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INDEX 1. ABSTRACT 2 .Introduction 2.1 Introduction to Project 2.2 Introduction to Organi ation " .S#$te% Ana&#$i$ ".

1 Bac'ground ".2 Proce$$ Diagra% "." E)i$ting S#$te% ".4 Pro+o$ed S#$te% ".5 ,ea$i-i&it# Stud# ".5.1 Tec.nica& ,ea$i-i&it# ".5.2 Econo%ic ,ea$i-i&it# ".5." O+erationa& ,ea$i-i&it# 4 .Re0uire%ent Ana&#$i$ 4.1 Introduction 4.2 ,unctiona& Re0uire%ent$ 4." S#$te% Re0uire%ent$ 4.".1 So1t2are Re0uire%ent$ 4.".2 3ard2are Re0uire%ent$ 5 .S#$te% De$ign 5.1 3ig.45e6e& De$ign 5.1.1 S#$te% De$ign 5.1.2 Su-$#$te% De$ign 5.1." B&oc' De$ign 5.2 895 Diagra%$ 5.2.1 8$e ca$e Diagra%$ 5.2.2 C&a$$ Diagra%$ 5.2." Se0uence Diagra%$ 5.2.4 Co%%unication Diagra%$ "2 "" "! "1 17 17 1( 1* 15 15 12 1" * 1/ 1/ 1/ ( ( * * 5 ! 4

5.2.5 Acti6it# Diagra%$ 5.2.! State Diagra%$ 5.2.7 Co%+onent Diagra% 5.2.( De+&o#%ent Diagra% ! .Coding 7 .Te$ting ( .Screen S.ot$ * .Conc&u$ion 1/. Bi-&iogra+.# !* 42 42 4"


45 !1 !" 7/

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The Car Par'ing S#$te% is the application which records the cars being parked at the respective stalls. This system automates the parking system usually observed at the parking lots. We could easily observe the confusion handled by the Security at the lot. With the help of this application the user will first register the car being parked in the stall. The user can either add a car to the lot or remove the car from the same parking lot. The cars will be added to the parking stalls in a se!uential order. "nce a car is removed from the lot the ne#t car will be parked in the same lot which will save enough space in the parking lot space. Similarly we can retrieve the stall number in which a particular car has been parked. This function works accordingly by the given car number by user. The other functionalities that are added to this System are checking the lot capacity. With this module the user can check the number of stalls that are vacant and the number of stalls that are filled in.

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2.1 Introduction to +roject:

The Car Par'ing S#$te% is the application which records the cars being parked at the respective stalls. This system automates the parking system usually observed at the parking lots. We could easily observe the confusion handled by the Security at the lot. So to handle the situation more technically the present system has been designed with %ight Weight &omponents like Swings. With the help of this application the user will first register the car being parked in the stall. The user can either add a car to the lot or remove the car from the same parking lot. The cars will be added to the parking stalls in a se!uential order. "nce a car is removed from the lot the ne#t car will be parked in the same lot which will save enough space in the parking lot space. Similarly we can retrieve the stall number in which a particular car has been parked. This function works accordingly by the given car number by user. The other functionalities that are added to this System are checking the lot capacity. With this module the user can check the number of stalls that are vacant and the number of stalls that are filled in. This system has been developed using the %ight Weight &omponents in 'ava called Swings. The car numbers and the stalls in which the cars are parked are saved on to a file when the user clicks on Save %ot State tab. This file can use later for any verification purposes by the management who is using this car parking system.

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)eo*pp T+&,)"%"-.+S builds intelligent cost/effective .T solutions that bridge the gaps in 0ata .nformation and 1nowledge that e#ist across the enterprise / its processes people and technologies. 0"2.)"3".)T T+&,)"%"-.+S perceives itself as a high/tech company bringing the technological innovations and practices to the industry. "ur company products are centered on the concept of 4work from anywhere4 for customers employees and associates and 4 administer from anywhere4 for configuration managers system administrators and e#ecutives. These products help in bridge the communication gaps that are detrimental for the parties involved. This company is a global scalable distributed solution provider with e#pertise in multi/platform development and pro5ect management. =i$ion "ur vision is to consistently maintain the reputation as a valued source of technical prowess and best/of/class e#pertise in the business. 9i$$ion "ur mission is to pioneer innovative 6 secure solutions by leveraging the .nternet and collaborative agent technologies with the values of Inno6ation: &reating and delivering profitable new products with speed and agility. Re$+on$i-i&it#: Sharing responsibility in meeting stakeholder goals7 seeking and respecting others views. E)ce&&ence: &ommitment to improving employee skills resource utili8ation and business processes.

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".1 Bac'ground: * parallel parking system for non holonomic vehicles with embedded microprocessor and ultrasonic sensors is described. * general four/wheel vehicle is modeled as a nonholonomic system to reflect the motion constraints applied to the vehicle. The path may re!uire a few backward and forward maneuvers if the parking space is tight or the range of steering angle is narrow. Speed control during the maneuver is discussed and a scheme of speed variation is presented. The robot followed these paths into parking spaces safely. The system shows the potential to be integrated into automobiles. ".2 Proce$$ Diagra% 1or AutoPar'ingS#$te%:

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"." E)i$ting S#$te%: .n general we usually observe the havoc in the parking lots for parking the vehicles. <or the car to be parked the guard has to keep track of the empty spaces in the lot area .This includes a lot of manual intervention. .n the fast growing world where the technology has been spreading at a rapid rate the present system has been proposed which simulates the car parking scenario. ".4 Pro+o$ed S#$te%: With the proposed car parking system the user without any manual intervention can enroute the cars to the respective stalls. <irstly the cars will be registered within the system. "nce the cars have been registered the cars will be added to the parking lot. The user at any point of time can check the capacity of the parking lot. ,e can determine the number of stalls that are empty and the number of stalls that are filled. The car can be removed from the lot and the ne#t car will be parked in the same slot to save enough space. *ll the data that is being entered is stored on to a te#t file for later verification purposes. ".5 ,ea$i-i&it# Stud#: *n important outcome of the preliminary investigation is the determination that system re!uested is feasible. .t is proposed to solve the problem development a computer based information system for 5ob searching. Since the data is voluminous and involves a lot of overhead. Therefore it is the best activity for computeri8ation. The proposed system is feasible in following aspects. ".5.1 Tec.nica& ,ea$i-i&it#:

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The technical feasibility is measured with the current +!uipment e#isting software technologies and available personnel are sufficient for the proposed system. The proposed system is technically feasible since the e!uipment7 software technology and available personal in the organi8ation are well suitable for the proposed system.

".5.2 Econo%ic ,ea$i-i&it#: +conomic feasibility is measured that the proposed System having sufficient benefits in the economic point of view. Since the necessary hardware and software are available in the organi8ation there is no need to procure and install new hardware and software. Thus initial investment on hardware and software is nothing. There is no need of e#tra personal for the proposed system. ,ence the proposed system is economically feasible. ".5." O+erationa& ,ea$i-i&it#: The operational feasibility is measured by the usage of the system after implementation and resistance from the users. ,ence it is encouraging to undertake a detailed system analysis.

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4.1 Introduction: So1t2are Re0uire%ent S+eci1ication: Software @e!uirements Specification plays an important role in creating !uality software solutions. Specification is basically a representation process. @e!uirements are represented in a manner that ultimately leads to successful software implementation. @e!uirements may be specified in a variety of ways. ,owever there are some guidelines worth followingA / @epresentation format and content should be relevant to the problem .nformation contained within the specification should be nested 0iagrams and other notational forms should be restricted in number and consistent in use. @epresentations should be revisable.

So1t2are Re0uire%ent$ S+eci1ication$: The software re!uirements specification is produced at the culmination of the analysis task. The function and performance allocated to the software as a part of system engineering are refined by establishing a complete information description a detailed functional and behavioral description and indication of performance re!uirements and design constraints appropriate validation criteria and other data pertinent to re!uirements. An out&ine o1 t.e So1t2are Re0uire%ent$ S+eci1icationA

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* simplified outline can be given for the framework of the specifications. This is according to the .+++ Standards.

4.1 Introduction: 4.2 ,unctiona& Re0uire%ent$: RE?8IR9ENT ID CPS@/1 CPS@/2 RE?8IR9ENT SPECI,ICATION

System should provide a provision to give authentication to the user. System should provide a provision to view the capacity of a lot. System should provide a provision to Biew the *vailability space for parking the car to each user. System should provide a provision to add the car into a lot. System should provide a provision to @emove the car from a lot. System should provide a provision to update the <ree space available in the lot. System should provide a provision to view the no of carCs in the lot. System should provide a provision to find the location of a particular car. System should provide a provision to view all the car details of a particular day. System should provide a provision to get the details of a car
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CPS@/4 CPS@/5

CPS@/! CPS@/7

CPS@/( CPS@/*


by entering the number.


System should provide a provision to %ogout

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modulesA Add Car to t.e 5ot: With the help of this module the user can add the cars to the parking lot. The user keys in the &ar number D%icense 3late )umberE which is uni!ue and the same is saved into the buffer. Re%o6e Car 1ro% 5ot: This is the module where the user can remove the car from the parking space. C&ear Data: When the user clicks this tab the user can clear the data from the buffer. When this is done the parking stalls will be emptied and the all the data where the car numbers have been stored will be cleared.' 5ot Ca+acit#: With this link the user can check the status of the parking lot. This gives the information about how many stalls are full and how many stalls are empty. Sa6e 5ot State: "nce the user clicks on this tab the complete data that has been feeded will be stored on to some e#ternal te#t file. 5ocate =e.ic&e: The user can locate the particular car in the parking lot by giving in the license number that has been added while adding car to the lot.

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4." S#$te% Re0uire%ent$: 4.".1 So1t2are Re0uire%ent$ O+erating S#$te% 5anguage$ Docu%entation too& : : : : Aindo2$ NT j2$d' 1.5. Ba6a $2ing$ 9$42ord 2//7

4. ".2 3ard2are Re0uire%ent$: Proce$$or S+eed 3ard Di$' RA9 : : : : Pentiu% 2"" 93 4.2 9B 12( 9B

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5.1 3ig. 5e6e& De$ign: 5.1.1 S#$te% De$ign: The most creative and challenging phase of the life cycle is system design. The term design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. .t refers to the technical specifications that will be applied in implementations of the candidate system. The design may be defined as the process of applying various techni!ues and principles for the purpose of defining a device a process or a system with sufficient details to permit its physical reali8ation. The designerCs goal is how the output is to be produced and in what format. Samples of the output and input are also presented. Second input data and database files have to be designed to meet the re!uirements of the proposed output. The processing phases are handled through the program &onstruction and Testing. <inally details related to 5ustification of the system and an estimate of the impact of the candidate system on the user and the organi8ation are documented and evaluated by management as a step toward implementation. The importance of software design can be stated in a single word Fuality . 0esign provides us with representations of software that can be assessed for !uality. 0esign is the only way where we can accurately translate a customerCs re!uirements into a complete software product or system. Without design we risk building an unstable system that might fail if small changes are made. .t may as well be difficult to test or could be one whoCs !uality canCt be tested. So it is an essential phase in the development of a software product.

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Par'ing S#$te% De$ign


3arking System

5.1.2 Su-$#$te% De$ign:

Par'ing Su-$#$te% De$ign

> >;

-raphical Gser .nterface

*uto 3arking Husiness %ogic Sub System

<ile Subsystem

5.1." B&oc' De$ign: System *nalysis is first stage according to System 0evelopment %ife &ycle model. This System *nalysis is a process that starts with the analyst. *nalysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the system. "ne aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate should consider other related systems. 0uring analysis data is collected from the available files decision points and transactions handled by the present system. %ogical system models and tools are used in analysis. Training e#perience and common sense are re!uired for collection of the information needed to do the analysis %ogical system models and tools are used in analysis. Training e#perience and common sense are re!uired for collection of the information needed to do the analysis. This System *nalysis is a process that starts with the analyst. *nalysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the system.

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Status 2anagement ,andler

*uto3arking&o ntroller

&ar *llocation ,andler

@eport,andle r

-G. SubSystem


INP8T DESI;N: The input design is the link that ties the information System into the real world of its users. The inputs which are given by the user will form the core of the processes. So the inputs have to be care fully analy8ed and care has to be taken to avoid in correct inputs. The guidelines that have been followed in designing the input forms are. 2inimi8ing the number of input by collecting only re!uired 0ata and grouping similar or related data. 2aintain consistently between information display and input.

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3roviding help facilities those are conte#t sensitive. The format of the same data in different screens must be same.

&onsistent terminologyCs are to be used throughout the system

O8TP8T DESI;N: &omputer output is the most important and direct source of information to user. +fficient intelligible output design should provide user with systems relationships and help in decision/making. The ma5or form of output is hard copy from the printer7 printouts are to be designed around the out put re!uirements of the user. The output devices to be considered depends on factors such as compatibility of the device with the system response time re!uirements e#pected print !uality and number of copies needed. The output design was carried out in consultation with the user reports which have many columns are printed n compressor mode which can be printed on laser printers and others in uncompressed mode so as to facilitate its usage online printers.

SE5ECTED SO,TAARE: ABO8T BA=A: The .nternet helped catapult 'ava to the forefront of programming and 'ava in turn has had a profound effect on the .nternet. The reason for this is !uite simpleA 'ava e#pands the universe of ob5ects that can move about freely in the cyberspace. .n a network two very broad categories of ob5ects are transmitted between the server and our computer passive information and dynamic active programs. *s desirable as dynamic networked programs are they also present serious problems in the areas of security and portability. 'ava achieves this security or protection by confining a 'ava program to the 'ava e#ecution environment and not allowing it to access to other parts of the computer. 2any types of the computers and operating systems are in use throughout the world and

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many are connected to the .nternet. <or programs to be dynamically downloaded to all the various types of platforms connected to the .nternet some means of generating portable e#ecutable code is needed. 'ava was designed to be easy for the professional programmers to learn and use efficiently. The ob5ect model of 'ava is simple and easy to e#tend while simple types such as integers are kept as high/performance non/ob5ects. The multiplatformed environment of the web places e#traordinarily demands on a program because the program must e#ecute reliably in a variety of systems. Thus the ability to create robust programs was given a high priority in the design of 'ava. *t the same time 'ava frees us from having to worry about many of the most common cause of programming errors. Hecause 'ava is strictly typed language it checks our code at the compile time and also at run/time.

'ava was designed to meet the real world re!uirements of creating interactive networked programs. 'ava supports multithreaded programming which allows us to write programs that do many things simultaneously. * central issue for the 'ava designers was that of code longevity and portability. Their goal was write once7 run anywhere any time forever . 'ava enables the creation of the cross/platform programs by compiling into intermediate representation called 'avabytecode. This code can be interpreted on any system that provides a 5ava virtual machine. 'ava is designed for the distributed environment of the .nternet because it handles T&3I.3 protocols. .n fact accessing a resource using a G@% is not much different from accessing a file. The original version of 'ava D"*1E included features for intra/address/space messaging. 'ava programs carry with them substantial amounts of the run/time type information that is used to verify and resolve accesses to ob5ects at run/time. This makes it possible to dynamically link code in a safe and e#pedient manner. INTROD8CTION TO BA=A

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CREATION O, BA=A: 'ava was conceived by 'ames -osling 3atrick )aughton &hris Warth +d <rank and 2ike Sheridan at SG) 2icrosystems .ncorporation in the year >==>..t took >; months to develop the >st working version. This language was initially called "*1 but was renamed '*B* in >==( many more contributed to the design and evolution of the language.

BA=A O=ER=IEA: 'ava is a powerful but lean ob5ect/oriented programming language. .t has generated a lot of e#citement because it makes it possible to program for .nternet by creating *pplets. 3rograms that can be embedded in web page. The conte#t of an applet can be an animation with sound an interactive game or a ticker tape. With constantly updated stock prices. *pplets can be 5ust little decorations to liven up web page or they can be serious applications like Word processor or Spreadsheet.

There are many bu88words associated with 'ava but because of its spectacular growth in popularity a new bu88word has appeared ubi!uitous. .ndeed all indications are that it will soon be everywhere. 'ava builds on the strength of &JJ. .t has taken the best features of &JJ and discarded the more problematic and error prone parts. To this lean core it has added garbage collection Dautomatic memory managementE multithreading Dthe capacity for one program to do more than one thing at a timeE security capabilities. This result is that 'ava is simple elegant and powerful and easy/to/use. 'ava is actually a platform consisting of 3 componentsA 'ava 3rogramming %anguage. 'ava %ibrary of &lasses and .nterfaces. 'ava Birtual 2achine

The following sections will say more about these components. BA=A IS PORTAB5E:

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"ne of the biggest advantages 'ava offers is that it is portable. *n application written in 'ava will run on all the ma5or platforms. *ny computer with a 'ava/based browser can run the applications or *pplets written in the 'ava/3rogramming/%anguage. * programmer no longer has to write one program to run on a 2acintosh another program to run on a Windows/machine still another to run on a G).K/machine and so on. .n other words with 'ava developers write their programs only once. The Birtual 2achine is what gives 'ava is cross platform capabilities. @ather being compiled into machine language which is different for each "SCs and computer architecture 'ava code is compiled into Hyte codes. With other languages the program code is compiled into a language that the computer can understand. The problem is that other computers with different machine instruction set cannot understand that language. 'ava code on the other hand is compiled into Hyte/&ode rather than a machine language. These byte codes go to the 'B2 which e#ecutes them directly or translates them into the language that is understood by the machine running it.

BA=A IS OBBECT4ORIENTED: The 'ava programming language is "H'+&T/"@.+)T+0 which makes program design focus on what you are dealing with rather than on how your are going to do something. This makes it more useful for programming in sophisticated pro5ects because one can break the things into understandable components. * big benefit is that these components can then be reused. "b5ect/"riented %anguages use the paradigm of classes. .n simplest term a class includes both the data and the functions to operate on data. Lou can create an instance of a class also called an ob5ect which will have all the data members and functionality of its class. Hecause of this you can think of a class as being like template with each ob5ect being a specific instance of a particular type of class.

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The class paradigm allows one to encapsulate data so that specific data values are those using the data cannot see the function implementation. +ncapsulation makes it possible to make the changes in code without breaking other programs that use that code. .f for e#ample the implementation of a function is changed the change is invisible to any programmer who invokes that function and does not affect hisIher program e#cept hopefully to improve it. 'ava includes inheritance or the ability to derive new classes from e#isting classes. The derived class is also called as Sub/&lass inherits all the data in the functions of the e#isting class. BA=A DE=O5P9ENT E=NIRON9ENT: To code edit debug and test the 5ava programs one needs to have a 5ava development environment. *t the minimum this will consists of a 5ava compiler interpreter and applet viewer where applets can be tested. SunCs 5ava development kit D'01E latest version is 2.2 can be freely downloaded from the .nternet. 'ava compiler is available on 0"S Win=( W.)C)T Solaris and 2*& etc. .ntroduction to 'avaScript

895 DIA;RA9S

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5.2.1 8SECASE DIA;RA9:44

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5.2.2 C5ASS DIA;RA9:4444

2 2:

5.2." SE?8ENCE DIA;RA9S:44

1C Adding a Car to t.e 5ot

2 2;

2C'ing t.e Par'ing 5ot Ca+acit#

"C 5ocation O1 A Particu&ar Car

2 2=

4C Re%o6ing Car 1ro% 5ot

(E Show *vailable Space .n * %ot

3 3?

9E Biew *ll &ars .n * 3articular 0ay

5.2.4 CO998NICATION DIA;RA9S:44 >E *dding a &ar To the %ot

3 3>

2E &hecking The 3arking %ot &apacity

3E %ocating a Behicle

3 32

$E @emoving a &ar <rom %ot

3 33

3 3$

5.2.5 ACTI=IT> DIA;RO9A// >E &heck %ot &apacity

2E *dd &ar to the %ot

3 3(

3E@emoving a &ar %ot

3 39



3 3:

5.2.( DEP5O>9ENT DIA;RA9:44

3 3;


Coding: The program design language is also called as structured +nglish or pseudopodia. 30% is a

generic reference for a design language 30% looks like a modern language. The difference between 30% and real programming language lies in the narrative te#t embedded directly within 30% statements. 3 0 % s yn t a # s h o u l d i n c l u d e c o n s t r u c t s f o r s u b p r o g r a m d e f i n i t i o n interface description date declaration techni!ues for structuring constructs conditions repetition constructs and .I" constructs.30% can be e#tended to

i n c l u d e k e yw o r d s f o r m u l t i t a s k i n g a n d I o r c o n c u r r e n t p r o c e s s i n g i n t e r r u p t h a n d l i n g i n t e r p o s e s s yn c h r o n i 8 a t i o n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n d e s i g n f o r w h i c h 3 0 % i s to be used should dictate the final form for the design language

3 3=

T.e c.aracteri$tic$ re0uired -# a de$ign &anguage are:

* fi#ed system of keywords that provide for all structured constructs date declaration and modularity characteristics.

* free synta# of natural language that describes processing features. 0ate declaration facilities that should include both simple and comple# data structures. Subprogram definition and calling techni!ues that support various nodes of interface description.

SA9P5E CODE 1: DD i%+orting a&& re0uired &i-rarie$ i%+ort ja6a).$2ing.EF i%+ort ja6a).$2ing.e6ent.EF i%+ort ja6a.a2t.EF i%+ort ja6a.a2t.e6ent.EF i%+ort ja6a.uti&.EF i%+ort DE T.e Car,ra%e c&a$$ i$ an i%+&e%entation o1 t.e B,ra%e and a&$o contain$ t.e %ain %et.od. 8$age: GgtF ja6a Car,ra%e Note t.e 1i&e carData.t)t %u$t -e in t.e $a%e director# a$

$ $?

a&& co%+i&ed code. ED +u-&ic c&a$$ Car,ra%e e)tend$ B,ra%e H +u-&ic $tatic BTa--edPane inde)F +u-&ic $tatic Car5ot %#Car5otF +u-&ic Car,ra%eIC H DD $etting 2indo2 +ro+ertie$ t.i$.$etSi eIToo&'it.getDe1au&tToo&'itIC.getScreenSi eICCF t.i$.$etDe1au&tC&o$eO+erationI"CF t.i$.$etTit&eIJCar Par' S#$te%JCF t.i$.$etRe$i a-&eI1a&$eCF Co&or ne2Co&or K ne2 Co&orI/.21L /.11L /.(1L /.11CF DD creating Car 5ot o-ject %#Car5ot K ne2 Car5otI15L JcarData.t)tJCF DD -ui&ding ta--ed +ane& di$+&a# inde) K ne2 BTa--edPaneICF inde).$etBac'groundIne2Co&orCF 1ina& BPane& $tatu$Ta- K Statu$.$tartu+ICF 1ina& BPane& addOrRe%o6eCarTa- K AddOrRe%o6eCar.$tartu+ICF DD adding ta-$ to ta--ed +ane& inde).addTa-IJ5ot Statu$JL $tatu$Ta-CF inde).addTa-IJAdd Or Re%o6e Car$JL addOrRe%o6eCarTa-CF DD $etting content +ane t.i$.getContentPaneIC.addIinde)CF M +u-&ic $tatic 6oid %ainIStringNO arg$C H DD initia&i e 1ra%e and $et 6i$i-&e Car,ra%e %ain K ne2 Car,ra%eICF %ain.$et=i$i-&eItrueCF M M c&a$$ Car5ot

$ $>

H DD c&a$$ 6aria-&e$ +ri6ate =ector regi$teredDri6er$F +ri6ate =ector +ar'ingSta&&$F +ri6ate String data,i&eF +ri6ate int %a)5otSi eF DD con$tructor +u-&ic Car5otIint %a)Si eL String 1i&eNa%eC H regi$teredDri6er$ K ne2 =ectorICF +ar'ingSta&&$ K ne2 =ectorICF %a)5otSi e K %a)Si eF data,i&e K 1i&eNa%eF &oadDataICF M +u-&ic String getData,i&eNa%eIC H return data,i&eF M +u-&ic int get9a)Si eIC H return %a)5otSi eF M +u-&ic int carCountIC H return +ar'ingSta&&$.$i eICF M DD In+ut: &icen$e +&ate nu%-er DD Out+ut: Sta&& nu%-er in +ar'ing &ot DD Error State: returned String i$ JJ +u-&ic String 1indSta&&5ocationIString &icen$eNu%C H String currentSta&& K JJF String return=a& K JJF 1orIint i K /FiP +ar'ingSta&&$.$i eICF iQQC H currentSta&& K IStringC+ar'ingSta&&$.e&e%entAtIiCF i1I&icen$eNu%.e0ua&$IcurrentSta&&CC

$ $2

H return=a& K Integer.toStringIiCF -rea'F M M return return=a&F M DD 5oad$ data 1ro% 1i&e I%aintain +er$i$tence u+on c&o$eC +u-&ic int &oadDataIC H DD eac. ro2 in t.e data 1i&e re+re$ent$ a regi$tered car DD 1or%at: DD &icen$eP&ateNu%Rcurrent&#Par'ed ,i&e Reader 1i&eF Bu11eredReader -u11erF StringTo'eni er to'en$F String current 5ine K JJF String &icen$eP&ate K JJF String current&# Par'ed K JJF tr# H 1i&e K ne2 ,i&e ReaderIdata,i&eCF -u11er K ne2 Bu11eredReaderI1i&eCF DD read and +ar$e eac. &ine in t.e 1i&e 2.i&eIIcurrent 5ine K -u11er.read5ineICC SK nu&&C H int return=a& K /F to'en$ K ne2 StringTo'eni erIcurrent 5ineL JRJCF &icen$eP&ate K to'en$.ne)tTo'enICF current&# Par'ed K to'en$.ne)tTo'enICF DD &oad a&& regi$tered dri6er$ in to 6ector regi$teredDri6er$.addE&e%entI&icen$eP&ateCF DD &oad car into $ta&& i1 $tatu$ i$ J>J i1Icurrent&#Par'ed.e0ua&$IJ>JCC H i1I+ar'ingSta&&$.$i eIC P %a)5otSi eC H DD&oad &icence+&ateno into 6ector

$ $3

+ar'ingSta&&$.addE&e%entI&icen$eP&ateCF M e&$e H return=a& K 41F M M M M catc.I,i&eNot,oundE)ce+tion 1C H return 41F M catc.IIOE)ce+tion ioC H return 41F M return /F M DD Sa6e$ $tatu$ data u+on re0ue$t to data 1i&e +u-&ic int $a6eDataIC H ,i&eAriter 2riter K nu&&F PrintAriter +rinter K nu&&F String currentRecord K JJF String &icen$eP&ate K JJF String +ar'edP&ate$ K JJF String current&# Par'ed K JJF tr# H 2riter K ne2 ,i&eAriterIdata,i&eCF +rinter K ne2 PrintAriterI2riterCF DD -ui&d data record -# +ar$ing =ector$ 1orIint i K /F i P regi$teredDri6er$.$i eICF iQQC H &icen$eP&ate K IStringCregi$teredDri6er$.e&e%entAtIiCF current&# Par'ed K JNJF 1orIint j K /F j P +ar'ingSta&&$.$i eICF jQQC H +ar'edP&ate$ K IStringC+ar'ingSta&&$.e&e%entAtIjCF

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i1IS&ot,u&&ICC H +ar'ingSta&&$.addE&e%entI&icen$eNu%CF return trueF M DD $+ace not a6ai&a-&e e&$e H return 1a&$eF M M DD car a&read# +ar'ed in &ot e&$e H return 1a&$eF M M +u-&ic -oo&ean carE)itIString &icen$eNu%C H -oo&ean return=a& K 1a&$eF DDde1au&t return 6a&ue String +ar'edCar K JJF DD $ 1or car in $ta&&$ 1orIint i K /F i P +ar'ingSta&&$.$i eICF iQQC H +ar'edCar K IStringC+ar'ingSta&&$.e&e%entAtIiCF DD car 1ound i1I+ar'edCar.e0ua&$I&icen$eNu%CC H +ar'ingSta&&$.re%o6eE&e%entAtIiCF return=a& K trueF -rea'F M M return return=a&F M +u-&ic -oo&ean &ot,u&&IC H DD co%+are $ta&&$ occu+ied to %a) &ot $i e i1I+ar'ingSta&&$.$i eIC KK %a)5otSi eC H return trueF

$ $9

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1indSta&&Button.addAction5i$tenerIne2 Action5i$tenerIC H +u-&ic 6oid actionPer1or%edIActionE6ent eC H DD retrie6e in+ut and +er1or% $earc. String &icen$eP&ate K &icen$eP&ate,ie&d.getTe)tIC.tri%ICF String $ta&&Nu%-er KCar,ra%e.%#Car5ot.1indSta&&5ocationI&icen$eP&ateCF DD' o+eration re$u&t and re+ort u$ing dia&og -o)e$ i1IS$ta&&Nu%-er.e0ua&$IJJCC H BO+tionPane.$.o29e$$ageDia&ogIICo%+onentC -uttonPane&L J5ocation o1 car UJ Q &icen$eP&ate Q J:J Q JTnSta&& J Q $ta&&Nu%-erL JCar 5ocation ,oundJL BO+tionPane.IN,OR9ATION@9ESSA;ECF M e&$e H BO+tionPane.$.o29e$$ageDia&ogIICo%+onentC -uttonPane&L J5ocation o1 car UJ Q &icen$eP&ate Q J:J Q JCou&d not -e 1ound.J Q JT.e 6e.ic&e i$ not regi$tered or not current&# +ar'ed.JL JCar 5ocation ,oundJL BO+tionPane.ERROR@9ESSA;ECF M DD re$et acti6e ta- and 1ie&d data Car,ra%e.inde).$etSe&ectedInde)I/CF &icen$eP&ate,ie&d.$etTe)tIJJCF M MCF DD -utton &i$tener 1or c&ear c&earButton.addAction5i$tenerIne2 Action5i$tenerIC H +u-&ic 6oid actionPer1or%edIActionE6ent eC H DD re$et &icen$e +&ate 1ie&d &icen$eP&ate,ie&d.$etTe)tIJJCF M MCF return $tatu$Screen1F M M DE Pro6ide$ t.e gra+.ica& &a#out 1or t.e Add or Re%o6e Car ta-

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DD re$et in+ut 1ie&d &icen$eP&ate,ie&d.$etTe)tIJJCF DD c.ange ta-$ -a$ed on u$er in+ut KK BO+tionPane.NO@OPTIONC H Car,ra%e.inde).$etSe&ectedInde)I/CF M M M M MCF DD -utton &i$tener 1or re%o6ing car 1ro% &ot re%o6eButton.addAction5i$tenerIne2 Action5i$tenerIC H +u-&ic 6oid actionPer1or%edIActionE6ent eC H DD retrie6e in+ut data String &icen$eP&ate K &icen$eP&ate,ie&d.getTe)tIC.tri%ICF DD' data 6a&idit# i1II&icen$eP&ate.&engt.IC KK /CC H DD in6a&id BO+tionPane.$.o29e$$ageDia&ogIICo%+onentC -uttonPane&LJP&ea$e 1i&& in t.e 1ie&d and tr# againJLJB&an' ,ie&dJL BO+tionPane.ERROR@9ESSA;ECF M e&$e H DD 6a&id DD +er1or% e)it o+eration -oo&ean re$u&t K Car,ra%e.%#Car5ot.carE)itI&icen$eP&ateCF DD' outco%e and re+ort re$u&t$ i1ISre$u&tC H BO+tionPane.$.o29e$$ageDia&ogIICo%+onentC -uttonPane&L JT.i$ &icen$e +&ate i$ in6a&id or i$ a&read# in t.e &ot. P&ea$e tr# again.JL JIn6a&id O+erationJL BO+tionPane.ERROR@9ESSA;ECF M e&$e H int K BO+tionPane.$.o2Con1ir%Dia&ogIICo%+onentC-uttonPane&LJT.e car .a$ -een re%o6ed. Re%o6e carVJL JAdd CarJLBO+tionPane.>ES@NO@OPTIONCF

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Te$ting: Testing is the ma5or !uality measure employed during the software engineering development. .ts basic function is to detect error in the software. Testing is necessary for the proper functioning of the system. Te$ting .a$ to -e done at 1our &e6e&$: 8nit Te$ting: Gnit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of the software design the module. ,ere using the detail design as a guide important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. Gnit testing is always white/bo# oriented and the step can be conducted in parallel for multiple modules. .

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Integration Te$ting: .ntegration testing is a systematic techni!ue for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing .The ob5ective is to take the unit tested modules and build program structure that has been directed by the design. =a&idation Te$ting: Balidation testing demonstrates the traces the re!uirements of the software. This can be achieved through a series of black bo# tests. S#$te% Te$ting: System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully e#ercise the computer/based system. *lthough each test has a different purpose all works should verify that all system elements have been properly integrated and perform allocated functions. The various tests include recovery testing stress testing and perform testing.

9aintenance and i%+&e%entation: 1. Correcti6e %aintenance: This acts to correct errors that are uncovered after the software is in use. 2. Ada+ti6e 9aintenance: This is applied when changes is the e#ternal environment precipitate modifications to software. ". Pre6enti6e %aintenance: This improves future maintainability and reliability and provides basis for future enhancements.

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CRITERIA SATIS,IED B> TEST CASES: Test cases that reduced by a count that is greater than one the number of additional test cases that much be designed to achieve reasonable testing. Test cases that tell us something about the presence or absence of classes of errors rather than an error associated only with the specific test at hand.

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CONC58SION This system is implemented fulfilling all the client re!uirements. The interfaces designed for the system is very user friendly and attractive. The entire pro5ect has been developed and deployed as per the re!uirements stated by the user it is found to be bug free as per the testing standards that are implemented. *ny specification/untraced errors will be concentrated in the coming versions which are planned to be developed in near future. The system at present does not take care off the money payment methods as the consolidated constructs need SS% standards and are critically to be initiated in the first face7 the application of the credit card transactions is applied as a developmental phase in the coming days. The system needs more elaborative technicality for its inception and evolution.

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1. S#$te%$ Ana&#$i$ and De$ign 4 E&ia$ 9. A2ad. 2. So1t2are Engineering 4 Roger S. Pre$$%an ". Ba6a Co%+&ete Re1erence 4 3ert-ert

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