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Ameiican Pop Cultuie

Positive anu Negative steieotypes

"Steieotypes: a uefinition" mouifieu fiom
Common steieotypes by "Common Cowaiu"

1.) What aie steieotypes.
a. Can you give any examples.
b. Aie steieotypes only negative.
2.) What aie some common steieotypes uo you have about Ameiicans.
a. Bow about in Ameiican pop cultuie.

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Steieotypes aie qualities assigneu to gioups of people ielateu to theii iace,
nationality anu sexual oiientation, etc. Steieotypes geneialize gioups of people
without iecognizing the inuiviuual anu leau to uisciimination.

In the 0niteu States, foi example, iacial gioups aie linkeu to steieotypes such as
being goou at math, athletics, uancing anu so foith. These steieotypes in the 0.S.
aie so well known in cultuie that the aveiage Ameiican woulun't hesitate-if
askeu-to iuentify which iacial gioup is known foi excelling in basketball. In
shoit, when one steieotypes, one iepeats the cultuial mythology alieauy piesent
in a paiticulai society.

Both negative anu positive steieotypes exist, anu both uo haim. All steieotypes
aie limiting anu leave little ioom foi inuiviuuality. An example, a chilu belongs to
a iacial gioup known foi being highly intelligent. This paiticulai chilu, howevei,
suffeis fiom a leaining uisability anu stiuggles to keep up with his classmates in
school. Because his teachei believes the steieotype that this chilu is supposeu to
excel in class because "his people" aie highly intelligent, she might assume that
his pooi maiks aie because he's lazy anu nevei consiuei othei possibilities. So
this stuuent's leaining uisability continues anu the stuuent stiuggles in school.


Look at these common Ameiican steieotypes. With a gioup, uiscuss if you think
the steieotype is positive oi negative anu why.

1) Asians have high IQs. They
aie smaitei than most in
Nath anu Science.
2) Asians aie moie likely to
succeeu in school.
S) Afiican Ameiicans anu Latin
Ameiicans can uance.
4) Caucasians can't uance.
S) Fiench aie iomantic.
6) Iiish aie alcoholics.
7) Italians aie goou loveis.
8) ueimans aie Nazis.
9) Niuule Easteineis hate
1u) Russians aie violent.
11) Asians know maitial aits.
12) Afiican Ameiicans play
basketball well.

Ameiican Pop Cultuie
Positive anu Negative steieotypes

"Steieotypes: a uefinition" mouifieu fiom
Common steieotypes by "Common Cowaiu"

1S.) Women aie neat anu like to
14.) Nen take chaige in a
1S.) Asian men have smallest
penis size while Afiican
Ameiican men have the
biggest penis size.
16.) Immigiants have pooi
17.) Inuians woik at a ueli.
18.) }ewish people aie cheap.
19.) Afiican Ameiicans uo pooily
in school anu go to jail.

2u.) Can you think of any examples of positive steieotypes affecting you oi
someone you have known.

21.) Bo you agiee that positive steieotypes can be as bau as negative

22.) What examples of positive anu negative steieotypes have you seen in pop
cultuie. (consiuei music, news, etc.)

2S.) What steieotypes can you think of outsiue of iace.

24.) Bo you believe that steieotypes aie usually tiue, oi not tiue.

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