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address book agenda

address direccin
bowler hat bombn
broken roto
bycicle bicicleta
clouds nubes
coat abrigo
double doble
drawer cajn
driver conductor
driving licence carnet de conducir
favour favor
grass hierba
hair pelo
hot caliente
jacket chaqueta
jewellers joyera
jewellery joyas
light luz, faro
maybe quiz, tal vez
meeting encuentro, reunin
now ahora
other otro, a
over encima de
ring anillo
robber ladrn
scarf bufanda
second segundo
shirt camisa
sky cielo
speaking hablando, soy yo (al coger el
thousand mil
(tele) phone telfono
to be in a hurry tener prisa
to be on time estar a tiempo
to dance bailar
to drive conducir
to find encontrar
to hold (on) sujetar, esperar (normalmente
por telfono)
to know saber
to look up buscar (una referencia)
to paint pintar
Copyright (c) Computer Aided Education SA
Part 1, 2, 3
Having a crash
to play jugar, tocar un instrumento
to ride conducir (moto o bici)
to sing cantar
to stop parar
to swim nadar
to take tomar, llevar
to think pensar
to walk pasear
towel toalla
tyre neumtico
umbrella paraguas
maybe quiz, tal vez
to be on time estar a tiempo
now ahora
right now ahora mismo
to look like parecerse a
to hold (on) sujetar, esperar al telfono
to think pensar, creer, opinar
El verbo Can
Este verbo es modal y, como tal, no tiene forma de infinitivo,
simplemente decimos can, nunca diremos to can.
Significa poder y est conectado con la idea de posibilidad y habilidad.
Como cualquier otro verbo modal o auxiliar (como puede ser el
verbo to be), este verbo:
1.- No aade la s a la tercera persona del singular.
Eg.: He can l puede
She can Ella puede
2.- Las interrogativas y negativas se hacen sin el auxiliar do / does.
Eg.: I can not Yo no puedo
She can not Ella no puede
Can you speak English? Puedes hablar ingls?
3.- Va seguido de un infinitivo sin to.
Eg.: You can eat T puedes comer
They can read Ellos pueden leer
I can yo puedo
you can t puedes (Ud. puede, Uds. pueden,
vosotros podis)
he can l puede
she can ella puede
it can ello puede (cosa, animal)
we can nosotros podemos
they can ellos, ellas pueden
Para formar la negativa del verbo can, aadimos la partcula not
al verbo. Sin embargo, podemos encontrarlo escrito de diferente
modo (cant, cannot). Todas estas formas son iguales y nunca
I cannot yo no puedo
you cannot t no puedes, Ud. no puede, Uds. no
pueden, vosotros no podis
he cannot l no puede
she cannot ella no puede
it cannot ello no puede (cosa, animal)
we cannot nosotros no podemos
they cannot ellos, ellas no pueden
I cant yo no puedo
you cant t no puedes, Ud. no puede, Uds. no
pueden, vosotros no podis
he cant l no puede
she cant ella no puede
it cant ello no puede (cosa, animal)
we cant nosotros no podemos
they cant ellos, ellas no pueden
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Can I? puedo yo?
Can you? puedes t, puede usted, pueden
ustedes, podeis vosotros?
Can he? puede l?
Can she? puede ella?
Can it? puede ello (animal o cosa)?
Can we? podemos nosotros?
Can they? pueden ellos, ellas?
En cuanto a significado (y como hemos mencionado anteriormente),
este verbo puede indicar posibilidad y habilidad.
Si can indica posibilidad, se traduce como poder.
Eg.: She can come Ella puede venir
We can go Nosotros podemos ir
Si can indica habilidad, se traduce como saber.
Eg.: I can drive Yo s conducir
She can cook Ella sabe cocinar
Cuando respondemos es ms usual utilizar la forma corta, que
consiste en poner el sujeto ms el verbo can en negativa o
afirmativa, segn convenga en cada caso.
Eg.: Can you come?
Yes, I can. / No, I cannot.
red rojo
orange naranja
yellow amarillo
green verde
blue azul
brown marrn
black negro
white blanco
Write the questions for these sentences. (Escribe
preguntas para estas frases)
1. No, I cant, because I dont have a driving licence.
2. No, she cant, because the door is locked.
3. No, he cant speak Spanish, but he can speak German.
4. I cant go shopping now. Im in a hurry.
5. Yes, she can. She studies music.
6. Yes, she goes to a swimming course.
7. You can travel by train.
8. We can visit Peter at hospital.
Copyright (c) Computer Aided Education SA
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the
verb can. (Completa las frases usando la forma correcta
del verbo can)
1. She _____________ read because the lights are off.
2. _____________ we go shopping? No, we _____________. The
shops are closed.
3. _____________ you open the window? Its very hot in here.
4. I _____________ buy a new jacket. I dont have any money.
5. You _____________ talk aloud in the library.
6. She _____________ come right now. She is working.
Order the words to make correct sentences. (Ordena las
palabras para hacer frases correctas)
1. right I can now go.
2. bed on my is the shirt.
3. number what your phone is?
4. I have a sandwich can green, please?
5. colour your car is what?
6. have any we dont jam.
7. , please hold you on can moment one?
Order the following phone conversation. (Ordena la
siguiente conversacin telefnica)
Susan: Great! But I cannot meet you until five oclock.
Susan: Im fine thanks.
Susan: Susan speaking. Hello Jane!
Jane: We can go to see the new film.
Jane: Its Jane here.
Susan: Alright then, at five oclock outside the cinema.
Jane: Hello! Can I speak to Susan?
Jane: Alright. At five oclock.
We can meet outside the cinema.
Susan: Bye.
Jane: Do you want to go to the cinema?
Jane: See you then. Bye.
Susan: Yes, thats a good idea.
Jane: Hello Susan. How are you?
Paul: Yes. Hold on one moment.
Can I ask who is calling?
Copyright (c) Computer Aided Education SA
Put the words from the box into the following lists.
(Clasifica las palabras del cuadro en las siguientes columnas)
jacket scarf orange umbrella
brown sky cloud coat
yellow moon bowler hat red
blue sun handbag shirt
grass green mountain
Complete the sentences using the words from the list.
(Completa las siguientes frases con palabras del cuadro)
stop licence hurry maybe
ring can think very
married phone cant favour
right cant shirt drawer
1. Please ____________ the car. This is my house.
2. I cant talk ____________ now. I am in a ____________.
3. Are you sure the ____________ is in the ____________?
4. She has a ____________. I am sure she is ____________.
5. I ____________ I have a pen.
6. I ____________ find his ____________ number but I think I
have his address.
7. ____________ you do me a ____________? I need four Euros.
8. I ____________ drive. I dont have a driving ____________.
9. The food is ____________ hot.
10. ____________ we can go to the cinema this evening.

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