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The Mapping Your Birth Chart Report for

May 1, 1997 9:28 PM Reno, Nevada

Calculated for: Time Zone 8 hours West Latitude: 39 N 31 Longitude: 119 W 48 Tropical Zodiac, Daylight Savings Time observed.

Positions of Planets at Birth: Sun position is 11 Moon position is 9 Mercury position is 1 Venus position is 19 Mars position is 16 Jupiter position is 19 Saturn position is 14 Uranus position is 8 Neptune position is 29 Pluto position is 4 Asc position is 1 MC position is 16

deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg.

49 19 07 29 51 38 12 37 58 51 31 14

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Taurus Pisces Taurus Taurus Virgo Aquarius Aries Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Sagittarius Virgo

Mapping Your Birth Chart Text Copyright 2003 Stephanie Jean Clement Software Copyright 2003 Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc. Book and program published by Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

You have probably read your horoscope in the newspaper or online, and you sometimes find it applies to you, sometimes not. Occasionally you laugh out loud because it misses you so completely. This interpretation of your chart takes a look at the Sun, the Moon, each of the planets, the Ascendant, and the Midheaven. By looking at all these points in your birthchart, you get a more complete understanding of the variety of energies at work in your life.

THE SUN First and foremost, the Sun and its sign reflect your individuality. This is the core human expression that each of us is born with. Sun in Taurus: The essence of the earth element is sensation. The essence of the fixed mode is stability. Thus Taurus exemplifies a solid awareness of the world around you. Your spirit need not be mired in the mud of physical existence, though. You have a rich inner life because you understand the importance of comfort. While Aries approaches things with passion, you persevere to achieve your goals. Money is meaningful to you. You are a material being, but you are not stuck in a material existence. Your practical nature extends into every area of your life. As a student you can be diligent. As a business person you can be steady in pursuit of your goals. As a partner you can be pleasant, but can also hold your own in an argument. If you vacillate, it is in the area of financial security. You are always willing to earn more money. You take pleasure in the ordinary things of life.

THE MOON Where the Sun reflects your individuality, the Moon reflects the less conscious part of your personality. Its position in the birthchart can reveal a lot about where your emotional stress comes from, and how you react instead of consciously respond to events and situations. The Moon is also where you find information about how you assimilate and store information - about how you learn, and about how your memory functions. Moon in Pisces: This is a very fluid combination that can lead to problems if it is not balanced by other influences in the chart. If you are wide open to the psychic and emotional energies of other people, you feel drained of your own essence. Instead of adapting to whatever other people want, you need to devise a way to hold your own ground. If you have this placement, you may be saying, "Yeah, right. How do I do that?" One way is to look to the Sun in your chart. The Sun is good at taking a leadership role. It likes to be in charge. If you can get your Sun and Moon to share, with the Pisces Moon providing information about feelings and the Sun, wherever it is, providing a container for those feelings, you are good to go. Even with the Sun in Pisces, you can align your feelings and your authority. If you are just a bit bolder in expressing your own feelings, you create 1

an atmosphere where exchange is mutually supportive. The Sun and Moon as a Team: Science teaches us that the Sun is a huge, very hot object, and that the Moon is a much smaller cold one. However, what we experience is that the Moon and Sun are the same size. This means that when the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun, a total eclipse occurs. When the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon, we experience a lunar eclipse. These eclipses occur with striking regularity, in nineteen-year patterns or cycles. The astrological significance of this pattern is revealed in the joint functions of the Sun and Moon. - Conscious and Unconscious - The Sun represents consciousness and the Moon represents the less conscious side of our minds. When the Sun is eclipsed, we experience a moment of profound unconsciousness. Something similar happens with lunar eclipses. This time there is a momentary disconnection from unconscious processes. To a certain extent each lunar phase connects us to the less conscious natural processes of life. - Spirit and Form - The Sun reflects spirit, while the Moon is the essence of form. The Sun provides you with a picture of what spirit means for you personally. As you grow and learn, you return to the energy of the Sun because you find your true strength there. - The interplay between the Sun and Moon allow you to move back and forth between conscious thoughts and feelings on the one hand, and the less conscious world of memory and dreams on the other. In this way you can recall your memories, and you can put them to use in your daily life. ASCENDANT The sign on the Ascendant indicates a focus for your life beyond the Sun and Moon signs. The Ascendant is not the same as the Sun or Moon, or any other planet for that matter. The Sun indicates your individuality - who and what you actually are. There is an undercurrent of less conscious activity that is represented by the Moon. The Moon also indicates how your nature, as shown by the Sun, is likely to manifest in your life. The Ascendant indicates how you show yourself to others, and what you choose to show. You are on stage, in a way, and the Ascendant indicates the sort of character you generally play - the mask you wear. Ascendant in Sagittarius: Sagittarius is mutable fire. This is a very sensible combination when you think about it. Fire goes where it finds fuel, ebbing and flowing with the breeze. With Sagittarius rising, you follow this metaphor in everything you do. You can expand when that is needed, and contract as well. You can aspire to spiritual heights, or get down to the nitty-gritty of a project. You enjoy being around other people. Because you have lofty thoughts and goals, you desire appropriate recognition for your work. You are plenty smart, but you are not satisfied to be the brains behind a big production - you want your name on it. By the same token, you like to run with a pack that is at your level. Thus you cultivate long-term relationships with your peers and gain a reputation for fairness and consistency. You love to be outdoors. You are a rugged individual and may take up cross-country hiking or skiing, camping, and other activities that bring you into contact with nature. You enjoy an adventure, and therefore plan vacations that take you to untamed parts of the world. Your spirit needs the open air in order to expand to its full potential, so outdoor activities are vital to your overall well-being. 2

MERCURY The planet Mercury represents communication and how it works in your life. As such, Mercury is neither assertive nor receptive. The sign Mercury occupies indicates your typical communication style. Because Mercury is the messenger, this planet indicates how we bring ideas together. Mediation can be between social factions, or it can be between psychological positions within our own minds. The concept of mediation hinges on the possibility that we will experience conflict, and that we can achieve harmony by engaging in conflict in a meaningful way. If we can perceive or establish communication among the parties, we can usually find the middle ground. Diplomacy is paired with intellectual skills of analysis and awareness to reach some level of agreement. Mercury in Taurus: Your logical mind is more methodical in its process than Mercury in Aries. You have the patience to follow a thought along its meandering path, and you want to see the end result. Although you are patient in discovering and refining your own ideas, you sometimes end up with only one side of a broader picture. Then you stubbornly hold on to your view, unwilling to even consider another perspective.

VENUS The role of Venus in the astrological chart is to reveal the qualities of love, harmony, and art in our lives. Venus also indicates the way we perceive physical attraction. It is through Venus that we experience the richness of living. Venus in Taurus: You relish the long-term relationship - one where you can put down roots and grow into it steadfastly. Your strong powers of attraction make getting into partnerships easy. The task is to determine who is the right partner, whether in business or romance, before you make a commitment you will be unwilling to dissolve. Your artistic talents may include making jewelry or sculpting stone. You understand whatever artistic medium you use - the consistency of the paint, the depth of tone in a musical instrument, the shapes of words on the page. And you stick with each project or medium, seeking to discover the beauty within each form. This method of pursuit extends into all your dealings, artistic or otherwise.

MARS Mars is a planet of energy and action. Regardless of its placement in any chart, Mars shows where the action is, and that action is single-minded. It can be the ultimate indicator of self-centered activity. There is another side. We use energy for everything - muscle movement, power for machines of all kinds, all creative actions. Energy has a very positive role in our lives. Mars in Virgo: Here is another sign where Mars is okay, but not great. Mars can thrive here, but must find ways to be active that are rather contained and focused on details. The strength of Mars in Virgo is the capacity to exploit each situation. This depends on the ability to focus on the details, arrange them in some orderly pattern, and see into the pattern. Neatness has its appeal for Mars in Virgo. It may be important to consider all the details, and not discard some of them too early in the game. Mars here can become fussy and overly critical. You need to observe and understand the details, not criticize them. Another possible problem is that Mars' active energy may feel too restricted in this setting, causing nervous responses to rather minor difficulties. Part of any good methodology for Mars in Virgo is to find opportunities to expend energy actively and often. Attention focused on work can be balanced with a workout or a walk to shift the focus.

JUPITER Jupiter is the planet that indicates how things work in your birthchart. For most practical purposes the form of things we perceive is rigid and relatively changeless. Atoms usually remain the same, they form molecules, and the molecules group together in certain predictable ways. Similarly, the planets reflect certain kinds of energy, and that energy is fairly predictable. Where Jupiter is involved, however, we can investigate the function of each energy, and through this examination, we can adapt the function of each planet's energy to our own needs. Jupiter expands our thinking. Jupiter in Aquarius: Your ideas are all over the map. Hopes and wishes expand to take up the available space, and there is plenty of brainpower there to fuel your schemes and dreams. You revel in planning, taking joy in the prospect of all things new. The challenge is to prioritize clearly and logically. You have a deep understanding of human nature. You can generally get to the bottom of anyone's concerns by listening to them and then restating the problem clearly. You enjoy being around other people and have become a trained observer of human behavior. Your "street smarts" are better than years of book learning in this regard.

SATURN Saturn's goal is perfection. Saturn is seen as the reflection of all of life's most difficult lessons, in the hope that we learn and grow to become confident, dependable individuals. There is another view of Saturn. Saturn relates to structure. Structure can be understood in terms of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual content of our lives. Saturn in Aries: Saturn in Aries reflects a modesty that may be missing from Aries otherwise. A sense of self-restraint is evident. The will is strong, but not as uncontrolled as with other planets in Aries. There is a tendency to act on your own, and this can be a problem when what is needed is cooperation. The most positive attributes are ambition and endurance.

URANUS The key principle for the delineation of Jupiter is function; that for Saturn is form. In researching Uranus, the principle of equilibrium is a central focus. You may experience disruption where this planet is involved, yet Uranus' role is actually to reestablish balance. When people describe their intuitive capacity, they are describing a Uranian process. We experience feelings, visions, and other information over a period of time, and then suddenly we "get it." Something happens and all the pieces fall into place. The pivotal event seems sudden, but the chain of intuitive insights occurred over a period of time. The impact-the realization-comes suddenly and resolves misunderstandings or inconsistencies in our thoughts. As we cultivate our inner vision or voice of intuition, we become more skilled in listening. Our feelings become more meaningful as we observe them and work with them. Our dreams present clearer pictures of the inner self and its message, matching our intuition about the outer world. We also develop ways to test intuitive information as we go along, instead of waiting for flashes of insight that previously were connected with apparently sudden events. Uranus in Aquarius: At the time of this writing, Uranus is in Aquarius. Eighty years ago Uranus was in Aquarius when Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine, was born. Other ingenious people with this placement include William Burroughs, Red Skelton, and Richard Nixon. A theme for this generation was the understanding of human nature. There was a rebellious quality that sometimes led to trouble, and sometimes led to great success. Burroughs and Nixon, for example, both did things that were well beyond the limits of legality, yet both left a legacy in their respective fields. We can expect children being born at the present time to be capable of progressive change in society, medicine, and other fields.

NEPTUNE Neptune, like all the planets, affects every plane of experience. Its nature is diverse and wonderful: - Physical - difficulty in diagnosis - Mental - imagination - Emotional - despair versus fantasy - Spiritual - compassion The most precise thing that can be said about Neptune is that there is nothing definite about its energy. Neptune in Capricorn: Neptune here suggests the capacity to engage in serious research into scientific, religious, or other subjects. There can also be a sense of nonreality attached to one's life. Meditation practice comes easily. Clara Barton, Louis Pasteur, Leo Tolstoy, Helena Blavatsky, Osel Hita y Torres (the reincarnation of Lama Thubten Yeshe), and Jon Benet Ramsey share this placement.

PLUTO The energy of Pluto has two distinct expressions. One is the Trickster archetype. Pluto indicates the area of life where we experience profound change that is so intense that we say it transforms us. The second archetype is the Fool. The Fool can be either a raw beginner or a person who has been around the block a few times, learning lessons with each experience. Pluto in Sagittarius: This is a strong placement for the encouragement of advanced knowledge, particularly in spiritual subjects. Intuition concerning the future can be intense, along with philosophical or religious idealism. Travel may be central to success in life. Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome, had this placement. Others include Nostradamus, of prediction fame; Mercator, associated with map-making; Teresa of Avila, a Spanish saint; William Bligh, a British seaman whose crew mutinied; Mozart; and William Blake.

MIDHEAVEN If you were calculating your chart by hand, the first thing you would do is determine the position of the Midheaven. This review of your chart concludes with the Midheaven because the last thing you truly understand is yourself. We tend to misunderstand ourselves for several reasons: we are taught to be and act a certain way by our families, teachers, and peers; we think of ourselves in terms of our own inconsistent motives; and we are not 6

mature enough to sort out our own realities from those of family, workplace, and culture. As we develop, we come to understand ourselves largely through the experiences we have. Eventually we achieve self-understanding through the Midheaven. Self-awareness develops in two ways. The first way is through ego consciousness. As we experience life, we relate all exterior experience to our inner experience. The second way is by discovering an inner source of wisdom. Midheaven in Virgo: I know that I analyze. The Virgo Midheaven serves others consciously. This means there are very few unintentional blunders in your work with other people. You pay attention to nuances of personality and feeling that others would miss. Your life of service is powered by your profound empathy. Your ability to respond to the needs of others is supported by your ability to find the middle ground in any argument. You manifest the possibility of agreement through your exploration of the differences between the parties. You are very comfortable in the midst of the details of any situation. In fact, when nothing much is happening you may worry that nothing will happen. Empty space, for you, was meant to be filled. The key to conscious living is to fill that space with something worthwhile. One way you do this is to reach into your deepest inner resources. There you find empathy and the capacity for psychic awareness. On the psychic level you will never find complete emptiness. You consciously use your analytical skills in your daily life. You communicate clearly about the basic demands of any situation, and you are able to line up the facts in an orderly progression from your starting point all the way through to the end result. Along the way you align your goals with the needs of others.

CONCLUSION While astrology offers a lot more than this basic interpretation of your birthchart, you can see that there is a lot to learn just by exploring the planets. You have probably recognized yourself in some of what you just read. You probably also discovered some contradictions that will require some thought. Then there are some things that just don't fit with your sense of who you are. Take the useful information you find here and work with it. Life is full of contradictions, and astrology is no different. Put this interpretation away, and come back to it later. You may find that these ideas begin to come together and make more sense later.

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