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Personality I.D.

Team Report

PID Style: Analyzer

Alet Strydom

Team Report

Sunday 27 Apr 2014 13:42:47

Team Report
Team Profile: Analyzer

Team Descript ion: Analyzer

General Descript ion
Analyzer teams typically excel by blending team members that tend to seek perfect outcomes in their plans and projects. In many situations, team members may take things apart in their minds and think about ways to do them better. They may also tend to see those around them as projects, rather than as people.

Ideal Environment
Teams with this profile function most effectively with opportunities to get results, direct, research facts, critique and improve, think and process, be in control, create and develop, initiate solutions, design new procedures, and collect information.

T ypical Areas of St rengt h

An Analyst team is typically analytical, logical, direct,confident and ready for new challenges. Team members excel at seeing the larger vision, creating efficient methods and procedures, and listening carefully for the facts.

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T ypical Areas of St ruggle

Teams with an Analyzer profile will likely have members who may show a lack of sensitivity to the feelings of coworkers due to a tendency to focus on tasks. When sharply focused on a task, members of this team may come across as being overly critical, judgmental, blunt, or impatient with others.

Preferred Act ivit ies

To maximize the talents of this team, assign it to situations in which the team members can offer logical solutions to complex challenges, then assign team members to evaluate and make the necessary changes to assure the desired outcome.

Cont ribut ions t o t he Organiz at ion

Analyzer teams tend to be natural organizers and administrators, who can use pressure effectively to gain results and achieve their goals in the workplace, as well as in personal life.

Leadership St yle
Teams with this profile tend to lead most effectively when they can establish a plan, explain its design and purpose, and delegate details to competent people. They are good at keeping activities organized and focused, both at work and also at home.

T ask or People Orient at ion

Teams with this style are primarily task-oriented but are drawn to people because of their desire and ability to accomplish results, by providing sound leadership in their work groups and project teams.

St ress Fact ors

Analyzer teams tend to experience stress when others try to move them in directions that seem illogical, untruthful, or inefficient. They feel anxiety if they do not have sufficient time to plan or have control over their duties.

Financial Management
Analyzer teams typically excel at budgeting and keeping records. Ensuring accuracy and keeping the accounts up to date are enjoyable activities for them. They may even volunteer for this task to make sure it is done right. However, since this may not be the team's corporate responsibility, the team may have to monitor rather than totally maintain the accounts.

Budget and Financial Issues

eams with this style tend to use finances according to pre-established expectations and comply with budgetary limits as they carefully control their outlay. They typically are very adept in using their talents to produce sound financial planning and management.

Suggest ions for Managers

A team with an Analyzer profile will have several individuals with the same profile and others with similar profiles. Analyzers are natural organizers and administrators and will respond positively and effectively to Management's push to achieve results if the organization requires a faster completion on a project. Management can depend on members of this team to be valuable additions to the organization who can offer logical solutions to complex challenges, and who can evaluate and make necessary changes to assure the desired outcomes. Management may need to help the Analyzer team reduce its drive to overanalyze details and move ahead with action steps at a faster pace. You must be able to offer a logical, truthful, or efficient explanation for an assignment in order to engage them in effective activity, if there is some question about the reason for an assignment. The organization's area of supervision will benefit from this team's ability to provide insights and direction by teaching, managing, clarifying, and advising." )

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Team Members: DISC-AROU Dist ribut ion

The following four graphs will give you an in-depth look at all your team members behavior one dimension (D-IS-C) at a time. Your team will be ordered from the highest in one extreme to the highest at the opposite extreme. This view will allow you to study the dominant behavioral potential, present in your team members. This macro view of all members will allow you to manage each team member to their design and eliminate mismanagement. Wrong expectations from your team members can be destructive for morale.

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Team Members: DISC-AROU Dist ribut ion

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Team Members: DISC-AROU Pot ent ial

The following four graphs will give you a detailed perspective of all team members full behavioral potential. Besides being dominant in one dimension (D-I-S-C) each member also have a certain flexibility or potential to the opposite side. These four graphs will give you insight into the full capacity of each member. This may be important when determining how flexible a certain member can be. Some people are more flexible than others. In order to create good team dynamics it is critical to align expectations with the full capacity of all members.

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Team Members: DISC-AROU Pot ent ial

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