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Andrs Bazerque

Nota periodstica Comentada 1

tica Cristiana

Diario: Al-Jazeera, edicin digital en ingls; 24 de abril de 2014; fuente: Al-Jazeera y agencias. Israel suspends peace talks with Palestinians
Talks halted in response to a new unity agreement between rival Palestinian factions.
The Israeli government has decided to halt peace talks with the Palestinians in response to a new unity agreement between rival Palestinian factions. The decision appears to end a nine-month peace initiative by United States Secretary of State John Kerry. The negotiating period is scheduled to end next Tuesday, though the sides had been trying to agree to an extension. Israel's Security Cabinet unanimously decided to cut off contacts after a five-hour meeting on Thursday. They announced the decision in a statement. Reuters reported that Israel was also considering imposing economic sanctions against the Palestinians. The Palestinians said they were considering "all options" in response to Israel's decisions to halt the talks. "The Palestinian leadership will look into all options to respond to Israeli government decisions against the PA," senior Palestinian official Saeb Erakat told AFP. "The priority now for the Palestinians is reconciliation and national unity," he said. Israel is furious over Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's decision to form a unity government with the Hamas movement after a seven-year rift. Israel and the US consider Hamas a "terrorist" group. The European Union's foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton, meanwhile, welcomed the accord between the Palestinians, but still viewed the peace talks with Israel as a priority, a spokesman for Ashton said. New government Under the milestone reconciliation pact reached on Wednesday, the Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas will form a national consensus government in five weeks. Hamas, which was democratically elected to rule the Gaza Strip, is home to nearly 2 million Palestinians, while Fatah governs parts of the West Bank, home to another 2 million Palestinians. The groups will form a government together to rule the Palestinian territories under the umbrella of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and will hold elections in six months. Israel cancelled a session of peace negotiations scheduled for Wednesday night after the announcement of a new Palestinian government. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, said in a statement that "whoever chooses Hamas does not want peace". "I said this morning that Abu Mazen (the Fatah-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) needs to choose between peace with Israel and an agreement with Hamas, a murderous terrorist organisation that calls for the destruction of Israel and which both the United States and the European Union define as a terrorist organisation," Netanyahu said. Avigdor Liberman, the Israeli foreign minister, described the signing of the agreement as "tantamount to a signature on the end of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority". Lieberman told Radio Army on Thursday that Israel should resist international pressure to resume talks. "There is no doubt that in the international arena there will be ... pressure to force (an agreement)," Lieberman said. "This is our test, to withstand the pressure."

El artculo fue elegido por tratar un rea que entrecruza temas de identidad, pobreza, exclusin, y sobre todo por como interpela la narrativa tradicional sobre los conflictos en la zona. La clave, quizs, pasa por entender el contexto en el que se desarrolla esta noticia; tenemos una poblacin excluida, viviendo en territorio ocupado, a los que se les rehusa por dos lados la ciudadana Israel y la autonoma poltica, que en este momento est sufriendo una lenta limpieza tnica a pesar de esfuerzos internos, y del apoyo de parte de la izquierda Israel. Mientras tanto, los palestinos en

territorio ocupado sufren el socavamiento de una identidad nacional que progresivamente va siendo secuestrada por intereses regionales que buscan argumentos y no el bienestar de los habitantes. En este marco, el artculo refleja las reacciones del gobierno de ultraderecha Israel frente a un acuerdo poltico entre los dos partidos mayoritarios palestinos, Fatah (que responde a los antiguos partidos socialistas seculares) y Hamas, partido islamista con un fuerte componente de accin social en una poblacin sumamente empobrecida por las campaas militares y embargos econmicos Israeles. Los ejes ticos a considerar entonces se van a revolver alrededor del uso poltico de poblaciones en situaciones crticas de pobreza y exclusin, la toma de stos como rehenes a travs de la amenaza de ms restricciones econmicas frente al ejercicio de una eleccin. La pregunta de fondo que nos interpela es cul es el proceder tico en el marco de una relacin de poder desigual en la cual las elecciones del otro nos resultan negativas: hasta qu punto es legtimo imponer la voluntad para beneficio propio? Y aqu tendramos, a primera vista, un aparente choque entre la lgica veterotestamentaria y la de Jess. O no es Josu quien asola Canaan en medio de un bao de sangre? Pero una revisin de la lgica de la ley veterotestamentaria en seguida nos muestra que, lejos de ser esa la regla, no es un pase de autorizacin para ejercer la fuerza. Es la regla de oro, expresada en accin y palabra en el ministerio de Cristo, la que debe regir, en tanto no es reemplazo sino sntesis. La respuesta, entonces, desde la perspectiva tica Cristiana, es que no es legtimo el secuestro de poblaciones desprotegidas a fin de usarlas de palanca poltica.

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