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Writing a list of references

At the end of all pieces of academic writing, you need a list of materials that you have used or referred to. This usually has a heading: references but may be bibliography or works cited depending on the conventions of the system you use. The object of your writing is for you to say something for yourself using the ideas of the subject, for you to present ideas you have learned in your own way. The emphasis should be on working with other peoples ideas, rather than reproducing their words. The ideas and people that you refer to need to be made explicit by a system of referencing. This consists of a list of materials that you have used at the end of the piece of writing and references to this list at various points throughout the essay. The purpose of this is to supply the information needed to allow a user to find a source. Therefore, at the end of your assignment you need a list of the materials you have used a bibliography or a reference list. There are many ways of writing a list of references check with your department for specific information.

The most common system is called the !arvard system. There is no definitive version of the !arvard system and most universities have their own. "ut the one used here the American #sychological Association style is well known and often used $American #sychological Association, %&'(, %&&), %&&&, *++%, *+%+,. -lick here or see .ibaldi $*++(, and /odern 0anguages Association $%&&', *++&, for another way. /any scientists use a numerical system, often called the 1ancouver style or "2 %3*&. -lick here or see 4nternational -ommittee of /edical 5ournal 6ditors $%&&%, for more information.

A good overview can be found in #ears 7 2hields $*++',.

1. Example

Abercrombie, D. (1968). Paralanguage. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 3, 55-59.

Barr, P., Clegg, J. & Wallace, C. (1981). Advanced reading skills. on!on" ongman. C#om$%&, '. (19()). ingui$*ic *#eor&. +n J. W. ,ller & J. C. -ic#ar!$ (.!$.), Focus on the learner (//. 09-)5). -o1le&, 2a$$ac#u$e**$" 'e1bur& 3ou$e. 4rom%in, 5. & -o!man, -. (198)). An introduction to language. on!on" 3ol*6aun!er$. 7uiora, A. 8., Palu$9n&, 2., Bei*-3alla#mi, B., Ca*:or!, J. C., Coole&, -. .. & Dull, C. ;. (19(5). anguage an! /er$on" 6*u!ie$ in language be#a<iour. Language Learning, 25, =)-61. !"#s $th %%% user surve&. (n.!.). -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>*ec#.e!u>g<u>u$er$ur<e&$>$ur<e&199(-1?> @in$ella, 5. (.!.). (19(8). Language teaching and linguistics' (urve&s. Cambri!ge" Cambri!ge Ani<er$i*& Pre$$. i/in$%&, .. & Ben!er, -. (198?). Cri*ical <oice$ on *#e econom&. (urve&, 25, )8=0. ,ller, J. W. & -ic#ar!$, J. C. (.!$.). (19()). Focus on the learner. -o1le&, 2a$$ac#u$e**$" 'e1bur& 3ou$e. Longman dictionar& of contem)orar& *nglish. (19(8). on!on" ongman. 6mi*#, 4. (19(8). +eading. Cambri!ge" Cambri!ge Ani<er$i*& Pre$$. 6*ern, 3. 3. & Weinrib, A. (19(8). 4oreign language$ :or &ounger c#il!ren" Bren!$ an! a$$e$$men*. +n 5. @in$ella (.!.), Language teaching and linguistics' (urve&s (//. 150-1(0). Cambri!ge" Cambri!ge Ani<er$i*& Pre$$.
8se heading: References. #age numbers should be included for all articles in journals and in collections. 8se italics $or underlining in handwriting, for titles of books, periodicals, newspapers etc. 8se alphabetical order. Alphabetise works with no author by the first significant word in the title. All co authors should be listed.

4ndent second etc. lines 8se $n.d., if no date is given. 4f the author of a document is not given, begin the reference with the title of the document.

2. Books
a. One author: 6mi*#, 4. (19(8). +eading. Cambri!ge" Cambri!ge Ani<er$i*& Pre$$. . T!o authors: 4rom%in, 5. & -o!man, -. (198)). An introduction to language. on!on" 3ol*-6aun!er$. c. "ore than t!o authors: Barr, P., Clegg, J. & Wallace, C. (1981). Advanced reading skills. on!on" ongman. #. E#ite# collections: @in$ella, 5. (.!.). (19(8). Language teaching and linguistics' (urve&s. Cambri!ge" Cambri!ge Ani<er$i*& Pre$$. ,ller, J. W. & -ic#ar!$, J. C. (.!$.). (19()). Focus on the learner. -o1le&, 2a$$ac#u$e**$" 'e1bur& 3ou$e. e. Book$ corporate author: Bri*i$# Council Beac#ing +n:orma*ion Cen*re. (19(8). ,re-sessional courses for overseas students. on!on" Bri*i$# Council. f. Book$ no author$ or e#itor: Longman dictionar& of contem)orar& *nglish. (19(8). on!on" ongman. .he .imes atlas of the /orld (5*# e!.). (19(5). 'e1 ;or%" 'e1 ;or% Bime$. g. Book$ thir# e#ition:

4rom%in, 5. & -o!man, -. (198)). An introduction to language ()r! e!.). on!on" 3ol*6aun!er$. h. Book$ re%ise# e#ition: Co#en, J. (19((). (tatistical )o/er anal&sis for the 0ehavioural sciences (re<. e!.). 'e1 ;or%" Plenum Pre$$. i. Non&English ook: Piage*, J. & +n#el!er, B. (1951). La gen1se de l2id1e de hasard che3 l2enfant CB#e origin o: *#e i!ea o: !anger in *#e c#il!D. Pari$" Pre$$e$ Ani<er$i*aire$ !e 4rance. '. English translation of a ook: uria, A. -. (1969). .he mind of a mnemonist ( . 6olo*aro::, Bran$.). 'e1 ;or%" A<on Boo%$. (,riginal 1or% /ubli$#e! 1965) k. Books or articles$ t!o or more ( the same author in the same (ear: &on$, J. (1981a). Language and linguistics. Cambri!ge" Cambri!ge Ani<er$i*& Pre$$. &on$, J. (1981b). Language, meaning and conte4t. on!on" 4on*ana.

). *erio#ical articles
a. One author: Abercrombie, D. (1968). Paralanguage. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 3, 55-59. . T!o authors: i/in$%&, .. & Ben!er, -. (198?). Cri*ical <oice$ on *#e econom&. (urve&, 25, )8-=0. c. "ore than t!o authors: 7uiora, A. 8., Palu$9n&, 2., Bei*-3alla#mi, B., Ca*:or!, J. C., Coole&, -. .. & Dull, C. ;. (19(5). anguage an! /er$on" 6*u!ie$ in language be#a<iour. Language Learning, 25, =)-61.

#. Re%ie! of a ook: Carmo!&, B. P. (1980). A ne1 loo% a* me!icine :rom a $ocial /er$/ec*i<e C-e<ie1 o: *#e boo% (ocial conte4ts of health, illness and )atient care, b& .. 7. 2i$#ler, . -. Amara$ing#am, 6. D. ,$#er$on, 6. B. 3au$er, '. .. WaEler & -. iemD. Contem)orar& ,s&cholog&, 25, 0?8-0?9. e. Re%ie! of a ook$ no title: 2ale&, A. (199=). C-e<ie1 o: *#e boo% Critical language a/areness, b& '. 4aircloug#D. A))lied Linguistics, 65, )=8-)5?. f. "aga+ine article: 7ar!ner, 3. (1981, December). Do babie$ $ing a uni<er$al $ongF ,s&cholog& .oda&, (?-(6. g. Ne!spaper article: Jame$, -. (1991, December 15). ,be$i*& a::ec*$ economic $ocial $*a*u$. .he uardian, /. 18 h. Ne!spaper,"aga+ine article$ no author: Aci! a**ac% G$carre! girl :or li:eH. (1986, ,c*ober 01). .he uardian, /. =.

$4n the essay use a short form of the title for citation: $:Acid Attack.: %&'3,,
i. Ne!spaper article$ letter to the e#itor: 3ain, P. (1986, ,c*ober 01). B#e /olice /ro*ec*ion *#a* 1omen 1an* C e**er *o *#e e!i*orD. .he uardian, /. =. '. -ournal article$ in press: Jo#n$, A. 2. (in /re$$) Wri**en argumen*a*ion :or real au!ience$. .*(7L 8uarterl&.

.. Selections from e#ite# collections
a. One author:

C#om$%&, '. (19()). ingui$*ic *#eor&. +n J. W. ,ller & J. C. -ic#ar!$ (.!$.), Focus on the learner (//. 09-)5). -o1le&, 2a$$ac#u$e**$" 'e1bur& 3ou$e. . T!o authors: 6*ern, 3. 3. & Weinrib, A. (19(8). 4oreign language$ :or &ounger c#il!ren" Bren!$ an! a$$e$$men*. +n 5. @in$ella (.!.), Language teaching and linguistics' (urve&s (//. 1501(0). Cambri!ge" Cambri!ge Ani<er$i*& Pre$$.

/. 01 RO"s etc
a. Ne!spaper or maga+ine on 01&RO": 7ar!ner, 3. (1981, December). Do babie$ $ing a uni<er$al $ongF ,s&cholog& .oda& CCD-,2D, //. (?-(6. . 2 stract on 01&RO": 2e&er, A. 6. & Boc%, @. (1990). B#e *i/-o:-*#e-*ongue /#enomenon" Bloc%ing or /ar*ial ac*i<a*ionF CCD--,2D. 9emor& Cognition, 2:, (15-(06. Ab$*rac* :rom" 6il<erPla**er 4ile" P$&c +B +*em" 8?-16)51 c. 2rticle from 01&RO" Enc(clope#ia: Crime. (1996). +n 9icrosoft *ncarta 6;;< *nc&clo)edia CCD--,2D. -e!mon!, WA" 2icro$o:* Cor/ora*ion. #. 1ictionar( on 01&RO": 74ford *nglish dictionar& com)uter file' 7n com)act disc (0n! e!.) CCD--,2D. (1990). ,E:or!" ,E:or! Ani<er$i*& Pre$$.

3. 1ocuments o taine# from the 4nternet
All references begin with the same information that would be provided for a printed source $or as much of that information as possible,. The ;;;

information is then placed at the end of the reference in the same way as publishing information is given for books. 4t is not necessary to give the date of retrieval unless the document on the ;eb may change in content e.g. a wiki move, or be removed from a site altogether. The object of this is the same as all referencing to supply the information needed to allow a user to find a source. 4f you do not know the author or the date and it does not have a clear title, think carefully before using it. 2ee 6valuating 2ources.
a. 2n article: Jacob$on, J. W., 2ulic%, J. A. 6c#1ar*9, A. A. (1995). A #i$*or& o: :acili*a*e! communica*ion" 6cience, /$eu!o$cience, an! an*i$cience" 6cience 1or%ing grou/ on :acili*a*e! communica*ion.American ,s&chologist, 5:, (5?-(65. -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>111.a/>Iournal$>Iacob$on.#*ml . 2 ne!spaper article: 6lee%, 6. (1996, Januar&). P$&c#ologi$*$ buil! a cul*ure o: /eace. .he =e/ >ork .imes, //. 1, )) -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>111.n&*ime$.com c. WWW 1ocument: i, J. & Crane, '. (1996, 2a& 0?). Bi0liogra)hic formats for citing electronic information. -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>111.u<m.e!u>KEli>re:erence>e$*&le$.#*ml #. WWW 1ocument & corporate author: Worl! Wi!e Web Con$or*ium (W)C). (1995, 2a& 15). A0out the %orld %ide %e0. -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>111.1).org>#&/er*eE*>WWW> e. WWW 1ocument & corporate author: American P$&c#ological A$$ocia*ion (1996). ?o/ to cite information from the /orld /ide /e0. -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>111.a/>Iournal$>1ebre:.#*ml f. WWW 1ocument & no author: A field guide to sources on, a0out and on the @nternet' Citation formats. (1995, Dec 18). -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>!u>W36C >ci*a*ion.:orma*$.#*ml g. WWW 1ocument & no author$ no #ate:

WWW user survey. $n.d.,. <etrieved from*+++ %+= h. 2n a stract: -o$en*#al, -. (1995). 6*a*e o: 'e1 Jer$e& <. 2argare* @ell& 2ic#ael$" An o<er<ie1 CAb$*rac*D. ,s&cholog&, ,u0lic ,olic&, and La/, 6, 0=(L0(1. -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>111.a/>Iournal$>ab1.#*ml i. Wikipe#ia 1ocument & no author$ no #ate$ source material ma( change o%er time: #sychology. $n.d.,. 4n Wikipedia. <etrieved >ctober %), *++&, from '. Entr( in online reference !ork$ no author$ e#itor or #ate: #euri$*ic (n.!.) +n 9erriam-%e0ster#s online dictionar& (11*# e!.). -e*rie<e! :rom #**/">>>!ic*ionar&>#euri$*ic

5. Others
a. 6o%ernment report: 'a*ional +n$*i*u*e o: 2en*al 3eal*#. (1980). .elevision and 0ehaviour' .en &ears of scientific )rogress and im)lications for the eighties (D336 Publica*ion 'o. AD280-1195). Wa$#ing*on DC" A6 7o<ernmen* Prin*ing ,::ice. . *u lication !ith no #ate gi%en: 2alac#i, 8. (.!.). (n.!.) ,roceedings of the @nternational Conference on Literar& and Linguistic Co)m)uting. Bel A<i<" 4acul*& o: 3umani*ie$, Bel A<i< Ani<er$i*&. c. 7npu lishe# #issertation or thesis: De<in$, 7. 2. (1981). ?el)lessness, de)ression, and mood in end-stage renal disease. An/ubli$#e! !oc*oral !i$$er*a*ion, 2c7ill Ani<er$i*&, 2on*real. #. 7npu lishe# conference paper:

3o1ar*#, P. (1995, 2arc#). ,hraseological standards in *A,. Pa/er /re$en*e! a* *#e mee*ing o: *#e Bri*i$# A$$ocia*ion o: ec*urer$ in .ngli$# :or Aca!emic Pur/o$e$, 'o**ing#am. e. 8ilm or %i#eotape: 2aa$, J. B. (Pro!ucer), an! 7luc%, D. 3. (Direc*or). (19(9). Dee)er into h&)nosis C4ilmD. .ngle1oo! Cli::$, 'J" Pren*ice 3all.

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