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Commercial Farming

I. Basic Information a. Agriculture remained the backbone of American society even with the new developments b. Yet, the market economy did affect farming as people became market focused c. After 1830 the plantation south moved to the Mississippi river valley and commercial farming dominated the old northwest (Ohio river valley) II. New England Agriculture a. After the 1820s northeastern agriculture began to decline i. They had cultivated all the land they had ii. Uneven terrains did not lend themselves to the new form of agriculture 1. Mechanical sowers, reapers, and threshers iii. Many either moved west or gave up farming b. However neither New England agriculture was not gone i. Remaining farmers proved they were adaptable ii. Children worked at copy desks and water-powered looms iii. New England and mid-Atlantic farmers switched to livestock rather than farming 1. Especially dairy farming and vegetables 2. Land values not farming made the best profit c. As families adjusted they had to welcome new opportunities i. 1820- 1/3 of all produce goes to the market ii. 1850 it surpassed 50% iii. Farmers began to specialize for the market 1. Middle men specialized in grain and food replaced storekeepers and acted as retailers and agents for farmers handling their transactions d. Land costs rose and so those who had land prospered, and those without found starting difficult i. 1840- more than 10 years for a farmer to have enough $ to support himself ii. Tenant farmers and hired hands became popular jobs iii. Unpaid -> Waged farm labor III. Womens Paid Labor a. Women sold eggs, dairy products and garden produce in markets

b. Butter and cheese replaced spinning and weaving, and profits went into buying cloth c. This work only added to their chores and physical labor, but was worth it as it was an important part of the familys income i. They often were very prideful about their products ii. Esther Lewis hired other women to increase (75-100 lbs of butter to Philadelphia monthly)

d. The Erie canal allowed for Ohio dairy to travel to NY i. Ohio had factorized its cheese making by 1840s ii. It was then exported worldwide iii. In 1844 Britain imported more than 5 million lbs of cheese e. f. Despite mechanization agrarian lifestyle was still a big part of American culture State governments encouraged agriculture i. MA standardized agricultural prizes and county fairs in 1817 and 1819 ii. Farm journals and advice was spread around the country IV. Mechanization of Agriculture a. Old northwest replaces northeast as agricultural center i. Old NW farms were larger flatter and suited for the new mechanizations b. New Inventions i. Reaper- Cyrus McCormick. Virginia 1831 1. Sold them at a factory in 1847 (1000 a year) ii. Steel Plow- John Deere c. The Mid-west was becoming the main agricultural region and provided food for the East as well as enough to sell to Europe. It is still very much like this today V. The Cotton South a. Southern Agriculture was diverse in the later 1700s i. Grew enough grain to feed itself ii. Debt was a problem for tobacco growers, also a big market for rice and indigo down south b. Sea Island planters in SC and GE grew luxurious cotton which was the only profitable cotton until i. Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin which makes short-staple cotton profitable ii. Transformed southern agriculture towards cotton and cloth c. After the cotton gin, cotton became Americas largest export i. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee moving west ii. SC went from 1st 5th in cotton production as it moved west and Mississippi moved to 1st iii. The crop doubled every decade after 1820 d. The south was tied to international markets i. Immune to transforming potential of foreign trade

ii. Most southern capital was invested in slaves and land iii. The south relied on agents from Europe and the north to help them with trade e. The Cotton Boom i. Dependent on slave labor and defined the economy and society f. From capital to slaves the entire south was linked together, which would eventually separate it from the north

Questions: The Rise of Manufacturing and Commerce What did the British call the system of machine made products? How did ready-made clothing help to make the poor vs. rich gap more apparent? Workers and the Workplace Why did it make sense for mills to begin paying their employees less? What view was changed by Commonwealth v. Hunt? Americans on the Move What was the western most state of the US by 1846? What % of Americans moved westward each year? American Indian Resistance and Removal From Revival to Reform What act made it possible for Jackson to relocate the Indians? What tribe was successful in resisting American removal? Why was Western NY the burned-over district? What holiday did employers hope to end with temperance? Abolitionism and the Womens Movement Complete this quote by William Garrison I am in earnest I will not equivocateI will not excuseI will not retreat a single inchand I ________ What pro-women document mirrored the declaration of independence? Jacksonianism and Party Politics What did Jackson produce with his Paraphernalia (badges, medals etc.) 1828 campaign that would be used in campaigns ever after? Declaration of Sentiments Will be heard! St. Monday Because of constant (repeated) revivalist waves Seminoles Removal Act of 1830 5-10% Texas (Missouri and Iowa are close) The view of judges saying that strikes were illegal Because their work was now considered unskilled Those who couldnt afford tailors or such would end up with loose ill-fitting clothing American System of Manufacturing

Who was old hickory? Federalism at Issue: The Nullification and Bank Controversies What did SC reject that began the doctrine of nullification? What was significant about Jacksons vetoes?

Andrew Jackson 1828 Tariff

The first six presidents only vetoed 9 bills and Jackson vetoed 12. (They: 3/4th of Jacksons). The extent of them (setting future precedent) and made future presidents more comfortable with vetoing bills

The Whig Challenge and the Second Party System Manifest Destiny and Expansionism

Who was president after Jackson? What treaty decided the MaineNew Brunswick border?

Van Buren Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)

What was significant about the westward movement of the northern and southern people? What 4 factors brought the US coast-coast?

North stayed north (Oregon) and vice versa (Texas)

Exploration, Purchase, War and Treaty

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