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1. 2. 3. 4.

Aptitude test Technical Round Managerial Round HR Round.

1. For the king's revelry 3 !arrels o" !eer have ! een ordered . ho#erver$ it #as "ound that one o" the% is poisoned. The poison takes e""ect even i" consu%ed in the tiniest a%ount a"ter 14 hours. &hou need to "ind #ithin 24 hours the poisoned !arrel and have at your disposal so%e !eer gu''ling %ice. The s%allest nu%!er o" %ice re(uired to "ind the poisoned !arrel is 1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3 hint* 2+n, no o" !arrels ans*4 2. -iven a collection o" points . in the plane a 1/set is a point in . that can !e separated "ro% the rest !y a line0 i.e the pint lies on one side o" the line #hile the others lie on the other side. The nu%!er o" 1/sets o" . is denoted !y n11.) . The %a2i%u% value o" n11.) over all con"igurations . o" 13 points in the plane is 1) 3 2) 1 3) 13 4) 4 Ans* 1315a%e as given nu%!er o" points) 3. The pacelength . is the distance !et#een the rear o" t#o consecutive "ootprints "or %en the "or%ula n6.714 gives an appro2i%ate relationship !et#een n and . #here n7 nu%!er os steps per %inute and .7 89 in %eters. :ernard kno#s his .ace ;ength is 1 4c% the "or%ula applies to :ernards #alking. 8alculate :ernards #alking speed in k%ph. 4. A hare and a tortoise have a race along a circle o" 1 one direction yards dia%eter. The tortoise goes in

and the hare < the other. The hare starts a"ter the tortoise had coveredc 16= o" its distance and that tooo leisurely. The hare and tortoise %eet #hen the hare has covered only 16> o" the distance. :y #hat "actor shoul the hare increase its speed so as to ties the reace? > 41.

3@ = Ans* 16=$ 16> =A>73@ 3@/=744 44/>741 44A416=+2741. 3. Mr !ean visited a %agic shop and !ought so%e %agical %ar!les o" di""erent colours along #ith other %agical ite%s. Bhile returning ho%e #henever he sa# a coloured light he took out %ar!les o" si%ilar colours and counted the%. 5o he counted the pink coloured %ar!les and "ound that he has !ought 23 o" the% . then he counted 1 green %ar!les and then 32 yello# %ar!les. He later counted 3 purple coloured %ar!les #ith hi%. :ut #hen he reached a crossing$ he looked at a red light and started counting red %ar!les and "ound that he had !ought 34 red %ar!les. As soon as he "inished counting$ it started raining heavily and !y the ti%e he reached ho%e he #as drenched. A"ter reaching ho%e he "ound that the red$ green$ and yello# %ar!les had %agically changed colours and !eca%e #hite$ #hile other %ar!les #ere unchanged . it #ill take 1 day to regain its colo4urs$ !ut he needs to give atleast one pair o" %ar!les to his #i"e so as to ensure that there is atleast one pair o" red$ yello# and green %ar!les? = 42 @> 4 Ans* 34C32C27@> @. There are t#o #ater tanks A and :$ A is %uch s%aller than :. Bhile #ater "ills at the rate o" 1 liter every hour in A$ it gets "illed up like$ 1 $ 2 $ 4 $> $ 1@ tank :. 161@ th o" the tank : is "illed in 21 hours. Bhat is the ti%e to "ill the tank "ully? a) 2@ 1!) 23 1c) 3 1d) 2= =. A sheet o" paper has state%ents nu%!ered "ro% 1 to 2 . For all values o" n "ro% 1 to 2 . 5tate%ent n says 'At

least n o" the state%ents on this sheet are "alse.' Bhich state%ents are true and #hich are "alse? 1a) The even nu%!ered state%ents are true and the odd nu%!ered are "alse. 1!) The odd nu%!ered state%ents are true and the even nu%!ered are "alse. 1c) The "irst @ state%ents are true and the last @ are "alse. 1d) The "irst 13 state%ents are "alse and the last 13 are "alse. Ans. c Gote* For this type o" Huestions$ "ollo# this* //At least/ <'st hal" are true$ ;ast hal" are "alse //I2actly/ ;ast second one is true or 1G/1)th 5tate%ent is true //Al%ost/ All are true. >. The <T giant Tirnop has recently crossed a head count o" 13 As one o" the and earnings o" J= !illion.

"orerunners in the technology "ront$ Tirnop continues to lead the #ay in products and services in <ndia. At Tirnop$ all progra%%ers are e(ual in every respect. They receive identical salaries and also #rite code at the sa%e rate. 5uppose 12 such progra%%ers take 12 %inutes to #rite 12 lines o" code in total. Ho# long #ill it take =2 progra%%ers to #rite =2 lines o" code in total? Hint* %1Ah16#17%2Ah26#2 4. 43 people Ka1$ a2$ DEF$ a12L %eet and shake hands in a circular "ashion. <n the pairs$ Ka1$ a2L$ Ka2$ a3L$ DEF$ Ka11$ a12L$ Ka12$ a1L. Then si'e o" the s%allest set o" people such that the rest have shaken hands #ith at least one person in the set is 1a) 12 1!) 1 1c) 1> 1d) 13 Ans. d hint* ceilingMG63N 1 . 1 suspects are rounded !y the police and (uestioned a!out a !ank ro!!ery. Only one o" the% is guilty. The suspects are %ade to stand in a line and each person declares that the person ne2t to hi% on his right is guilty. The right%ost person is not (uestioned. Bhich o" the "ollo#ing possi!ilities are true? A. All suspects are lying. :. le"t%ost suspect is guilty. 8. le"t%ost suspect is guilty 1a) A only 1!) A and 8 1c) A and :

1d) : only ans* ! 11. Alok and :hanu play the "ollo#ing %in/%a2 ga%e. -iven the e2pression G 7 13 C 9A1& / P) Bhere 9$ & and P are varia!les representing single digits 1 to 4)$ Alok #ould like to %a2i%i'e G #hile :hanu #ould like to %ini%i'e it. To#ards this end$ Alok chooses a single digit nu%!er and :hanu su!stitutes this "or a varia!le o" her choice 19$ & or P). Alok then chooses the ne2t value and :hanu$ the varia!le to su!stitute the value. Finally Alok proposes the value "or the re%aining varia!le. Assu%ing !oth play to their opti%al strategies$ the value o" G at the end o" the ga%e #ould !e? Ans. 13C1> 733 Gote* For this type o" (uestions* 2Cy/'711 2/y/'72 2A1yC')71> 12. Ho# %any "our digit nu%!ers can !e "or%ed using the digits 1$ 2$ 3$ 4$ 3 1!ut #ith repetition) that are divisi!le !y 4? 8an you help Alok "ind the ans#er? 1a) 1 1!) 123 1c) =3 1d) >3 Ans*. 3+n/17 3+4/17123$ n7 no o" digits 13. On planet kor!a$ a solar !last has %elted the ice caps on its e(uator. 4 years a"ter the ice %elts$ tiny planetoids called echina start gro#ing on the rocks. Ichina gro#s in the "or% o" circle$ and the relationship !et#een the dia%eter o" this circle and the age o" echina is given !y the "or%ula d 7 4Av 1t/4) "or t 7 4 #here d represents the dia%eter in %% and t the nu%!er o" years since the solar !last.Qagan recorded the radius o" so%e echina at a particular spot as =%%. Ho# %any years !ack did the solar !last occur? a) 1= !)21.23 c)12.23 d)14. 3 Ans* ! 14. Ferrari 5...A is an <talian sports car %anu"acturer !ased in Maranello$ <taly. Founded !y In'o Ferrari in

142> as 5cuderia Ferrari$ the co%pany sponsored drivers and %anu"actured race cars !e"ore %oving into production o" street/legal vehicles in 144= as Ferrari 5...A. Throughout its history$ the co%pany has !een noted "or its continued participation in racing$ especially in For%ula One #here it has e%ployed great success .Rohit once !ought a Ferrari. <t could go 4 ti%es as "ast as Mohan's old Mercedes. <" the speed o" Mohan's Mercedes is 33 k%6hr and the distance traveled !y the Ferrari is 44 k%$ "ind the total ti%e taken "or Rohit to drive that distance. 2 .=2 !) 3.1> c) 23>.23 d) @.1> Ans* ! 13. Qohn !uys a cycle "or 31 dollars and given a che(ue o" a%ount 33 dollars. 5hop Reeper e2changed the che(ue #ith his neigh!or and gave change to Qohn. A"ter 2 days$ it is kno#n that che(ue is !ounced. 5hop keeper paid the a%ount to his neigh!or. The cost price o" cycle is 14 dollars. Bhat is the pro"it6loss "or shop keeper? a)loss 23 !)gain 23 c)gain 34 d);oss 34 Ans* a hint* 14C4723 1@. Middle/ earth is a "ictional land inha!ited !y ho!!its$ elves$ d#arves and %en. The ho!!its and elves are peace"ul creatures that pre"er slo#$ silent lives and appreciate nature and art. The d#arves and the %en engage in physical ga%es. The ga%e is as "ollo#s. A tourna%ent is one #here out o" the t#o tea%s that play a %atch$ the one that loses get eli%inated. The %atches are played in di""erent rounds$ #here in every round0 hal" o" the tea%s get eli%inated "ro% the tourna%ent. <" there are > rounds played in knock out tourna%ent$ ho# %any %atches #ere played? a)23= !)23@ c)=2 d)233 And* d 1=. 1162) o" a nu%!er is 3 %ore than the 116@) o" the sa%e nu%!er?

a) @ !) = c) > d) 4 Ans* d 1>. Alice and :o! play the "ollo#ing coins/on/a/stack ga%e. 1 the other. One o" coins are stacked one a!ove

the% is a special 1gold) coin and the rest are ordinary coins. The goal is to !ring the gold coin to the top !y repeatedly %oving the top%ost coin to another position in the stack. Alice starts and the players take turns. A turn consists o" %oving the coin on the top to a position i !elo# the top coin 1 7 i 7 1 proviso is that ). Be #ill call this an i/%ove 1thus a /%ove i%plies doing nothing). The

an i/%ove cannot !e repeated0 "or e2a%ple once a player %akes a 2/%ove$ on su!se(uent turns neither player can %ake a 2/%ove. <" the gold coin happens to !e on top #hen it's a player's turn then the player #ins the ga%e. A. Alice has no #inning strategy. :. <nitially$ the gold coins the third coin "ro% the top. Then 8. <n order to #in$ Alice's "irst %ove should !e a /%ove. S. <n order to #in$ Alice's "irst %ove should !e a 1/%ove. Ans. S 14. A"ter the typist #rites 12 letters and addresses 12 envelopes$ she inserts the letters rando%ly into the envelopes 11 letter per envelope). Bhat is the pro!a!ility that e2actly 1 letter is inserted in an i%proper envelope? 1a) 1!) 126212 1c) 11612 1d) 1612 Ans. a 2 . The <T giant Tirnop has recently crossed a head count o" 13 !illion. As one o" the and earnings o" J=

"orerunners in the technology "ront$ Tirnop continues to lead the #ay in products and services in <ndia. At Tirnop$ all progra%%ers are e(ual in every respect. They receive identical salaries ans also #rite code at the sa%e rate. 5uppose 12 such progra%%ers take 12 %inutes to #rite 12 lines o" code in total. Ho# %any lines o"

code can !e #ritten !y =2 progra%%ers in =2 %inutes? 1a) =2 1!) 432 1c) 12 1d) 144 Ans. ! 1This (uestion is t#o ti%es repeated in %y (uestion paper) 21. A circular dart!oard o" radius 2 "oot is at a distance o" 2 "eet "ro% you. &ou thro# a dart at it and it hits the dart!oard at so%e point H in the circle. Bhat is the pro!a!ility that H is closer to the center o" the circle than the periphery? a) .=3 !) 1 c) .23 d) .3 Ans* .23 22. .lanet Four"e resides in 4/di%ensional space and thus the currency used !y its residents are 3/ di%ensional o!Tects. The rupee notes are cu!ical in shape shile their coins are spherical. Ho#ever the coin %inting %achinery lays out so%e stipulations on the si'e o" the coins. A. The dia%ere o" the coins should !e at least 4 %% and not e2ceed 1@%%. :. given a coin the dia%eter o" the ne2t larger coin is at least 3 U greater. 8. the dia%eter o" the coin %ust al#ays !e na integer. &ou are asked to design a set o" coins o" di""erent dia%eters #ith thers re(uire%ents and your goal is to desigh as %any coins as possi!le. Ho# %any coins can you design? 1 2 4 3 Ans* 1 23. There are t#o !o2es$ one containing 24 red !alls and the other containing 3> green !alls. &ou are allo#ed to %ove the !alls !et#een the !o2es so that #hen you choose a !o2 at rando% and a !all at rando% "ro% the chosen !o2 the pro!a!ility o" getting a red !all is %a2i%i'ed. This %a2i%u% pro!a!ility is .3 .34 .@4 .14 24. 5u!ha patel is an ol"actory scientist #orking "or internation "lavors and "ragrances. 5he speciali'es in

"inding ne# scents recorded and reconstituted "ro% nature thanks to living "lo#er technology she has e2tracted "ragraned ingredients "ro% di""erent "lo#ering plants into !ottles la!eled citrus lilac$ #oody$ anisic and casis . she has learned that a "or%ula "or a per"u%e is accepta!le i" and only i" it does not violate any o" the rules listed* i" the per"u%e contains citrus$ it %ust also contain anisic$ and the a%ount o" anisic %ust e(ual the a%ount o" lilac. Boody cannot !e used in co%!ination #ith anisic. Anisic cannot !e used in co%!ination #ith casis. <" the per"u%e contains casis$ the a%ount o" casis %ust !e greater than the total a%ount o" the other essence or essence used. Bhich o" the "ollo#ing could !e added to and unaccepta!le per"u%e consisting o" t#o parts #oody and one part casis to %ake it accepta!le? 1. T#o parts #oody 2. One part lilac 3. One part citrus 4. T#o parts casis Ans* T#o parts casis 23. e2p1%$n)7 % to the po#er o" n$ i" e2p11 $%) 7 n e2p12$4)$#hat is the value o" n? 1i dont re%e%!er the options) 2@. The citi'ens o" planet O' are @ "ingered and thus have developed a nu%!er syste% in !ase @. A certain street in O' contains 1 these !uildings? !uildings nu%!ered "ro% 1 to 1 . Ho# %any 3's are used in nu%!ering

I2press your ans#er in !ase 1 . Ans* 3 A n271 > 1n7@$....i" n7 nu%!er syste% given) 2=. The dyna%ics o" cro#d !ehaviour are hard to study !ecause usually people are not relia!le #itness o" their o#n !ehaviour. Go# consider 4 people standing in the (ueue o" a super%arket. &ou #ant to predict their !ehaviour !ased on their age group. &ou get to kno# "ro the super%arket records that their average age 3 years ago #as 4> years. A"ter a #hile$ another person Toins the (ueue and the present average o" all the 3 is 4@ years. The present age o" the last person in the (ueue is* Ans* 2@ years

2>. A %an Togs at @ %ph over a certain Tourney and #alks over the sa%e route at 4 %ph. Bhat is his average speed "or the Tourney? a) 2.4 %ph !) 4.> %ph c) 4 %ph d) 3 %ph 5olution* Average speed712A2Ay)612Cy) 24. A scientist #as researching on ani%al !ehavior in his la!. He #as very interested in analy'ing the !ehavior o" !ear. For so%e reason he travelled 1%ile in north direction V reached at Gorth .ole. There he sa# a !ear. He then "ollo#ed the !ear around 1 hr #ith a speed o" 2k%6hr in east direction. A"ter that he travelled in south direction V reached at his la! in2 hrs. Then #hat is the color o" the !ear? a) Bhite !) :lack c) -ray d) :ro#n 5olution is* Bhite. a!ove all the %atter is nonsense 3 . <n a school$ "or a student out o" 1 %arks in the >th he got =4 o" average "or = su!Tects and he got =4

su!Tect. #hat is the average o" all the su!Tect? a) =@.231 !) > .23 c) =4.2@3 d) =4.@23 5olution* Total %arks7=4A=731>$ then average7131>C=4)6>7=4.@23 31. A !oy got 224 points out o" 3 e2a% le"t #ith hi% ho# $ !ut he had to score atleast =4U. Go# he has one %ore points.

%uch he have to score in re%aining e2a% to score atleast =4U i" it is o" 1 Ans* 42 %arks 32. The !acteria gro#s in e2ponential %anner$ the !acteria proportion at 3. at =. .. M it raise to 133@ Ans* 34321@ . :y ho# %uch #ill !e the proportion o" !acteria at 1 . 1Tust solve it).

..M is 3



33. 5i2 "riends decide to share a !ig cake. 5ince all o" the% like the cake$ they !egin (uarreling #ho gets to "irst cut and have a piece o" the cake. One "riend suggests that they have a !lind"old "riend choose "ro% #ell shu""led set o" cards nu%!ered one to si2. &ou check and "ind that this %ethod #orks as it should si%ulating a

"air thro# o" a die. &ou check !y per"or%ing %ultiple si%ultaneous trials o" picking the cards !lind"old and thro#ing a die. &ou note that the nu%!er sho#n !y the %ethod o" picking up a card and thro#ing a real #orld die$ su%s to a nu%!er !et#een 2 and 12. Bhich total #ould !e likely to appear %ore o"ten / >$4 or 1 ? a) > !) All are e(ually likely c) 4 d) 1 5olution* 8alculate ho# %any ti%es >$4$1 #ill co%e #hen #e thro# 2 dice$ and ans#er 34. :hanu spends 3 U o" his inco%e on petrol on scooter. ? o" the re%aining on house rent and the !alance on "ood. <" he spends Rs.3 a) Rs.323 !) Rs.1 c) Rs.@=3 d) Rs.1=3 1ans 1=3) 33. Anoop %anaged to dra# = circles o" e(ual radii #ith their centres on the diagonal o" a s(uare such that the t#o e2tre%e circles touch t#o sides o" the s(uare and each %iddle circle touches t#o circles on either side. Find the ratio o" the side o" the s(uare to radius to the circles. &ou %ay assu%e that s(uate toot o" 2 is 1.4 1a) 13.4 *1 1!) 1 .4 *1 1c) 11.> *1 1d) 13.4 *1 Ans* ! I2planation* 12C@root12)) * 1 on petrol then #hat is the e2penditure on house rent?

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