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by Sonia Barrett

November 25, 2007

from IlluminatiNews Website
Spanish version

Comment by Wes Penre
here are lots of opinions on what will happen in 20!2, in"lu#in$ the option that
nothin$ will happen% If you resear"h this for some time, you will noti"e there seem to
be #ifferent $roups tryin$ to a""omplish #ifferent $oals aroun# 20!2% I am not $oin$
to list all these opinions here, but instea# I want to "on"entrate on this "on"ept on a
hi$her level%
&very thou$ht we're thin(in$, every movement we ma(e, everythin$ aroun# us is
basi"ally ener$y% herefore, thou$hts an# intentions are very powerful when it "omes
to formin$ the reality we live in% hose who have been followin$ my resear"h on this
website (now that there are very #ar( for"es tryin$ har# to manipulate us into

herefore, it's e)tremely important that we assi$n 200* to be the year when we wa(e
up an# start usin$ our ener$y wisely% If we "hoose to be vi"tims to those
manipulators, we will $et the reality they want us to e)perien"e%

But li(e in any $ame, on any level, we "an "han$e thin$s aroun#% +lthou$h the ener$y
we use on a "olle"tive level is formin$ our "olle"tive reality, anybo#y's "hoi"e how to
use their ener$y is important an# ma(es a #ifferen"e% hat's e)a"tly why people have
starte# wa(in$ up in #roves all over the planet lately%
With this in min#, please "ontinue rea#in$,

+lthou$h I have written a number of arti"les on many sub-e"ts I have never a##resse#

I $enerally a##ress sub-e"ts that I feel inspire# to write about% here is mu"h
#is"ussion about 20!2 an# as the time #raws "loser #is"ussions are in"reasin$ $lobally
an# now spillin$ over into the main stream population here is however a "ommon
un#erstan#in$ amon$ most all reli$ions% hey all "on"lu#e that there is an en#
Is it an en# to the planet itself. No it is however an en# to the ol# #esi$n "on"ept of
human e)perien"es% When planets su"h as earth are "reate# they are #esi$ne# base#
on spe"ifi" "on"epts or themes% hey are systems with ar"hite"tural #esi$ns base# on
a blueprint of inten#e# e)perien"es for life forms born to the system%

hese systems operate within a "ertain ran$e of fre/uen"y or vibration%

It is out of this spe"ifie# &01 fiel# that the "olors, tones an# li$ht fre/uen"ies are
#etermine# for our planet% In other wor#s life in those systems will only be e)pose# to
"ertain fre/uen"y patterns of "olor, li$ht an# soun#% 2ur brains will only "onne"t with
spe"ifi" fre/uen"ies of "olor, li$ht an# soun# patterns unless an in#ivi#ual trans"en#s
these perimeters%
+ll possible potentials have been e)tra"te# from the human e)perien"e% I have not
resear"he# the 0ayan "alen#ar e)tensively as most however I am aware that it
represents a "ount#own to the en# of this fourth "y"le% We are in the fourth "y"le of
the $reater !03,000 year "y"le4 four smaller "y"les of 25,000 years%

here is an over all $reater $rowth e)pansion in our solar system an# the overall

hese are natural timers in pla"e sort of li(e an hour $lass% he lar$er system of whi"h
we are apart no lon$er re/uires #ata from systems operatin$ in this parti"ular level of
vibration of e)perien"es% When this o""urs a $ra#uation pro"ess ta(es pla"e as new
"on"epts an# systems will be birthe#% he planet is "urrently in a rea#-ustment pro"ess
an# ali$ne# for transferen"e from the sun whi"h stan#s as the translator of spe"ifi"
"o#es or ener$y patterns to be fe# to the planet from "entral sun the main power plant
for our system%

here has been an in"rease in solar flairs whi"h are very mu"h relate# to the mu"h
#rea#e# $lobal warmin$%

It is important that we no lon$er view this o""urren"e from a fantasy stan#point but
rather from the #epth of who you are as a "osmi" traveler,
astronaut7s"ientist7spirit7sour"e% 8e"o$ni9e that all thin$s are simply ener$y patterns
base# on spe"ifi" "o#es7pa"(ets of ener$y or formulas supportive of the inten#e#

S"ientists are baffle# an# "onfuse# but still yet ma(in$ slow #is"overies but shoul#
you allow yourself to see #eeply you will be a step ahea# of these #is"overies%

he followin$ is a /uote in referen"e to these #is"overies,
:I0+;& #ata, translate# into visuals by "omputer, shows the superheate# $as "alle#
plasma streamin$ from the sun an# hittin$ the earth's outer atmosphere% 0ost is
#efle"te# but some starts a rea"tion with the atmosphere itself%
<It shows bursts of hy#ro$en an# o)y$en "omin$ out of earth's atmosphere,< Stephen
1uselier, mana$er of the Spa"e Physi"s =aboratory at =o"(hee#>0artin +#van"e#
e"hnolo$y Center in Palo +lto, California, tol# reporters%

<he timin$ is most important > there is a #ire"t input from the solar win#% he earth
respon#s imme#iately by e-e"tin$ a part of the atmosphere%<
It is a very small part, 1uselier stresses > a stream of "har$e# o)y$en atoms%

&a"h storm a""ounts for about !00 tons of o)y$en e)pelle# into spa"e%
<hat is about the air volume in the =ouisiana Super#ome,< he sai#% <hat soun#s li(e
a lot by human stan#ar#s but in fa"t earth's atmosphere is mu"h, mu"h lar$er than
?e sai# even billions of years of storms woul# not measurably #eplete the
he moment it hits spa"e, this o)y$en be"omes super>"har$e# in bursts that "an also
be <seen< by I0+;&% Some of it loops ba"(s into the atmosphere but mu"h $ets
"au$ht up in the solar win# an# is "arrie# away%
<It has $aine# !00,000 times the ener$y it ha# when it left the atmosphere so it is very
pumpe# up,< 1uselier sai#%

<When it plun$es into the atmosphere, these stron$ "urrents are $enerate#% hey
transform the mi#>latitu#es from their usual "alm state into (in# of a maelstrom that
has #ire"t effe"ts on our #aily lives%<
Su"h storms have (no"(e# entire power $ri#s offline an# "an interrupt ra#io
broa#"asts an# satellite si$nals > in"lu#in$ $lobal positionin$ satellite or ;PS
te"hnolo$y relie# upon by hi(ers, marine traffi" an# sol#iers in the fiel#%
<his is <how spa"e storms rea"h #own into the &arth an# tou"h our #aily lives,< @ohn
1oster of the 0assa"husetts Institute of e"hnolo$y ?aysta"( 2bservatory sai#%A
In my boo( he ?olo$raphi" Canvas there is a "hapter title# 2)y$en an# the
ransformation of 8eality, from the arti"le above the transmittin$ an# re"eivin$
pro"ess throu$h breath is evi#ent%

What is it that is most evi#ent in a #isease# bo#y., the la"( of o)y$en%

Bisease7parasites et" "an only e)ist in a minimally o)y$enate# bo#y% Cells #ie from
the la"( of o)y$en4 the brain will not fun"tion properly when minimally o)y$enate#%
Currently we are s"urryin$ to ma(e "han$es to our environment #ue to the #iminishe#
/uality of air an# life% Bespite this $lobal fear is it possible to superse#e this visible
environmental #e"line in C#% DesE =et $o of the fantasyE

0any, many #istra"tions relate# to the ol# "on"ept will in"reasin$ly present
themselves as there are a number of potential en#in$s that have been written into the
20!2 "losure%

=ife is both an e)periment an# an e)perien"e an# althou$h the ol# $ame7"on"ept will
"ome to an en# it #oes not mean that it will "ome to an en# in the min#s of many%
Fuite a few will hol# the ol# format or blueprint in their bein$ as we have all $rown
"omfortable with these ol# pro$rams%

Su"h bein$s will "ontinue to live a variation of ol# "on"epts asso"iate# with the ol#
earth but these will simply be a re"or#e# past, an ol# holo$ram one that will be playe#
over an# over a$ain until it is reali9e# that they have been livin$ in the past% Well
$uess whatG this is what we have been livin$% his is the pastE

Some have returne# here to be apart of the awa(enin$ or the shiftin$ of "ons"iousness
out of this ol# fiel#%

his life is but a memory an# ol# memoryE

hese "y"les "ome an# $o "reatin$ "y"li" portals for those wishin$ to e)it the past an#
move forwar# into a freer an# more flui# e)perien"e% +s the brain shifts out of the
mo#e of rewin# new neuro pathways are "reate# in the brain% 0a$neti" fiel# has been
proven to promote the $rowth of neurons in "ertain areas of the brain%

?ere is a /uote ta(en from he ?olo$raphi" Canvas,
:he brain operates off of ele"tri"al si$nals in the form of an ima$e% Sensory stimuli
are pro"esse# in the brain as a stream of ele"tri"al impulses "reate# by neurons firin$%
Neurons are a $roup of "ells spe"iali9in$ in spe"ifi" fun"tions su"h as the assembly of
bloo#, or$ans, $lan#s, bone et"%

he bo#y is "omprise# of billions of "ells, whi"h "ate$ori"ally form the entire
or$anism4 however the brain in"lu#es billions of neurons, whi"h be$in :firin$A
messa$es upon stimuli of the five senses%

hese messa$es are in the form of hormones, "hemi"als an# ele"tri"al impulses%:
?ere is another /uote ta(en from &le"tri"al Besi$n in the ?uman Bo#y by Crai$
:he basi" buil#in$ blo"( of the nervous system is the nerve "ell, "alle# a neuron% he
brain itself "onsists primarily of neurons% 6n#er a mi"ros"ope a neuron loo(s li(e an
o"topus with many tenta"les% + neuron "an transmit an ele"tri"al impulse to the ne)t

he networ( of ele"tri"al impulses enables us to re"eive information from the
physi"al worl# an# then sen# it to our brains, an# vi"e versa% Without the neuron
"ir"uits our bo#ies woul# "ompletely shut #own, li(e turnin$ off the power supply to
a "ity% :
he harnessin$ of o)y$en in our bo#ies supporte# by #eep awareness will allow the
transformation of the "hemi"als7hormones in the bo#y to e)pan# in ali$nment with the
"urrent transformation of earth%

Dou will never feel the e)treme "han$es in earthHs temperatures as your bo#y will
operate in ali$nment% It is also important to remember that 50, 000,000 years a$o the
entire planet hel# $lobal tropi"al temperatures% We #i# not have four seasons% he tilt
in the earthHs a)is allowe# another aspe"t of the e)perien"e to be ha#% ?uman
emotions are "ompletely affe"te# by atmospheri" "han$es%

he sli$htest tilt or solar "han$es will impa"t on these streams of ele"tri"al impulses
from whi"h emotions are "onstru"te#%
+nother sel#om una##resse# aspe"t of human biolo$y is that there is ma$netite in
human brain%

+ Calte"h $eobiolo$ist @oseph Iirs"hivin( #is"overe# ma$neti" "rystals in human
brain tissue now "alle# ma$netite% hrou$h the use of a hi$h resolution transmission
mi"ros"ope they #is"overe# that there were at least 5 million ma$netite "rystals in a
thimble full of brain tissue ea"h of whi"h were appro)imately a millionth of an in"h

hey further #is"overe# that when this ma$netite was e)pose# to stron$ ele"tri" fiel#s
they "oul# rea#-ust themselves an# either open or for"e these "hannels shut%

he followin$ /uote may assist in supportin$ my "on"lusion of the manner in whi"h
the sun a"ts as a "onvertor of ener$y an# a transmitter as well whi"h woul# be also
evi#en"e of the impa"t of the ele"tri"al "urrents from the sun upon the earthHs
ma$neti" fiel# as well as upon the ma$netite in our brains Jta(en from he &le"tri"
S(y, #is"overies by 8alph @uer$ensK,
:he Sun may be powere#, not from within itself, but from outsi#e, by the ele"tri"
JBir(elan#K "urrents that flow in our arm of our $ala)y as they #o in all $ala)ies%

his possibility that the Sun may be e)ternally powere# by its $ala"ti" environment is
the most spe"ulative i#ea in the &S hypothesis an# is always atta"(e# by "riti"s while
they i$nore all the other e)planatory properties of the &S mo#el%

In the Plasma 6niverse mo#el, these "osmi" si9e#, low>#ensity "urrents "reate the
$ala)ies an# the stars within those $ala)ies by the ele"troma$neti" 9>pin"h effe"t% It is
only a small e)trapolation to as( whether these "urrents remain to power those stars%
;ala"ti" "urrents are of low "urrent #ensity, but, be"ause the si9es of the stars are
lar$e, the total "urrent J+mpera$eK is hi$h%

he Sun's ra#iate# power at any instant is #ue to the ener$y imparte# by that
ampera$e% +s the Sun moves aroun# the $ala"ti" "enter it may "ome into re$ions of
hi$her or lower "urrent #ensity an# so its output may vary both perio#i"ally an#
I un#erstan# that the information bein$ presente# is not written in a manner fille# with
mysti"ism an# fantasy the way that many are a""ustome# to havin$ their spiritual

I am lea# to write this information in a manner that is shiftin$ away from the ol#
pro"ess as part of the shiftin$ into a more flui# "ons"iousness with ea"h an# every
traveler ownin$ his7her -ourney an# your responsibility to your own awa(enin$%

hrou$h this non mysti"al pro"ess the brain be$ins to #ismantle the "urrent
holo$raphi" illusion% he brain remains in "onstant "onta"t with all fiel#s of e)isten"e
an# with this shiftin$ away from the ol# holo$ram the brain is si$nale# to be$in to
allow the in#ivi#ual to enter new fiel#s of thou$ht an# "ons"iousness an# worl#s%

he limitation un#er whi"h we have been e)perien"in$ C# life base# on a pre#esi$ne#
system will now be"ome "lear allowin$ one to flui#ly e)perien"e a more e)pansive
life% 1or too lon$ we have burie# ourselves in the ren#erin$ of our lives, an# spiritual
$rowth to for"es outsi#e of ourselves%

here is no one responsible for your evolution but you%

Dou "ame on this -ourney of your own free will an# you must as"en# into your
memory of who you are as a soverei$n bein$% Dou "reate# a "on"ept of what earth
woul# be an# then you entere# your own #esi$n, your own $ame, be"ame your own
"hil#ren now lost in the e)perien"e% I have sai# this a number of times that you are the
as"en#e# masters whi"h you see(%

Dour blin#ers an# spiritual amnesia however have not allowe# you to see or to
remember but now this $ran# opportunity is upon humanity on"e a$ain to leap into
the future whi"h is our #istant past%
hat transitional moment is upon us ri$ht now%

Bo not wait for 20!2 base# on any "alen#ar be"ause time is of a ma$i"al nature an#
we are in the mi#st of this $reat "han$e% @ust remember that there are many
#istra"tions "omin$ your way many of whi"h will be e)treme potions of fear an#
sna(e oil money "ures% 0oney will be one of the bi$$est "atalysts, the bi$$est matri)
of illusion%

he new a$e, metaphysi"al movement will be the vehi"le throu$h whi"h mu"h of this
matri) will play out% Su"h numeri"al "on"epts as !!,!! L!M are "o#es pre wire# into
the brain% Su"h "o#es serve the purpose of monitorin$, uploa# an# #ownloa#%
Symbols are the most si$nifi"ant lan$ua$e to the human brain as mu"h more "an be
"onveye# to the brain than a million wor#s ever "oul#% !!,!!, !!,22 et"% be"ame more
prevalent to the New +$e "ommunity over the past !5 to 20 years as part of the "y"li"
transition in pla"e% We must (eep in min# that the human brain is no less
pro$rammable than any "omputer%

0any thin$s are #ownloa#e# into human "ons"iousness more easily a""or#in$ to the
fre/uen"y of brain wave patterns or even "hemi"ally in#u"e# shifts in the brain "an
alter ones will% 0any have ha# the !!,!! e)perien"e an# for some it o""urs several
times per #ay% ?uman "ons"iousness has always been monitore# an# in"reases as we
move towar#s this transition%

his evaluation of "ons"iousness is to #etermine the $rowth pro"ess, have we
pro$resse# enou$h to be a threat to those re/uirin$ the "ontinuation of the ol# earth
e)periment% his evaluation is of "ourse an uploa# pro"ess%

Certain vibration of information is then #ownloa#e# if one is in an open an#
embra"in$ state for these "o#es% 0any are% 0ost often when we intera"t with !!,!! it
is while we are #rivin$, sittin$ or in some sort of fo"use# yet rela)e# mo#e% We are
$enerally never -umpin$ aroun#% Brain waves nee# to be in a "ertain alterable

When there is a $roup hel# fo"us on !!,!! these willin$ min#s brin$ in #ownloa#s
that present another illusion of free#om that impa"ts the "olle"tive fiel# as more
fantasy is "on-ure# up% We are manipulate# li(e small "hil#ren7infants e)"ite# to
re"eive $oo#ies from our ol#er siblin$s%
Numbers are un#oubte#ly the formula throu$h whi"h all thin$s e)ist% 1or all thin$s
are base# on a measurement of ener$y formin$ fre/uen"y patterns% What many fail to
reali9e is the pro$ramme# system or holo$ram within whi"h the e)perien"e has been
playe# out as we rea#ily surren#er to the latest spiritual hype%

his has been a system that has operate# base# on layers of pro$rams an# "on"epts
with further pro$rammin$ or"hestrate# by other human bein$s in positions of "ontrol
over the vulnerable min#s% his may all soun# far fet"he# but shoul# you #e"i#e to
peel the onion of your life an# what you have believe# base# on "olle"tive beliefs it
will all be"ome "lear%

If you "an "enter yourself without the impa"t of your emotions or your e$o you will
see an ol# system that is on its way out so that you "an be free to allow yourself to be
worthy of bein$ an unlimite# bein$%

2pen your min#, i$nite your spirit "hoose wisely for "hoi"es that are ma#e harnessin$
the ol# "on"ept will not be reali9e# for /uite some time as no one will be the wiser
that they have not shifte#%

=isten to your own inner $ui#an"e not $ui#es or $urus but your own ;o#7Sour"e
within you that you ultimately are%
20!2 is simply the en#in$ of the ol# themes by whi"h this reality was #esi$ne#% here
is a new earth, a #ifferent time, a #ifferent "on"ept% + number of you have probably
fa"e# some #iffi"ulties an# "onfusion in shiftin$ away from these :li$ht wor(erA roles
whi"h you have use# as your i#entity for /uite sometime% =oosin$ our i#entity is
#iffi"ult as we no lon$er (now what to say when someone says :what #o you #oA%

Dou "an now free yourself to be somethin$ #ifferent, not a li$ht wor(er, not a
metaphysi"ian, not a healer or a "hannel not any one thin$E Dou "an free yourself to
shift into new e)perien"es%

he transition "an at times be #iffi"ult both finan"ially an# emotionally most often
for"in$ us to return to the ol# but $oin$ ba"(war#s "an also "ause $reater pain% Dou
may also e)perien"e frustration, "onfusion an# emotional "hallen$es as the ol# is no
lon$er wor(in$ for you% 0u"h of those feelin$s are base# on the ol# earth #esi$n,
so"ial pro$rams, family pro$rams reli$ious pro$rams that are now short "ir"uitin$ in
opposition to bein$ repla"e# with the new%

his is happenin$ in or#er to present one with the opportunity to embar( on the new%

Dour brainHs slate is bein$ wipe# "lean to be rewire# with the new shoul# you allow
the pro"ess to ta(e pla"e% his transition is not for the faint of heart so #o not be har#
on yourself if you fin# that it is -ust too mu"h% Bismantlin$ pro$rams thousan#s of
years ol# "an be torturous althou$h one nee# only let $o an# allow or not allow%
here is mu"h more that "an be sai# here but I believe that ea"h rea#er will #o what is
ne"essary for his7her own $rowth%

8emember that itHs only a $ame, one that appears to have laste# for eons but in the
ma$i" motion of time it has only been but a momentE

L!M 8ea# more about numerolo$y an# the !!,!! Bi$ital ime Co#e%

he wor# Illuminati means,
People "laimin$ to be unusually enli$htene# with re$ar# to a sub-e"t
Illuminati, +ny of various $roups "laimin$ spe"ial reli$ious enli$htenment% =atin
illmint, from pl% of illmintus, past parti"iple of illminre, to li$ht up% See illuminate%
hese #efinitions are ta(en from <he +meri"an ?erita$e Bi"tionary of the &n$lish
=i(e the #efinitions tell us, any $roup whi"h "onsi#ers itself <enli$htene#< "oul#
ri$htfully "all itself the Illuminati% So is also the "aseE If you $oo$le <he Illuminati<,
you will fin# /uite a few $roups "laimin$ this name%

It "an be "onfusin$, so before we "ontinue, I want to ma(e very "lear that the
Illuminati we are #is"ussin$ here is N2 a benevolent se"ret so"iety who wants to
brin$ pea"e an# harmony to this worl# by helpin$ to brin$ ba"( free#om to the
people, at least not in this <reality<% If su"h a benevolent $roup e)ists an# also
happens to "all itself <he Illuminati<, I apolo$i9e if some people will mi) up the
#ifferent $roups%
he Illuminati I am e)posin$ here is the super>ri"h Power &lite with an ambition to
"reate ne$ativity an# a slave so"ietyE
he possible 8&+= +$en#a, to some #e$ree un(nown to even the super>ri"h families
li(e the 8oths"hil#'s is #es"ribe# in the arti"le, <Bialo$ue with '?i##en ?an#', Self>
+""laime# Illuminati Insi#er<% But before rea#in$ that arti"le, I su$$est you stu#y this
sub-e"t on a more basi" level first%

he <?i##en ?an#< arti"le is pretty a#van"e# an# "an not be un#erstoo# by people
who have no "on"ept of the Illuminati an# the New Worl# 2r#er%

he term <New Worl# 2r#er<, -ust li(e the term <Illuminati<, has been use# by at least
two #ifferent $roups, meanin$ basi"ally two #ifferent thin$s,
+ $oal to "han$e the "urrent 2r#er J<he 2l# Worl# 2r#er<K, whi"h is "onsi#ere# evil
an# anti>survival, an# therefore the "urrent power elite I "all the Illuminati Jsee
#efinition aboveK nee#s to be overthrown an# their 2l# Worl# 2r#er to be #estroye#
an# repla"e# by a benevolent <New Worl# 2r#er<%

he $oal is a humanity>frien#ly 2ne Worl# ;overnment% he means to overthrow the
"urrent 2l# Worl# 2r#er is by violen"e, if ne"essary% he reason I #on't support this
$roup is that I #on't believe in their ta"ti"s% I believe in this%

+ $oal to re#u"e the worl# population to 500 million people in or#er to "reate a
mi"ro>"hippe# total enslave# so"iety an# a 2ne Worl# ;overnment, run li(e a worl#
#i"tatorship% his is the New Worl# 2r#er the Bush's, the 8o"(efellers, the
8oths"hil#s, ;or#on Brown, ?enry Iissin$er, Nbi$niew Br9e9ins(i an# others are
rin$in$ in an# have almost a""omplishe#% his is the New Worl# 2r#er I am fi$htin$
a$ainst via this website%

> Besmantelamiento #e Oie-os CP#i$os y Pro$ramas >
por Sonia Barrett
25 Noviembre 2007
tra#u""iPn #e &#itorial>Strei"her
2Q +bril 20!2
#el Sitio Web &#itorial>Strei"her
OersiPn ori$inal en in$les

&n www%illuminati>news%"om se publi"P ha"e mRs #e "uatro aSos este artT"ulo #e la
afro>-amai"ana Jhoy esta#ouni#enseK seSora Barrett, /ue hemos tra#u"i#o%

Wes Penre, #e /uien es el sitio men"iona#o, prolo$a #e esta manera el es"rito,

?ay mu"has opiniones sobre lo /ue su"e#erR en 20!2, in"luso la op"iPn #e /ue no
pasarR na#a% Si uste# investi$a esto #urante al$Un tiempo, notarR /ue pare"e haber
#iferentes $rupos tratan#o #e llevar a "abo ob-etivos #iferentes alre#e#or #e 20!2% No
los voy a nombrar a/uT, sino /ue en "ambio /uiero "on"entrarme en este "on"epto en
un nivel mRs alto%

Ca#a pensamiento /ue pensamos, "a#a movimiento /ue ha"emos, to#o alre#e#or #e
nosotros es bRsi"amente ener$Ta% Por lo tanto, los pensamientos y las inten"iones son
muy po#erosos, por "uanto vienen a #ar forma a la reali#a# en /ue vivimos%

+/uellos /ue han esta#o si$uien#o mi investi$a"iPn en este sitio Web saben /ue hay
fuer9as muy os"uras tratan#o insistentemente #e manipularnos ha"ia la ne$ativi#a#%
Si #e"i#imos ser vT"timas #e a/uellos manipula#ores, ten#remos la reali#a# /ue ellos
/uieren /ue nosotros e)perimentemos%

Pero "omo en "ual/uier -ue$o, en "ual/uier nivel po#emos "ambiar las "osas #e sitio%
+un/ue la ener$Ta /ue usamos en un nivel "ole"tivo forme nuestra reali#a# "ole"tiva,
la op"iPn #e al$unos sobre "Pmo usar su ener$Ta es importante y ha"e una #iferen"ia%

&sto e)pli"a e)a"tamente por /uV la $ente ha "omen9a#o Ultimamente a #espertar en
tropel por to#as partes #el planeta%

Con esto en mente, por favor si$a leyen#o,

+un/ue he es"rito varios artT"ulos sobre mu"has materias, nun"a me habTa referi#o a

;eneralmente abor#o asuntos sobre los "uales siento inspira"iPn para es"ribir% ?ay
mu"ha #is"usiPn alre#e#or #e 20!2, y "onforme el tiempo avan9a, fre"uentes
#is"usiones estRn proliferan#o a nivel $lobal y estRn ahora #esbor#Rn#ose entre la
pobla"iPn y la opiniPn pUbli"a mayoritaria% ?ay sin embar$o un enten#imiento "omUn
entre la mayor parte #e las reli$iones, to#as ellas "on"luyen /ue estR lle$an#o un
W&s un final para el planeta mismo.% No, pero es sin embar$o un final para el
"on"epto, #iseSa#o #es#e anti$uo, #e las e)perien"ias humanas% Cuan#o planetas
"omo la ierra son "rea#os, ellos son #iseSa#os en base a "on"eptos o temas

Son sistemas "on #iseSos ar/uite"tPni"os basa#os en un proye"to #e e)perien"ias
inten"iona#as para las formas #e vi#a /ue na"en en ese sistema% &stos sistemas
fun"ionan #entro #e un "ierto ran$o #e fre"uen"ia o vibra"iPn% &s fuera #e este
espe"ifi"o "ampo ele"troma$nVti"o /ue los "olores, tonos y fre"uen"ias lumTni"as son
#etermina#os para nuestro planeta%

&n otras palabras, la vi#a en tales sistemas sPlo serR e)puesta a "iertos patrones #e
fre"uen"ia #e "olor, soni#o y lu9% Nuestros "erebros sPlo se "one"tarRn "on
fre"uen"ias espe"Tfi"as #e "olor, soni#o y lu9, a menos /ue un in#ivi#uo tras"ien#a
estos perTmetros%
o#as las posibles poten"iali#a#es han si#o e)traT#as #e la e)perien"ia humana% No
he investi$a#o el "alen#ario maya e)tensamente "omo la mayorTa, sin embar$o estoy
"ons"iente #e /ue representa una "uenta re$resiva hasta el final #e este "uarto "i"lo%
&stamos en el "uarto "i"lo #e un "i"lo mayor #e !03%000 aSos, #ivi#i#o en "uatro
"i"los mRs pe/ueSos #e 25%000 aSos%

?ay sobre to#o una mayor e)tensiPn #el "re"imiento en nuestro Sistema Solar y en
to#o el 6niverso% Xstos son "ronPmetros naturales, en "ierto mo#o en lu$ar #e un relo-
#e arena% &l sistema mayor #el "ual estamos aparte ya no re/uiere #atos #e los
sistemas /ue fun"ionan en este nivel parti"ular #e vibra"iPn #e e)perien"ias%

Cuan#o esto o"urre, se pro#u"e un pro"eso #e $ra#ua"iPn, por "uanto nuevos
"on"eptos y sistemas serRn #a#os a lu9%

&l planeta estR a"tualmente en un pro"eso #e rea-uste y alinea#o para una
transferen"ia #es#e el Sol, /ue a"tUa "omo el tra#u"tor #e "P#i$os espe"Tfi"os o
patrones #e ener$Ta /ue alimentan al planeta #es#e el Sol Central, la prin"ipal fuente
ener$Vti"a para nuestro sistema%

?a habi#o un aumento #e llamara#as solares /ue estRn muy rela"iona#as "on el
temi#o aumento $lobal #e la temperatura%

&s importante /ue ya no veamos este a"onte"imiento #es#e un punto #e vista
fantasioso, sino mRs bien #es#e la profun#i#a# #e /uiVn es uste# "omo via-ero
"Psmi"o 7 astronauta 7 "ientTfi"o 7 espTritu 7 fuente% 8e"ono9"a /ue to#as las "osas son
simplemente patrones #e ener$Ta basa#os en "P#i$os7pa/uetes espe"Tfi"os #e ener$Ta
o fPrmulas /ue apoyan la forma #esea#a%

=os "ientTfi"os estRn perple-os y "onfun#i#os, pero to#avTa ha"ien#o lentos
#es"ubrimientos, pero si uste# se permite ver profun#amente, uste# estarR un paso
a#elante #e esos #es"ubrimientos%

=a si$uiente es una "ita referente a esos #es"ubrimientos,
Y=os #atos #e I0+;&, tra#u"i#os visualmente por el "omputa#or, muestran el $as
sobre"alenta#o llama#o plasma fluyen#o #es#e el Sol y $olpean#o la atmPsfera
e)terna #e la ierra%

=a mayor parte es #esvia#a, pero al$unos fra$mentos ini"ian una rea""iPn "on la
atmPsfera misma%
<Se ven estalli#os #e hi#rP$eno y o)T$eno /ue salen #e la atmPsfera #e la ierra<, #i-o
a los reporteros Stephen 1uselier, a#ministra#or #el =aboratorio #e 1Tsi"a &spa"ial en
el Centro +van9a#o #e e"nolo$Ta =o"(hee#>0artin en Palo +lto, California%

<&l "ronometra-e es lo mRs importante% ?ay una entra#a #ire"ta #es#e el viento solar%
=a ierra respon#e inme#iatamente e)pulsan#o una parte #e la atmPsfera<%
&s una muy pe/ueSa parte > re"al"a 1uselier > una "orriente #e Rtomos "ar$a#os #e

Ca#a tormenta e)pli"a apro)ima#amente !00 tonela#as #e o)T$eno e)pulsa#as ha"ia
el espa"io%
<&s "omo el volumen #e aire /ue hay, p% e-%, en el Super#ome #e =ouisiana<, #i-o%
<&so pare"e mu"ho para los estRn#ares humanos, pero #e he"ho la atmPsfera #e la
ierra es mu"hTsimo mRs $ran#e /ue eso<%
Xl #i-o /ue in"luso miles #e millones #e aSos #e tormentas no $astarTan la atmPsfera
#e una manera "uantifi"able%
+l momento #e $olpear el espa"io, este o)T$eno se lle$a a sobre"ar$ar en estalli#os
/ue tambiVn pue#en ser <vistos< por la I0+;&N% +l$o #e ello se #evuelve ha"ia la
atmPsfera, pero mu"ho es atrapa#o por el viento solar y transporta#o por Vste%
<?a $ana#o !00%000 ve"es la ener$Ta /ue tenTa "uan#o #e-P la atmPsfera, #e mo#o
/ue estR muy abulta#o<, #i-o 1uselier%

<Cuan#o se 9ambullen en la atmPsfera es "uan#o son $enera#as estas fuertes
"orrientes% &llas transforman las latitu#es me#ias #e sus habituales esta#os #e "alma
en una espe"ie #e torbellino /ue tiene efe"tos #ire"tos en nuestras vi#as #iarias<%
ales tormentas han #e-a#o re#es elV"tri"as enteras fuera #e fun"ionamiento y pue#en
interrumpir las emisiones #e ra#io y las seSales satelitales, in"luT#os los satVlites #e
lo"ali9a"iPn $lobal o te"nolo$Ta ;PS en la /ue "onfTan los e)"ursionistas, el trRfi"o
marTtimo y los sol#a#os en el frente%
<+sT es "Pmo las tormentas espa"iales al"an9an hasta la ierra y afe"tan nuestras
vi#as #iarias<, #i-o @ohn 1oster #el 2bservatorio ?aysta"( #el Instituto #e e"nolo$Ta
#e 0assa"husetts J0IKZ%
&n mi libro he ?olo$raphi" Canvas J200QK hay un "apTtulo titula#o &l 2)T$eno y la
ransforma"iPn #e la 8eali#a#, #on#e se muestra /ue el pro"eso #e transmisiPn y
re"ep"iPn a travVs #e la respira"iPn es evi#ente%

WFuV es lo mRs evi#ente en un "uerpo enfermo., la "aren"ia #e o)T$eno%

=a enferme#a#, los parRsitos, et"%, sPlo pue#e e)istir en un "uerpo mTnimamente
o)i$ena#o% =as "Vlulas mueren por la falta #e o)T$eno4 el "erebro no fun"ionarR
"orre"tamente "uan#o estR mTnimamente o)i$ena#o% +"tualmente nos apresuramos
para ha"er "ambios en nuestro me#ioambiente #ebi#o a la #isminui#a "ali#a# #el aire
y la vi#a%

+ pesar #e este mie#o $lobal Wes posible reempla9ar esta #e"a#en"ia ambiental visible
en CB.% [STE% [&"he a volar su fantasTaE% 0u"hTsimas #istra""iones rela"iona#as "on el
vie-o "on"epto se presentarRn "a#a ve9 mRs "uan#o hay varios probables finales /ue
han si#o #es"ritos a"er"a #e la finali9a"iPn #e 20!2%

=a vi#a es tanto un e)perimento "omo una e)perien"ia, y aun/ue el "on"epto #el
anti$uo -ue$o lle$ue a su fin eso no si$nifi"a /ue finali9arR en las mentes #e mu"hos%
0u"hos manten#rRn el vie-o formato o fPrmula en su ser, por "uanto se han
a"omo#a#o a estos vie-os pro$ramas%

ales seres se$uirRn vivien#o una varia"iPn #e los vie-os "on"eptos aso"ia#os "on la
anti$ua ierra, pero Vstos serRn simplemente un pasa#o re$istra#o, un anti$uo
holo$rama /ue serR repro#u"i#o repeti#as ve"es hasta /ue se "ompren#a /ue ellos han
esta#o vivien#o en el pasa#o% Pero a#ivine /uVG esto es lo /ue hemos esta#o
vivien#o% [Xste es el pasa#oE%

+l$unos han retorna#o a/uT para apartarse #el #espertar o #el "ambio #e "on"ien"ia
#e este vie-o "ampo% [&sta vi#a es sPlo una memoria, y una anti$ua memoriaE%

&stos "i"los vienen y van "rean#o portales "T"li"os para a/uellos /ue #esean salir #el
pasa#o y avan9ar ha"ia una e)perien"ia mRs libre y mRs fluT#a% Como el "erebro
"ambia a partir #el mVto#o #e retro"eso, se "rean en Vl nuevos "aminos neuronales% &l
"ampo ma$nVti"o ha si#o proba#o para promover el "re"imiento #e neuronas en
"iertas Rreas #el "erebro%

Xsta es una "ita toma#a #e he ?olo$raphi" Canvas,
Y&l "erebro fun"iona "ompletamente "on seSales elV"tri"as en forma #e imR$enes%
=os estTmulos sensoriales son pro"esa#os en el "erebro "omo una "orriente #e
impulsos elV"tri"os "rea#os por #es"ar$as neuronales% =as neuronas son un $rupo #e
"Vlulas espe"iali9a#as en fun"iones espe"Tfi"as "omo el ensambla-e #e la san$re, los
Pr$anos, las $lRn#ulas, los huesos, et"%

&l "uerpo estR "onforma#o por miles #e millones #e "Vlulas, /ue "ate$Pri"amente
forman el or$anismo entero4 sin embar$o el "erebro in"luye miles #e millones #e
neuronas, /ue "omien9an <#isparan#o< mensa-es a partir #e estTmulos #e los "in"o
senti#os% &stos mensa-es estRn en la forma #e hormonas e impulsos /uTmi"os y
+/uT hay otra "ita, toma#a #e &le"tri"al Besi$n in the ?uman Bo#y, #e Crai$ Savi$e,
Y&l "omponente bRsi"o #el sistema nervioso es la "Vlula nerviosa llama#a neurona% &l
"erebro mismo "onsiste prin"ipalmente en neuronas% Ba-o un mi"ros"opio una
neurona pare"e un pulpo "on mu"hos tentR"ulos%

6na neurona pue#e transmitir un impulso elV"tri"o a la si$uiente neurona%

=a re# #e impulsos elV"tri"os nos permite re"ibir la informa"iPn #el mun#o fTsi"o y
lue$o enviarla a nuestros "erebros, y vi"eversa% Sin los "ir"uitos neuronales nuestros
"uerpos se apa$arTan "ompletamente, "omo al "ortar el suministro #e ener$Ta a una
=a utili9a"iPn #e o)T$eno en nuestros "uerpos apoya#a por la "on"ien"ia profun#a
permitirR /ue la transforma"iPn #e los /uTmi"os>hormonas en el "uerpo se amplTe en
"on"or#an"ia "on la a"tual transforma"iPn #e la ierra%

6ste# nun"a sentirR los "ambios e)tremos #e temperatura en la ierra en tanto su
"uerpo fun"ione "oor#ina#amente "on Vsta% &s tambiVn importante re"or#ar /ue ha"e
50 millones #e aSos el planeta entero tenTa temperaturas $lobales tropi"ales% No
tenTamos "uatro esta"iones% =a in"lina"iPn en el e-e #e la ierra permitiP tener otro
aspe"to #e la e)perien"ia% =as emo"iones humanas son "ompletamente afe"ta#as por
los "ambios atmosfVri"os%

=a mRs leve in"lina"iPn terrR/uea o mTnimos "ambios solares harRn su efe"to sobre
estas "orrientes #e impulsos elV"tri"os a partir #e las "uales se "onstruyen las
2tro aspe"to #e la biolo$Ta humana rara ve9 plantea#o es /ue hay ma$netita JimanesK
en el "erebro humano%

6n $eobiPlo$o #e Calte"h, @oseph Iirs"hivin(, #es"ubriP "ristales ma$nVti"os en el
te-i#o "erebral humano llama#os ahora ma$netita% 0e#iante el uso #e un mi"ros"opio
#e transmisiPn #e alta resolu"iPn ellos #es"ubrieron /ue habTa al menos 5 millones #e
"ristales #e ma$netita en un #e#al lleno "on te-i#o "erebral, "a#a uno #e los "uales era
#e apro)ima#amente una millonVsima #e pul$a#a #e lar$o%

&llos posteriormente #es"ubrieron /ue "uan#o esta ma$netita era e)puesta a fuertes
"ampos elV"tri"os ella po#Ta rea-ustarse y abrir o for9ar estos "anales "erra#os%

=a "ita si$uiente pue#e ayu#ar a refor9ar mi "on"lusiPn sobre la manera en la /ue el
Sol a"tUa "omo un "onverti#or #e ener$Ta y "omo un transmisor, lo /ue serTa otra
evi#en"ia #el impa"to #e las "orrientes elV"tri"as #e Vste sobre el "ampo ma$nVti"o #e
la ierra asT "omo sobre la ma$netita en nuestros "erebros Jtoma#o #e he &le"tri"
S(y, #es"ubrimientos #e 8alph @uer$ensK,
Y&l Sol pue#e ser ener$i9a#o, no #es#e #entro sino #es#e fuera, por las "orrientes
elV"tri"as Jlas "orrientes Bir(elan#, /ue se en"uentran en el plasma espa"ialK /ue
fluyen por el bra9o #e nuestra $ala)ia tal "omo ellas lo ha"en en to#as las $ala)ias%

&sta posibili#a# #e /ue el Sol pue#a ser ener$i9a#o e)ternamente por su
me#ioambiente $alR"ti"o es la i#ea mRs espe"ulativa en la hipPtesis #e &le"tri" S(y y
siempre es ata"a#a por los "rTti"os mientras ellos i$noran to#as las otras propie#a#es
e)pli"ativas #e esta hipPtesis% &n el mo#elo #el 6niverso #e Plasma, estas "orrientes a
es"ala "Psmi"a, #e ba-a #ensi#a#, "rean las $ala)ias y las estrellas #entro #e a/uellas
$ala)ias por me#io #el efe"to ele"troma$nVti"o #e 9>pin"h%

Xsta es sPlo una pe/ueSa e)trapola"iPn para pre$untar si estas "orrientes permane"en
para ener$i9ar a a/uellas estrellas% =as "orrientes $alR"ti"as son #e ba-a #ensi#a#,
pero, por/ue los tamaSos #e las estrellas son $ran#es, la "orriente total Jampera-eK es
alta% =a ener$Ta irra#ia#a por el Sol en "ual/uier instante se #ebe a la ener$Ta
suministra#a por a/uel ampera-e%

Cuan#o el Sol se mueve alre#e#or #el "entro $alR"ti"o, pue#e entrar en re$iones #e
#ensi#a# #e "orriente mRs alta o mRs ba-a, y enton"es sus manifesta"iones pue#en
variar tanto periP#i"amente "omo al a9arZ%
&ntien#o /ue la informa"iPn /ue estR sien#o presenta#a a/uT no estR es"rita en una
manera llena #e misti"ismo y fantasTa, "omo mu"hos estRn a"ostumbra#os a tener su
eleva"iPn espiritual%

?e si#o lleva#a a es"ribir esta informa"iPn en una manera /ue se ale-a #el vie-o
pro"eso, "omo parte #el "ambio ha"ia una "on"ien"ia mRs flui#a, "on "a#a via-ero
sien#o #ueSo #e su via-e y #e su responsabili#a# por su propio #espertar% + travVs #e
este pro"eso no>mTsti"o el "erebro "omien9a a #esmantelar la a"tual ilusiPn

&l "erebro permane"e en un permanente "onta"to "on to#os los "ampos #e la
e)isten"ia, y "on este ale-amiento #el vie-o holo$rama el "erebro es seSala#o para
"omen9ar a permitir /ue el in#ivi#uo entre en nuevos "ampos #e pensamiento y
"on"ien"ia y en nuevos mun#os% =a limita"iPn ba-o la "ual hemos esta#o
e)perimentan#o la vi#a en CB, basa#a en un sistema pre#iseSa#o, lle$arR ahora a ser
"lara, permitiVn#ole a uno e)perimentar flui#amente una vi#a mRs e)pansiva%

Por #emasia#o tiempo nos hemos esta#o retrayen#o en la interpreta"iPn #e nuestras
vi#as y #el "re"imiento espiritual a favor #e fuer9as /ue estRn fuera #e nosotros%

Na#ie es responsable #e la propia evolu"iPn sino uno mismo%

6ste# vino a este via-e por su propio libre albe#rTo y uste# #ebe as"en#er por su
memoria #e /uiVn es uste# "omo un ser soberano% 6ste# "reP un "on"epto #e lo /ue la
ierra habrTa #e ser, y lue$o uste# entrP en su propio #iseSo, su propio -ue$o, y se
"onvirtiP en sus propios hi-os ahora per#i#os en la e)perien"ia% ?e #i"ho varias ve"es
/ue uste#es son los maestros as"en#i#os /ue uste#es bus"an%

Sus anteo-eras y su amnesia espiritual sin embar$o no han permiti#o /ue uste# vea o
re"uer#e, pero ahora esta ma$nTfi"a oportuni#a# estR sobre la ?umani#a# otra ve9
para saltar ha"ia el futuro /ue es nuestro pasa#o le-ano%
&se momento #e transi"iPn estR sobre nosotros ahora mismo% No espere hasta 20!2
basa#o en nin$Un "alen#ario, por/ue el tiempo es #e una naturale9a mR$i"a y estamos
en me#io #e este $ran "ambio% SPlo re"uer#e /ue hay mu"has #istra""iones
"ru9Rn#ose en su "amino, mu"has #e las "uales serRn pP"imas e)tremas #e temor y
"uras por #inero "on a"eite #e serpiente%

&l #inero serR uno #e los "atali9a#ores mRs $ran#es, la matri9 mRs $ran#e #e la
ilusiPn% =a Nueva &ra, el movimiento metafTsi"o, serR el vehT"ulo por el "ual la mayor
parte #e esta matri9 lle$arR a su fin% Con"eptos numVri"os tales "omo !!,!! son
"P#i$os pre>instala#os en el "erebro% ales "P#i$os sirven para el ob-etivo #e
"ontrolar lo /ue uno "ar$a y #es"ar$a Juploa# an# #ownloa#K%
=os sTmbolos son el len$ua-e mRs si$nifi"ativo para el "erebro humano, por "uanto
"on ellos pue#e ser "omuni"a#o al "erebro mu"ho mRs /ue lo /ue po#rTa un millPn #e
palabras% !!,!!, !!,22, et"%, lle$P a ser mRs pre#ominante para la "omuni#a# New
+$e #urante los !5 P 20 aSos pasa#os "omo parte #e la transi"iPn "T"li"a en "urso%

Bebemos tener presente /ue el "erebro humano no es menos pro$ramable /ue nin$Un

0u"has "osas son mRs fR"ilmente #es"ar$a#as en la "on"ien"ia humana se$Un la
fre"uen"ia #e los patrones #e on#as "erebrales, o in"luso "ambios /uTmi"amente
in#u"i#os en el "erebro pue#e "ambiar la volunta# #e uno% =a "on"ien"ia humana
siempre ha si#o supervisa#a y ella aumenta "uan#o nos movemos ha"ia esta

&sta evalua"iPn #e la "on"ien"ia es para #eterminar el pro"eso #e "re"imiento, si
hemos pro$resamos lo sufi"iente "omo para ser una amena9a para a/uellos /ue
re/uieren la "ontinua"iPn #el e)perimento #e la anti$ua ierra%

&sta evalua"iPn es por supuesto un pro"eso #e "ar$ar Juploa#K% Cierta vibra"iPn #e
informa"iPn es #es"ar$a#a enton"es si uno estR en un esta#o abierto y re"eptivo para
estos "P#i$os% 0u"hos lo estRn% Cuan#o mRs nos rela"ionamos "on !!,!! es mientras
"on#u"imos, estamos senta#os, o en al$una suerte #e mo#o enfo"a#o pero rela-a#o%

;eneralmente nun"a estamos saltan#o por to#os la#os% =as on#as "erebrales ne"esitan
estar en una "ierta fre"uen"ia alterable% Cuan#o hay un $rupo enfo"a#o en !!,!! estas
mentes #ispuestas reali9an #es"ar$as /ue presentan otra ilusiPn #e liberta# /ue afe"ta
al "ampo "ole"tivo mientras mRs fantasTa es evo"a#a%

Somos manipula#os "omo pe/ueSos niSos e)"ita#os para re"ibir $olosinas #e
nuestros hermanos mayores%
=os nUmeros son in#u#ablemente la fPrmula por me#io #e la "ual to#as las "osas
e)isten, ya /ue to#as las "osas estRn basa#as en una me#i#a #e ener$Ta /ue forma
patrones #e fre"uen"ia% =o /ue mu"hos no lle$an a "ompren#er es el sistema
pro$rama#o u holo$rama #entro #el "ual la e)perien"ia ha si#o lleva#a a su fin
"uan#o fR"ilmente nos ren#imos a las "ampaSas publi"itarias espirituales #e mo#a%

Xste ha si#o un sistema /ue ha fun"iona#o basa#o en "apas #e pro$ramas y "on"eptos
"on una pro$rama"iPn a#i"ional or/uesta#a por otros seres humanos en posi"iones #e
"ontrol sobre las mentes vulnerables%

o#o esto pue#e pare"er e)a$era#o, pero si uste# #e"i#e pelar la "ebolla #e su vi#a y
lo /ue uste# ha "reT#o basa#o en "reen"ias "ole"tivas, to#o lle$arR a ser "laro% Si uste#
pue#e "entrarse en sT mismo sin el impa"to #e sus emo"iones o su e$o, uste# verR un
vie-o sistema /ue estR en su "amino #e sali#a, #e mo#o /ue uste# pue#e ser libre para
permitirse ser un ser ilimita#o%

&s"u"he a su propia orienta"iPn interior, no a $uTas o $urUes, sino a su propio #ios>
fuente #entro #e uste#, #ios /ue uste# finalmente es%
20!2 es simplemente el final #e los vie-os temas por los "uales esta reali#a# fue
#iseSa#a% ?ay una nueva ierra, un tiempo #iferente, un "on"epto #iferente% Oarios #e
uste#es han afronta#o probablemente al$unas #ifi"ulta#es y "onfusiPn al ale-arse #e
estos roles #e <obrero #e la =u9< /ue han usa#o "omo su i#enti#a# por bastante

Per#er nuestra i#enti#a# es #ifT"il "uan#o ya no sabemos /uV #e"ir "uan#o al$uien
nos pre$unta a /uV nos #e#i"amos% [6ste# pue#e liberarse ahora para ser al$o
#iferente, no un obrero #e la lu9, no un metafTsi"o, no un sana#or o un "anali9a#or ni
nin$una otra "osaE%

6ste# pue#e liberarse para #espla9arse ha"ia nuevas e)perien"ias% =a transi"iPn pue#e
ser a ve"es #ifT"il tanto e"onPmi"a "omo emo"ionalmente, mRs fre"uentemente
obli$Rn#onos a volver a lo anti$uo, pero ir ha"ia atrRs tambiVn pue#e "ausar un #olor
mayor% 6ste# tambiVn pue#e e)perimentar frustra"iPn, "onfusiPn y #esafTos
emo"ionales, por "uanto lo anti$uo ya no fun"iona para uste#%

0u"hos #e a/uellos sentimientos estRn basa#os en el #iseSo #e la anti$ua ierra,
pro$ramas so"iales, pro$ramas familiares, pro$ramas reli$iosos /ue estRn ahora
ha"ien#o "orto"ir"uito en su oposi"iPn a ser sustitui#os por lo nuevo%

&sto estR su"e#ien#o para presentarle a uno la oportuni#a# #e aventurarse en lo
nuevo% =a pi9arra #e su "erebro estR sien#o limpia#a para /ue pue#a "one"tarse "on lo
nuevo y uste# permita /ue el pro"eso o"urra% &sta transi"iPn no es para el #Vbil #e
alma, #e mo#o /ue no sea #uro "onsi$o mismo si uste# en"uentra /ue es #emasia#o%

&l #esmantelamiento #e pro$ramas #e miles #e aSos #e anti$\e#a# pue#e ser
tortuoso, aun/ue uno sPlo ne"esita #e-ar ir y permitir o no permitir% ?ay mu"ho mRs
/ue pue#e ser #i"ho a/uT pero "reo /ue "a#a le"tor harR lo /ue sea ne"esario para su
propio "re"imiento%

8e"uer#e /ue esto es sPlo un -ue$o, uno /ue pare"e haber #ura#o #urante eras
"ompletas, pero en el movimiento mR$i"o #el tiempo esto ha si#o sPlo un momento%

8eturn to 20!2
8eturn to Cons"iousness +n# he Cons"ious 6niverse
8eturn to he +s"ension>ransformation>&volution Pro"ess

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