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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date 4/14/14 Cory Doot Subject/ Topic/ Theme Evolution and speciation Grade _____9th_______

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This is the third lesson in the unit and it builds on !hat the students have already learned about adaptations and natural selection" #n #daptation is a trait that helps an or$anism survive and reproduce" The trait can help !ith obtainin$ %ood not bein$ eaten by predators or !ith reproduction" #daptation is not voluntary but is based on inherited traits &mutations' not traits $athered throu$hout the or$anism(s li%etime &i"e" the loss o% a limb or dyed hair'" The or$anism that is best suited to its environment is most li)ely to survive and reproduce and the traits that are not advanta$eous tend $radually to be eliminated &%itness'"

Learners will be able to# ,nderstand ho! $enetic variation is an important component o% evolution" Distin$uish bet!een directional selection disruptive selection and$ selection and $ive e/amples o% each" Determine ho! speciation occurs" Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#

co$nitive* + , #p #n E C-

physical development

socio* emotional

, #p E , #p E #0 E

12"1d E/plain ho! a ne! species or variety ori$inates throu$h the evolutionary process o% natural selection" 12"1e E/plain ho! natural selection leads to or$anisms that are !ell suited %or the environment &di%%erential survival and reproduction o% chance inherited variants dependin$ upon environmental conditions'" 12"1$ 3llustrate ho! $enetic variation is preserved or eliminated %rom a population throu$h natural selection &evolution' resultin$ in biodiversity" 14"4C Give e/amples o% !ays in !hich $enetic variation and environmental %actors are causes o% evolution and the diversity o% or$anisms" 12"4d E/plain ho! evolution throu$h natural selection can result in chan$es in biodiversity" 56"4 * 5odel !ith mathematics" &0ote# 7rite as many as needed" 3ndicate ta/onomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards" 3% an objective applies to particular learners !rite the name&s' o% the learner&s' to !hom it applies"' -remember understand apply analy.e evaluate create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

The students !ill need to )no! ho! to collect data" They !ill also need to build %rom the previous lessons"
Pre-assessment (for learning): Formative (for learning, helps teacher tweak teaching):

Outline assessment activities &applicable to this lesson'

The students !ill be %illin$ out $uidance 8uestions as they complete the lab" They !ill also read and ans!er the )no!led$e probe"
Formative (as learning, assessment help the learner): Summative (of learning'9

The teacher !ill as) 8uestions durin$ the application phase o% the lesson and !ill collect the lab pac)et to $rade" + at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation 6rovide options %or perception* making information perceptible The students !ill be e/posed to many di%%erent !ays o% vie!in$ the material &interactive lab charts $raphs' Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression 6rovide options %or physical action* increase options for interaction The students !ill be actively runnin$ this lab by pic)in$ out moths o%% the paper" Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement 6rovide options %or recruitin$ interest* choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats The e/ample the lab uses happened in real li%e and it doesn(t just happen !ith moths" Tons o% animals adapt or $o e/tinct because o% us"


6rovide options %or lan$ua$e mathematical e/pressions and symbols* clarify connect language

6rovide options %or e/pression and communication* increase me!ium of e"pression

6rovide options %or sustainin$ e%%ort and persistence* optimize challenge, collaboration, mastery-oriente! fee!back

The students !ill be collectin$ data usin$ charts"

students to do t is lesson"

The students !ill be !or)in$ to$ether in lab $roups and !ith partners and can collaborate !ith the $roup to ans!er 8uestions on the lab handout
6rovide options %or e/ecutive %unctions* coor!inate short long term goals, monitor progress, an! mo!ify strategies 6rovide options %or sel%*re$ulation* e"pectations, personal skills an! strategies, self-assessment reflection

6rovide options %or comprehension* activate, apply highlight

1y seein$ the natural selection ta)e place as they :eat; the moths the students !ill better understand ho! it occurs /aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

The lab $roups !ill be responsible %or handin$ in their completed lab handout by the end o% the class period

Student handout/ lab manual pa$es The moths s8uares and colored bo/es Timers

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime Com!onents /otivation &openin$/ introduction/ en$a$ement'

The class !ill be at their lab tables but !ill !or) !ith partners" They !ill be able to tal) to and share ans!ers !ith the rest o% the lab table in the %orm o% collaboration"

3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. Today !e are continuin$ our tal) about evolution <as anyone ever !ondered !hy some species o% animals loo) the same li)e a )in$ sna)e and a coral sna)e= >r ?iceroys and 5onarch butter%lies= >r !hy some animals blend in to their surroundin$s= E/ploration * <andout student lab manual and 8uestion handout * :#s lab partners !or) throu$h the lab activity and ans!er the 8uestions as you $o"; * &see the lab manual pa$es/ student handout' @ :5a)e sure to be %illin$ out the observations as you run the e/periment"; @ They !ill %ollo! the activities sheet that !ill be turned in The teacher !ill $o around the room and help and ans!er any 8uestion the students mi$ht have" Concept Development @ There !ill be a class discussion on the data that



3evelo!ment &the lar$est component or main body o% the lesson'

* The students !ill read and complete the )no!led$e probe" * Students !ill %ollo! the lab activity and ans!er the $uidance 8uestions as they $o" * Students !ill be usin$ tables and $raphs to ma)e sense o% the data they are collectin$ throu$hout the lab"

* The students !ill loo) at other $roup(s data and discuss similarities and di%%erences"


!as collected by the class the teacher !ill introduce the ne! vocabulary %or this lesson9

* Share !ith the class" &Collaborations' * Students !ill ta)e out notes and ans!er 8uestions


Closure &conclusion culmination !rap*up'

:7hich o% these three types o% selection did !e see happen !ith the moths in this e/periment=; Can anyone thin) o% an e/ample %or the other t!o$ and disruptive= * Disruptive9 si.e o% rabbits" # ne! predator comes in and the small ones can hide and the bi$ ones can run but the medium ones are eaten" This may cause speciation to occur" *$9 si.e o% litter" Too %e! and they may all $et eaten too many and it is too hard to %eed them all" :To ans!er the 8uestions 3 posed at the be$innin$ that is called mimicry" 3t is an adaptation that some animals have evolved" 3n the case o% the coral sna)e and the monarch butter%ly they are poisonous and bad to eat so predators have learned to stay !ay %rom them" The )in$ sna)e and the viceroy have evolved to mimic or copy this colorin$ so that they !ont $et eaten" +emember they didn(t choose to be that !ay but the ones that had that colorin$ survived to reproduce"; #pplication * Airst basic 8uestions !ill be as)ed that tie bac) to 8uestions that !ere in the lab pac)et" * Then more challen$in$ 8uestions !ill be as)ed these !ill be deeper and !ill test to see i% the students understand the main concepts" &see the e/planation and application on the handout'

* The students !ill ans!er the 8uestions"

9our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. &7rite this a%ter teachin$ the lesson i% you had a chance to teach it" 3% you did not teach this lesson %ocus on the process o% preparin$ the lesson"' 1*19*14

I did not get to teac t is lesson. 2 e lab itself is modified from a one b( Patti 0ic ardson and :rist( 'utler. 2 e lesson was tric*( to write. 2 e lab seems !rett( self contained and com!re ensive. I;m not sure w at else t e teac er will do besides going around and answering )uestions and t en leading a class discussion on it. It is ver( el!ful to ave a lab t at is mostl( done to use instead of writing one from scratc li*e one !revious one.


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