. oy |aving an oroit furt|er fron t|e Sun, a planet also |aving a period of revolution around
t|e Sun oeing t|at nuc| longer
practice question
Suppose l and B are two itens or qualities or quantities, and we want to express |ow one of
t|en c|anges as a result of t|e ot|er one c|anging, t|at is, we want to express t|e interre
lated nature of t|eir c|anges. T|is is t|e fornal structure of t|e idion.
!"#$% (conparative ad|ective or advero) (independent clause aoout l), !"#$% (conparative
ad|ective or advero) (independent clause aoout B)
the idiom
! #$%&'( %)%*+
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %&'() !"#$% *#+,--,-+ #./" 0.'1 .'# /'2/,.34 .) ,) 1"# /&55. )#0.'.1,-+ 1"# 1%& 0.'1)6
!",) ,(,&5 )1.-() .3&-# .) .- ,-(#0#-(#-1 /3.2)#4 .-( 1"#'#7&'# /.- *# . /&503#1# )#-1#-/#
*8 ,1)#374 &' /.- 03.8 . '&3# ,- . 3.'+#' )#-1#-/#6 9#'# .'# )&5# #:.503#)6
;< !"# ",+"#' 1"#8 7384 1"# ".'(#' 1"#8 7.336
=< !"# )1'.,+"1#' .- .''&%4 1"# 1'2#' ,1 73,#)6
>< !"# "&11#' 1"# )2'7./# 1#50#'.12'# &7 . )1.'4 1"# 5&'# 3,+"1 0#' )?2.'# 5#1#' ,1 '.(,.1#)6
@< A!"# 5&'# 8&2 1,+"1#- 8&2' +',04 !.'B,-4 1"# 5&'# )1.' )8)1#5) %,33 )3,0 1"'&2+" 8&2'
C7 8&2 2-(#')1.-( 1"# 3.8&21 &7 1",) ,(,&54 )## %"#1"#' 1".1 /".-+#) 8&2' .-)%#') 1& 1"#
?2#)1,&-) .*&D#6 E&2 5.8 %.-1 1& +,D# 1"#5 . )#/&-( 3&&B *#7&'# '#.(,-+ 1"# )&321,&-)
*#3&%6 F.8 1"# G&'/# *# %,1" 8&26
Like a question in t|e CC13 (SC #2), t|is question is designed specifcally to test t|is pattern.
H-38 &-# &7 1"# .-)%#') ,- #./" 7&33&%) 1",) 0.'1,/23.' ,(,&5 0#'7#/1384 .-( 1"# &1"#' 7&2'
.-)%#' /"&,/#) ,- #./" .'# *&1" ,(,&5.1,/.338 .-( +'.55.1,/.338 ,-/&''#/16 !"# /&''#/1
/"&,/#) .'# &'( in t|e frst and &*( ,- 1"# )#/&-(6
practice questions solutions
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$ &'()*+ () ,(-$ ./01+2 /0&+2 '"3+$+2 ,04)#"4$1+2 $&/56 /"#$ () /"3)&07,$ 3)(&+5 8'$
'0,,#019 "- (&$#+ &'0& 01$ /"3)&07,$ )"3)+ (+ &'0& 4$ 4"3,: 0+92 ;'"4 #0)<=> .'"4 #0)<
/01+= '"4 #0)< /0&+= $&/56
!"#$ &'()*+ () ,(-$ .0(12 40&$12 ?,$0+31$2 ?0()2 +/($)/$2 01&2 #")$<2 $&/56 /0) /"#$ () @01<()*
A30)&(&($+2 73& &'$1$ 01$ )" /"3)&07,$ 3)(&+B 10&'$12 &'$+$ &'()*+ /"#$ () 4'0& <"3 #(*'& /0,,
3)/"3)&07,$ 73,95 8'$ '0,,#019 "- 3)/"3)&07,$ )"3)+ (+ &'0& 4$ 4"3,: 0+9 &'$ A3$+&(")
;'"4 #3/'=> .C"4 #3/' 0(1 (+ () &'0& &(1$= C"4 #3/' ?0() 40+ '$ ()= C"4 #3/' +/($)/$
:"$+ +'$ 9)"4=6
8'(+ :(+&()/&(") 7$&4$$) /"3)&07,$ @+5 3)/"3)&07,$ 4(,, 7$ (#?"1&0)& 7$,"45
countable vs. uncountable
D'$) +"#$&'()* /"3)&07,$ ()/1$0+$+2 4$ 3+$ ;#"1$>
E6 C",,0): '0+ #"1$ &3,(?+ &'0) :"$+ 0)< "&'$1 /"3)&1< () D$+&$1) F31"?$5
83,(?+ 01$ +$?010&$G <"3 /0) /"3)& '"4 #0)< &3,(?+ <"3 '0@$5
D'$) +"#$&'()* 3)/"3)&07,$ ()/1$0+$+2 4$ 0,+" 3+$ 0,+" ;#"1$>
H6 8'$ I! !&0&$ "- J$"1*(0 '0+ #"1$ ,0): &'0) :"$+ &'$ +&0&$ "- K$))+<,@0)(05
L6 M& /"+&+ #"1$ &" *" &" &'$ 70,,*0#$ &'0) &" *" &" &'$ "?$105
N0): (+ 0) 3)/"3)&07,$ )"3)2 0): () OL2 &'$ (#?,(/(& )"3) (+ ;#")$<>2 4'(/' (+ 0,+"
8'$ A3$+&(") 01(+$+G 4'$) :" 4$ 3+$ ;*1$0&$1> 10&'$1 &'0) ;#"1$>= D$ 3+$ ;*1$0&$1> 4'$)
&'$ )"3) () A3$+&(") !" $ %&'()*5 D$ /0) /"3)& &'$ )3#7$1 "- &3,(?+2 73& 0 &3,(? (&+$,- (+ )"&
0 )3#7$15 !"#$ $P0#?,$+ "- )"3)+ &'0& 01$ &'$#+$,@$+ )3#7$1+ 01$G ?$1/$)&2 ()&$1$+& 10&$2
?"?3,0&(")2 @",3#$2 :(+&0)/$2 ?1(/$2 /"+&2 0): )3#7$15
more vs. greater
Have feedback or questions?
4) T|e area of Ceorgia is greater t|an t|at of Pennsylvania.
5) T|e price of a trip to t|e oallgane is greater t|an t|e cost of a nig|t at t|e opera.
C) Call option prenia are greater w|en interest rates are |ig|er.
(Notice, for certain econonic quantities, we will use "|ig|er" for an increase.) n general,
t|ings take "nore" out nunoers take "greater." T|e "increasing" case is t|e easier of t|e two
will warn you. we are coning up on one of t|e nost frequently nade nistakes in spoken
Englis|. Even ot|erwise |ig|ly literate and intelligent people routinely nake t|is nistake.
Yet, t|e CMlT will penalize you for naking t|is nistake. t's t|e confusion of "less" and
W|en sonet|ing uncountaole decreases, we use "less".
7) Pennsylvania |as less land t|an does Ceorgia.
8) |ave gotten less water in ny oasenent since sealing t|e windows.
Cl, now get ready for t|e nistakezone. W|en sonet|ing countaole decreases, we use
9) Fenale drivers tend to get fewer speeding tickets.
10) My dorn |ad fewer international students.
11) W|en fewer people are unenployed, t|e interest rates tend to rise.
12) f you were ric|, would you |ave fewer proolens?
t's quite possiole t|at sone of t|ose, or even all of t|ose, "sound" wrong. Many nany people
would nake t|e nistake of using t|e word "less" in t|ose sentences even t|oug| t|e word
"fewer" is 100 correct. f you can count it, you need to use "fewer" instead of "less." n
ot|er words, w|enever you would use "|ow nany?" instead of "|ow nuc|?", you need to use
"fewer" instead of "less."
more vs. greater
Have feedback or questions?
!" $%& '(") $%& '*++&, -., $%& (//0$*1& 1.2$ '*3&24,&(3 5,(11($*6(//" *+6.,,&6$ 2*5+7 8$&+
*$&12 ., /&229: ;.' 1(+" $*1&2 %(<& ".= 2&&+ $%($ 5,(11($*6(/ &,,., ($ $%& 5,.6&," 2$.,&>
?&,6*-=//") '%&+ '& 6.14(,& +=1@&,2) (+3 +=1@&,2 3&6,&(2&) '& 6(+ 2*14/" 5. @(6A $.
=2*+5 8/&22:9
BCD E%& 4.4=/($*.+ .- ?.+5./*( *2 /&22 $%(+ $%($ .- F.2 G+5&/&2:
BHD E%& 6.2$ .- ( +*5%$ ($ $%& .4&,( *2 /&22 $%(+ $.$(/ 6.2$ .- ( 3(" ($ $%& @(//5(1&:
BID E%& 1&/$*+5 4.*+$ .- J*+6 *2 /&22 $%(+ $%($ .- 6.44&,:
!EK) 81&/$*+5 4.*+$9 *2 ( $&14&,($=,&) 2. *$ *2 *+3&&3 ( +=1@&,:
less vs. fewer
-' -' -
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$% '( )**+ %#, %-"$ ./0%/01/ 2'##/1%"'0 34/$%"'05 6 (4** /78*)0)%"'0 9"** ('**'9 *)%/# "0 %-/
:; <-/#/)$ ='%- >4#'8/ )0? 2-"0) 4$/ $%)0?)#? #)"*#')? @)4@/ A:BCD EE;+ F4$$") ?/*"=/#G
)%/*, 1-'$/ %-/ 9"?/# HF4$$")0 @)4@/I A:DJK EE; %-)% @"L/$ @#/)%/# $"?/G%'G$"?/ $%)="*"%, "0
#)"*9),$ 1)#$ )0?+ E'#/ "E8'#%)0%*,+ )1%$ )$ ) 0)%"'0)* ?/(/0$/+ $' %-)% "% 9'4*? =*'1M ('#/"@0
)#E,N$ $488*, *"0/ )0? 8#/L/0%"0@ %-/$/ ='#?/#"0@ 8'9/#$ (#'E "0L)?"0@ =, %#)"05
65 )1%$ )$ ) 0)%"'0)* ?/(/0$/+ $' %-)% "% 9'4*? =*'1M
O5 )1%$ *"M/ ) 0)%"'0)* ?/(/0$/+ $' )$ %' =*'1M
25 )1%$ )$ ) 0)%"'0)* ?/(/0$/+ =*'1M"0@
P5 )1%"0@ )$ ) 0)%"'0)* ?/(/0$/+ =*'1M"0@
>5 )1%"0@ *"M/ ) 0)%"'0)* ?/(/0$/+ 9'4*? =*'1M
Q0 @/0/#)* H*"M/I "$ ('**'9/? '0*, =, ) $"0@*/ 0'40+ )0? "$ 4$/? %' 1'E8)#/ 0'40$R =4% H)$I "$
('**'9/? =, ) (4** 0'40 S L/#= 1*)4$/+ )0? "$ 4$/? %' 1'E8)#/ )1%"'0$5
J; T-"$ #''M"/ $9"0@$ *"M/ T/? <"**")E$5
C; T/? <"**")E$ */)?$ %-/ E)U'#$ "0 1)#//# '0G=)$/ 8/#1/0%)@/+ )$ O)=/ F4%- */)?$ "0 1)#//#
$*4@@"0@ 8/#1/0%)@/5 >)1- "$ "0 $/1'0? 8*)1/ =/-"0? %-/ '%-/# '0 %-/ #/$8/1%"L/ *"$%$5
like vs. as
V'4 9"** @/% ) *'% '( E"*/)@/ '4% '( %-/ @/0/#)* #4*/ ('# H*"M/I L$5 H)$I+ =4% "% "$ 0' *'0@/# )
#/*")=*/ @4"?/ 9-/0 ,'4 @/% %' %-"$ "?"'E5
Q0 >0@*"$-+ %-/ "?"'E H%' )1% *"M/I E/)0$ %' =/-)L"'# '# 1'E8'#% '0/N$ $/*( "0 "E"%)%"'0 '(
$'E/%-"0@ /*$/5 Q( Q H)1% *"M/ ) M"0@I+ %-)% "E8*"/$ %-)% Q )E 0'% ) M"0@+ =4% $'E/%-"0@ )='4%
E, =/-)L"'# A8#/$4E)=*,+ E, /0%"%*/E/0% )0? 8#/$4E8%"'0; #/$/E=*/$ %-)% '( ) M"0@5
act like
-' -' -
Have feedback or questions?
l person is capaole of intending to initate sonet|ing, so a person can "act like" sonet|ing.
Conceivaoly, an intelligent aninal (one of t|e |ig|er prinates, for exanple) could oe induced
to initate sonet|ing, in w|ic| case we could say. t|e c|inpanzee "acts like" suc|andsuc|.
lny inaninate oo|ect is utterly devoid of intentionality, so we cannot in any way attrioute
initative oe|avior to it. t|erefore, we can never use t|e idion "act like" wit| an inaninate
oo|ect. Wit| an oo|ect, we always |ave to use "act as."
act like
First of all, fron t|e foregoing discussion, we know t|at t|e inaninate oo|ect "Pussian
gauge" cannot "act like" anyt|ing, oecause it doesn't |ave t|e conscious aoility to initate. f
t|e suo|ect is an inaninate oo|ect, we need to use "act as". T|us, (B) and (E) are out inne
We also |ave two parallel constructions we need to naintain |ere. We need t|e two veros
following "Pussian gauge" to oe in parallel = t|e frst is "gives", so t|e second |as to oe t|e
parallel "acts" = t|us, (D) is out.
T|e second parallelisn is oetween "would olock"/"olocking" and t|e participle "preventing",
clearly, we need t|e participle "olocking" for t|e frst vero. T|erefore, (l) is out, and t|e only
correct answer renaining is (C).
explanation of the question
!"#$%& $( )*$+, -." /-01&
Have feedback or questions?
T|e vero consist is an intransitive vero = t|at is, a vero t|at does not take a direct oo|ect, in
ot|er words, t|ere's no passive forn of t|is vero, so we only |ave to worry aoout t|e active
forn. n t|e construction "P consists of C", P is t|e w|ole, and C is t|e part.
1. n poker, a full |ouse consists of a pair of one value and t|ree of a kind of anot|er value.
2. Most soft drinks, consisting of little nore t|an sugar water, |ave no nutritional value.
consists of
n t|e active forn, "P conposes C", P is t|e part, and C is t|e w|ole. t|e active forn of t|is
vero is rare in fornal language. T|e word "conpose" is used nore connonly in t|e passive.
T|e passive forn of t|is vero does not follow t|e standard pattern wit| t|e preposition "oy"
= instead, t|e passive of "P conposes C" is "C is conposed of P."
3. T|e Legislative Branc| of t|e United States governnent is conposed of two c|anoers,
t|e House of Pepresentatives and t|e Senate.
4. T|e US Virgin slands, conposed of t|ree large islands and nunoer of snaller islands,
|ave oeen a US territory since 191C"
T|is is a very tricky word, and few people use it correctly, nany confuse it wit| "conpose",
w|ic| neans sonet|ing quite different. Tec|nically, in t|e construction "P conprises C", P
is t|e w|ole, C is t|e parts, and it is understood fron t|is construction t|at C is an ex|aus
tive list of t|e parts.
5. T|e state of California conprises 58 counties.
C. l oaseoall tean, conprising a full roster of 25 nen, never |as nore t|an nine players on
t|e feld at any one tine.
!"#$%& $( )*$+, -." /-01&
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$ &'() *+,-. /-$+ )' ,$'. #0 1"' 2/$$#&'3 4/05 6+-7$ *+06,$' 1"#$ 8+(. 8#1" 1"' 8+(.
9*+:2+$';< /0. 8' $'': 1+ )' ('/*"#0= 1"' 2+#01 /1 8"#*" 1"' :#$1/7'$ /(' $1/(1#0= 1+ )-''.
+&'( #01+ $1/0./(. >0=-#$" ? 1(/.#1#+0/--5< 9#$ *+:2(#$'. +6; 8+,-. "/&' )''0 *+0$#.'('.
/)$+-,1'-5 8(+0=< ),1 0+8< $+:' /,1"+(#1#'$ +0 ,$/=' /--+8 #13 @#&'0 1"' *+06,$#+0 +&'( 1"#$
8+(.< A )'-#'&' 1"' @4B! #$ -#7'-5 1+ /&+#. #13
Now, per|aps t|e trickiest word on t|e list. n t|e active construction "P exenplifes C", P is
t|e specifc exanple, and C is t|e general case.
8. Magoos| exenplifes t|e snall |ig|tec| Bay lrea startups t|at |ave oeen successful
.+#0= ),$#0'$$ /(+,0. 1"' =-+)'3
C3 !"# %&'()* +,-."'/,< 'D':2-#65#0= / $5:2"+05 +6 1"' E-/$$#*/- 2'(#+.< /(=,/)-5 *+01/#0$
all t|e defning features of t|e Ponantic novenent.
FG3 !"' H,/1'(0#+0$< 'D':2-#65#0= / 0+0*+::,1/1#&' .#&#$#+0 /-=')(/< 6+(: +0' +6 +0-5 18+
fnitedinensional division rings containing t|e real nunoers as a proper suoring.
!"#$ :/5 )' 1"' '/$#'$1 8+(. +0 1"' -#$13 A0 1"' /*1#&' 6+(: 9I #0*-,.'$ J;< I #$ 1"' 8"+-'
/0. J #$ 1"' 2/(1K 1"#$ /*1#&' 6+(: #$ *+:2-'1'-5 $1(/#="16+(8/(.3 !"' 2/$$#&' 6+(: #$ ,0,$,/-
+0-5 #0 1"/1 #1 1/7'$ 1"' 2('2+$#1#+0 9#0;< #0$1'/. +6 1"' $1/0./(. 2('2+$#1#+0 9)53;
L/3 !"' >,(+2'/0 M0#+0 #0*-,.'$ )+1" N-+&/7#/ /0. N-+&'0#/3
L)3 O+1" N-+&/7#/ /0. N-+&'0#/ /(' #0*-,.'. #0 1"' >,(+2'/0 M0#+03
!"#$%& $( )*$+, -." /-01&
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$%&' )*+ ,-./ )*+ /*%&' 0.1$ '* .%23$# 4$./5%, 6*78#$0$%25*% 9+$2'5*%2 .:*+' 9+.'$#;
W|en we c|ange "P exenplifes C" to t|e passive "C is exenplifed oy P", t|e suo|ect of t|e
8.2251$? @? 52 '0$ ,$%$#.- A.2$? .%/ '0$ *:B$A' *C D:)E 52 '0$ $F.78-$G
11. Beta decay is exenplifed oy t|e decay of C14 to staole Nitrogen.
12. Pirates of t|e socalled "Colden lge of Piracy", exenplifed oy Captain lidd and Black;
:$.#/? 8-.)$/ . -.#,$ #*-$ 5% '0$ 2$''-$7$%' .%/ A*%'#*- *C H+#*8$.% A*-*%5$2 5% '0$ I$3
13. Janes Joyce's literary alter egos, exenplifed oy Step|en Dedalus in oot| !"#$#%&$ "( $)*
+#$&,$ %, % -"./0 1%/ .%/ '0$ K-)22$2 .%/ :) L0$7 '0$ M$%7.% 5% 2&//*0%/, 3%4*? *CC$#
052 :5*,#.80$#2 '.%'.-5N5%, 5%25,0'2 5%'* 052 7*'51.'5*%2 .%/ 7$'0*/2G
-\ -\ '
Have feedback or questions?
First, consider t|is question oefore you read t|e section.
1) n a recent policy s|ift, t|e nanagenent of t|e county's puoic seniorcitizen facilities |ave
cut staff |ours as neans to greater econonic sustainaoility and |ave lowered t|e percent
age of new residents it will accept w|ose only source of incone is Social Security.
l. to greater econonic sustainaoility and |ave lowered
B. to greater sustainaoility econonically and |ave lowered
C. of greater econonic sustainaoility and lowering
D. of greater sustainaoility econonically and lowering
E. for greater econonic sustainaoility and t|e lowering of
l conplete explanation of t|is question will cone at t|e end of t|is section.
Cne of t|e splits in t|is SC question is t|e opening preposition, t|e preposition w|ic|
acconpanies "neans" in t|e sten.
T|is is one of t|e suotlest of Englis| idions. First of all, "neans for" is wrong 100 of t|e
tine. t|at's easy. W|at's diffcult is t|e difference oetween "neans of" and "neans to."
W|en we say "X as a neans of Y" suggests t|at X is a kind of Y. For exanple, nig|t say.
2) Dining out only seldon is a neans of saving noney.
3) Hand gestures alone do not always suffce as a neans of connunication.
n #2, t|ere are nany ways to save noney, and one of t|ose, one kind of way to save noney,
is to dine out infrequently. n #3, t|ere are several forns of connunication, and one of
t|ose, alt|oug| not always t|e nost effcient, are |and gestures.
Notice, in particular, t|e specifc Englis| idion "oy neans of", w|ic| neans "wit| t|e use or
|elp of."
difference a preposition makes
-\ -\ '
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4) Having lost ny paddles downstrean, rowed t|e canoe oy neans of a plank.
By contrast, t|e idion "X as a neans to Y" clearly delineates a difference oetween X and Y. X
is a step on t|e way to Y, out X and Y are clearly different t|ings, and one's intent is to use X
and t|ereoy nove past it toward Y. n t|is construct, Y is t|e true goal, t|e true oo|ect of
one's intention, and X is nerely a net|od enployed to ac|ieve t|is goal.
5) S|e adopted a nocaro diet as a neans to losing weig|t quickly.
C) T|e |istoric town invested in a oillooard along t|e nearoy interstate as a neans to
increased tourisn.
n #5, t|e nocaros diet is not a goal in and of itself. rat|er, it is sinply a tool, a net|od, out
w|ic| t|e person in question intends to lose weig|t. n #C, t|e oillooard is not a goal in and
of itself, t|e town's goal is increased tourisn, and t|e oillooard is sinply a net|od t|ey |ope
will ac|ieve t|is.
By no neans s|ould you assune t|ese are t|e only idions in Englis| involving "neans", out
oy all neans you s|ould study t|is particular distinction, a possiole split on nore c|allenging
Sentence Correction questions. We want to support your understanding of CMlT SC oy any
difference a preposition makes
1) n a recent policy s|ift, t|e nanagenent of t|e county's puoic seniorcitizen facilities |ave
cut staff |ours as neans to greater econonic sustainaoility and |ave lowered t|e percent
age of new residents it will accept w|ose only source of incone is Social Security.
l. to greater econonic sustainaoility and |ave lowered
B. to greater sustainaoility econonically and |ave lowered
C. of greater econonic sustainaoility and lowering
D. of greater sustainaoility econonically and lowering
E. for greater econonic sustainaoility and t|e lowering of
the question again
-\ -\ '
Have feedback or questions?
T|e foregoing discussion |as prooaoly |elped you narrow down t|e c|oices. "Means for" is
always wrong, so (E) is out. Here we are discussing cutting staff |ours vs. greater econonic
sustainaoility. We don't want to suggest t|at cutting staff |ours is a kind of greater econon
ic sustainaoility. Pat|er, cutting staff |ours is not desiraole in and of itself, out it's a step t|e
seniorcitizen facilities are taking to reac| t|eir intended goal of greater econonic sustain
aoility. T|erefore, in t|is context, "neans to" is correct and "neans of" is incorrect. T|at
narrows c|oices down to (l) and (B).
Notice, also, t|e veros "|ave cut" and "|ave lowered"/"lowering" nust oe in parallel, so "|ave
lowered" is correct = also (l) and (B) only. T|e difference oetween t|en is anot|er tricky
split |ave discussed in t|is post. |ttp.//nagoos|.con/gnat/2012/gnatsentencecorrec
tiont|epowerofalt|ead|ectivalending/. T|e p|rase "greater econonic sustainaoility"
tells us specifcally. w|at kind of sustainaoility? Very specifcally, t|ey want to stay fnancial
ly afloat. t|at's econonic sustainaoility. By contrast, "greater sustainaoility econonically"
neans t|ey want oroader sustainaoility in general (fnancial, enotional, noral, spiritual, etc.)
and t|ey want to ac|ieve t|is oroad sustainaoility econonically, t|at is to say, at low cost. n
context, t|at's wacky. Clearly, t|e word "econonic"/"econonically" is supposed to tell us t|e
specifc kind of sustainaoility, not to qualify t|at t|is oroad openended sustainaoility s|ould
oe ac|ieved wit| costcutting neasure. T|erefore, (l) is t|e oest answer.
the explanation
!"#$%& ()*#+
Have feedback or questions?
T|is post concerns t|e idions surrounding t|e use of "idea" words. !"#$% '#(!#)% *!#+% ",-.
/0!1#% ",23$% 40!1-!4(#% 564,/5#7!7% /5#,06% /#$-5!12% !"#,(,26, etc. W|at are t|e correct
idions to use wit| t|ese words. oelief in? principle of? doctrine t|at? Let's sort all t|is out.
idea words
First of all, t|e idion is very different depending on w|et|er we talking aoout t|e source of
t|e idea or t|e content of t|e idea. Here, let's focus frst on t|e 7,80-#. T|is includes not
only t|e person w|o cooked up t|e idea, out also all t|e folks w|o in one way or anot|er
"!1/#0$-/" wit| t|e idea, oy agreeing, disagreeing, supporting, disproving, etc.
For t|e source or ot|er interaction, we can use eit|er a "t|at"/"w|ic|" suoordinate clause
!" $%& '()*+,-& *%.* *%& /(/& /+()0.,1&' 23
4) Tne |oea aoout wn|cn Darw|n frst wrote .
4" $%& 5,&6 *%.* 7/,-(8. +&/9',.*&' 23
o) Tne tneory tnat E|nste|n su|anteo ..
Notice t|at, in #4, we used t|e idion "to write aoout." We also can use t|e preposition "of"
specifcally for a source.
7) Tne ooctr|nes ot c|ass|ca| 8uoon|sn ..
3) Tne teacn|ns ot Contuc|us ..
9) Tne tnount ot tne Tnon|st scnoo| ..
!C) Tne |oeo|oy ot tne |nner Poue ..
Certain "interactwit|t|eidea" words |ave t|eir own idion. For exanple, t|e veros "argue",
"fg|t", and "struggle" are used wit| t|e preposition "against".
!!) Tne v|ew aa|nst wn|cn /tnanas|us tount ..
!2) Tne os|t|on aa|nst wn|cn 8ryan arueo ..
Source of the idea/interaction
with the idea
!"#$%& ()*#+
Have feedback or questions?
n contrast to talking aoout t|e source of t|e idea or ot|er people's relations|ip to t|e idea,
t|e CMlT will also talk aoout w|at ideas "#$%"&&' ("'. For w|at idea is actually saying, t|e
t|oug|t enoodied in it = t|is is tricky. f we are going to nane only a single noun, t|en we
can use t|e prepositions "aoout" or "of", or t|e participle "concerning," out if we are going to
descrioe a conplete action, t|en t|e CMlT doesn't like cranning an entire action into a
prepositional p|rase = for t|is case, t|e CMlT would denand eit|er a "t|at"/"w|ic|" clause
wit| a full |noun| |vero| structure.
Nounonly constructions.
!3) Tne ooctr|ne ot tne Pronet Munannaos un|que status anon ronets ..
!4) Tne ooctr|ne aoout Cnr|sts nunan ano o|v|ne natures ..
!5) Tne teacn|n concern|n tne atter||te ..
!o) Tne teacn|ns ot oetn sycno|oy ..
!7) Tne |oea ot nyorostat|c equ|||or|un ..
!3) Tne r|nc||e ot |east act|on ..
Full clause constructions.
!9) Tne ooctr|ne tnat Cnr|st reex|steo tron a|| etern|ty
2C) Tne teacn|n tnat tne 8uoona, |n n|s frst sernon, turneo tne wnee| ot Dnarna
2!) Tne ax|on oy wn|cn tne eonetr|c sace oecones Euc||oean
22) Tne |oea tnat neav|ertnana|r nacn|nes can t|y
23) Tne nyotnes|s tnat |ranc|s 8acon wrote Snakeseares |ays
24) Tne r|nc||e tnat one snou|o counter v|o|ence w|tn trutn
content of the idea
Have feedback or questions?
!" $%&' $%())*+ ,*-.* /)&*01-. 2' 3.0-&1 4+.0* %& %,5+).05' )& 5+- 6789
:" ; /)&*01-. <-1 =0>>0%2* 5+- (.-%5-*5 ?%*-?%>> +055-. )3 %>> 502-*9
@)5+ )3 5+)*- ,*- 5+0* 010)2 /)..-/5>'9 <+- *5.,/5,.- )3 5+0* 010)2 0*
!"#$%&'() +',-"./&0"1 2 3
<+- &),& A 0* 5+- B-.*)& ). 5+0&( '), %.- -C%>,%50&(D %&1 @ 0* 5+- .%&E ). >-C-> ). *5%50)& ).
-5/9 5) F+0/+ '), %.- %**0(&0&( 5+-29 ;& *-&5-&/- G!H
A I 2' 3.0-&1 4+.0*
@ I %& %,5+).05' )& 5+- 678
;& *-&5-&/- G:
A I <-1 =0>>0%2*
@ I 5+- (.-%5-*5 ?%*-?%>> +055-. )3 %>> 502-*
Idiom #1:
consider + noun + noun
J" ; /)&*01-. $%.(%.-55- C-.' 0&5->>0(-&59
K" $%&' ,&3%0.>' /)&*01-. L-F M).E 405' ,&3.0-&1>'9
N" <+- %&%>'*5* /)&*01-.-1 5-/+ 0&1,*5.' *5)/E* ,&>0E->' 5) .0*- ?-3).- 5+- &-F '-%.9
T|is idion is sinilar to t|e frst, and all t|ree of t|ose use t|is idion correctly. T|e structure
)3 5+0* 010)2 0*
Idiom #2:
consider + noun + adjective
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$%&'() +',-"./&0"1 2 3
!"#$%& ()* %+,% ! $- ()* .*/-+% +/ ()$%" 0+, #/* *1#2,#($%"& #%3 4 $- ()* #35*6($1*& ()* 7,#2$(0&
8)$6) ()* -,95*6( #-6/$9*- (+ !: ;% -*%(*%6* <=>
! ? @#/"#/*((*
4 ? 1*/0 $%(*22$"*%(
;% -*%(*%6* <A>
! ? B*8 C+/D E$(0
4 ? ,%F/$*%320
;% -*%(*%6* <G>
! ? (*6) $%3,-(/0 -(+6D-
4 ? ,%2$D*20 (+ /$-* 9*F+/* ()* %*8 0*#/
Idiom #2:
consider + noun + adjective
B+($6*& ()$- $- # 1*/0 62*#%& -$H.2* $3$+H: I% ()* J*%(*%6* E+//*6(& ()* K@!L 2+1*- (+ "$1*
$%6+//*6( 1*/-$+% +F ()* F+/H>
!"#$"%$ '"%!()$*! + ," -$ .
!"#$"%$ '"%!()$*! + /! .
!"#$"%$ '"%!()$*! ,0/, + (! .
!"#$"%$ '"%!()$*! + !0"12) -$ .
lll of t|ose are wrong. lll of t|ose nay sound nore "dignifed", nore "fornal", t|an t|e
sinplicity of "soneone considers l B", out in t|is case, t|e sinple answer is 100 correct,
#%3 #22 ()*-* 1#/$#%(- 8$() *M(/# 8+/3- #28#0- 8$22 9* $%6+//*6( +% ()* K@!L J*%(*%6* E+/N
/*6($+%: O**. $( -$H.2*P
keep it simple
!"##$%&'()$ !"+,-+.'("+/
Have feedback or questions?
!"#$%#&'("#) +,- $"(#(#. /",0)1 '2-3 2-45 '" 4(#6 '".-'2-, '/" #"%#)7 ", '/" 8-,9)7 ", '/"
4+,.-, )',%&'%,-) (# + )-#'-#&-: !""#$%&'(%&) +"&,-&+(%"&. ;-:.: <+#0=7 <9%'=7 <",=> )(?543 4(#6
'/" /",0) ", 5+,') @ '2-3 &+# -8-# 4(#6 '/" (#0-5-#0-#' &4+%)-): /-0"#$%&'(1 +"&,-&+(%"&.
;<9-&+%)-=7 <'2+'=7 </2"=7 -'&:> (#',"0%&- + )%9",0(#+'- &4+%)-7 + 0-5-#0-#' &4+%)-: A#-
%#(B%- C-+'%,- "C D#.4()2 () + '2(,0 &+'-.",37 '2- +"##12'(%31 +"&,-&+(%"&. @ -+&2 () + 5+(, "C
/",0) ", + 5+(, "C )2",' 52,+)-)7 +#0 +4'2"%.2 )-5+,+'-0 (# '2- )-#'-#&- '2-3 +&' '".-'2-, +)
+# ",.+#(E(#. %#(': F"/ '2() /",6 &+# 9- 5+,'(&%4+,43 &"#C%)(#. '" C"46) 4-+,#(#. D#.4()2 +) +
)-&"#0 4+#.%+.-:
1%(41# 5 "# 6
&1%(41# 5 &"# 6
0"(4 5 '&$ 6
&"( 5 0-( 6
&"( "&27 5 0-( '2." 6
&"( ,-.( 5 0-( '2." 6
&"( ." 8-+4 5 '. 6
01(911& 5 '&$ 6
,-.( '. 5: ." 6
;"# 131#7 5: 6
T|e frst two are "all purpose" in t|e sense t|at t|ey can |oin two individual words (two
#"%#)7 '/" 8-,9)7 '/" +0$-&'(8-)7 -'&:> ", 52,+)-) ", -8-# (#0-5-#0-#' &4+%)-): G2-)- +,-
'2- ?")' C4-H(94- (# '2-(, %)-: I-?-?9-, '2+' <#-('2-, J#",= &"%#') +) + )(#.4- #-.+'(8-7 )"
+#"'2-, #-.+'(8- /('2 '2-)- /"%40 9- + 0"%94- #-.+'(8-:
correlative conjunctions
T|e next fve require sone connents.
0"(4 5 '&$ 6
&"( 5 0-( 6
&"( "&27 5 0-( '2." 6
contrast and joining
!"##$%&'()$ !"+,-+.'("+/
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %&'# ( )&# *+'" ,
!"# '" -&./ ( *' ,
T|ese can contrast single nouns or single veros, out it's nuc| nore likely for t|e CMlT to
use t|en to set in parallel two of a nore sop|isticated structure (vero p|rase, infnitives,
participial p|rase, gerund, etc.) None of t|ese are used to link two independent clauses.
,"#/ ( *!0 , sinply affrns oot| elenents equally, w|ereas !"# ( )&# , negates t|e frst and
affrns t|e second. T|e next two, !"# "!+1 ( )&# *+'" , and !"# %&'# ( )&# *+'" ,, also
affrns oot| elenents, out wit| t|e connotations t|at l is nore expected or nore taken for
granted and B is nore of a surprise or sonet|ing additional.
1) Beet|oven was not only a great conposer out also an electrifying pianist, according to
contenporary accounts.
T|e frst, "great conposer", is expected = anyone w|o |as |eard of Beet|oven knows |e's a
conposer. T|e second nay cone as a surprise to folks w|o are not particularly faniliar wit|
|is oiograp|y. T|is w|y t|e "not only . out also" idion is nore appropriate |ere t|an t|e
"oot| . and" would oe.
Be careful not to conflate t|ese idions = typical CMlT nistake patterns include "not . out
also" and "not only . out". Make sure you know exactly |ow to use t|ese.
T|e fnal one is t|e nost sop|isticated of t|ese fve. !"# '" -&./ ( *' ,. t denonstrates a
difference in degree. w|atever is oeing asserted, l is true or relevant, out it is less true or less
relevant, and B is nore so oy conparison. T|is is used for nouns prinarily for nouns,
nounlike p|rase (infnitives & gerunds), prepositional p|rase or participial p|rases.
2) T|e CEC wants to organize a new division around t|ese six products, not so nuc| to
pronote t|e sales of t|ese six as to estaolis| a foot|old in a new narket sector.
3) n conposing t|e Bill of Pig|ts, t|e Founding Fat|ers valued not so nuc| defending t|e
rig|ts of crininals as protecting any innocent person fron un|ust punis|nent.
4) ronically, Colunous is renenoered not so nuc| for |is original goal, fnding t|e sea route
to lsia, as for |is accidental discovery, Nort| lnerica.
contrast and joining
!"##$%&'()$ !"+,-+.'("+/
Have feedback or questions?
!" $%&'( )*+ ,(-.-&*/ )0.' (12 *2 &)' 3455 60(7, 8'(*'+9 :*;+02 (012,', &)' ;-+'+ 20& +0
.1/) (122*2< -+ )0;;7*2<=
>)*+ %0(. /-2 -7+0 /02&(-+& &?0 @'(;+9 ?*&) - %0(.-&A B+1;C'/&D E,0 20& +0 .1/)F B@'(; G3D
E-+F B@'(; GHD=
I" J7K*2< +L1*(('7+ ,0 20& +0 .1/) %7K -+ <7*,' *2 - 702< 7'-M %(0. &('' &0 &(''=
T|e word "oetween" is a preposition in t|is construction, so l & B nust oe eit|er nouns, or
+0.'&)*2< &)-& /017, &-N' &)' M7-/' 0% 20129 +1/) -+ - <'(12,= >)' ?0(, E;'&?''2F -MM'-(+
.0+& %('L1'2&7K 02 &)' :O$> *2 &)' /02+&(1/&*02+ !"#$$%&%'(% *%+,%%'- -2, !"#.+#'(+#/'
P" !"#$ &'(($)$*+$ ,$-.$$* -#$ )'/#- .0)& 1*& -#$ 12304- )'/#- .0)& '4 -#$ &'(($)$*+$
,$-.$$* 2'/#-*'*/ 1*& 1 2'/#-*'*/ ,5/67 Q O-(N >?-*2
contrast and joining
>)*+ /02+&(1/&*02 *+ 1+', 027K &0 7*2N &?0 *2,'M'2,'2& /7-1+'+= R& +'&+ 1M - /0.M-(*+029 -2,
*& *+ ,*+/1++', %1(&)'( *2 &)' *,*0.+ 0% /0.M-(*+02=
just as A, so B
T|e word "oetween" is a preposition in t|is construction, so l & B nust oe eit|er nouns, or
+0.'&)*2< &)-& /017, &-N' &)' M7-/' 0% 20129 +1/) -+ - <'(12,= >)' ?0(, E;'&?''2F -MM'-(+
.0+& %('L1'2&7K 02 &)' :O$> *2 &)' /02+&(1/&*02+ !"#$$%&%'(% *%+,%%'- -2, !"#.+#'(+#/'
P" !"#$ &'(($)$*+$ ,$-.$$* -#$ )'/#- .0)& 1*& -#$ 12304- )'/#- .0)& '4 -#$ &'(($)$*+$
,$-.$$* 2'/#-*'*/ 1*& 1 2'/#-*'*/ ,5/67 Q O-(N >?-*2
between A and B
!"##$%&'()$ !"+,-+.'("+/
Have feedback or questions?
Here, t|e word "for" is a preposition, so l and B |ave to oe nouns. n fact, in t|is idion, l & B
!"#$ &' ($ )'*)+$&$ *',*-. /!0- 010'2 10-),--$- " )'++$-3'*1$*)$4 $53+$--0*6 &!$ +"&0'
($&7$$* &!$ $8$2$*&- '9 : "*1 &!$ $8$2$*&- '9 ;. <& 0- 9+$=,$*&8> ,-$1 0* $)'*'20) "*1
3'80&0)"8 )'*&$5&-. <* 9")&4 &!0- 0- " 9+$=,$*& 010'2 0* ?@:/ 2"&! 3+'(8$2-.
8) For every dollar Poscoe Corporation spends on P & D, Utica Central spends seven dollars.
AB C'+ $#$+> #'&$ @)D'+20)E 70*- 0* &!$ @017$-& 70&! &!0- *$7 -&+"&$6>4 !$ -&"*1- &' 8'-$
&7' '+ &!+$$ 0* &!$ F'+&!$"-& "*1 0* D"809'+*0".
GHB C'+ $#$+> GHI 0*)+$"-$ 0* &!$ #"8,$ '9 54 > 0*)+$"-$- JKI.
for every A, B
Have feedback or questions?
!"# %&'( )*+, *- .-#( +&' /01.-#- 2"12 -3#/*+4 /&5(*2*&5- &' -3#/.012# &5 -&6#2"*57 "43&2"#28
1) Condition. "f you fnis| your peas, you can |ave dessert."
2) Hypot|etical. "f regularly ate ny vegetaoles, prooaoly would oe |ealt|ier."
n fornal logic, t|e clause following t|e "if" clause would oegin wit| t|e word "t|en". t|at's
perfectly acceptaole grannatically, out not at all necessary. For exanple, in oot| of t|ose
sentence, t|e word "t|en" could oe inserted rig|t after t|e conna, and would add a oit of
enp|asis to t|e logical relations|ip, if t|at were sonet|ing t|at needed underscoring.
T|e last clause of t|e previous paragrap| |ig|lig|ts a particular category of conditional
statenents, t|ose using t|e suo|unctive. For nore on t|e suo|unctive nood, see t|is post.
T|e CMlT loves "if"clauses involving t|e suo|unctive.
when to use if
T|e word "w|et|er" is a relative pronoun, w|ic| neans it introduces a relative clause. l
"w|et|er" clause is always aoout t|e uncertainty in a c|oice or alternative, and t|e clause
itself nay stand apart fron t|e sentence, t|e way an "if" clause does, or nay act as a noun.
W|en it stands apart, it is like an "if" clause in w|ic| t|e defnite causal nature |as oeen
replaced wit| uncertainty or irrelevance. W|en it acts as a noun, t|e clause nay act as t|e
suo|ect of t|e sentence, or as t|e oo|ect of an epistenological vero (to know, to wonder, etc.)
or a volitional vero (to care, to prefer, etc.)
!"#$%& #(#)"*
3) W|et|er you study Frenc| or Spanis|, you will encounter an unfaniliar language in Japan.
4) W|et|er or not get t|e raise, an going to ouy t|at new car.
when to use whether
Have feedback or questions?
T|e word "w|et|er" inplies a c|oice, at least a pair of alternatives. Sonetines t|at c|oice is
nade explicit (as in sentences #C and #8), and sonetines it is inplicit (as in sentences #5 &
#7). W|en t|e c|oice is inplicit, is it grannatically correct to add t|e words "or not" after
W|en t|e "w|et|er" clause acts as a noun, t|e words "or not" add aosolutely not|ing to t|e
'#($#()#* ,-('./#%0
5a) W|et|er you like |azz will influence your opinion of t|is new cluo.
5o) W|et|er or not you like |azz will influence your opinion of t|is new cluo.
whether ... or not
Notice, in eit|er of t|ose. if we renoved t|e uncertainty of t|e c|oice, we could replace t|e
word w|et|er wit| t|e word "if" to get a nore defnitive conditional statenent. Wit|out
naking t|ose c|anges, t|e word "if" would oe wrong.
!"#$%&' )* +%,'%,&%-
5) W|et|er you like |azz will influence your opinion of t|is new cluo.
C) W|et|er walk on |er left or rig|t side natters a great deal to |er.
.#$%&' )* /, %01+'%2)3)41&/3 )5 6)31'1),/3 6%5#-
7) don't know w|et|er t|ere is intelligent life elsew|ere in t|e Universe.
8) He doesn't care w|et|er you serve oroccoli or Brussels sprouts wit| dinner.
n sentence #58, t|e word "if" would oe 100 incorrect. T|e CMlT Sentence Correction
loves to test t|at particular nistake.
when to use whether
Have feedback or questions?
T|e neaning of oot| sentences is exactly t|e sane. T|e second sentence adds two nore
words t|at contrioute zilc| to t|e overall neaning of t|e sentence. W|at is CMlC's opinion
of tossing in extra words t|at lengt|en t|e sentence and contrioute oupkis to t|e neaning?
ls you nay well guess, t|ey frown on t|ese. Don't expect to see "w|et|er or not" in any
correct CMlT SC answer c|oice w|en t|e clause is used as a noun.
W|en t|e clause stands apart, as in sentences #3 & #4, t|at's anot|er natter. n t|at con!
struction, t|e alternative nust oe nade explicit. n #3 t|ere already was an explicit conpari!
son of t|e two languages, out in #4 we aosolutely nust include t|e words "or not" after t|e
"#$% '"()*()$+, *() -$.//.*01.2 1#34*$51*0#3 %)/.3%4 0*6 7(04 04 *() #328 1.4) 03 "(01( *()
words "w|et|er or not" could oe correct on CMlT sentence correction.
W|et|er or not you like it, knowing t|e correct use of "w|et|er" and "if" is inportant for
CMlT Sentence Correction. f you can naster t|ese distinctions, you will perforn well on a
question t|at t|at oefuddles nany.
Two relevant SC questions in t|e CMlT Cffcial Cuide, w|ic| appear as.
a.) #34 & #75 in CC12e, and
o.) #34 & #78 in CC13e
whether ... or not
Have feedback or questions?
!" $%&'() *+ ,%- .&%$ /%$ 0% -1( 0/( $%)' 2$/(0/()3 %& 0/( 456789
T|e astute reader will recognize t|e selfreferential error in t|e aoove sentence. T|e frst
!"#$% '$( )*+,)-.!#/- 0123 !-,! !'4-* $--5, !+ 6-'*$ '7+8! !"#, #, !"- 9: /,; <"-!"-* ,)6#!= ,+
.+>>+$ +$ 0123 ?-$!-$.- @+**-.!#+$; A-(+$5 !"#,= !"-*- '*- ."'*'.!-*#,!#. #5#+>, #$/+6/B
#$% !"- C+*5 DC"-!"-*EF
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9" $%& :72;+&,,172(' 07<<1//&& =3&,/172&. )%&/%&+ /%& ;&2&+(' %(. 7>&+,/&44&. %1,
(3/%7+1/* 12 .&/(1212; /%& ,7'.1&+,8
?" $%& 5(,&5('' <(2(;&+ )72.&+&. )%&/%&+ %1, /&(< )73'. 5& (5'& /7 +(''* 6+7< @ +32,
A(" $%& 4+76&,,7+ ,(1. %& .735/&. )%&/%&+ <7,/ B<&+10(2, 073'. '70(/& B6;%(21,/(2 72 (
5'(2- )7+'. <(48
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A5" $%& 4+76&,,7+ ,(1. %& .735/&. /%(/ <7,/ B<&+10(2, 073'. '70(/& B6;%(21,/(2 72 ( 5'(2-
)7+'. <(48
3"- 6',! #5#+> .'$ #$/+6/- I8,! +$- DC"-!"-* .6'8,-E ':!-* !"- C+*5 D+$E= +* !C+ DC"-!"-*E
.6'8,-,= +$- ', !"- ,87I-.! '$5 +$- ', !"- +7I-.! +: !"- )*-)+,#!#+$ D+$E;
@" $%& /(C&, ( 0734'& 4(*, .&4&2., 72 )%&/%&+ /%&* (+& <(++1&.8
D" E%&/%&+ ( ,/(+ 5&07<&, ( 5'(0- %7'& (/ /%& &2. 76 1/, '16& .&4&2., 72 )%&/%&+ 1/, +&<(12F
|n nass, atter success|ve reo |ant staes, |s sutfc|ent|y |are.
G" E%&/%&+ /%& ,/(/& )1'' 5& (5'& /7 (>71. ( 63''F5'7)2 +&0&,,172 .&4&2., 72 )%&/%&+ /%&
(;+103'/3+(' ,&0/7+ 1, (5'& /7 +&5732. /%1, *&(+8
!"#$%&$' )*'+%&,-+
Have feedback or questions?
Choose the option that best answers the question.
The answer is B.
Try the question online and watch the video explanation:
!"#$%&$' )*'+%&,-+
Have feedback or questions?
Choose the option that best answers the question.
The answer is C.
Try the question online and watch the video explanation:
!"#$%&$' )*'+%&,-+
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very hard
Choose the option that best answers the question.
The answer is D.
Try the question online and watch the video explanation:
!"#$ &' ()* +,#))!-
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