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Emily Rohwer ED 310/311 Date to Teach: 4/22/14 Content Area: Math Topic: Time: To the Nearest Minute C.C.

Standard: 3.MD.1 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram. Rationale: Telling time is an essential skill for any person to have. It is a life skill that students will need to use in their daily lives in and out of school. This lesson fits in with a unit on Measurement and Time. Pre-assessment: Students should already know how to tell time to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour. They should know how to skip count by 5s using an analog clock or a number line, and what a.m. and p.m. mean. I will ask students about all these things in a whole group discussion to see where the students as a group are at. Objective: The learner will read, write, and tell time on analog and digital clocks to the nearest minute. Summative Assessment: At the end of the lesson, I will collect the students worksheets from one of the stations in which they are completing problems on task cards and will look at their scores on their accounts. This data will allow me to see which students mastered the objective of telling time to the nearest minute, and which students still need to work on it.

Introduction: I will start the whole-group portion of my lesson with a problem that is authentic and relevant to my students lives. I will ask students to imagine that they are home one day after school playing in their room. Their mom tells them that in 2 hours and 30 minutes, it will be time for them to leave to go to the candy store but shell only take them there if they are all ready to go at the front door in exactly that amount of time. How will they know when they need to be ready? This will get students to think about how they will need to know how to tell time to solve problems in their real lives not just on a worksheet in class. Connection: I will make connections to previous lessons they have had on how to tell time to the nearest hour, half hour, and quarter hour. I might need to review how to skip count by 5s on a clock and number line. Students will need to know vocabulary: hour,

minute, seconds, half hour, quarter hour, am, pm. They will also need to recall the difference between the hour hand and minute hand on an analog clock. Task: This will be a tiered lesson. This is a concept that some students in the class are more familiar with than others. Students have already had a whole group lesson about telling time to the minute, so I am not including formal whole group instruction in this lesson. Students will be rotating between three stations. The activities at these stations will be slightly different depending on the group of students and how proficient they are at telling time to the minute. Station #1 will be an individual online assignment that students will complete on a chromebook or iPad. At this station the lower level students will be watching two videos on (one is Reading the exact time on a clock & one is Drawing the exact time on a clock). The upper level students will already know how to do this and wont need to review by watching the videos, so they will be playing a game on that involves practice reading clocks to the minute. At Station #2, students will be with either myself or Mrs. Capel. There will be a series of task cards with problems on them that students will need to complete. Since I or Mrs. Capel will be there, we will be able to help students and make sure they are understanding the concepts. The upper level students will have more difficult problems that require them to express the time to the minute such as Make the clock say 10:34 while the lower level students will have problems that focus more on recognizing the time on a clock. At Station #3 students will be playing a game with peers and either myself or Mrs. Capel that will reinforce the skill of telling time to the nearest minute. The lower level students will be playing the Time Mat game and the upper level students will be playing Time Flies, a board game that is a little more challenging. Formative Assessment: During this lesson, I and Mrs. Capel will be checking students understanding as we work with them at our stations. I will be checking to make sure they understand that the numbers 1 through 12 track the movement of the hour hand, and counting by 5s tracks the movement of the minute hand. Also, at the end of students time at my station I will have each student show me on their hand from 1-5 how well they think they know how to tell time to the nearest minute. Accommodations: This lesson includes differentiation so that students who are struggling with this concept will be doing activities at the stations that are more at their level. They will be given extra support, while the higher-achieving students will be given tasks in which they will be given a little more freedom and will go deeper into the content. In this way, students who need it will be challenged. There are no specific students in this class who will need extra accommodations. Closure: I will end the lesson by having the class go to their check in spots and we will have a class discussion of the steps you take to tell time to the nearest minute.

Technology: Technology will be used at Station #1 as students are on either or, which they will access from their Edmodo account. Logistics: Students are very familiar with the procedure for rotating between stations because they do small group math every day. I will tell students the order of the stations that each group is going to, and will instruct them to bring a pencil and clipboard with them. I need to have the Time Mat game, the Time Flies game, task cards and accompanying worksheets, and the chromebooks and macbooks that Mrs. Capel has already in her room. I anticipate that this lesson will take 30-40 minutes, and students will take about 10 minutes at each station.

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