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Fact 1

No one knows how much of the current global warming is due to natural phenomenon or

Fact 2
We are currently in a period of natural warming that began in 1850 as we emerged from a
400 hundred year old cooling trend called the Little Ice Age.

Fact 3
97% of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere comes from the ocean and plants.

Fact 4
Greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere are made up of 90% water vapour, 4% Carbon
Dioxide, 4% methane, 2% fluoride compounds and nitrous oxide.

Fact 5
Top estimates put water vapour as high as 95% of greenhouse gasses of this 95%
99.999% is natural and not attributed to manmade causes.

Fact 6
Carbon Dioxide accounts for 0.04% of the earths atmosphere.

Fact 7
Manmade Carbon Dioxide is only 0.117% of the total Carbon Dioxide in the air and
contributes 0.0047% of Carbon dioxide total in the atmosphere.

Fact 8
Reducing Manmade Carbon Dioxide by 30% in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol has
been estimated to lower earths temperature by 1/20th of 1 degree by 2050 a negligible

Fact 9
Most of the global warming trend of the last 150 years occurred before 1940 the period
since is by enlarge when human activity increased its Carbon Dioxide production from
smoke stacks and automobiles.

Fact 10
The net global warming since 1940 is a tiny 0.2 degrees C.

Fact 11
There has been no acceleration since modern global warming began in 1850.
Fact 12
Between 2007 and 2008 global temperatures dropped between 0.59% and 0.75% degrees
C virtually enough to offset the entire global warming of the last century this despite
increased levels of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.

Fact 13
This came after nine years of none global warming since 1998 which was a direct
contradiction to IPPC forecasts.

Fact 14
Past global temperature records show no historical correlation between temperature levels
and Carbon Dioxide despite the claims of Al Gore and the IPPC.

Fact 15
Carbon offsetting does not work, trees release all their Carbon Dioxide when they die the
net effect is negligible.

Fact 16
Global temperatures have a 79% correlation with the sunspot index. The sunspot index
turned downward in 2000.

Fact 17
The Hadley Centre of the UK Met office has found that there has been no statistically
significant warming since1995, Despite an increase in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide of

Fact 18
Climatologist Joe D’ Aleo of the International Climate and Environmental Change
Assessment Project said new data “shows that in five of the last seven decades since
World War II including this one, global temperatures have cooled while Carbon Dioxide
levels continue to rise.

Fact 19
3,000 NASA robots monitoring sea temperatures since 2003 have shown the worlds
oceans temperatures falling slightly.

Fact 20
Data from 6,000 boreholes worldwide show global temperatures were up to 3 degrees C
higher in the Medieval Warm Period than current levels.

Fact 21
During this period there were no glaciers in the tropical Andes today they exist.
Fact 22
There were Viking settlements and farms in Greenland, now those settlements are under a
thick layer of permafrost.

Fact 23
There was little ice at the North Pole in 1491. A Chinese naval squadron sailed right
round and found none.

Fact 24
The Antarctic, which holds 90% of the worlds ice and nearly all its 160,000 glaciers has
got colder and gained ice mass in the last 30 years reversing a 6,000 year melting trend.

Fact 25
In the past half century the sun has been warmer than at any time in the last 11,400 years.

Fact 26
The UN’s second assessment report contained a graph showing the Medieval Warm
Period was hotter than today’s temperatures.

Fact 27
Its 2001 report contained the infamous hockey stick report that features on many global
warming sites supporting the theory of manmade global warming. It shows no significant
Medieval Warm Period taking place. Incorrectly concluding that the 20th century was the
warmest for 1,000 years

Fact 28
Reconstruction of Paleoclimatological Carbon Dioxide concentrations demonstrate that
Carbon Dioxide levels today are near their lowest levels since the Cambrian era some 550
million years ago.

Fact 29
550 million years ago there was almost 20 times more Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere,
it did not cause a runaway greenhouse effect.

Fact 30
Temperature changes lead not lag Carbon Dioxide levels on all time scales.

Fact 31
Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant but a naturally occurring gas, along with chlorophyll
and sunlight it is essential for photosynthesis and is accordingly plant food.

Fact 32
Carbon Dioxide is logarithmic, so the more Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere the less
warming it produces.
Fact 33
Planet Mars as an atmosphere consisting of 95% Carbon Dioxide. Its temperature ranges
from 0°C and -140°C.

Fact 34
If there was no greenhouse effect life could not continue on earth.

Fact 35
Greenland is so called because of its lush green pastures that were farmed for over 300
years in the Medieval warm period by Norse settlers.

Fact 36
There is no consensus by scientists supporting global warming. More than 32,000
scientists including 9,000 PhD’s have signed a petition stating that they believe
anthropogenic(manmade) effects on global warming are negligible.

Fact 37
The theory of anthropogenic global warming requires that temperature rise is driven by
the rise in Carbon Dioxide levels. Ice core analysis however reveals than Carbon Dioxide
levels rise and fall hundreds of years after temperature change.

Fact 38
Climate change predictions for the next 50-100 years are based on computer models.
Weather forecasts have been shown to be only 56% accurate for predicting upcoming
weather after only as little as seven days.

Fact 39
According to the National Climatic Centre 1936 experienced the hottest overall summer
on record in continental United States. In fact out of 50 states 22 recorded their all time
high temperature during the 1930’s

Fact 40
According to NASA between 1940 and 1970 average global temperatures dropped by

Fact 41
Carbon Dioxide accounts for slightly more than 3/1000th of planet earths atmosphere.

Fact 42
At the time of the Dinosaur 160,000,000 years ago Carbon Dioxide levels were 500 times
higher than they are now.
Fact 43
Many theorise that Dinosaurs were able to grow to such huge sizes because of favourable
warmer climate and vast amounts of lush green carbon dioxide foliage existed at this

Fact 44
There are far more human deaths caused by cold climate than warm.

Fact 45
Earth has had eight significant warm periods since the last Ice Age. Fossil evidence
suggests several of these were warmer than our recent warming period.

Fact 46
Despite public perception and media coverage statistically Storms and drouts are
becoming fewer and milder as they did in previous periods of global warming.

Fact 47
In the 11th Century during the Medieval Warm Period England had many vineyards and
its own prolific wine industry.

Fact 48
Many streets in southern England dating back to this period are called Vine street/road to
this day.

Fact 49
There was a mini Ice Age observed between the 16th and 19th century, earth has been
warming naturally since then.

Fact 50
Based on Ice Cores from Greenland it’s widely accepted that there is 1500 year cycle of
warming and cooling that goes back 400,000 years, many scientists believe we are in the
warming up period of that cycle.

Fact 51
NASA has been warning since 2006 of an expected period of global cooling due to the
decline of sunspots over the next decade.


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