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8:30 Cruise into Kindergarten Reading/Writing Basketball Bubble Blast Computer Camp Gymnastics NEW! Kids in the Kitchen Start Your Day Healthy Comic Book Creation Discovering Famous Artists Golf Marble Madness Yoga

10:00 Math Bowling NEW! Bug's Life NEW! Dinosaurs iPad Camp Muggles at Hogwarts Outdoor Games Super Science Under the Sea Art Around the World Coding Club NEW! Dance & Fitness NEW! Kids in the Kitchen Start Your Day Healthy Who Done It?

Session 1 - June 30 - July 11 11:30 12:00 Soccer NEW! Arts & Crafts Storytime Botany Comic Book Creation Discovering Famous Artists Legos Math in the Kitchen NEW! Tennis Yoga 50 Nifty States NEW! Creative Characters NEW! Greek Mythology Green Ambassadors NEW! Hola Espanol NEW! MathART NEW! Lights, Camera, Action! Simple Machines NEW! American Girls (K-3)

1:30 Kitchen Science Art Around the World Bird is the Word NEW! Creative Characters NEW! Dance & Fitness NEW! Fairy Tales Hola Espanol NEW! Jewelry Making Safari Bistro Journalism Kids in the Kitchen Knights/Castles/Wizards Muggles at Hogwarts News Broadcasting Spacetacular NEW! Tennis

8:30 Cruise into Kindergarten Reading/Writing Bowling NEW! Bubble Blast Bug's Life NEW! Class Monsters Muggles at Hogwarts Yoga Basketball Kids in the Kitchen News Broadcasting Spacetacular NEW! Start Your Day/Healthy Way


Session 2 - July 14 - July 25 11:30


1:30 Fiction Series Fun Building Bonanza Computer Camp Crazy Faces Dinosaurs Green Ambassadors NEW! Hola Espanol NEW! Kitchen Science Math in the Kitchen NEW! Under the Sea Comic Book Creation Dance & Fitness NEW! Inspiring Illustrators NEW! Journalism Knights/Castles/Wizards Putting It Together NEW! Simply Machines NEW! Tennis

Math Comic Book Creation Dance & Fitness NEW! Fiction Series Fun NEW!

Crafty Critters Arts & Crafts Storytime Bird is the Word NEW! Botany Edible Art Fairy Tales Inspiring Illustrators NEW! iPad Camp Jewelry Making Kids in the Kitchen Safari Bistro Tennis Coding Club NEW! Greek Mythology Hola Espanol NEW! Marble Madness Muggles at Hogwarts Outdoor Games Write it Right NEW! Yoga


Start Your Day Healthy 50 Nifty States NEW! Edible Art Golf Gymnastics NEW! Lights, Camera, Action! Who Done It? American Girls (K-3)

Pre-K Classes Classes for Grades K-2 Classes for Grades 3-5 Grade Specific Academics Other (See description) 8:30 Camp Discovery Center Stage Comic Book Creation Cook Up A Book NEW! No Batteries Req. iPad Camp Outdoor Games Pirates Yoga Bowling NEW! Coding Club NEW! Print making Spacetacular NEW! Start Your Day Healthy


Session 3 - July 28 - August 8 11:30


Kids in the Kitchen Super Science 2 Soccer NEW!


1:30 Pirates Building Bonanza Print Making Bug's Life NEW! Math in the Kitchen NEW! Safari Bistro Super Science 2 Tennis Dance & Fitness NEW! Hola Espanol NEW! Muggles at Hogwarts News Broadcasting Spanish NEW! Weather Reporters American Girls (K-3)

Gymnastics Jewelry Making Kids in the Kitchen Kitchen Science Start Your Day/Healthy Way Super Science 50 Nifty United States NEW! Center Stage Comic Book Creation Crochet Golf Sculpture Simply Machines NEW! Yoga


Computer Camp Dinosaurs Fiction Series Fun NEW!

Be Fit & Get Outside! NEW! Arts & Crafts Storytime Dance & Fitness Fairy Tales Hola Espanol NEW! Legos Muggles at Hogwarts Sculpture Under the Sea Journalism Kids in the Kitchen Lights, Camera, Action! MathART NEW! Tennis Write it Right NEW! Summer Olympics (2-5) NEW!

5 Nifty 50 y Stat S tes s


Stud S den nts wil w l tr rav vel thr roug gho out t United the d St tate es and a lea arn abo out e h st each tate es loca l atio on, fun f fac cts, l dma land ark ks, and a im mpor rtan nt figu fi res s.

Bot B tan ny K2 K-2

The T e course will w teac t ch s den stud nts all a abou a ut plan p nts f nd in foun i gard g dens s. The f us will focu w be on the t life e c le, how cycl h w pla ants gr row w, a d wh and hat they need d to sur rviv ve. S den Stud nts will w ma ake a sa alad d from g den gard n veggie es, lear l rn abou a ut seed s ds, and a d g w th grow heir r ow wn bea b an plan p nt.

Camp Ca p Dis D sco overy

P e-K Pre K

Amer Am ric can Girls Gi s

Stud S dent ts will w hav h e th he oppo ortu unity y to e lore expl e the e liv ves of o vario v ous Am meric can G dol Girl lls, inclu i udin ng Felic F city y, Kit t an nd J e. We Julie W will w lear l rn ab bou ut th he ti ime p iods peri s in whi ich they y liv ved, , and af fter r ding read g a book b k, we w will w part p ticip pate e in a c ft ac craft ctivity that t goe es along g with w the t e pe time eriod d. The T chil c ldre en will w also a o lea arn h w to bra how aid thei t r do olls s hai ir, and a will l m ke je mak ewe elry for the em.

K K-3

This fu T un camp offer rs ag ge-a app prop pria ate a iviti acti ies in i a sch hoo ol se ettin ng. Pro ogra ams s f us on focu o buil b ding so ocia al an nd mot m tor s lls whil skil w le havi h ng fun f . Indoo or and a o doo out or spac ces will w l be e use ed and a d a iviti acti ies will w l inc clud de stor s ry ti ime e, o doo out or gam g es, scie ence ac ctiv vitie es, c mpu com uter r lab bs, and a mo ore!

Cent Ce ter St tag ge

K5 K-5

B wli Bo ing g

K K-5

A t Aro Art A oun nd th he Wo World d K-5 K5

Wha W at woul w ld it t be like e to tak ke a ma agic c pet ride carp r e thr roug gh t Mid the M ddle e Eas st, desi d gn a Gr reek k Va ase, an A tralian boo Aust ome eran ng o an Is or slam mic Hen H nna t oo? Now tatto w you can c e erie expe ence e it all, a whi w ile le earn ning g ab bout t d eren diffe nt cu ultu ures s fro om all a over o r the e w rld! wor

This T s cla ass wil ll in ntro oduc ce stud s dent ts to o t bas the sics of bow b wlin ng. Its I nev ver too t e ly to earl o learn n ho ow to t prop p perl ly hold a d rol and ll a bow wlin ng ball. b . Stu ude ents s will l ve th leav he cou c urse wit th a pr ractice p ket, pac , wh hich h will allow a w th hem m to o c tinu con ue to t prac p ctice e th he te echn niqu ues t y learn they ned eve en after a r th he co our rse has h e ded. end

Hav H ve you y eve er watc w ched d a Bro oadw way y s ow and sho a wo onde ered, How w do d th hey y do t t? We that W ll, now n w yo ou ca an find f d ou ut! T roug Thr gh fun f the eatre ga ame es and a t hniq tech que es th hat the e pro os use, u , you will w l rn how lear h w to cre eate e lar rger r than life l c arac cha cters s th hrou ugh mo ovem men nt and a i prov imp visa ation, and a act t out sc cene es f m so from ome of f yo our favo f orit te st tori ies.

C ass Cla s Mon M nst ter rs


B bb Bu ble Bla ast t

K2 K-2

A ts & Craf Art C fts s St tory ytim me

K2 K-2

We will W w l rea ad stor s ies abo out all a sort s s of f t ngs, like thin e anima als, gam g mes, prince esses, c s, an cars nd su upe er he eroe es. Afte A er re eadi ing, w will we w des sign n and make m e cra afts s tha at help t en to nha ance e the e sto orie es, li ike dior ram mas, p pets, an pup nd mod m dels s.

If yo I ou enjo e oy blow b wing g an nd pop p ppin ng b bble bub es, th hen n this is s the co ourse for f y u! We you W will w lear rn the t hist tory y of f b bble bub es while w e we w cr reat te bubb b ble s utio solu ons, lea arn bub b bble e rec cipe es, mak m ke g nt bubb gian b bles s, an nd play p y bu ubble gam g mes. W wil We ll also imm i merse ours o selv ves in m ny scie man s nce e activi ities s revolv ving a und arou d wa ater r.

pro p oject ts will w give th he stud dent ts th he c ance cha e to wo ork bot b th in ndepen nden ntly y a d collab and bora ativ vely y. Th hey wil ll cr reat te t ir own mo thei onst ters s as we ell as a s lptu scu ured d, 3-D 3 clas ss-s sized mon m ster rs. T ey will The w also o de esig gn and a bui ild a c set for clos f the eir mon m nste er to o sle eep p in w en the whe t day y en nds! ! Sca ary and d sl limy y or r f and fun d lo ovin ng the e ch hoic ce is s yours s!

Coding Club Co b

3 3-5

B gs Bu s Li ife e

K2 K-2

B ske Bas etb ball l

K K-5

Stud S den nts will w lea arn coo c ordinat tion n, b ance bala e, sk kills s an nd team t mwo ork k wh hile p ying play g ga ame es an nd wor w rkin ng toge ethe er t re to each th heir r go oal.

B Fit Be t & Ge et Ou uts side e! PreP -K

Stud S den nts will w lea arn 1 ga ame e or r sport e h da each ay, and a d practi ice the e ski ills to m ke us mak u su uccessful in thes t se gam g mes. S den Stud nts will w film m on ne ano a othe er p ctic prac cing g the ese skil lls, and d wi ill revi r ew t videos the s to stre eng gthe en prop p per form a goo and od pra p ctic ce beha b avio ors.

Do you D y u wa ant to lear l rn mor m e ab bou ut b gs, butt bug b terfl lies, an nd cree epy crawlies? T e foc The cus wil ll be e on n lif fe cy ycle es, differ rent t typ pes of bug b gs, wh hat the ey eat, e and d wh hat th hey are a att tracted d to. Stude ents s wi ill do d relat ted ar rts & cr rafts s, an nd will w l ob bser rve a butte erfly metam morph hosi is fir rsth hand d.

Java J a an nyone? ? Th his cour c rse wil ll i rodu intr uce stu uden nts to Java J a, a c mpu com uter r pro ogramm min ng la ang guag ge. Y ull use You u Jav va commands s an nd m them mat mat tica al co once epts s lik ke angl a les, s pes sha s, an nd dist d anc ce to o so olve e p oblems. pro . Ou ur goal g is to t unlo u ock a s den stud nts min nd to t explore e the e ev vere pand exp ding g world d of f compute er sc cien nce!

Comi Co ic Bo Book k Crea C ation n K-5 K5

Wh W hat bett b ter wa ay to o s end you spe ur sum s mme er t n cr tha rea ating g yo our r v ry own ver n comic c b ok! In this boo t s cla ass, , y u wi you ill get g the t e chanc ce to deve elop p n w an new nd inte i eres stin ng char c racters, and p ce them plac t m in adve entu uro ous story l es. You line Y ull lear l rn sim s mple e tec chn niqu ues t help to h p yo ou sket s tch your cha c arac cter rs i deta in d ail. Not t famil liar with com c mic b oks? boo ? Yo oul ll sp pen nd th he firs f st tw wo d ys of day o cl lass s using g we ell-k kno own n c mics com s to o un nder rsta and d ho ow p ofes pro ssional l au utho ors dev velo op thei t ir c arac cha cter rs and sto oryline es.

B ild Bu ding g Bon B nan nza a


B rd is Bir i the t e Wor W rd!

K-2 2

Twi T itter r ha as noth n hing g on n us. Le earn n a ut loca abo al bi irds s an nd habi h itats s, an nd d ign and desi d bu uild d habita ats for birds in i y r ar you rea! ! Stu ude ents s will le earn n ab bout t b ds near bird n r an nd fa ar, and a wil ll de eve elop pa c ss bo clas ook k wi ith pho p otos s and illus stra ation ns of o th he bird b ds we w see! s

Call C ling g all fut ture e en ngin neer rs! This T s e iting pr exci rog gram m fe eatu ures s str ruct ture ed p y wi play ith Leg gos, KN NEX X, Zo ome es, bas b ic b cks, bloc , and more m e. Kids K wil ll le earn n c mmu com unic cation skil lls and a tea amw wor rk, a d are and e en ncou uraged d to think out tside t box the x wh hen n solvin ng prob p blem ms. S den Stud nts will w hav ve tons t s of f fun n r chin reac ng for f the t sky y!

Computer Camp


Cruise into K


Fairy Tales


Younger students will utilize various programs to build their computer literacy and learn keyboarding and safe internet searching. Older students will learn about software like Word, Keynote, GarageBand, iMovie, Pages, PowerPoint, and Excel, among others. They will also learn how to navigate the Internet and work on proper keyboarding.

Cook Up a Good Book K-2

We will read story books involving food, like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Pinkalicious, Pancakes Pancakes, Petes Pizza, and more! Then, we will learn how to make the foods we read about!

This pre-K readiness adventure is for students entering Kindergarten in September. Through a variety of age appropriate activities, your child will refine and develop skills necessary for success in the fall. Activities will appeal to all types of learners: those who learn through movement and music, as well as those who learn through stories and hands-on projects.

This is a class where anything can happen! Children will be able to use their imagination and create characters and worlds that are magical. They will be immersed in various fairy tales including Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk and Rapunzel. We will also work on important reading strategies and activities based on what we read.

Fiction Series Fun PreK-2

This course explores the wonderful world of series books. Every few days, we will dive into a new series while focusing on character, plot, vocabulary and more. Explore Junie B. Jones, Clifford, and Henry & Mudge. Come and foster a love of reading with some cherished books.

Dance & Fitness


Crafty Critters


We will learn facts about some of our favorite animals, read stories about them, and create crafts to represent them using a variety of media and techniques. The goal is to learn, allow creativity, and experience different kinds of art.

Students will learn popular line dances and a few original combinations. The class will incorporate lyrical and hip hop dance moves. The class is for all students any student can join and pick up on the steps. Come have fun and bust a move!

Dinosaurs & Other Fossils K-2

Students will become paleontologists as they learn and discover everything there is to know about dinosaurs. Using books, videos, and activities, the students will learn about the dinos that roamed the earth in the Jurassic period. They will add pages to their Dinosaur Journal, dig for dinosaur bones, and learn about other fossils.

Golf for Beginners


Crazy Faces


Young artists will have the opportunity to create selfportraits influenced by artists like Kahlo, Van Gogh, and Picasso. Not only will we paint our current faces, but also our super hero selves, what we might look like all grown up and in our favorite place. We will use a variety of fun materials and will create paintings based on conveying our mood through our facial expressions. This class focuses on creative writing. Throughout the school year, writing workshop focuses on teaching children how to write stories from their lives but they have little opportunity to write stories from their imagination. Students will leave the class with a realistic fiction or fantasy piece, a sci-fi story or a fairy tale!

Discovering Famous Artists K-5

Students will become familiar with the work of great artists like Picasso, Van Gogh, and Warhol. Each day will feature different strategies and media used to create different genres of artwork like painting, drawing, and sculpture. Students will learn about different styles like impressionism and cubism, and will create unique artwork meant to echo the great artists of the past.

This introduction to the game of golf will include chip, swing, putting, club selection, keeping score, terminology, and etiquette. Minigolf challenges will be held throughout the course. The most important part of the class is to have fun and learn the game so you can take what you learned and use it on a real course!

Greek Mythology


Students will learn all about the myths and legends of the Greeks Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes, Mount Olympus, the Underworld, and creatures like Cyclops and Medusa! Children will create dioramas, taste Ancient Greek foods, and drink Medusa punch. Finally, students will create a labyrinth, Medusa stone statues, and Zeus lightning bolts.

Creative Characters K-5

Green Ambassadors


Edible Art


When it comes to making art, what better way to end a project than to EAT IT? During this scrumptious class, we will work with edible paint, edible crayons, and even edible sand art. Students will not only create art with food, but will learn about the process of making edible food products.

Our students will use the grounds as a place to learn, observe and explore! Ambassadors will run the Summer Adventure Lunchtime Recycling program, learn to identify local flora and fauna, and develop general wilderness awareness. Think green, and help Summer Adventure be a better place!



Jewelry Making


Legos Rule


This class is the perfect way for your child to develop confidence and self-esteem through body movement! We will begin with a warm up sequence that will use a combination of gymnastics and yoga techniques to promote strength and flexibility. Then, the students will learn about gymnastics and develop coordination and body awareness. Through posture, balance, coordination and strength, children release energy and have fun doing it.

Students will create a variety of oneof-a-kind jewelry and accessories using an assortment of tools and strategies. The class will use beads, yarn, clay, string, and fabrics to make a complete jewelry and accessory collection that they will be proud to wear. Students will leave the class with a compilation of handcrafted jewelry and accessories, and a How To booklet of all learned strategies!

Students will connect with the world of technology using Legos. Fun and engaging hands-on projects with castles, skyscrapers, bridges, 3-legged chairs, houses, and floor plans are just a few of the themes that are sure to please.

Lights, Camera, Action!




Hola, Espaol


Teaching Spanish can help students grow up and appreciate Hispanic culture. Having the ability to speak two or more languages in todays society can give you a leg up! So say Hola, to Spanish, and Adios, to a boring summer!

This course will teach students the components of making a magazine. They will write articles, conduct interviews, and edit the work of their peers. This course will improve writing, inspire creative thinking, and enhance grammar. At the end of the two weeks, they will compile an actual magazine!

Have you ever wanted to make your own movie? Students in this class will learn how to make a movie from start to finish shooting video footage, still photos, and their own created music. Students can decide to create a music video, commercial, personal documentary the skys the limit!

Marble Madness


Kids in the Kitchen


Imagination Play


Students participate in games that involve their imagination and work together to solve problems. Games include Adventure Treks, Bad Skits, Create Your Own Circus, Edible Bridge, Dinner Party, Puppet Party, Desert Island Escape and more.

Inspiring Illustrators


Using the art of famous illustrators like Eric Carle, Leo Leonni and Robert Sabuda, kids will create their own inspired illustrations. This class will focus on the art within the books, and how it helps tell the story even without words. Students make collages, watercolor paintings, and pop-up art just like their favorite illustrators!

This hands-on cooking adventure will focus on recipes that kids can make for themselves and their families. They will have fun cooking while also learning math through measurements and portion sizes. We will focus on health and nutrition as we make healthy and well-balanced foods. The students will also create a keepsake book of recipes throughout the class. An additional $10 food fee will be added to the price of this class.

Two weeks of marble fun! Students will learn the history of marbles, and even make their own. They will use them to knuckle down and play a wide variety of marble games. Dont worry we arent playing for keeps, so each child will bring their marbles home at the end of the session.



Kitchen Science


iPad Camp


This course will open your childrens eyes to the exciting world of science using everyday items found in the kitchen! Students will create things like slime and rubber eggs, as well as learning how and why different things work and explore science in a safe, new, and exciting way.

Students will create projects that make a natural connection between math and art like stained glass windows, tessellations, and explore the art of Piet Mondrian to explore geometry. They will also become invested in other projects involving number sense, measurement, patterns, symmetry, statistics, etc.

Mathematics Concepts K-5

This course will offer a review of basic math concepts. Classroom instruction will be enriched with a multitude of hands-on experiences, games, and strategies in a fun-filled environment designed to strengthen mathematical knowledge and expand mathematical competency. (Please register by grade finished in June 2014)

Do you enjoy exploring and learning new things about your iPad? iPad use in schools is catching on. Be your class iPad expert next year! This course will teach students how to use the iPad, download apps, and how to use the iPad in the classroom.

Knights, Castles & Wizards 3-5

We will learn all about Medieval times and read tales of dragons and magical kingdoms. We will also make shields, catapults, and castles with moats. We will write with invisible ink, brew potions we can drink, and create our own wands.

Math in the Kitchen


This class will introduce young bakers to fractions! We will discuss fractions, decimals and measuring while whipping up some tasty treats. Who knew math could be so delicious?

Mugg Mu gles s at Hog H gw wart ts K-5 K

Stud S den nts are a invited d to att tend d H gwa Hog arts and d learn n about t sub bjec cts d crib desc bed in the t Har rry Pot tter r ser ries s. S den Stud nts will w att tend d As stro onom my, , A thm Arit manc cy, Divi D inat tion n, an nd Poti P ions c sses clas s. In add diti ion, stu uden nts wil ll be e g en th give he opp o port tuni ity to t com c mpet te in n v ious vari s ho ouse e cu up chal c llen nges s, an nd e n po earn oint ts fo or th heir r de esir red hou h use.

P tti Pu ing g It t To oge eth her r


S cc So cer Sk kills s

P eK Pre K-2

This T s co ours se cons c sists s of f a vari v ety of p ject proj ts using u g co ollage, paint, crayon ns, r ycle recy ed obje o ects, , glu ue, stri s ing, but tton ns, a d mo and ore! ! As ssem mble am maz zing g a wor artw rk, and a sho ow it off to o th he worl w ld!

Stud S den nts will w l lea arn bas sic skill s ls, c ordinat coo tion and te eam mwo ork whi w ile p ying play g ga ame es and hav ving g fun n. We W will w l a o lea also arn abo out t a new n w spo ort tha at ca an b fun be f to play p y at t home!

R adi Rea ing g &W Wri itin ng Ws W kp

K5 K-5

S ace Sp eta acu ula ar!

3-5 5

News Ne s Broa adc cas sting


Calling all future C e rep por rters s, news s w ters writ s, di irec ctor rs, and a pro oducers! S mme Sum er Adve A entu ure e will ha ave e its ver ry o n ne own ews s sta ation! Cam C mpers will w lea arn w at it wha t tak kes to mak m ke a ne etwo ork k like C N tic CNN ck be ehin nd-t the-sce enes s. C atin Crea ng and a hos stin ng a new wsc cast t p vide prov es a we ealt th of pr ract tical ha ands so expe on e erie ence e. St tud dent ts will w wri w te t ir ow thei wn scr ripts s, fil lm, and d ed dit clip c s, c minatin culm ng in on ne com c mple ete sho ow.

This T s un niqu ue read r ding g/w writi ing pro ogra am i op is pen n to stu uden nts of all a abili a ities s. The T f mat form t will be e simil lar to t th he Tea T ache ers C lege Coll e Re eadi ing and d Writi W ing W rksh Wor hop p. Em mph has sis is s pl lace ed on o th he a uisi acqu ition of f reading/ /wr ritin ng sk kills s. T e progr The ram m is des d igned to t main m ntai in, s engt stre then n an nd exp e and d these e i port imp tant t skills. . (Pl leas se regis r ster r by y g de fini gra ishe ed in i June J e 20 014 4)

Stud S den nts will w l lea arn abo out out ter spa s ace b exp by e lori ing the e dif fferent t pla anet ts, s rs, and star a bey yon nd. The T e cla ass will w l tak ke a close er lo ook at spac s ce trav t vel, star rtin ng w h Ham with H m, the fir rst chim mpanz zee to go g i o sp into pace e, an nd end e ing wit th how h w a ronaut astr ts tr rave el to oday y! Laun L nch hing g f in 3 fun 3 2 1

S art Sta t Yo our r Day D He ealt thy y


S far Saf ri Bist B tro o

K2 K-2

No Batt No ter ries s Req R quir red d K-2 K2

Lear L rn boa b rd gam g mes, , car rd gam g mes, and d jigsa aw puz zzle es. Each E h da ay will w fea atur re a n w ga new ame e. Th his clas c ss wil ll he elp wit th follow wing di irec ctions, tak king g tu urns s, sh hari ing, , and d le earn ning g to win n o lo or ose but t sti ill enjo e oy play p ing. Ca an we w f sh a pu finis uzzle in n tw wo wee w ks? ?

Outd Ou doo or Ga G me es


Wha W at a wa ay to o en njoy y th he su umm mer r! P ticip Part pan nts will w enj joy pla ayin ng games, k ping keep g fit t, an nd lear l rnin ng th he rule r es fo or k kbal kick ll, ta ag, voll v leyb ball, an nd othe o er fu un s mme sum er games!

Zoo Z o anima als are a fascina atin ng! Lea L arn a ut the abo t ani ima als you y see e wh hen n you u v t th visit he zo oo. Cho oose yo our fav vori ite and a d velop yu dev ummy me enu item ms tha at r ect tha refl at an nim mals s diet. Cre C ate an ac ctua al men m u an nd mak m ke fun f foods that t t look like l e what you y r animal l wo ould d eat. . On n the la ast d y, dr day ress sed in t apr the ron and d h tha hat t t yo ou mak m ke, w will we w l op pen our r Bistro o. You Y will tak ke t ns bein turn b ng wait w ters s/cu usto ome ers, s ving serv g ea ach oth her with w h fu un food f ds.

Stud S den nts will w l engag ge in n ac ctivi ities su uch a mak as m king g br reak kfas st, games, arts a s& c fts, rise craf e an nd shin s ne exer rcise es, s ence scie e, maki m ing lun nch, rea adin ng, j rnaling jour g, an nd stor s ry ti ime e. A litt tle bit b o ever of e ryth hing g to sta art the t day y rig ght!

S mm Su mer r Olym O mp pics s

2-5 5

Wel W lcom me to the t Sum mm mer Oly O mpics! ! S den Stud nts will w l rep presen nt di iffer ren nt c untr cou ries in vari v ious s ph hysi ical l eve ents i ludi incl ing an Oly ymp pic Torc T ch rela r ay ra ace, , f or hock floo h key, vol lley ybal ll, an nd oth o er O mpic-b Oly base ed even e nts. . Stu ude ents s will a o co also omp plete e in nter rnat tion nal craf c fts. The T e l t day will last w con c nclude with w h cl losing c emo cere onie es!

S pe Su er Scie S enc ce


S ulp Scu ptu ure e

K5 K-5

P rate Pir es

Pr reK K-2 2

Aho A oy Mate M ey! Enjoy the t life e of a a ent adv ture e-fill led pir rate. Di iscu uss fact f ts a fict and tion n but b mo ost of o all a have e fun n! R d a pir Rea rates map m p, an nd sear s rch for t asur trea re. Let L you ur im mag gina atio on ru un w d as wild s you sa ail the t sea as an nd look l k fo or g d. Argh gold A hhh hhhh h!

This T s cla ass wil ll al llow w stu ude ents s to cre eate e s lptu scul ure out t of clay y an nd othe o er m terials. Stu mat udents wil ll le earn n ab bout t p itiv pos ve an nd neg n gativ ve spac s ce whil w le l rnin lear ng how h w to make bot b h re ealistic c a d abstra and act scu ulptu ure. Th hey wil ll c ate figu crea ures s, fa ake foo od, mas m sks, and d o er orig othe o gina al work ks of f art in nspired d by y t world aro the ound th hem m.

What is th W he in nsid de of o th he Eart E th li ike? ? W ere Wh e do rai inbo ows s co ome e fro om? ? Y ung scie You entists s wi ill disco over th he a wer ans rs to t many m y qu uestion ns. Thi T s c urse cou e is fille f ed with w h ma any y act tivit ties s a d exper and rime ents s th hat are a des sign ned to e cour enc rage e cu urio osity y. Ea ach h day, your y r c ld will chil w exp plor re a diff fere ent scie enti ific c ncep con pt as s th hey hyp poth hesi ize, mix, p ur, com pou c mpar re, and a d obser rve.

Supe Su er Sc Scien nce 2

S mpl Sim ly Ma Mach hine es

3-5 5

P intma Pri akin ng

K K-5

Stud S den nts will w lea arn the t con ncep pt of o p ntm prin making tr rans sfer rring g an n im mage f m on from ne surf s face e to ano other. E erim Exp men ntin ng with w h dif ffer rent t too ols like fru uits and d ve eget tabl les and a d o inar ordi ry obje o ects is grea g at fu un whi w ile s dents crea stud c ate mul m ltiple copi c ies of o t ir work thei w k. Th hey y wi ill also car rve into i o S rofo Styr oam m printi ing plates, , rol ll th hem m w h in with nk and prin p nt them m.

Stud S den nts will w lea arn abo out sim mple e m chin mac nes wh hile buildin ng team t mwo ork k a d com and mm municat tion n sk kills. Us sing g L GOs, LEG , stu ude ents wil ll bu uild d a vari v iety y of s ple ma sim achi ines s (gear rs, pulle p eys, , l ers, wh leve heel ls, and a axe els), , and le earn n h w th how hey can n be use ed in i th he real r l w rld. Stu wor uden nts will als so take t e pa art in i b ldin buil ng th heir r ow wn sim s mple e ma achi ine, , a d will co and omp pete e ag gain nst one o e an noth her i a frie in end dly and a d health hy man m nner r

Why do so W ome e ob bjec cts floa f t while w e o ers sin oth nk? Can C n we e ch hang ge the t colo or o a flo of ower? Can C we e use a m gne mag et to o ma ake a p perc pap clip floa at? You ung g s entists wil scie ll di isco over r the a wer ans rs to t th hese e q estio que ons, an nd mor m re! This T s c urse cou e is des d igned to t wor w rk with w the e o gina orig al Su upe er Sc cien nce class. Thi is c urse cou e can n be e ta aken n be efor re, after a r, or in n c njun con nctio on with w h Su uper Sc cien nce.

K K-2



Who Done It?




Learn the FUNdamentals of tennis. This course will include practice in forehand and backhand strokes and introduction to the games rules.

Under the Sea


Students will become immersed in Ocean Life. They will read engaging books, watch real-life videos and work on creative, hands-on projects. We will discuss a variety of sea creatures including whales, dolphins, octopus, and squid. They will also learn about coral reefs and the animals that live in them. By the end of the course, students will have a new appreciation for the ocean.

Scientists will learn how to enhance their detective skills throughout this course by solving a series of different mysteries. Various problem-solving techniques will be utilized during the course. Students will be given the chance to create their own mysteries, learn how to dust for fingerprints, and follow the trail of clues to solve the cases.

The class will begin with a yoga sequence to promote strength and flexibility. Then, the students will learn about and develop coordination and body awareness. Through posture, balance, coordination, and strength, children can release energy and have fun doing it.

Write it Right!


Weather Reporters


Become a junior meteorologist and discover how hurricanes, thunderstorms, and tornadoes form. Investigate how weather is predicted and measured. Fun arts and crafts projects and hands-on experiments will back up the findings.

In this fun course, students will hone their writing chops and review the Writing Workshop model they use throughout the school year by writing in some creative ways. We will explore seven genres of writing, brainstorm seed ideas in writers notebooks, discuss ideas, revise, and publish our final works! We will explore monologues, greeting cards, letters, menus, movie reviews, and articles!

Session 1 June 30 July 11 Session 2 July 14 July 25 Session 3 July 28 August 8

Fee per course for 2 week class

Session 1: $225 Session 2/3: $250 Reading/Writing & Mathematics One course: $400 (4 weeks) Two courses: $600 Cruise into Kindergarten, Camp Session 1: $400 Discovery (Pre-K), or Summer Olympics Session 2/3: $600 Summer Academic Programs (Reading/Writing or Math) are 4week programs. Their fees are listed separately, or they can be taken as part of the 4- or 6-week full day program.
(+$10 materials fee for Kids in the Kitchen)

Full Day Program Session 1 (2 weeks, 4 courses) Full Day Program Session 2/3 (2 weeks, 4 courses) Full Day Program Sessions 1 & 2 (or 1 & 3) (4 weeks, 8 courses) Full day Program Sessions 2 & 3 (4 weeks, 8 courses) Full Day Program Sessions 1, 2, & 3 (6 weeks, 12 courses)

$800 $950 $1250 $1400 $1750

New Location Ridge Elementary School 325 W. Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Important Notes: 1. Courses are held at Ridge School. 2. Instruction is provided by certified teachers, experts, or content appropriate college students. 3. Principal and nurse are on duty at all times. 4. Regular classroom setting with A/C. 5. Program runs rain or shine. 6. Both indoor and outdoor activities. 7. Supervised lunch time for full-day students-please bring your own lunch. 8. Class size is limited. 9. Full Day is 8:30 am-3 pm.


Ridgewood Board of Education 49 Cottage Place Ridgewood, NJ 07451


5 easy ways to register: 1. Mail this form (with payment) to the address on the Registration Form. 2. In person at the RCS Office 1-4 pm Monday Friday 3. Phone (CHARGE ONLY) 1-4 pm Monday Friday 4. Fax (CHARGE ONLY) 24/7 5. Online (CHARGE ONLY) at

REGISTRATION FORM RCS, 49 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, NJ 07451 Phone - (201) 670-2777, Fax (201) 444-5565 email
Student Name ___________________________________________ is exiting grade ________ at (school) _______________ Address ____________________________________ Town ______________________ Parent Name _______________________ Phone (home) ___________________________ Phone (cell) ___________________________ email address_______________________________________________
For health and transportation forms and publicity waiver, please visit: Please print, fill out, and send these forms in with your child on the first day of Summer Adventure. Without these forms, your child may be excluded from certain activities.

Summer Adventure 2014

Withdrawal Policy & Program Information If you need to withdraw your child from any class, you must submit your request in writing on or before June 13th. Your tuition will be returned, less a non-refundable $25 registration fee per class. If you withdraw your child from any class after that date, no refund will be given. Transfers are allowed but not guaranteed. Please select your classes carefully as no refunds or transfers will be allowed after 4 pm on June 13th. Classes with insufficient enrollment are subject to cancellation. If RCS cancels a class, you will receive a full refund. No transportation is provided.

(June 30-July 11) (no class July 4th)




Session 1

(July 14 July 25)

Session 2

Session 3 (July 28 Aug 8) Tuition included: ________________________ Please make checks payable to RCS, or include: Credit Card Number (VISA or MASTERCARD) __________________________________________________ CVV:_____________________________ Exp. Date:________________________

Please use one form per child. Register for classes based on the grade they have just COMPLETED.

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