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Funcin de Bloques por Categora

Category Block Type See Page

/O Blocks Analog Entrada (A)
Analog Entrada RCJ (RA)
Analog Out (AO)
Discrete Entrada (D)
8 Discrete Entradas (8D)
Discrete Salida (DO)
8 Discrete Salidas (8DO)
Time Prop Out (TPO)
Position Proportional Motor Control
Frequency Entrada (F)
Pulse Entrada (P)
Pulse Salida (POUT)
Quadrature (QDT)
Loop Blocks PD (PD)
On-Off (ONOF)
Carbon Potential (CARB)
Loop Switch (LPSW)
Mode Switch (MDSW)
Mode Flags (MDFL)
3 Position Step (TPSC)
Write Tuning Constants (WTUN)
Auto Manual Bias (AMB)
SP Program Programmer (SPP)
Recipe Selector (RCP)
Event Decoder (SPEV)
Synchronizer (SYNC)
Setpoint Scheduler Setpoint Scheduler (SPS)
State Switch (STSW)
State Flag (STFL)
Setpoint Scheduler Aux (SPSA)
Event Decoder (SPEV)
Category Block Type See Page
Logic 2 Entrada AND (2AND)
4 Entrada AND (4AND)
8 Entrada AND (8AND)
2 Entrada OR (2OR)
4 Entrada OR (4OR)
8 Entrada OR (8OR)
Exclusive OR (XOR)
Digital Switch (DSW)
Trigger (TRG)
Selectable Trigger (STRG)
Latch (LTCH)
Toggle Flip-Flop (TGFF)
Free-Form Logic (BOOL)
Pushbutton (PB)
Four Selector Switch (FSS)
Hand/Off/Auto (HOA)
Sequencer (SEQ)
72 74
Counters/Timers Resettable Timer (RTMR)
Periodic Timer (PT)
Up Down Counter (UPDN)
Off Delay Timer (OFDT)
On Delay Timer (ONDT)
On Delay/Off Delay Timer (DLAY)
Calendar Event (CALEVT)
Time and Date (TMDT)
Real Time Clock (RTC)
Math Scale and Bias (SCB)
Addition (ADD) Subtract
(SUB) Multiply (MUL)
Divide (DV) 4 Entrada
ADD (4ADD) 4 Entrada
SUB (4SUB) 4 Entrada
MUL (4MUL) Free Form
Math (MATH)
Calculations Compare (CMPR)
Deviation Compare (DCMP)
Absolute Value (ABS)
Square Root (SQRT)
Mass Flow (MSF)
Max-Min-Ave-Sum (MMA)
Negate (NEG)
Dewpoint (DEWP)
Totalize (TOT)
Continuous Average (CAVG)
Orifice AGA3 Meter Calc(AGA3O)
Turbine AGA7 Meter Calc (AGA7TM)
Ultrasonic AGA9 Meter Calc (AGA9UM)
Gas Compressibility Detail Calc (AGA8DL)
Gas Compressibility Gross Method Calc (AGA8GS)
30 35
39 14
Category Block Type See Page
Alarm Monitor High Monitor (HMON) Low
Monitor (LMON) System
Monitor (ASYS) /O Rack
Monitor (RACK) Analog Alarm
(ALM) Alarm Group (ALMGR)
Force Present (FRCP)
Redundancy Status (RSTAT)
4 Alarm with Hysteresis
50 54
Signal Selector High Selector (HSEL) Low
Selector (LSEL) Analog
Switch (SW) Rotary Switch
(RSW) Bumpless Transfer
Auxiliary Funcin Generator (FGEN)
Lead Lag (LDLG) High-Low
Limiter (HLLM) Velocity
Limiter (VLM) Rate of
Change (ROC) Read
Constant (RCON) Write
Constant (WCON) Write
Variable (WVAR) Track and
Hold (TAHD) BCD Translator
(BCD) Stage (STG) Ramp
(RAMP) Alternator (ALT)
Digital Encoder (DENC)
Digital Decoder (DDEC)
Device Control (DC) Trend
Rate (TRND) Trend Point
Communications Peer Comm (PDE)
Peer Read (PDR)
Peer Write (PDW)
Modbus Read (MBR)
Modbus Slave (MBS)
Modbus Write (MBW)
Modbus/TCP Slave (TCPS)
Modbus/TCP Read (TCPR)
Modbus/TCP Write (TCPW)
XYR 5000 Base Radio (5XYRB)
XYR 5000 Transmitter (5XYRT)
XYR 6000 Transmitter (6XYRT)
XYR 6000 Wireless Gateway (6XYRWG)
HVAC Relative Humidity (RH) Humidity and
Enthalpy (ENTH) Psychrometric
Calculations (PSYC)
Table 2 Bloque de funcins alphabetically
Bloque de funcin Type Identification abel See Page
!BS (Absolute Value) 10
!"" (Addition 2 Entradas) 12
#!"" (Addition 4 Entradas) 13
!$!%" (Gas Compressibility Detail Calc) 14
!$!%$S (Gas Compressibility Gross Method Calc) 23
!$!&' (Orifice Meter Calc) 30
!$!(T) (Turbine Meter Calc) 35
!$!*+) (Ultrasonic Meter Calc) 39
!I (Analog Entrada) 14
!) (Analog Alarm) 50
!)$, (Alarm Group) 54
#!) (4 Alarm with Hysteresis) 74
!T (Alternator) 56
!)B (Auto/Manual Bias) 65
2!-" (AND 2 Entradas) 72
#!-" (AND 4 Entradas) 74
%!-" (AND 8 Entradas) 78
!' (Analog Salida) 80
!S.S (Alarm System Monitor) 83
BC" (Binary Coded Decimal Translator) 85
B'' (Free Form Logic) 87
C!/0T (Calendar Event) 90
C!,B (Carbon Potential) 98
C!0$ (Continuous Average) 118
C)P, (Comparison) 121
"C (Device Control) 122
"C)P (Deviation Compare) 127
""/C (Digital Decoder) 130
"/-C (Digital Encoder) 130
"/1P (Dewpoint) 134
"I (Digital Entrada) 137
%"I (Eight Digital Entradas) 140
"I0 (Division) 143
"!. (On Delay/Off Delay Timer) 145
"' (Digital Salida) 147
%"' (8 Digital Salidas) 150
"S1 (Digital Switch) 153
F$/- (Funcin Generator) 154
FI (Frequency Entrada) 160
F,CP (Force Present) 164
FSS (Four-Selector Switch) 165
FS.S (System Monitor-Fast Logic) 168
2) (High-Low Limiter) 170
2)'- (High Monitor) 172
2'! (Hand/Off/Auto) 174
Bloque de funcin Type Identification abel See Page
2S/ (High Selector) 179
"$ (Lead Lag) 181
)'- (Low Monitor) 184
PS1 (Loop Switch) 186
S/ (Low Selector) 188
TC2 (Latch) 189
)!T2 (Free Form Math) 191
)"S1 (Mode Switch) 213
)"F (Mode Flag) 215
))! (Min-Max-Average-Sum) 217
)SF (Mass Flow) 221
)+ (Multiplication - 2 Entradas) 224
#)+ (Multiplication - 4 Entradas) 226
-/$ (Negate) 228
-'T (Not Boolean Logic) 229
'-"T (On Delay Timer) 230
'F"T (Off Delay Timer) 233
'-3'FF (On/Off Control) 236
2', (OR - 2 Entradas) 248
#', (OR - 4 Entradas) 250
%', (OR - 8 Entradas) 252
PB (Pushbutton) 255
P"/ (Peer Data Exchange) 258
P", (Peer Data Read) 263
P"1 (Peer Data Write) 265
PI (Pulse Entrada) 267
PI" (Proportional, ntegral, Derivative) 273
P'+T (Pulse Salida) 270
PP' (Position Proportional Motor Control) 297
PSC. (Pschrometric Calculations) 301
PT), (Periodic Timer) 301
4"T (Quadrature) 306
,!C5 (/O Rack Monitor) 306
,!I (Analog Entrada RCJ) 309
,!)P (Ramp) 316
,C'- (Read Configuration Parameter Data) 306
,CP (Recipe Selector) 324
,2 (Relative Humidity) 326
,'C (Rate of Change) 328
,ST!T (Redundancy Status) 331
,S1 (Rotary Switch) 332
,TC (Real Time Clock) 334
,T), (Resettable Timer) 335
SCB (Scale and Bias) 338
S/4 (Sequencer) 340
SP/0 (Setpoint Programmer Event Decoder) 345
SPP (Setpoint Programmer) 348
Bloque de funcin Type Identification abel See Page
SPS (Setpoint Scheduler) 358
SPS! (Setpoint Scheduler Auxiliary) 365
S4,T (Square Root) 367
STF (Setpoint Scheduler State Flags) 376
ST$ (Stage) 369
ST,I$ (Selectable trigger) 377
STS1 (Setpoint Scheduler Switch) 379
S+B (Subtraction - 2 Entradas) 380
#S+B (Subtraction - 4 Entradas) 381
S1 (Analog Switch) 383
S.-C (Synchronize) 385
T!2" (Track and Hold) 387
TCP, (Modbus/TCP Read) 389
TCPS (Modbus/TCP Slave) 393
TCP1 (Modbus/TCP Write) 401
T$FF (Toggle Flip Flop) 389
T)"T (Time and Date) 407
T'T (Totalizer) 408
TP' (Time Proportional Salida) 411
TPSC (Three Position Step Control) 414
T,I$ (Trigger) 429
T,-" (Trend Rate) 431
T,PT (Trend Point) 433
+P"- (UP/Down Counter) 431
0I) (Velocity (rate) Limiter) 438
1C'- (Write Constant) 440
1T+- (Write Tuning Constants) 442
10!, (Write Variables) 444
6F, (Transfer Switch) 446
6', (Exclusive OR) 448
76.,B (XYR 5000 Transmitter Base Radio) 449
76.,T (XYR 5000 Transmitter) 453
86.,T (XYR 6000 Transmitter) 456
86.,1$ (XYR 6000 Wireless Gateway) 461
!BS !bsolute 0alue Bloque de funcin
La etiqueta del ABS est parado para el valor absoluto.
/ste bloque es parte de la categora de los c9lculos
Calcular el valor absoluto de una sola entrada variable analgica. til para asegurar un valor de salida
OUT = !"
X = Valor anlogo a modificarse.
OUT = #alor $odi%icado.
!BS /:e;plo
La figura 1 muestra una configuracin de diagrama de bloques de funcin usando un bloque de funcin
ABS para calcular el valor absoluto de la desviacin entre dos Entradas analgicas.
Figura < !BS bloque de funcin /:e;plo
!"" Bloque de funcin
La etiqueta ADD representa adems la operacin matemtica (2 Entradas).
/ste bloque es parte de la categora de ;ate;9ticas=
Aadir dos Entradas (X, Y) para obtener una Salida.
OUT = ! & '
6 = Primera Entrada Analogica.
. = Segunda Entrada Analogica
OUT = Suma de valores analgicos
!"" /:e;plo
Figura 2 se muestra un Bloque de funcin diagrama usando un ADD bloque de funcin para encontrar el
caudal total como la suma de flujo de 1 y 2 de flujo.
Figura 2 !"" bloque de funcin /:e;plo
#!"" Bloque de funcin
La etiqueta 4ADD representa adems la operacin matemtica (4 Entradas).
/ste bloque es parte de la categora de ;ate;9ticas=
Aadir cuatro Entradas (X, Y1, Y2 y Y3) para obtener una Salida.
OUT = !& '(& ') & '*
6 =Primera Entrada Analogica
Y1 = Segunda Entrada Analogica
Y2 = Tercera Entrada Analogica
Y = Cuarta +ntrada Analogica
All 4 Entradas must be connected or unused Entradas inverted. f only 3 Entradas are used,
the 4
value should be inverted or connected to a constant value of 1.0.
OUT = Su$ o% t,e analog values
#!"" /:e;plo
-igura * s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin diagra$ using a /A00 bloque de %uncin to %ind t,e total -lo. rate as
t,e su$ o% -lo. (1 -lo. )1 -lo. *1 and -lo. /.
Figura & #!"" bloque de funcin /:e;plo
!I Bloque de funcin
La etiqueta de A est parado para la Entrada analgica.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categor3.
Lee el valor de una +ntrada analgica de una verdadero especi%icado 4 direccin. Convertir valor +ntrada
anloga a la correspondiente Salida 5OUT6 en unidades de ingenier7a basadas en la escala necesaria 3 las
conversiones reali8adas.
L9:+A; < Convierte Entrada analgica correspondiente Salida en unidades de valor haba
basada en una escala de 0 a 100% lineal y haba especificada altos y bajos valores de rango +-
10% sobre gama.
OUT = Valor de escala x Entrada +
sesgo where=
#alor de alta ga$a < ga$a ba>a
Scale =
#alor de entrada = valor analgico en por ciento
T4C or ;T0 < Convierte el valor de Entrada analgica en unidades de ingeniera utilizando el tipo
de gama de Entrada. +-1% en rango.
a deteccin de fallos en esta /ntrada bloque conFigurad para rango #>2?;!@ deteccin ba:a@ 2=#;!
deteccin de alta@ 2<=8;! fuera de la ga;a de la bandera A/ntrada FailB est9 actiCada= -o hay ninguna
deteccin de ? a # ;!D pero el bloque continEa proporcionando datos que pueden ser co;parados ;ediante
un bloque de alar;aD por /:e;plo=
0alor analgico de deter;inada direccin real de la entrada>salida=
"IS F deshabilitar el !I canal Salida
! F Calor de la /ntrada analgica en unidades de ingeniera=
1!,- F !"0/,T/-CI!
/ntrada indicacin > posibilidad de fallo del Sensor= Si el cableado de /ntrada !I o sensor eGcede
<?? oh;ios de resistenciaD dina;iHar9 el pasador de adCertencia=
F!I F estado "igital del Canal
"igital ba:a A?B F '5
"igital alta A<B F sensor abierto o no el canal de /ntradaConfiguration para;eters
Table <# Parmetros de configuracin de Entrada analgicos
Figura 9 muestra una configuracin diagrama de Bloque de funcin utilizando un A bloque de funcin.
A utilizado para el control de la temperatura de trabajo. Descriptores de etiqueta se utilizan para
identificar la Entrada. Una etiqueta digital conectada a la Salida no puede alarmar en un sensor abierto.
Figura 9 A bloque de funcin example
/ste bloque es parte de la categora !!,)!S3)onitor=
El bloque de alarma analgico acepta una seal analgica como una variable de proceso y lo compara
con un valor lmite (setpoint) para determinar la condicin de alarma. El punto de referencia puede ser
introducido por el usuario o ser otra seal analgica en el controlador. Acciones de alarma pueden ser
alta, baja o alta desviacin, desviacin baja o desviacin de banda. Para desviacin alarmante, una
segunda seal analgica proporciona la referencia y puntos de referencia representan la desviacin de la
referencia. La alarma de Salida puede invertirse para crear normalmente activa Salida digital. La
seleccin de un usuario para enganche hasta que reconoci o restablece automticamente se
proporciona. Se proporciona un valor de histresis especificado por el usuario en las unidades de
ingeniera de la variable de proceso. Un tiempo de retardo de valor hasta 240 segundos est disponible
para prevenir acciones de alarma momentnea. Un reset digital Entrada est disponible para desactivar
la alarma acciones.Alarm type Funcin
(!"#$!) Alto proceso #ariable Local consigna
OUT = O: Si el PV es mayor que el valor de consigna local
OUT = O-- $i el !" es menor que el %alor de consi&na Local menos la 'ist(resis
(!"#)") Alto proceso #ariable4Co$pare el valor
OUT = O: Si el @# es $a3or que el co$parar valor 5C#6 es decir1 a>uste de alar$a
OUT = O-- Si el PV es menor que el valor de comparar menos la histresis
(!"*$!) @roceso ba>o consigna de #ariable Local
OUT = O: Si el @# es $enor que el punto de re%erencia Local
OUT = O-- Si el PV es mayor que el Local consigna + histresis
(!"*)") Ba>o proceso #ariable4Co$pare el valor
OUT = O: Si el @# es $enor que el valor de co$parar 5C#6
OUT = O-- Si el PV es mayor que el valor de comparar + histresis
+(!",)")#$!- .i&' De%iation Alarm
OUT = O: Si la +ntrada @# $enos la +ntrada de C# es $a3or que el valor de consigna Local
OUT = O-- $i la Entrada !" menos la Entrada de )" es menor que el %alor de consi&na Local
menos la '/steresis
+()",!")#$!- Lo0 De%iation Alarm
OUT = O: 9% t,e C# +ntrada $inus t,e @# +ntrada is greater t,an t,e local Setpoint
!) !lar; Bloque de funcin
La etiqueta ALM est parado para la Funcin de alarma analgico.
OUT = O-- 9% t,e C# +ntrada $inus t,e @# +ntrada is less t,an t,e Local Setpoint $inus A3steresis
I!",)"1#$! 2and De%iation Alarm
OUT = O: 9% t,e absolute value o% 5@#BC#6 is greater t,an t,e Local Setpoint
OUT = O-- 9% t,e absolute value o% 5@#BC#6 is less t,an t,e Local Setpoint $inus A3steresis
!" = @rocess #ariable
)" = Co$pare #alue
3$! 4 ;e$ote Setpoint
D5$A2LE = On disables alar$ action.
OUT = Salida
Block properties
Local Setpoint is set in the Hybrid Control Designer unless "Use RSP Entrada is enabled.
Use an Analog Variable connected to one RSP Entrada (use RSP Entrada Enabled) if you
want to change alarm setpoint at the operator interface via the Variable Edit Display.
Table <8 !nalog alar; configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To change block order,
right-click on a Bloque de funcin
and select Execution Order.
N/A Alarm Action Type P0KSP = High Process Variable/Local
P0KC0 = High Process Variable
/Compare Value
P0LSP = Low Process Variable/Local
P0LC0 = Low Process Variable
/Compare Value
AP0>C0BKSP = High Deviation Alarm
AC0>P0BKSP= Low Deviation Alarm
IP0>C0IKSP = Band Absolute Deviation
2ysteresis 4 Hysteresis in engineering units can
be set from 0 to the Entrada span
monitored variable.
0 to 99999.9 in Engineering Units
0 Local Setpoint value in engineering
units or a calculation from another
bloque de funcin via RSP (see
"Use RSP Entrada).
0 to 99999.9 in Engineering Units
+se ,SP
1 Remote Setpoint selection Click on box to use Remote Setpoint
Salida atch 3 ON latches the alarm Salida until
To acknowledge an alarm, it must
be tagged and entered into an
alarm group. This will provide for
the acknowledgment from the
operator interface.
Click on Box to select.
'n "elay 6 Number of seconds the alarm is
active before activating OUT.
0 to 240 seconds
-igura (?4+>e$plo ( s,o.s an ALC bloque de %uncin being used %or Band 0eviation Alar$Da control
loop process variable is co$pared to t,e loops .or2ing setpoint. A variable is used as t,e setpoint value to
allo. periodic c,anges. 5;S@ enabled6. T,e Salida contains a tag identi%ication t,at .ill be used to identi%3
t,e alar$ state.
+>e$plo ) s,o.s an ALC bloque de %uncin being used to alar$ on @#ES@.
E6E7!LO 8
Alar$ State
C# & ;S@ #alue C#
C# < ;S@ #alue
9:;. .
Alar$ State
E6E7!LO 2
Accessed using #ariable +dit Screen
;S@ #alue Alar$ State
Out o% Alar$
Figura <? !) bloque de funcin /:e;plo
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Alarms/Monitor categor3.
T,e Alar$ Froup Bloque de %uncin allo.s 3ou to tie alar$ groups into t,e Control Strateg3 particularl3
.,en 3ou do not ,ave an Operator 9nter%ace. 9t provides re$ote ac2no.ledge$ent o% all alar$s in t,e group.
T,is bloc2 is al.a3s stored in t,e reserved bloc2 area 5/? t,ru GH61 are al.a3s in t,e con%iguration .,et,er
visible in t,e -B0 or not1 and all Salidas o% t,e bloc2 are updates ever3 alar$ scan.
A)= = ac2no.ledges all alar$s in group 5rising edge6. Clears U:ACI.
U9A)= = O: .,en an3 o% t,e alar$s in t,e group ,ave not been ac2no.ledged.
A)T5" = O: .,en an3 o% t,e alar$s in t,e group are active.
!ssign an !lar; $roup
J,en 3ou drag and drop an Alar$ Froup bloque de %uncin onto t,e .or2s,eet1 t,e KAssign Alar$ FroupK
dialog boL opens.
Select an Alar$ Froup 5( < )?6 %ro$ t,e drop do.n $enu1 t,en clic2 KOIK. T,e
bloque de %uncin .ill appear on t,e Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$.
ConFigura an !lar; $roup
(. 0ouble<clic2 on t,e Alar$ Froup bloque de %uncin. T,e Alar$ Froup Con%iguration dialog boL .ill
appear. T,e Froup :u$ber appears on t,e dialog boL.
). 0igital signals .ill be displa3ed in t,e KSelected TagsK %ield.
*. +nter t,e group title. Use an3 $iL o% nu$bers1 letters1 and spaces.
/. Clic2 on a Signal Tag na$e1 t,en clic2 on ADD. T,e selected signal tag .ill be placed in t,e neLt
available position in t,e KSelected TagsK %ield1
Select a position in t,e KSelected TagsK %ield1 t,en clic2 on 59$E3T. T,e selected signal tag .ill be
placed in t,e position c,osen in t,e KSelected TagsK %ield and t,e ot,er signal tags .ill reorder as
G. ;epeat t,e selection %or up to () tags %or eac, group.
M. Select a signal in t,e KSelected TagsK %ield and clic2 on ALA37 DETA5L$1 and enter Alar$ details in
t,e 0ialog BoL.
N. Clic2 OI.
'ou can also select KAlar$sK %ro$=
!)$, !lar; $roup Bloque de funcin
T,e AL7>3 label stands %or t,e Alarm >roup ?uncin.
< t,e +09T $enu on t,e A3brid Control 0esigner Cain Cenus
< T,e O49 Jor2s,eet Toolbar button
5.,en 3ou ,ave an O496
< t,e -B0 Jor2s,eet toolbar button
5.,en 3ou do not 'a%e an O49 and do not need to use
Alar$ Froup logic in t,e control strateg36
Figura << !)$, Bloque de funcin /:e;plo
!T !lternator Bloque de funcin
T,e ALT label stands %or Alternator -uncin.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
T,e Alternator 5ALT6 bloque de %uncin is t3picall3 used to alternate t,e starting sequence o% a group
o% pu$ps1 valves1 %ilters1 etc. +ac, bloc2 accepts up to (M +ntradas and controls up to (M Salidas.
T,ere are %our unique alternation st3les used to control t,e Salida starting sequence so t,at 3ou can li$it
t,e a$ount o% repeat or continuous usage o% a single device 5pu$ps1 valves1 etc.6. 9% an Salida device %ails1 or
,as been disabled1 t,en an alternate device .ill be used in order to $eet t,e requested de$and. 'ou $a3
speci%3 t,e alternators active Salidas and t,e order in .,ic, t,e Salidas are $anipulated.
+ac, con%iguration is li$ited to a $aLi$u$ o% M Alternator bloque de %uncins.
598 @ 59 8A =. SiLteen digital +ntradas %or requesting an Salida device. Unconnected pins de%ault to O--.
D$2L = deter$ines t,e status o% t,e bloc2=
OFF = Status o% bloc2 is 3U9
< bloque de %uncins process nor$all3
< +ntradas and Salidas reevaluated based on current states and st3le settings
< t,e ST9 Salida pin is set to O:
56 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins ALT
Alternator Bloque de funcin
ON = Status o% bloc2 is O??
< -uncin processes disabled1 no +ntrada4Salida evaluation
< all On and O%% dela3 ti$ers are reset
< bloc2Os st3le setting $aintained
< all Salidas turned o%%
< t,e ST9 Salida pin set to O--.
<AD" 4 used .it, all st3les eLcept 0irect. 9% PActivate AdvanceQ selected in con%iguration1 an O-- to O:
transition .ill rotate t,e Salida order selection.
",".S F digital encoded device-ready signal, usually the bit encoded Salida of the Digital
Encoder Block (DENC) representing 16 digital states. No signal = 0
Bit 1 = OUT 1, Bit 16 = OUT 16
Ejemplo: f bit 3 is ON, "OUT 3" is enabled and its state can turn On/Off based on the Alternator
Sequence. f bit 3 is OFF, "OUT 3" is disabled. Out 3's state will change to OFF.
'+T< N '+T<8 =. Sixteen digital Salidas, which turn ON and OFF based on the Entrada demand
[N1-16]. Salidas can be manually disabled by way of the Salidas tab in the block properties.
Salidas can be programmatically disabled by the use of the "DRDYS" Entrada pin.
OD5$ = O: .,en an3 one o% t,e Salidas 5OUT6 is $anuall3 disabled1 ot,er.ise O--
5D5$ = O: .,en an3 one o% t,e +ntradas 59:6 is $anuall3 disabled1 ot,er.ise O--
$T5 4 O: .,en t,e bloc2 state is ;U:R O-- .,en t,e bloc2 state is O--.
Configurable Para;eters
T,e Alternator properties dialog boL is divided into %our tab cards=
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
Style selections
A st3le is a $et,od used to control t,e c3cling o% t,e (M Salidas. T,ere are %our st3les %ro$ .,ic, to
c,oose= 0irect1 ;otar3 5Last O:4-irst O--61 -irst O:4-irst O-- 5-O-O61 or -iLed, Advance %eature6.
T,is para$eter is initiall3 con-igurad ,ere and can be altered %ro$ an operator inter%ace.
Important: A style change request does not take effect until all Entradas (IN1 - 1! are OFF"
D53E)T Conitors up to (M Entradas and $aps t,e$1 using t,e user ad>ustable $ap order on t,e Salida
tab1 directl3 to t,e Salidas.
9% t,e +ntradas selected are (1 )1 *1 /1 G1 M and t,e Salida order $apped is M1 *1 /1 (1 G1 )R .,en
+ntrada * is activated1 Salida / is enabledR or i% +ntrada ( is activated t,en Salida M is enabled.
3OTA3Y Uses t,e su$ o% t,e (M +ntradas t,at are set to O: to deter$ine t,e required demand %or
Salidas. T,e Salida order is $anaged in a Last O:4-irst O-- basis 5LO-O6. 9% t,e +ntradas
selected are (1 )1 * and t,e $apped sequence is (1 )1 * t,e alternator sequence c,anges .,en
:O Salidas 5pu$ps6 are required or t,ere is a request to Advance 5see Activate Advance6.
0epending on t,e capacit3 required1 Salidas (1 )1 * co$e on in order. J,en t,e demand %alls1
Salida * goes O--1 t,en Salida )1 t,en Salida (. J,en Salida ( turns o%%1 t,e ;otar3 sequence
advances and Salida ) starts t,e neLt c3cle.
9% an +ntrada pin is set to Pnot availableQ1 t,en t,at Salida is %orced to O-- and t,e neLt
available Salida in t,e $apping order is turned O:. 9% t,e previousl3 b3passed Salida later
beco$es enabled1 t,en it .ill not be used until t,e de$and increases.
58 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins ALT Alternator
Bloque de funcin
?O?O Uses t,e su$ o% t,e (M +ntradas t,at are set to O: to deter$ine t,e required demand %or
Salidas. T,e Salida order is $anaged in a -irst O:4-irst O-- basis 5-O-O6. 9% * +ntradas are
O: 5no $apping61 t,e Alternator sequence c,anges 5%irst one in t,e list $oves to t,e end o% t,e
list6 as t,e +ntradas turn O-- or1 .,en t,ere is a request %or Advance 5see Activate Advance6.
9% an +ntrada pin is set to Pnot availableQ1 t,en t,at Salida is %orced to O-- and t,e neLt
available Salida is turned O:. 9% t,e previousl3 b3passed Salida later beco$es enabled1 t,en it
.ill not be used until t,e de$and increases.
?5XED Uses t,e su$ o% t,e (M +ntradas t,at are set to O: to deter$ine t,e required demand %or
Salidas. T,e Salida order is $anaged in a -irst O:4-irst O-- basis 5-O-O6. 9% t,e +ntradas
selected are (1 )1 *1 / and 3ou $ap a %iLed sequence /1 )1 *1 ( t,e sequence .ill not c,ange
unless 3ou select t,e Advance %eature 5see Activate Advance6. 9t ta2es a direct co$$and 5O--
to O: signal6 be%ore t,e Salida order $ap rotates to t,e )1 *1 (1 / sequence.
9% an Salida pin is not available t,en t,at Salida is %orced O-- and t,e neLt available Salida in
t,e $apping order is turned O:. 9% t,e previousl3 b3passed Salida later beco$es enabled1 t,en
it .ill not be used until t,e de$and increases.
!ctiCate adCance
Used .it, all st3les eLcept 0irect. 9% 3ou select PActivate AdvanceQ 5clic2 on boL on Feneral tab to select61
an O-- to O: transition o% t,e <AD" +ntrada pin .ill rotate t,e Salida order sequence. 7aCe DeEore
2reaC selection deter$ines ,o. t,is is done %or ;otar3 and -O-O onl3.
)ake before break
T,is %eature .or2s on +ntrada de$and and .it, t,e Advance +ntrada1 it is available %or -iLed1 ;otar3
and -O-O st3les.
J,en t,e ALT bloque de %uncin receives an Advance +ntrada 5SA0# pin6 and 7aCe DeEore 2reaC is
selected 5clic2 on boL on Feneral tab to select6 t,e neLt Salida in t,e sequence is activated be%ore
deactivating an Salida. J,en t,e selection boL on t,e Feneral tab is not selected 52reaC DeEore 7aCe6 t,e
Salida is re$oved be%ore advancing t,e sequence and activating t,e neLt Salida. T,e O: and O-- 0ela3
Ti$ers are used .it, t,is %eature. See neLt -igura.
2 Salidas
requested 3 Salidas
and one of requestd
initially Advance Advance them is with 3
no Salidas 2 Salidas occurs and occurs and disabled Salida still
requested requested !""# is set ""!## is set $or fails%### disabled
* MBB - Make before Break
** BBM - Break before Make
*** When an Salida is in use and it becomes disabled or fails, the
BBM feature is used to turn on the next available Salida
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide
'-3'FF delay ti;ers
T,ere is an On<dela3 ti$er and O%%<dela3 ti$er value t,at applies to all (M Salidas. T,ese ti$ers are t,e
sa$e ti$es used .it, t,e Ca2e4Brea2 %eature. T,ere is one period %or all On<dela3 ti$es and one period %or
all O%%<dela3 ti$es.
9% an Salida is .aiting in an On<dela3 ti$er and ne. +ntrada conditions t,e Salida state to turn O--1 t,en
t,e dela3 ti$er is reset1 t,e Salida does not c,ange state. 9% an Salida is .aiting in an O%%<dela3 ti$er and
ne. +ntrada conditions t,e Salida state to turn O:1 t,en t,e dela3 ti$er is reset1 t,e Salida does not c,ange
T,e ti$ers operate in a cascade st3le. +>e$plo= 9% t,ree Salidas are requested1 Salida T( Turns On1 t,en T)
.,ic, is %ollo.ed b3 T*.
Table <( !T general tab para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
$eneral Tag -a;e N/A 16-character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block Descripcin
Ti;e "elay 'n>Ti;e
1 Delay time used before turning
ON the next Salida in the
sequence. Used with
"Make/Break feature
See ON/OFF Delay Timers
Range: 0 99999 sec
Default = 0
Value can be changed
from the Operator
2 Delay time used before turning
OFF the next Salida in the
sequence. Used with
"Make/Break feature
See ON/OFF Delay Timers
Range: 0 99999 sec
Default = 0
Value can be changed
from the Operator
Styles "irect N/A See Style Selections for
"I,/CT ,'T!,. F'F'
The parameter selected
here can be altered from
an operator interface.
)ake before Break 3 Determines how an OUT is
toggled ON and OFF.
Used with "Rotary and "FOFO
See Mae before !rea for
'- = Make before Break
'FF = Break before Make
Default = Make before
!ctiCate !dCance
Used with all styles except Direct
0 Activates the "Advance feature.
This allows an OFF to ON
transition of the M!"0 Entrada
pin to rotate the Salida order
See Acti#ate Ad#ance for
Click on box to turn '-
Activate Advance
The parameter selected
here cannot be altered
from an operator
60 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins ALT
Alternator Bloque de funcin
Clic2 on t,e P+nable +ntradaQ bloc2 to activate t,at particular +ntrada ( B (M"1 deselect to inactivate
it. P+nableQ is t,e de%ault. 59ndices M t,ru )(6
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide
Bloque de funcins
ALT Alternator Bloque de funcin
SAL$DA tab
Clic2 on t,e P+nable SalidaQ boL to activate t,at particular Salida ( B (M"1 deselect to inactivate it. P+nableQ is
t,e de%ault. 59ndices )) t,ru )N6
#e$ice %eady Ena&le
Clic2 on t,e PUse 0evice ;ead3 0;0'S" P boL to activate t,e 0;0'S +ntradas %ro$ t,e 0igital +ncoder
bloque de %uncin. O-- 5deselect6 ignores all t,e 0;0'S %ro$ t,e 0igital +ncoder bloc2 and assu$es all
device read3 values are on. 59ndeL T G/6
Bloque de funcins ALT
Alternator Bloque de funcin
Direct $t/le selected 3otar/; ?O?O; or ?iFed $t/le selected
!IT Bloque de funcin Properties
General | Entradas ] Salidas Sequence Order
Maximum Salidas Used |Q
Entrada Salida Entrada Salida
N1 0UT1 N9 0UT9
N2 0UT2 N10 OUT10
N3 0UT3 N11 0UT11
N4 0UT4 N12 0UT12
N5 0UT5 N13 0UT13
N6 0UT6 N14 0UT14
H7 0UT7 N15 0UT15
N8 0UT8 N16 0UT16
Edit Sequence Orde
OK ] Cancel
Table <% !T sequence tab para;eters
!ction Selections Co;;ents
< Maximum Salidas used Use the scroll buttons in
the active field and select
the number of Salidas to
be used.
1 to16 Selecting less than 16
Salidas will make the
unused Salidas in the
"Salida Selection
column = 0 after "OK is
2 Edit Sequence Order Click on the "Edit
Sequence Order button to
activate the Sequence
Order dialog box.
Click, Drag, and release
any Salida to any order,
as shown to the left, to
select the sequence in
which the Salidas will be
turned on.
Click "OK.
Sequence Order
Default = OUT1,
@ @
OUT15, OUT16.
May be changed by a
special message.
-igura () s,o.s a bloque de %uncin diagra$ using an ALT bloque de %uncin.
N1 0UT1
N2 0UT2
N3 0UT3
N4 0UT4
N10 OUT10
N11 OUT11
N12 OUT12
N13 OUT13
N14 0UT14
N15 OUT15
N16 OUT16
HOA6 6
u -
To HOA and
DC blocks for
Salidas 2 & 3

Salida #1
Bloque de funcins AMB Auto/Manual
Bias Bloque de funcin
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Loops categor3.
On trans%er %ro$ Canual to AutoR Bias is calculated to $a2e @# & Bias = Salida.
!"8 4 @rocess #ariable +ntrada 5U6
T3" = Salida Trac2 #alue in percentage 5Salida = T;# #alue .,en T;C is O:6. T3) = Salida
Trac2 Co$$andD( = enable T;# 5Code = Local Override61 ? = disable 7D3B5 = +Lternal Code
;equest 5connected to t,e C0;VO Salida o% a C0SJ bloque de %uncin6 encoded as %ollo.s=
?.? = :o C,ange
(.? = Canual Code ;equest
).? = Auto$atic Code ;equest
OUT = Control Salida 5BG U to (?G U6
AL8 = Alar$ ( AL2 = Alar$ )
7ODE = Actual Code encoded as %ollo.s= 5Connect to Code -lags bloc2 C0-L" to encode $ode
/.? LS@ AUTO
G.? LS@ CA:
N.? LS@ LO 5Local Override6
Configuration para;eters
T,e Auto4Canual Bias properties dialog boL is divided into %our tab cards
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
!)B !uto3)anual Bias Bloque de funcin
T,e A72 label stands %or AutoG7anual 2ias -uncin.
Table <* !)B $eneral tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block Tag
N/A 16-character tag name
N/A Block Descripcin
Start3,estart tab
Table 2? !)B Start ,estart tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
N/A Mode permitted for the
initial start and power up
)!- Manual
!+T' Automatic
Initial )ode N/A Mode at NEWSTART
-eRstart is the first scan
cycle following the cold
start of the controller
)!- Manual
!+T' Automatic
PoRer up
N/A Mode at power up )!- Manual
P,/0I'+S Same mode (auto or manual)
PoRer +p
N/A Salida at Power up
F!IS!F/ Failsafe Salida value.
!ST '+T Same as at power down.
Failsafe 'ut 9 Failsafe Salida Value 5 to 105 (default 0)
Table 2< !)B ,ange3li;it tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
P0 2igh ,ange 0 PV High Range Value 5 % to 105 %
P0 oR ,ange 1 PV Low Range Value 5 % to 105 %
"isplay "eci;al Places N/A Number of digits to display after
decimal point.
0 to 5
'ut 2igh i;it 7 Salida High Limit Value - prevents
the Salida from going above the
value set here.
5 % to 105 %
'ut oR i;it 8 Salida Low Limit Value - prevents
the Salida from going below the
value set here.
5 % to 105 %
Table 22 !)B !lar; tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!lar; <
Setpoint <
10 !lar; < Setpoint < 0alue - this is
the value at which you want the
alarm type chose below to activate
5 % to +105 %
(default 0)
!lar; < Type N/A Alarm 1 Setpoint 1 Type - select
what you want Alarm 1 Setpoint 1
to represent.
Selections: NO
!lar; <
Setpoint 2
11 Alarm 1 Setpoint 2 Value Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; < Type N/A Alarm 1 Setpoint 2 Type Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; 2
Setpoint <
12 Alarm 2 Setpoint 1 Value Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; 2 Type N/A Alarm 2 Setpoint 1 Type Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; 2
Setpoint 2
13 Alarm 2 Setpoint 2 Value Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; 2Type N/A Alarm 2 Setpoint 2 Type Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
2ysteresis S
18 Alarm Hysteresis in % 0 % to 5 %
2!-" Bloque de funcin
T,e 2A9D label stands %or t,e A9D 2oolean ?uncin (2 Entradas).
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
Turns digital Salida 5OUT6 O9 .,en +ntradas !( and !) are O9. T,us1
9% all +ntradas are O:1 t,en= OUT 4 O9.
9% any +ntrada is O--1 t,en= OUT 4 O??.
X8 = -irst digital signal. X2 =
Second digital signal.
OUT = 0igital signal controlled b3 status o% +ntrada signals.
Block properties
/ntrada state
'ou can invert +ntrada ( or +ntrada ) or bot,. 9% t,e +ntrada is inverted1 an +ntrada line t,at is O: is seen
as O-- 5P:Q on 9con neLt to inverted +ntrada6.
-igura (/ s,o.s an A:0 bloque de %uncin being used to $onitor t.o +ntrada signals %or an alar$
Figura <# 2!-" bloque de funcin /:e;plo
!' Bloque de funcin
T,e AO label stands %or a $illia$p Analo& $alida.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categor3.
;ange Aig, and ;ange Lo. are used to speci%3 t,e +ngineering Unit values %or (?? U and ? U o% t,is bloc2Os
+ntrada span. -or reverse Salidas1 ;ange Aig, $a3 be set to a value less t,an ;ange Lo..
T,e Salida range ,ig, and range lo. values 5?<)? $aLi$u$6 set t,e $illia$p Salida values t,at
correspond to t,e ? U to (?? U span li$its o% t,e +ntradas.
59 = Analog value
OUT = Converted value sent to speci%ied real 94O address. ?A5L =
-ailed Salida indication < Codule +rror
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
AOOs Address starts at Codule /.
Table 2& !nalog Salida configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To change
block order, right-click on
a Bloque de funcin and
select Execution Order.
!ddress ,ack This is the address of the selected
Enter a value
from 1 to 5.
I3' )odule Address of selected /O module
(must match model selection guide)
Enter a value:
from 1 to 12
Channel Channel on selected /O Module Enter a value:
from 1 to 16
,ange ,ange 2i 1 High Range Value Engineering Unit
-value of Entrada that corresponds to
100 % Salida value
-99999 to 999999
Default = 100
,ange oR 2 Low Range Value Engineering Unit
-value of Entrada that corresponds to
0 % Salida value
-99999 to 999999
Default = 0.0
Salida ;! at range
3 Value of mA Salida that corresponds
to 100 % Salida signal (for Ejemplo: 20
0 to 20
Default = 20
;! at oR
4 Value of mA Salida that corresponds
to 0 % Salida signal (for Ejemplo: 4
0 to 20
Default = 4
Salida i;its ;! at range
2igh i;it
5 Value of mA that you want to set the
High Range Limit
0 to 21
Default = 21
;! at oR
,ange i;it
6 Value of mA that you want to set the
Low Range Limit
0 to 21
Default = 0
Failsafe Failsafe
7 Failsafe Value
0 to 21 mA
Default = 0
8 Type of Failsafe 2igh > sets the Salida of
the block to High Salida
Range limit when failure
is detected oR - sets the
Salida of the block to Low
Salida Range Limit when
failure is detected 2old -
hold the Salida at the last
value just prior to the
failure being detected
SleR ,ate SleR Ti;e in
9 Slew Rate is the maximum rate of
change required to drive the Salida
from full OFF (0% - typically 4 mA) to
full ON (100% - typically 20mA). The
block will convert this to a maximum
change of the milliamp Salida per
execution cycle of the block.
Enter a value of from
0.0 to 99
-igura (W s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ con%iguration using an AO bloque de %uncin to retrans$it an
analog +ntrada value. 9n +>e$plo A1 t,e Salida is %ro$ a S@@ bloc2 to an eLternal controller via t,e AO
bloc2. 9n +>e$plo B1 t,e $A Salida is / $A %or an analog +ntrada o% )???.
Reverse scaling is required for duplex control Salidas.
Figura <% !' bloque de funcin /:e;plo
!S.S !nalog Syste; Status Bloque de funcin
T,e Analo& $/stem $tatus 2locC (A$Y$) is a bloque de %uncin and is part o% t,e Alarm/Monitor categor3.
The !nalog Syste; Status Block is a bloque de funcin and is part of the Alarm/Monitor
category. t provides read access to controller status values including those related to the Analog
execution cycle. The Salida may be connected to bloque de funcin Entradas. The Salidas may
also be connected to signal tags for operator interface monitoring. The ASYS System monitoring
block is assigned
block nu;ber <=
PoRer -oise ,e:ection Selection
When you click on the ASYS bloque de funcin on a diagram, the "Controller System
Parameters" dialog box opens. The 50 or 60 Hz selection is used to establish the integration times
for analog to digital conversion. This is needed to prevent aliasing the line frequency when
converting low level signals such as thermocouples. n the United States, the line frequency is
Table 2# !nalog syste; status block Salidas
Salida "escripcin
CYCTME Control Block Cycle Time in seconds
CYCMNS Control Block Cycle Time in minutes
NEWSTART Newstart is ON for one full cycle of control block execution, following a New start of the system. For
Ejemplo: starting after a change from program to run.
RESTART Restart is ON for one full cycle of control block execution, following power up.
ALM ACTV Alarm Active is ON if any operator panel alarm is ON.
ALMUNACK Alarm unacknowledge is ON if any operator panel's alarm is unacknowledged.
HWOK Hardware OK is ON if there are no faults.
LOWBTRY Low Battery is ON if the battery is low, Off when battery is good.
H TEMP High CJ Temperature is ON if the CJ temperature is high.
MSTR FAL Communications Failure is ON when Modbus master diagnostic is not good
BAD BLOCK Bad Block is ON when one or more blocks are not operating properly. Any bloque de funcin
monitor window which indicates a block status other than "OK will cause this pin to energize. For
Ejemplo: forced Salidas (analog or digital), math errors (divide by zero), un-conFigurad /O blocks
(rack/slot/channel) and PD block, a PV over/under the conFigurad range limits. HC Designer can
locate forced blocks; however, it cannot advise the user which block(s) are causing the Bad Block
LOCKED On when Controller Mode switch is locked in the current mode by switch position.
TME OFF Number of seconds power was turned off. Valid for one cycle of control blocks execution following
power up. Then it is cleared to zero.
DS LMT ON when the configuration storage warning limit is exceeded. OFF when the storage capacity falls
below the warning limit.
RSV AVAL C70R controllers only. ON when the Reserve CPU is available for failover. OFF when the Reserve
CPU is unavailable for failover.
On other controllers this pin is called "N/A and serves no purpose other than a placeholder for RSV
Possible reasons: No Reserve CPU installed.
Hardware failure is preventing database synchronization between the CPUs. Firmware mismatch
between the CPUs.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3.
@rovides t,e average value o% a single analog para$eter %or a user speci%ied ti$e period1 plus t,e running
5instantaneous6 average .it,in t,e ti$e period. A running average value is updated at t,e end o% eac,
sa$ple period. Ti$e periods to (//?.? $inutes are supported. At t,e end o% t,e ti$e period1 t,e running
average value is trans%erred to 94O process Salida value. A ,old +ntrada allo.s eLcluding sa$ples %ro$ t,e
average .,en active.
!old "tart B On t,e %irst c3cle a%ter a cold start1 t,e instantaneous average Salida is initiali8ed to current
+ntrada value1 t,e sa$ple counter begins to incre$ent1 and t,e period ti$er begins to decre$ent
5assu$ing t,at ;eset is O--6. T,e previous average Salida is set to 8ero.
#arm "tart B On a .ar$ start1 t,e calculations continue .,ere t,e3 le%t o%%. T,ere is no atte$pt to
co$pensate %or t,e ti$e t,e .as o%% or to res3nc,roni8e .it, t,e ti$e o% da3.
E9T3ADA = Analog +ntrada
3E$ET = Controls t,e sa$ple calculations.
9% O??1 t,e +ntrada sa$ples are accu$ulated1 t,e sa$ple counter is incre$ented1 t,e ti$e re$aining
decre$ents and t,e average value is calculated and .ritten to t,e Salidas.
9% O91 t,e Salidas are ,eld at t,eir last values1 t,e internal accu$ulators and sa$ple counters are
cleared1 and t,e ti$e re$aining is re<initiali8ed to t,e %ull average period.
9% O9 to O?? transition1 t,e average Salida is set to t,e +ntrada value1 and t,e period ti$er begins to
T,e ;+S+T pin does not a%%ect t,e previous average Salida value.
.OLD = 9% O??1 calculations run as nor$al. 9% O91 +ntrada sa$ples are not accu$ulated and included in
t,e average calculation1 t,e ti$e re$aining continues to decre$ent. T,e Salida values are ,eld at t,eir last
state prior to t,e O-- to O: transition.
9% t,e averaging period elapses .,ile .OLD is O91 t,e instantaneous average .ill $aintain t,e last
calculated average value1 t,e previous average is updated to t,is value1 t,e internal accu$ulators and
sa$ple counters are cleared1 and t,e ti$e re$aining is re<initiali8ed to t,e %ull averaging period.
5 A"> = 9nstantaneous calculation o% t,e current average.
! A"> = previous calculated average value.
Block properties
C!0$ Continuous !Cerage Bloque de funcin
T,e )A"> label stands %or )ontinuous A%era&e.
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table &( Continuous aCerage configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set !Cg= Period !Ceraging 0 Time period in which the Continuous 0.1 to 1440.0 in
Period Average will be calculated.
When the averaging period elapses,
the last valid value will be set equal to
the instantaneous value.
The internal accumulators and sample
counters will be cleared and the time
remaining will be re-initialize to the full
average period.
-igura )* s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a CA#F bloque de %uncin.
Figura 2& C!0$ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
C)P, Co;parison Calculation Bloque de funcin
T,e )7!3 label stands %or )omparison )alculation.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3.
Co$pares value o% ! +ntrada to value o% ' +ntrada and turns O9 one o% t,ree Salidas based on t,is
9% ! +ntrada is greater t,an ' +ntrada1 t,en= X>Y 4 O9.
9% ! +ntrada equals ' +ntrada1 t,en= XEY 4 O9.
9% ! +ntrada is less t,an ' +ntrada1 t,en= XLY 4 O9.
X = -irst analog value.
Y = Second analog value
X>Y = 0igital signal state based on calculation.
XEY = 0igital signal state based on calculation.
XLY = 0igital signal state based on calculation.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura )/ s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a CC@; bloque de %uncin to open a vent i%
+ntrada ( is ,ig,er t,an +ntrada ).
Figura 2# C)P, bloque de funcin /:e;plo
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
T,e 0evice Control bloque de %uncin is nor$all3 used to control pu$ps. Based on certain events listed in
Table *W t,e device .ill be placed into one o% siL states= ;+A0'1 @;+STA;T1 STA;T9:F1 ;U::9:F1
STO@@9:F1 09SABL+01 or -A9L+0. T,e ;+A0' 5o%% state6 is t,e initial state o% t,e bloque de %uncin.
+ac, con%iguration is li$ited to a $aLi$u$ o% (M 0evice Control bloque de %uncins. -orcing o% Salidas is
:OT per$itted .it,in t,is bloc2.
3EB 4 5run request6 .,en O: Logic ("1 puts t,e device in t,e Starting 4 ;unning state. J,en O--1 puts
t,e device in Stopping 4 ;ead3 state.
?D2= = %eedbac2 %ro$ t,e controlled deviceR O: = device ,as started1 O-- = device ,as not started.
E33 = 5in6 < O: .,en t,e controlled device reports a %ailure1 causes t,e device control to transition to t,e
-A9L+0 state. O-- = :o device %ailure.
<3$T = an O-- to O: transition .ill $anuall3 reset t,e control .,en it is in t,e -A9L+0 state and return
to t,e ;+A0' state.
D5$ = 5disable6 J,en O--1 t,e device control operates nor$all3. J,en O:1 i$$ediatel3 transitions to
t,e 09SABL+0 state1 it prevents t,e device %ro$ starting i% in t,e read3 state or i$$ediatel3 s,uts<do.n
t,e device i% it is currentl3 starting up or running state.
"C "eCice Control Bloque de funcin
T,e D) label stands %or De%ice )ontrol.
OUT 4 @ri$ar3 bloc2 Salida B t,e Salida is O: in t,e ;U::9:F and STO@@9:F states1 else O--.
3DY = 5read36 O: .,en t,e control is in t,e ;ead3 State 5t,e controlled device is o%% and .aiting %or a
request to run61 ot,er.ise O--.
!3E$ 4 5prestart6 O: .,ile in t,e prestart state 5a request to run t,e device ,as been received and t,e start
dela3 ti$er is E?1 ot,er.ise O--.
$T3T = 5starting6 O: .,ile in t,e start state 5start ti$er ,as eLpired and t,ere is a request to start t,e
device. T,e device %eedbac2 ti$er is started. T,e device is being $onitored %or %ailures61
3U9= 5running6 O: .,ile in t,e ;unning state 5t,e controlled device ,as co$pleted start up 50evice
-eedbac26 and is no. runningR occurs a%ter t,e start dela3 ti$er eLpiresR device is being $onitored %or
%ailures and %eedbac2 t,at it started6 ot,er.ise O--.
$TO! = 5stopping6 O: .,ile in t,e Stopping state 5t,e controlled device is requested to turn o%%R stop
dela3 ti$er is runningR device is being $onitored %or %ailures1 interloc2ing and returning to t,e run state61
ot,er.ise O--.
?A5L = 5%ailed6 O: .,en t,e control is in t,e -ailed state 5t,e controlled device reported a %ailure or did not
start up in ti$eR device is being $onitored %or a $anual or auto$atic reset61 ot,er.ise O--.
D5$ = 5disabled6 O: .,ile in t,e 0isabled state 5t,e controlled device is loc2ed<outR it cannot start running
until t,e disable +ntrada signal turns O--61 ot,er.ise O--.
$T5 = An enu$eration representing t,e di%%erent states o% t,e control.
J,ere= ? = :OT US+01 ( = ;+A0'1 ) = @;+STA;T1 * = STA;T9:F1 / = ;U::9:F1
G = STO@@9:F1 M = 09SABL+1 N = -A9L.
Conditions for transition fro; F!I to ,/!". state
One o% t,e conditions $ust occur to transition %ro$ t,e -A9L state to t,e ;+A0' state=
a6 9% a -eedbac2 error is t,e initial reason %or t,e %ailure1 t,en a $anual reset is t,e onl3 $et,od %or
returning to t,e ;ead3 state.
b6 9% Auto$atic<;eset is selected1 t,en 3ou return to t,e ;ead3 state .,en 0evice -ailure +ntrada
turns O--.
c6 9% Auto$atic<;eset is not selected1 t,en 3ou return to t,e ;ead3 state .,en 0evice -ailure
+ntrada is O-- and t,e ;eset +ntrada transitions O-- to O:.
)onitored eCents and deCice states
Table *W s,o.s .,ic, events are $onitored in eac, state.
Table &% )onitored eCents and deCice states
"/0IC/ ST!T/S
A-ote <B
$TA3T59> ,+--I-$ D5$A2LED
A-otes <D2B
$TO!!59> F!I/"
Run Request turns ON 6 6
Run Request turns OFF 6 6 6
Disable (ON) 6 6 6 6 6
Disable (OFF) 6
Feedback from Device 6 6
Device (ERR) Fail ON 6 6 6 6
Device (ERR) Fail OFF 6 -ote
Reset (Rising Edge) 6
Start Delay Timer
Expires (edge)
Feedback Timer
Expires (edge)
6 6
Stop Delay Timer
Expires (edge)
(. 9% a device %ails .,ile in t,e state o% ;+A0' or 09SABL+1 t,e device %ailure is not recogni8ed until
t,e control goes into t,e @;+STA;T state.
). T,ere are restrictions .,en t,e control goes into t,e 0isable state %ro$ t,e ;unning State. T,e device
is i$$ediatel3 turned O-- .it,out a Stop 0ela3. J,en t,e disable turns O--1 t,e control c,anges
to t,e ;ead3 state.
*. +;; O%% 5device %ail6 is $onitored in -ailed state1 onl3 i%=
a6 -ailed +ntrada caused t,e %ailure1 and
b6 Auto ;eset is enabled.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table &* "eCice control bloque de funcin para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
"isplay Tag -a;e N/A 16-character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block Descripcin 16 characters maximum
Settings 'n "elay
Ti;e AsecB
1 Starting Time time delay
between RUN request and
Salida ON.
This parameter is configurable
from the Operator nterface.
Range: 0 99999
seconds (default 0)
'ff "elay
Ti;e AsecB
2 Stopping Time time delay before
the Salida turns OFF after and OFF
This parameter is configurable from
the Operator nterface.
Range: 0 99999
seconds (default 0)
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
"elay Ti;e
3 Feedback-Fail-Delay: if during this
time-period there is no feedback
from a device confirming the
control is in the Running state, then
the block enters the FAL state and
Out is turned OFF.
f a device sends feedback during
this time-period, then this timer is
This parameter is configurable from
the Operator nterface.
Range: 0 99999
seconds (default 0)
$&lick on "o'
to turn ()%
0 if set to AUTO, then the block will
reset itself after the failure (Fail
Entrada) turns off. f set to
MANUAL, a Reset (signal Entrada
or from the Operator nterface
station) is required to remove the
failure condition. This parameter is
determined when the block is
ON = Automatic Reset
(bo' selected)
OFF = Manual Reset
(bo' deselected)
-igura )G s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a 0evice Control bloque de %uncin to control a pu$p
to %ill a tan2.
Tank Level Entrada
in 8
Tank Level SP
DC3 3
???? <XX< $%m&
Tank Overflow
Pump Overheat Signal
Pump Running Signal
Figura 27 "C bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Pump Salida Control
126 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
"C)P "eCiation Co;pare Bloque de funcin
T,e D)7! label stands %or De%iation )ompare.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3
Co$pares up to M analog +ntradas to a & or B user<entered deviation setpoint to a N
+ntrada re%erence value
and sets t,e Salida true i% an3 +ntrada eLceeds t,e deviation value %ro$ t,e re%erence value. Salida is o%% i%
all +ntradas are less t,an t,e deviation.
@lus 0ev Co$pare #alue = ;e%erence +ntrada & User entered @lus 0eviation value
Cinus 0ev Co$pare #alue = ;e%erence +ntrada < User entered Cinus 0eviation value 5Cinus 0eviation
value s,ould be a positive nu$ber6
9% an3 9: 5(<M6E t,e @lus 0ev Co$pare value1 Out = O:
9% an3 9: 5(<M6 Y t,e Cinus 0ev Co$pare value1 Out = O:
When the reference Entrada is the average of the 6 Entradas, the block performs deviation
from average.
598 = +ntrada (
592 = +ntrada )
59 = +ntrada *
59I = +ntrada /
59J = +ntrada G
59A = +ntrada M Y
=;e%erence +ntrada
All Entradas should be used or a single value should be connected to multiple Entradas.
Unused Entradas will default to 0.
OUT = Ai 5(6 .,en an3 +ntrada eLceeds t,e speci%ied deviation %ro$ t,e re%erence value.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table #? "C)P configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
0 Plus value deviation from
reference point
Within the range of the Entradas
1 Minus value deviation
from reference point
Within the range of the Entradas
-igura )M s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a 0CC@ bloque de %uncin to ,old a setpoint progra$
i% an3 o% M .or2 t,er$ocouples deviate %ro$ t,e setpoint b3 $ore t,an t,e 0eviation Li$its.
Figura 28 "C)P bloque de funcin /:e;plo
"I Bloque de funcin
T,e D5 label stands %or Discrete Entrada.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categories.
0iscrete +ntrada bloc2s are used to process t,e digital status o% a speci%ic c,annel o% a discrete +ntrada
$odule. +ac, bloc2 requires a $odule and c,annel nu$ber during con%iguration. T,e +ntrada status $a3 be
9% 0igital @oint is O:1 t,en OUT = O:.
OUT = 0igital Signal
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table #2 "igital /ntrada configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,ack ? Rack on selected /O Module From 1 to 5
I3' )odule Address of select /O Module From 1 to 12
Channel Channel on selected /O Module From 1 to 16 or 32.
1 f NVERT is selected, OUT = inverse of physical Entrada.
The slash will be present in the CONTACT symbol only when
the invert box is selected on the dialog box. (See below.)
DM01 1
010101 -|/|-
Failsafe '- N/A set the Salida of the block to OFF
when failure is detected
Click on radio button
to select
Failsafe 'FF N/A set the Salida of the block to ON
when failure is detected
Click on radio button
to select
N/A hold the Salida at the last value just
prior to the failure being detected
Click on radio button
to select
-igura *? s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using 09 bloque de %uncins in a basic Series @arallel Circuit.
This is a basic series-parallel circuit. f Limit Switch 1
(LS1) is ON and Limit Switch 2 (LS2) is ON, or if
pushbutton PB1 is ON, then Solenoid 1 is turned ON,
otherwise it is OFF. Note "power flow can be delivered
in either of two paths to the solenoid.
LS 1 LS 2
E%&i#alent !oolean Lo'ic E()ression
A = LS1, B = LS2 A
C = PB1, D = Salida B
*+,-- Lo'ic
This uses a basic 2 Entrada AND
block and a 2 Entrada OR block.
6 Bloque de funcins are used.
A)* Symbol (+ S bol
I 3 (A *
B) + C = D
Figura &? "igital /ntrada bloque de funcin /:e;plo
%"I Bloque de funcin
T,e KD5 label stands %or Ei&'t !oint Di&ital Entradas.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categories.
@rovides read access %or up to W p,3sical digital +ntradas.
9t $ini$i8es t,e nu$ber o% bloc2s required to con-igura all o% t,e 0igital 94O required in a s3ste$. 0igital
+ntrada bloc2s are used to process t,e digital status o% speci%ic c,annels o% a digital +ntrada $odule. +ac,
bloc2 +ntrada requires a $odule and c,annel nu$ber during con%iguration.
T,e +ntrada status $a3 be inverted.
9% 0igital @oint is O:1 t,en OUT = O:.
OUT D8= 0igital Signal
OUT D2= 0igital Signal
OUT D= 0igital Signal
OUT DI= 0igital Signal
OUT DJ= 0igital Signal
OUT DA= 0igital Signal
OUT DL= 0igital Signal
OUT DK= 0igital Signal
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table #& /ight "igital /ntrada configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
/ntrada <
through /ntrada
,ack 0 Rack Address of selected /O
From 1 to 5
I3' )odule Address of selected /O Module From 1 to 12
Channel Channel on selected /O Module 1 to 8, 9 to 16, 17 to
24, 25 to 32
|~~ nvert 1 f NVERT is selected, OUT = inve
The slash will be present in the CO
the invert box is selected on the di
8D103 2
rse of physical Entrada.
NTACT symbol only when
alog box. (See below.)
01 -|J|-
02 -| |-
03 -|/|-
04-| |-
05 -|/|-
oa >X X>
07 -|f|-
08 -| |-
Failsafe Failsafe '- N/A set the Salida of the block to OFF
when failure is detected.
Select from drop-
down menu
for each Entrada.
Failsafe 'FF N/A set the Salida of the block to ON
when failure is detected.
N/A hold the Salida at the last value just
prior to the failure being detected.
-igura *( s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using W point 09 bloque de %uncins.
Figura &< %Point "I bloque de funcin /:e;plo
"I0 Bloque de funcin
T,e D5" label stands %or Di%ision Cat,e$atical operation.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Math categor3.
0ivides one +ntrada 5!6 b3 anot,er 5'6
9% ' = ?1 t,en OUT = ? and bloc2 status is set to errorR ot,er.ise1 OUT 4 X M Y.
X = -irst analog value Y
= Second analog value
OUT = Calculated #alue
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Block 'rder A,ead 'nlyB
82N 5
To c,ange +Lecution Order %or t,e Bloc21 Select 4 on t,e Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ tool bar.
Select Q+Lecution OrderQ t,en select and drag bloc2s up or do.n t,e list and put t,e$ in t,e order t,at
suits 3our control strateg3.
-igura *) s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a 09# bloque de %uncin.
Figura &2 "I0 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
"!. Bloque de funcin
T,e DLAY label stands %or On Dela/GOEE Dela/ Timer.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ounters and 'imers categories.
Bloc2 is con%igurable as On 0ela3 or O%% 0ela3. -or
On 0ela31 Salida turns O: .,en ti$er eLpires.
T$!5 < 0ela3 ti$e set point in seconds.
E9T3ADA , +dge detection starts t,e ti$er. O: dela3 ti$er is triggered b3 rising edge o% +ntrada. O--
dela3 ti$er is triggered b3 %alling edge o% +ntrada.
T$!O , Ti$er set point in seconds. Based on t,e TS@9 pin at t,e point .,en t,e ti$er started. 9% TS@9
-or O%% 0ela31 Salida turns O-- .,en ti$er eLpires.
c,anges a%ter t,e ti$er starts1 TS@9 is ignored and TS@O $aintains t,e current ti$er set point.
T3E7 , ;e$aining ti$e in secondsR counts %ro$ TS@9 do.n to ?.
TEL!$ , +lapsed ti$e in secondsR counts %ro$ ? to TS@9.
OUT , -or On 0ela31 Salida turns O: .,en ti$er eLpires. -or O%% 0ela31 Salida turns O-- .,en ti$er
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table ## 'n "elay3'ff "elay configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Ti;er )ode 'n "elay
'ff "elay
N/A On Delay: Salida turns ON after
countdown from TSP value.
Off Delay: Salida turns OFF after
countdown from TSP value.
The block's graphic indicates the
type of delay. See Figuras above.
Click Radio Button to
"' Bloque de funcin
T,e DO label stands %or Di&ital $alida.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categories.
@rovides a digital status %ro$ t,e algorit,$s and -uncins to p,3sical logic Salida ,ard.are. +ac, bloc2
requires a $odule and c,annel nu$ber during con%iguration. T,e Salida status $a3 be inverted.
X = +ntrada Status Signal
?A5L = -ailed Salida 9ndication < Codule +rror
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table #7 "igital Salida configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!ddress ,ack N/A Rack Address of selected /O
From 1 to 5
I3' )odule Address of select /O Module From 1 to 12
Channel Channel on selected /O Module From 1 to 32
depending on the
physical module type
DC = 16 or 32 AC = 8
Relay = 4
Failsafe Failsafe '- N/A set the Salida of the block to OFF
when failure is detected.
Click on radio button
to select.
Failsafe 'FF N/A set the Salida of the block to ON
when failure is detected.
Click on radio button
to select.
N/A hold the Salida at the last value just
prior to the failure being detected.
Click on radio button
to select.
1 f NVERT is selected, nvert N before writing to Salida
The slash will be present in the COL symbol only when the
invert box is selected on the dialog box. (See below.)
-igura ** s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a 0O bloque de %uncin. A digital Salida signal %ro$
@90 bloc2 AL( .ill turn t,e 0igital Salida bloc2 O: Z O-- %or re$ote alar$ing. T,is Salida could be
O;Od .it, ot,er alar$ Salidas i% going to a co$$on alar$ rela3.
Figura && "' bloque de funcin /:e;plo
%"' Bloque de funcin
T,e KDO label stands %or Ei&'t !oint Di&ital $alidas.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categories.
@rovides .rite access to an3 p,3sical digital Salida. 5All read at t,e sa$e ti$e6 9t $ini$i8es t,e nu$ber o%
bloc2s required to con-igura all o% t,e digital 94O required in t,e s3ste$. 9t provides a digital status %ro$ t,e
algorit,$s and -uncins to p,3sical logic Salida ,ard.are. +ac, bloc2 Salida requires a $odule and c,annel
nu$ber during con%iguration. T,e Salida status $a3 be inverted.
59 D8 = +ntrada Status Signal
59 D2 = +ntrada Status Signal
59 D = +ntrada Status Signal
59 DI = +ntrada Status Signal
59 DJ = +ntrada Status Signal
59 DA = +ntrada Status Signal
59 DL = +ntrada Status Signal
59 DK = +ntrada Status Signal
?A5L = -ailed Salida 9ndication < Codule +rror
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table #8 /ight "igital Salida configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Salida < through % ,ack N/A Rack address of selected /O
From 1 to 5
I3' )odule Address of select /O Module From 1 to 12
Channel Channel on selected /O Module 1 to 8, 9 to 16, 17 to
24, 25 to 32
NOTE: $f yo& don.t /ant to &se an Salida )in0 lea#e t1e
Mod&le 2 and +1annel 2 at -"
Failsafe Failsafe '- N/A set the Salida of the block to OFF
when failure is detected
Select from drop-
down menu
for each Salida.
Failsafe 'FF N/A set the Salida of the block to ON
when failure is detected
N/A hold the Salida at the last value just
prior to the failure being detected
1 f NVERT is selected, nvert N before writing to Salida
The slash will be present in the COL symbol only when the
invert box is selected on the dialog box. (See below.)
-igura */ s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a W @oint 0O bloque de %uncin.
Figura &# % Point "' bloque de funcin /:e;plo
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
Sets t,e Salida o% t,e bloc2 equal to eit,er +ntrada A or +ntrada B depending on t,e value o% +ntrada SA. 9%
+ntrada SA 5Select A6 is O:1 t,en OUT = +ntrada A1 ot,er.ise OUT = +ntrada B.
A = (
o% t.o +ntradas to select
%ro$. 2 = )
o% t.o +ntradas to
select %ro$. $A = Select A
Out = 9% SA is O:1 t,en A1 else B.
"S1 "igital SRitch Bloque de
T,e D$O label stands %or Di&ital $0itc'.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura *G s,o.s an +>e$plo o% a 0SJ bloque de %uncin. T,e Salida is s.itc,ed Det0een t0o di&ital
Entradas based on t,e O: or O-- state o% t,e control Entrada. Salida = A +ntrada state .,en SA
+ntrada is O-- and B +ntrada state .,en SA +ntrada is O:.
Figura &7 "S1 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
/-T2 2u;idity and /nthalpy Bloque de funcin
T,e E9T. label stands %or Au$idit3 and +nt,alp3. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e (VA! categor3.
T,is bloc2 calculates t,e Absolute Au$idit3 and +nt,alp3 based on t,e +ntrada Air te$perature 5!(61 Air
relative Au$idit3 5!)6 and Baro$etric @ressure 5@*6. T,is bloc2 does not ,ave an3 con%igurable
para$eters. +;; pin turns O: .,en an3 o% t,e +ntradas 5!(1 !)1 @*6 or Salidas 5'(1 ')6 are out o% range.
9n case o% +;; O:1 Salidas '( and ') are set to ?.?.
X8 = Air te$perature in degrees -. ;ange is </? B (/? degrees -.
X2 = Air relative ,u$idit3 in U ;A. ;ange is (.? B HH.HU ;A.
! = Baro$etric @ressure in psi. ;ange is ().G B (G.N psi. J,en t,is is not connected t,e de%ault value is
(/.MHM psi.
Y8 = +nt,alp3
Y2 = Absolute ,u$idit3
E33 = O: .,en an3 +ntrada or Salida is out o% range. Salidas '( and ') are set to ?.?.
Configurable Para;eters
T,is bloc2 ,as no con%igurable para$eters.
Calculate ent,alp3 5? B (?? btu4lb6 and absolute ,u$idit3 5? to (?? lb4lb6 as a -uncin o% air te$perature1
relative air ,u$idit31 and air pressure.
Figura &8 /-T2 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
F$/- Funcin $enerator Bloque de funcin
T,e ?>E9 label stands %or ?uncin >enerator , 8P $e&ment.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
Fenerate Salida c,aracteristic curve based on up to (( con%igurable PBrea2pointsQ %or bot, +ntrada 5!6 and
Salida 5OUT6 values.
OUT = interpolation o% OUT 5'b6 values %or seg$ent in .,ic, ! %alls.
9% ! Y= ! 5(61 t,en OUT = OUT 5(6
9% ! E= ! 5((61 t,en OUT = OUT 5((6
The X(n) value must be < X(n+1) value. Thus, if fewer than 11 breakpoints are needed, be
sure to conFigura any unneeded breakpoints with the same X and OUT values used for the
previous breakpoint.
X = Analog #alue
OUT = Calculated Analog #alue
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table #( Funcin generator configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block Block 'rder Execution order of the block. Read Only. To
change block order,
right-click on a
Bloque de funcin
and select Execution
Breakpoints 6< 0 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 1 99999 to 999999
62 1 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 2 99999 to 999999
6& 2 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 3 99999 to 999999
6# 3 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 4 99999 to 999999
67 4 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 5 99999 to 999999
68 5 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 6 99999 to 999999
6( 6 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 7 99999 to 999999
6% 7 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 8 99999 to 999999
6* 8 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 9 99999 to 999999
Bloque de funcins
FGEN Funcin Generator Bloque de funcin
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
6<? 9 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 10 99999 to 999999
6<< 10 X-value at Entrada Breakpoint 11 99999 to 999999
.< 11 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 1 99999 to 999999
.2 12 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 2 99999 to 999999
.& 13 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 3 99999 to 999999
.# 14 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 4 99999 to 999999
.7 15 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 5 99999 to 999999
.8 16 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 6 99999 to 999999
.( 17 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 7 99999 to 999999
.% 18 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 8 99999 to 999999
.* 19 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 9 99999 to 999999
.<? 20 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 10 99999 to 999999
.<< 21 Y-value at Salida Breakpoint 11 99999 to 999999
Clear !ll Button Click on button to clear all breakpoint values=
-igura *N s,o.s a bloque de %uncin diagra$ using a -F+: bloque de %uncin to c,aracteri8e t,e @90
control loop Salida %or control valve operation using H brea2points.
Compensating for control valve characteristic


X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
r3t>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PD SALDA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>M2
Figura &( F$/- bloque de funcin /:e;plo
FI Frequency /ntrada
T,e ?5 label stands %or ?requenc/ Entrada.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categor3.
T,e -uncin is used %or $easuring speed and rate. 9t reads a single %requenc3 c,annel %ro$ a
@ulse4-requenc34Vuadrature +ntrada $odule. T,e signal is scaled %ro$ t,e selected %requenc3 span to t,e
selected Salida range in engineering units1 providing an Salida value in engineering units.
T,e +ntrada signal is re>ected i% it is belo. a selected pulse .idt,. T,e %requenc3 o% pulses above t,is .idt,
$ust be .it,in t,e range speci%ied b3 @ulse Jidt, 5;ange6R ot,er.ise t,e Salida goes to %ailsa%e and a
%ailure<to<convert error occurs.
E9A2L = Level +ntrada to enable bloc2. +ntrada is ignored i% not connected and de%ault state is enabled. 9%
bloc2 is disabled t,e Salida goes to 8ero.
?A5L = A Boolean value t,at turns O: .,en t,e @ulse4-requenc34Vuadrature +ntrada $odule reports a
OUT = T,e %requenc3 +ntrada value scaled to engineering units 5a%ter %ilters1 ranges1 bias1 or %ailsa%e
conditions ,ave been applied6.
A Frequency n - Frequency Span Low B *
OUT = >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Salida EU High - Salida EU Low% + Salida EU Low + Bias
^Frequency Span High - Frequency Span Low 4
T,e generic %orcing o% Salidas is per$itted.
Sa3 3ou con-igura t,e bloc2 as %ollo.s.
@ulse Jidt, 5;ange6 = G??[sec 5(?A8<G??A86
-requenc3 Span Lo. = G?A8
-requenc3 Span Aig, = /G?A8
Salida range in +U = ? < (??
Bias = W
-ailsa%e = Upscale 5upper Salida range6
Assu$e t,e $odule is receiving a )GGA8 signal1 including noise. Assu$e )U o% pulses are noise1 t,at is1
are less t,an t,e $ini$u$ pulse .idt, G?? [sec. T,e bloc2 re>ects t,is )U and does not count t,e$ in t,e
%requenc3. T,e re$aining HWU valid pulses are counted1 .,ic, is an e%%ective signal o% )G?A8. -ro$ t,e
Salida equation above1
OUT = 5)G?BG?6 4 5/G?<G?6" \ 5(?? B ?6 & ? & W
= )??4/??" \ (?? & W
= ?.G \ (?? & W
= G? & W
= GW +U
9% t,e %requenc3 o% t,e e%%ective signal 5EG?? [sec pulse .idt,6 c,anges to outside t,e speci%ied range o% (?<
G??A81 a %ailure<to<convert error occurs and t,e Salida goes to %ailsa%e1 in t,is case upscale 5(??6.
Configurable Para;eters
Table #% Frequency /ntrada configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To
change block order,
right-click on a
Bloque de funcin
and select Execution
!ddress ,ack 0 This is the rack address of the PFQ
Enter a value:
from 1 to 5.
)odule 0 Module address of the PFQ module. Enter a value:
from 1 to 12.
Channel 0 Channel on selected Module. Enter a value:
from 1 to 4
Frequency Span Set 2igh
7 High frequency value of the Entrada
device. Exceeding this limit causes an
over-range error.
Enter value in Hz.
Set oR
8 Low frequency value of the Entrada
device. Exceeding this limit causes an
under -range error.
Enter value in Hz.
Salida ,ange in
2igh A/+B 5 High range value. Frequency span in
Hz is scaled to the Salida range in EU.
Enter value in EU.
oR A/+B 6 Low range value. Frequency span in
Hz is scaled to the Salida range in
Enter value in EU.
Bias value added to the Salida.
Pulse 1idth
9 The Entrada signal is rejected if it is
below this pulse width. The frequency
of pulses above this width must be in
this frequency range; otherwise the
Salida goes to failsafe and a failure-to-
convert error occurs.
500sec (10Hz-
50sec (10Hz-5KHz)
2.5sec (10Hz-
Filter Ti;e
1 Filter time constant in seconds. Enter value in
Failsafe +se 0alue 3 When FAL is ON Salida is set to this
Click to select, enter a
+p scale 4 When FAL is ON Salida is set to
Upper Range Limit.
Click to select.
"oRn scale 4 When FAL is ON Salida is set to
Lower Range Limit.
Click to select.
2'" 4 When FAL is ON Salida is held. Click to select.
Bias 2 Enter value in EU.
Figura &% FI bloque de funcin /:e;plo
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Alarm/Monitor categor3. 9t is available %or :or$al Scan onl3.
Salida indicates t,e presence o% an3 %orced bloc2s in t,e controller. +ntrada can clear all %orces and prevent
ne. %orces.
3$T < J,en O: clears all eListing %orces and prevents an3 ne. %orce requests1 noti%3ing user t,at %orcing
is disabled. 0oes not a%%ect t,e -orce @resent bloc2 itsel%. J,en O-- leaves %orces in current state. :o
connection to t,is pin is t,e sa$e as O--.
?O3)ED , O: .,en one or $ore %orces eList in t,e controller. O-- .,en no %orces eList in t,e
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table #* Force Present configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To
change block
order, right-click
on a Bloque de
funcin and
select Execution
F,CP Force Present Bloque de
T,e ?3)! label stands %or ?orce !resent.
2) 2igh oR i;iter Bloque de funcin
T,e ALLC label stands %or .i&' Lo0 limiter.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
@rovide ,ig,<lo. li$it %or an analog 5X6 value.
Turns O: A or L digital Salida i% +ntrada eLceeds or %alls belo. set li$its.
9% ! Y or = Lo. Li$it value1 t,en= OUT 4 LoLl7Q L 4 O9Q . 4 O??.
9% ! E or = Aig, Li$it value1 t,en= OUT 4 .iLl7Q L 4 O??Q .4 O9.
9% ! E Lo. Li$it value and Y ,ig, Li$it value1 t,en= OUT 4 XQ L 4 O??Q . 4 O??.
X = Analog #alue
OUT = Analog value .it,in li$its L =
Lo. Li$it digital indication .= Aig,
Li$it digital indication
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table 72 2igh loR li;it configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set i;its 2igh i;it 0 High limit value for analog (X) value 99999 to 999999
oR i;it 1 Low limit value for analog (X) value 99999 to 999999
-igura /? s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an ALLC bloque de %uncin to provide a re$ote
setpoint signal .it,in speci%ied li$its to a @90 Control Loop.
X Entrada
{ Salida
. H
Figura #? 2) bloque de funcin /:e;plo
2'! 2and3'ff3!uto SRitch Bloque de funcin
T,e .OA label stands %or .andGOEEGAuto $0itc'.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
T,e Aand B O%% B Auto 5AOA6 s.itc, bloque de %uncin per$its state c,ange requests %ro$ a Local Operator
9nter%ace or a ;e$ote source. T,e bloc2 states are= B'@ASS 5eLternal $anual operation o% a device61 AA:0
5$anual operation %ro$ an operator inter%ace61 AUTO 5de%ault B requests are operated auto$aticall361 or O--
5rela3 to be s.itc,ed to B3pass1 Aand1 or Auto6
T,e AOA s.itc, is also used .it, t,e 0evice Control 50C6 bloque de %uncin to co$prise a @u$p Control
algorit,$ .,ic, is used to $anipulate t,e state o% a controlled device 5pu$p6.
+ac, con%iguration is li$ited to a $aLi$u$ o% (M AOA bloque de %uncins.
-orcing o% Salidas is :OT per$itted .it,in t,is bloc2.
3EB5 = 9% t,e current state o% t,e bloc2 is AUTO1 t,en ;+VO Salida 5on4o%%6 equals t,e ;+V9 +ntrada
2Y!$ = 9% O:1 t,e ;+VO Salida is %orced o%% and an3 state c,ange requests are ignored. 9% O--1 t,e bloc2 returns
to its previous state 5Aand1 O%%1 Auto6.
.A9D = O: .,en t,e bloc2 is in t,e AA:0 state1 else O--. 0evice is in $anual operation %ro$ an
operator inter%aceR prevents auto$atic operationR t,is state %orces t,e ;+VO Salida O:.
AUTO = On .,en bloc2 is in AUTO state1 else O--. ;equests are operated auto$aticall3.
3EBO = T,is is O: .,en in t,e AA:0 state1 or .,en in t,e AUTO state and t,e ;+V9 +ntrada signal is O:.
O-- .,en in t,e O-- or B'@ASS state.
Note" 'oth (AN# and A)*O are OFF in the OFF and '+,A-- states"
T,e .A9DGO??GAUTO properties dialog boL is divided into t.o tab cards=
?EED2A)= $5>9AL
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
Table 7# 2'! general tab para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
"isplay Tag -a;e N/A 16-character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block Descripcin
Settings 2'! Source N/A Determines which devices
have permission to write
Hand-Off-Auto state change
ocal (Local Operator nterface)
,e;ote (Serial Communications)
Default = Local/Remote
Initial State N/A Start-up state of the Funcin
User can change the current
state from the operator
interface if the 2'! Source
is ocal or Both=
-igura /* s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an AOA bloque de %uncin in con>unction .it, a
0evice Control 50C6 bloc2 and an eLternal AOA s.itc, %or pu$p control. T,e level signal +ntrada and
Co$pare 5CC@;6 -uncin are used to deter$ine pu$p On4O%% de$and.
| 20.000 ~>
LM0H1 1
H0A4 4

Y >
Figura #2 2'! bloque de funcin /:e;plo
2S/ 2igh Selector Bloque de funcin
T,e .$EL label stands %or .i&' $elector.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "ignal "electors categor3.
Selects ,ig,er o% t.o analog +ntrada values 5! and '6 %or
Salida. 9ndicates .,en ' is ,ig,er t,an !.
9% ! E or = '1 t,en= OUT 4 XQ Y.5 4 O??.
9% ! Y '1 t,en= OUT 4 YQ Y.5 4 O9.
X = Analog value
Y = Analog value
OUT = Aig,er analog value
Y.5 = 0igital signal. 5O: .,en 'E!.6
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura /* s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an AS+L bloque de %uncin to $onitor t.o analog
+ntradas to activate an alar$ signal tag.
Figura #& 2S/ Bloque de funcin /:e;plo
)'- oR )onitor Bloque de funcin
T,e L7O9 label stands %or Lo0 7onitor.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Alarm/Monitor categor3.
Supervisa dos valores de Entrada analgicos (X e Y) y se convierte en una Salida digital si X es menor
que Y. Un ajuste de la histresis se proporciona para evitar Salida ciclismo.
f X < Y, then: '+T F '-=
9% ! E or = 5' & A3steresis61 t,en= OUT 4 O??.
9% 5' & A3steresis6 E ! E '1 t,en= OUT 4 !re%ious $tate.
X = Analog value.
Y = Analog value
OUT = 0igital signal
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table 7( oR ;onitor bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set Properties 2ysteresis 0 An adjustable overlap of the
On/Off states of the Salida.
0 to the Span of Y Entrada
in Engineering units=
-igura /G s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an LCO: bloque de %uncin. 9t s,o.s a t3pical
Salida response provided b3 a LCO: bloque de %uncin.
Figura #7 )'- bloque de funcin /:e;plo
S/ oR Selector Bloque de funcin
T,e L$EL label stands %or Lo0 $elector.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "ignal "electors categor3.
Selects o% t.o analog +ntrada values 5! Z '6 %or
Salida. 9ndicates .,en ' is t,an !.
9% ! Y or = '1 t,en= OUT 4 XQ YLO 4 O??.
9% ! E '1 t,en= OUT 4 YQ YLO 4 O9.
X = Analog value
Y = Analog value
OUT = analog value
YLO = 0igital signal 5O: .,en 'Y!6
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura /N s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an LS+L bloque de %uncin to $onitor t.o analog
+ntradas to activate an alar$ signal tag.
Figura #( S/ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
188 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins LTCH
Latch Bloque de funcin
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
Latc,es Salida 5OUT6 O: .,en latc, +ntrada 5L6 turns O: and $aintain latc,ed Salida until unlatc,
+ntrada 5U6 turns O:. :ote t,at latc, +ntrada $ust be O-- %or unlatc, +ntrada to .or2.
9% U = O:1 t,en= OUT 4 O??.
9% L = O:1 t,en= OUT 4 O9.
+lse1 OUT 4 !re%ious $tate.
L = Latc, Co$$and 0igital signal. U =
Unlatc, Co$$and 0igital signal.
OUT = 0igital signal
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 189
TC2 atch Bloque de
T,e LT). label stands %or Latc'.
Bloque de funcins
LTCH Latch Bloque de funcin
-igura /W s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an LTCA bloque de %uncin.
,-& -adder -ogic
An ON Delay timer is added to a basic Start/Stop circuit
which activates the ON Lamp. n ladder logic, the DO1
contact status is used to activate the timer and latch in the
start pushbutton action. After 20 sec., SOL4 (DO2) is turned
ON which is held as long as DO1 is ON.
Start Stop On Lamp
DO 1
Start/Sto) +irc&it
DO 1
A B>>>>>> PUMP 1
DO 2
.&/00 -ogic
The Start/Stop latch circuit is used since no
external confirmation is needed. n this
Ejemplo, the Operator Panel pushbutton
switches (F1 and F2) are used to substitute
for panel switches. The Push Button bloque
de funcin is used to assign Start to F1 and
Stop to F2. The latch Salida turns on the ON
Lamp and starts the timer. After 20 sec.,
Solenoid 4 is activated. Note: the ON and
OFF Delay timers are reset after timeout or if
the logic state to the Entrada goes to logic 0
(or low).
5 Bloque de funcins
Figura #% TC2 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
190 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
On Timer
1 20
Bloque de funcins
MATH Bloque de funcin
)!T2 Bloque de funcin
T,e 7AT. label stands %or ?ree ?orm 7at'.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Math categor3.
;ead +ntradas A t,roug, A and calculates t,e Salida based on speci%ied general purpose calculation. OUT is
calculated %ro$ an equation entered ,ere.
O%%ers t,e general purpose calculation -uncins=
- abs = addition1
- +!@
<( =
eLponential 5ln 61
- Ln = natural log 5log base e61
- Log (? = log base (?1
- neg 5Unar36 < = negation1
- sqrt = Square ;oot1
- & = addition1
- B = subtraction1
- \ = $ultiplication1
- 4 = division1
- S
3 =
raised to o% 5L 6
- 5 = le%t parent,esis1
- 6 = rig,t parent,esis1 and
A $aLi$u$ o% eit,er G? to2ens 5note (6 per equation or (?? c,aracters per line is allo.ed1 .,ic,ever is %irst
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 191
Bloque de funcins
MATH Bloque de funcin
A token is an operation, variable, or pair of parenthesis; the end of an equation counts as one
59 A B bloc2
+ntrada ( 59 2 B
bloc2 +ntrada ) 59
) B bloc2 +ntrada *
59 D B bloc2
+ntrada / 59 E B
bloc2 +ntrada G 59
? B bloc2 +ntrada M
59 > B bloc2
+ntrada N 59 . B
bloc2 +ntrada W
E33 = O: i% bloc2 detects an error on an3 o% t,e operations=
division b3 ?
%ractional root o% a negative nu$ber 5%or +>e$plo= <)\\?.G6
8ero to t,e 8ero
LOF(? or L: o% a negative nu$ber or ?
result o% LS3 is greater t,an (.N+ & *?W.
result o% +!@ 5L6 is greater t,an *./+ & *?W or less t,an *./+ <*?W.
For the above rules, groups of constants will be combined and treated as one constant.
Any number less than or equal to 3.4E -308 is considered 0.
OUT = Calculated Salida
Use only the following words and characters in equations
- +; -; *; /: ^; EXP; LOG10; Ln; Negative (Unary minus);
- ' ' Blank space (ignored)
- 'a' . . 'h' Variables (operand) either a constant or tag
- ( ), [ ], { } Parentheses - 3 types
A left parenthesis must have a matching right parenthesis.
The matching parenthesis must be the same type - e.g., ( ), [ ], or { }.
Parentheses may be nested to any depth.
nfix operators: +, -, *, /, ^ must have a left and right operand.
f the '-' operator only has a right operand, it is interpreted as the Unary minus.
192 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins MATH Bloque
de funcin
Funcin operators: EXP, LOG10, Ln must have an operand to the right, and the operand
must be enclosed in parentheses.
Ejemplos: EXP(A), LOG10(b), LN(c),
(A+B*C)/D .
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table 7% )ath bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
/quations /quation
N/A OUT= [equation] Enter the desired equation
in this field
Funcins )ath
N/A abs, exp, n, log, neg, sqrt Double Click on a Funcin
to select from the list box
'perators )ath
N/A + (add) -
(subtract) *
(multiply) /
(divide) ^
Double Click on an
operation from the list box
/rrors /rror list N/A List of equation errors
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 193
Bloque de funcins
MATH Bloque de funcin
-igura /H s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a CATA bloque de %uncin to deter$ine a general<
purpose calculation Salida.
Figura #* )!T2 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
194 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MBR Modbus Read
Bloque de funcin
)B, )odbus ,ead Bloque de funcin
T,e 723 label stands %or 7odDus 3ead. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categor3. 9t loo2s li2e
t,is grap,icall3.
A co$$unication bloque de %uncin t,at eLpands t,e read capabilit3 o% t,e Codbus Slave bloque de %uncin
to (M additional data points. Cultiple bloc2s $a3 be connected to t,e sa$e Codbus Slave bloc2.
T,e Codbus read bloc2 ,as no +ntradas and (M Salidas. Up to (M registers can be con-igurad as t,e source
o% data %or t,e Salidas.
T,e con%iguration data %or eac, point .ill consist o%=
t,e address o% t,e source device on t,e Codbus lin21
t,e register address o% t,e desired data1
and t,e register t3pe= 9nteger1 -loat1 or Bit @ac2ed.
T,e siLteen Salidas can be connected or tagged in t,e sa$e $anner as an3 ot,er bloque de %uncin Salida.
ADD3 = Slave address %ro$ associated CBS bloc2. 5Cust be connected to a CBS bloc26
3D8 t'rou&' 3D8A B Last read value %ro$ selected address
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 195
Bloque de funcins
MBR Modbus Read Bloque de funcin
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
'ou $ust con-igura t,e CB; bloque de %uncin Salida @ins as s,o.n in t,e P+dit Selected Salida @inQ
portion o% t,e dialog boL. -ollo. t,e nu$bered sequence s,o.n above re%erring to Table GH.
Table 7* )B, bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
!ction Selections Co;;ents
Click on an Salida Pin
from the list of pins in the
upper portion of the
dialog box.
RD1 through
The selected Salida
Pin will appear in the
Salida Pin Field.
Click on the "Use
Register field to assign a
register to the Salida pin.
RD1 through
YES will be indicated in
the "Register used
column when you select
& Type in the address of
the register (in Hex) on
the slave device
196 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins MBR Modbus Read
Bloque de funcin
From the drop down
menu, select the
Register Data Type
Unsigned 32
Signed 32
Unsigned 16
Signed 16
Bit Packed
Single Bit
f read as an integer,
the Salida is converted
to a floating point.
Select a Funcin code
for [FloatD +nsignedD
SignedD or Bit Packed\
register data type
Select a Funcin code
for [Single Bit\
Register data type.
Read Holding
Reg Funcin
Code 03
Read Entrada
Funcin Code
Read Coil
Funcin Code
Read Entrada
Funcin Code
Funcin code 03 or
Funcin code 04 is
used to read the
contents of Entrada
registers in the slave.
Funcin code 01 is
used to read a slave's
coil's (discrete Salida's)
ON/OFF status of the
slave device in a binary
data format.
Funcin code 02 is
used to read a slave's
Entrada's (discrete
Entrada's) ON/OFF
status of the slave
device in a binary data
Salida is floating point
equivalent (0.0 or 1.0).
NOTE: Refer to the
manual for the Funcin
codes supported by the
specific device.
8 Select which bit (0-15)
to read when Register
Data Type = Bit Packed
0 to 15 f read as a bit packed
number, you must
select which bit to
mask (0-15).
The Salida will be the
equivalent (0.0 or 1.0)
of the masked bit.
( You must press [APPLY] to accept the register changes.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 197
Bloque de funcins
MBR Modbus Read Bloque de funcin
-igura G? s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using Codbus bloque de %uncins.
Figura 7? )B, bloque de funcin /:e;plo
198 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MBS Modbus Slave
Bloque de funcin
)BS )odbus SlaCe Bloque de funcin
T,e 72$ label stands %or 7odDus $la%e $tatus. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categor3. 9t
loo2s li2e t,is.
A co$$unication bloque de %uncin t,at is internall3 assigned to t,e con-igurad S( or S) serial port t,at
allo.s t,e controller to act as a $aster device and co$$unicate .it, slave devices using t,e Codbus ;TU
protocol. ;equires one bloc2 per slave device1 up to *) devices $aLi$u$. Onl3 one bloc2 $a3 be assigned
to eac, slave device. 9t supports / read and / .rite para$eters plus provides digital indication o%
co$$unication integrit3.
E9A2LE 4 +O9- $la%e de%ice is in scan ,
9% t,e +nable pin 5$ connected1 t,en enabling4disabling %ollo.s t,e state o% t,e +nable pin o% t,e bloc2 and
t,e enable4disable -uncin on t,e diagnostic page o% t,e AC 0esigner is gra3ed out.
9% t,e +nable pin is 9OT connected1 t,en t,e user $ust be in Conitor $ode1 Conitoring Serial Codbus
0iagnostics in t,e AC 0esigner1 select t,e device to be enabled or disabled1 and clic2 t,e +nable 5or
0isable6 button.
E98 t'rou&' E9I 4 +O9- 0ata value .ritten once per scan
O38 t'rou&' O3I = #alues to be .ritten to t,e selected register
This block does not support bit packing and single bit writing.
f the register is an integer data type, the floating point Entrada will be rounded up prior
to writing to the address register.
Message Broadcasting is not supported on the
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 199
Bloque de funcins
MBS Modbus Slave Bloque de funcin
3D8 t'rou&' 3DI = Last read value %ro$ t,e selected address
9OR$)A9 = Scan 9ndication
O: = 0evice is POut o% ScanQ
O-- = 0evice is P9n ScanQ.
2ADR)O7 = Co$$unications 9ndication
O: = Bad qualit3 or device not de%ined
O-- = Food Co$$unications
ADD3 = Slave Address %or use .it, CB; and CBJ bloque de %uncins
nteger values are converted to floating point values prior to Salida.
f a Modbus slave device does not respond to a request, the last Salida value will be
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
T,e O:4O-- properties dialog boL is divided into T,ree tab cards=
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3.
200 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MBS Modbus Slave
Bloque de funcin
Table M? describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 201
Bloque de funcins
MBS Modbus Slave Bloque de funcin
Table 8? )BS Block $eneral tab configuration para;eters
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
ConFigura Modbus
Slave Tag
N/A Descripcin of Slave
16-character tag name
Slave address and Tag Name
must be unique within a control
N/A Address of Slave device
on the Modbus link
Enter unique address between 1
and 247
Default MB address = 255 which
means slave will -'T be in scan
)odbus "ouble
,egister For;at
Each EEE 32-bit floating point number requires two consecutive registers
(four bytes) starting with the register defined as the starting register for the
information. The stuffing order of the bytes into the two registers differs
among Modbus hosts. The selections are:
Selection "escripcin Byte order
FP B Floating Point Big Endian Format 4, 3, 2, 1
FP BB Floating Point Big Endian with
3, 4, 1, 2
FP L Floating Point Little Endian Format 1, 2, 3, 4
FP LB Floating Point Little Endian with
2, 1, 4, 3
READ tab
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3.
202 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MBS Modbus Slave
Bloque de funcin
Table M( describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 203
Bloque de funcins
MBS Modbus Slave Bloque de funcin
Table 8< )BS Block ,ead tab configuration para;eters
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
/dit Salida Pins Salida Pin N/A Salida pin designation Register request assigned to
RD1, RD2, RD3, or RD4 pin
+se ,egister N/A Register Request Click on the "Use Register field
to assign a register to the Salida
N/A Register Address Type in the address of the Read
register (in Hex) on the slave
-'T/@ ! single configuration
;ay contain up to 278 enabled
"ata Type
N/A Register data type From the drop down menu,
select the Register Data Type
Unsigned 32
Signed 32
Unsigned 16
Signed 16
Bit Packed
Single Bit
f read as an integer, Salida is
converted to floating point
204 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins MBS Modbus Slave
Bloque de funcin
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter
0alue or Selection
N/A Several standard Modbus
RTU Funcin codes are
supported. These
standard Funcin codes
provide basic support for
EEE 32-bit floating point
numbers and 16-bit
integer register
representation of
instrument's process data
Funcin code ?& N ,ead
2olding ,egisters or Funcin
code ?# N ,ead /ntrada
,egisters is used to read the
contents of Entrada registers in
the slave.
Supported "ata Types for
Funcin Codes ?& and ?#=
From the drop down menu,
select a Funcin code for
[FloatD +nsignedD SignedD or
Bit Packed\ register data type
Funcin code ?< N ,ead Coil
Status is used to read the coil's
(discrete Salida's) ON/OFF
status of the slave device in a
binary data format.
Funcin code ?2 N ,ead
/ntrada Status is used to read
the Entrada's (discrete
Entrada's) ON/OFF status of
the slave device in a binary
data format.
Supported "ata Types for
Funcin Codes ?< and ?2=
Select a Funcin code for
[Single Bit\ Register data
NOTE: Refer to the
Communications manual for the
Funcin codes supported by the
specific device.
Select Bit N/A Bit to read when Read
register's data type = Bit
You must then select
which bit to mask (0-15).
The Salida will be the
floating-point equivalent
(0.0 or 1.0) of the masked
6rite tab
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3. Table M) describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 205
Table 82 )BS Block 1rite tab configuration para;eters
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
/dit /ntrada Pins /ntrada Pin N/A Entrada pin designation Register request assigned to
WR1,WR2,WR3, or WR4 pin
+se ,egister N/A Register Request Click on the "Use Register field
to assign a register to the
Entrada pin.
N/A Register Address Type in the address of the Write
register (in Hex) on the slave
"ata Type
N/A Register data type From the drop down menu,
select the Register Data Type
Unsigned 32
Signed 32
Unsigned 16
Signed 16
206 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
MBS Modbus Slave Bloque de
Bloque de
funcins MBS Modbus Slave Bloque
de funcin
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
N/A Several standard Modbus
RTU Funcin codes are
supported. These standard
Funcin codes provide
basic support for EEE 32-
bit floating point numbers
and 16-bit integer register
representation of
instrument's process data
Preset Single Registers
Funcin Code 06
Preset Multiple Registers
Funcin Code 10 hex
The Funcin code for
[+nsigned <8 or Signed <8D\
register data type is ?8 N Preset
Single ,egistersU
presets integer value into a single
The Funcin code for [FloatD
+nsigned &2 or Signed &2D\
register data type is <? heG N
Preset )ultiple ,egistersU
presets values into holding
*automatically selected when you
select 1+egister *ata Type2
NOTE: Refer to the
Communications manual for the
Funcin codes supported by the
specific device.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 207
Bloque de funcins
MBS Modbus Slave Bloque de funcin
-igura G( s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using Codbus bloque de %uncins.
Figura 7< )BS bloque de funcin /:e;plo
208 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MBW Modbus Write
Bloque de funcin
)B1 )odbus 1rite Bloque de funcin
T,e 72O label stands %or 7odDus Orite. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categor3. 9t loo2s li2e
t,is grap,icall3.
A co$$unication bloque de %uncin t,at eLpands t,e .rite capabilit3 o% t,e Codbus Slave bloque de
%uncin to W additional data points. Cultiple bloc2s $a3 be connected to t,e sa$e Codbus Slave bloc2.
T,e Codbus .rite bloc2 ,as W +ntradas and no Salidas. T,e Codbus destination %or eac, o% t,e eig,t
+ntradas can be con-igurad. An enable pin lets t,e data value be .ritten once per scan.
T,e con%iguration data %or eac, point .ill consist o% = t,e address o% t,e destination device on t,e Codbus
lin21 t,e register address o% t,e desired data1 and t,e register t3pe= 9nteger or -loat.
E98 t'rou&' E9K = O:" 0ata value is .ritten once per scan
O38 t'rou&' O3K = #alue to be .ritten to t,e selected register address.
ADD3 4 Slave address %ro$ associated CBS bloc2. )Must *e connected to MB" *lock+
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 209
Configuration para;eters
'ou $ust con-igura t,e CBJ bloque de %uncin +ntrada @ins as s,o.n in t,e P+dit Selected +ntrada @inQ
portion o% t,e dialog boL. -ollo. t,e nu$bered sequence s,o.n above re%erring to Table M*.
Table 8& )B1 bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
!ction Selections Co;;ents
< Click on an Entrada Pin
from the list of pins in the
upper portion of the
dialog box.
The selected Entrada
WR1 through WR8
a Pin
| WR1
Bloque de funcins
MBW Modbus Write Bloque de
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties
dialog boL.
2 Click on the "Use
Register field to assign a
register to the Entrada
YES will be indicated in
the "Register Used
column when you select
"Apply .
WR1 through WR8
210 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins MBW Modbus Write
Bloque de funcin
!ction Selections Co;;ents
& Type in the address of
the register (in Hex) on
the slave device
From the drop down
menu, select the
Register Data Type
Unsigned 32
Signed 32
Unsigned 16
Signed 16
Several standard
Modbus RTU Funcin
codes are supported.
These standard
Funcin codes provide
basic support for EEE
32-bit floating point
numbers and 16-bit
integer register
representation of
instrument's process
data. (see Sequence
Number 5 below)
The Funcin code for
[+nsigned <8 or
Signed <8 register data
type is (06)*
The Funcin code for
[FloatD +nsigned &2 or
Signed &2 register data
type is (10 hex)*
Preset Single
Funcin Code
Preset Multiple
Funcin Code
10 hex
Funcin code 06
presets integer value
into a single register.
Funcin Code 10 hex
presets values into
holding registers.
NOTE: Refer to the
manual for the Funcin
codes supported by the
specific device.
*automatically selected
when you select
1+egister *ata Type2
8 You must press [APPLY] to accept the register changes.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 211
Bloque de funcins
MBW Modbus Write Bloque de funcin
-igura G) s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an Codbus bloque de %uncins.
Figura 72 )B1 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
212 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MDSW Mode
Switch Bloque de funcin
)"S1 )ode SRitch Bloque de funcin
T,e 7D$O label stands %or 7ode $0itc'.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Loops categor3.
0igital inter%ace to control loops to select auto$atic or $anual $odes and4or local or re$ote setpoint.
Connects to @901 O:4O--1 CA;B1 or T@SC $ode bloc2 +ntrada.
AUTO = Auto$atic Salida $ode 5O-- to O:\ sets C0;VO to Auto$atic control $ode6
7A9 = Canual Salida $ode 5O-- to O:\ sets C0;VO to Canual control $ode6
LO)AL = Local Setpoint $ode 5O-- to O:\ sets C0;VO to Local Setpoint $ode6
3E7 = ;e$ote Setpoint $ode 5O-- to O:\ sets C0;VO to ;e$ote Setpoint $ode6 \
,or one control cycle
7D3BO (7ode 3equest $alida) = T,e Salida o% t,is bloc2 $ust connect to t,e C0;V9 +ntrada o% a @901
CA;B1 T@SC1 or O:4O-- bloque de %uncin.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura G* s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an C0SJ bloque de %uncin.
Application= +Lternal $ode s.itc,ing o% t,e @90 Bloc2 < c,anging a loop to CA:1 to AUTO1 to LOCAL
S@1 or ;+COT+ S@.
Mode switching is also provided as an integral part of the Operator Panel, Loop Displays.
T,e C0SJ 5Code S.itc,6 Bloque de %uncin is used eLclusivel3 .it, t,e C0;V9 5Code ;equest
+ntrada6 o% t,e @901 O:4O--1 CA;BY or T@SC Bloque de %uncin. 9ts Salida provides encoded s.itc,
co$$ands to t,e @90 Bloc2.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 213
Bloque de funcins
MDSW Mode Switch Bloque de funcin
All +ntradas are O-- to O: edge<triggered1 requiring a separate +ntrada %or eac, action. T,e +>e$plo
s,o.s digital +ntradas as t,e trans%er +ntradas but an3 digital status could be used.
Figura 7& )"S1 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
214 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MDFL Mode
Flag Bloque de funcin
)"F )ode Flag Bloque de funcin
T,e 7D?L label stands %or 7ode ?la&.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Loops categor3.
Turns O: t,e Salida t,at corresponds to t,e current value o% CO0+.
Turns O-- all ot,er Salidas.
7ODE = T,e CO0+ +ntrada $ust connect to t,e CO0+ Salida o% a @901 CA;B1 T@SC1 or O:O--
bloque de %uncin.
3E7 4 O9 9% CO0+ = ;e$ote Setpoint
LO)AL 4 O9 9% CO0+ = Local Setpoint
AUTO 4 O9 9% CO0+ = Auto$atic Control
7A9 4 O9 9% CO0+ = Canual Control
57A9 4 O: 9% CO0+ = Loop in 9nitiali8ation Canual
LO 4 O9 9% CO0+ = Local Override
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 215
Bloque de funcins
MDFL Mode Flag Bloque de funcin
-igura G/ s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an C0-L bloque de %uncin. T,e $ode Salida o% t,e
@90 Bloc2 is used eLclusivel3 .it, t,e C0-L 5Code -lags6 Bloc2.
An3 o% t,e status Salidas $a3 be re%erenced b3 a Signal Tag or $a3 be trans%erred eLternall3 using a 0O.
T,e Salida s,o.n is O: .,en in Canual and O-- .,en in Auto$atic.
Figura 7# )"F bloque de funcin /:e;plo
216 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MMA
Min/Max/Avg Bloque de funcin
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3.
Accepts +ntradas %ro$ up to siL analog +ntrada values 5!( < !M6 and calculates t,ese values %or Salida=
C9: < Cini$u$ +ntrada value
CA! < CaLi$u$ +ntrada value
A#F < Average o% t,e M +ntrada values
SUC < Su$ o% t,e M +ntrada values
0+# < Standard deviation o% t,e M +ntrada values
ALC < Alar$ Salida %or deviations
Turns O: ALC .,en an3 +ntrada is outside t,e con-igurad nu$ber o% standard deviations .,en t,e
con%iguration para$eter 0+# E ?.
9% 0+# con-igurad Y ?1 t,en=
- no standard deviation is calculatedR
- all +ntradas connected to t,e bloc2 are used to calculate t,e C9:1 CA!1 A#F1 A:0 SUC Salidas.
9% 0+# con-igurad = ?1 t,en=
- t,e standard deviation is calculated %or t,e nu$ber o% +ntradas connected to t,e bloc21 and
- all +ntradas connected to t,e bloc2 are used to calculate t,e C9:1 CA!1 A#F1 and SUC Salidas.
9% 0+# con-igurad E ?1 t,en=
- t,e standard deviation is calculated %or t,e nu$ber o% +ntradas connected to t,e bloc21 and S0+# =
- an3 +ntradas t,at deviate $ore t,an t,e con-igurad nu$ber 50+#6 o% standard deviations %ro$ t,e
average are not used to calculate t,e C9:1 CA!1 A#F1 and SUC SalidasR
- i% an3 +ntrada deviates $ore t,an t,e con-igurad nu$ber 50+#6 o% standard deviations1 ALC turns
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 217
))! )in3)aG3!Cg Bloque de funcin
T,e 77A label stands %or 7in,7aF,A%era&e,$um.
Bloque de funcins
MMA Min/Max/Avg Bloque de funcin
- i% all +ntradas deviate $ore t,an t,e con-igurad nu$ber 50+#6 o% standard deviations1 t,en t,e C9:1
CA!1 A#F1 and SUC Salidas all equal 8ero 5?61 and ALC turns O:.

Standard 0eviation 5S0+#6 =

i = n
i =
(X i - X)
! = A#F
n = t,e nu$ber o% connected +ntradas.
X8 = -irst analog
value. X2 = Second analog
value. X = T,ird analog
value. XI = -ourt, analog
value. XJ = -i%t, analog value.
XA = SiLt, analog value.
759 = Calculated $ini$u$ analog value.
7AX = Calculated $aLi$u$ analog value.
A"> = Calculated average o% analog values.
$U = Calculated su$ o% analog values.
$DE" = Square root o% ] divided b3 :1 .,ere ] = t,e su$ o% individual squared deviations %ro$ t,e
average o% t,e %irst n +ntradas.
AL7 = 0igital signal %or alar$ indication.
Block properties
218 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins MMA Min/Max/Avg Bloque
de funcin
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table 8# )in3)aG3!Ce3Su; bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set Calculation
/ntradas +sed N/A Number of Entradas connected to
(Connect Entradas in numerical
order; that is, unused Entradas
from the bottom up - X6, X5, etc.)
Unused Entradas default to 0.
1 to 6
1 Number of standard deviations
within which Entradas are used
for calculation
99999 to 99999
<0 No Standard
=0 Standard Deviation
with no alarm
>0 Standard Deviation
with alarm
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 219
Bloque de funcins
MMA Min/Max/Avg Bloque de funcin
-igura GG s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an CCA bloque de %uncin. 9n t,is application1
control is deter$ined b3 auto$atic selection o% t,e lo.est or ,ig,est sensor1 suc, as a t,er$ocouple. As
s,o.n t,e CCA bloc2 is con-igurad %or ,ig,est 5CA!6.
Figura 77 ))! bloque de funcin /:e;plo
220 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MSF Mass Flow
Calculation Bloque de funcin
)SF )ass FloR Calculation Bloque de funcin
T,e 7$? label stands %or 7ass ?lo0 )alculation.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3.
Calculates gas $ass %lo. 5OUT6 %ro$ di%%erential pressure +ntrada value 5!6 t,at represents a pressure drop
across an ori%ice plate 5%or +>e$plo6. 9t accepts t.o ot,er +ntradas to include pressure 5'6 and4or
te$perature 5]6 co$pensation in t,e calculation. T,e calculation includes square root eLtraction.

OUT 4 =q : sqrt +(d! :

!) G T-
Iq = Ori%ice Constant
d@ = 0i%%erential pressure .,ic,
= 5IL \ !6 & BLR where-
IL = 0elta pressure scaled %or desired engineering units
! = Analog +ntrada value
BL = 0elta pressure bias in desired engineering units
@ = Absolute gas pressure .,ic,
= 5I3 \ '6 & B3R where-
I3 = @ressure scaler %or desired engineering units
' = Fas pressure analog +ntrada value
B3 = @ressure bias in desired engineering units
T = Absolute gas te$perature .,ic,
= 5I8 \ ]6 & B8R where-
I8 = Te$perature scaler %or desired engineering units
] = Fas te$perature analog +ntrada value
B8 = Te$perature bias in desired engineering units
I, )./% 0+ + B/ 1 23 then- O4' 1 2 9%
calculation is Y= 0ropo%%1 OUT = ?1 else OUT = Calculation
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 221
Bloque de funcins
MSF Mass Flow Calculation Bloque de funcin
X = 0i%%erential pressure analog value. Y
= Fas pressure analog value. S = Fas
Te$perature analog value.
OUT = Calculated analog value
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table 87 )ass floR bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set Calculation
5q 0 Orifice constant 99999 to 999999
5G 1 Delta pressure scaler 99999 to 999999
5y 2 Pressure scaler 99999 to 999999
5H 3 Temperature scaler 99999 to 999999
By 4 Pressure bias 99999 to 999999(EU)
BG 5 Delta pressure bias 99999 to 999999(EU)
BH 6 Temperature bias 99999 to 999999(EU)
oR Cutoff 7 Low Dropoff Value sets the
Salida to zero when the
calculation is below this limit.
0 to 99999 in
Engineering Units
222 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MSF Mass Flow
Calculation Bloque de funcin
-igura GM s,o.s a CS- Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using +ntradas to calculate a $ass %lo. Salida.
Figura 78 )SF bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 223
Bloque de funcins
MUL Multiplier Bloque de funcin
)+ )ultiplier Bloque de funcin
T,e 7UL label stands %or 7ultiplication 7at'ematical operation (2 Entradas).
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Math categor3..
Cultiplies one analog +ntrada value 5!6 b3 anot,er 5'6.
OUT 4 X : Y
X = -irst analog value Y
= Second analog value
OUT = Calculated analog value
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
224 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins MUL
Multiplier Bloque de funcin
-igura GN s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a CUL bloque de %uncin
Figura 7( )+ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 225
Bloque de funcins
4MUL Multiplier (4 Entrada) Bloque de funcin
#)+ )ultiplier A# /ntradaB Bloque de funcin
T,e I7UL label stands %or 7ultiplication 7at'ematical Operation (IEntradas).
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Math categor3.
Cultiplies %our +ntradas to get an Salida.
X8 = -irst analog value X2 =
Second analog value X =
T,ird Analog value Y =
-ourt, Analog value
All four Entradas must be connected. Unconnected Entradas default to zero. f only three
Entradas are needed, the fourth should be connected to a constant value of 1.
OUT = Calculated analog value
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
226 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins 4MUL Multiplier (4
Entrada) Bloque de funcin
-igura GW s,o.s correct and incorrect +>e$plo o% a /CUL bloque de %uncin. :ote t,at all unused +ntradas
$ust be connected to a constant value o% one.
)O33E)T 59)O33E)T
Figura 7% #)+ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 227
Bloque de funcins
NEG Negate Bloque de funcin
-/$ -egate Bloque de funcin
T,e 9E> label stands %or 9e&ate.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3.
Convert a value to t,e opposite signR i.e.1 &G 9: = BG OUT1 BM 9: = &M OUT.
59nvert sign o% an analog value.6
X = positive or negative analog value
Y = analog value o% opposite sign %ro$ +ntrada
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura GH s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a :+F bloque de %uncin.
Figura 7* -/$ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
228 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
-'T Bloque de funcin
T,e 9OT label stands %or t,e 9OT 2oolean lo&ic ?uncin or Lo&ic 5n%erter.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories..
;everse state o% a digital +ntrada 5!6.
OUT 4 Opposite state oE X
9% ! = O:1 t,en= OUT 4 O??.
9- ! = O--1 t,en= OUT 4 O9.
X = 0igital signal
OUT = Co$ple$ent o% +ntrada signal
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura M? s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a :OT bloque de %uncin. Use a single +ntrada to
place a loop in $anual .,en t,e +ntrada is O: 5(6 and return to Auto .,en O-- 5?6.
Bloque de
funcins NOT
Bloque de funcin
Figura 8? -'T bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 229
Bloque de funcins
ONDT On Delay Timer Bloque de funcin
'-"T 'n "elay Ti;er Bloque de funcin
T,e O9DT label stands %or t,e On Dela/ Timer.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e ast Logic and !ounters/'imers categories.
@rovides an O: state logic Salida dela3ed b3 a user speci%ied dela3 ti$e a%ter an O-- to O: transition o% t,e
;U: +ntrada.
An O: to O-- transition o% t,e ;U: +ntrada be%ore t,e dela3 ti$e ,as elapsed causes t,e ti$er to reset.
Transitions %ro$ O-- to O: o% t,e +ntrada are not dela3ed.
9% ;U: is O--1 t,en OUT = O--
9% previous ;U: +ntrada is O-- and ;U: is O:1 t,en T9C+; = 0+LA'1 else i% ti$er is not 8ero1 t,en
T9C+; = T9C+; <(.
9% ;U: is O: and T9C+; is ?1 t,en OUT = O: 5dela3 ti$e ,as ti$ed out6.
Timin& Dia&ram
;un +ntrada
E: On 0ela3 .
Salida ?
3U9 = Logic +ntrada
OUT = Logic Salida
230 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table 88 'n delay ti;er bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Ti;e "elay Ti;e delay 0 Delay Time - specifies the amount
of time the ON state logic Salida
will occur after an OFF to ON
transition of the RUN Entrada.
0.1 sec, 0 to 99999.9
Enter as 0.1 to 99999 in
0.1 increments
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 231
Bloque de
funcins ONDT On Delay Timer
Bloque de funcin
Bloque de funcins
ONDT On Delay Timer Bloque de funcin
-igura M( s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an O:0T bloque de %uncin.
,-& -adder -ogic
.&/00 -ogic
= _ STOP Pu M
Start Stop On Lamp
DO 1
DO 1
DO 2
CR1 DO 3
D07 .^.
Figura 8< '-"T bloque de funcin /:e;plo
The application requirement is to turn on a pump, a compressor, etc. for
a fixed period of time - a common use for timers. This application, the
turn on of Pump2 for 300 sec, requires two additional rungs of ladder
logic. After SOL4 is turned ON, SOL 5 (Pump 2) is also turned ON since
CR1 (NC) is OFF (logic true). When ON Delay Timer 2 times out after
300 sec, the CR1 coil is turned ON which turns off SOL 5.
DO 1
DO 2
.^ -Q0201
n HC900 logic, the Salida of ONDT4 timer activates ONDT1
timer directly and is also an Entrada for a 2-N AND gate,
whose Salida activates the DO for SOL5. After ONDT1 times
for 300 sec, its Salida turns ON, disabling the AND gate
Salida which de-energizes the DO. Three (3) additional
bloque de funcins are used.
ON Timer
1 20
ON Timer
2 300
232 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins OFDT Off Delay
Timer Bloque de funcin
'F"T 'ff "elay Ti;er Bloque de funcin
T,e O?DT label stands %or t,e OEE Dela/ Timer.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e ast Logic and !ounters/'imers categories.
@rovides an O-- state logic Salida dela3ed b3 a user speci%ied dela3 ti$e a%ter an On to O-- transition o%
t,e ;+S+T +ntrada.
An O-- to O: transition o% t,e ;+S+T +ntrada be%ore t,e dela3 ti$e ,as elapsed causes t,e ti$er to reset.
Transitions %ro$ O-- to O: o% t,e +ntrada are not dela3ed.
9- ;+S+T is O:1 t,en OUT = O:.
9% previous ;+S+T +ntrada is O: and ;+S+T is O--1 t,en T9C+; = 0+LA'.
9% ;+S+T is O-- and T9C+; is not ?1 t,en ti$e = T9C+; B (.
9% ;+S+T is O-- and T9C+; is ?1 t,en OUT = O-- 5dela3 ti$e is reset6.
Timin& Dia&ram
O%% 0ela3
3$T = Logic +ntrada
OUT = Logic Salida
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 233
Bloque de funcins
OFDT Off Delay Timer Bloque de funcin
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table 8( 'ff delay ti;er configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Ti;e "elay Ti;e delay 0 Delay Time - specifies the amount
of time the OFF state logic Salida
will occur after an ON to OFF
transition of the Reset Entrada.
0.1 sec, 0 to 99999.9
Enter as 0.1 to 99999 in
0.1 increments.
234 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins OFDT Off Delay
Timer Bloque de funcin
-igura M) s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an O-0T bloque de %uncin.
An OFF delay timer block Salida is ON as long as the RST Entrada
is logic H (ON). t can be used for time duration but must be
triggered by an ON to OFF transition on the Reset Entrada. This
can be accomplished using Trigger blocks to create one-shot
pulses which last one scan cycle. The fast logic trigger pulse will
last 100 ms. while the normal logic trigger pulse will last the
complete scan cycle for analog blocks. Use according to
application need. A Periodic timer Salida pulse may also be used
to start the timer for the OFF delay.
?M?( <X X< KS
Tr i gger Pulse
TR61 4
OFF Delay Timer
. RST ^ -rTiMDLY2i Timing Diagram
AND4 Salida
oeo) <i i< KvS
Digital Variable
OFF Delay Time
TRG1 Salida
OFDT2 Salida
Off delay
Figura 82 'F"T bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 235
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de
'-3'FF Bloque de funcin
T,e O9GO?? label stands %or t,e OnGOEE )ontrol ?uncin.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Loops categor3.
@rovide O:4O-- control. T,e Salida is eit,er O: 5(?? U6 or O-- 5? U6.
3$! = ;e$ote Setpoint 5U or +U per S@ Units6
T3" = Trac2 #alue SalidaD( = O:1 ? = O--
T3) = Trac2 #alue Co$$andD( = enable1 ? = disable 5Code = Local Override6
$O5 = S.itc, +ntradas 5%ro$ L@SJ bloque de %uncin6
7D3B5 = +Lternal Code ;equest 5connected to t,e C0;VO Salida o% a C0SJ bloque de %uncin6
encoded as %ollo.s=
?.? = :o C,ange (.? = Canual
Code ;equest ).? = Auto$atic
Code ;equest /.? = Local
Setpoint ;equest W.? = ;e$ote
Setpoint ;equest
236 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de
O$! = Jor2ing Setpoint in +ngineering Units %or $onitoring
AL8 = Alar$ (
AL2 = Alar$ )
D53E)T = O: = 0irectR O-- = ;everse
7ODE = Actual Code encoded as %ollo.s= 5Connect to Code -lags bloc2 C0-L" to encode $ode
?.? ;S@ AUTO
(.? ;S@ CA:
).? ;S@ 9nitiali8ation Canual 5See ATT+:T9O:6
*.? ;S@ Local Override 5See ATT+:T9O:6
/.? LS@ AUTO
G.? LS@ CA:
M.? LS@ 9nitiali8ation Canual 5See ATT+:T9O:6
N.? LS@ Local Override 5See ATT+:T9O:6
2)O = Bac2 Calculation Salida 5%or bloc2s used as Cascade Secondar3
When a request to change from Auto to manual is received and:
the request comes from the operator nterface, the request is ignored.
the request comes from the Mode Switch (MDSW) bloque de funcin, the request is
and when leaving the 3nitiali4ation !ode or -ocal (verride !ode the loop will go to manual.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
T,e O:4O-- properties dialog boL is divided into G tab cards=
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 237
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de
238 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins ON/OFF Bloque
de funcin
Table 8% '-3'FF $eneral tab configuration para;eters
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order Read Only. To change block
order, right-click on a Bloque de
funcin and select Execution
Tag -a;e N/A 16-character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block Descripcin
Control "irection N/A Control Action ,/0/,S/ - Proportional action
causes Salida to decrease as
process variable increases.
"I,/CT - Proportional action
causes Salida to increase as
process variable increases.
SP Tracking N/A Setpoint Tracking -'-/
T,!C5 P0 - When control mode
is "manual, local setpoint tracks
process variable.
T,!C5 ,SP - When setpoint is
remote setpoint, local setpoint
tracks remote setpoint.
2ysteresis 19 Salida Hysteresis 0 % to 10 % of Entrada span
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 239
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de
240 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins ON/OFF Bloque
de funcin
Table 8* '-3'FF Start3,estart tab configuration para;eter
)odes and
Mode permitted for the
initial start and power up
May select bot10 m&st select one=
Setpoint permitted for
the initial start and
power up mode.
ocal Setpoint
,e;ote Setpoint
May select bot10 m&st select one"
Initial )ode N/A Mode at NEWSTART
-eRstart is the first scan
cycle following the cold
start of the controller
Select one
Setpoint for
Initial )ode
N/A Setpoint at NEWSTART
-eRstart is the first scan
cycle following the cold
start of the controller
ocal Setpoint
,e;ote Setpoint
Select one
PoRer up
N/A Mode at power up )anual
,etain ast )ode
Same mode (auto or manual)
Select one
PoRer up
N/A Setpoint at power up ocal Setpoint
,etain ast SP3,SP
Same Setpoint (LSP or RSP)
Select one
PoRer +p
PoRer +p
N/A Salida at Power up
!ST '+T - Same as at power down.
F!IS!F/ - Failsafe Salida value.
Failsafe 'ut 29 Failsafe Salida Value 5 % to 105 %
+se initial
30 Use nitial Local
Click on radio button to select.
Initial SP
31 nitial Local Setpoint
Enter nitial Local Setpoint Value.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 241
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de funcin
RS7 tab
Table (? '-3'FF ,SP tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,e;ote Setpoint
Source and +nits
+se ,SP
/ntrada A/+B
N/A Use Remote Setpoint in
Engineering Units
Click on radio button to select
+se ,SP
/ntrada ASB
Use Remote Setpoint in
Click on radio button to select
+se SP2
Use Local Setpoint #2 in
Engineering Units
Click on radio button to select
242 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 243
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de funcin
Table (< '-3'FF ,ange3li;it tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,anging P0 2igh range 0 PV High Range Value 99999 to 99999
P0 oR
1 PV Low Range Value 99999 to 99999
"isplay "eci;al
N/A Number of digits to display after
decimal point.
0 to 5
+nits N/A Text to display for EU 6 characters
"/0 Bar
,ange A/+B
N/A Deviation Bar Range on the
Operator nterface
99999 to 99999
i;iting SP 2igh i;it 12 Setpoint High Limit Value
-prevents the local and remote
setpoints from going above the
value set here.
99999 to 99999
SP oR li;it 13 Setpoint Low Limit Value
-prevents the local and remote
setpoints from going below the
value set here.
99999 to 99999
SP ,ate "oRn 15 Setpoint Rate Down value - when
making a setpoint change, this is
the rate at which setpoint will
change from the original setpoint
doRn to the new one.
0 (off) to 9999 (eu/min)
SP ,ate +p 16 Setpoint Rate Up value - when
making a setpoint change, this is
the rate at which setpoint will
change from the original setpoint
up to the new one.
0 (off) to 9999 (eu/min)
244 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 245
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de funcin
Table (2 '-3'FF !lar; tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!lar; < Setpoint < 20 !lar; < Setpoint < 0alue - this is
the value at which you want the
alarm type chose below to activate
99999 to 99999 in
Engineering Units
Type N/A Alarm 1 Setpoint 1 Type - select
what you want Alarm 1 Setpoint 1
to represent.
Selections: NO
Setpoint 2 21 Alarm 1 Setpoint 2 Value Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 1 Setpoint 2 Type Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; 2 Setpoint < 22 Alarm 2 Setpoint 1 Value Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 2 Setpoint 1 Type Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
Setpoint 2 23 Alarm 2 Setpoint 2 Value Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 2 Setpoint 2 Type Same as
!lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; 2ysteresis S 28 Alarm Hysteresis in % 0 % to 5 %
246 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
ON/OFF Bloque de
-igura M* s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an O:4O-- bloque de %uncin.
Figura 8& '-3'FF bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 247
Bloque de funcins
2OR Bloque de
2', Bloque de funcin
T,e 2O3 label stands %or t,e inclusive O3 (2 Entradas) 2oolean lo&ic ?uncin.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
Conitors t.o digital +ntrada signals 5!1 '6 to set state o% digital Salida signal 5OUT6.
9% ! = O-- and ' = O--1 t,en OUT 4 O??.
9% ! = O: and4or ' = O:1 t,en= OUT 4 O9.
X = -irst digital signal.
Y= Second digital signal.
OUT = 0igital signal controlled b3 status o% +ntrada signals
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
248 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
2OR Bloque de
Entrada state
'ou can invert +ntrada ( or +ntrada ) or bot,. 9% t,e +ntrada is inverted1 an +ntrada line t,at is O: is seen
as O--. 5P:Q appears on 9con neLt to t,e inverted +ntrada.6
-igura M/ s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a )O; bloque de %uncin.
This is a basic series-parallel circuit. f Limit Switch 1
(LS1) is ON and Limit Switch 2 (LS2) is ON, or if
pushbutton PB1 is ON, then Solenoid 1 is turned ON,
otherwise it is OFF. Note "power flow can be delivered
in either of two paths to the solenoid.
LS 1 LS 2 SOL 1
PB1 Coil
E%&i#alent !oolean Lo'ic E()ression
A = LS1, B = LS2 A
C = PB1, D = Salida B
*+,-- Lo'ic
This uses a basic 2 Entrada AND
block and a 2 Entrada OR block.
6 Bloque de funcins are used.
A)* Symbol (+ S
I 3 (A
* B) + C = D
Figura 8# 2', bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 249
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
Turns digital Salida 5OUT6 O?? .,en +ntradas !( t,roug, !/ are O??. T,us1
9% +ntrada !( or !) or !* or !/ is O91 t,en= OUT 4 O9.
9% all +ntradas are O--1 t,en= OUT 4 O??.
X8 = -irst digital signal X2 =
Second digital signal X =
T,ird digital signal XI =
-ourt, digital signal
OUT = 0igital signal controlled b3 status o% +ntrada signals
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
250 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
4OR Bloque de
#', Bloque de
T,e IO3 label stands %or t,e inclusive O3 (I Entradas) 2oolean lo&ic ?uncin.
Bloque de funcins
4OR Bloque de
Entrada state
'ou can invert +ntrada (1 )1 *1 /1 or all. 9% t,e +ntrada is inverted1 an +ntrada line t,at is O: is seen as O--.
5P:Q appears on t,e 9con neLt to t,e inverted +ntrada.6
Unused Entradas default to 0.
-igura MG s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a /O; bloque de %uncin.
Salida = !( or !) or !* or !/
Figura 87 #', bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 251
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
Turns digital Salida 5OUT6 O-- .,en +ntradas !( t,roug, !W are o%%1 t,us=
9% +ntrada !( or !) or !* or !/ or !G or !M or !N or !W is O91 t,en= OUT 4 O9.
9% all +ntradas are O--1 t,en= OUT 4 O??.
X8 = -irst digital signal X2 =
Second digital signal X =
T,ird digital signal XI =
-ourt, digital signal XJ =
-i%t, digital signal XA = SiLt,
digital signal XL = Sevent,
digital signal XK = +ig,t
digital signal.
OUT = 0igital signal controlled b3 status o% +ntrada signals
Bloque de funcins
8OR Bloque de
%', Bloque de
T,e KO3 label stands %or t,e inclusive O3 (K Entradas) 2oolean lo&ic ?uncin.
252 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
8OR Bloque de
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Entrada state
'ou can invert +ntrada (1 )1 *1 /1 G1 M1 N1 W or all. 9% t,e +ntrada is inverted1 an +ntrada line t,at is O: is seen
as O--. 5P:Q appears on t,e 9CO: neLt to t,e inverted +ntrada.6
Unused Entradas default to 0.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 253
Bloque de funcins
8OR Bloque de
-igura MM s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an WO; bloque de %uncin.
Salida = !( or !) or !* or !/ or !G or !M or !N or !W
Figura 88 %', bloque de funcin /:e;plo
254 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins PB Pushbutton
Bloque de funcin
PB Pushbutton Bloque de funcin
T,e !2 label stands %or t,e inclusive !us'Dutton.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic categor3.
@rovides t,e inter%ace %ro$ t,e operator panel to t,e logic -uncins o% t,e controller. @rovides a one<s,ot
logic O: in response to pressing t,e corresponding -uncin 2e3 on t,e operator inter%ace.
T,is selection lets 3ou con?i&ura t,e @us,button -uncin displa3 t,at .ill provide t,e inter%ace to t,e %our
logic operator 2e3pad 2e3s 5-( t,roug, -/6. 'ou can do t,is %or up to %our @us,button bloc2s giving 3ou /
groups 5total (M pus,buttons6 t,at can be set up %or selection on 3our displa3 buttons 5(<W6.
J,en 3ou select a pus,button group on a displa3 button 5(<W61 t,e operator inter%ace .ill displa3 t,e
pus,button -uncin group screen and buttons -(<-/ on t,e operator inter%ace .ill displa3 t,e in%or$ation
t,at ,as been set up %or t,at group.
5ush*utton unci6n 7roup "creen
?8 = @rovide ( s,ot logic O: in response to pressing @us,button -(
?2 = @rovide ( s,ot logic O: in response to pressing @us,button -)
? = @rovide ( s,ot logic O: in response to pressing @us,button -*
?I = @rovide ( s,ot logic O: in response to pressing @us,button -/
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e P@us,button 0ispla3 Con%igurationQ dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 255
Bloque de funcins
PB Pushbutton Bloque de funcin
Configuration procedure
-ollo. t,e procedure in Table N* to con-igura t,e @us,button -uncin Froups.
Table (& Pushbutton Funcin group configuration
There are four pushbuttons that can be conFigurad
for each block.
You can assign just a label for the display using the
Salida descriptor.
You can also select signal tags from the "Signal Tag
List if you require a feedback signal to be shown on the
pushbutton display.
Enter the Tag Name Text in the appropriate field.
Enter the Group Title Text in the appropriate field.
The "Signal Tag List field shows all the Signal Tags that
have been conFigurad on the Bloque de funcin
Diagram. Select "All Signals, Analog Signals, or
"Digital Signals.
To !dd a "igital Signal tag to a Pushbutton
Click on a signal tag in the list, then click on
"nsert/Replace. The selected Signal tag will be
placed in the next available position in the "Signal
Tags/Descriptors field.
To Insert a "igital Signal tag to a Pushbutton
Select a position in the "Signal Tags/Descriptors
field., then click on NSERT. (You must click in the
first column of the Selected Signal Tag list to select a
row.) The selected Signal tag will be placed in the
position chosen, and other signal tags will move
down as required. You may only insert to the
occupied portion of the list. An attempt to insert to
any empty row will place the new item in the first
empty row.
256 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins PB Pushbutton
Bloque de funcin
The selected Signal Tag will be placed in the "Signal
Tags/Descriptors field
,epeat selection for up to 4 Pushbuttons.
To delete a selected Tag, click on the position of the
tag and click "Delete.
To Add or Edit and Salida descriptor to the display,
click on the "Bttn number and then on "Edit
Descriptor and type in the descriptor in the Edit field.
Click "'5.
8o& can assi'n 7&s1b&tton +onfi'&ration Gro&)s
to Dis)lay !&ttons0 refer to Dis)lay !&ttons 95:;<
+onfi'&ration in t1e *ybrid +ontrol Desi'ner =ser>s
-igura MN is an overvie. o% a pus,button con%iguration.
F1 toggles DO2 alternately
On and OFF
Confirmation Digital
Entrada (Optional)
Action |
F2| [ F&|
Signal Source-Block 102 Salida 2
Tag Name tfll2+iil
Descriptor Pump 1 Master
Off Label X?FF
On Label JON
| OK | Cancel |
Signal Source-Block 104 Salida 2
Tag Name 2B++/I
Off abel 'FF
On abel |ON
| DK | Cancel |
Figura 8( PB bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 257
PB<?& 3
F& -n
-------[ PUMP1] 5m
Digital Salida
Toggle Flip/Flop
Bloque de funcins
PDE Peer Data Exchange Bloque de funcin
P"/ Peer "ata /Gchange Bloque de funcin
T,e !DE label stands %or !eer Data EFc'an&e.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categories.
A co$$unications bloque de %uncin t,at allo.s interconnecting controllers .it, +t,ernet $edia and
net.or2ing devices co$$unicate .it, eac, ot,er.
9t requires one bloc2 per controllerR up to *) controllers $aLi$u$. 9t supports up to W
;ead and / Jrite para$eters.
T,e bloc2 does not support %orcing1 but .ill allo. data .rites to an3 i% its +ntradas.
E"8 t'rou&' E"I < O:" < data value .ritten per scan
O38 t'rou&' O3I < #alues to be .ritten to t,e selected controller
Attention= T,e bloc2 does not support bit pac2ing and single bit .riting.
9% t,e register is an integer t3pe1 t,e %loating point +ntrada .ill be rounded up prior to t,e address register.
3D8 t'rou&' 3DK < last read value %ro$ t,e selected controller.
9O $)A9 < O: = device is not receiving updates %ro$ peer
O-- = device is receiving updates %ro$ peer
9O )O99 < O: = cannot connect to peer device O--
= Food connection1 @eer %ound.
258 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins PDE Peer Data
Exchange Bloque de funcin
Block Properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
"ialog boG structure
T,e @0+ properties dialog boL is divided into * tab cards
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
Table (# P"/ $eneral tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
N/A Name of the Peer
controller for this block
Enter the peer controller name in the
active field. 12 characters max.
Scan ,ate
for ,eads
N/A Set to equal to or
greater than 2X the
analog cycle scan rate
of the peer device.
Scan rate selection for
0.25 seconds
0.5 seconds
1.0 seconds
5.0 seconds
Click on radio button to select
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 259
Bloque de funcins
PDE Peer Data Exchange Bloque de funcin
READ tab
Table (7 P"/ ,ead tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,ead Signal N/A Activates the RD1
through RD8 pins for
Click on selection box for the pin number.
N/A Signal Tag number that
appears on the Tag
nformation Report.
See "Tag nformation
Enter a tag number from the report.
.ou can also use the OFind a Signal
tagO procedure to find the Signal Tag
+se ast
N/A Use the last known
value for when the
associated data
connection is invalid.
Click on selection box for the pin number.
Failsafe value for when
the associated data
connection is invalid.
Enter a failsafe value.
260 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
6R$TE tab
Table (8 P"/ 1rite tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
N/A Activates the WR1
through WR4 pins for
Click on selection box next to the pin
N/A Variable number that
appears on the Tag
nformation Report.
See "Tag nformation
Enter a variable number from the report.
.ou can also use the OFind a Signal
tagO procedure to find the Cariable
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 261
Bloque de
funcins PDE Peer Data Exchange
Bloque de funcin
Bloque de funcins
PDE Peer Data Exchange Bloque de funcin
T,e proble$ t,at is being addressed is to control a @90 in Unit ) %ro$ a recipe and O9 located on unit (.
Figura 8% P"/ Bloque de funcin /:e;plo
262 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins PDR Peer Data
Read Bloque de funcin
P", Peer "ata ,ead Bloque de funcin
T,e !D3 label stands %or !eer Data 3ead.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categories..
A @eer 0ata +Lc,ange bloc2 t,at eLpands t,e ;ead capabilit3 o% t,e @0+ bloque de %uncin to (M additional
Cultiple bloc2s $a3 be connected to t,e sa$e @0+ bloque de %uncin.
T,e @0J Jrite bloc2 ,as (M Salidas. T,e @eer 0ata +Lc,ange destination %or eac, o% t,e (M +ntrada can be
3D8 t'rou&' 3D8A < #alues to be .ritten to t,e selected peer controller
Block Properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 263
Bloque de funcins
PDR Peer Data Read Bloque de funcin
Configuration Para;eters
Edit $alida !ins
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,ead Signal N/A Activates the RD1 through
RD16 pins for reads.
Click on selection box next to the pin
N/A Signal Tag number that
appears on the Tag
nformation Report.
See "Tag nformation
Enter a tag number from the report.
.ou can also use the OFind a
Signal tagO procedure to find the
Signal Tag nu;ber.
+se ast
N/A Use the last known value for
when the associated data
connection is invalid.
Click on selection box for the pin
N/A Failsafe value for when the
associated data connection
is invalid.
Enter a failsafe value.
264 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins PDW Peer Data
Write Bloque de funcin
P"1 Peer "ata 1rite Bloque de funcin
T,e !DO label stands %or !eer Data Orite.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categories.
A @eer 0ata +Lc,ange bloc2 t,at eLpands t,e Jrite capabilit3 o% t,e @0+ bloque de %uncin to W additional
Cultiple bloc2s $a3 be connected to t,e sa$e @0+ bloque de %uncin.
T,e @0J Jrite bloc2 ,as W Salidas. T,e @eer 0ata +Lc,ange destination %or eac, o% t,e W +ntrada can be
<E"8 t'rou&' E"K , +vent +ntradas to trigger .rite on rising edge.
O38 t'rou&' O3K < #alues to be .ritten to t,e selected peer controller
Block Properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 265
Bloque de funcins
PDW Peer Data Write Bloque de funcin
Configuration Para;eters
Edit Entrada !ins
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
N/A Activates the WR1 through
WR8 pins for writes.
Click on selection box next to the pin
N/A Variable number that
appears on the Tag
nformation Report.
See "Tag nformation
Enter a variable number from the
.ou can also use the OFind a
Signal tagO procedure to find the
Cariable nu;ber.
266 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins P
Pulse Entrada
PI Pulse /ntrada
T,e @9 label stands %or @ulse +ntrada.
T,is bloque de %uncin reads pulses %ro$ a single +ntrada c,annel on a @ulse4-requenc34Vuadrature
+ntrada $odule. 9t $easures quantit3 b3 scaling t,e nu$ber o% pulses to engineering units 5+U6. 9t $easures
rate in engineering units b3 dividing nu$ber o% pulses b3 ti$e. T,e preset values1 reset1 preset action1 and
,old %lags are sent to t,e $odule and t,e $odule responds .it, accu$ulated pulse counts1 preset indicator
5@;+96 5.,en preset value is reac,ed61 counter over%lo. indicator 5O#-L61 and -A9L. T,e bloc2 converts
t,e accu$ulated pulse count to +U
.OLD = A Boolean value .,en set to O: ,olds t,e +U count 5OUT6 at its current value.
3!3E$ = ;e$ote preset value 5in +U6. J,en OUT reac,es t,is value 5or t,e local preset value6 @;+9 turns
<3$T = An O-- to O: transition resets t,e $oduleOs pulse counter and t,e bloc2Os OUT to 8ero. 9t also
clears t,e -A9L1 @;+9 and O#-L %lags.
?A5L = -ailed +ntrada 9ndication. A Boolean value t,at turns O: .,en t,e
@ulse4-requenc34Vuadrature +ntrada $odule reports a %ailure. T,is is cleared b3 t,e S;ST +ntrada.
!3E5 = @reset indicator. O-- ?" .,en OUT = less t,an t,e local or re$ote preset value1 O: .,en t,e
count 5OUT6 reac,es t,e local or re$ote preset value. T,e ,ard.are $odule deter$ines t,e state o% t,e
@;+9 Salida. :ote= due to t,e dela3 in $essaging and t,e responsive ti$e o% t,e $odule1 t,ere can be a lag
bet.een t,e @;+9 Salida o% t,e bloque de %uncin versus t,e 0O on t,e $odule. T,is lag can be as $uc, as
( scan c3cle. @;+9 is cleared b3 t,e S;ST +ntrada. A preset value o% ? e%%ectivel3 turns o%% t,e @reset t,e counter to count continuousl3 until ,eld or reset.
O"?L = Over%lo. %lag. T,is turns O: .,en t,e counter on t,e $odule is %ull. T,is is cleared b3 t,e
S;ST +ntrada.
3ATE = ;ate in +U4Ti$e @eriod. +ntrada pulses are counted over a speci%ied Sa$ple Ti$e and scaled to
+U4Second1 +U4Cinute or +U4Aour.
OUT = T,e accu$ulated +ngineering Unit 5+U6 count. T,e %orcing o% OUT is per$itted .it,in t,is bloc2.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 267
Bloque de
funcins P Pulse
9% it is necessar3 to turn o%% a device .,en t,e pulse counter is placed in AOL01 it is reco$$ended t,at 3ou
also tie t,e source o% t,e +ntrada AOL0 signal to a 0O bloc2. T,e 0O bloc2 .ould t,en control t,e On4o%%
State o% t,e device.
Configuration Para;eters
Table (( Pulse /ntrada Configuration Para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block Order N/A Execution Order for
Read Only. To change block
order, right-click on a Bloque
de funcin and select
Execution Order.
Address Rack 0 This is the rack
address of the PFQ
Enter a value: from 1 to 5.
Module 0 Module address of
the PFQ module.
Enter a value: from 1 to
Channel 0 Channel on selected
Enter a value: from 1 to 4
Pulse Weight Pulses per EU 1 Ejemplo: if measuring
gallons and if 100
pulses = 1 gallon,
enter 100.
Rate Sample Time 5 The Salida RATE is
calculated by counting
number of pulses per
Sample Time and
scaling it to EU/Time
Period. Sample Time
is a rolling window of
time (updated each
scan cycle) used to
count pulses. The
longer the Sample
Time the smoother the
rate Salida and the
longer it will take to
change; the smaller
the Sample Time the
noisier the rate Salida
but the quicker the
Enter 0-60 seconds using
0.5 sec. intervals.
Time Period 6 Time unit used to
scale the rate from
pulses per Sample
Time to:
EU per Second, or
Select Per Second, Per
Minute, Per Hour
268 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins P
Pulse Entrada
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J "escripcin 0alue or Selection
EU per Minute, or
EU per Hour
Preset Use Remote 4 Uses RPRES
Entrada pin in EU.
Click to select.
Use Local 4 Uses local preset
count in EU.
Click to select. Enter value.
Enter 0 for no alarm
indication on PRE (there
are no limits).
Preset Salida
Latched Until
2 The PFQ module Salida
transistor latches ON until
reset. PRE latches ON
until PFQ module
acknowledges the reset.
Momentary 2 The PFQ module Salida
transistor turns ON for 1
second. PRE turns on for
approx. 1 second. Counter
is reset to zero and count
Figura 8* PI bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 269
Bloque de funcins
POUT Pulse Salida
P'+T Pulse Salida
T,e @OUT label stands %or @ulse Salida.
T,is bloque de %uncin generates a pulse train o% a speci%ied nu$ber o% pulses a start instruction.
T,e pulse %requenc3 is selectable. T,e Salida controls an Salida transistor on a @ulse4-requenc34Vuadrature
$odule. T,e nu$ber o% pulses re$aining a start instruction is provided on t,e Salida pin.
E9A2L = Boolean value .,en O: enables t,e bloc21 O-- disables t,e bloc2. :o connection de%aults to
<$TA3T T!L$ = Start T o% pulses. An O-- to O: transition starts t,e pulse train Salida speci%ied b3
T@ULS+S. 5Unless STA;T CO:T. = O:6
T!UL$E$ = :u$ber o% pulses in t,e pulse train triggered b3 SSTA;T T@LS.
$TA3T )O9T. = Start Continuous @ulse Train. J,en STA;T CO:T. = O-- t,e Salida pin value is
nu$ber o% pulses re$aining. J,en STA;T CO:T. = O: t,e $oduleOs Salida is a continuous pulse train
and Salida pin value is 8ero. STA;T CO:T. = O: gets priorit3 over a counted pulse train triggered b3
?A5L = -ailed +ntrada 9ndication. A Boolean value t,at turns O: .,en t,e @ulse4 -requenc34 Vuadrature
+ntrada $odule reports a %ailure.
OUT = J,en STA;T CO:T. = O--1 Salida pin value is nu$ber o% pulses re$aining and t,e $odule
Salidas t,e nu$ber o% pulses. J,en STA;T CO:T. = O:1 Salida pin value is 8ero and t,e $odule Salidas a
continuous pulse train.
270 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins POUT Pulse
Configuration Para;eters
Table (% Pulse Salida Configuration Para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block Order N/A Execution Order for
Read Only. To change block
order, right-click on a Bloque
de funcin and select
Execution Order.
Address Rack 0 This is the address of
the selected Rack.
Enter a value: from 1 to 5.
Module 0 Address of selected
module (must match
model selection
Enter a value: from 1 to 12
Channel 0 Channel on selected
Module. The use of a
particular Salida
channel will render the
particular Entrada
channel unusable.
Enter a value: from 1 to 4
Pulse Train
Frequency 1 Salida frequency of
the pulse train.
Pulse width = 0.50 x
Range: 0.05ms
Enter a value: 25Hz
Failsafe mmediate Off 3 Pulse stops and
Salida immediately
goes off.
Click on Radio button to
Finish Pulse 3 Pulse train finishes
then Salida goes off.
Click on Radio button to
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 271
Bloque de funcins
POUT Pulse Salida
Figura (? P'+T bloque de funcin /:e;plo
272 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
PI" Bloque de funcin
T,e !5D label stands %or !roportional; 5nte&ral; Deri%ati%e (,mode) control action.
Working Set Point in EU
Alarm 1 Digital Signal
Alarm 2 Digital Signal
Direct/Reverse ndication
Autotune ndicator (ON = Autotune in progress)
A/M Salida & Setpoint Mode indication (to MDFL block)
Back Calculation Salida (for Cascade control)
bloc2 is part o% t,e Loops categor3.
@rovides @roportional 5@61 9ntegral 596 and 0erivative 5061 5*<$ode6 control action based on t,e deviation or
error signal created b3 t,e di%%erence bet.een t,e setpoint 5S@6 and t,e @rocess variable analog +ntrada
value 5@#6.
9t provides t.o digital Salida signals %or alar$s based on con-igurad para$eters.
T,e @90 bloque de %uncin provides %or -eed%or.ard1 Cascade1 and ;atio control.
Auto$atic tuning .it, -u883 Logic Overs,oot Suppression can be con-igurad.
0igital +ntradas $a3 be used to set control $ode1 select t,e setpoint source1 c,ange control action plus ot,er
discrete actions.
?or EUemplos oE !5D )ontrol; reEer toH
Basic 5I8 !on,iguration
8uplex !ontrol
!ascade !ontrol
9atio !ontrol
!ascade !ontrol o, Boiler 8rum Le:el
!ascade !ontrol o, a Boiler 8rum Le:el & ; Element eedwater !ontrol
!" = @rocess #ariable Analog +ntrada value in +ngineering Units to be controlled
3$! = ;e$ote Setpoint Analog +ntrada value in +ngineering Units or @ercent to provide eLternal setpoint
??" = -eed%or.ard value in percent. T,e -eed%or.ard value is $ultiplied b3 t,e -eed%or.ard Fain1 t,en
directl3 su$$ed into t,e Salida o% t,e @90 bloc2.
Remote Set Point Signal (Eng. unit or %)-
Feed Forward value in %
Salida Track value in %
Salida Track Command (ON/OFF) >>>>>>>>
Remote Bias Value for Ratio PD
Switch Entradas (from SWO on LPSW bloque de
funcin) >
Back Calculation Entrada (for Cascade control)^ m
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 273
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
T3" = Salida Trac2 value in @ercentage 5@90 Salida = T;# +ntrada .,en T;C = O:.6
T3) = Salida Trac2 Co$$and O:1 O--" 5On <+nables T;#.6 5Code = Local Override6
25A$ = ;e$ote Bias value %or ;atio @90
$O5 = S.itc, +ntradas 5%ro$ SJO on L@SJ bloque de %uncin6
? = :o C,ange
( = 9nitiate Autotuning
) = C,ange Control Action
/ = -orce Bu$pless Trans%er W
= S.itc, to Tune Set ( (M =
S.itc, to Tune Set )
7D3B5 = +Lternal Code request 5t3picall3 connected to t,e C0;VO Salida o% a C0SJ bloque de
%uncin t,at encoded discrete s.itc, +ntradas6.
? = :o C,ange
( = Canual Code ;equest
) = Auto Code ;equest /
= Local Code ;equest
W = ;e$ote Code ;equest
2)5 = Bac2 Calculation +ntrada 5%or bloc2s used as Cascade @ri$ar36DSee ATT+:T9O: ).
OUT 4 Control Salida
O$! = Jor2ing Setpoint in +ngineering Units %or $onitoring
AL8 = Alar$ ( < 0igital Signal
AL2 = Alar$ ) < 0igital Signal
D53E)T = O: = 0irectR O-- = ;everse
AT5 = Autotune 9ndicator 5O: = Autotune in @rogress6
7ODE = Loop $ode status 5t3picall3 connected to t,e Code -lags bloc2 %or encoding6. #alue indicates
$odes as %ollo.s=
?.? ;S@ AUTO
(.? ;S@ CA:
).? ;S@ 9nitiali8ation Canual 5See ATT+:T9O: (6
*.? ;S@ Local Override 5See ATT+:T9O: (6
/.? LS@ AUTO
G.? LS@ CA:
M.? LS@ 9nitiali8ation Canual 5See ATT+:T9O: (6
N.? LS@ Local Override 5See ATT+:T9O: (6
2)O < Bac2 Calculation Salida 5%or bloc2s used as Cascade Secondar36DSee ATT+:T9O: ).
274 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins PD
Bloque de funcin
When a request to change from Auto to manual is received and:
- the request comes from the operator nterface, the request is ignored.
- the request comes from the Mode Switch (MDSW) bloque de funcin, the request is
retained and when leaving the 3nitiali4ation !ode or -ocal (verride !ode the loop will
go to manual.
BCO Salida is provided for applications where the block is used as a cascade secondary.
BC Entrada is provided for applications where the block is used as a cascade primary.
When the BCO Salida of a secondary loop is connected to the BC Entrada of a primary
loop, bumpless transfer is achieved when the secondary is switched into remote setpoint
(i.e., cascade) mode. n addition, the primary loop is prevented from reset windup when
the secondary is de-coupled from the process. The secondary is de-coupled from the
process when it is in local setpoint mode or manual Salida mode or has reached a
setpoint or Salida limit or is integral limiting because of its BC Entrada. For Ejemplo, see
Figura 73.
'peration details
T,e @# Ai4Lo range values con-igurad in t,e @90<;ange4Li$it Tab deter$ine t,e points at .,ic, t,e bloc2
status c,anges to a %ail condition1 driving t,e Salida to t,e con-igurad %ailsa%e value. T,ere is no dead band
%or t,ese @90 bloc2 li$its. To prevent t,e loop %ro$ going to %ailsa%e1 t,e user can ad>ust t,e @# Ai4Lo
settings to allo. %or slig,t variations o% t,e @# value %ro$ an A9 c,annel t,at operates at or near t,ese
li$its. Additionall31 i% t,e @# value eLceeds t,e con-igurad li$its1 t,e @90 bloc2 .ill indicate a @# out o%
range status and .ill cause t,e bad bloc2 pin o% t,e s3ste$ $onitor bloc2 to energi8e.
J,en t,e control $ode is s.itc,ed %ro$ Canual to Auto$atic1 t,e $ode s.itc,over is bu$pless and t,e
@90 loop^s integration ti$e is set to 8ero. Control Action is t,en deter$ined b3 t,e control loop
con%iguration and tuning.
9n version /.! controller %ir$.are1 t,e s3ste$ de%ault is set to cause a $anual $ode to override t,e Trac2
co$$andR t,e user ,as t,e option to c,ange t,is setting in AC 0esigner to allo. t,e Trac2 co$$and to
override t,e Canual $ode Salida. T,is action is a $aster setting and cannot be con-igurad per loop.
J,en t,e Salida o% a @90 loop is driven to t,e Ai or Lo Salida li$it1 t,e integral value is cla$ped to
prevent reset .ind up.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
"ialog boG structure
T,e @90 properties dialog boL is divided into N tab cards
A))UTU9E 555
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 275
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
276 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins PD Bloque
de funcin
Table (* PI" $eneral tab configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order Read Only. To change block order, right-
click on a Bloque de funcin and select
Execution Order.
Tag -a;e N/A 16 character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block descriptor
Control !lgorith; N/A Control Algorithm
Note? $n 7$D !0 ste)
c1an'es in set)oint
/ill not b&m) t1e
Salida@ t1e Salida /ill
sle/ smoot1ly to t1e
ne/ #al&e"
$n 7$D A0 a ste)
c1an'e in set)oint /ill
res&lt in a ste)
c1an'e in Salida.
PI" ! - is normally used for 3 mode
control. The Salida can be adjusted
somewhere between 100 % and 0 %. t
applies all three control actions
-Proportional (P), ntegral (), and
Derivative (D) - to the error signal.
PI" B - Unlike the PD-A equation, the
controller gives only an integral response
to a setpoint change, with no effect on
the Salida due to the Gain or Rate action,
and gives full response to PV changes.
"+P! > like PD A but provides an
automatic method to switch tuning
constant sets for Heat/Cool applications.
"+PB > like PD B but provides an
automatic method to switch tuning
constant sets for Heat/Cool applications.
NOTE: With PD B or DUPB selection,
you Rill not be allowed to set RESET or
RPM to 0.00 (OFF). Reset must be
"irection N/A Control Action "I,/CT - PD action causes Salida to
increase as process variable increases.
,/0/,S/ - PD action causes Salida to
decrease as process variable increases.
SP Tracking N/A Setpoint Tracking -one
Track P0 - When control mode is
"manual, local setpoint tracks process
Track ,SP - When setpoint is "remote
setpoint, local setpoint tracks remote
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 277
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
278 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins PD Bloque
de funcin
Table %? PI" Start3,estart tab configuration para;eter
)odes and
Mode permitted for the
initial start and power up
May select bot10 m&st select one=
LSP 10
RSP 11
Setpoint permitted for
the initial start and
power up mode.
ocal Setpoint
,e;ote Setpoint
May select bot10 m&st select one"
Initial )ode N/A Mode at NEWSTART
-eRstart is the first scan
cycle following the cold
start of the controller
Select one
Setpoint for
Initial )ode
N/A Setpoint at NEWSTART
-eRstart is the first scan
cycle following the cold
start of the controller
ocal Setpoint
,e;ote Setpoint
Select one
PoRer up
N/A Mode at power up )anual
,etain ast )ode
Same mode (auto or manual)
Select one
PoRer up
N/A Setpoint at power up ocal Setpoint
,etain ast SP3,SP
Same Setpoint (LSP or RSP)
Select one
PoRer +p
PoRer +p
N/A Salida at Power up
!ST '+T - Same as at power down.
F!IS!F/ - Failsafe Salida value.
Failsafe 'ut 16 Failsafe Salida Value 5 % to 105 %
+se initial
49 Use nitial Local
Click on radio button to select
Initial SP
50 nitial Local Setpoint
Enter nitial Local Setpoint Value
2igh Salida
i;it Select
+se i;it
>i;it 0alue
51 High Limit Override
See -'T/ <
Click radio button to select.
"elay Ti;e 52 Delay Time for High
Limit Salida Select
Enter time in minutes to use TRV as the
Salida high limit. See -'T/ <=
,a;p ,ate 53 Ramp Rate for High
Limit Salida Select
/nter ,ate in S per ;inute to ra;p
the default Salida high li;it after
delay ti;e eGpires=
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 279
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
9ote 8. J,en O:1 t,e AiLi$Ovr para$eter causes t,e $eaning o% T;C and T;# to be rede%ined %or process
startup rate control. 9n t,is case1 T;C set O: causes t,e algorit,$ to calculate a value to override t,e de%ault Salida
,ig, li$it.
T,e initial value o% t,e li$it override co$es %ro$ T;#. T,is value is ,eld until t,e con-igurad dela3 ti$e eLpires.
A dela3 ti$e o% 8ero $eans dela3 inde%initel3. 9n t,is case1 t,e Salida ,ig, li$it .ill trac2 t,e value on T;# until
suc, ti$e t,at T;C returns to O--.
J,en t,e dela3 ti$e eLpires1 t,e Salida li$it .ill ra$p to t,e de%ault con-igurad value and t,e con-igurad ra$p rate.
J,en t,e ra$ped Salida li$it equals or eLceeds t,e de%ault con-igurad value1 t,e Salida li$it override status is set
O-- and t,e de%ault value is used. A ra$p rate o% 8ero .ill cause i$$ediate ter$ination o% t,e ,ig, Salida li$it
A transition o% t,e T;C +ntrada to O-- at an3 ti$e .ill ter$inate t,e Salida li$it override -uncin and restore t,e
li$it to t,e de%ault con-igurad value. T,e T;C +ntrada $ust transition to O-- be%ore t,e Salida li$it override
-uncin can be started again.
280 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
RS7 tab
Table %< PI" ,SP tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,e;ote Setpoint
Source and +nits
+se ,SP
N/A Use Remote Setpoint in
Engineering Units
Click on radio button to select
+se ,SP
Use Remote Setpoint in
Click on radio button to select
+se SP2
Use Local Setpoint #2 in
Engineering Units
Click on radio button to select
,atio3Bias A,SP
/ntrada 'nlyB
-o ,atio or
N/A No ratio and bias applied
to the bloque de funcin
Click on radio button to select
+se ocal
Use Bias value selected
on Tab
Click on radio button to select
Enter value at "ocal Bias
0alue on tab.
+se Bias
Use Bias value attached to
an Entrada to the block
Click on radio button to select
ocal Bias
0alue A/+B
46 Local bias value in
engineering units
Enter local bias value
99999 to 99999
,atio 45 Gain value for Ratio PD 20 to +20
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 281
Bloque de
funcins PD
Bloque de funcin
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
282 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins PD Bloque
de funcin
Table %2 PI" ,ange3li;it tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,anging P0 2igh
4 PV High Range Value 99999 to 99999
P0 oR
5 PV Low Range Value 99999 to 99999
"isplay "eci;al
N/A Number of digits to display after
decimal point.
0 to 5
+nits N/A Text to display for EU 6 characters
"/0 Bar
,ange A/+B
N/A Deviation Bar Range on the
Operator nterface
99999 to 99999
i;iting SP 2igh
17 Setpoint High Limit Value
-prevents the local and remote
setpoints from going above the
value set here.
99999 to 99999
18 Setpoint Low Limit Value - prevents
the local and remote setpoints from
going below the value set here.
99999 to 99999
'ut 2igh
20 Salida High Limit Value - is the
highest value of Salida beyond
which you do not want the
automatic Salida to exceed
5 % to 105 %
'ut oR
21 Salida Low Limit Value - is the
lowest value of Salida beyond
which you do not want the
automatic Salida to exceed
5 % to 105 %
SP ,ate
41 Setpoint Rate Down value - when
making a setpoint change, this is
the rate at which setpoint will
change from the original setpoint
doRn to the new one.
0 (off) to 9999 (eu/min)
SP ,ate +p 42 Setpoint Rate Up value - when
making a setpoint change, this is
the rate at which setpoint will
change from the original setpoint
up to the new one.
0 (off) to 9999 (eu/min)
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 283
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
T=N$NG tab
Use of Tune SET 1 or 2 can be selected via Entrada (SW) from the Loop Switch block Salida
(SWO) or, in the case of DUP_A or DUP_B, automatically depending on the value of the
previous Salida (< 50 % or < 50 %).
284 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins PD Bloque
de funcin
Table %& PI" Tuning tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Tuning Constants Prop Band 0
PB1 or
Proportional Band (PB) - is the
percentage of the range of the
measured variable for which a
proportional controller will produce a
100 % change in its Salida.
0.1 to 1000
$ain 36
PB2 or
Gain - is the ratio of Salida change
(%) over the measured variable
change (%) that caused it.
100 % G =
PB %
where PB is the proportional Band
(in %)
0.1 % to 1000 %
values for tuning set 1
and tuning set 2 in
specified fields.
,epeats per
2 Reset1
RESET (ntegral Time) - adjusts the
controller's Salida according to both
the size of the deviation (SP-PV) and
the time it lasts. The amount of
corrective action depends on the
value of Gain.
The reset adjustment is measured as
how many times proportional action
is repeated per minute
(Repeats/minute) or how many
minutes before one repeat of the
proportional action occurs
0.02 to 50.00
!ust be enabled for
,3*6" or *7,6"
algorithm selections.
,ate )inutes 1 Rate1
37Rate 2
RATE action, in minutes affects the
controller's Salida whenever the
deviation is changing; and affects it
more when the deviation is changing
0 or 0.1 to 10.00
0 = OFF
FeedforRard $ain FeedforRard
43 Applies Gain to the feedforward
value (FFV). Feedforward Entrada
is multiplied by this value.
0.0 to 10.0
)anual ,eset )anual
32 MANUAL RESET- is only applicable
if you do not use RESET (ntegral
Allows correction of Salida to
account for load changes to bring the
PV up to setpoint.
100 to 100 (in %
of Salida)
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 285
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de funcin
A++=T=NE$$$ tab
Table %# PI" !ccutune III tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!ccutune III Type "isabled N/A Disables Accutune Click on radio button to
Cycle Tuning Tuning parameter values are
derived from the process response
to the resultant action of causing the
PV to oscillate about the SP value. (
Note 1 - Page 288)
Click on radio button to
SP Tuning Tuning based on the process
response to a SP change.
(Note 2 Page 288)
Click on radio button to
SP Tuning
AFor SP Tuning
N/A The selection of either UP or DOWN
results in the SP Change value
added or subtracted from the
present SP value.
Click on radio button to
SP Process
AFor SP Tuning
Process $ain
Gain identification value for the
process. This value is used to
estimate the size of the initial Salida
step for a SP Tune.
This defines the value of the initial
Salida step change that is used as
the target for process identification..
Range is 0.10 to 10.0
Normal value is 1.
Range is: 5 to 15
286 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins PD
Bloque de funcin
P0 !daptiCe
"isable N/A Disables PV Adaptive tune Click on radio button to
/nable N/A This method adapts a tuned
process to changing system
characteristics over time. When the
PV deviates from the SP by a
certain amount for any reason.
(Note 3 Page 288)
Click on radio button to
Tuning Criteria -or;al N/A Conservative tuning designed to
calculate critically damped tuning
parameter values that produce
minimal overshoot.
Click on radio button to
"upleG Tuning
9Acti#e for
Al'orit1m D=7A
or D=7! on
General Tab
/it1 +ycle
More aggressive tuning than
Normal, designed to calculate
under damped parameter values
providing faster control to the
setpoint but may have some
Disable -Duplex type tuning is
disabled and simplex type tuning is
used instead.
Manual - Tuning must be initiated
manually for each side. The current
LSP or RSP value is used as the
target SP for the desired heat or
cool side tuning. For the heat side,
the Salida cycles between 50
percent and the high Salida limit
and for the cool side the Salida
cycles between 50 percent and the
low Salida limit. Tuning values are
calculated and stored only for the
side tuned.
Heat and Cool tuning are
sequentially performed
automatically. During the operation
of this tuning the target SP used is
the mid point between the high
Salida limit and 50 percent for the
heat side and the low Salida limit
and 50 percent for the cool side.
During tuning for each side the
cycling of the Salida results in the
PV oscillating around the target SP
value. From the data gathered
during the oscillations, tuning
values are calculated and stored for
each side. After tuning on both
sides is completed, the process SP
is returned to the value of the last
SP used prior to the initiation of the
tuning procedure.
Click on radio button to
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 287
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
/nable FuHHy 'Cershoot
Click on block to select
34 Fuzzy Overshoot Suppression minimizes overshoot after a
setpoint change or a process disturbance.
The fuzzy logic observes the speed and direction of the PV
signal as it approaches the setpoint and temporarily modifies
the internal controller response action as necessary to avoid
an overshoot.
There is no change to the PD algorithm, and the fuzzy logic
does not alter the PD tuning parameters.
This feature can be independently Enabled or Disabled as
required by the application to work with "TUNE On-Demand
Accutune is an On-demand tune only. You must provide a 0 to 1 transition to start another
tuning cycle. The tuning will disturb the Salida to evaluate the tuning constants required.
9ote 8H )Y)LE TU959> , T,is tuning $et,od uses t,e $easured ulti$ate gain and period to produce
tuning para$eter values. C3cle tuning does not distinguis, bet.een process lags and al.a3s results in gain
based on @# a$plitude and calculates values o% ;eset and ;ate based on ti$e o% t,e S@ crossings 5T,e
;eset value is al.a3s /L t,e ;ate value.6 T,is $et,od does not require a stable process initiall3 and t,e
process $a3 be $oving. C3cle tuning is applicable to T,ree @osition Step control and can be used %or
integrating processes 5level control6.
9ote 2H $! TU959> , J,en initiated t,e control loop is put into an initial te$porar3 $anual state until
t,e process c,aracteristics are identi%ied. T,is period $a3 last up to a $inute. 0uring t,is ti$e t,e Tune
status s,o.s :ot ;ead31 t,en an initial Salida step is $ade using t,e precon-igurad si8e and direction
para$eters along .it, t,e preset Salida value. T,e resultant process action is used to deter$ine t,e tuning
para$eters and once t,e process identi%ication ,as co$pleted1 t,e loop is returned to auto$atic control.
9ote H !" ADA!T5"E TU959> , T,is $et,od adapts a tuned process to c,anging s3ste$
c,aracteristics over ti$e. J,en t,e @# deviates %ro$ t,e S@ b3 a certain a$ount %or an3 reason1 t,e
adaptive tuning algorit,$ beco$es active and begins to observe t,e resulting @# action. 9% t,e process
beco$es unstable and oscillates1 @# Adaptive Tuning eventuall3 brings t,e process into control b3 retuning
para$eter values 5as needed6 using a s3ste$atic approac, de%ined b3 an eLpert based $et,od o% tuning
rules. S,ould t,e process not oscillate but be observed as too %ast or sluggis,1 a di%%erent eLpert rules set is
applied to result in t,e do.n or speeding up o% t,e process b3 ad>usting certain tuning para$eter
values. T,is $et,od continuousl3 learns t,e process as @# deviations are observed and adapts t,e tuning
para$eters to t,e process response.
288 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
PI" Bloque de funcin Properties
General | Start 3 Restart | RSP | Range 3 Limit Tuning | Accutunelll Alarms |
Setpointl |B Type | No Alarm _^J
Setpoint 2 |o Tjjpe | No Alarm _^J
Setpointl |o Tjjpe | No Alarm _^J
Setpoint2 |o Type | No Alarm _J
Hysteresis 89: |o
OK Cancel
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 289
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
Table %7 PI" !lar;s tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!lar; < Setpoint < 23 !lar; < Setpoint < 0alue
- this is the value at which
you want the alarm type
chose below to activate
99999 to 99999 in Engineering
Within the PV range when alarm
type is PV or SP
Within PV span when alarm type is
5 % to 105 % when alarm type is
Type N/A !lar; < Setpoint < Type
- select what you want
Alarm 1 Setpoint 1 to
PV_HGH High PV Alarm
PV_LOW Low PV Alarm
DEV_HGH High Deviation
DEV_LOW Low Deviation
SP_HGH High Setpoint
SP_LOW Low Setpoint
OUT_HGH High Salida
OUT_LOW Low Salida
Setpoint 2 24 Alarm 1 Setpoint 2 Value Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 1 Setpoint 2 Type Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; 2 Setpoint < 25 Alarm 2 Setpoint 1 Value Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 2 Setpoint 1 Type Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
Setpoint 2 26 Alarm 2 Setpoint 2 Value Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 2 Setpoint 2 Type Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
S 31 Alarm Hysteresis in % 0 % to 5 %
290 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
/:e;plo < > Basic PI" configuration /:e;plo
-igura N( s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a si$pli%ied @90 Con%iguration 5re%erence onl36 and its
basic Con%iguration.
;e$ote Setpoint +ntrada
Analog #ariable< used to provide
a re$ote setpoint value.
Analog +ntrada bloc2
@90 Bloc2 5Si$pli%ied6 Alar$
Salidas 50igital Signal6
Analog Salida Bloc2
Figura (< PI" bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 291
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
/:e;plo 2 > "upleG control > PI" Rith heat3cool AdupleGB Salida
Figura (2 "upleG control /:e;plo
292 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
/:e;plo & > Cascade control
T,e Cascade loop uses ) @90 bloc2s .it, t,e Bac2 Calculation pin o% t,e secondar3 connected to t,e
pri$ar3 loop. T,is trans%ers values bac2 to t,e pri$ar3 loop to ad>ust t,e @90 %or c,anges due to $anual
Figura (& Cascade control /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 293
Bloque de funcins PD
Bloque de funcin
/:e;plo # > ,atio control
The RATO control loop requires selection of the
remote SP of the PD for ratio control. The Ratio and
Bias values are available for adjustment from the
Control Setup screen of the Operator nterface. The
Bias may be a local value or come from an external
source such as an O2 analyzer trim arrangement.
You may elect to use % for the ratioed Entradas
(typically for boiler applications) or Eng. Units (EU)
(for feed flows to a reactor, for Ejemplo).
Air 5controlled variable6= ;atio L -uel 5;S@1 or .ild variable6 & B9AS
+Lternal Bias
+ntrada MK
- SW f -MDRQ
Figura (# ,atio control /:e;plo
294 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
/:e;plo 7 > Cascade control of a boiler dru; leCel > basic
Figura (7 Cascade control of a boiler dru; leCel > basic
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 295
:ote= All p,3sical
connections are b3
94O cards
Bloque de funcins
PD Bloque de
/:e;plo 8 > Cascade control of a boiler dru; leCel > & ele;ent feedRater control
Feedwater Flow
SCB9 5
Secondary Controller
SW ,
:ote= All p,3sical
connections are b3
94O cards
Feedwater Control Salida
-eed.ater -lo.
Figura (8 Cascade control of a boiler dru; leCel > & ele;ent feedRater control
Stea n drum level
Primary Controller
ADD7 7
296 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins PPO Position Proportional Salida
Bloque de funcin
PP' Position Proportional Salida Bloque de funcin
The PP' label stands for Position Proportional Salida= This block is part of the 3;( "locks
Allows the control of a valve or other actuator having an electric motor driven by two digital Salida
channels; one to move the motor upscale, the other to move it downscale, with a feedback signal
to indicate motor position. Supports motor speeds from 12 -300 seconds.
PSP = Position Setpoint Scaled or %(default)
P'S = Position Feedback Value from Feedback Signal (%) )F!I =
Motor failure ndication. ON = Motor Failure (not moving) FF!I =
Failed Feedback Entrada ndicator A Error
Block properties
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 297
Bloque de funcins
PPO Position Proportional Salida Bloque de funcin
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configurable Para;eters
Table %8 Position Proportional )otor Control
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To change block
order, right-click on a Bloque de
funcin and select Execution
2igh ,ange
4 Position Setpoint High Range
Value Engineering Unit - value of
Entrada that corresponds to 100
% Salida value
-99999 to 999999
Default = 100
oR ,ange
5 Position Setpoint Low Range
Value Engineering Unit - value of
Entrada that corresponds to 0 %
Salida value
-99999 to 999999
Default = 0.0
20 High Position Limit in Percent 0 to 100%
Default = 100%
oR Position
21 Low Position Limit in Percent 0 to 100%
Default = 0%
8 Adjustable gap between forward
and reverse motor operation (the
range over which the Salida can
change before a relay is
0.5 to 5%
Filter Ti;e
10 A software digital filter is provided
to smooth the slidewire feedback
0 to 3 seconds.
0=no filter
type and
3 Entrada type choices for the
position feedback
4 to 20 mA
0 to 20 mA
0 to 1 V
0 to 5 V
Slidewire 250 to 1250 ohms
Slidewire < 250 ohms
Slidewire 1250 to 4000 ohms*
Slidewire 4000 to 6500 ohms*
*Version 4.1 or later.
F',1!," ,/!. S!I"!
1 This is the address of the
selected Rack.
1 to 5.
I3' )odule
Address of selected /O module 1 to 12
Channel on selected /O Module Odd number 1 thru 15.*
298 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins PPO Position Proportional
Salida Bloque de funcin
,/0/,S/ ,/!. S!I"! A,ead 'nlyB
AThis is conFigurad auto;atically Rhen ForRard ,elay Salida is conFiguradB
2 This is the address of the
selected Rack.
Same as Forward
I3' )odule
Address of selected /O
Same as Forward
Channel on selected /O
Forward Channel +1
Even number 2 thru 16.*
F//"B!C5 /-T,!"!
N/A This is the address of the
selected Rack.
1 to 5.
I3' )odule
Address of selected /O module 1 to 12
Channel on selected /O Module 1 to 16*
*For HC900 controller's 32
(Time Proportioning Salida)
Salida) Salida types.
Channel DO Module, Salidas 17 through 32 may not be used for
TPO , PPO (Position Proportioning Salida) or TPSC (Three Position
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 299
Bloque de funcins
PPO Position Proportional Salida Bloque de funcin
!nalog /ntrada
!C Salida )odule
Figura (( Position Proportional )otor Control
300 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins PSYC Psychrometric Calculations
Bloque de funcin
PS.C Psychro;etric Calculations Bloque de funcin
T,e !$Y) label stands %or @s3c,ro$etric Calculations. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e (VA! categor3.
T,is bloc2 calculates t,e Au$idit3 ;atio1 +nt,alp31 0e. point te$perature1 Jet bulb te$perature and
Absolute Coisture based on t,e +ntrada 0r3 bulb te$perature 50;'61 ;elative Au$idit3 5;A6 and
At$osp,eric @ressure 5ATC@6. A single con%igurable para$eter speci%ies i% +ntradas and Salidas use $etric
s3ste$ units.
The wet bulb temperature Salida is updated only once for every three executions of the block.
D3Y = 0r3 bulb air te$perature B ;ange= </? B (/? degrees - or </? B M? degrees C
3. = Air relative ,u$idit3 B ;ange= (.? B HH.HU ;A.
AT7! = Baro$etric @ressure B ;ange= ().G B (G.N psi. or WM(.W/ B (?W)./N $illibars. J,en t,is pin is not
connected t,e calculations use a de%ault value o% (/.MHM psi. or (1?(*.)G $illibars.
9oteH 9% an3 o% t,e above +ntradas are outside o% t,e speci%ied ranges1 t,e3 are set to t,e upper or
range as appropriate.
.3AT5O = Au$idit3 ;atio B lb4lb or 2g42g
E9T. = +nt,alp3 B btu4lb or 2_42g
DEO!T = 0e. point te$perature B degrees - or degrees C
OET = Jet bulb te$perature B degrees - or degrees C
A2$7 = Absolute $oisture B gr4lb or gr42g
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 301
Bloque de funcins
PSYC Psychrometric Calculations Bloque de funcin
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table %( PS.C bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block Block 'rder N/A Read Only. To change
block order, right-click
on a Bloque de funcin
and select Execution
/ntrada3Salida )etric
N/A Selects if the metric system is
used for Entradas and Salidas
Click on the check box
when the metric system
is being used.
Calculate ,u$idit3 ratio1 ent,alp31 de. point te$perature1 .et bulb te$perature and absolute $oisture
content o% air as a -uncin o% air te$perature1 relative air ,u$idit31 and at$osp,eric pressure.
Figura (% PS.C bloque de funcin /:e;plo
302 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins PTMR Periodic
Timer Bloque de funcin
PT), Periodic Ti;er Bloque de funcin
T,e !T73 label stands %or !eriodic Timer.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ounters/'imers categor3.
Funcin A< or 2B
/. 'ime/!ycle- Fenerates a discrete Salida pulse at a speci%ied start ti$e based on t,e real<ti$e cloc2 and at
speci%ied ti$e periods t,erea%ter.
Start Ti$es = Cont,1 0a31 Aour1 Cinute1 Second
C3cle @eriods = Cont,l31 Jee2l31 0ail3
Ti$e C3cle @eriods Jit,in a 0a3 = Aours 5?<)*6 Cinutes 5?<GH6 Seconds 5?<GH6
:OT+= Once started1 period repeats until reset.
G. 9eset !ycle- Fenerates a digital Salida based on a digital +ntrada and at regular intervals t,erea%ter.
Ti$e Start = O: to O-- transition o% reset +ntrada.
C3cle Ti$e @eriod = Aours 5?<)*6 Cinutes 5?<GH6 Seconds 5?<GH6
3$T = ;eset4+nable 5O: = Salida disable1 O-- = Salida enable6
E"E9T= OUT Logic State. Salida turns O: %or one scan c3cle .,en elapsed ti$e $atc,es setpoint ti$e
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 303
Bloque de funcins
PTMR Periodic Timer Bloque de funcin
Configuration para;eters
Table %% PT bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block Block 'rder N/A Read Only. To change
block order, right-click
on a Bloque de funcin
and select Execution
Period )onthly N/A Salida turns ON once a month for
one scan cycle.
f the current month's last day is
less than 31 it will turn ON on the
last day of the month.
ON = Hold off Salida
OFF = Run
Enter START -"ay
(Days >31 = 31), 2ourD
)inuteD Seconds
1eekly N/A Salida turns ON once a week for Enter at START -
one scan cycle.
ON = Hold off Salida
OFF = Run
"ay (Monday through
Sunday), 2ourD
)inuteD Seconds
"aily N/A Salida turns ON once a day for Enter at START -
one scan cycle.
ON = Hold off Salida
OFF = Run
2ourD )inuteD
Ti;e3Cycle N/A Timer starts at a specific time of Enter at START -
day then Salida pulses on/off on a
time interval. Once started, start
time is ignored until reset.
Reset Entrada:
ON = stops cycle and holds off
OFF = enables start time
2ourD )inuteD
Enter at &<&-= -Hour,
Minute, Second
,eset3Cycle N/A Timer starts on an ON (1) to OFF Enter at +8+LE -
(0) transition of the reset Entrada,
then Salida pulses on/off on a time
interval. Once started, the cycle
continues until the reset turns on.
Reset Entrada:
ON = stops cycle and holds off
OFF = Salida turns ON for one
scan cycle at ON to OFF transition
and cycle begins.
2ourD )inuteD Second
304 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins PTMR Periodic Timer Bloque
de funcin
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Start 2our N/A Start Hour 0 through 23
)inute N/A Start Minute 0 through 59
Second N/A Start Second 0 through 59
"ay N/A Start Day )onthly - 1 - 31 (Days
>31 = 31) f the current
month's last day is less
than 31 it will turn ON on
the last day of the
1eekly -Monday
through Sunday
Cycle 2our N/A Cycle Hour 0 through 23
)inute N/A Cycle Minutes 0 through 59
Second N/A Cycle Seconds 0 through 59
-igura NH s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a @T bloque de %uncin.
An O-- dela3 ti$er bloc2 Salida is O: as long as t,e ;ST +ntrada is logic A9 5O:6. 9t can be used %or ti$e
duration but $ust be triggered b3 an O: to O-- transition on t,e ;eset +ntrada. T,is can be acco$plis,ed
using Trigger bloc2s 5T;9F6 to create one<s,ot pulses .,ic, last one scan c3cle. T,e %ast logic trigger pulse
.ill last (?? $s. .,ile t,e nor$al logic trigger pulse .ill last t,e co$plete scan c3cle %or analog bloc2s. Use
according to application need. A !eriodic Timer (!T) Salida pulse $a3 also be used to start t,e ti$er %or t,e
O-- dela3 %or ti$e duration.
?M?( <X X< S
Tr i gger Pulse
OFF Delay Ti mer
-r TMDLY21 Timing Diagram
AND4 Salida
0S02- |- ^
Digital Variable
OFF Delay Timer
TRG1 Salida
OFDT2 Salida
Off delay
Figura (* PT bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 305
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categor3.
T,is bloque de %uncin $easures4controls $ove$ent o% an actuated device. A digital encoder connected to
t,e actuated device produces t.o c,annels 5A and B6 o% square .aves1 o%%set H? degrees. Vuadrature re%ers
to t,e / logic states bet.een t,ese t.o .aves. T,e rising edge to rising edge 5c3cle6 on c,annel A or B
indicates t,at one set o% bars on t,e encoder ,ave passed b3 its optical sensor. B3 counting t,ese passing
rising edges t,e Vuadrature bloc2 $easures
(6 distance 5or .,atever engineering units are being controlled b3 t,e device61
)6 position 5t,at is1 distance %ro$ a $ar2er designated as 8ero61
*6 direction 5indicated b3 t,e sequence bet.een t,e t.o c,annelsR A leads B or B leads A6.
Core precise $easure$ent4control is done b3 counting $ore logic states deter$ined b3 t,e t.o .aves. -or
+>e$plo1 t,e quadrature state o% c,annels A and B create %our unique logic states. J,en t,ese %our unique
logic states are decoded1 t,e resolution obtained is / ti$es 5/!6 t,e resolution o% t,e encoder. So .it, t,is
in $ind )G? c3cles .ould 3ield (??? quadrature states.
25A$ = #alue added to t,e Salida in +U.
E925A$ = +nable Bias. J,en O: t,e bias is added to t,e Salida. +ntrada is ignored i% not connected and
de%ault state is enabled.
5)L3 = 9ndeL Clear +nable. J,en t,is is O: it enables t,e $oduleOs 9ndeL +ntrada so t,at t,e %irst O-- to
O: transition o% 9ndeL +ntrada resets t,e Salida to 8ero 5plus bias1 i% enabled6.
<3$T = O-- to O: transition resets t,e Salida to 8ero 5plus bias1 i% enabled6.
<)L?> = O-- to O: transition clears t,e C:T+;; and ;:F+;; %lags to 8ero.
306 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
QDT Quadrature Bloque de
4"T 4uadrature Bloque de
T,e V0T stands %or Vuadrature.
Bloque de funcins QDT
Quadrature Bloque de funcin
59) = O: .,en count is incre$entingR O-- .,en count is stopped or decre$enting. DE)
= O: .,en count is decre$entingR O-- .,en count is stopped or incre$enting. 59DEX =
O: .,en indeL pulse is detected and 9CL; are asserted. )9TE33 = O: .,en t,e count
on t,e $odule over%lo.s or under%lo.s. 39>E33 = O: .,en t,e count on t,e $odule
surpasses t,e range li$its. )D5$ = O: .,en t,e @-V $odule detects a cable disconnect.
?A5L = O: .,en $odule is %ailed. Caused b3 9:C and 0+C bot, O:. OUT = Count in
To ensure correct counting1 t,e bloc2 counts onl3 pulses o% a certain .avelengt, 5E).)G uS6R s$aller pulses
caused b3 noise are re>ected. Additionall3 onl3 a single transition o% C,annel A 5+ntrada (6 and C,annel B
5+ntrada )6 $a3 occurR a transition on bot, c,annels si$ultaneousl3 cases an invalid count.
Configuration Para;eters
Table %* 4"T para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To
change block order,
right-click on a
Bloque de funcin
and select Execution
/ntrada ! !ddress ,ack 0 This is the address of the selected
Enter a value:
from 1 to 5.
)odule 0 Slot location of the PFQ module Enter a value:
from 1 to 12
Channel 0 Channel A on the PFQ Module 1 (not selectable)
/ntrada B !ddress ,ack 0 This is the address of the selected
Automatically set to
same as Entrada A.
)odule 0 Slot location of the PFQ module Automatically set to
same as Entrada A.
Channel 0 Channel B on the PFQ Module 2 (not selectable)
/ncoder ,ange Pulses per
1 Number of pulses per EU of the
variable being measured/counted. Be
sure to factor in your Quadrature Mode
setting (X1, X2, X4).
Enter a value.
+pper ,ange
3 Upper range limit of EU. Enter a value.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 307
Bloque de funcins
QDT Quadrature Bloque de funcin
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
oRer ,ange
4 Lower range limit of EU. Enter a value.
2 Resolution of counter. The quadrature
code produced by encoders has 4 state
changes (edges) per quadrature cycle
(one per cycle). A 250 CPR encoder
has 250 cycles, (1000 pulses) per
revolution. X1 decoding means that the
external electronics pulses once per full
cycle. X2 pulses twice per cycle. X4
pulses every quadrature state.
X1: One pulse per
X2: Two pulses per
X4: Four pulses per
Failsafe +se 0alue 5 When FAL is ON Salida is set to this
Click to select,
enter a value.
+p scale 6 When FAL is ON Salida is set to
Upper Range Limit.
Click to select.
"oRn scale 6 When FAL is ON Salida is set to
Lower Range Limit.
Click to select.
2'" 6 When FAL is ON Salida is held. Click to select.
4uadrature Funcin used to ;easure the Salida of an encoder to
deter;ine the position of a traCersing process=
Figura %? 4uadrature bloque de funcin /:e;plo
308 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
RA Bloque de
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categor3.
T,is bloc2 is used onl3 %or T,er$ocouples .,en t,e t,er$ocouple Cold _unction is in a re$ote location1
i.e.1 :OT connected at t,e A9 $odule. Cold _unction co$pensation is per%or$ed using t,e value presented at
t,e ;C_ +ntrada1 .,ic, is a te$perature value in degrees C o% t,e re$ote >unction and .,ic, .ill co$e
%ro$ anot,er A9 bloc2. C_ co$pensation and lineari8ation is per%or$ed in t,e bloc2 producing a value in
engineering units at t,e OUT pin. -ail status o% t,e A9 bloc2 $easuring t,e ;e$ote C_ can be applied to t,e
;STAT pin. 5i.e. i% t,e ;C_ $easure$ent -ails1 t,e T,er$ocouple $easure$ent %ails6
Analog value %ro$ speci%ied real 94O address.
D5$ = disable t,e A9 c,annel
3)6 = ;e$ote C_ #alue < T,is .ould co$e %ro$ an A9 bloc2 Salida.
3$TAT = ;e$ote C_ Status < T,is .ould co$e %ro$ t,e A9 bloc2 -ail @in.
OUT = Analog +ntrada value in engineering units.
OA39 4 Jarning +ntrada 9ndication < Sensor %ailure possibilit3. 9% A9 +ntrada .iring or sensor
(?? o,$s o% resistance1 t,e JA;:ing pin .ill energi8e. T,ere also .ill be a .arning i% t,e
value o% ;C_ is outside t,e li$its <*? to &H? C
?A5L = 0igital status o% c,annel
0igital Lo. 5?6 = OI
0igital Aig, 5(6 = Open sensor or %ailed +ntrada c,annel or ;STAT +ntrada is O:
indicating a
-ailed ;C_ A9 bloc2
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 309
,!I Bloque de funcin
T,e 3A5 label stands %or Analo& Entrada 0it' 3emote
Table *? !nalog /ntrada Rith ,e;ote C3Q configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Bloque de
funcins RA
Bloque de funcin
Configuration para;eters
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To
change block order,
right-click on a
Bloque de funcin
and select Execution
This is the address of the selected
Enter a value
from 1 to 5.
I3' )odule
Address of selected /O module (must
match model selection guide)
Enter a value:
from 1 to 12
Channel on selected /O Module Enter a value: from
1 to 8 or 16.
T3C Type and
N/A Thermocouple Entrada types Select an Entrada
from list box.
See Table 91 for
Entrada Type and
310 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
RA Bloque de
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Bad Channel
N/A Check this to generate a hardware
failure diagnostic if a bad A channel
is detected. f unchecked, a
diagnostic will not be generated,
which may be desirable for Entradas
used for monitoring only.
Click on block to
select or deselect
,e;ote C3Q N/A Set FAL pin ON if RCJ value outside
limits (-30 to 90 C)
Click on block to
select or deselect
Salida 0alue
8 The Salida value when the A channel is
disabled. Disable = ON
Enter a value
Default = 0
Filter Ti;e
2 A software digital filter is provided for
the Entrada designated to smooth the
Entrada. You can conFigura the first
order lag time constant from 1 to 120
seconds. 0=no filter
Enter a value: 0 to
120 seconds
Bias 3 Bias is used to compensate the
Entrada for drift of an Entrada value
due to deterioration of a sensor, or
some other cause.
Enter a value:
9999 to 99999
Failsafe +se
N/A Use the User value entered in the
appropriate field.
Click on Radio
button to select
Failsafe +se
0alue field
4 The Salida value to which the Salida
will go to protect against the effects of
failure of the equipment, such as, fuel
shut-off if there is loss of flame in a
furnace, or a sensor break.
Enter a value in
Engineering Units
9999 to 99999
"oRnscale N/A OUT = Value of Low range implied by
T/C Entrada type.
Click on Radio
button to select
+pscale OUT = Value of High range implied by
T/C Entrada type.
Click on Radio
button to select
N/A Burnout check enable Click on block to
select or deselect
Failsafe rules
9% t,e controller is unable to access t,e p,3sical c,annel or t,e sensor is %ault31 and=
9% -ailsa%e is PUse #alueQ T,en OUT = Con-igurad -ailsa%e value
9% -ailsa%e is enabled and do.nscale T,en OUT = Lo. ;ange #alue o% T4C +ntrada t3pe
9% -ailsa%e is enabled and upscale T,en OUT = Aig, ;ange #alue o% T4C +ntrada
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 311
Bloque de funcins
RA Bloque de
Table *< 2C*?? /ntrada Types and ,anges for ,!I Bloque de funcin
Enum Type Range Low Range High EU
? None
B -18 1815 C
B 0 3300 F
E -270 1000 C
E -454 1832 F
E -129 593 C
E -200 1100 F
J -18 871 C
J 0 1600 F
J -7 410 C
J 20 770 F
K -18 1316 C
K 0 2400 F
K -18 982 C
K 0 1800 F
K -29 538 C
K -20 1000 F
Ni-NiMo 0 1371 C
Ni-NiMo 32 2500 F
Ni-NiMo 0 682 C
Ni-NiMo 32 1260 F
NiMo-NiCo 0 1371 C
NiMo-NiCo 32 2500 F
NiMo-NiCo 0 682 C
NiMo-NiCo 32 1260 F
NiCroSil-NiSil -18 1300 C
NiCroSil-NiSil 0 2372 F
NiCroSil-NiSil -18 800 C
NiCroSil-NiSil 0 1472 F
R -18 1704 C
312 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
RA Bloque de
Enum Type Range Low Range High EU
R 0 3100 F
S -18 1704 C
S 0 3100 F
T -184 371 C
T -300 700 F
T -129 260 C
T -200 500 F
W_W26 -20 2320 C
W_W26 -4 4200 F
W5W26 -18 2316 C
W5W26 0 4200 F
W5W26 -18 1227 C
W5W26 0 2240 F
-igura W( s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ con%iguration using an ;A9 bloque de %uncin.
;A9 used %or .or2 te$perature $onitoring. Tag descriptors are used to identi%3
t,e +ntrada. A digital tag connected to t,e %ail Salida can alar$ on an open
Figura %< ,!I bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 313
Bloque de funcins
RACK Bloque de funcin
,!C5 Bloque de funcin
T,e 3A)= label stands %or 5O 3acC 7onitor.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Alarms/Monitor categor3.
T,e rac2 $onitor bloc2 is a repositor3 %or controller4eLpansion rac2 94O $odule in%or$ation1 including
T,e ;ac2 bloque de %uncin provides ;ead4Jrite access to 94O ;ac2 values. T,is bloc2 is al.a3s stored in
t,e reserved bloc2 area 5HM t,ru (??61 are al.a3s in t,e con%iguration .,et,er visible in t,e -B0 or not.
T,e total nu$ber is dependent on t,e controller t3pe.
+ac, ;ac2 $onitor bloc2 ,as a unique identi%ication nu$ber t,at is %iLed %or all con%igurations. T,e ;ac2
nu$ber appears on t,e bloque de %uncin. T,e :u$ber is speci%ied as=
8 4 3acC T8 (7ain 3acC)
2 4 3acC T2 (EFpansion 3acC)
4 3acC T (EFpansion 3acC)
I 4 3acC TI (EFpansion 3acC)
J 4 3acC TJ (EFpansion 3acC)
9ight !lick on Block icon to Monitor Block diagnostics<
314 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
RACK Bloque de funcin
3A)= ?A5L = On indicates ;ac2 ot,er t,an Food
5;e%er to ;ac2 0iagnostics < Controller 0iagnostics Status 9ndications in t,e (y&rid 0ontrol 0esigner
User Fuide %or -ault diagnostics6
.5TE7! = On indicates Aig, ;_ Te$perature detected on A9 board
5;e%er to +Lpansion 94O Co$$ 0iagnostics < +Lpansion 94O Co$$ 0iagnostics Status 9ndications in t,e
(y&rid 0ontrol 0esigner User Fuide %or -ault diagnostics6
7ODFF -A9L = On indicates Codule ot,er t,an Food.
594O Codule 0iagnostics < 94O Codule 0iagnostics Status 9ndications in t,e (y&rid 0ontrol 0esigner User
Fuide %or -ault diagnostics6
*he -tatus Indications 1ill list the Error -tatus2 possi&le causes of failure2 controller actions2 and )ser
action to remo$e failure"
Figura %2 ,ack )onitor bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 315
Bloque de funcins
RAMP Bloque de funcin
,!)P Bloque de funcin
T,e 3A7! label stands %or 3amp.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
T,e 3A7! bloque de %uncin is t3picall3 used %or variable speed1 valve position1 and c,e$ical %eed
applications to reduce t,e Salida value as $ore eLternal devices are enabled.
or E=emplo- I, one pump is running at >22 ? and a second pump is ena*led3 the "alida :alue may *e
rescaled to @2 ? *y the pump A ena*le signal<
T,e ra$p bloc2 re%erences an analog signal1 and using %our separate scales $ultipleLed toget,er1 provides a
single analog Salida over a progra$$ed range.
A con%igurable signal lag LAF T9C+" is applied to t,e re%erenced analog +ntrada 5@#6. T,e ,ig,est
enabled scale +:(<+:/" is applied to t,e lagged @# value. T,e Salida o% t,e selected scale is t,en t,e
Salida o% t,e bloque de %uncin OUT".
A bu$pless analog trans%er over ti$e is applied .,en s.itc,ing bet.een t,e selected scales. 9% no scales are
selected1 t,en t,e de%ault +ntrada value 0-LT" is .ritten to t,e Salida.
9% t,e bloc2 is disabled1 t,e user con-igurad O%% #alue" is .ritten to t,e Salida.
Turning O: an override +ntrada O#(<O#/" sets its Salida 5prior to $ultipleLing6 ,ig, or lo. depending on
t,e state o% t,e override +ntrada ,ig, O# A9 B On or O,,".
T,e general %orcing o% Salidas is per$itted .it,in t,is bloc2. ;a$ping and Cla$ping .ill not appl3 to t,e
Salida i% it is %orced.
316 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
RAMP Bloque de funcin
59 = @# +ntrada 5Analog +ntrada signal6.
D?LT = T,e Salida is set to t,is value i% no ra$ps are enabled. 9t t3picall3 co$es %ro$ anot,er ;a$p bloc21
t,us ra$ps to be stac2ed toget,er.
E9 +8,I- = +nables or disables t,e associated scale.
O" +8,I- = J,en O:1 overrides t,e Salida o% t,e associated scale to t,e ,ig, or lo. li$it value depending
on t,e state o% O# A9.
O" .5 = deter$ines t,e li$it value o% t,e selected scale .,en it is overridden. O:=override ,ig,1
O--=override lo.
D5$ = :or$all3 O--. 9% O:1 t,en OUT = t,e con-igurad O%%<#alue
OUT = EnaDled = t,e scale4ra$p Salida1 DisaDled = t,e user con-igurad O%%<#alue
$cale Limits
@# +ntrada values t,at are outside o% t,e +ntrada lo. li$it and +ntrada ,ig, li$it settings are not processed.
T,e Salida value is cla$ped based on t,e +ntrada li$its. T,e +ntrada lo. and ,ig, li$its $a3 be inverted1
5%or +>e$plo= +ntrada lo. li$it E +ntrada ,ig, li$it6 to reverse scale t,e Salida.
Block properties
T,e 3amp properties dialog boL is divided into -9#+ tab cards=
3A7! 8
3A7! 2
3A7! I
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 317
Bloque de funcins
RAMP Bloque de funcin
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3. Table H) describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
318 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins RAMP Bloque
de funcin
Table *2 ,!)P general tab para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
$eneral Tag -a;e N/A 16-character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block Descripcin 16 character maximum
"isplay I- "eci;al
N/A Parameter Decimal Places
shown on the operator nterface
for the Entrada and Entrada
Range 0 to 5
Enter selection in field
'+T "eci;al
N/A Parameter Decimal Places
shown on the operator nterface
for the Salida and Salida Scale
Range 0 to 5
Enter selection in field
I- /ngr=
N/A PV Engineering Units for
Operator nterface. Also applies
to Entrada Limit parameters.
Four characters maximum
Enter characters in field
'+T /ngr=
N/A Salida Engineering Units for
Operator nterface. Also applies
to Salida Scale Limit parameters.
Four characters maximum
Enter characters in field
Settings 'ff 0alue 16 Value written to OUT when the
scale is disabled. f no scales are
selected, then the default Entrada
value [DFLT] is the Salida.
Within the Salida Limits
ag Ti;e
19 Lag Time Constant Range: 0.0 to 120.0
seconds. 0=no lag
,ate +p
A/+ secB
17 Transfer Rate in Engineering
Units/second when switching to a
higher value (bumpless analog
Range: 0-99999 EU/sec
,ate "oRn
A/+ secB
18 Transfer Rate in Engineering
Units/second when switching to a
loRer value (bumpless analog
Range: 0-99999 EU/sec
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 319
Bloque de funcins
RAMP Bloque de
RAM7 tabs
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3. T,ere are %our ra$p tabs1 eac, .it, t,e sa$e entr3 %ields. Select t,e tab %or eac,
ra$p at t,e top o% t,e dialog boL.
Table H* describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection %or eac, ra$p.
Table *& ,!)P tabs para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Afor each ,a;p J
abel N/A Unique name for each of the 4
internal Ramp Funcins.
8 Characters
I- 2igh i;it 8
Entrada HGH Limit value applied
to the PV after signal lag.
Within the PV range
I- oR i;it 12
Entrada LOW Limit value applied
to the PV after signal lag.
Within the PV range
'+T Scale
2igh 0alue
High Salida limit after rescale. Within the PV range
'+T Scale
oR 0alue
Low Salida limit after rescale. Within the PV range
320 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
RAMP Bloque de funcin
-igura W* s,o.s a bloque de %uncin diagra$ using ;AC@ bloque de %uncins. 9n t,e +>e$plo1 i% Stage *
is O: and all ot,ers are O--1 t,e Salida to t,e device .ill equal to t,e t,ird scale o% ;a$p (. 9% Stages * and
W are O:1 t,en t,e Salida to t,e device .ill equal t,e %ourt, scale o% ;a$p T).
,!)P J<
Constant = 0 < M default
Request from Stage 1 I K enable#1
Request from Stage 2 I K enable#2
Request from Stage 3 IPPPPPPPPPB enable#3
Request from Stage 4 IPPPPPPPPPK enable#4
forcing logic I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>K force#1
forcing logic I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>K force#2
forcing logic I CBY force#3
forcing logic I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>K force#4
Constant (1 = high, 0 = low) I>>>>>>>K forcehi
Analog Salida
to Variable
Speed Drive
Figura %& ,!)P bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 321
Request from Stage 5
Request from Stage 6
Request from Stage 7
Request from Stage 8
forcing logic I forcing logic I
forcing logic I forcing logic ]
Constant (1 = high, 0 = low)C
Bloque de funcins
RCON Read Constant Bloque de funcin
,C'- ,ead Constant Bloque de funcin
T,e 3)O9 label stands %or 3ead )onstant !arameter Data. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
;eads t,e nu$erical value o% selected con%iguration para$eter in a given bloque de %uncin"
-elect the inde3 num&er of the required parameter from the specific &loque de funci4n reference data
and enter it in the appropriate field in the 5%ead 0onstant ,roperties6 dialog &o3"
T,e Bloc2 5B= 6 nu$ber and t,e 9ndeL 59= 6 nu$ber .ill appear on t,e bloc2 icon.
OUT 4 Analog value o% para$eter
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
322 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins RCON Read Constant Bloque
de funcin
Configuration para;eters
Table *# ,ead constant configuration data
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,ead Para;eters Block
N/A Number of control block that
contains desired configuration
101 to 500(Model C30)
101 to 2100(Model C50)
101 to 5100 (Model
N/A ndex number of configuration
parameter to be read.
Select the index number of
the required parameter from
the specific bloque de
funcin reference data
T'e DlocC numDer and parameter indeFT 0ill appear on t'e Eront oE t'e 3)O9 Dloque de Euncin.
EUemplo , 2H22 5H
The main purpose of this control block is to make a block configuration parameter (constant)
available for display. To do this, you must enter the corresponding parameter index number for
the selected configuration parameter. Select t1e inde( n&mber of t1e re%&ired )arameter
from t1e s)ecific blo%&e de f&nciDn reference data and enter it in t1e a))ro)riate field
in t1e Read +onstant 7ro)erties dialo' bo("
,C'- /:e;plo
-igura W/ s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using t,e ;CO: bloque de %uncin.
The process variable High Range Value for a PD block (ndex #4) may be displayed at the Operator Panel with the
Analog Signal Tag name TC1 PV H, and/or the process variable may be used as an Entrada to another control block.
Figura %# ,C'- bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 323
Bloque de funcins
RCP Recipe Selector Bloque de funcin
,CP ,ecipe Selector Bloque de funcin
T,e 3)! label stands %or 3ecipe $elector.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "etpoint 5rogram categor3.
Used to initiate loading o% recipe values into a c,osen set o% controller variables. +ntradas include recipe nu$ber and
load co$$and. Loads nu$bered ;+C9@+ 5:UC6 .,en digital signal 5L06 is O: into t,e various bloc2s o%
t,e controller.
9% L0 = O-- to O:1 t,en= 3ecipe numDered (9U7) is loaded in place oE t'e current set oE %ariaDle
9U7 = ;ecipe nu$ber 5(<G?6.
LD = Load recipe < O-- to O: .ill load t,e recipe.
The recipe is loaded at the time of block execution. f using multiple RECPE blocks, they may
counteract. Also, use the lowest execution numbers.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
The recipe is loaded while the LD signal is on. t is not a one time load, it is a continuous load
while the LD signal is on.
f the O operator attempts to change a variable value (done by means of the Variable Edit
display on the O), the operator's changes will immediately be overwritten by the loading
recipe since it also contains the variable.
To correct this problem, conFigura a one-shot trigger signal between LD and its signal. This will
cause LD to go on for one scan cycle instead of staying on.
324 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins RCP Recipe
Selector Bloque de funcin
-igura WG s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an ;C@ bloque de %uncin. T,e BC0 bloc2 selects a
recipe nu$ber and t,e ;C@ bloc2 loads t,e recipe in place o% t,e current set o% recipe variables.
0601 -| |-
0602 -| |-
0604-| |-
?M?G <X X< &
-.-DO --
Recipe Number
_ < <
EPP1 1
< <
?N?( <X X< 0703-| |-
0702 -| |-
Recipe Table
Figura %7 ,CP bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 325
PROFNUM ^------
Up to 50 Analog/Digital
Bloque de funcins
RH Relative Humidity Bloque de funcin
,2 ,elatiCe 2u;idity Bloque de funcin
T,e 3. label stands %or 3elati%e .umidit/.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3.
Calculates ;A as a -uncin o% .et bulb te$perature1 dr3 bulb te$perature and at$osp,eric pressure.
?<(?? U ;A is Salida as a %loating point nu$ber bet.een ? and (??.
D3Y = 0r3 Bulb Te$perature 5`-1 $etric = `C6
OET = Jet Bulb Te$perature 5`-1 $etric = `C6
!3E$ = At$osp,eric @ressure 5psi1 $etric = @a6
3. = ;elative Au$idit3 5?<(??6
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
326 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins RH Relative
Humidity Bloque de funcin
Metric system
Table *7 )etric units
)etric '- 'FF
t is physically impossible for the wet bulb to be warmer than the dry bulb. f this appears to be
the case, it implies a problem with the sensors, and will result in a RH greater than 100 %.
Downstream blocks should detect that situation and react promptly.
-igura WM s,o.s an ;A bloque de %uncin +>e$plo.
A setup para$eter allo.s +ntradas to be in 0egrees - or 0egrees C. J,en 0egrees - is selected1 pressure
is assu$ed to be in @S9A. J,en 0egrees C is selected1 pressure is assu$ed to be in @a. 5(?(*)G @a = ( std.
Figura %8 ,2 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 327
Bloque de funcins
ROC Rate of Change Bloque de funcin
,'C ,ate of Change Bloque de funcin
T,e 3O) label stands %or 3ate oE )'an&e.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e AuLiliar3 categor3.
an analog Salida representing units per $inute c,ange o% t,e analog +ntrada.
co$pare setpoints %or ,ig, and lo. rate o% c,ange.
co$pare selections %or increasing1 decreasing or bot, directions o% c,ange.
a logic (5O:6 Salida .,en +ntrada rate eLceeds ,ig, rate setpoint
a logic (5O:6 Salida .,en +ntrada rate is less t,an t,e lo. rate setpoint.
59 = Analog +ntrada
.5R3) = O: i% +ntrada rate eLceeds Aig, ;ate setpoint
LOR3) = O: i% +ntrada rate is less t,an t,e Lo. ;ate setpoint
3ATE = Analog Salida representing +ngineering Units per $inute o% c,ange o% t,e Analog +ntrada
328 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table *8 ,'C configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Filter Ti;e Constant 0 Filter Time Constant 0.0 to 3.0 minutes
Setpoint i;its 2igh ,ate 1 High Rate of Change setpoint 0 (off) to 99999.9 eu/min
oR ,ate 2 Low Rate of Change setpoint 0 (off) to 99999.9 eu/min
"irection ,ate 2igh 3
High Rate Direction
ncreasing only
Decreasing only
Click on radio button to
"irection ,ate oR 4
Low Rate Direction
ncreasing only
Decreasing only
Click on radio button to
2ysteresis 5 Hysteresis 0-999
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 329
Bloque de
funcins ROC Rate of Change
Bloque de funcin
Bloque de funcins
ROC Rate of Change Bloque de funcin
-igura WN illustrates various responses %or t,e ;ate O% C,ange Bloque de %uncin. 'ou can also use t,e ;OC
bloc2 to alar$ i% ;ate eLceeds t,e @reset Setpoint Li$it.
2igh ,ate SP AI-C B
====H rate SP (NC)
2I ,C F '-
PPPH rate SP (NC)
'1 ,ate SP AI-CB
=====LO rate SP (NC)
' ,C F 'FF
=====>a LO rate SP (NC)
2igh3oR ,ate SP ABothB
3 H rate SP (NC)
b PPPP LO rate SP (NC)
2I ,C F 'FF
========= ' ,C F 'FF
===== LO rate SP (DEC)
H rate SP (DEC)
2I ,C F 'FF
2igh ,ate SP A"/C B 2I ,C F
H rate SP (DEC)
2I ,C F 'FF
bOaaa>= H rate SP (DEC)
' ,C F '-
'1 ,ate SP A"/CB ' ,C
LO rate SP (DEC)
' ,C F '-
OOaaaa>= LO rate SP (DEC) Figura %(
,'C bloque de funcin responses
Signal Tags
@lace in Alar$ group %or <
;AT+<ALC " Alar$ detection4annunciation
< ;AT+ " @lace in Overvie. 0ispla3
3 H rate SP (NC)
=3 =====>> LO rate SP (NC)
3==>TT aO 2I ,C F 'FF Oc
cdM> ' ,C F '-
LO rate SP (DEC)
H rate SP (DEC)
A2 2

< I-
ROC1 1
group to vie. rate
Figura %% ,'C bloque de funcin /:e;plo
330 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins RSTAT Redundancy Status Bloque
de funcin
,ST!T ,edundancy Status Bloque de funcin
T,e 3$TAT label stands %or 3edundanc/ $tatus. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Alarms/Monitors categor3.
Used .it, redundant C@Us onl31 suc, as CN?;. T,e Salida pins indicate t,e lead4reserve status o% C@U A and
C@U B. T,e +ntrada can %orce a %ailover bet.een C@Us.
<?O"E3 < O--<to<O: transition causes a $anual %ailover bet.een C@Us i% a ;eserve C@U is online and
A LEAD < O: .,en C@U A is t,e Lead1 else O--. 2
LEAD < O: .,en C@U B is t,e Lead1 else O--. A
3$3" < O: .,en C@U A is t,e ;eserve1 else O--. 2
3$3" < O: .,en C@U B is t,e ;eserve1 else O--.
Configurable Para;eters
Table *( ,edundancy Status configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To
change block
order, right-click
on a Bloque de
funcin and
select Execution
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 331
Bloque de funcins
RSW Rotary Switch Bloque de funcin
,S1 ,otary SRitch Bloque de funcin
T,e 3$O label stands %or 3otar/ $0itc'.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "ignal "electors categor3.
T,e single Salida value is selected %ro$ up to W analog +ntradas b3 a nu$ber o% %ro$ ( to W.
Numbers less than one select Entrada one as the Salida. Numbers greater than eight select
Entrada 8 as the Salida.
598 = +ntrada ( 592 = +ntrada
) 59 = +ntrada * 59I =
+ntrada / 59J = +ntrada G 59A
= +ntrada M 59L = +ntrada N
59K = +ntrada W $EL = Selects
+ntrada T to Salida
OUT = Salida #alue
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
332 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins RSW Rotary Switch
Bloque de funcin
-igura WH s,o.s ,o. a ;SJ bloque de %uncin .or2s. 9t selects an Salida value %ro$ up to W analog values
or nu$ber +ntradas.
. N7
,V W
,,, ,o
Figura %* ,S1 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 333
Bloque de funcins
RTC Real Time Clock Bloque de funcin
,TC ,eal Ti;e Clock Bloque de funcin
T,e 3T) label stands %or 3eal Time )locC.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ounters/'imers categor3.
T,e ;eal Ti$e Cloc2 bloc2 provides Salidas pins t,at 3ou can access in 3our con%iguration to $a2e
decisions based on t,e value o% t,e controllerOs ;eal Ti$e Cloc2 value.
T,e ;TC bloque de %uncin ,as t,e d3na$ic Salidas based on t,e value o% t,e real ti$e cloc2 o%
t,e controller=
Seconds1 Cinutes1 Aours1 0a3 o% Jee21 0a3 o% Cont,1 0a3 o% 'ear1 Cont,1 'ear.
-igura H? s,o.s a bloque de %uncin diagra$ using a ;TC bloque de %uncin.
Figura *? ,TC bloque de funcin /:e;plo
334 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins RTMR Resettable Timer
Bloque de funcin
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ounters/'imers categor3.
T,e ;esettable Ti$er bloc2 ,as t,e attributes=
@rovides increasing or decreasing ti$ing base on an enable +ntrada.
9ncreasing ti$e %ro$ ? or preload value.
0ecreasing ti$e %ro$ preset or preload value.
9ncreasing ti$e provides digital Salida upon reac,ing @reset
0ecreasing ti$e provides digital Salida upon reac,ing 8ero
;eset +ntrada sets increasing ti$er to 8ero.
;eset +ntrada sets decreasing ti$er to preset value.
@reset value $a3 be internal1 or re$ote via a dedicated +ntrada
9nc.40ec. selection is via digital +ntrada.
Toggling t,e reset 5;ST6 pin resets t,e current elapsed ti$e and loads t,e ne. preset valueR t,ere%ore1 i%
c,anging t,e preset value 5re$ote or local61 t,e user $ust enter t,e ne. preset value1 t,en reset t,e
ti$er %or t,e ne. preset to be used during t,e neLt ti$e c3cle. 9% t,e ti$er is reset prior to entering t,e
ne. preset value1 t,e ti$er .ill use its previous preset %or its co$pare condition.
3$T = O%% to On transition1 ;eset. Toggling ;ST resets t,e current elapsed ti$e and loads t,e ne. preset
valueR t,ere%ore1 i% c,anging t,e preset value 5re$ote or local61 t,e user $ust enter t,e ne. preset value1
t,en reset t,e ti$er %or t,e ne. preset to be used during t,e neLt ti$e c3cle. 9% t,e ti$er is reset prior to
entering t,e ne. preset value1 t,e ti$er .ill use its previous preset %or its co$pare condition.
E9 = +:ABL+ O: = runR ti$er is counting
O-- = Ti$er is stoppedR Salida 5T9C+;6 ,eld at last value
T57RD9 = O: 5ti$e do.n6R O-- 5ti$e up6
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 335
,T), ,esettable Ti;er Bloque de
T,e 3T73 label stands %or 3esettaDle Timer.
Bloque de funcins
RTMR Resettable Timer Bloque de funcin
3!3E$ = ;e$ote @reset 5?.? B HHHHH.H6
9% 'ime&up1 ;@;+S represents $top value in seconds 9%
'ime &down1 ;@;+S represents $tart value in seconds
!3EL = @reload 5?.? B HHHHH.H6
9% 'ime&up1 @;+L represents $tart value in seconds 9%
'ime&down1 @;+L represents $tart value in seconds
T57E = +lapsed ti$e 5%or T9Ca0: +ntrada =O--61 Ti$e ;e$aining 5%or T9Ca0: +ntrada = O:6
OUT = Salida 50igital6 turned O: .,en @reset value is reac,ed or ti$e reac,es ?1 depending on T9C0:
+ntrada status
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table *% ,T), configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Presets ocal
0 Local Preset Click Radio Button to
Enter a value in the field
1 to 99999
,e;ote Preset 1 ON = use remote preset Click on radio button to
+se Preload 2 YES = use external preload
rather than zero for starting or
NO = Use default (0 second)
Click on radio button to
336 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins RTMR Resettable Timer
Bloque de funcin
Ti;ing diagra;
;eset or
i i
1 1 1
59% Count<Up6
1 i i i i i
59% Count<0o.n6
i i i i
i i
Figura *< Ti;ing diagra; for resettable ti;er
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 337
Bloque de funcins
SCB Scale and Bias Bloque de funcin
SCB Scale and Bias Bloque de funcin
T,e $)2 label stands %or $cale and 2ias.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Math categor3.
Cultiplies an analog +ntrada value 5!6 b3 a scaling constant 5I6 and adds Bias to it.
OUT = 5I \ !6 & B9AS
X = Analog #alue
OUT = Codi%ied Analog #alue
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
338 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins SCB Scale and Bias Bloque
de funcin
Configuration para;eters
Table ** SCB configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Scale Factor 0 K - Multiplier (scaling) constant 99999 to 99999
Bias 1 Bias Constant - is used to
compensate the Entrada for drift
of an Entrada value due to
deterioration of a sensor, or
constant offset to an Entrada.
99999 to 99999
-igura H) s,o.s bloque de %uncin diagra$s using a SCB bloque de %uncin.
EUemplo 8 EUemplo 2
"cale actor 1 @ "cale actor 1 >
Bias 1 >222 Bias 1 BC2
Figura *2 SCB bloque de funcin /:e;plos
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 339
Bloque de funcins
SEQ Sequencer Bloque de funcin
S/4 Sequencer Bloque de funcin
T,e $EB label stands %or $equencer.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e ast Logic categories.
+ac, sequencer supports up to (M digital Salidas t,at $a3 be eit,er on or o%% in eac, o% G? states e.g.
@U;F+1 -9LL1 A+AT1 etc1 per bloc2 T,e sequencer $a3 ,ave up to M/ sequential steps t,at activate .it,in
t,e states o% t,e process.
Steps o% t,e sequencer $a3 be con-igurad to advance based on ti$e1 on digital event 5) per step61 or a
$anual advance. A separate >og -uncin is also provided.
T,e -uncin can also con-igura an analog Salida on a step basis. T,e operational sequence %or t,e steps is
retained in a separate sequence %ile in t,e $e$or3 o% t,e controller t,at $a3 be selected on<de$and
t,roug, a user inter%ace or via a recipe.
Up to )? sequences $a3 be stored.
E9A = Level +ntrada to enable t,e bloc2 < onl3 c,ec2ed in ;ead3 StateR +ntrada is ignored i% not
9$EB = Sequence :u$ber. See ATT+:T9O: belo..
9$TE! = Starting Step :u$ber. See ATT+:T9O: belo..
<$ET = @ulse +ntrada to load :S+V and :ST+@ nu$bers. See ATT+:T9O: belo..
<6O> = @ulse +ntrada to >og to step nu$ber
340 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins SEQ Sequencer
Bloque de funcin
<3E$ET = @ulse +ntrada %or reset
.OLD = +ntrada %or Aold 5level trigger6
<3U9 = +dge triggered +ntrada %or run
<AD" = +dge triggered +ntrada to advance to t,e neLt step de%ined in t,e current
sequence step
f either or both NSEQ and NSTEP are connected directly to analog variables, when that
analog variable changes (for Ejemplo: via a recipe load), then the Sequencer block will
immediately use the new value internally.
f NSEQ or NSTEP is connected to any other Funcin type then their values are loaded into
the Sequencer only when ^SET goes through a positive transition.
OUT8 t'ru OUT8A = State Salida values
$T73 = Ti$e re$aining in current step 5$inutes6
7ODE = Sequence Code :4A1 ;+S+T1 ;U:1 AOL01 STO@"
$TATE = Current State nu$ber 5Salida states as con-igurad b3 t,e user6
AUX = AuLiliar3 Salida corresponding to t,e current step
$TE! = Current Step nu$ber
Configurable Para;eters
T,e Sequencer properties dialog boL is divided into * tab cards
$eneral tab
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Tag -a;e 0 Tag Name of Sequencer 16 characters maximum
"escriptor Descripcin of Sequence 16 characters maximum
!uG label Auxiliary Salida label for O
8 characters maximum
!uG +nits Auxiliary Salida Engineering
Units for O Display
4 Characters maximum
!uG "eci;al
Decimal Places for Auxiliary
Salida Value
abels tab
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
'ut< thru
0 Salida Labels for O Display 8 characters maximum
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 341
Bloque de funcins
SEQ Sequencer Bloque de funcin
States tab
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
State -a;e 0 Name of State 12 characters maximum
Digital Salida States 1 to 16 Select from dropdown
menu ON(1) or OFF(0)
/Cent Signal < Event Signal #1 Tag Select from drop-down
Analog Signal Tags
Salida Tags
/Cent Signal 2 Event Signal #2 Tag Select from drop-down
Analog Signal Tags
Salida Tags
T,e process controlled in t,is +>e$plo is representative o% $an3 sequential batc, operations. $ee ?i&ura X.
T,e Sequencer bloque de %uncinOs digital Salidas are connected to t,e controller digital Salida bloque de
%uncins to control t,e operation o% t,e various %ield devices suc, as pu$ps1 valves1 solenoids and ot,er
equip$ent needed to eLecute t,e batc, process -uncin. T,e digital Salidas $a3 also be connected to ot,er
bloque de %uncins in t,e control strateg3 as needed.
9n t,e +>e$plo t,e auLiliar3 analog Salida 5AU!6 is connected to an analog Salida bloc2 to set t,e speed o% an
eLternal device suc, as a variable speed drive.
T,e Sequencer bloque de %uncin can be started1 ,eld1 advanced or reset %ro$ a Aone3.ell operator 9nter%ace
or %ro$ digital signals as indicated in t,e +>e$plo. T,e status o% t,e Sequencer bloc2 $a3 be $onitored using
bloc2 Salidas suc, as current state nu$ber1 current step nu$ber and $ode %ro$ signals available on t,e
bloc21 or %ro$ t,e Aone3.ell operator inter%ace.
T,e actual sequence to be eLecuted is $ade up o% t.o data sets. T,e %irst data set de%ines .,ic, digital
Salidas .ill be O: or O-- %or eac, State o% t,e bloque de %uncin1 $ee ?i&ura XI. Up to G? States $a3 be
de%ined %or t,e bloc2. +ac, state also ,as a () c,aracter state label t,at is used b3 t,e Aone3.ell operator
inter%ace to indicate t,e active state. T,is data set also provides +ntrada %ields to de%ine t.o digital signals t,at
$a3 be used to cause t,e sequencer to eLit t,e current state. T,e Tag na$es in t,e colu$ns %or +vent Signal T(
and +vent Signal T) represent t,e digital signals o% t,e control strateg3 t,at .ill be used to eLit t,e associated
T,e second data set needed to eLecute a sequential control strateg3 is t,e actual sequence1 $ee ?i&ura XJ.
T,is data set ,as a series o% steps1 ( t,roug, M/. +ac, step is setup to activate a speci%ic State 5set o% digital
Salidas6 %ro$ t,e bloque de %uncin. T,e sequencer .ill re$ain in t,e Step until a user speci%ied ti$e ,as
elapsed or until eit,er o% t,e events %or t,e speci%ic State transitions %ro$ O-- to O:1 causing t,e step to
T,e neLt step in t,e sequence can be di%%erent depending on t,e action t,at causes t,e sequencer to eLit t,e
step. Ti$e1 event (1 event ) and advance step eac, allo. t,e user to speci%3 a unique neLt step value.
0epending on t,e ite$ t,at occurs %irst1 elapsed ti$e1 event (1 event )1 or advance1 t,e sequencer .ill
advance to t,e speci%ied neLt step. T,is provides t,e %leLibilit3 to ta2e alternate action i% t,e eLpected action
does not occur on sc,edule.
Sequences can be stored in t,e controller 5data speci%ied in -igura HG6 and be selected as part o% a recipe or
$anuall3 t,roug, a Aone3.ell operator inter%ace.
342 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins SEQ
Sequencer Bloque de funcin
Figura *& Sequencer bloque de funcin /:e;plo > Part <
Figura *# Sequencer bloque de funcin /:e;plo > Part 2
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 343
Bloque de funcins
SEQ Sequencer Bloque de funcin
Sequence@ b$,//- $b b$,//- $'Pb
Ti;e in
Ti;e -eGt
/Cent < -eGt
/uent 2 -eGt
!uG= 0alue
< < FLL & 2 2 <2 2 25
2 2 ADDA ? & 3 <2 & 25
& & ADDB ? # 4 <2 # 25
# 7 MX <? 7 0 7 75
8 HEAT &? 8 0 <2 8 25
8 # ADDC ? ? 7 ? ( 25
( 7 MX S % 0 ? % 95
% 8 HEAT 27 * 0 ? * 95
* S VENT <? <? 0 ? <? 25
<? ( BYPASS 7 << 0 ? << 25
<< 7 MX 2 <2 0 ? <2 25
<2 8 HEAT <7 <& 0 ? <& 25
<& << DRAN ? <# 13 ? <# 0
<# <& END ? ? 0 ? < 0
<7 <2 ABORT SEQ ? <8 0 ? <8X 0
Add Delete
OK Cancel
Figura *7 Sequencer bloque de funcin /:e;plo > Part &
344 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins SPEV Setpoint Programming Event
Decoder Bloque de funcin
SP/0 Setpoint Progra;;ing /Cent "ecoder Bloque de funcin
T,e $!E" label stands %or $etpoint !ro&rammin& E%ents.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "etpoint 5rogram and "etpoint "cheduler categories.
Sets up to siLteen digital event Salidas t,at $a3 be O: or O-- on a per seg$ent basis. +ntradas
include progra$ nu$ber1 seg$ent nu$ber1 and progra$ state 5;+A0'1 ;U:1 AOL01 FAOL01
STO@6 %ro$ setpoint progra$ bloc2 or setpoint sc,eduler bloc2.
9% @rogra$ :u$ber 5@FC6 = ?1 Seg$ent :u$ber 5S+F6 = ?1 or @rogra$ State 5STA6 is ;+S+TR t,en= E8
to E8A 4 O??.
Ot,er.ise1 E8 to E8A 4 as speci%ied in progra$ 5@FC61 seg$ent 5S+F6.
!>7 = @ro%ile nu$ber
-or S@ @rogra$$er < HH
-or S@ Sc,eduler < )? $E> = Seg$ent nu$ber 5(
to G?6. $TA = @rogra$4sc,edule State 5;ead31 ;un1 Aold1 F,old1
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 345
Bloque de funcins
SPEV Setpoint Programming Event Decoder Bloque de funcin
SPEV Entradas must be connected directly to corresponding Salidas of SPP (Setpoint
Program) or SPS (Setpoint Scheduler) block.
n Stop state, events stay in the state defined in the last segment.
E8 = 0igital signal < seg$ent event (
E2 = 0igital signal < seg$ent event )
E = 0igital signal < seg$ent event *
EI = 0igital signal < seg$ent event /
EJ = 0igital signal < seg$ent event G
EA = 0igital signal < seg$ent event M
EL = 0igital signal < seg$ent event N
EK = 0igital signal < seg$ent event W
EX = 0igital signal < seg$ent event H
E8P = 0igital signal < seg$ent event (?
E88 = 0igital signal < seg$ent event ((
E82 = 0igital signal < seg$ent event ()
E8 = 0igital signal < seg$ent event (*
E8I = 0igital signal < seg$ent event (/
E8J = 0igital signal < seg$ent event (G
E8A = 0igital signal < seg$ent event (M
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
346 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins SPEV Setpoint Programming Event
Decoder Bloque de funcin
-igura HM s,o.s a bloque de %uncin diagra$ using a S@+# bloque de %uncin to provide event Salidas
%or a setpoint progra$$er.
T,e S@ progra$$er event Salida status $a3 be directed to <<<
digital Salidas1 part o% control logic1 or be directed to signal
tags %or use an3.,ere .it,in t,e control con%iguration. YA




D010 10
Figura *8 SP/0 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 347
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "etpoint 5rogram categor3.
;uns a setpoint ra$p4soa2 progra$ t,at produces a setpoint Salida on a ti$e<based pro%ile t,at is loaded into
t,e bloc2. A single pro%ile $a3 be %ro$ ) to G? seg$ents in lengt,. Up to N? pro%iles are stored in t,e
controllerOs $e$or3. +ac, seg$ent o% t,e pro%ile $a3 be a ra$p or soa2 eLcept t,e last seg$ent $ust be a
9n addition to t,e $ain ra$p and soa2 Salida value1 a second 5AU!6 analog value is available %or eac, step
o% t,e progra$. T,is Salida is a %iLed soa2 value t,at $a3 be used to provide a setpoint value %or a
secondar3 control loop in t,e process. -or +>e$plo1 see E=emplo B & 4sing the setpoint programmer A4D
"alida )page ;@C+."
A Setpoint guarantee -uncin is provided t,at ,olds t,e progra$ i% a process variable eLceeds a prede%ined
deviation %ro$ setpoint. Selections allo. setpoint guarantee to be active %or t,e entire progra$1 %or soa2
seg$ents onl31 or %or user speci%ied seg$ents1 or %or no seg$ents. -or +>e$plo1 see E=emplo > & 5I8 with
setpoint programmer and guaranteed soak )page ;@;+."
Up to * @rocess #ariables $a3 be con-igurad as +ntradas to t,e bloc2 %or setpoint guarantee.
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de
SPP Bloque de funcin
T,e $!! label stands %or $etpoint !ro&rammer.
!"8 = @rocess #ariable T( value in engineering units1 %or deviation c,ec2.
!"2 = @rocess #ariable T) value in engineering units1 %or deviation c,ec2.
348 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins SPP
Bloque de funcin
!" = @rocess #ariable T* value in engineering units1 %or deviation c,ec2.
AuF !" = AuL @# %or AuL @# 0ispla3.
E9A2L 4 Level +ntrada to enable t,e bloc2 < onl3 c,ec2ed in ;ead3 StateR +ntrada is ignored i%
not connected.
9!>7 = :e. pro%ile nu$ber 5( to N?6. See ATT+:T9O: belo..
9$E> = :e. start seg$ent nu$ber 5( to HH6. J,en connected1 it is used in con>unction .it, t,e S+T
+ntrada o% t,e bloc2 to set t,e current seg$ent o% t,e pro%ile to t,e value o% :S+F. See
ATT+:T9O: belo..
<$ET = @ulse +ntrada to load :@FC and :S+F nu$bers. See ATT+:T9O: belo..
<6O> = @ulse +ntrada to _og to a prede%ined seg$ent.
3$T3T = @ulse +ntrada %or restart action a%ter interruption -or +>e$plo1 see E=emplo @
&!ontrolled 9estart a,ter 5ower Loss )page ;@E+<F
>.OLD = Fuaranteed soa2 ,old < c,anges progra$ state %ro$ ;U: to FAOL0 .,en turned O: and
FAOL0 to run .,en O--.
<3E$ET = @ulse +ntrada ;+S+TS progra$1 .,en turned O:.\
<.OLD = @ulse +ntrada puts progra$ in AOL01 .,en turned O:. ;un needed to restart.
<3U9 = @ulse +ntrada puts progra$ in ;U:1 .,en turned O:R eLcept .,en progra$ is in FAOL0
<AD" = @ulse +ntrada %or advance o% seg$ent.
%or E=emplo3 see E=emplo ; & Alternate methods ,or actuating "5 programmer "'A9'/(OL8/9E"E'
unci6ns )page ;@@+<
f either or both NPGM and NSEG are connected directly to analog variables, when that analog
variable changes (for Ejemplo: via a recipe load), then the Setpoint Programmer block will
immediately use the new value internally.
f NPGM or NSEG is connected to any other Funcin type then their values are loaded into the
SP Programmer only when ^SET goes through a positive transition.
$! AUX
>.OLD5 = Fuaranteed soa2 ,old indication < turns on i% @# is outside guaranteed soa2 band and
Fuaranteed Soa2 is enabled.
= @rogra$$ed setpoint value in engineering units
Second non<ra$ping auLiliar3 setpoint Salida in engineering units. -or +>e$plo1 see
E=emplo B & 4sing the setpoint programmer A4D "alida )page ;@C+."
Ti$e ;e$aining in current seg$ent < in $inutes.
Ti$e +lapsed in current seg$ent < in $inutes.
Ti$e +lapsed in progra$ < in $inutes
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 349
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de
3EADY = @rogra$ ;eset state indication
.OLD5 = @rogra$ Aold state indication
3U95 = @rogra$ ;un state indication
$TO!5 = @rogra$ Stop indication 5@rogra$ Co$plete6
!>7 = Current @ro%ile :u$ber 5( to HH6 < connect to @FC +ntrada on S@+# bloc2.
$E> = Current Seg$ent :u$ber 5( to G?6 < connect to S+F +ntrada on S@+# bloc2.
$TA = Current progra$ state 5;+S+T1 AOL01 ;U:1 FAOL01 STO@6. Connected to STA +ntrada
o% t,e S@+# bloc2
The program states are:
0 = Until block is first executed after power up
1 = Reset
2 = Run
3 = Hold
4 = GHold
5 = Stop
6 = Disabled
f the first step of a profile is a ramp, the program will start the ramp from the value of PV
Entrada 1. f the first step of a profile is a soak, the program will start from the soak value.
f consistent starting values are required, begin all profiles with a soak.
The PV Entradas are used to determine PVSP deviation for guaranteed soak segments.
Valid program numbers begin with 1. Valid segment numbers begin with 1.
The GHOLD Salida is not affected by the status of the GHOLD Entrada.
The RST, HLD, RUN, JOG, ADV, SET, RESTART Entradas are activated only when the
respective Entrada changes from OFF to ON. A maintained ON Entrada has no different
affect than a pulsed ON Entrada (that is, it has no effect until it turns OFF and then back ON
The program may be changed (with some exceptions) from the current state to a new state
by the operator as well as by Entradas to the SPP block. Table 100 lists the resulting
Concerning changing program state, if more than one bloque de funcin Entrada is on in the
same execution cycle, RESET has priority over HOLD and RUN, and GHOLD has priority
over RUN.
Also, bloque de funcin Entradas will override Entradas from the Operator Panel that occur
during the same execution cycle. And finally, state changes from the Operator Panel are
processed on the basis of the "last change wins.
At the beginning of a segment, STME will be 0 for one execution cycle to permit start of
segment detection by other blocks.
At the end of a segment, STMR will be 0 for one execution cycle to permit end of segment
detection by other blocks.
f RESTART is On, the block will use PV1 as a starting value and ramp at Restart Rate back
to the last SP value, then complete the remaining portion of the segment. Restart Rate is a
property of the profile (program)
350 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de
"Fastforward (i.e. Verify) is initiated through the operator interface. t is not an Entrada pin.
Fastforward is a way to check for proper Funcining of the profile's events and Salidas,
without having to wait for the profile to execute at its normal speed. When FASTFORWARD is
ON, the program will run at a speed 60 times faster. When FASTFORWARD is OFF, the
program will run at normal speed.
Table <?? SPP /ntradas and current state
/ntrada Current State
,/S/T 2'" ,+- $2'" ST'P
,estart scenario options
Table <?< ,estart scenario options
< No Action taken Program will start at the point where it was prior to power
Use the Restart feature of the Setpoint
Programmer with a configurable Ramp
This feature will use the PV (connected to PV1) as the initial
starting point for the Setpoint and will use a configurable
ramp rate for the profile. When the temperature gets to the
original Setpoint prior to power down, the program will
continue. See Fi'&ra 5-50 Scenario A"
Use the Restart feature of the Setpoint
Programmer with a configurable Ramp
Rate and use a compare Funcin so that
the restart will apply only after a certain
You may gate this Restart Entrada to the programmer to
only apply after a certain time off and/or a certain segment if
desired using Compare bloque de funcins. See Fi'&ra
5-50 Scenario !"
Be sure to conFigura the Restart Ramp Rate when a controlled restart is being conFigurad.
f not the default value of 0 will cause the programmer to freeze.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 351
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table <?2 SPP configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block Tag -a;e N/A 16 character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block descriptor
"isplay "eci;al
N/A Number of places to display after
the decimal point
SP +nits N/A Engineering unit descriptor 6 characters
!uG "eci;al
N/A Number of places to display after
the decimal point
4 Characters
Failsafe SP Failsafe
0 Failsafe Setpoint Value 9999 to 9999
Engineering Units
352 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de funcin
/:e;plo < > PI" Rith setpoint progra;;er and guaranteed soak
Figura *( PI" Rith setpoint progra;;er and guaranteed soak
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 353
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de
/:e;plo 2 > PI" Rith setpoint progra;;er and eCent Salidas
T,e S@ progra$$er event Salida status $a3 be directed to
digital Salidas1 part o% control logic1 or be directed to signal
tags %or use an3.,ere .it,in t,e control con%iguration.




PD2 2
-[STAGE1 ] -
[ STAGE2 ]
Figura *% PI" Rith setpoint progra;;er and eCent Salidas
354 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de
/:e;plo & > !lternate ;ethods for actuating SP progra;;er ST!,T32'"3,/S/T Funcins
T.o $et,ods are s,o.n
T,e pus,button bloc2 .ill tie t,is -uncin to t,e
@us,button screen displa3. @us,buttons .ill
provide a one<s,ot Salida eac, ti$e t,e3 are
Using t,e 0igital variable bloc2 t,is -uncin can
be displa3ed on t,e O#+;#9+J displa3.
:ote= Since 0igital variables are turned O: and
O-- %ro$ t,e overvie. displa31 once turned O:
t,e3 $ust be $anuall3 turned O--1 to be used a
second ti$e.
:ote= Control Builder So%t.are .ill not allo.
t,e Salida o% t.o bloc2 to be tied toget,er.
Connections are s,o.n %or 0+CO onl3 o% an
alternative connection.
Figura ** !lternate ;ethods for actuating SP progra;;er ST!,T32'"3,/S/T Funcins
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 355
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de
A13 12 A14 13
Aux PV
< <
' 'u PD11 9
sppooe TEMP
u"uHOLD PD-12 -11
u"uADV A015 14
U b 3>>>>>c
Figura <?? +sing the setpoint progra;;er !+6 Salida
356 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
/:e;plo # > +sing the setpoint progra;;er !+6 Salida
T,e AuLiliar3 Salida o% t,e Set @oint @rogra$$er 5S@@6 bloc2
can be used to drive t,e ;S@ o% a secondar3 @90 control bloc2
on a level basis. T,is precludes t,e use o% anot,er S@@ bloc2. A
di%%erent 5or sa$e6 set point can be con-igurad %or eac,
progra$$er step. T,is can be used to progra$ pressure1 UC1
etc. %or a second control loop. Bot, @90 loops can be s,o.n on
t,e sa$e S@ @rogra$$er displa3. T,e @# %or t,e secondar3
@90 bloc2 is connected to t,e top rig,t pin o% t,e S@@ bloc2 to
allo. vie. o% t,e @# on t,e S@ @rogra$$er displa3.
(W?? <
0eg. -
Bloque de funcins
SPP Bloque de
/:e;plo 7 > Controlled ,estart after PoRer oss
$)E9A35O A
To prevent stress to t,e .or2 in a %urnace on up a%ter a loss1 3ou $a3 use t,e
;estart %eature o% t,e S@ progra$$er. T,is %eature
.ill use t,e @# 5connected to @#(6 as t,e initial
starting point %or t,e Setpoint and .ill use a
con%igurable ra$p rate %or t,e pro%ile. J,en t,e
te$perature gets to t,e original Setpoint prior to do.n1 t,e progra$ .ill continue. 'ou $a3
gate t,is ;estart +ntrada to t,e progra$$er to onl3
appl3 a%ter a certain ti$e o%% and4or a certain
seg$ent i% desired using Co$pare bloque de
T,is +>e$plo uses t,e S3ste$ Conitor bloc2
to provide a restart pulse to t,e progra$$er
;estart +ntrada a%ter restore. T,is .ill
initiate t,e restart procedure.
continues loss
restore ra$p
$)E9A35O 2
A S3ste$ Conitor bloc2 Salida
5;+STA;T6 is on %or t,e %irst scan c3cle
a%ter a loss plus T9C+aO--
Salida indicates t,e ti$e t,e ,as
been o%%. A Co$pare bloc2 can be used
to evaluate t,e ti$e o%% and cause an
Salida to initiate t,e restart i% greater
t,an a set a$ount.
Ti$e O%% is in seconds.
ASYS249 1
SET-TOFF ^-"------------^^
t <
< t
SPP2 3
i i I
PD3 4
9% Ti$e O-- is greater t,an S+TaTO--1 eLecute restart
:OT+= +Lecution sequence relative to S@@ bloc2
Figura <?< Controlled restart after poRer loss
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 357
9nitial @#
value on
Bloque de funcins
SPS Setpoint Scheduler Bloque de funcin
SPS Setpoint Scheduler Bloque de funcin
T,e $!$ label stands %or 7aster $etpoint $c'eduler.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "etpoint "cheduler categor3.
T,e ob>ective o% t,e Setpoint sc,eduler is to provide a sequence o% $ultiple setpoint Salidas 5bot, analog
and digital6 .,ic, are re%erenced to a co$$on ti$e base. -ive setpoint sc,edule bloc2 t3pes .ill be
Caster Setpoint Sc,eduler Bloc2 5S@S6
AuLiliar3 Setpoint Bloc2 5S@SA6
0igital +vent Bloc2 5S@+#6
State S.itc, Bloc2 5STSJ6
State -lags Bloc2 5ST-L6
A suite o% Setpoint Sc,eduler bloc2s is co$prised o% one $aster Setpoint Bloc2 5required6 and optionall31
one 0igital +vent1 one AuLiliar3 Setpoint1 one State S.itc,1 and4or one State -lags bloc2.
SPS Block Funcin
T,e Caster 5S@S6 bloc2 supports up to W ra$p or soa2 Salidas operating on a co$$on ti$e base. 9t accepts
one @# %or eac, setpoint. Setpoint guarantee is provided %or t,e $aster 5S@S6 bloc2 setpoints .it, a single
s3$$etrical value %or eac, setpoint Salida. 'ou can assign a %ailsa%e value %or eac, setpoint.
358 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins SPS Setpoint Scheduler
Bloque de funcin
E9A2L4Level +ntrada to enable t,e bloc2. Onl3 c,ec2ed in read3
state. +ntrada is ignored i% not connected.
9!>7 = @rogra$ :u$ber 5.,en S+T is O:6. See ATT+:T9O: belo..
9$E> = Starting Seg$ent :u$ber 5.,en S+T is O:6. See ATT+:T9O: belo..
<$ET = @ulse +ntrada to load :@FC and S+F nu$bers. See ATT+:T9O: belo..
!"8 = (
@rocess #ariable
!"2 = )
@rocess #ariable
!" = *
@rocess #ariable
!"I = /
@rocess #ariable
!"J = G
@rocess #ariable
!"A = M
@rocess #ariable
!"L = N
@rocess #ariable
!"K = W
@rocess #ariable
$T3B = %or connection to t,e STV; Salida o% t,e STSJ bloque de %uncin. 5See -igura (?).6 T,e
STSJ bloc2 encodes discrete +ntradas to a %or$ t,at .ill conve3 c,ange $ode requests %ro$ t,e STSJ
?.? :o C,ange
(.? _og State
).? Fuaranteed Aold State
/.? ;eset State
W.? Aold State
(M.? ;un State
*).? Advance state
f either or both NPGM and NSEG are connected directly to analog variables, when that
analog variable changes (for Ejemplo: via a recipe load), then the Setpoint Scheduler block will
immediately use the new value internally.
f NPGM or NSEG is connected to any other Funcin type then their values are loaded into the
SP Scheduler only when ^SET goes through a positive transition.
!>7 = Current @rogra$ :u$ber
$E> = Current Seg$ent nu$ber
$TA = @rogra$ State 5;eset1 ;un1 Aold1 F,old1 Stop6.
$!8 4 Setpoint T( Salida 5+U6
$!2 4 Setpoint T) Salida 5+U6
$! 4 Setpoint T* Salida 5+U6
$!I 4 Setpoint T/ Salida 5+U6
$!J 4 Setpoint TG Salida 5+U6
$!A 4 Setpoint TM Salida 5+U6
$!L 4 Setpoint TN Salida 5+U6
$!K 4 Setpoint TW Salida 5+U6
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 359
Bloque de funcins
SPS Setpoint Scheduler Bloque de funcin
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
"ialog boG structure
T,e S@S properties dialog boL is divided into %our tab cards
TA>G?A5L$A?E 7A59 $AL5DA
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Table <?& Tag3Failsafe configuration para;eters
Properties $roup
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Tag -a;e N/A 16 character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block descriptor
Failsafe Setpoints SP ? thru % 0 Failsafe Setpoint 1 thru 8 Failsafe
Value is the initial value when
exiting the program mode. Default
Failsafe value is 0.0.
Value in EU
360 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins SPS Setpoint Scheduler Bloque
de funcin
9t lets 3ou set up labels %or Main "alidas in t,e Setpoint Sc,edule to be displa3ed on t,e Operator 9nter%ace. +nter
Label na$es1 Units5eu61 and 0eci$al places
Table (?/ describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Table <?# )ain Salida labels configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
SP< thru SP%
abel N/A Label name for Operator nterface 8 characters max.
+nits N/A Units for Operator nterface 4 characters max.
N/A Decimal places for operator
0 - 4
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 361
Bloque de funcins
SPS Setpoint Scheduler Bloque de funcin
9t lets 3ou set up labels %or Auxiliary "alidas in t,e Setpoint Sc,edule to be displa3ed on t,e Operator 9nter%ace.
+nter Label na$es1 Units5eu61 and 0eci$al places
Table <?7 !uGiliary Salida labels configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!+6< thru !+6%
abel N/A Label name for Operator nterface 8 characters max.
+nits N/A Units for Operator nterface 4 characters max.
N/A Decimal places for operator
0 - 4
362 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins SPS Setpoint Scheduler Bloque
de funcin
9t lets 3ou set up labels %or E:ents in t,e Setpoint Sc,edule to be displa3ed on t,e Operator 9nter%ace. +nter a label title
in eac, %ield
Table <?8 /Cent labels configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
/0/-T< thru
/0/-T %
abel N/A Label name for Operator nterface 8 characters max.
+nits N/A Units for Operator nterface 4 characters max.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 363
Bloque de funcins
SPS Setpoint Scheduler Bloque de funcin
Setpoint scheduler /:e;plo
SPS1 1

-PV5 SP5
. PV6 SP6
. PV7 SP7
Figura <?2 Setpoint scheduler bloque de funcin suite
364 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins SPSA Setpoint Scheduler Auxiliary
Setpoint Bloque de funcin
SPS! Setpoint Scheduler !uGiliary Setpoint Bloque de funcin
T,e $!$A label stands %or $etpoint $c'eduler AuFiliar/ $etpoint 2locC.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "etpoint "cheduler categor3.
T,e eig,t setpoint Salidas o% t,e AuLiliar3 Setpoint bloc2 are set to t,e current step value. T,e current step
is an +ntrada to t,e bloc2 and $ust be connected to t,e step Salida o% a Caster Sc,eduler bloc2. At t,e end
o% a step1 t,e Salidas o% t,e slave bloc2 go directl3 to t,e neLt step value. T,at is1 ;a$ps are not supported.
!>7 = Current @rogra$ :u$ber
$E> = Current Seg$ent nu$ber
$TA = @rogra$ State 5;eset1 ;un1 Aold1 F,old1 Stop6.
A!"8 = (
AuLiliar3 @rocess #ariable 5+U6
A!"2 = )
AuLiliar3 @rocess #ariable 5+U6
A!" = *
AuLiliar3 @rocess #ariable 5+U6
A!"I = /
AuLiliar3 @rocess #ariable 5+U6
A!"J = G
AuLiliar3 @rocess #ariable 5+U6
A!"A = M
AuLiliar3 @rocess #ariable 5+U6
A!"L = N
AuLiliar3 @rocess #ariable 5+U6
A!"K = W
AuLiliar3 @rocess #ariable 5+U6
AUX 8 = AuLiliar3
AUX 2 = AuLiliar3
AUX = AuLiliar3
AUX I = AuLiliar3
AUX J = AuLiliar3
AUX A = AuLiliar3
AUX L = AuLiliar3
AUX K = AuLiliar3
Salida T(
Salida T)
Salida T*
Salida T/
Salida TG
Salida TM
Salida TN
Salida TW
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 365
Bloque de funcins
SPSA Setpoint Scheduler Auxiliary Setpoint Bloque de funcin
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura (?) s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ 5Setpoint Sc,eduler Suite6 using a S@SA bloque de %uncin.
366 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
SQRT Bloque de funcin
S4,T Bloque de funcin
T,e $B3T label stands %or $quare 3oot.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3.
+Ltracts t,e square root o% t,e analog +ntrada 5!6 as long as t,e +ntrada is greater t,an t,e con-igurad
0;O@O-- value.
9% ! E 0;O@O--1 t,en= OUT = square root o% !.
Ot,er.ise1 OUT = ?.
X = Analog value %or square root eLtraction
OUT = Square ;oot value
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 367
Bloque de funcins
SQRT Bloque de
Configuration para;eters
Table <?( S4,T configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set "ropoff "ropoff 0 Minimum Entrada for Square Root 0 to 99999
Must be set at > = 0
-igura (?* s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a SV;T bloque de %uncin.
Figura <?& S4,T bloque de funcin /:e;plo
368 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins STG
Stage Bloque de funcin
ST$ Stage Bloque de funcin
T,e $T> label stands %or $ta&e.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
T,e Stage 5STF6 bloque de %uncin provides di%%erential On4O%% control and is t3picall3 used to $onitor
pressure and %lo. %or controlling pu$ps and operating valves.
T,ere are %our individual stages grouped toget,er in t,e bloque de %uncin. T,e bloc2 $onitors %ro$ one to
t.o analog +ntradas 5@#(1 @#)6 .,ic, are co$$on to all %our stages1 co$pares t,e$ %or eac, stage b3 a
con%igurable co$parator1 and provides On4O%% control Salidas %or t,e %our stages based on con%igurable
setpoints %or eac, stage. +ac, stage can be individuall3 enabled and %orced O: or O-- 5O#O:4O#O--6
!re%ious interloc2ing prevents a stageOs Salida %ro$ turning O: until t,e previous stage ,as turned O:.
9eFt interloc2ing prevents a stageOs Salida %ro$ turning O-- until t,e Salida o% t,e neLt stage in
sequence ,as turned O--.
9nterloc2ing is provided %or stages .,ere t,e Salida o% t,e stage is dependent on t,e state o% t,e previous
and neLt stage. 9t also .or2s across sequentiall3 connected bloque de %uncins. 9n order %or interloc2ing
bet.een bloque de %uncins to operate1 t,e interloc2ing +ntrada4Salida pin o% a STAF+ bloque de
%uncin $ust be directl3 connected 5or .it, a signal tag6 to anot,er STAF+ bloque de %uncin
interloc2ing +ntrada4Salida pin. An i$proper connection1 suc, as inserting anot,er bloque de %uncin
t3pe bet.een t.o successive Stage bloc2s1 invalidates t,e interloc2 signal.
+ac, con%iguration is li$ited to W stage bloque de %uncins.
T,e general %orcing o% Salidas is not per$itted .it,in t,is bloc2.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 369
Bloque de funcins
STG Stage Bloque de funcin
!"8 4 Analog +ntrada T( < can be pressure or %lo. B co$$on to all %our stages.
!"2 4 Analog +ntrada T) < can be pressure or %lo. B co$$on to all %our stages.
E98 @ E9I = O: enables t,e associated stage. O-- causes t,e associated request Salida OUT(<OUT/" to
turn O--. T,is condition overrides t,e O#O:4O#O-- +ntradas. J,en +: (</" turns O: t,e stage
algorit,$ is reevaluated to deter$ine t,e state o% OUT 5request6.
O"O98 @ O"O9I = Overrides t,e Salida o% t,e associated stage (</"
O: = override signal to O9 O-- = no override
O"O??8 @ O"O??I 4. Overrides t,e Salida o% t,e associated stage (</" O:
= override signal to O?? O-- = no override I, *oth OVOG and
OVO are OG3 OVO takes precedence<
59T3L= 59 4 9nterloc2ing signal %ro$ previous attac,ed stage bloque de %uncin. 5note (6
OUT8 @ OUTI = O: = Stage (</" request is O:
59T3L= OUT 4 9nterloc2ing signal to interloc2 t,e /
Stage o% t,is bloc2 to t,e %irst Stage o% t,e neLt bloc2
in sequence. 5note (6
Gote >< In cases where two or more stage *locks are tied together3 the seHuence order should *e
programmed in an ascending seHuence to match the desired order o, operation< ailure to maintain
seHuence could cause multiple scans to *e reHuired ,or seHuential operations<
Block properties
T,e $ta&e properties dialog boL is divided into -9#+ tab cards=
$TA>E 8
$TA>E 2
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
370 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3.
Table (?W describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
Table <?% ST$ general tab para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
$eneral Tag -a;e N/A 16-character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block Descripcin 16 characters maximum
"isplay P0< P02
N/A Number of
decimal places
shown on the
O for PV1*
Number of
decimal places
shown on the
O for PV2*
Range 0 to 5
Enter selection in field
+nits N/A Engineering
Units for PV1
Units for PV2
Four characters maximum
Enter characters in field
% Also de,ines the num*er o, decimal places ,or the associated "5 OG/"5 O parameter
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 371
Bloque de
funcins STG Stage
Bloque de funcin
Bloque de funcins
STG Stage Bloque de funcin
STAGE tabs
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3. T,ere are %our stage tabs1 eac, .it, t,e sa$e entr3 %ields. Select t,e tab %or
eac, stage at t,e top o% t,e dialog boL.
Table ((? describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection %or eac, stage.
An W c,aracter label used to identi%3 t,e speci%ic stage Salida on t,e operate displa3s o% t,e operator
Stage Types
T,ere are %our stage t3pes %ro$ .,ic, to c,oose=
!ressureG?lo0 T,e stage bloc2 activates its Salida as t,e !"8 pressure +ntrada increases above t,e
O: setpoint and deactivates t,e Salida as t,e !"2 Elo0 +ntrada increases above its
!ump Do0n T,e stage bloc2 activates its Salida as t,e @#( +ntrada rises 5activate on rise6 above
t,e O: setpoint.
!ump Up T,e stage bloc2 activates its Salida as t,e @#( +ntrada Ealls 5activate on %all6 belo.
O: setpoint
User )on?i&urad T,e user can select eit,er @# %or O: and O-- co$pare as .ell as t,e co$pare t3pe
%or t,eir particular application 5no restrictions6.
372 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins STG Stage Bloque
de funcin
T,e Stage t3pe selection pre<assigns +ntradas and Ai4Lo setpoint co$parisons as indicated in Table (?H.
T,ese cannot be altered. T,e User<con%igurable t3pe $a3 be used to custo$ assign @# +ntradas and setpoint
co$parison t3pes.
Table <?* "efault P0 sources and co;pare type operators
Stage Type P0P'- F P0P'FF F Co;pare 'perator
betReen P0 '- and
SP '-
Co;pare 'perator
betReen P0 'FF and
Pressure 3 FloR PV1* PV2* PV ON > SP ON* PV OFF> SP OFF*
Pu;p "oRn PV1* PV1* PV ON > SP ON* PV OFF< SP OFF*
Pu;p +p PV1* PV1* PV ON < SP ON* PV OFF> SP OFF*
+ser Configurable PV1 or PV2 PV1 or PV2 Select from: PV
Select from: PV OFF
%8e,ault I cannot *e changed
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 373
Bloque de funcins
STG Stage Bloque de funcin
Table <<? ST$ Stage Tabs para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Settings abel N/A Unique name for each of the 4
internal stage Funcins
8 Characters
Type N/A See "Stage Types for definitions
and Table 109 for associated
Pu;p "oRn
Pu;p +P +ser
Default =
Interlocking N/A When set to ON, the current stage
is interlocked to the )re#io&s stage
'- = nterlock 'FF
= No nterlock
Default = OFF
nterlock with Previous Stage ?
N/A When set to ON, the current stage
is interlocked to the ne(t stage
'- = nterlock 'FF
= No nterlock
Default = OFF
nterlock with Next Stage ?
'n Co;pare P0 N/A Defines PV1 or PV2 as the source
for the comparison to SP ON.
See Table 109 for
SP 12 - 15 Setpoint used with ON comparator No range limits
Can be changed from
an operator interface
N/A Comparison type operator
between PV ON and SP ON.
See Table 109 for
atch "elay 28 - 31 Delay prior to latching the Salida
0 9999 seconds
'ff Co;pare P0 N/A Defines PV1 or PV2 as the source
for the comparison to SP OFF.
See Table 109 for
SP 16 - 19 Setpoint used with OFF
No range limits
Can be changed from
an operator interface
N/A Comparison type operator
between PV OFF and SP OFF.
See Table 109 for
atch "elay 32 - 35 Delay prior to unlatching the
Salida OFF
0 9999 seconds
374 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins STG
Stage Bloque de funcin
-igura (?/ s,o.s a bloque de %uncin diagra$ using a STF bloque de %uncin to control tan2 level b3
sequencing $ultiple pu$ps.
High Tank Level
EN4 0UT4
Pump 1
Pump 2
Pump 3
Figura <?# ST$ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 375
2EN1 0UT1
EN2 0UT2
EN3 0UT3
Bloque de funcins
STFL Setpoint Scheduler Stage Flags Bloque de funcin
STF Setpoint Scheduler Stage Flags Bloque de funcin
T,e $T?L label stands %or t,e $etpoint $c'eduler $tate ?la&s.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "etpoint "cheduler categor3.
Connects to Caster bloc2 5S@S6 via dedicated connection and provides logic (5O:6 state digital Salidas %or
Sc,eduler $odes. T,e State -lags bloc2 accepts t,e encoded $aster bloc2 state as an +ntrada and produces
digital Salidas corresponding to t,e current value o% ST-L.
$T?L = t,is +ntrada is connected to t,e ST-L Salida o% t,e S@S bloque de %uncin. 5See -igura (?).6
>.OLD = O: i% state = (.?1 else O--
3EADY = O: i% state = ).?1 else O--
.OLD = O: i% state = /.?1 else O--
3U9 = O: i% state = W.?1 else O--
$TO! = O: i% state = (M.?1 else O--
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura (?) s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ 5Setpoint Sc,eduler Suite6 using a ST-L bloque de %uncin.
376 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
ST,I$ Selectable Trigger Bloque de
T,e $T35> label stands %or Selectable Trigger.
Bloque de
funcins STRG Selectable Trigger
Bloque de funcin
T,is bloc2 is a part o% t,e Logic categor3.
T,is bloc2 allo.s 3ou to select one o% t,e +ntrada conditions %or triggering t,e digital
< T,e +ntrada state c,anges %ro$ O-- to O:.
< T,e +ntrada state c,anges %ro$ O: to O--.
< Bot, o% t,e above.
J,en t,is bloc2 is KtriggeredK its Salida .ill be O: %or one c3cle.
T,is bloc2 .ill also allo. 3ou to select one o% t,e initial scan be,aviors=
< :o trigger action a Cold Start or Jar$ Start.
< Trigger t,e Salida on t,e initial scan a Cold StartR ta2es precedence over t,e +ntrada pin
< Trigger t,e Salida on t,e initial scan a Jar$ StartR ta2es precedence over t,e +ntrada pin
< Trigger t,e Salida on t,e initial scan a Cold Start or Jar$ StartR ta2es precedence over t,e
+ntrada pin conditions.
Salida o% t,e bloc2 can be %orced.
59 = +ntrada signal
OUT = Salida signal
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 377
Bloque de funcins
STRG Selectable Trigger Bloque de funcin
Configurable Para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder Execution Order for Block Read Only. To change block order,
right-click on a Bloque de funcin
and select Execution Order.
Tag na;e N/A 16-character tag name
"escriptor N/A Block Descripcin
Trigger type 0 Type of Entrada state change
that will trigger the Salida on
for one cycle.
On to off Off to on Both (On
to off or Off to on)
Initial Scan 1 Type of scan No trigger
Cold Start
Warm Start
Cold Start and Warm Start
Use t,e Selectable Trigger bloque de %uncin in co$bination .it, an U@40: Counter bloque de %uncin to
count t,e nu$ber o% ti$e a process +ntrada c,anged state %ro$ O%% to O: or O: to O-- or bot,.
Figura <?7 ST,I$ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
378 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins STSW Setpoint Scheduler State
Switch Bloque de funcin
STS1 Setpoint Scheduler State SRitch Bloque de funcin
T,e $T$O label stands %or t,e $etpoint $c'eduler $tate $0itc'.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "etpoint "cheduler categor3.
Connects to Caster bloc2 5S@S6 via dedicated connection and accepts digital +ntradas to cause sc,eduler
$ode c,anges. T,e State S.itc, bloc2 accepts state request digital +ntradas and produces an encoded Salida
%or +ntrada to t,e $aster 5S@S6 bloc2.
<6O> = O-- to O: requests _OF state
>.OLD = O: = guaranteed Aold StateR O: to O-- and previous state .as ;U:1 t,en return to ;U:
$ode. <3E$ET = O-- to O:
requests ;+S+T state <3U9 = O-- to O:
requests ;U: state <AD" = O-- to O:
requests A0#A:C+ state
$T3B = %or connection to t,e STV; +ntrada o% t,e S@S bloque de %uncin. T,is bloc2 encodes discrete
+ntradas to a %or$ t,at .ill conve3 c,ange $ode requests to t,e S@S bloc2=
?.? :o C,ange
(.? _og State
).? Fuaranteed Aold State
/.? ;eset State
W.? Aold State
(M.? ;un State
*).? Advance state
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura (?) s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ 5Setpoint Sc,eduler Suite6 using a STSJ bloque de
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 379
Bloque de funcins
SUB Subtraction Bloque de funcin
S+B Subtraction Bloque de funcin
T,e $U2 label stands %or t,e $uDtraction mat'ematical operation (2 Entradas).
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Math categor3.
Subtracts one +ntrada 5!6 %ro$ anot,er 5'6 to obtain an Salida.
OUT = !B'
X = -irst analog value Y
= Second analog value
OUT = Calculated #alue
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura (?M s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a SUB bloque de %uncin.
Figura <?8 S+B bloque de funcin /:e;plo
380 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
4SUB Bloque de
#S+B Bloque de funcin
T,e I$U2 label stands %or t,e $uDtraction mat'ematical operation (I Entradas).
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Math categor3.
Subtracts t,ree analog +ntradas 5!(1 !)1 !*6 %ro$ ' +ntrada to get an Salida.
X8 = -irst analog +ntrada
X2 = Second analog +ntrada
X = T,ird analog +ntrada
Y = -ourt, analog +ntrada 5nu$ber to subtract %ro$6
All four Entradas must be connected. Unconnected Entradas default to
OUT = Calculated #alue
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 381
Bloque de funcins
4SUB Bloque de
-igura (?N s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a /SUB bloque de
%uncin. ' B !( B !) B !* = OUT
Figura <?( #S+B bloque de funcin /:e;plo
382 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins SW Analog
Switch Bloque de funcin
S1 !nalog SRitch Bloque de funcin
T,e $O label stands %or Analo& $0itc'.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "ignal "electors categor3.
Selects +ntrada ' %or Salida .,en digital +ntrada signal 5S'6 is O:.
9% S' = O:1 t,enR OUT 4 Y
Ot,er.ise1 OUT 4 X
X = -irst analog value
Y = Second analog value
$Y = J,ere O: selects ' co$$and digital signal.
OUT = Selected value
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 383
Bloque de funcins
SW Analog Switch Bloque de funcin
-igura (?W s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using an SJ bloque de %uncin to select control signal %or
Figura <?% S1 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
384 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
SYNC Bloque de funcin
S.-C Bloque de funcin
T,e $Y9) label stands %or $/nc'roniZe.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "etpoint 5rogram categor3.
Used to s3nc,roni8e t,e operation o% t.o setpoint progra$s given t,e run. Aold and reset signals %ro$ eac,
/ntrada AaCailable for logic control of progra;;erB
<3E$ET = ;+S+T co$$and1 .,en turned O:.
<.LD = AOL0 co$$and1 .,en turned O:.
<3U9 = ;U: co$$and1 .,en turned O:.
<AD" = A0#A:C+ co$$and1 .,en turned O:
T,e status o% eac, progra$$er connected to t,e Salida pins o% t,e bloc2 are $onitored. A c,ange in state o%
an3 o% t,e progra$$ers is trans%erred to t,e ot,er progra$$ers. T,is occurs regardless o% +ntrada pin
connections. Use o% bloc2 +ntradas is optional.
Ghold status is not transferred between programmers with this block.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 385
Bloque de funcins
SYNC Bloque de funcin
-igura (?H s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a S':C bloque de %uncin.
Funci4n: S3nc,roni8es c,anges in setpoint progra$ state %or $ultiple S@@ bloque de %uncins .,en t,e
state o% an3 connected S@@ is c,anged %ro$ t,e Operators @anel or via a re$ote connection. 5Analog and
digital 94O bloc2s required to co$plete t,is -uncin are not s,o.n.6
Figura <?* S.-C bloque de funcin /:e;plo
386 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TAHD Track and
Hold Bloque de funcin
T!2" Track and 2old Bloque de funcin
T,e TA.D label stands %or TracC and .old.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
@rovides an Salida t,at trac2s t,e value o% t,e +ntrada 5!61 .,en a digital +ntrada signal 5TC6 is OnR or
.,en TC is O--1 ,olds Salida at last value o% !.
9% TC = O:1 t,en= OUT = ! 5T;ACI6
9% TC = O--1 t,en= OUT = Last value o% ! 5AOL06
T) = Trac2 co$$and signal1 .,en turned O:. X =
#alue to be trac2ed.
OUT = trac2 and ,old value o% !
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 387
Bloque de funcins
TAHD Track and Hold Bloque de funcin
-igura ((? s,o.s a bloque de %uncin diagra$ using a TAA0 bloque de %uncin to trac2 t,e +ntrada signal
%or a @90 control loop in con>unction .it, a digital +ntrada.
Figura <<? T!2" bloque de funcin /:e;plo
388 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TCPR
Bloque de funcin
TCP, Bloque de funcin
T,e T)!3 label stands %or 7odDusGT)! 3ead. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categor3. 9t
loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3.
A co$$unication bloque de %uncin t,at eLpands t,e read capabilit3 o% t,e Codbus4TC@ Slave bloque de
%uncin to (M additional data points. Cultiple bloc2s $a3 be connected to t,e sa$e Codbus4TC@ Slave
T,e Codbus4TC@ read bloc2 ,as no +ntradas and (M Salidas. Up to (M registers can be con-igurad as t,e
source o% data %or t,e Salidas.
T,e con%iguration data %or eac, point .ill consist o%=
t,e address o% t,e source device on t,e Codbus lin21
t,e register address o% t,e desired data1
and t,e register t3pe= 9nteger1 -loat1 or Bit @ac2ed.
T,e siLteen Salidas can be connected or tagged in t,e sa$e $anner as an3 ot,er bloque de %uncin Salida.
ADD3 = Slave address %ro$ associated TC@S bloc2. 5Cust be connected to a TC@S bloc26
3D8 t'rou&' 3D8A B Last read value %ro$ selected address
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 389
Bloque de funcins
TCPR Bloque de funcin
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
'ou $ust con-igura t,e TC@; bloque de %uncin Salida @ins as s,o.n in t,e P+dit Selected Salida
@inQ portion o% t,e dialog boL. -ollo. t,e nu$bered sequence s,o.n above re%erring to Table (((.
Table <<< TCP, bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
!ction Selections Co;;ents
< Click on an Salida Pin
from the list of pins in
the upper portion of the
dialog box.
RD1 through
The selected Salida
Pin will appear in the
Salida Pin Field.
2 Click on the "Use
Register field to assign
a register to the Salida
RD1 through
YES will be indicated in
the "Register used
column when you
select "Apply
& Type in the address of
the register (in Hex) on
the slave device
390 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins TCPR
Bloque de funcin
From the drop down
menu, select the
Register Data Type
Unsigned 32
Signed 32
Unsigned 16
Signed 16
Bit Packed
Single Bit
f read as an integer,
the Salida is converted
to a floating point.
Select a Funcin code
for [FloatD +nsignedD
SignedD or Bit Packed\
register data type
Select a Funcin code
for [Single Bit\
Register data type.
Read Holding
Reg Funcin
Code 03
Read Entrada
Funcin Code
Read Coil
Funcin Code
Read Entrada
Funcin Code
Funcin code 03 or
Funcin code 04 is
used to read the
contents of Entrada
registers in the slave.
Funcin code 01 is
used to read a slave's
coil's (discrete Salida's)
ON/OFF status of the
slave device in a binary
data format.
Funcin code 02 is
used to read a slave's
Entrada's (discrete
Entrada's) ON/OFF
status of the slave
device in a binary data
Salida is floating point
equivalent (0.0 or 1.0).
NOTE: Refer to the
manual for the Funcin
codes supported by the
specific device.
8 Select which bit (0-15)
to read when Register
Data Type = Bit Packed
0 to 15 f read as a bit packed
number, you must
select which bit to
mask (0-15).
The Salida will be the
equivalent (0.0 or 1.0)
of the masked bit.
( You must press [APPLY] to accept the register changes.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 391
Bloque de funcins
TCPR Bloque de funcin
-igura ((( s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using Codbus4TC@ bloque de %uncins.
Figura <<< TCP, bloque de funcin /:e;plo
392 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TCPS
Bloque de funcin
TCPS Bloque de funcin
T,e T)!$ label stands %or 7odDusGT)! $la%e $tatus. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categor3.
9t loo2s li2e t,is.
A co$$unication bloque de %uncin allo.s t,e controller to act as a $aster device and co$$unicate .it,
slave devices via t,e +t,ernet port o% t,e controller. ;equires one bloc2 per slave device1 up to *) devices
$aLi$u$. Onl3 one bloc2 $a3 be assigned to eac, slave device. 9t supports / read and / .rite para$eters
plus provides digital indication o% co$$unication integrit3.
E9A2LE 4 +O9- $la%e de%ice is in scan ,
9% t,e +nable pin 5$ connected1 t,en enabling4disabling %ollo.s t,e state o% t,e +nable pin o% t,e bloc2 and
t,e enable4disable -uncin on t,e diagnostic page in t,e AC 0esigner is gra3ed out.
9% t,e +nable pin is 9OT connected1 t,en t,e user $ust be in Conitor $ode1 Conitoring TC@ Codbus
0iagnostics in t,e AC 0esigner1 select t,e device to be enabled or disabled1 and clic2 t,e +nable 5or
0isable6 button.
E98 t'rou&' E9I 4 +O9- 0ata value .ritten once per scan
O38 t'rou&' O3I = #alues to be .ritten to t,e selected register
This block does not support bit packing and single bit writing.
f the register is an integer data type, the floating point Entrada will be rounded up prior to
writing to the address register.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 393
Bloque de funcins TCPS
Bloque de funcin
3D8 t'rou&' 3DI = Last read value %ro$ t,e selected address
9OR$)A9 = Scan 9ndication
O: = 0evice is POut o% ScanQ
O-- = 0evice is P9n ScanQ.
2ADR)O7 = Co$$unications 9ndication
O: = Bad qualit3 or device not de%ined
O-- = Food Co$$unications
5!RADD3 = 9@ Slave Address %or use .it, TC@; and TC@J bloque de %uncins
nteger values are converted to floating point values prior to Salida.
f a Modbus slave device does not respond to a request, the last Salida value will be
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
T,e O:4O-- properties dialog boL is divided into T,ree tab cards=
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
394 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Table <<2 TCPS Block $eneral tab configuration para;eters
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
ConFigura Modbus
Slave Tag
N/A Descripcin of Slave
16-character tag name
Slave address and Tag Name
must be unique within a control
N/A Unit address of slave Leave at 0 unless manufacturer
of the slave device states
N/A P Address of Slave
device on the link
Enter unique address (Cannot be
all or
Default P address =
which means slave will -'T be
in scan
)odbus "ouble
,egister For;at
Each EEE 32-bit floating point number requires two consecutive registers (four bytes)
starting with the register defined as the starting register for the information. The stuffing
order of the bytes into the two registers differs among Modbus hosts. The selections are:
Selection Descripcin Byte order
FP B Floating Point Big Endian Format 4, 3, 2, 1
FP BB Floating Point Big Endian with byte-swapped 3, 4, 1, 2
FP L Floating Point Little Endian Format 1, 2, 3, 4
FP LB Floating Point Little Endian with byte-swapped 2, 1, 4, 3
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 395
Bloque de
funcins TCPS
Bloque de funcin
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3. Table (() describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
Table <<& TCPS Block ,ead tab configuration para;eters
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
/dit Salida Pins Salida Pin N/A Salida pin designation Register request assigned to
RD1, RD2, RD3, or RD4 pin
+se ,egister N/A Register Request Click on the "Use Register field
to assign a register to the Salida
N/A Register Address Type in the address of the Read
register (in Hex) on the slave
-'T/@ ! single configuration
;ay contain up to 278 enabled
"ata Type
N/A Register data type From the drop down menu,
select the Register Data Type
Unsigned 32
Signed 32
Unsigned 16
Signed 16
Bit Packed
Single Bit
f read as an integer, Salida is
converted to floating point
Bloque de funcins
TCPS Bloque de
READ tab
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3. Table ((* describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
396 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins TCPS
Bloque de funcin
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter
0alue or Selection
N/A Several standard Modbus
RTU Funcin codes are
supported. These
standard Funcin codes
provide basic support for
EEE 32-bit floating point
numbers and 16-bit
integer register
representation of
instrument's process data
Funcin code ?& N ,ead
2olding ,egisters or Funcin
code ?# N ,ead /ntrada
,egisters is used to read the
contents of Entrada registers in
the slave.
Supported "ata Types for
Funcin Codes ?& and ?#=
From the drop down menu,
select a Funcin code for
[FloatD +nsignedD SignedD or
Bit Packed\ register data type
Funcin code ?< N ,ead Coil
Status is used to read the coil's
(discrete Salida's) ON/OFF
status of the slave device in a
binary data format.
Funcin code ?2 N ,ead
/ntrada Status is used to read
the Entrada's (discrete
Entrada's) ON/OFF status of
the slave device in a binary
data format.
Supported "ata Types for
Funcin Codes ?< and ?2=
Select a Funcin code for
[Single Bit\ Register data
NOTE: Refer to the
Communications manual for the
Funcin codes supported by the
specific device.
Select Bit N/A Bit to read when Read
register's data type = Bit
You must then select
which bit to mask (0-15).
The Salida will be the
floating-point equivalent
(0.0 or 1.0) of the masked
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 397
Bloque de funcins
TCPS Bloque de
6rite tab
9t loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3.
Table ((/ describes t,e para$eters and t,e value or selection.
Table <<# TCPS Block 1rite tab configuration para;eters
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
/dit /ntrada Pins /ntrada Pin N/A Entrada pin designation Register request assigned to
WR1,WR2,WR3, or WR4 pin
+se ,egister N/A Register Request Click on the "Use Register field
to assign a register to the
Entrada pin.
N/A Register Address Type in the address of the Write
register (in Hex) on the slave
"ata Type
N/A Register data type From the drop down menu,
select the Register Data Type
Unsigned 32
Signed 32
Unsigned 16
Signed 16
398 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins TCPS Bloque
de funcin
Properties Funcin Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
N/A Several standard Modbus
RTU Funcin codes are
supported. These standard
Funcin codes provide
basic support for EEE 32-
bit floating point numbers
and 16-bit integer register
representation of
instrument's process data
Preset Single Registers
Funcin Code 06
Preset Multiple Registers
Funcin Code 10 hex
The Funcin code for
[+nsigned <8 or Signed <8D\
register data type is ?8 N Preset
Single ,egistersU
presets integer value into a single
The Funcin code for [FloatD
+nsigned &2 or Signed &2D\
register data type is <? heG N
Preset )ultiple ,egistersU
presets values into holding
*automatically selected when you
select 1+egister *ata Type2
NOTE: Refer to the
Communications manual for the
Funcin codes supported by the
specific device.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 399
Bloque de funcins
TCPS Bloque de
-igura (() s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using Codbus4TC@ bloque de %uncins.
Figura <<2 TCPS bloque de funcin /:e;plo
400 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
TCPW Bloque de funcin
TCP1 Bloque de funcin
T,e T)!O label stands %or 7odDusGT)! Orite. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ommunications categor3. 9t
loo2s li2e t,is grap,icall3.
T,is is a co$$unication bloque de %uncin t,at eLpands t,e .rite capabilit3 o% t,e Codbus4TC@ Slave
bloque de %uncin to W additional data points. Cultiple bloc2s $a3 be connected to t,e sa$e Codbus Slave
T,e Codbus .rite bloc2 ,as W +ntradas and no Salidas. T,e Codbus destination %or eac, o% t,e eig,t
+ntradas can be con-igurad. An enable pin lets t,e data value be .ritten once per scan.
T,e con%iguration data %or eac, point .ill consist o%= t,e address o% t,e destination device on t,e Codbus
lin21 t,e register address o% t,e desired data1 and t,e register t3pe= 9nteger or -loat.
E98 t'rou&' E9K = O:" 0ata value is .ritten once per scan
O38 t'rou&' O3K = #alue to be .ritten to t,e selected register address.
ADD3 4 Slave address %ro$ associated TC@S bloc2. )Must *e connected to '!5" *lock+
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 401
Configuration para;eters
'ou $ust con-igura t,e TC@J bloque de %uncin +ntrada @ins as s,o.n in t,e P+dit Selected +ntrada @inQ
portion o% t,e dialog boL. -ollo. t,e nu$bered sequence s,o.n above re%erring to Table ((G.
Table <<7 TCP1 bloque de funcin configuration para;eters
!ction Selections Co;;ents
< Entra
Click on an Entrada Pin
from the list of pins in the
upper portion of the
dialog box.
The selected Entrada
Pin will appear in the
"Entrada Pin Field.
WR1 through WR8
| WR1
Bloque de funcins
TCPW Bloque de
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties
dialog boL.
2 Click on the "Use
Register field to assign a
register to the Entrada
YES will be indicated in
the "Register Used
column when you select
"Apply .
WR1 through WR8 Use
402 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins TCPW
Bloque de funcin
!ction Selections Co;;ents
& Type in the address of
the register (in Hex) on
the slave device
From the drop down
menu, select the
Register Data Type
Unsigned 32
Signed 32
Unsigned 16
Signed 16
Several standard
Modbus RTU Funcin
codes are supported.
These standard
Funcin codes provide
basic support for EEE
32-bit floating point
numbers and 16-bit
integer register
representation of
instrument's process
data. (see Sequence
Number 5 below)
The Funcin code for
[+nsigned <8 or
Signed <8 register data
type is (06)*
The Funcin code for
[FloatD +nsigned &2 or
Signed &2 register data
type is (10 hex)*
Preset Single
Funcin Code
Preset Multiple
Funcin Code
10 hex
Funcin code 06
presets integer value
into a single register.
Funcin Code 10 hex
presets values into
holding registers.
NOTE: Refer to the
manual for the Funcin
codes supported by the
specific device.
*automatically selected
when you select
1+egister *ata Type2
8 You must press [APPLY] to accept the register changes.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 403
Bloque de funcins
TCPW Bloque de funcin
-igura ((* s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using Codbus4TC@ bloque de %uncins.
Figura <<& TCP1 bloque de funcin /:e;plo
404 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
@rovides an O: state Salida .,en a digital +ntrada goes %ro$ O-- to O: and t,e previous state o% t,e
Salida .as O--1 and an O-- state Salida .,en t,e digital +ntrada goes %ro$ O-- to O: and t,e previous
state o% t,e Salida .as O:.
OUT = O: .,en STOF c,anges %ro$ O-- to O: and t,e previous state o% OUT .as O<
OUT = O-- .,en STOF c,anges %ro$ O-- to O: and t,e previous state o% OUT .as OG<
;eset sets Salida to O--1 regardless o% current state.
<TO> = 0igital +ntrada
3E$ET = 0igital +ntrada O: +ntrada = O-- Salida
OUT = 0igital Salida
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 405
Bloque de
funcins TGFF Toggle Flip Flop
Bloque de funcin
T$FF Toggle Flip Flop Bloque de
T,e T>?? label stands %or To&&le ?lip,?lop.
Bloque de funcins
TGFF Toggle Flip Flop Bloque de funcin
-igura ((/ s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a TF-- bloque de %uncin and ,o. to tag t,e Salida.
Figura <<# T$FF bloque de funcin /:e;plo
406 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Block Properties
Configurable Para;eters
Bloque de funcins TMDT Time and
Date Bloque de funcin
Table <<8 Ti;e and "ate configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order for Block Read Only. To
change block
order, right-click
on a Bloque de
funcin and
select Execution
T)"T Ti;e and "ate Bloque de
T,e T7DT label stands %or Time and Date. T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ounters/'imers categor3.
Controls c,ange bet.een 0a3lig,t Saving and Standard ti$e. 9ndicates .,en controller ti$e is in 0a3lig,t
Saving. 9% t,e controller is using a net.or2 ti$e server1 indicates i% t,e connection to server ,as %ailed.
D$T5 B J,en O: t,e controller .ill be in 0a3lig,t Saving ti$e. J,en O-- t,e controller .ill be in
Standard ti$e. Use o% t,is pin requires con%iguring t,e controller ti$e to use 0ST9.
D$TO B O: .,en controller is in 0a3lig,t Saving ti$e. O-- .,en controller is in Standard ti$e. To set
up 0a3lig,t Saving ti$e1 see Set Controller Ti$e in AC 0esigner con%iguration so%t.are.
9T?A5L B O: .,en connection to net.or2 ti$e server ,as %ailed. :ote= controllerOs ti$e is s3nc,roni8ed
to t,e ti$e server ever3 %e. ,ours1 t,ere%ore t,is pin can ta2e a %e. ,ours to detect t,e %ailure.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 407
Bloque de funcins
TOT Totalizer Bloque de funcin
T'T TotaliHer Bloque de funcin
T,e TOT label stands %or TotaliZer.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !alculations categor3.
9ntegrates an Analog variable using a speci%ied rate. ;ate $a3 be in units per second1 $inute1 ,our1 or da3.
A preset is provided to reset t,e value .,en a speci%ic quantit3 ,as been accu$ulated and provide a digital
status Salida.
Separate digital enable and reset +ntradas are provided.
Accu$ulated value $a3 incre$ent %ro$ ? to preset %or increasing totals or decre$ent %ro$ t,e preset to ?
%or decreasing totals.
3!3E = ;e$ote @reset #alue in +ngineering Units
E9 = J,en t,e enable +ntrada is O:1 t,e +ntrada value is integrated to a preset value. 5#alue AOL0 .,en
+: = O--.6
3$T = O: resets t,e Salida to 8ero. 5Accu$ulated value set to ?.6
!3E5 = 0igital Salida1 O: .,en t,e Salida = @reset #alue. Upon reac,ing t,e preset value t,e digital
Salida is enabled %or one scan and t,e totali8er restarts %ro$ ?.
OUT = Accu$ulated value in engineering units.
408 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins TOT Totalizer Bloque
de funcin
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table <<( T'T configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order Read Only. To change
block order, right-click on
a Bloque de funcin and
select Execution Order.
/ntrada ,ate /ntrada ,ate N/A Entrada rate Select: Per
Second Per
Minute Per
Hour Per Day
+se Preset +se ocal N/A Local Preset Click on Radio Button to
select and enter value in
Local Preset field
1 Local Preset Value 1 to 999999
+se ,e;ote N/A Remote Preset Click on Radio Button to
Preset Trigger "ecreasing N/A Select this to decrement from
preset down to zero
Click on Radio Button to
Increasing N/A Select this to accumulate from 0 to
preset value
Click on Radio Button to
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 409
Bloque de funcins
TOT Totalizer Bloque de funcin
-igura ((G s,o.s Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$s using a TOT bloque de %uncin.
E6E7!LO 8
n UMC ON Delay timers are not retentive - if the RUN
Entrada is logic 0, the timer is reset. A retentive timer has
an Enable and a Reset Entrada. As long as the timer is not
reset, time will be accumulated when the Enable Entrada is
logic 1 (ON). This permits recording the time a device such
as a pump has been on.
This Ejemplo uses a Totalizer bloque de funcin as a
retentive timer. f a fixed Entrada of 1 is provided to the
block using a Numeric Constant, the totalizer will time up to
1 at the Entrada rate selected (per sec, per min., per hr, or
per day). For Ejemplo, if the "per hr rate were selected,
the Salida would be 1.0 after 1 hour, 2.0 after 2 hours, etc,
up to the Preset value.
A counter is shown to count the number of pump cycles
(On to OFF transitions).
The P4-RESET Digital Variable is used to reset the timer
and counter
Figura <<7 T'T bloque de funcin /:e;plos
410 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TPO Time Proportional
Salida Bloque de funcin
TP' Ti;e Proportional Salida Bloque de funcin
T,e T!O label stands %or Time !roportional $alida.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e I/O Blocks categor3.
@roportions t,e a$ount o% O: ti$e and O-- ti$e o% a 0igital Salida over a user de%ined c3cle ti$e.
On Ti$e = c3cle ti$e \ 59: < range lo6" 4 5range ,i < range lo6
O-- Ti$e = c3cle ti$e < On Ti$e
9% On Ti$e Y $ini$u$ O: ti$e1 t,en On Ti$e = ?.?
9% O-- Ti$e Y $ini$u$ O-- ti$e1 t,en O-- Ti$e = ?.?.
Analog +ntrada value in @ercent 5U6
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 411
Bloque de funcins
TPO Time Proportional Salida Bloque de funcin
Configuration para;eters
Table <<% TP' configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!ddress ,ack 0 Address of selected Rack Enter a value:
from 1 to 5
I3' )odule Address of selected /O module Enter a value:
from 1 to 16
Channel Channel on selected /O Module Enter a value:
from 1 to 16*
,ange ,ange 2i 1 High Range Value 9999 to 9999
Default = 100
,ange o 2 Low Range Value 9999 to 9999
Default = 0
Cycle Settings Cycle Ti;e N/A Salida Cycle Time 1 to 120 seconds
Default = 20
)in 'ff
4 Minimum OFF time to 15.0 seconds
Default = 0.0
)in 'n
5 Minimum ON time to 15.0 seconds
Default = 0.0
*For HC900 controller's 32 Channel DO Module, Salidas 17 through 32 may not be used for
TPO (Time Proportioning Salida), PPO (Position Proportioning Salida) or TPSC (Three
Position Step Salida) Salida types.
-igura ((M s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a T@O bloque de %uncin. Ti$e @roportioning
Salidas are co$$onl3 used %or electricall3 ,eated applications .,ere regulating t,e a$ount o% O: ti$e vs.
O-- ti$e o% a ,eater is used to control te$perature. 9n t,e +>e$plo t,e T@O Salida is used to activate a
rela3 Salida to control a ,eater.
412 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TPO Time Proportional
Salida Bloque de funcin
Figura <<8 TP' bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 413
Bloque de funcins
TPSC (3POS) Bloque de funcin
TPSC A&P'SB Bloque de funcin
T,e T!$) (!O$) label stands %or T'ree !osition $tep )ontrol operation.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Loops categor3.
T,is bloc2 co$bines a @90 controller .it, * position step control Salida -uncins to provide $otor
position control .it,out position sensing. Allo.s t,e control o% a valve or ot,er actuator ,aving an electric
$otor driven b3 t.o digital Salida c,annelsR one to $ove t,e $otor upscale1 t,e ot,er to $ove it
do.nscale1 .it,out a %eedbac2 slide.ire lin2ed to t,e $otor s,a%t.
!" = @rocess #ariable Analog +ntrada value in +ngineering Units
3$! = ;e$ote Setpoint Analog +ntrada value in +ngineering Units or @ercent
T3" = Salida Trac2 value in @ercentage 5@90 Salida = T;# +ntrada .,en T;C = O:.6
T3) = Salida Trac2 Co$$and O:1 O--" 5On <+nables T;#6 5Code = Local Override6
25A$ = ;e$ote Bias value %or ;atio @90
$O5 = S.itc, +ntradas 5%ro$ SJO on L@SJ bloque de %uncin6
? = :o C,ange
( = 9nitiate Autotuning
) = C,ange Control Action
/ = -orce Bu$pless Trans%er W = S.itc, to Tune Set ( (M = S.itc, to Tune Set ) 7D3B5 = +Lternal
Code request 5t3picall3 connected to t,e C0;VO Salida o% a C0SJ bloque de %uncin.
? = :o C,ange
( = Canual Code ;equest
) = Auto Code ;equest /
= Local Code ;equest
W = ;e$ote Code ;equest
414 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TPSC
(3POS) Bloque de funcin
O$! = Jor2ing Setpoint in +ngineering Units %or $onitoring
AL8 = Alar$ ( < 0igital Signal
AL2 = Alar$ ) < 0igital Signal
D53E)T = O: = 0irectR O-- = ;everse
AT5 = Autotune 9ndicator 5O: = Autotune in @rogress6
7ODE = Loop $ode status 5t3picall3 connected to t,e Code -lags bloc2 %or encoding6. #alue indicates
$odes as %ollo.s=
?.? ;S@ AUTO
(.? ;S@ CA:
).? ;S@ 9nitiali8ation Canual 5See ATT+:T9O:6
*.? ;S@ Local Override 5See ATT+:T9O:6
/.? LS@ AUTO
G.? LS@ CA:
M.? LS@ 9nitiali8ation Canual 5See ATT+:T9O:6
N.? LS@ Local Override 5See ATT+:T9O:6 2)O < Bac2 Calculation Salida 5%or bloc2s used
as Cascade Secondar36. T,is bloc2 can only be used as a cascade secondar3R t,ere%ore1 no BC9 +ntrada is
provided. ?A5L = -ailed Salida 9ndicator < Codule +rror
When a request to change from Auto to manual is received and:
the request comes from the operator nterface, the request is ignored.
the request comes from the Mode Switch (MDSW) bloque de funcin, the request is
retained and when leaving the 3nitiali4ation !ode or -ocal (verride !ode the loop will go to
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
"ialog boG structure
T,e T@CS properties dialog boL is divided into W tab cards
Clic2 on t,e tab to access t,e properties %or t,at tab.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 415
Bloque de funcins
TPSC (3POS) Bloque de funcin
Table <<* TPSC $eneral tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter
0alue or Selection
Block 'rder N/A Execution Order Read Only. To change block order,
right-click on a Bloque de funcin
and select Execution Order.
Tag -a;e N/A 16 character tag
"escriptor N/A Block descriptor
Control "irection N/A Control Action "I,/CT - Proportional action causes
Salida to increase as process variable
increases. ,/0/,S/ - Proportional
action causes Salida to decrease as
process variable increases.
SP Tracking N/A Setpoint Tracking -one
Track P0 - When control mode is
"manual, local setpoint tracks
process variable.
Track ,SP - When setpoint is
"remote setpoint, local setpoint
tracks remote setpoint.
416 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TPSC
(3POS) Bloque de funcin
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 417
Bloque de funcins
TPSC (3POS) Bloque de funcin
Table <2? TPSC Start3,estart tab configuration para;eter
)odes and
Mode permitted for the
initial start and power up
May select bot10 m&st select one=
RSP 10
Setpoint permitted for
the initial start and
power up mode.
ocal Setpoint
,e;ote Setpoint
May select bot10 m&st select one"
Initial )ode N/A Mode at NEWSTART
-eRstart is the first scan
cycle following the cold
start of the controller
Select one
Setpoint for
Initial )ode
N/A Setpoint at NEWSTART
-eRstart is the first scan
cycle following the cold
start of the controller
ocal Setpoint
,e;ote Setpoint
Select one
PoRer up
N/A Mode at power up )anual
,etain ast )ode
Same mode (auto or manual)
Select one
PoRer up
N/A Setpoint at power up ocal Setpoint
,etain ast SP3,SP
Same Setpoint (LSP or RSP)
Select one
PoRer +p
PoRer +p
N/A Salida at Power up
!ST '+T - Same as at power down.
F!IS!F/ - Failsafe Salida value.
Failsafe 'ut N/A Failsafe Salida Value 5 % to 105 %
+se initial
15 Use nitial Local
Click on radio button to select
Initial SP
16 nitial Local Setpoint
Enter nitial Local Setpoint Value
418 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
RS7 tab
Table <2< TPSC ,SP tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,e;ote Setpoint
Source and +nits
+se ,SP
N/A Use Remote Setpoint in
Engineering Units
Click on radio button to select
+se ,SP
N/A Use Remote Setpoint in
Click on radio button to select
+se SP2
N/A Use Local Setpoint #2 in
Engineering Units
Click on radio button to select
,atio3Bias A,SP
/ntrada 'nlyB
-o ,atio or
N/A No ratio and bias applied
to the bloque de funcin
Click on radio button to select
+se ocal
N/A Use Bias value selected
on Tab
Click on radio button to select
Enter value at "ocal Bias
0alue on tab.
+se Bias
N/A Use Bias value attached to
an Entrada to the block
Click on radio button to select
ocal Bias
0alue A/+B
46 Local bias value in
engineering units
Enter local bias value
99999 to 99999
,atio 45 Gain value for Ratio PD 20 to +20
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 419
Bloque de
funcins TPSC (3POS)
Bloque de funcin
Bloque de funcins
TPSC (3POS) Bloque de funcin
420 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins TPSC (3POS) Bloque
de funcin
Table <22 TPSC ,ange3li;it tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
,anging P0 2igh
3 PV High Range Value 99999 to 99999
P0 oR
4 PV Low Range Value 99999 to 99999
"isplay "eci;al
N/A Number of digits after decimal point
for display
+nits N/A Engineering units for display up to 6 characters
"/0 Bar
,ange A/+B
N/A Deviation Bar Range on the
Operator nterface
99999 to 99999
i;iting SP 2igh
18 Setpoint High Limit Value
-prevents the local and remote
setpoints from going above the
value set here.
99999 to 99999
19 Setpoint Low Limit Value - prevents
the local and remote setpoints from
going below the value set here.
99999 to 99999
'ut 2igh
33 Autotuning Salida High Limit Value -
is the highest value of the Salida
beyond which the motor no longer
affects the process.
0 % to 100 %
'ut oR
34 Autotuning Salida Low Limit Value -
is the lowest value of the Salida
beyond which the motor no longer
affects the process.
0 % to 100 %
SP ,ate
42 Setpoint Rate Down value - when
making a setpoint change, this is
the rate at which setpoint will
change from the original setpoint
doRn to the new one.
0 (off) to 9999 (eu/min)
SP ,ate +p 43 Setpoint Rate Up value - when
making a setpoint change, this is
the rate at which setpoint will
change from the original setpoint
up to the new one.
0 (off) to 9999 (eu/min)
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 421
Bloque de funcins
TPSC (3POS) Bloque de funcin
T=N$NG tab
422 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins TPSC (3POS) Bloque
de funcin
Table <2& TPSC Tuning tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Tuning Constants Prop Band 0
PB1 or
Proportional Band APBB - is the
percentage of the range of the
measured variable for which a
proportional controller will produce a
100 % change in its Salida.
0.1 to 1000
$ain 37
PB2 or
$ain - is the ratio of Salida change
(%) over the measured variable
change (%) that caused it.
100 % G =
PB %
where PB is the Proportional Band
(in %)
0.1 % to 1000 %
!TT/-TI'-@ /nter
Calues for tuning set <
and tuning set 2 in
specified fields=
)inutes or
,epeats per
,/S/T (ntegral Time) - adjusts the
controller's Salida according to both
the size of the deviation (SP-PV) and
the time it lasts. The amount of
corrective action depends on the
value of Gain.
The reset adjustment is measured as
how many times proportional action
is repeated per minute
(,epeats3;inute) or how many
minutes before one repeat of the
proportional action occurs
0.02 to 50.00
,!T/ action, in minutes affects the
controller's Salida whenever the
deviation is changing; and affects it
more when the deviation is changing
0 or 0.1 to 10.00
0 = OFF
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 423
Bloque de funcins
TPSC (3POS) Bloque de funcin
A++=T=NE tab
Table <2# TPSC !ccutune tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!ccutune Type "isabled N/A Disables Accutune Click on radio button to
'n "e;and N/A When initiated, the controller will start
controlling to the setpoint while it
identifies the process, calculates the
tuning constants, and begins TPSC
control with the correct tuning
Click on radio button to
/nable FuHHy 'Cershoot
Click on block to select
35 Fuzzy Overshoot Suppression minimizes overshoot after a
setpoint change or a process disturbance.
The fuzzy logic observes the speed and direction of the PV
signal as it approaches the setpoint and temporarily modifies the
internal controller response action as necessary to avoid an
There is no change to the TPSC algorithm, and the fuzzy logic
does not alter the TPSC tuning parameters.
This feature can be independently Enabled or Disabled as
required by the application to work with "TUNE On-Demand
424 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TPSC
(3POS) Bloque de funcin
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 425
Bloque de funcins
TPSC (3POS) Bloque de funcin
Table <27 TPSC !lar;s tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
!lar; < Setpoint < 22 !lar; < Setpoint < 0alue
- this is the value at which
you want the alarm type
chose below to activate
99999 to 99999 in Engineering
Within the PV range when alarm
type is PV or SP
Within PV span when alarm type is
5 % to 105 % when alarm type is
Type N/A Alarm 1 Setpoint 1 Type
-select what you want
Alarm 1 Setpoint 1 to
PV_HGH High PV Alarm
PV_LOW Low PV Alarm
DEV_HGH High Deviation
DEV_LOW Low Deviation
SP_HGH High Setpoint
SP_LOW Low Setpoint
OUT_HGH High Salida
OUT_LOW Low Salida
Setpoint 2 23 Alarm 1 Setpoint 2 Value Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 1 Setpoint 2 Type Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
!lar; 2 Setpoint < 24 Alarm 2 Setpoint 1 Value Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 2 Setpoint 1 Type Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
Setpoint 2 25 Alarm 2 Setpoint 2 Value Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
Type N/A Alarm 2 Setpoint 2 Type Same as !lar; < Setpoint <
S 30 Alarm Hysteresis in % 0 % to 5 %
426 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TPSC
(3POS) Bloque de funcin
T,ree @osition Step control is acco$plis,ed b3 assigning t,e $otor control rela3s p,3sical address under
t,is tab.
TPSC Salida addresses are not checked for redundant assignment or mismatch with controller hardware; therefore,
use caution to insure unique address and correct /O module.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 427
Bloque de funcins
TPSC (3POS) Bloque de funcin
Table <28 TPSC )otor tab configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
ForRard ,elay
,ack Rack Number for Forward
Motor Direction
1 to 5.
)odule Module Number for
Forward Motor Direction
1 to 16
Channel Channel Number for
Forward Motor Direction
Odd number 1 to 15*
,eCerse ,elay
,ack Rack Number for Reverse
Motor Direction
1 to 5.
)odule Module Number for
Reverse Motor Direction
1 to 16
Channel Channel Number for
Reverse Motor Direction
Even number 2 to 16*
)otor "ata "eadband
51 Deadband is an
adjustable gap in which
neither Salida operates
0.5 % to 5 %
Ti;e AsecB
Motor Travel Time - the
time it takes the motor to
travel from 0 % to 100 %
0 to 1800 seconds
*For HC900 controller's 32 Channel DO Module, Salidas 17 through 32 may not be used for
TPO (Time Proportioning Salida), PPO (Position Proportioning Salida) or TPSC (Three
Position Step Salida) Salida types.
-igura ((N s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a T@SC bloque de %uncin.
Figura <<( TPSC bloque de funcin /:e;plo
428 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TRG
Trigger Bloque de funcin
T,I$ Trigger Bloque de funcin
T,e T35> label stands %or Tri&&er or [One $'ot\ operation.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
Turns a Logic Salida 5OUT6 O: %or one logic scan c3cle1 .,en a logic +ntrada 5!6 goes %ro$ O-- to O:.
9% ! = O: and previous value o% ! .as O--1 t,en= OUT = O: 5one scan6
Ot,er.ise1 OUT = O--
X = Trigger co$$and signal
OUT = triggered pulse
The duration of the logic pulse Salida is one bloque de funcin execution cycle. The duration
of the fast logic pulse Salida is 100 ms, or the fast logic cycle time.
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 429
Bloque de funcins
TRG Trigger Bloque de funcin
-igura ((W s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a T;9F bloque de %uncin. An O-- dela3 ti$er
bloc2 Salida is O: as long as t,e ;ST +ntrada is logic A9 5O:6. 9t can be used %or ti$e duration but $ust
be triggered b3 an O: to O-- transition on t,e ;eset +ntrada. T,is can be acco$plis,ed using Tri&&er
DlocCs (T35>) to create one<s,ot pulses .,ic, last one scan c3cle. T,e %ast logic trigger pulse .ill last (??
$s. .,ile t,e nor$al logic trigger pulse .ill last t,e co$plete scan c3cle %or analog bloc2s. Use according to
application need. A @eriodic ti$er Salida pulse $a3 also be used to start t,e ti$er %or t,e O-- dela3.
Off delay L
Figura <<% T,I$ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
430 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
-[TMDLY2] Timing Diagram
AND4 Salida_____
TRG1 Salida
OFDT2 Salida
Bloque de funcins TRND Trend
Rate Bloque de funcin
T,-" Trend ,ate Bloque de funcin
T,e T39D label stands %or Trend 3ate.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxilliary categor3.
T,e trend bloc2 is used to con-igura up to t,ree storage rates %or t,e ACH?? trend bac2%ill 5,istorical data
collection6 %eature.
Onl3 one trend bloc2 is allo.ed in a con%iguration.
)A! = storage capacit3 in ,ours
3ATE8 = ti$e in seconds o% t,e %irst data storarge sa$ple rate
3ATE2 = ti$e in seconds o% t,e second data storarge sa$ple rate
3ATE = ti$e in seconds o% t,e t,ird data storarge sa$ple rate
Configuration para;eters
0ouble clic2ing t,e bloc2 .ill open t,e diaglog to con%ire t,e t,ree data storage rates.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 431
Bloque de funcins
TRND Trend Rate Bloque de funcin
-or eac, o% t,e Log ;ates clic2 on t,e c,ange button. T,is .ill open anot,er diaglog t,at .ill enable
setting t,e rate.
Selectable rates are sa$ple ever3 (? B GH seconds1 or ever3 ( B GH $inutes1 or ever3 ( B )* ,ours or once per
Table <2( T,-" block configuration para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
og ,ate < Sets the first of the 3
trend logging rates
10 59 seconds or 1
59 minutes or 1
23 hours or 1 per
og ,ate 2 Sets the second of the 3
trend logging rates
10 59 seconds or 1
59 minutes or 1
23 hours or 1 per
og ,ate & Sets the third of the 3
trend logging rates
10 59 seconds or 1
59 minutes or 1
23 hours or 1 per
432 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins TRPT Trend
Point Bloque de funcin
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
T,e trend point bloc2 is used to con-igura t,e data points to be stored b3 t,e ACH?? trend bac2%ill
5,istorical data collection6 %eature.
T,e data collection rate %or t,e points con-igurad in t,e bloc2 is deter$ined b3 t,e Salida pin o% t,e T39D
bloc2 t,at it is connected to.
! = ti$e in seconds o% t,e data storage rage %or point in t,is bloc2.
Configuration para;eters
T,ere is a global para$eter %ound under t,e AC 0esigner +dit $enu to select .,et,er trend points are to be
con-igurad b3 Codbus address or b3 Signal Tag. 0epending on t,is c,oice double clic2ing t,e bloc2 .ill
open one o% t,e t.o dialogs .ill open to con-igura t,e points to be trended b3 t,is bloc2.
9n eit,er case1 points are added b3 selecting t,e line and clic2ing on PAdd to listQ. +ac, trend point bloc2 can
support up to G? points. T,e trend -uncin .ill support up to )G? points.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 433
T,PT Trend Point Bloque de
T,e T3!T label stands %or Trend !oint.
Bloque de funcins
TRPT Trend Point Bloque de funcin
Figura <<* T,PT "ialog to conFigura points by signal tag
Figura <2? T,PT "ialog to conFigura points by )odbus !ddress
434 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
TRPT Trend Point Bloque de funcin
T,is +>e$plo s,o.s ,o. $ultiple trend point bloc2s are attac,ed to a single trend bloc2 to create di%%erent trend
groups at t,e t,ree rates.
Figura <2< T,-" and T,PT bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 435
Bloque de funcins
UPDN Up/Down Bloque de funcin
+P"- +p3"oRn Bloque de funcin
T,e U!D9 label stands %or U!GDOO9 )ounter.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e !ounters/'imers categor3.
T,e Salida counts t,e nu$ber o% rising edge logic transactions on t,e +ntrada to t,e bloc2 up to a preset
value 5;@;+ or L@;+6. J,en t,e preset value is reac,ed1 a logic Salida 5@;+96 is enabled until a ;eset
+ntrada 5;ST6 resets t,e bloc2. #alue $a3 be set to increase to t,e preset value or decrease %ro$ t,e preset
<X = @ositive +dge 0etect Count
+ntrada 3!3E = ;e$ote @reset 3$T =
O: resets t,e count )9TD9 = O:
counts do.n
OUT = Salida
!3E5 = @reset 9ndicator
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
436 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins UPDN Up/Down Bloque
de funcin
Configuration para;eters
Table <2% +p3doRn configuration para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Presets ocal
0 Local Preset 1 to 99999
Use Remote Preset 1 On selects remote preset Click on Box to select
-igura ()) s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a U@0: bloque de %uncin. T,is +>e$plo uses a
Totali8er bloque de %uncin as a retentive ti$er. 9% a %iLed +ntrada o% ( is provided to t,e bloc2 using a
:u$eric Constant1 t,e totali8er .ill ti$e up to ( at t,e +ntrada rate selected 5per sec1 per $in.1 per ,r1 or per
da36. -or +>e$plo1 i% t,e Pper ,rQ rate .ere selected1 t,e Salida .ould be (.? a%ter ( ,our1 ).? a%ter ) ,ours1
etc1 up to t,e @reset value.
A counter is s,o.n to count t,e nu$ber o% pu$p c3cles 5On to O-- transitions6.
T,e @/<;+S+T 0igital #ariable is used to reset t,e ti$er and counter
Figura <22 +P"- bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 437
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
Li$its t,e rate at .,ic, an analog +ntrada value 5!6 can c,ange1 .,en a digital +ntrada signal 5+:6 is
O:. 9ndividual rate o% c,ange li$its are con-igurad %or an increasing and a decreasing !1
Separate digital status Salidas indicate .,en Aig, 5A6 or Lo. 5L6 rate li$its are active.
9% +: = O-- or s3ste$ state = :+JSTA;T\1 t,en=
OUT 4 X;
L 4 O??;
. 4 O??.
9% +: = O: and OUT Y !1 t,en=
OUT mo%es to0ard X at 5ncreasin& 3ATE limit;
L 4 O??;
. 4 O9 until OUT 4 X.
9% +: = O: and OUT E !1 t,en=
OUT mo%es to0ard X at Decreasin& 3ATE; L
4 O9 until OUT 4 X; . 4 O??.
7 Ne1start is the ,irst scan cycle ,ollowing the cold start o, the controller<
X = Analog #alue 5@ri$ar3
+ntrada6 E9 = +nable +ntrada
OUT = ;ate Li$ited +ntrada #alue
. = Aig, ;ate alar$ indication L =
Lo. ;ate alar$ indication
438 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
VLM Velocity Limiter Bloque de
0I) 0elocity i;iter Bloque de
T,e "L57 label stands %or "elocit/ (3ate) Limiter.
Bloque de funcins VLM Velocity Limiter
Bloque de funcin
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Configuration para;eters
Table <2* 0I) Configuration Para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set i;its Increase
,ate i;it
0 Limits the increasing rate at which
the analog Entrada value can
0 to 99999 (eu/min)
,ate i;it
1 Limits the decreasing rate at which
the analog Entrada value can
0 to 99999 (eu/min)
-igura ()* s,o.s a #L9C bloque de %uncin t,at li$its t,e increasing or decreasing rate at .,ic, t,e Salida
can c,ange based on user speci%ied li$its .,en t,e +nable +ntrada is O: 5(6.
Figura <2& 0I) bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 439
Bloque de funcins
WCON Write Constant Bloque de funcin
1C'- 1rite Constant Bloque de funcin
T,e O)O9 label stands %or Orite )onstant.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3
Jrites t,e nu$erical value o% selected con%iguration para$eter to a given control bloc2. -elect the inde3
num&er of the required parameter from the specific &loque de funci4n reference data and enter it in the
appropriate field in the 5/rite 0onstant ,roperties6 dialog &o3"
9% +: is O:1 c,ange t,e selected para$eter to t,e value o% !.
X = #alue to be .ritten 5invalid %or para$eters o% t3pe ot,er t,an BOOL or ;+AL6 E9
= +nable co$$and
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
440 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins WCON Write Constant Bloque
de funcin
Configuration para;eters
Table <&? 1rite configuration data
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set 1rite
N/A Number of control block that
contains desired configuration
101 to 500(Model C30)
101 to 2100(Model C50)
101 to 5100(Model
IndeG J
N/A ndex number of configuration
parameter to be modified
Select the index number
of the required parameter
from the specific bloque
de funcin reference data
-igura ()/ s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a JCO: bloque de %uncin to .rite a ne. On
0ela3 Ti$er1 ti$e dela3 value.
Figura <2# 1C'- bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 441
Bloque de funcins
WTUN Write Tuning Constants Bloque de funcin
1T+- 1rite Tuning Constants Bloque de funcin
T,e OTU9 label stands %or Orite Tunin& )onstants.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Loops categor3.
Jrites t,e nu$erical value o% Fain1 ;ate1 and ;eset to a Target @901 T@SC1 or CA;B bloc2 .it,out an3
operator interaction.
-elect the target &lock num&er from the specific &loque de funci4n diagram and enter it in the
appropriate field in the 5/rite *une 0onstants6 dialog &o3"
9% +: is O:1 t,en t,e tuning constants are set to t,e Fain1 ;ate1 and ;eset +ntrada values..
nvalid for block number whose type is other than PD, CARB, or TPSC.
f the target block is in AUTO mode, tuning parameter change will cause a bump in the Salida.
f any Entrada value is "out-of-range, no values will be written.
>A59 = #alue %or FA9: tuning constant 3$ET 4 #alue %or
;+S+T tuning constant 59ntegration ti$e6 3ATE 4 #alue %or
;AT+ tuning constant 50erivative ti$e6 E9 = +nable
The three analog Entradas can originate as recipe items or be calculated for adaptive control.
442 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Target block nu;ber
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e PTarget Bloc2 :u$berQ dialog boL.
+nter t,e Target Bloc2 nu$ber in t,e appropriate %ield. $elections are Erom 8P8 to JPP(7odel )P); 8P8 to
28PP (7odel )JP); 8P8 to J8PP (7odel )LPG)LP3).
-igura ()G s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a JTU: bloque de %uncin to .rite Tuning
@ara$eters to a @90 bloque de %uncin.
Figura <27 1T+- bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 443
Bloque de
funcins WTUN Write Tuning Constants
Bloque de funcin
Bloque de funcins
WVAR Write Variable Bloque de funcin
10!, 1rite 0ariable Bloque de funcin
T,e O"A3 label stands %or Orite "ariaDle.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Auxiliary categor3.
Jrites a ne. value to a selected #ariable nu$ber.
-elect the target $aria&le num&er from the specific &loque de funci4n reference data and enter it in
the appropriate field in the 5/rite 8aria&le Num&er6 dialog &o3"
9% +: is O:1 t,en t,e #ariable selected is set to t,e value o% !.5-or +>e$plo= ! = a constant value6
X 4 #alue to be .ritten to t,e selected variable
E9 = +nable co$$and
Target Rrite Cariable nu;ber
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e PJrite #ariable :u$berQ dialog boL.
+nter t,e Target #ariable nu$ber in t,e appropriate %ield. $elections are Erom 8 to APP.
444 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins WVAR Write Variable Bloque
de funcin
-igura ()M s,o.s t.o +>e$plos o% Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$s using a J#A; bloque de %uncin.
On a Cold Start1 t,is .ill load Setpoint @rogra$ T)G into t,e S@@ bloc2
Figura <28 10!, bloque de funcin /:e;plos
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 445
Bloque de funcins
XFR Bumpless Analog Transfer Switch Bloque de funcin
6F, Bu;pless !nalog Transfer SRitch Bloque de funcin
T,e X?3 label stands %or 2umpless Analo& TransEer $0itc'.
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e "ignal "electors categor3.
@rovide Pbu$plessQ s.itc,ing bet.een t.o analog +ntrada values 5!1 '6 t,at is triggered b3 a digital
+ntrada signal 5\S'6. J,en s.itc,ed1 t,e Salida ra$ps to t,e ne. value at a speci%ied rate.
T,e rate at .,ic, t,e Salida 5OUT6 c,anges to a s.itc,ed value 5' or !6 is set b3 ';AT+ and !;AT+
con%iguration values1 respectivel3.
9% S' is s.itc,ed to O:1 t,en= OUT c'an&es to Y %alue at Y3ATE.
9% S' is s.itc,ed to O--1 t,en= OUT c'an&es to X %alue at X3ATE.
J,en OUT reac,es t,e selected target +ntrada1 OUT trac2s t,e selected +ntrada 5until S' c,anges6.
X = -irst analog value.
Y = Second analog value.
$Y = S.itc, to ' co$$and digital signal
OUT = Selected #alue
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
446 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins XFR Bumpless Analog Transfer Switch Bloque
de funcin
Configuration para;eters
Table <&< 6F, sRitch configuration data
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
Set Transfer ,ates Transfer to 6
0 Rate at which Salida changes
from Y to X in engineering units
per minute
0 to 99999
Must be set at > = 0
Transfer to .
1 Rate at which Salida changes
from X to Y in engineering units
per minute
0 to 99999
Must be set at > = 0
-igura ()N s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a !-; bloque de %uncin. 9t s,o.s a t3pical s.itc,
action %or a !-; bloque de %uncin.
3 I XRATE -3
Figura <2( 6F, bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 447
T,is bloc2 is part o% t,e Logic and ast Logic categories.
Turns a digital Salida signal 5OUT6 O: i% onl3 one o% t.o digital +ntrada signals 5!1 '6 is O:. Ot,er.ise1
t,e Salida is O--.
9% ! = O-- and ' = O:1 t,en= OUT 4 O9.
9% ! = O: and ' = O--1 t,en= OUT 4 O9.
9% ! = O: and ' = O:1 or ! = O-- and ' = O--1 t,en OUT 4 O??.
X = -irst 0igital Signal Y =
Second 0igital Signal
OUT = resultant digital signal
Block properties
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
-igura ()W s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a !O; bloque de %uncin. 9n t,e +>e$plo1 i%
pressure +ntrada ( or ) is ,ig, or lo.1 %lo. is disabled. 9% onl3 one pressure +ntrada is O:1 %lo. is
Bloque de funcins
XOR Bloque de
6', Bloque de
T,e XO3 label stands %or t,e EFclusi%e O3 Boolean operation.
Figura <2% 6', bloque de funcin /:e;plo
448 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
5XYRB Bloque de
76.,B Bloque de funcin
T,e G!';B label stands %or !';G??? base radio slave status bloc2.
T,is bloc2 is a part o% t,e !ommunications categor3.
T,is bloc2 allo.s t,e ACH?? controller to act as a Codbus $aster device and co$$unicate .it, !';G???
base radios via t,e serial port o% t,e controller. Con%iguration o% t,e ACH?? $aster requires one bloc2 per
base radio1 up to *) base radios or (?)/ para$eters $aLi$u$. Onl3 one bloc2 $a3 be assigned to eac,
!';G??? base radio slave device.
T,e bloc2 supports (? read para$eters %ro$ t,e !';G??? plus it provides digital indication o%
co$$unication integrit3. -or attac,ed trans$itters t,ere is a separate G!';T bloc2 .,ic, is connected to
G!';B via t,e address 5A00;6 Salida o% t,e G!';B bloc2. Since all t,e para$eters o% G!';B bloc2
,ave %iLed Codbus register addresses1 t,ere is no con%iguration data associated .it, addressing o% t,e
para$eters. All Salidas can be tagged in t,e sa$e $anner to an3 ot,er bloque de %uncin Salida.
:OT+ (= To read proper values o% all trans$itter para$eters .,en connecting an ACH?? to t,e !';G???
s3ste$1 t,e !';G??? base radio $ust be set to K;egister Capping Code.K
9% a !';G??? base radio slave device does not respond to a request1 t,e last Salida value .ill be
:OT+ )= T,e Salida values o% t,e G!';B bloc2 $a3 be added to t,e Custo$ Codbus Cap .it,out t,e
need to assign tags to t,e Salida pins.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 449
Bloque de funcins
5XYRB Bloque de
E9A2LE = 0igital +ntrada O: .,en !';G??? base station is in scan. 0igital +ntrada O-- .,en
!';G??? base station is out o% scan.
DE" $TAT = Last read value o% !';G??? base radio device status. 5O = o%%line1 ( = online6
EX! )9T = :u$ber o% +Lpected Trans$itters co$$unicating to t,e base station.
TX )9T = :u$ber o% Trans$itters actuall3 co$$unicating .it, t,e base radio.
TF$8,8A = Online4O%%line status o% trans$itters (<(M. Connect to 0igital 0ecoder bloc2 %or trans$itter
TF$8L,) = Online4O%%line status o% trans$itters (N<*). Connect to 0igital 0ecoder bloc2 %or trans$itter
TF$,IK = Online4O%%line status o% trans$itters **</W. Connect to 0igital 0ecoder bloc2 %or trans$itter
TF$IX,AI = Online4O%%line status o% trans$itters /H<M/. Connect to 0igital 0ecoder bloc2 %or trans$itter
TF$AJ,KP = Online4O%%line status o% trans$itters MG<W?. Connect to 0igital 0ecoder bloc2 %or trans$itter
TF$K8,XA = Online4O%%line status o% trans$itters W(<HM. Connect to 0igital 0ecoder bloc2 %or trans$itter
TF$XL,8PP = Online4O%%line status o% trans$itters HN<(??. Connect to 0igital 0ecoder bloc2 %or trans$itter
9OR$)A9 = Scan 9ndication. O: = 0evice is KOut o% ScanK. O-- = 0evice is K9n ScanK.
2ADR)O7 = Co$$unications 9ndication. O: = Bad qualit3 or device not de%ined. O-- = Food
ADD3 = Connection pin used to connect t,e G!';B base radio bloc2 to t,e G!';T trans$itter bloc2.
450 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
funcins 5XYRB Bloque
de funcin
Configuration para;eters
0ouble clic2 on t,e bloque de %uncin to access t,e bloque de %uncin properties dialog boL.
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
ConFigura )odbus
SlaCe Tag
0 Descripcin of XYR5000 device 16 character tag name.
Slave address and Tag
Name must be unique
within a control file.
1 Address of XYR5000 base radio
on the link.
Enter unique address.
address, range 1 to 247.
Default address = 255
which means XYR5000
base radio slave will NOT
be in scan
)odbus "ouble
,egister For;at
Each EEE 32-bit floating point number requires two consecutive registers (four bytes)
starting with the register defined as the starting register for the information. The stuffing
order of the bytes into the two registers differs among Modbus hosts. The selections are:
Selection Descripcin Byte order
FP B Floating Point Big Endian Format
(recommended format) 4, 3, 2, 1
FP BB Floating Point Big Endian with byte-swapped 3, 4, 1, 2
FP L Floating Point Little Endian Format 1, 2, 3, 4
FP LB Floating Point Little Endian with byte-swapped 2, 1, 4, 3
-igura ()H s,o.s a Bloque de %uncin 0iagra$ using a G!';B bloque de %uncin.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 451
Bloque de funcins
5XYRB Bloque de
Figura <2* 76.,B bloque de funcin /:e;plo
452 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
5XYRT Bloque de funcin
76.,T Bloque de funcin
T,e G!';T label stands %or !';G??? Trans$itter slave status bloc2.
T,is bloc2 is a part o% t,e !ommunications categor3.
T,is co$$unication bloque de %uncin eLpands t,e read capabilit3 o% t,e G!';B Slave bloque de %uncin
to access para$eters o% !';G??? Trans$itters. G!';B bloc2Os A00; Salida is connected to t,e A00;
+ntrada o% t,is bloc2 to access all t,e para$eters. T,e G!';T bloc2 ,as () Salida para$eters .,ic, are
supplied b3 G!';B bloc2. Since t,ese para$eters ,ave %iLed Codbus register addresses1 t,ere is no
con%iguration data associated .it, t,is bloc2. All Salidas can be connected or tagged in t,e sa$e $anner as
an3 ot,er bloque de %uncin Salida.
9% co$$unication bet.een t,e ACH?? and t,e !';G??? base radio is lost1 t,e last read values .ill be
supplied on t,e G!';T Salidas.
ADD3 = +ntrada pin used to connect t,e G!'; trans$itter bloc2 to t,e G!';B base radio bloc2. Cust be
connected to G!';B bloc2Os A00; Salida pin.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 453
Bloque de funcins
5XYRT Bloque de funcin
!3 $E9$ = @ri$ar3 Sensor #alue.
$) $E9$ = Secondar3 Sensor #alue.
T3 $E9$ = Tertiar3 Sensor #alue.
O9L59E = Trans$itter online status. ( = online1 ? = o%%line.
LOO 2AT = Lo. Batter3 condition. ( = lo. batter31 ? = batter3 o2.
ALA37 = Alar$ condition. ( = alar$1 ? = no alar$.
$E9$ E33 = Sensor error condition. ( = error1 ? = o2.
$E9$ O"3 = Sensor over range condition. ( = over range1 ? = o2.
$Y$ E33 = S3ste$ error condition. ( = s3ste$ error1 ? = o2.
59!8 )L$D = s.itc, +ntrada ( closed. ( = closed1 ? = open.
59!2 )L$D = s.itc, +ntrada ) closed. ( = closed1 ? = open.
$B3T ?9 = square root -uncin. Square root o% pri$ar3 0i%%erential Trans$itter Salida.
Configurable Para;eters
Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
0 Descripcin of XYR5000
16 character name.
Slave address and Tag
Name must be unique
within a control file.
-ode I" 1 D of transmitter Enter node D. (Valid
Range is 1 to 100).
Default D = 0 which
means data will NOT be
454 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
5XYRT Bloque de funcin
SXYRT104 2
5XYRB1D3 1 5XYR1C4
Node D: 0
VAR001D j
5XYRT1D4 2
5XYRB103 1 5XYR104
Node D: 0
VAR001D ^- O-----a6 ENBL
TxS 17-32
Figura <&? 76.,T bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 455
Bloque de funcins
6XYRT Bloque de funcin
86.,T Bloque de funcin
T,e M!';T label stands %or !';M??? trans$itter status bloc2.
T,is bloc2 is a part o% t,e !ommunications categor3.
Use t,is bloc2 to read t,e process variables and device status o% an3 !';M??? trans$itter. To access
!';M??? para$eters1 connect t,is bloc2Os A00; +ntrada to t,e A00; Salida o% t,e !';M??? Fate.a3
5M!';JF6 bloc2.
-ive para$etersD@#(1 @#)1 @#*1 @#/ and 0+#aSTATDare read %ro$ t,e !';M??? trans$itter.
0+#aSTAT value contains several statuses o% t,e trans$itter1 and eac, status %ro$ 0+#aSTAT is assigned
its o.n Salida pin o% t,is bloc2.
9% a M!';JF gate.a3 does not respond to a request %ro$ t,e ACH??1 t,e last read values .ill be
$aintained on t,e M!';T Salidas.
ADD3 = Slave 9@ Address %ro$ associated M!';JF bloc2 5$ust be connected to 9@ address Salida pin o%
a M!';JF bloc26.
456 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
6XYRT Bloque de funcin
!"8 = Last read value o% process variable ( %ro$ t,e speci%ied address o% @#( register
!"2 = Last read value o% process variable ) %ro$ t,e speci%ied address o% @#) register
!" = Last read value o% process variable * %ro$ t,e speci%ied address o% @#* register
!"I = Last read value o% process variable / %ro$ t,e speci%ied address o% @#/ register
ELE)R?A5L = +lectronics %ailure status %lag 50ecoded bit ? o% 0+#aSTAT6
7E).R?A5L = Cec,anical %ailure 50ecoded bit ( o% 0+#aSTAT6
59R?A5L = +ntrada %ailure 50ecoded bit ) o% 0+#aSTAT6
OUTR?A5L = Salida %ailure 50ecoded bit * o% 0+#aSTAT6
LOOR2AT = Lo. batter3 50ecoded bit / o% 0+#aSTAT6
EXTR!O3 = +Lternal 50ecoded bit G o% 0+#aSTAT6
)?>RE33 = Con%iguration +rror 50ecoded bit M o% 0+#aSTAT6
)ALRE33 = Calibration error 50ecoded bit N o% 0+#aSTAT6
3AD5ORE33 = ;adio co$$unication error 50ecoded bit W o% 0+#aSTAT6
7E7RE33 = Aeap $e$or3 error 50ecoded bit H o% 0+#aSTAT6
D?ORE33 = 0evice %ir$.are error 50ecoded bit (? o% 0+#aSTAT6
OTRE33 = Jatc,dog ti$er error 50ecoded bit (( o% 0+#aSTAT6
D5A> = 0iagnostics 5O: .,en an3 o% t,e above status pins are O:6
DE"R$TAT = 0evice Status %ro$ t,e speci%ied address o% 0evice status register. T,is value is %urt,er
decoded and individual status bits are displa3ed as re$aining Salidas o% t,e bloc2 5+L+Ca-A9L t,roug,
Configurable para;eters
Step (= Select Load Jireless 0ata -ile. T,is is a %ile containing t,e trans$itterOs para$eters and addresses.
T,is %ile $ust %irst be created and eLported %ro$ t,e Jireless Builder application. -or details1 see Ao. to
create an !';M??? Trans$itter eLport %ile.
Step )= Add or re$ove t,e 0+#<STAT and up to / @#s.
Filena;e Path and name of the XYR6000's exported .csv file
containing the device parameters to be accessed by this
Ti;e Sta;p Time the .csv file was created.
oad 1ireless "ata File Lets you select and load the .csv file containing the XYR6000
parameter addresses. This file must first be exported from
Wireless Builder application.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 457
Bloque de funcins
6XYRT Bloque de
Trans;itter ,eference -a;e Name of the XYR6000 transmitter.
6., "eCice Name of the device whose parameters you will add or
remove to the block.
,egister Type of register being accessed (Status or PV).
!ddress Address of the parameter that was added. This field is blank if
you remove the parameter.
!dd Click this to list the available parameters in the Wireless Data
File loaded above. Highlight the desired parameter and click
OK to add it.
,e;oCe Removes the parameter from the block.
2oR to create an 6.,8??? Trans;itter eGport file
A .csv %ile containing t,e trans$itterOs para$eters and addresses is required %or con%iguration o% t,e
M!';T bloque de %uncin. are t,e steps to create t,is .csv %ile in Jireless Builder.
(. Using Jireless Builder1 co$plete t,e net.or2 con%iguration %or all devices 5trans$itters6 to be inter%aced
via t,e Jireless Fate.a3. Once a co$plete database ,as been created1 clic2 on t,e Fate.a3 na$e in t,e
Cenu Tree o% t,e so%t.are to access t,e CA9: dialog displa3 %or t,e gate.a3.
). Clic2 on t,e Codbus TC@ Server tab to register t,e speci%ic ACH?? controller t,at .ill be per$itted to
access t,e Fate.a3Os Codbus data. #eri%3 t,e TC@ @ort nu$ber is G?). +nter t,e 9@ address o% t,e ACH??
controllerOs port t,at t,e dialog. T,e ACH?? controllerOs 9@ address can be %ound using AC 0esigner so%t.are
under t,e Utilities Tab.
458 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de funcins
6XYRT Bloque de funcin
*. Clic2 on t,e Codbus TC@ Analog data tab to begin assigning Codbus addresses to trans$itter data.
/. Scroll do.n to access t,e +ntrada ;egister +ntries %ield %or +ntrada ;egisters 5;ead -C/6 table and speci%3
t,e quantit3 o% para$eters to be read b3 t,e ACH?? controller. 9n t,e -igura belo.1 a quantit3 o% (/ ,as
been entered 5see circle61 t,us creating (/ entries .it, register nu$bers ? to )N. 5@ara$eters are %loating
point and occup3 ) registers eac,.6 :ote a $ini$u$ o% t.o para$eters .ill be needed %or eac, trans$itter1
one %or t,e process value and one %or t,e trans$itter status. 9% t,e speci%ic trans$itter ,as $ore t,an one
process variable1 addition para$eter %ields .ill be needed.
G. To add a trans$itter para$eter1 clic2 on a register under t,e Bloc2 colu$n. :eLt1 clic2 on t,e gra3 bloc2 t,at
appears at t,e rig,t o% t,e selected cell. 5See circle in -igura above.6 T,is brings up a list o% con-igurad
trans$itters1 eac, .it, a 0evice Status para$eter and one to %our @#s.
M. Select a para$eter to add to t,e register. 0evice Status para$eters are blan2 under t,e Bloc2 :a$es colu$nR
@# para$eters ,ave bloc2 na$es.
N. ;epeat %or eac, para$eter 3ouOd li2e to add.
W. Close t,e Cain Fate.a3 dialog.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 459
Bloque de funcins
6XYRT Bloque de funcin
H. Access t,e -ile $enu o% Jireless Builder and select +Lport Codbus Con%ig. See -igura belo.. Select
conversion to Feneric -ile -or$at. Assign a %ile na$e1 select %ile t3pe P0eli$ited TeLt 5.csv6Q and save t,e
%ile. +Lport a database .csv %ile. T,is .csv %ile contains t,e trans$itterOs para$eters and addresses and is
required %or con%iguration o% t,e M!';T bloque de %uncin.
Figura <&< 86.,T bloque de funcin /:e;plo
460 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
T,is bloc2 is a part o% t,e !ommunications categor3.
T,is bloc2 allo.s t,e ACH?? controller to act as a $aster device and co$$unicate .it, an !';M???
.ireless gate.a3 via t,e +t,ernet port o% t,e controller. Con%iguration in ACH?? $aster requires one bloc2
per gate.a31 up to *) gate.a3s or (?)/ para$eters $aLi$u$. Onl3 one bloc2 $a3 be assigned to eac,
!';M??? gate.a3 slave device. +ven i% it does not read or .rite para$eters1 it provides a $eans o%
connecting !';M??? .ireless trans$itter bloc2s to it b3 .a3 o% A00; Salida pin. T,e bloc2 Salidas
provide digital indication o% co$$unication integrit3.
-or trans$itter para$eters t,at are readable1 t,ere is separate M!';T bloc2 .,ic, is connected to
M!';JF via t,e A00; Salida pin at t,e botto$ o% t,is bloc2. 9% $ore para$eters o% an3 o% t,e
trans$itters are to be read1 t,en TC@; bloc2 can be used .it, M!';JF bloc2 si$ilar to TC@S and TC@;
co$bination. All Salidas o% t,e bloc2 can be connected or tagged in t,e sa$e $anner as an3 ot,er bloque de
%uncin Salida.
9% !';M??? gate.a3 slave device does not respond to a request1 t,e last Salida value .ill be $aintained.
E92L = +nable. J,en t,e digital +ntrada pin is O: t,e M!';JF Slave device is in scan.
9% t,e +nable pin is not connected1 t,en t,e user $ust be in Conitor $ode1 Conitoring TC@ Codbus
0iagnostics in t,e AC 0esigner1 select t,e M!';JF device to be enabled or disabled1 and clic2 t,e
+nable 5or 0isable6 button.
9OR$)A9 = Scan 9ndication. O: = 0evice is KOut o% ScanK. O-- = 0evice is K9n ScanK.
2ADR)O7 = Co$$unications 9ndication. O: = Bad qualit3 or device not de%ined. O-- = Food
ADD3 = Used to connect M!';T trans$itter bloque de %uncins to t,e M!';F gate.a3 bloc2.
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 461
T,e M!';JF label stands %or !';M??? Jireless Fate.a3 slave status bloc2.
Bloque de
Configurable Para;eters
Properties $roup Para;eter IndeG J Para;eter "escripcin 0alue or Selection
ConFigura )odbus SlaCe Tag
0 Descripcin of 6XYRWG slave
16 character tag name.
Slave address and Tag
Name must be unique
within a control file.
1 P Address of XYR6000 Wireless
gateway device on the link.
Enter unique address.
(Cannot be or
Default P address = which means
6XYRWG slave will NOT
be in scan.
)odbus "ouble
,egister For;at
Each EEE 32-bit floating point number requires two consecutive registers (four bytes)
starting with the register defined as the starting register for the information. The stuffing
order of the bytes into the two registers differs among Modbus hosts. The selections are:
Selection Descripcin Byte order
FP B Floating Point Big Endian Format
(recommended format) 4, 3, 2, 1
FP BB Floating Point Big Endian with byte-swapped 3, 4, 1, 2
FP L Floating Point Little Endian Format 1, 2, 3, 4
FP LB Floating Point Little Endian with byte-swapped 2, 1, 4, 3
462 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide Revision 14
Bloque de
Figura <&2 86.,1$ bloque de funcin /:e;plo
Revision 14 HC900 Hybrid Control Designer Bloque de funcin Reference Guide 463
2oneyRell Process Solutions
512 Virginia Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034 http@33hpsReb=honeyRell=co;3ps
51-52-25-109 Rev.14 October 09 Printed in USA

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