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Tony Howarth: Twentieth Century History

Ray Chang

Ch 11: Make Germany Pay!


Armistice of Nov 1918= reduced wealth, strength and Allied occupation on German soil Many new parties made the democratically elected Reichstag did not work.

Ex- attacks from 2 diff. extremist groups: Left= communist system from Russia Right= regime controlled by handful of ministers and generals

1920: extreme nationalist want enlarged and militaryily strong Germany led by Wolfgang Kapp attempt to seize power

Kapp takeover failed after civil servants refused to cooperate Political murders became common Rapid inflation of prices because of reparations (132 billion gold marks/ 9 billion US) John Maynard Keynes Reducing Germany to servitudejustice is not so simple Allied countries believe Germany should pay for the war that they started French owed money to USA and Britain + Britain to USA

USA refused to clear debts and money needed to be repaid

French forbidden from trampling Germans at Versailles, people agreeing that German off the hook, danger of losing peace, and economy in tatters= anger and wants retribution 1923- Year of Reckoning:

Feb 20: Department of Health reported health level deteriorating


Infant mortality increasing, sickness and disorders in citizens

Prices sharply increase in everyday supplies Jan 11, 1923: French & Belgium troops march into Ruhr and seized major coal and steel regions

= United German people and politicians by hatred of French

French occupation= German strikes (ex-railway workers)

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Outbreaks of violence btwn German workers and French authorities Poincare said, Germany keeps evading responsibility because they do not admit defeat. Allies could never get anything from Germany without the use of force

To pay for upkeeps, Germany print more money


=Huge inflation on essential goods (a pound of sugar= 2 million


German economical crash from the result of three countries


Britain: Owe supplies and money to USA and own countrys economy in tatters. Although supporting USA ideals to let Germany off the hook, did not voice opinion= supported the harsh conditions of treaty BUT did advise French against occupation of Ruhr and more excessive actions

France: Main creator and supporter of harsh conditions of treaty taking away land and large amounts of money= economical crash of Germany Seized major steel and coal regions for themselves causing Germany unable to pay the reparations BUT Owed money to both Britain and USA and suffered the worst in the war

USA: Refused to void British and French debts causing the actions taken by those countries BUT did pushed for letting Germany off the hook

Raymond Poincare, Prime Minister of France believed that Germany is THE cause of war

= should pay every back BUT if refuses, a use of force is necessary

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