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Special Civil Actions Preliminaries Types of civil actions: 1. Ordinary civil action (OCA) 2.

Special civil action (SCA) Legal Basis: Sec.3(a), Rule 1, Rules of Court t ese rules s all !overn t e proce"ure to #e o#serve" in actions, civil or criminal an" special procee"in!s. (a) A civil action is one #y $ ic a party sues anot er for t e enforcement or protection of a ri! t, or t e prevention or re"ress of a $ron!. A civil action may eit er #e or"inary or special. %ot are !overne" #y t e rules for or"inary civil actions, su#&ect to t e specific rules prescri#e" for a special civil action. Distinction: Note: The act that an action is s!"#ect to special r!les other than those applica"le to ordinary civil actions is $hat %a&es a civil action special. 1. As to cause of action 'n ordinary civil action( t e "efen"ant must ave performe" an act or omission in violation of t e ri! ts of anot er. The ca!se o action as de ined and re)!ired o an OCA inds no application to SCA. *+a%ple:

SCA o declaratory relie , is "ro!ght "e ore there is any "reach or violation o a deed( $ill( contract( stat!te( e+ec!tive order or reg!lation( or any other govern%ental reg!lation. 'nterpleader , the plainti %ay ile a co%plaint even i he has s!stained no act!al transgression o his rights. 'n act the plainti in this SCA has no interest in the s!"#ect %atter o the action. This is not so in an OCA. '. As to venue OCA , ven!e is deter%ined either "y: -ersonal action , the residence o the parties( at the election o the plainti .eal action , the location o the property SCA , the a"ove r!le does not apply in SCA. *+a%ple: /!o $arranto , ven!e is: $here t e Supreme Court or t e Court of Appeals sits $itho!t ta&ing consideration o residence o the parties Lodged $ith the .TC( here the .TC %erely loo&s into the residence o the respondent( not that o the petitioner. 3. As to Court(s &uris"iction) OCA , #!risdiction is deter%ined or depends !pon the #!risdictional a%o!nt or nat!re o the action involved as provided "y B- 120( as a%ended. 'n $hich case( OCA %ay "e initially iled in the .TC or 1TC. SCA , there are special civil actions $hich can only "e iled in a 1TC li&e the actions

or orci"le entry and !nla$ !l detainer. There are also SCA $hich cannot "e co%%enced in the 1TC o $hich are the petitions or certiorari( prohi"ition and %anda%!s.

mandamus .. /uo )a anto 0. Contempt

6. partition 7. :orci"le entry and !nla$ !l detainer

SCA un"er t e rules are t e follo$in!: 1. 'nterpleader (.!le 22) 2. 3eclaratory .elie and Si%ilar .e%edies (.!le 24) 4. .evie$ o 5!dg%ent and inal orders or resol!tions o the Co%%ission on *lections and the Co%%ission on A!dit (.!le 26) 6. Certiorari( -rohi"ition( and 1anda%!s (.!le 27) 7. /!o 8arranto (.!le 22) 2. *+propriation (.!le 29) 9. :oreclos!re o real estate %ortgage (.!le 2;) ;. -artition (.!le 20) 0. :orci"le *ntry and <nla$ !l 3etainer (.!le 9=) 1=. Conte%pt (r!le 91) Initiated by filing Initiated by filing of a PETITION a Complaint 1. Decla ato y 1. 'nterpleader !elief and (r!le 22) ot"e simila emedies #!ule $%& '. !e(ie) of 2. *+propriation *udgment and (r!le 29) final o de s o esoultions of CO+E,EC and COA # ule $%& %. Ce tio a i4. :oreclos!re o P o"ibition real estate and %ortgage

!1,E $' Inte pleade Inte pleade - define #ba 1223& 'nterpleader is a or% o action originally developed !nder e)!ity #!rispr!dence. <nder o!r #!risdiction it is a special civil action. 't allo$s a plainti to initiate a la$s!it in order to co%pel t$o or %ore other parties to litigate a disp!te. An interpleader action originates $hen the plainti holds property on "ehal o another( "!t does not &no$ to $ho% the property sho!ld "e trans erred. 't is o ten !sed to resolve disp!tes arising !nder ins!rance contracts. * en +nterplea"er proper (sec.1, Rule ,') A person (plainti )( against $ho% t$o con licting clai%s are %ade !pon the sa%e s!"#ect %atter and over $hich he clai%s no interest( or i he has interest at all( s!ch interest is not disp!ted "y the clai%ants( %ay ile a special civil action against the con licting clai%ants to co%pel the% to interplead and litigate their several clai%s a%ong the%selves. Re-uisites for interplea"er: 1. There %!st "e t$o or %ore clai%ants $ith con licting interest to a property in the c!stody or possession o the plainti 2. The plainti in an action or interpleader has no interest>clai% !pon the s!"#ect %atter o the adverse clai%( or i he has

an interest at all( s!ch interest is not disp!ted "y the clai%iants. 4. S!"#ect %atter o the adverse clai%s %!st "e one and the sa%e. Purpose:

may #e "ismisse" for lac3 of cause of action. 4acts: A and B (petitioners) are in peace !l( open and adverse possession o t$o di erent parcels o oreshore lands o di erent areas( ad#oining each other( sit!ated in 1alangas( Ca%"oanga del S!r. A and B "!ilt their respective co%%ercial "!ilding on their respective land property. ?o$ever( a ire raDed their "!ilding. ?ere co%es A and B (respondents) $ho ta&es possession and entered into the s!"#ect land. .espondents constr!cted a "!ilding o their o$n. The "!ilding $as so "!ilt that the lands previo!sly occ!pied "y the petitioners (A and B) $ere encroached !pon. -etitioners respectively iled an action or orci"le entry against respondent $ith the co!rt. Both petitioners prayed that respondent sho!ld vacate the portion o their respective property $hich $as encroached !pon $hen they erected their "!ilding. 8hile the t$o cases $ere pending( respondent iled a co%plaint or interpleader alleging that the A and B has con licting interest( since they all clai%ed to "e entitled to the possession o the lot in )!estion and they (respondents) co!ld not deter%ine $itho!t haDard to the%selves $ho o de endants $as entitled to the possession. 'ss!e: $hether the action or interpleader $ill prosperE

a orded to protect a person not against do!"le lia"ility "!t against do!"le ve+ation in respect o one lia"ility.
.istin!uis from +ntervention
+nterplea"er 1. A special civil action( independent and noriginal +ntervention 1. Accessory( ancillary and depends !pon the e+istence o the %ain action 2. Co%%enced "y iling a %otion to intervene 4. :iled "y a person $ho has a legal interest in any o the ollo$ing: S!"#ect %atter o litigation S!ccess o either o the parties S!ccess o "oth o the parties ?e %ay "e adversely a ected "y the disposition or distri"!tion o property in the #!dg%ent 6. ' a co%plaint@in@ intervention is iled( the de endants are already parties to the %ain action not "eca!se o the intervention "!t "eca!se o the original s!it.

2. Co%%ence "y iling a co%plaint 4. :iled "y a person $ho has no interest in the s!"#ect %atter o the action or i he has an interest( the sa%e is not disp!ted "y the clai%ants.

6. 3e endants are "ro!ght into the action only "eca!se they are i%pleaded as s!ch in the co%plaint

/"a. .e Camilo vs Arcamo 0)11,13, 2) '2)12,1 +nterplea"er $ill not lie $ en ' "efen"ants as separate an" "istinct a"verse claim. An" t ere #ein! no conflictin! claims a!ainst t e respon"ent, a complaint of interplea"er

Rulin!: the action or interpleader $ill not prosper. -etitioners did not have any con licting clai%s against respondent. Their respective clai% $as separate and distinct ro% each other. -etitioner clai%ed possession o t$o di erent parcels o land o di erent areas( ad#oining each other. They only $anted the respondent to vacate that portion o their respective property $hich $as encroached !pon "y the% $hen they (respondentst) erected their "!ilding. ?ence( a"sence o the re)!ire%ents or action o interpleader( the co%pliant o interpleader %ay "e dis%issed or lac& o ca!se o action. *ac3)*ac3 5olf vs 0ee *on 0)'3611 3)',)127, :acts: 8ac& 8ac& Fol G Co!ntry Cl!" 'nc.( operating !nder -hilippine la$s( iled a co%plaint to co%pel Lee and Tan (clai%ants) to interplead and litigate their con licting clai%s !pon the o$nership o its %e%"ership ee certi icates 2=1. The co%plaint !rther alleged that Lee clai%s o$nership o the s!"#ect %atter "y virt!e o decision rendered in a civil case 22=66 o the C:' 1anila and that Tan clai%s to "e a la$ !l o$ner o its a oresaid %e%"ership ee certi icate 2=1 "y virt!e o %e%"ership ee certi icate 2=1@serial no. 1100 iss!ed to hi%. 3e endants iled their separate %otion to dis%issed the co%plaint on the gro!nd that the co%plaint ails to state a ca!se o action and "ar "y prescription. 'ss!e: $hether or not the co%plaint to interplead $ill prosperE

.!ling: The interpleader $ill not prosper. 't has "een held that an action o interpleader is too late $hen iled a ter #!dg%ent has "een rendered against hi% in avor o one o the contending parties( especially $here he (plainti ) he had prior notice o the con licting clai%s prior to the rendition o #!dg%ent and neglected the opport!nity to i%plead the adverse clai%ants. Beca!se once #!dg%ent is o"tained against hi% "y one clai%ant he "eco%es lia"le to the latter. 1oreover( a successful litigant cannot

later be impleaded by his defeated adversary in an interpleader suit and compelled to prove his claim anew against other adverse claimants, as that would in effect be a collateral attack upon the judgment.
'n the case at "ar( it $as only a ter the inal #!dg%ent $as rendered in civil case 22=66 against the corporation that the re%edy o interpleader $as invo&ed "y it. ?ence( action o interpleader $ill not prosper. .CBC vs 1*T.OCAN , F. no. 129014 , 0@14@2==1 :acts: 1*T.OCAN is the lessee o the property ro% L*BCON( lessor( $hich property is s!"#ect to the contract o %ortgage entered into "et$een .CBC and L*BCON. 1*T.OCAN iled the interpleader action (Civil Case No. 640;@H@06) "eca!se it $as !ns!re $hich "et$een L*BCON and .CBC $as entitled to receive the pay%ent o %onthly rentals on the s!"#ect property. L*BCON $as clai%ing pay%ent o the rentals as lessor o the property $hile .CBC $as %a&ing a de%and "y virt!e o

the consolidation o the title o the property in its na%e. -rior to the action o interpleader( L*BCON iled an action or <nla$ !l 3etainer against 1*T.OCAN doc&et as civil case no. 22=2. 'n said civil case( the co!rt dis%issed the co%plaint or !nla$ !l detainer in vie$ o an a%ica"le settle%ent they entered and ordered 1*T.OCAN to pay L*BCON the rentals. Co%es no$ 1*T.OCAN %oving or the dis%issal o the interpleader action (civil case no. 640;@H@06) "eca!se there is no need to p!rs!e s!ch ca!se o action "eca!se it is already %oot and acade%ic. .CBC on the other hand $ants to prove his clai% in the interpleader action iled( th!s( co%pelling 1*T.OCAN to p!rs!e the interpleader case. 'ss!e: $hether or not the interpleader case sho!ld contin!eE

or the dis%issal o the interpleader action not "eca!se it is no longer interested "!t "eca!se there is no %ore need or it to p!rs!e s!ch ca!se o action. 't sho!ld "e re%e%"ered that an action o interpleader is a orded to protect a person not against do!"le lia"ility "!t against do!"le ve+ation in respect o one lia"ility. 9 't re)!ires( as an indespensa"le re)!isite( that Icon licting clai%s !pon the sa%e s!"#ect %atter are or %ay "e %ade against the plainti @in@interpleader $ho clai%s no interest $hatever in the s!"#ect %atter or an interest $hich in $hole or in part is not disp!ted "y the clai%ants.I; The decision in Civil Case No. 22=2 resolved the con licting clai%s inso ar as pay%ent o rentals $as concerned. -etitioner is correct in saying that it is not "o!nd "y the decision in Civil Case No. 22=2. 't is not a party thereto. ?o$ever( it co!ld not co%pel 1*T.OCAN to p!rs!e Civil Case No. 640;@H@06. .CBC has other aven!es to prove its clai%. 's not "ere t o other legal re%edies. 'n act( he iss!e o o$nership can very $ell "e threshed o!t in Civil Case No. 6=49@H@04( the case or N!lli ication o *+tra#!dicial oreclos!re Sale and 3a%ages iled "y L*BCON against .CBC.

.!ling: the interpleader case sho!ld no longer contin!e. the reason or the interpleader action ceased $hen the 1eTC rendered #!dg%ent in Civil Case No. 22=2 $here"y the co!rt directed 1*T.OCAN to pay L*BCON I$hatever rentals d!e on the s!"#ect pre%ises + + +.I 8hile .CBC( not "eing a party to Civil Case No. 22=2( co!ld not "e "o!nd "y the #!dg%ent therein( 1*T.OCAN is "o!nd "y the 1eTC decision. 8hen the decision in Civil Case No. 22=2 "eca%e inal and e+ec!tory( 1*T.OCAN has no other alternative le t "!t to pay the rentals to L*BCON. -recisely "eca!se there $as already a #!dicial iat to 1*T.OCAN( there $as no %ore reason to contin!e $ith Civil Case No. 640;@H@06. Th!s( 1*T.OCAN %oved

Sec.' 8r"er Contents of t e interplea"er or"er <pon iling o the co%plaint( the co!rt shall iss!e an order: a. .e)!iring the con licting clai%ants to interplead $ith one another ". ' the interest o #!stice so re)!ires( the order %ay direct that the s!"#ect %atter "e paid or delivered to the co!rt

Sec.3. Summons S!%%ons shall "e served !pon the con licting clai%ants( together $ith a copy o the co%plaint and order. Sec.9. :otion to "ismiss 8hen to ile a %otion to dis%iss , 8ithin the ti%e or iling an ans$er a. 8ithin 17 days a ter service o s!%%ons( !nless a di erent period is i+ed "y the co!rt (sec.1( r!le 11) 8ho %ay ile a %otion to dis%iss the co%plaint o interpleader , *ach con licting clai%ant On $hat gro!nds: Fro!nd o i%propriety o interpleader action or On appropriate gro!nds speci ied in .!le 12 1. Co!rt has no #!risdiction over the person o the de endant 2. Co!rt has no #!risdiction over the s!"#ect %atter o the clai% 4. the ven!e is i%properly laid 6. the plainti has no legal capacity to s!e 7. litis pendencia 2. res #!dicata 9. pleading asserting the clai% states no ca!se o action ;. the clai% or de%and has "een $aived( paid( a"andoned( or other$ise e+ting!ished 0. clai% on $hich the action is o!nded is !nen orcea"le !nder the stat!te o ra!ds 1=. condition precedent or iling the clai% has not "een co%plied

;ffect of filin! a motion to "ismiss The period to ile the ans$er shall "e tolled and i the %otion is denied( the %ovant %ay ile his ans$er $ithin the re%aining period( "!t $hich shall not "e less than 7 days in any event( rec&oned ro% notice o denial. Sec.1. Ans$er an" ot er plea"in!s each clai%ant shall ile his ans$er $ithin 17 days ro% service o s!%%ons !pon hi% his ans$er shall also "e served a copy !pon each o the other clai%ants other clai%ants $ho% !pon copy o an ans$er o the other clai%ant %ay ile their reply thereto as provided "y the r!les i any clai%ant ails to plead $ithin the ti%e herein i+ed( the co!rt %ay( on %otion( declare hi% in de a!lt and therea ter render #!dg%ent "arring hi% ro% any clai% in respect to the s!"#ect %atter. The parties in an interpleader action %ay ile co!nterclai%s( cross@clai%s( third@party co%plaints and responsive pleadings thereto( as provided "y the r!les. Sec.,. .etermination A ter the pleadings o the con licting clai%ants have "een iled( and pre@trial has "een cond!cted in accordance $ith the .!les( the co!rt shall proceed to deter%ine( their respective rights and ad#!dicate their several clai%s. :a!lente vs <on. %alta=ar)Pa"illa 5R. >o. 19616' 3)7)'??7

A court cannot issue a $rit of possession $ en t e ri! t of possession or o$ners ip $as not vali"ly "etermine" an" $as not investi!ate" "urin! an interplea"er action. 4ACTS: -hilippine .ealty Corporation (-.C) o$ns a parcel o land. The sa%e $as leased to the petitioner 1aglente. 'n their leased contract( it provides that i -.C sell the property( petitioner shall have a right o irst re !sal (given the irst priority to "!y it). 8hen the leased contract $as a"o!t to e+pire( -.C sent letter o ering to sell the property to petitioner. the latter response to the letter( and inti%ated that she $o!ld e+ercise her right o irst re !sal. ?o$ever( on a later date( -.C receive an o er ro% respondent that they $ill "!y the land. -.C iled an interpleader action $ith .TC against the clai%ants. The .TC r!led in avor o the petitioner declaring that she had the right to p!rchase the land and order -.C to e+ec!te the corresponding the contract o sale in avor o the petitioner. At the rendition o said #!dg%ent( the respondents have "een occ!pying the said property. petitioner then iled or the iss!ance o $rit o possession. ?o$ever( respondents o"#ected on the gro!nd that the trial co!rtJs decision on the interpleader case %erely resolved petitionersJ right to p!rchase the leased property "!t did not declare the% as the o$ners entitled to possession.

'ss!e: $hether petitioner is entitled to a $rit o possession "eing ad#!dge in the interpleader case as the right !l parties to p!rchase the said land.

.!ling: No. petitioner are not entitled to a $rit o possession. ( petitionersJ arg!%ent that the trial co!rtJs $rit o e+ec!tion 19 in the interpleader case carried $ith it the corollary right to a $rit o possession is $itho!t %erit. A $rit o possession co%ple%ents the $rit o e+ec!tion only $hen the right o possession or o$nership has "een validly deter%ined in a case directly relating to either.1; The interpleader case o"vio!sly did not delve into that iss!e. :!rther%ore( the r!le is that the en orce%ent o a #!dg%ent %ay not vary or alter the tenor o the #!dg%ent "!t %!st strictly con or% to it.10 't sho!ld "e in har%ony $ith the #!dg%ent that gives it li e and not e+ceed it.2= 8e th!s cannot a!lt the trial co!rt or re !sing to iss!e a $rit o possession to petitioners as its iss!ance $o!ld not "e in con or%ity $ith the trial co!rtJs #!dg%ent in the interpleader case. :inally( petitioners cannot recover possession o the property via a %ere %otion. They %!st ile the appropriate action in co!rt against respondents to recover possession. 8hile this re%edy can delay their recovery( this Co!rt cannot per%it an a""reviated %ethod $itho!t s!"verting the r!les and processes esta"lished or the orderly ad%inistration o #!stice. Sec.7. .oc3et an" ot er la$ful fees The doc&et and other la$ !l ees paid "y the party $ho iled a co%plaint o interpleader( as $ell as the costs and litigation e+penses( shall constit!te a lien or charge !pon the s!"#ect %atter o the

action( !nless other$ise.





d. An action or interpleader to deter%ine $ho "et$een the de endants is entitled to receive the a%o!nt o 10=(=== ro% the plainti . S!ggested Ans$er: The action shall "e iled in the %etropolitan co!rt in 1etro 1anila. The a%o!nt o 10=(=== not "eing in e+cess o 6==(=== is $ithin the #!risdiction o said co!rt.

Court $it &uris"iction (%P 1'2, as amen"e") Sec.12 an" Sec. 33 The co!rt $ith #!risdiction over an action or interpleader shall depend !pon the ollo$ing: 1. .TC , S!"#ect %atter o the action is personal property( val!ed %ore than 4==(=== o!tside 1etro 1anila and in 1etro 1anila( at %ore than 6==(=== S!"#ect %atter o the action .*AL -.O-*.TB $ith an assessed val!e e+ceeding 2=(=== o!tside 1anila( and in 1anila( e+ceeding 7=(=== 1TC has #!risdiction i other$ise: Civil actions>personal property: O!tside 11 , does not e+ceed 4==(=== in 11 , 3oes not e+ceed 6==(=== Civil actions $hich involve titled to( or possession o ( real property or any interest therein: Based on Assessed Hal!e O!tside 11 , assessed val!e does not e+ceed 2=(=== 'n 11 , assessed val!e does not e+ceed 7=(===

Note: $here the con licting clai%s involve the right to receive a partic!lar s!%( the a%o!nt o s!% clai%ed deter%ines #!risdiction. Bar /!estion (1009): 8hat co!rts have #!risdiction over the ollo$ing cases iled in 1etro 1anilaE

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