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Elena H. Alina C. Rebekah S.

S.M.A.R.T Factory
Website: Introduction: For our science project, we came to the issue of global warming. As we did our research, we saw that the main cause for this greenhouse effect were tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions polluting the air. We saw that due to thousands of industrial factories letting out carbon emissions, it was affecting many parts of our planet. We took a closer look in on the problem, and saw that from the emissions being absorbed into the oceans, the oceans are becoming more acidic and this is causing a huge affect on the ocean biodiversity. This has been a very big problem for a while and it needs to stop, or our sea and land life will eventually die off. We came up with an idea that will still benefit us, other organisms, and be a lot more safer for our environment: a SMART Factory. S.M.A.R.T stands for Simple Method Affects Rising Toxins. This SMART Factory do the same things a regular industrial factory would do, but instead of letting the the carbon dioxide out, filters built in this factory will let out the oxygen and keep in the carbon emissions.

Abstract: Our project is a S.M.A.R.T Factory with a filter that can let our any oxygen and can keep in the carbon dioxide from polluting the atmosphere. The purpose of this project is to prevent carbon dioxide from corrupting the ocean and Earths air. This invention will help and beneficial to our ecosystem. Right now, we as a society use so much fossil fuels and taking it all for granted, that we dont know how much we have affected the earth over a short span of less than 100 years. Global warming has been affecting the weather by warming the oceans and causing tsunami.

Elena H. Alina C. Rebekah S.

We think that if we make this filter work we can benefit this Earth by decreasing carbon emissions and preventing an anoxic ocean.

Purpose: The purpose of this idea is mainly for our environment and health. We want to develop a filter that would fit on any factory smokestack. The filter will be able to filter out carbon dioxide and release cleaner air for the environment. Keeping the environment clean is extremely important if we don't want our earth to change. A clean environment means less extinction and more resources. We believe that this filter will benefit both the earth and the people. Carbon emissions are a big problem and is already causing so much damage to the world. The ocean is becoming more acidic which means that more shellfish will die. When the Ph scale keeps getting more acidic baby oysters will die within 2 days. We as human beings need to realize all the damage we are causing to the Earth and we feel with this S.M.A.R.T factory it will help.

Research: Effects Caused by CO2 EmissionsAccording to this image from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) website, The biggest contributor to this greenhouse effect is electricity by 33%. Then it is Transportation items with 28%. Industrial Factories have a 20% cause to carbon pollution. The least cause to carbon emissions are commercial and agriculture. Toxic air pollution doesn't only affect the environment, but are also known to cause or are suspected of causing cancer, birth defects, reproductive problems, and other serious illnesses. Industrial FactoriesBefore the Industrial Revolution, the greenhouse effect was a natural process in which gases, like carbon dioxide and water vapor, trapped some of the sun's heat within the atmosphere.

Elena H. Alina C. Rebekah S.

Past of Industrial Revolution: Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the greenhouse effect occurred naturally. Water vapor and carbon dioxide trapped the suns ray that is in the atmosphere. More than 50 percent of greenhouse gasses are a result of factory emissions. This is a big contributor to the problem, thats why we decided to target the factories. Weve come a long way from the past Industrial REvolution factories. In that era there were few safety measures. Employees had poor working conditions that often led to other problems. Richard Arkwright was the man who made the growth of the factories happen. After inventing his Spinning Frame, he created the first real factory in 1769. This factory employed over 300 people and by 1789, there was about 800 people working at the factories. During the mid- 1800's, factories started to develop more advanced machines. Even though there were not many factories built at the time, this is when carbon pollution started effecting the environment.

Present: There are over 3,900 manufacturing factory sites in the world. And each one releases at least 20% of toxins emitted into the atmosphere. 84% of carbon dioxide, 9% of methane, 5% of Nitrous oxide, and 2% of Fluorinated gases. Due mostly from factories, In 2011, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled 6,702 million metric tons. Factories contribute to water and land pollution by acidifying rain, chemical spills and disposal of toxic waste. So, factory emissions don't only harm the atmosphere, but also the land and waters.

Breakthrough: Similar IdeasWe think that our new piece of technology will definitely benefit the people along with

Elena H. Alina C. Rebekah S.

the environment. There have been attempts by scientists in creating a factory like this, but the costs were too high and were no longer thought about. A research team from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Delaware may have a different insight. They claim that a new material known as zeolite may help reduce carbon dioxide. Our IdeaIn order for us to test this idea, we would have to build an actual filter that would be used in the factories, and test it out by burning a bucket of coal, and seeing if the filter would work. Future Form: The idea of the S.MA.R.T. Factory is to create a filter to clean out harmful carbon dioxide. To do this we had to find a preexisting filter that had the ability to sort through gases. One of the things found was a fish swim bladder. Otherwise known as the air bladder. The swim bladder is an organ found in fish that helps them contain their buoyancy. Usually it contains two sacs that are filled with gas. The gasses can balance out depending on the depth of the water, saving energy while swimming. The gas gland has to fill up with oxygen. To do this the fish produces carbon dioxide. The new acidity causes the hemoglobin to lose oxygen and is filtered into the swim bladder. The excess carbon is then diffused back into the arteries. By studying the way the blood vessels in the swim bladder were arranged we were able to create a filter design for a smokestack. The filter will have tubes packed tightly together in a square pattern as shown on the right. The tubes will act as blood vessels in the carbon capture. We are able to conclude that this is an effective filter because it's used in real life every day by the fish. After the carbon is captured by the filter it enters a sac similar to the one in the fish that is able to hold the gasses. We then take this carbon dioxide and place it in a safe place such as deep underground. Consequences:

Elena H. Alina C. Rebekah S.

If we succeed in building this filter... Our environment will become less polluted. Carbon Dioxide will decrease greatly giving us more time to find out better solutions in making our environment better. The ocean will suck up less carbon dioxide which will help the coral reefs. The reef's many inhabitants will have a safer more healthy place to live, hunt, and also reproduce. If we don't succeed in building this filter... Our environment will get worse and continue to increase faster than it ever has before.We won't have time to change the way that we live. The oceans will absorb more carbon emissions which will acidify the ocean Acidified oceans will bleach out coral reefs. After the reefs start to disappear, the many organisms that depend on them will slowly start to die out too if they don't adapt well. When these organisms die other creatures that depend on them will die too. It will be a food chain catastrophe.

Bibliography: "Bombshell IMF Study: United States Is Worlds Number One Fossil Fuel Subsidizer."ThinkProgress RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. "Carbon Dioxide Capture and Sequestration." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. "Reducing Toxic Air Pollutants | Plain English Guide to The Clean Air Act." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. "Artificial Lung to Remove Carbon Dioxide from Smokestacks." Artificial Lung to Remove Carbon Dioxide. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.

Elena H. Alina C. Rebekah S.

"Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)." World Resources Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. "Coral Reefs and Climate Change - How Does Climate Change Affect Coral Reefs Teach Ocean Science." Coral Reefs and Climate Change - How Does Climate Change Affect Coral Reefs - Teach Ocean Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. "Environmental Pollution Caused by Factories." Everyday Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2014. "Factories in the Industrial Revolution." Factories in the Industrial Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2014. "Global Warming Prevention The Consequences of Global Warming." The Consequences of Global Warming. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. "Home Guides." Home Guides. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2014. "Industrial Revolution Research." Industrial Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. "Scientists Warn of Growing Air Pollution in China." Utah Peoples Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. "SCOTUS Revisits EPA Regulation of CO2." Somewhat Reasonable. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. "Solid as a Rock: Mineralising Carbon Dioxide." Engineering News & Engineering Jobs. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. "Sustained Easy Co2 Tolerance Training for Freediving." Freedive UK AIDA Freediving Courses Apnea Training Foraging and Spearfishing. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. Worthington, Bryony. "Carbon Trading: Pulling the Cap on Tight at Copenhagen." Guardian News and Media, 17 Mar. 2009. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

Elena H. Alina C. Rebekah S.

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