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Mick Harts

Or we should say under 18-24-36 because their tits would be too small and the arse to big!

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Publisher, Exec. Editor, Graphic Design,
Mag Layout, ALL Swear words and
general all round perversions
Mick Hart
Angela Hart
Dad, I dont know what to do - Dept.
Sally Rebecca Hart
Illustration/Cartoons/Southern Humour
Tony Neighbour
NO BULL Official Photographer &
USA Representative
Eric Freimanis
Photography UK (were are you Billy?)
Bill Cullen
Mick Hart
Ron Ball
David Gentle
Lou Ravelle (Spain)
Marshall Brown BSc
Richard Errington
Darryl Selby
Les Bailey
Marcel Apfel
Laurence Keen
Christian Breyer
Richy Troth
Gary Wheat
Cover Picture
The No Bull Collection is published by MICK HART TRAINING SYSTEMS and is distributed purely by that company - totally! All rights reserved and all articles published in this magazine auto-
matically become the sole property of said magazine. Please note that the opinions and views of any article submitted to the NO BULL are not necessarily those of the Editor. Anyone wishing to
send in anything to publication are welcome, publication is of course at the editors decision. The magazine does not accept responsibility for those who do not warm up well before ANY of the exer-
cises given herein. Use your heads a little. We assume that all people are of a fit and healthy nature but if in doubt, have a chat with your local G.P. before having a go. All stacks that are to be
featured in future publications are given soley as information purposes and we are not stating in any way shape or form that they have to be followed and are given purely for whats happening out
there purposes.
4 Bodybuildings Last
News, views and excuses
6 Anadrol HELL!
Better read this one
10 Hart To Hart
In your face replies
14 Aggi from Cypus
A profile on a great champ
16 Outer Limits of Legs
Great tips from Marshall.
20 IRONMAN Pro 2001
Nice job Eric!
24 Muscle Abroad!
Ron Ball reports
28 The BIG Secret
Its ALL out now!
32 IS it a BIRD!
No, Peter Lindop thats
34 The GREAT Marvin
Profile by David Gentle
38 Silver Surfer
This guy is nuts!

& No Bollocks Team
Mick Harts NBC - 4
Last Stand

Boy these issues get harder to do, but keep 'em coming I will you can be sure. Sorry again for the delay, but - well
you know the rest.
I am dead proud of this mag after all the shit and high water, I love the bloody thing, it's my baby and I will nurture it
so long as I can. No matter what happens it will come out again and again, I promise y'all.
What's happened these last few weeks? Well I have got far better looking and I know that may be hard to believe
but I am afraid that it is true - how can one perfect perfection!! Ahem!
My training has been more than spot on of late and it has been about time for crying out loud - and there has been a
bit of that too! Been experimenting with a few new stacks and WOW - yes that good. I will bring you up to date as
and when I can. Nice!
The First NO BULL Boys Meeting
After chatting with many of the lads rom my web site,
I decided that it was time that we all met. Trouble is,
after a few vodka and tonics and a late night work-
ing, I suggested that we meet at my house. PHEW!!
I was cooking for ages, but the spread was good and
the company even better.
After ALL of us walking up to my local, where the
landlord looked at all of us walking in and thought
shit, we got kinda pissed and then staggered
home. We chatted late into the night on all sorts of
things, even bodybuilding sometimes (hic) but it
became even harder when one of the nutters,
Darren, got out his special fag equipment. After
about half an hour I was so shit faced I was repeat-
ing myself so much my gob was on auto pilot! I was
to say the least, STONED! Strange? Benson and
Hedges never did that to me before...........WOW!
Cop this! In the picture, you can see a tray with great old me holding it. No it wasnt nicked. The lads had chipped
in together and bought this beautiful engraved silver tray even though most had NEVER met each other. I must
admit I was a little teary eyed when they got me with that! What an honour. The engraving was also quite stunning.
It said, Cheers you shit faced wank pot - nice grub! Only joking lads, I was truly honoured and proud to receive it.
It stands in my toilet with pride! Thank you most sincerely, Andy, Darren, Richard, Stan, Darryl and of course little
The Internet
What a furrrrcking ball ache that has been - and is! Setting up these new sites has been costly and a pain, but I am
sure that they will bring forth fruit. They had better do or the computers go through the fucking windows - again!! I
have brought in a couple of great guys to help me and I have the greatest of respect and trust with them, they are
the best. I totally trust them except for the fact that when we had our first meeting all the silver went out of the
kitchen and the choccy biscuits went a little quicker than I had first thought!! Nahh, only joking they are the bee's
knees and I am looking forward to working with them. Welcome Martin and Sean.
Talking of the internet and just how you can be bamboozled so easily. There is a discussion board that many read
and take in some of the most BULLSHIT info that I have ever heard. Now this "board" is overseas, that is all I can
say for now and as I said lots of people go on there seeking the big secrets. Not happening folks. But anyway,
many of the readers come back to me to re-answer this shit. What I have found out recently, is that there are kids
as young as 13 and 14 answering questions to bodybuilders making out that they are someone they are not! On
one occasion, this guy was giving out stacks and cycles that were absolutely unbelievable and above all, dangerous.
Be very careful people as you cannot ever be sure as to who you are chatting to. The stacks that I have seen could
kill a bull to be honest and I suggest that you do NOT follow any unless they at the very least make some sense.
Your lives are at risk if you do. There is not any tried and tested way to police the net for such things and to be hon-
est the authorities would not really give a shit. Now would they? Be VERY careful of the little wankers!
NABBA Scottish Championships 2001
Until recently I had lost all confidence in ALL bodybuilding shows and I think that most will agree with regards to
some of the standards that we have seen over these last few years! Most just were boring, some just plain shit ven-
ues, others, well absolutely no comment. On many occasions I had discussed these disappointments with Mike
Mitchell the Scottish NABBA President and old friend and former trainee of mine and we agreed and disagreed on
many points on the finer points of running a contest. Mike said that he could and would be able prove to me that HE
could change my opinion - I accepted with pleasure. He very kindly sent me VIP tickets which included a overnight
stay in a posh hotel! I was impressed so far but was to be impressed even further as the weekend went on.
We drove up to Kilcaldy on the Saturday, 5th May for the show that was actually on the Sunday so that we could
meet all the officials and pro's etc. We had a great night with mucho booze (I was last man standing on both nights).
Eddie Elwood and I sat up late on both nights and chatted for ages. I would say that he is without doubt one of the
greatest champions that this country has ever produced, but he also has one other attribute -he is a true gentleman.
I was honoured be to be chatting to the great man. My sincere thanks Eddie.
Mike Mitchell certainly got it right on the night. As we had said, ALL shows have their hiccups, this one had a cou-
ple, but they were so minimal it does not really need discussing. The show was brilliant; plenty of variety, the tradi-
tional highland celtic drummer band, Chican were simply amazing to say the least. The compere, Gladiator Mike
Aherne was both funny and entertaining and I especially liked the viagra joke!
There was so many nice people there, one in particular Sam The Man Cullingworth - what a great guy. His pos-
ing routing was something that you really ought to see when you get the chance. Dayo Audi, you are a star mate,
thank you too for your kind friendship. We had a brilliant time.
I have asked Mike for addresses of people that we met as I would like to write personally to them and thank them all
for their kindness and especially their new friendship. It made the nights without a doubt.
If there is anyone out there who is not sure how to run a show, give Mike Mitchell a call - HE DOES! Thank you for
your hospitality Mike, you were very kind. You did good mate!
PS - Unfortunately, due to lack of space, I will have to put the show report in by Dayo in the next issue. Apologies
for that.
Finally, for those that are
unloved and unwanted, please
remember this final
Mick Harts NBC - 5
with Mick Hart

Last Stand
So it all began when I became like most of us do at times, despondent about,
What no gains? After training for 5 years or more, I had reached that plateau
of no more gains at the age of 22. I decided to seek some advice from a very
large friend of mine called Paul who now works for Chemical Warfare and also
knows my mate from Portsmouth, (small world) which is where I was hatched
and raised.
He put me on deca and sust and his word was true after 7 weeks I had gained
size and power which made me happy and Paul hadnt steered me wrong, which
I was worried about as he was a friend, but still was his interest in my health or
his pocket? I took his advice on training and diet and it worked. A year later
again I sought his advice and again I grew, only on a larger course, and no side
affects at all; this I believed was due to him keeping me away from testate and
tesdan 100 as I needed chest NOT breast.
Jumping 7 years now after working in the States and learning about gear and
educating myself from books, articles and also seminars, I returned to good old
Blighty. I set up base in Brighton and soon found a hard-core gym - great I
thought. Straight in to running the security of clubs things were going very well.
UntiI I felt the need to get bigger - as if I was not big enough already! 6' 2" at
17st 8lb with 12% body fat. Yep, I looked good!
I had done a few heavy courses in the States and decided that this would be my last course - famous last words. So
after seeking out the gym's Mr. Supplier, he told me of such a steroid that I would need as it would be the only thing
on this course that would satisfy me. Orals I said with suprise and my friend Paul had never really touched the sub-
ject so I thought that they were no good. After Mr Supplier had fed me with stories of 35-40lb gains and mild loss on
completion I jumped at the Anadrol which came as Oxy something or other. I was instructed that 2 shots of sustanon
a week with 2ml of deca every 6 days would be ALL I would need would be 3 of these magic pills a day for the first 2
weeks, losing 1 a week until the last week at 1 a day. So for 6 weeks he said there would be minor side affects, but
his answer to that was to, ........just drink 5 litres of water a day and you'll be OK! What a wanker! So, 350 later I
was ready.
Day 1: No worries.
Day 2: A little sick around food and felt shaky, but otherwise, no real alarm bells as yet.
Day 3: Mornings from hell! Sick, sick and more sick! I rang him up and asked what was happening? Just have more
pasta and water and you should be fine
My parents were
called and told to
come to
Eastbourne gener-
al asap as I might
not make it
through the night.
A priest even read
my last rights to
me - THREE

Day 4: My girlfriend noticed a yellowing of my eyes and looking bit gaunt. No alarm bells yet!!
Day 5: Stopped taking them - PERIOD! The stomach pains were just too much. Just 12 pills gone, what was wrong
with me I asked myself?
Day 6: By now I have gone COMPLETELY yellow, pissing coka cola and crapping just fat that floats! Incredible stom-
ach pains and cramps. I have to go to see my G.P.
G.P. said he believed it to be gall stones and not to worry as he would arrange an ultra sound within the next couple
of days. My blood pressure too was far to high and and my heart rate was DOUBLE that of normal. My weight at the
time was 14st. I was alarmed after telling the G.P. that a week ago I was nearer 17 1/2 stone! He said that gall stones
can do this. Stupid me! I did not tell the him about the gear!
Day 7: Went to A & E could not wait the pain just to bad doubled up all the time no sleep. A & E do ultra sound found
nothing, weight down to 13 1/2 stone. I had half a stone in a day I now looked like an aids victim. They decided to
keep me in for observation after I decided to tell them what I had taken. (brave boy or just smart)
Day 8: Now bile salts coming through my skin and my skin tears like tissue paper when I scratch my self because the
salts are itchy as hell and fucking with my mind all I want to do is rip my skin off. They have to sedate me and put me
on a drip coz I had eaten nothing in 4 days as soon as I eat it it comes back up.
Day 9 whilst having a liver biopsy I vomit about 2 pints of blood over the nurses and the room. The pain was so bad
that the gave me tri base morphine to stop me screaming. My blood was now orange due to the bile. My parents were
called and told to come to Eastbourne general asap as I might not make it through the night. This was due to my ele-
vated heart rate which now had become 2 1/2 times normal even under sedation and they feared that my heart would
explode. I was told that the anadrol had settled in my liver and eaten through the bile ducts and the cholesterol tubes
that run through the bile ducts. This caused the fat and bile to mix which was like contact glue, roadblocking my liver
and forcing various nasty fluids and such to back flush in to my stomach and this was what I painted the room with.
Part of my liver had collapsed and disintegrated.
Day 10 I still living only due to a through the night plasma exchange, all new blood, modern tech and being pretty fit.
Otherwise I would be DEAD.
I was in ICU for 2 months whilst they watched my road to recovery. My lowest weight on day 10 was only 9st 3lb. For
the next 2 months I was put on a special diet blanched veg and chicken no fat salt or sugar, only water and semi
skimmed milk and still on 2 drips with glucose and saline. The worst thing was during this time my legs were so weak
that I had to have a cafeta fitted, I thought that the embarrassment was nothing compared to the pain. I was heavily
sedated during ICU due to the itching and stomach pain.
After being in hospital FOR NEARLY 3 MONTHS I was released. I weighed on 11st and was still yellow. For 1 year I
was on strict diet and no drinking or gear or I would be dead. I had once a month blood tests. It took 15 months for
all of the yellow to go and for me to eat good again, I can now drink in moderation and 25 months after going to hos-
pital I felt good at 16st and did my first mild course 1 sust weekly and 1 deca every 9 days and I have made good gains
with no ill effects, so I now only listen to educated people whom I consider are more interested in seeing me gain and
stay healthy than getting themselves rich.
I currently work with the outreach project in Brighton and advise young people on food training and steroids most are
18-22 years and already using. My advise is to firstly build good foundations i.e. muscle density before using gear.
But they are very willing to put their lives at risk to get bigger, all I try to do is advise them on my experiences and tell
them to educate them selves and know their on bodies. But what can you do?
From The Ed:
I have spoken to this guy in depth about his trauma. All I can say is WOW! You were lucky mate and I am glad that
you are now ok. To the readers, if you have any story like this - get it to me asap. OK we are pro-gear, but what we
are NOT is pro gear of this sort. Let us know as quick as you can. You may, like this guy, save a few lives.
Mick Hart
ow do I ask my Doc to measure my Testosterone lev-
If you go private you can ask them to measure any bloody
thing and they will jump to it. On NHS its costing them money
so they wont unless its a proper reason.
One time I had my testosterone and LH (Leutzing Hormone is
the stuff produced by your brain to tell your testicles to make
more testosterone) measured was after an accident. I DON'T
recommend anyone try this at home just to get their test meas-
I like horses and worked on a horse ranch in OZ. Lucky me.
One day I was climbing over a gate when I slipped cos it was
wet after raining. I fell heavily on my knackers and boy was it
painful! To cut a short painful story even shorter I severely
bruised my love potatoes and they where black and blue for
weeks. Not funny at all. Unlucky me. My doctor measured my
test levels a month later to see everything was fine. Slightly low FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone, basically tells
the testicles to make more sperm) and LH but that was due to lack of activity with having my nuts in a sling and not
being able to exercise.
Everything was back to normal pretty soon afterwards.
So just ask your GP nicely. Say you havent been feeling quite yourself recently or some such cock and bull story,
Can even say you dont shave as much as you usually do. Basically LIE. Give your doc a reason to do the test
and they will feel justified using the NHS's money. If you just walk in and ask for it done chances are (unless you
have a pretty good doctor) they will just tell you to go home and not to worry. So say youve lost interest in sex, dont
shave anymore, etc etc.
Dont get your mate to kick you in the nads or fall off a gate just so they are bruised so you can get your test meas-
ured. Believe me. Its not worth the pain for a simple test
Just lie. At least you will be able to walk straight afterwards.
Since we are on the topic of doctors.
How do I talk to my Doc about help with Steroids?
For all those who dont have any joy talking with their GP I offer this advice (accept or reject it if you want) leave your
GP straight away and find another one. Dont be scared of doing this. I changed my GP three times once in a few
months, as I was not satisfied with them. If you do find a good GP then stick with them. But if they arent going to
help you then leave and find one that will. You employ THEM not the other way round.
Oh and a good tip as well. When you do approach your GP after telling them your taking, or thinking of taking,
steroids and want help with a testosterone level test or a Liver Function Test or even for some Nolvadex, have as
much info as you can with you. Have your cycle written down on paper or as a chart or calendar. Even take any
steroid books you have with you or even the steroids themselves to show them physically the amount you will take.
Dont worry they wont confiscate it!
If the GP sees you know what you are talking about and arent just some mad bodybuilder doing what your mates
in the gym tell you then you have a much better chance of getting the GP to help.
PLUS most GP's dont know much about actual real life taking of anabolic steroids for performance enhancement
anyway. As I keep telling people GP's are disease specialists. They have a broad overview of disease states but
are never taught in medical school about taking D-Bol or Decca for getting big arms!
It will most probably be a learning experience for them also. Put yourself in their shoes. They are used to seeing
Doctor are you sure this is the test for a
sore throat?
Dont get your mate to kick you in the
nads! Its not worth the pain!!
Trouble Down Under. Part: The Second
maybe 20 to 40 people a day with sore throats, varicose veins, eczema and ear-
ache. Then you turn up and ask them something they dont really have a clue
about. Their natural reaction is to be skeptical and offer no assistance.. Most
GP's will not even admit to not knowing anything about Steroids in sport so they
just "bluff" and try and stop you using them. From someone who has spent many
years in hospitals working alongside doctors I know the set up as well as any-
one so know this is true.
Be patient (as well as the patient) and explain as much as you can to your GP
slowly and confidently. Best course of action is to say the truth. You know there
are some small risks involved but the benefits outweigh them to you and you are
there to see the GP to help minimize these risks even further.
Once they see you are reasonable and sincere in your request they would have
to be very poor GP's not to offer you any help
Since your at the docs for tests..
Can I ask my Doc to prescribe me Nolvadex?
Prescribing you Nolvadex doesnt go against the Hippocratic oath of "cause no harm". On the contrary, if you are
going to be taking anabolic/androgenic steroids and they DON'T give you Nolvadex its causing you MORE harm
(Bitch tits for example)
So give it a try. They will undoubtedly act very superior and tell you not to take any steroids. But thats a doctor for
you. If you where on Heroin they would have no qualms about giving you a methadone script.
The worst thing a doctor can do is give you a nasty mouth full of self righteous verbal abuse in a supercilious voice.
If they do, imagine they have no clothes on, look at their scrawny body, tell them to kiss your ass and find another
GP. Again I say a GP is YOUR employee not the other way round. If you dont like one get another, and if need be
another and another. I have gone through a few and eventually found some that are very understanding and will
do LFT's, Thyroid hormone checks and even prostate checks (yikes!).
Yes your GP can prescribe you Nolvadex as your not using
high dosages of it, and it is going to stop some steroid relat-
ed problems for you. (And most importantly it is a relative-
ly cheap drug to prescribe. Dont chance your luck and ask
for Human-Growth-Hormone as well as that will get a definite NOOOOO!!!)
Did you know someone on Heroin is classed as disabled and gets more money from the social security than some-
one looking for a job? They also get free prescriptions and housing benefit? They also dont have to look
for a job or produce any evidence of job hunting?
Now I am not saying everyone on Heroin is scum. Far from it. They are victims of the drug.
But steroid users arent victims. They are usually normal people trying to IMPROVE themselves.
Why does the medical profession (and society at large) treat us worse than heroin addicts?
So go straight to your GP. Explain you ARE going to be taking steroids. Dont be scared of them.
Say you require Nolvadex to stop irreversible side effects of the steroids (stop them aromatizing
to estrogen and the estrogen then causing your breast tissue to grow). Say you want a prescrip-
tion from them for Nolvadex.
Surprising to many people a lot of doctors may just do it.
You have nothing to loose and you may drop lucky on a good one.
Most GPs will not admit to not
knowing about steroids........
Examinations at the Drs are more fun than
they used to be
Hi Mick,
As you can see I do a lot of squats, and my ass is getting rather big. Can you advise me on what to do? Should I
carry on squatting or stop? I would like your thoughta on my situation as I respect your opinion whatever it will be.
What would you do?
Dear Jeanne,
Hmnnn, what would I do? Well for a start, and if you do not want to get any bigger, I would certainly, well, er, ease
up on those squats for a while, maybe a couple of decades in order that things, sort of balance up a little bit! You
see, if you squat deep BUT bend to much from the waist (like in a forward trunk bend) with weight on, this can build
your ass a little too much. With the picture that you have sent me, I can see that you must have been squatting with
either your car on your back or a couple of horses! Fucking hell girl, that is some squatting power.
However, there are many opportunities open to you with an ass like that which I will list for your perusal:
1. You could come over to my house where I will examine your glutes with great interest; being a professional, and
my job, I could slap (with a shovel) a couple of ideas together for your to consider!!
2. You could also get a well paid job in a motorbike parking lot, ensuring that the person stickiing his front wheel in
the crack of your ass, that their bike will be there when they get back from shopping. Or finally.........
3. Get a job as a security officer in some BIG assed shopping mall! Anyone having to pass through the crack of
your ass, and getting caught, will NOT get away! But, would they want to?
BUTT, er I mean, so, consider the thoughts and let me know when you are coming over, er, have decided if I can
Gotta go and shower now love - shit its hot!
Mick Hart
Hello Mick,
I'm in my late thirties and rather large - 5'10" and 18 stone (250+lbs). I was
thinking of getting fit and turning my flab into muscle before I end up looking
like a fat old git! Would it be worth my while joining one of these flash gyms
or could I do it at home? I drive a truck for a living so do a lot of sitting down!
My arse is spilling over my cab's seat! Do any of these vitamins and stuff
help? I know I should give up the fry-ups before I have a heart attack!
Any advice welcome.
Dear Fat Old Git,
Flash gyms are OK if you are FLASH - but what do you want - flash or results?
Mick Harts NBC - 8
Mick Harts NBC - 9
Training at home can be as good as or even better. OK, you have to motivate yourself even harder, but that is what
it is all about. Its no good starting if you don't mean to carry on - agree?
I know that people around you can be an inspiration, but looking in the mirror and seeing an up and coming fat arsed
heart attack is ALL the drive that anyone could want. Do it for yourself and get a basic training kit bought and start
from the beginning.
Ok so you drive a truck, but you have to stop some time, and so when you do make sure that it is near a gym.
Training can help, but if you want to be a success, then I am afraid that training HAS to become part of your life.
There is no other way. Vitamins and supplements will help, but that is all they will do - help! You have to do the rest
and kick arse and get the job done.
Hey Mick,
I'm no serious bodybuilder or anything but I do go to the gym 3 times per week and I wondered whether Fat Burners
would do me any good. I'm not overweight exactly but I do need to shift some love handles!
Aaron G.
Wassssssup Aaron,
Anything that will help break up the fat has got to be a good thing. Bearing in mind that all of these "fat burning assis-
tors" work better when the body is in a state of "fat breakdown" - meaning that you are working out or on a diet at
least. You have to help them along. We are a long way from the tablet that just knocks it all off and leaves you total-
ly in shape.
Kick ass mate and get training. BUT remember, love handles are handy. Want to know how you can make your
missus really go for it on a love making night? Go into the doggy position, hold onto HER love handles and JUST
before you blow your lid - CALL HER ANOTHER NAME!! Boy, you will see then that LOVE HANDLES are very
handy! Then fuck off pretty quick! Till then, here is a picture of some burning nipples to help you on your way! Why?
Dear Mick,
Since I stopped boxing I've been hitting the weights pretty hard. I made quite good progress to start with going from
170 pounds to about 205 pounds over the first 18 months (with a little help
of course). However this seems
to have stopped and Ive been about 205-210 for the last 6 months. I have
two main questions.
1. I eat a good diet, and try to get all my carbs and protein from proper
food, as I'm not overly keen on the shakes. However I have found that
because I've put on a bit of muscle I need to eat a fair bit. Unfortunately
as my appetite is not huge I find it difficult enough eating to stay the same
size never mind put more muscle on. Ideally I'd like to bulk up to about
17st then try and harden up and drop to around 16.5st - I should look pret-
ty awesome then. Do you know of any ways, either natural or not, to push
my appetite up or slow the metabolism down. I find that the gear
doesnt do much to increase my appetite - my favorites are Winstrol
base, with Drive and Prima depot to inject. Also.................
2. I am very strong on my shoulders and triceps. I can military press
105kg but my flat bench is crap by comparison at 115kg. I find that my delts and tris take over a lot when benching
and my chest doesnt get much out of it.
As a result I have no big movement for my chest and it is lagging behind a bit. I do lots of other exercises to try and
make up - flyes,pullovers, dips, dumbell work but unfortunately it isnt working. We have only got free weights and
benches at college (typical rugby gym) - so do you have any ideas. Thanks Mick
Hey Paul,
Smaller, more regular meals will help if you are struggling to get the calories in mate. As for the alternatives, well I
know that B12 jabs used to make my appetite go through the roof but after a while, it slowed down as I got used to
it. Using them every so often helped, but I was not that impressed to be honest.
Also, I bet that your metabolism is still through the roof, tends to happen with the type of training boxing gives you.
Like a training routine, you will have to get into a ROUTINE with your eating in order to get up there with the big uns
mate. However, from 17st down to 16.5, well there will not be much hardening with only 7lbs loss I can tell you.
The gear? Although you prefer the winny and primo I would still add either a shot of testoviron enanthate or sus-
See now how important nolvadex really is? The guy who
tried to nibble these, lost his moustache
Mick Harts NBC - 10
tanon which will not bang to much water on if any espe-
cially with such a small amount. In fact your strength will
go up and may also help to lower your bodyfat levels a
little. It does with me quite well. Put the test in with a
shot of deca at the beginning of the week and then the
winny every third day. That will do the job.
As for the strength differences i.e. delts v chest, that is to
be expected because of your boxing training. A lot of the
strength will be in your delts because of the punching
power - as you will know. Do not force the changes, take
it in your stride and instead of trying to force push heavy
weights on the chest, go for the increased reps and grad-
ually the strength will come back in a more equal and
balanced manner. This I guarantee.
Dear Mick,
Does it make any difference to the effectiveness of gear
wherther it's swallowed (pills) or injected? I've never
tried the gear before and have been offered some at my
G. Naoim,
Hi Mate,
Well they are different in ways that the injection is direct-
ly into the muscle and of course more or less quicker but
not necessarily more effective. People are so different.
Tablets take that bit longer but are AS effective.
However, they are passed through the bodies filtration
system and of course are distributed that way. Some say
that the tabs are more toxic than jabs but that is not nec-
essarily so in all cases. It depends a lot on the amounts
That is why dosages HAVE to be taken steadily no mat-
ter what arseholes tell you to take LOADS without pyra-
miding. remember, once it is in, you have gotta wait till it
comes out and that can take a bit of time.
Hi Mick,
Yeah I am writing you because I have been on this low
carb-high protien diet. For about 2 months now I have
lost 30lbs from it and I am really pleased with the results
so far. I am a discus thrower and I am use to spending
a lot of time in the weight room my main purpose in there
was always to build some size and I always focused on
low repetitions with high resistance but since this year I
am out of track for a year I decided to drop some weight
and improve my appearance. Right now I am interested
in working out to gain a more ripped appearance I basi-
cally have three questions :
1. Do you think in my situation that the low carb-high
protien diet is ideal?
2. If I am on this low carb diet and am interested in
improving my muscular definition could I start doing more
repitions in my workouts or would it be best to keep the
weight up and work on building the definition after i com-
plete the 12 weeks?
3. Do you think that excessive amounts of running are
counter productive on the low carb diet?
I am trying to put a weight room cardio vascular work out
program that is compatable with my diet or if my diet is
not ideal for accomplishing these results i would like to
go to one that would be better. I would really appreciate
any advice I can get and I am glad that there are people
like you out there who have the experience to give me
any advice that will help me. Thanks for your time
Hey Mate,
1. Yes the low carb diet can work quite well, but be aware
of the weight loss as it can get to far - keep a good eye
on the progress and watch your weight especially. Up
the carbs when workouts get to hard to get through.
2. I would keep the weights up and work on building def-
inition at a later date. Personally, I prefer to stay with 10-
12 reps on ALL aspects of training, size or definition.
Remember it is the diet that rips you up not so much the
reps, although the increased reps act similar to aerobic
exercise, but the burn rate is not really that fast.
3. Yes definitely because it can rob the body of protein
and therefore muscle tissue. Dont do to much or you will
find that you WILL get ripped and a lot smaller too! Not
my preferred solution.
Dear Mick,
I am enquiring about a form of Dianabol from Thailand
that my freind has brought over. He got it from his broth-
ers mate who I trust implicitly. He got it from a genuine
pharmacist over there. I believe it is real, but I need you
to verify them.
They are called Dianabol DS (?) I believe and they are
10mg in size and made into the shape of a heart. Are
you aware of them? Have you tried them at all?
Genuine Anon
Dear Genuine,
I remember the phone conversation that we had about
this and I have to put this in writing as I promised I would.
In the first place, I want you to read the article entitled,
Anadrol Hell, this is important.
The second point is that if you are so sure of your source,
then why are you asking me? Think! If your brothers
best mate of his uncles great grandads mates brother-
in-laws aunties friend says it is real, are you really that
sure of their genuinity? Are you really? Let me help you
a little more.
Why the fucking hell should they make Dianabol in the
shape of a heart? Why? Beats the shit outta me let me
tell you! Why a heart? Why not a prick or a horse,
maybe a fish! Doe these silly points ring any alarm bells
- if not they should!
Another fact. I have no doubt that Dianabol CAN be
made in 10mg tablets, but I have not yet seen them -
ever! Why not 20s or 25s? Again, any bells ringing
here mate?
People call me, they write and e-mail too, but they do this
for a reason - the replies that they get are NO BULL!! If
you choose to ignore this advice, then that is your
choice. Otherwise it really is a waste of time contacting
me in the first place. My priority is your safety, your sup-
plier is obviously showing his true priorities and that, in
my opinion is towards fucking you up!
If I am wrong, then I would take it on the chin. I honest-
ly dont think that I am. To many bells here mate.Hi! I'm
hoping you can respond as I seem to be out of luck for
Want to put your points over? Got a question? Got a gripe? Then let us know. Write to us here at the NO BULL and
we will send you a FREE t-shirt if your letter is printed. If its good, it will be! Send to:
Mick Hart Training Systems, Mail Bag, R/o 7, Barlborough Road, Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. S43 4RA
answers. And definitely the pharmaceutical people have
zero reply except negative.
Dear Mick,
I wanted to know if the amounts of anabolic steroid
excreted in semen and then say ingested or absorbed
vaginally, are significant enough to effect a woman. (as
though she were taking small amounts).
I have started breaking out albeit especially on my back,
shoulders, chest and abeit on the face. I've never been
like this in my life. My boyfriend takes Deca and
Dianabol (I believe are the names).
Is it possible that I am inadvertently taking anabolic
steroids through my boyfriends excretions?
The only answer I recieved from pharmacists was, "Well
when your boyfriend has liver disease and a heart attack
from taking steroids meant for large animal use only,
then you won't have to worry anymore!!"
Any info is appreciated,
Val, via e-mail (name
changed for obvious)
Dear Tina,
First of all, for a pharma-
sist and I suppose a sci-
entist, all I can say that
he is a total, 100%
unequalled TWAT for
not having the least bit
of concern. Please tell
him from me will you?
What a jerk off!
In a word - yes it can
actually do this, but it
wont harm you in any
way really, although the
spots and stuff can be a
pain. The amount of testosterone that you will be getting
is really quite small, but obviously affecting you as it is.
It will have been filtered quite a lot before it gets to you.
If any more problems occur or get worse, then you will
have to confront your guy before it gets any worse.
Be straight with him. The only other thing, of course, is
to use condoms which will sort out the problem straight-
Dont want to be a Marjorie Proops here, but if he wont
wear a condom and comes back with something like,
well I am not giving up blah, blah, simple, tell him to
fuck himself love! He will get his own back then - if you
will pardon the pun!
(PS. Sorry about the joke pic Val).
Dear Mick,
What is it with all of this muscle enhancing stuff that I
hear about of late? They apparently inject it into a mus-
cle group like the arms and BOOM, same day or next
day they are an inch or two bigger. What is it? Does it
work? Is it dangerous?
I have heard it is like a jelly of some kind, is this true?
I was wondering if I could use it in my day to day training
as it would give my shit arms a bit of a boost.
Any help would be appreciated Mick.
Gibbo, via e-mail
Dear Gibbo,
Honest opinion mate? Load of fucking shit! A lot are
using it now for contests and are looking totally freaky
yes, but they do not realise that ALL are laughing at them
at the same time.
There are several types that really do different things and
to be honest I do not know a great deal about them
except for the fact that pumping silicone shit into the
arms is a NO NO mate - period! No one knows what can
happen in that or any area with stuf such as silicone. OK
breast implants are, to me, bad enough, but an area that
is constantly pumped, nahhh, no one knows what can
happen mate. Pure bloody idleness it is. I work my arms
hard, and at the end of the day I know that ALL of that
work is mine, and not a rubbery substance. Yuk!
Some of these injections increase the amount of fluid in
that area too. Now for a contest, it should look ripped,
most just look a bag of water.
Steroids? A different matter. We have to train hard if we
want them to work, if you are on the gear you will (or
should) know this. Eating, sleeping, training, resting, you
know, all these things go together to assist the gear.
With injections like these, makes contest preparation a
piece of piss to be honest.
Same goes for implants! Why bother being a body-
builder when at the end of the day all you have to do (and
some are now) have silicone muscles implanted into an
area. Who wants to walk around like a fucking jelly baby
eh? Those who have had them done and LIE ABOUT
be rubbed down with a
wire brush and Dettol
and dried off with a HOT
hair dryer for their deeds.
It gives us REAL body-
builders yet ANOTHER
bad name. Arseholes!!
Having said that, makes
me wonder about a sili-
cone dick! You could
have an extension with a
sort of radio controlled up
and down switch! It
would not matter then if
you could not get a hard
on - it would be there 24/7! Hmnn, removable NIP-
PLES!?! Now, where is that damn catalogue?
It Fits, Now You Shall Be My
Mick Harts NBC - 12
Mick Harts NBC - 13
I started to train quite late in life, in fact I've been training about 16 yrs now on and off.
An unhealthy background led me to a complete change of lifestyle, and now at 39yrs old and a qualifed instructer, I
am happy to give motivation and inspiration to others to enrich their lives.
It all began in England at Tower Gym, North London were I worked and trained. After a few years of perfecting my
craft, I left to live with my brother in the US and became a personal trainer and got involved in kickboxing. I now live
in Cyprus, which is where my family roots are.
When I moved here I met Jim Dulson who is now my husband and my mentor. Jim is an ex-professional bodyguard
who has looked after the quite a few famous (and not so famous) clients. He was also an amateur bodybuilder who
came to live in Cyprus a few years before me. Jim saw a potential in me that I could only dream of. My ambition of
becoming an athlete and a competing one at that, soon became reality.
His motivation and vast experiance pushed me to my first show and a 1st place to top it all off, in the Mr & Miss
Cyprus 1995, with no sponsorship of any kind and also help which was certainly hard to recieve. The fact that I was
the FIRST female in Cyprus OR Greece to win this competition, sadly made no differrance.
However after having a rest after a forearm injury, I now plan to do my best to get into shape and come to the UK for
the British champs 2001. We continue in our efforts to spread the word and have plans to try to open a hardcore
gym here this year, there is much work to do.
Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to my husband who gave up a lot of time and who made me feel like a
champion from day one, also to you Mick for taking an interest.
Stay fit, stay happy, train hard and be healthy.
Respect always,
Aggi (coumas) Dulson
A final note. We got the money together to
start our gym now thankfully and we are bring-
ing Vasil equiptment in from the Ukraine so
hopefully we will be up and running sometime
in October, 2001. We are to call it Hercules
Gym and it will be in Larnaca.
Anyone coming for a holiday, please contact
Mick and he will be glad to give you any
details as requested.
We look forward to seeing you.
Bye for now!
Hi From
The NO BULL was approached by former top personal body-
guard, Jimmy Dulson to check out the fine physique of his wife
Aggie and give our opinion. Well we have. Here are the results
mate! We think that you both have done great! The pleasure
has been all ours!
A bodyweight of 62kg after the Med!
Mick Harts NBC - 14
That Hurts!!
Leg training can be both enjoyable and rewarding, and also frightening. If you've ever pushed yourself to the limit in a set of squats,
you'll know what I mean. You may find that, although you really enjoy doing it, the thought of a leg workout and the effort that has
to be expended, fills you with dread. I firmly believe that leg training contributes as much to mental resilience as it does to physi-
cal; in order to continue to progress, you must fight the part of you that tells you to put the bar back on the racks when it starts to
hurt, remind yourself of why your doing this, and push on. This is not a skill that you will initially have, but you will learn it soon
enough, if you have the desire and the passion to go after what you want for yourself.
Hard Leg Training = Big Gains!
The muscles of the leg/hip structures comprise the largest muscles in the body. Effective training of these muscles to induce mus-
cular growth requires intense effort, and as a result, constitutes tremendous physical stress on your body, and on your recuperative
abilities. It is this fact which means that leg training will induce greater overall muscle growth, i.e. not just in the legs, than any other
type of training. This is because the tremendous physiological stress imposed
will cause the body to greatly increase its production of growth factors and hor-
mones involved in muscle repair and growth, which will have a 'spill-over' effect
by aiding the growth of all your other muscle groups that are undergoing train-
ing stress. So, as you can see, it is a great mistake to ignore leg training in
favour of your upper-body muscles, as you will only slow down progress,
and limit the size of all your other muscle groups.
In this article, I will cover some aspects of leg training in detail, which can
be applied, albeit at different levels, by both the beginning and advanced
The Squat
The squat is probably the single most effective bodybuilding exercise
there is, and arguably the hardest and most uncomfortable to do. It is
a fact that you will probably never reach your full potential in terms of
physical development if you don't squat. However, for some people,
due to anatomical constraints, their inherent structures do not allow
them to squat effectively or safely. This is something that you must
find out for yourself, and if so, you must find alternative exercises to
develop these muscles.
The leg press is often used as a main mass-building exercise for peo-
ple who have problems with the squat, but DO NOT make the above an
excuse NOT to perform the squat merely because you find it unpleas-
ant to do in terms of effort and fatigue pain; you will be doing yourself a
great disservice in the long run.
The muscles which are the 'prime movers' in the squat comprise the
musculature of the lower back, hips/buttocks and thighs. Muscles which
receive secondary stimulation are the muscles of the shoulder girdle,
upper back, calves, and a great many other muscle groups throughout
the body involved in stabilisation throughout the movement. The
involvement of so much muscle tissue means that very heavy weights
can ultimately be utilised in the squat, providing tremendous demands
on the body at both anaerobic and aerobic levels. As a result, coupled
with a good diet and plenty of rest, an effective squatting program
within your workout schedule will yield great gains in muscle mass
throughout the entire body.
So, you've heard how great this exercise is, but how do you do it,
and how do you incorporate it into your workout program? Read
Effective Squatting.
In order to squat in a correct manner, you will first need a set of
'squat racks' which hold the bar at shoulder height, ready to be used.
This is important, because your ability to move weights in the squat
By Marshall Brown BSc.
Photos: Eric Freimanis
will far exceed your ability to clean the weight from the floor to your shoulders, and then get it behind your head without breaking
your skull - not easy to do with 500 pounds, or much lighter weights. The other requirements are as follows:
Weight-lifting belt - to support your lower back and midsection.
Strong shoes - to supply stability. Preferably, these should not allow your feet to easily move from side-to-side while lifting - you
don't want to twist your ankle and lose control of a heavy weight. Specially designed weight-lift0ing boots are the ideal choice.
Those are the basic pieces of kit that you will need in the beginning. As you progress, you may want to have periods in you're train-
ing where you want to lift very heavy weights - for example, you may want to compete in powerlifting, or smash through a strength
plateau on a lift. You will then need knee wraps, and also a 'lifting suit', which is a garment composed of very tough material that is
very tight-fitting when tailored correctly. This gives your body a lot of support during the lift, and aids the movement of the biggest
possible weights.
However, you must use caution with the use of these last two pieces of equipment. It is no good using such items until you are
already very strong, and you must not come to rely on them in you're training. This is because the knee wraps and/or the lifting suit
will give you a much greater leverage advantage, which means
that although you will be able to lift bigger weights with their
correct use, the actual stress on the muscles may not be as
great due to the increased leverage. Long-term use may lead
to strength imbalances between the muscle groups involved,
and possible injury as a result. It is only really in the run-up to
a powerlifting meet, or to attaining a specific strength goal, that
the suit and wraps really come into their own.
The use of these training aids allows you physically, and especial-
ly psychologically, to better cope with handling really heavy
poundages over the short-term, which will translate into larger
weights being used in your 'non-wrap, non-suit' squat workouts,
and so improved progress in terms of size and strength. It is there-
fore important that you base the majority of you're training in the
squat around the use of a good belt and lifting shoes.
Squat Performance
The best way to learn how to squat properly is to have an experienced
lifter (not some pencil-necked 'trainer' employed by most gyms around
these days, who are generally even frightened of performing concentration
curls, never mind squatting) to instruct you. Failing that, you will have to
refer to magazine articles or other literature. In a nutshell, this is how you
should squat to put maximum stress on the thigh muscles; this is known as
the 'high-bar' or 'bodybuilding' squat.
1) First, have a bar set up on a set of squat-racks at shoulder height, loaded
with the desired poundage. Grasp the bar with your hands, perhaps six
inches or so outside your shoulder width, and duck your head under the
bar, and allow it to rest across your trapezius muscles on your upper
back, across your shoulder girdle, in a position that feels comfortable
for you. Position your feet facing very slightly outward to the side,
about shoulder width apart.
2) Do not let the bar rest too low down your back, or more of the
stress will be transferred to your lower back and glutei (buttocks)
- this is the powerlifting-style squat, and together with a wider
than usual stance, allows better leverage for moving heavy
weights, but affords less training stress to the thighs.
3) Once the bar is in a comfortable position, consciously tight-
en the muscles in your legs and back, and lift the bar from the
racks, keeping erect, and not allowing yourself to bend for-
ward, or curve your lower back forward.
4) Fix your eyes on a point on the wall in front of you at eye-
level, and keep focused on this point as you descend into the
5) Squat down, keeping your lower back flat, and head up, until
your thighs reach parallel to the floor, or just below parallel.
6) Then, without bouncing at the bottom of the movement, drive
upwards until you are stood erect. Repeat for the desired num-
ber of repetitions.
Mick Harts NBC - 15


Stiff-leg Deadlift Performance
The hamstrings (or leg-biceps) are the muscles situated at the back of your thigh, and are very important both in terms of leg
strength/stability, and to the appearance of the leg as a whole, and so should not be neglected in your training. A big difference in
the strength of your hamstrings to your quads can mean nasty injuries in e.g. when performing the squat, so don't neglect those leg-
The stiff-leg deadlift is a very important hamstring exercise if done correctly and, along with the seated and standing leg-curl, will
greatly develop this muscle group. The best way to perform this exercise is in a style dubbed 'Keystones' by Dr. Fred Hatfield PhD,
who has squatted over 1000 pounds in the past, and so knows a thing or two about leg training, as you might guess. If you've ever
seen the Keystone Cops, the relevance of the name to the stance you must adopt will be obvious. Basically, stand erect in front of
a barbell loaded with a suitable weight, and lift the weight as if you are doing a conventional deadlift, keeping your head up and
lower back flat. To begin the Keystones, while standing erect with the weight in your hands, bend the legs slightly whilst keeping a
strong inward curve to your lower back, and sticking your rear-end out as far as you can (- sounds funny but this really works!!).
Then bend forward at the waist, keeping your legs very slightly bent with your knees just unlocked. Return to an upright position.
If you are doing this right, you should feel an incredible stretch in your hamstrings on lowering the weight, and in the position
described you should not be able to let the weight drop below mid-shin i.e. you will not be able to lower it all the way to the floor. If
you can, then you are allowing you're lower back to round out, and are risking injury. This exercise works the hamstrings to the limit,
if done properly. The weight you use for your worksets will vary
depending on you're strength level, but always warm-up with a
lighter weight first!!
Power-Rack Training
The power-rack can be a very useful piece of equipment for the
purpose of increasing your squatting power. Maximum poundages
can be utilised in the top portion of the movement, over the last six
to twelve inches of motion before standing erect, at which the pins
on the power-rack may be set on which to rest the bar. Extremely
heavy poundages, compared to what can be used over a full-range
of motion, can be used in this way. The great stress of the heavy
weight over the short range of motion will lead to big strength
increases in the full-range movement, if used wisely i.e. worked
hard and infrequently.
Squat Routines..
Beginning trainees often train legs along with the rest of the body in two or
three workout sessions per week. However, as you progress, you may find
that because of the size of the poundages that you are using and the
increased training intensity that you will develop over time, you will not be
able to give all your bodyparts enough training stress in one workout due to
exhaustion. Therefore, many people opt to train different parts of the body on
different days, and often reserve a day just for leg training, because it is so phys-
ically and psychologically demanding.
In addition to the squat in a typical leg routine, exercises such as stiff-leg deadlifts
and leg curls for the hamstrings, and various types of calf-raise are included. The
exercises primarily involving the quadriceps are often done first in a workout, due
to the fact that movements such as squats and leg presses are more demanding
than hamstring and calf work, and are therefore best tackled first in the workout
when you are fresh. However, if you find that your hamstrings or calves are
lacking in development behind your quadriceps, it would make sense to then
prioritise them first in your workout, rather than your quads.
Set out below are a couple of examples of basic leg routines:
Workout A:
Barbell squat - warm-up, then 2-3 all-out sets of 6-10 reps (2-3 x 6-10)
Leg curl (standing or lying) - one or two light sets, then 2-3 x 6-10
Leg extensions - warm-up, then 2-3 x 6-10
Calf raise (standing or seated) - warm up, then 2-3 x 10-12
Workout B:
Leg press - warm up, then 2-3 x 6-10
Stiff-leg deadlift - warm-up, then 2-3 x 6-10
Leg-curl (standing or lying) - warm up, then 2 x 6-10
Leg extensions - warm-up, then 2-3 x 6-10
Calf raise (standing or seated) - warm up, then 2-3 x 10-12
Mick Harts NBC - 16
It is important in moving between exercises to do at least one light set of the new exercise before your worksets begin. This is impor-
tant, because even though your muscles may be fully warmed up from the previous exercise, this is now a different movement
involving different patterns of contraction; in other words, do a light set first or risk an injury!
It is important not to do too many sets - remember, in order to build muscle, you can't train as if you're trying to break a world
endurance record; your workouts should be of short duration, not too many sets, but you must train with great intensity and effort,
which is a learned skill that takes time. Keep this in mind; the leg workout of the current Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates, does not last
more than an hour, and is completed in no more than around ten to twelve worksets total. If this is all that Mr. Olympia needs to
build legs of those proportions, do you really need to do any more sets than that?
It is also important to include the conventional deadlift in your program at some stage; many of the muscles involved in squatting
are involved in the deadlift, and this is another very important exercise. However, it is probably not advisable to perform the squat
on the same day that you deadlift, and vice versa.
Workout A and B above represent basic leg routines, and can be altered in many hundreds of ways to suit you - this is something
that you will need to figure out for yourself. Exercises may be removed or substituted, rep ranges changed (higher or lower reps),
supersets and trisets etc included, pre-exhaustion, descending sets - the list is endless.
If you decide to include the barbell squat and stiff-leg deadlift together in a workout, remember that these both heavily involve the
lower back, so if you squat first, you may not be able to stiff-leg deadlift optimally due to lumbar fatigue, and vice versa.
More Advanced Leg Routines
Here is an example of a more advanced leg routine:
Barbell squat super-setted with leg extensions i.e. perform leg extensions to muscular failure, immediately followed by squat for 10-
12 reps, without any rest between the leg extensions and the squats! Warm up first, then do two of these supersets, which will prob-
ably be the hardest physical thing you've ever done, if done properly. If you vomit copiously or pass out after this don't be surprised!!
For God's sake, use a training partner or spotter on this, in case you get into difficulty with the weight!!!
If you can still even think straight after this, then perform two sets each of leg-curls and calf raises, incorporating descending sets
i.e. when you reach muscular failure using a particular weight, reduce the weight and immediately carry on with a lower weight with-
out rest, again to failure, and so on, for two or three drops. You can perform the descending sets of calf raises and leg-curls in
superset fashion, i.e. a descending set of leg-curls immediately followed by a descending set of calf raises, or you can train the leg-
biceps and calves separately.
A variation on this scheme is to train the leg-biceps and calves first in the workout, then the quads. In this case, it may be better to
substitute the leg-press for squats, as training hamstrings first may reduce your stability in the squat.
This is a routine that I have used interspersed with more basic strength routines, and believe me, it works!!!!
20 - rep Squatting..
In this program, you pick a weight that you can normally get around 10 reps with in the squat in a regular set, and do 20 reps with
it!! Take note that it is probably a fact that the first time you try this, you won't hit the 20, but you soon will within a few workouts,
with persistence and determination.
In order to do this, a rest-pause technique is required to keep the set going. When you feel that you are getting close to failure
around the tenth or eleventh rep, begin taking three or more very deep breaths in between each rep, and then force out another rep,
and so on. If you get crazy enough, you won't believe how much you're body is capable of, and how much your mind normally holds
you back!! Effort like this translates into enormous overall gains in muscle, not just in the legs, as long as you're diet and rest are
in order when you're out of the gym.
It is normally not necessary to do more than one all-out set like this, and you probably won't even be able to think about doing any
other exercises that workout, after your twenty-rep squat!! You must use at least one training partner on this in case you get into
difficulty with the weight, which is a real possibility here!!
How Far Can You Take It?
In terms of the world of bodybuilding, Tom Platz is perhaps the hardest training bodybuilder ever. For example, in his competitive
days, this guy squatted 600-700 pounds for 10 reps, with no wraps or power suit, could squat 400 pounds for 40 to 50 reps, and
reportedly squatted 315 pounds for 15 minutes non-stop!!! Absolutely unbelievable feats of strength and endurance, and Tom still
trains much the same way now, at over 40 years old!! It is hardly surprising that his leg development is regarded as the best the
world had ever seen, or probably will ever see..
What's the 'Take Home' Message?
Hard, consistent leg training is the key to bodybuilding success - you will never reach your full physical potential without hard train-
ing of your legs. Excellent diet and rest are also vital requirements.
So, its all down to you - how much do you really want it?.
Mick Harts NBC - 17
Mick Harts NBC - 18
The first Pro stop of the year, the Ironman Pro looked to
be good opportunity for some new pros to strut their stuff
and see what they need to improve upon as some top
names decided to compete in some later shows. The
shows earlier in the year are open shows which means
one only needs to be a pro to compete.
Weeks before the show a new pro had already found him-
1st Chris Cormier - USA
2nd Melvin Anthony - USA
3rd Shari 'King' Kamali - USA
4th J.D. Dawodu - England
5th Craig Titus - USA
6th Garrett Downing - USA
7th Lee Priest - Australia
8th Jason Arntz - USA
9th John Sherman - USA
10th Rodney St. Cloud - USA
Photos & report:
Eric Freimanis
Cormier v Kamali
Chris Cormier
After being run through some tests he was cleared to get
back to work but the week off prior to show cost Lee.
Chris Cormier was back to keep what is his, that being
the two prior wins at the Ironman. In the prelims he was
in the first callout in the center and from there the stan-
dard was set and Chris was not called out again. Chris
had some health problems last year which led to him
having to bow out of the Olympia, and many felt he could
have given big Ronnie Coleman a run for his money.
Chris looked good, dense muscles and great symetry,
and rightfully retained his third Ironman win.
Many felt Shari King Kamali was going to give Chris a
run for his money by all the hoopla in the prelims but
somehwere in between it all, Melvin Anthony snuck into
second. Marvellous as many here in the States call him
is a wonderful poser and just got his procard last year
but only competed in
one show due to some
overseas sickness in
Thailand. Melvin is not
as big as some of the
others, but he knows
how to entertain and
comes in with perfect
King Kamali paid his
dues in the prelims with
five callouts, which is a
tremendous strain and
will definately wear you
out in hurry. He defi-
nately enjoyed himself
and was really pumped
up about being in his
first show. King came
in what I thought was
pretty perfect condition,
he was ripped dense,
very entertaining, but
self in the middle of contoversy
by what he says speaking
what he feels. Im talking
about new pro Shari King
Kamali, who said, I will win
the Ironman! I thought it was
a load of crap myself as I have
seen him in the off-season, but
he came in to the show looking
sharp. There were many who
couldnt believe how good the
guy looked, and he had a ton
of fans at the venue. Also a
couple weeks prior to the show
Lee Priest had to be rushed to
the hospital with some breath-
ing problems, (he has had an
enlarged heart since his chil-
hood) and there were some
Mick Harts NBC - 19
Garrett Downing Craig Titus
J.D. Dawodu
Shari King Kamali
Melvin Anthony
looking back
think he
might be a lit-
tle dispropor-
Anyhow, King
had quite a
posing rou-
tine at the
night show
and had alot
of fan interac-
tion, the only
thing the rou-
tine lacked
was posing
as it was
more of cho-
dance rou-
The Freak
is getting a
following here
in the states and when I say Freak I mean the massive J D
Dawodu from England. The guy is short but carries some
serious mass! He looked even better this year and I spoke briefly with
him and he was quite thankful for the acknowlegment. I think now JD
only needs to work a little on his posing routine and start his diet about
1 week earlier just to get a little sharper and hell be surprising more
people. Look for JD in this years Olympia as he qualified at a contest
after the ironman.
In fifth was Craig Titus who many said looked his best ever, however I
myself still find many problems with his physique in competing with the
big names. Garret Downing came in looking impressive with his 6th
place finish and new look, I had to ask someone who he was. Lee
Superman Priest couldnt recover from his week of tests but is
always impressive, if he would have looked like he did at the Olympia
he could have stopped
Chriss run of the Ironman.
Jason Arntz came in too
dark with his protan and not
his normal sharp self and
had to settle for 8th. In 9th
was John Sherman who
was smaller than the other
top figures but looked really
good, it took a while for him
to get a callout but once he
did the judges started taking
notice. Rodney St. Cloud
grabbed the 10th spot over a couple I had ahead of him but then again I
am no judge. Rodney is the only person to win 2 major amatuer shows in
the same year, once you win one you get your pro card.
Another great year at the Ironman Pro, my thanks to Mick for letting me
shoot for the No Bull Collection, and thanks to Ironman Magazine here
in the States for letting us be a part of their great show!
Eric Freimanis
Mick Harts NBC - 22
Lee Priest Jason Arntz
John Sherman Marko Savolainin
Having complained in recent issues (and not for the first time) about the way that so many Bodybuilders are treated
when they compete, I would like, this month to contrast two examples demonstrating the bad and the good of compe-
tition bodybuilding. Both stories concern the manager of our gym here in Crawley. His name is Harold Marillier a
man, whom, I predict, you will be seeing more of in the next few years at the top levels in British Bodybuilding. Harold
came to England from South Africa in 1996 with his long term girlfriend, (now wife) Karen, originally a native of Crawley.
Harold took up bodybuilding some 14 years ago and was the HW Mr. South Africa in 1995 after winning several state
titles along the way. He freely acknowledges that the standards of competitive bodybuilding are much higher here than
in his native South Africa and our knowledge of nutrition and training are all far in advance of those in Johannesburg
and Cape town. Harold is fundermentally a big man; he is 6ft 2in tall with wide shoulders and a small waist but like all
very tall men he has to work long and hard to get the muscle mass needed for serious competition.
Since coming to England he has worked to pack and more size and getting to top competition shape. After disap-
pointment with his condition and showing at the EFBB SE qualifier in may 2000, he worked even harder in the sum-
mer and early autumn to go on stage in September, in ripped condition about 242lbs, to place second in the NABBA
Mr England and 7th in the NABBA Mr Universe Class 1. Then keeping
the same weight but improving his condition still further, he won the EPF
HW and over-all Mr. Britain and was invited to WPF Mr. World in Genoa.
At the same time he was also invited to go to the IBFA Mr. World due to
take place in France just 2 weeks after the WPF in Genoa. What took
place at these 2 contests shows just what can happen and what should
not happen.
WPF - Genoa
Since Harold is not yet a full UK citizen, he had to obtain a visa to visit
Italy. This took several visits to the Italian Embassy in London, numer-
ous letters and phone calls to Italy and weeks and weeks of waiting
before the appropiate documents could be obtained - and then with only
a day or two to spare.
But we all know about the justly famous organizing ablities of the
Italians! Already, it seemed like they did not want any foreigners com-
peting. Harold went out to Genoa with his wife Karen who had also
qualified for the WPF - and had placed 3rd in the under 65Kg class in
1999. The contest in Genoa was a fiasco. Two national teams walked
out because they were so disgusted with the judging which, either by fix-
ing or incompetence, seemed to result in a very large numbers of
Italians taking the top placings. In one of the men's classes it was clear
to all reasonable observers who should be the class winner - he was
obivously better than any other competitors. He was placed 6th.
The AMAZING Harold Marillier
He stormed from the stage in justified disgust and later
assaulted one of the judges - understandable if regret-
table. Here was someone, who to get the size and con-
dition which he showed on stage, had been training for
years and in preparation for this contest had worked his
bollocks off for months and was then robbed of his
reward. In the HW class, Harold was in condition and was
the biggest man on stage, but he was totally ignored and
the first three placings went to men who he found it diffi-
cult to believe were better then he was. His wife Karen,
in the women's middleweight class, fared no better. She
has a top competition record and apart from winning the
EPF title, only two weeks earlier she had placed 2nd in
the HW class at the EFBB finals in Nottingham, being
beaten only by the very muscular and experienced Elaine
Bell. But this counted for nought, the top places all went
to Italian girls.
Harold, Karen and other members of the EPF team returned to England far from pleased with what had taken place.
IBFA - Auxerre
Harold was hesitant about going to the IBFA in France after the wasted effort of going to Italy but the team was put
together by Roger Noon and he was determined to get Harold there. The French Embassy came up with the visa for
multiple entries in a few days and with much less hassle than the Italians. So with some serious aerobic work to get
rid of the post contest bulk (+20lbs in two days) picked up after the Genoa visit, Harold was ready for France.
Checking in at Gatwick on the day before the contest, Harold met up with John Fontana, the Short Class representa-
tive on the Great Britain team. Getting onto the plane they were immediately upgraded to 1st Class and the weekend
was off to a fine start. At Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris they met up with other members of the small British team
who had flown in from Manchester and they all got along splendidly. 'We happy few, we band of brothers. The bus
which was due to pick them up had broken down en route to the airport and they all had to wait for another bus, before
travelling to Auxerre with the teams from Algeria, Morocco and Italy. They all arrived in the town of Auxerre in central
France at 11.30 pm and checked into the Hotel Europa. To their amazement (and mine when I heard about it), the
show organizers had arranged to keep the kitchens open so that everyone could prepare whatever food they needed.
This is usually quite unheard of!!
Weigh In & Judging
On Saturday at the venue, 30 mins drive from the hotel, the competitors were measured for height and weighed the
IBFA, like NABBA, classifies competitors on the basis of height. All the athletes were made to feel very welcome.
Harold was at his heaviest ever competion weight, 250lbs (113.5kgs) and was feeling pumped up and ready for the
contest. The backstage area and pump up room had been well planned to look after all the needs of the planned to
look after all the needs of the competitors even providing additional heating to make sure that everyone would be warm.
In the over 40 class, the British team had Mr Ripped himself, Brian Connelly, backed by chemical nutrition products.
In a tough class of twelve he narrowly missed out on the top spot to land in second behind a fantastic Spanish com-
petitor. Brians condition was superb and he was fairly chunky; but it was, perhaps, only his unaesthetic shape that let
him down here. Obviously, Harold was in the misters tall class (over 5ft 10in) where he came up against seven other
physiques. Back-stage he was able to assess the competition and see that the biggest threat was coming from the
two Italian competitors, one German and one Frenchman. They filed onto the stage and immediately the crowd real-
ly got behind them. The posing was tough, doing all the quarter turns and then all the compulsories in two stages.
Then they were sent to the back of the stage ready for that moment of truth - the call-outs and comparisons. Harold
was called out first and was given the centre stage spot which meant that at that point, he was the prospective No 1.
One Italian, named (we think) Antonio Mirante- Mr World 1998 Mr Italy overall, Mr Europe Overall was on his left and
the German was on his right. They posed, they were made to work hard. This was not going to be made easy for any-
body but they were all going to get a fair crack of the whip. The Italian and Harold were sent back into the line and the
rest of the comparisons were under way.
The final call-out of the day was Harold and Antonio Merante again. After the judging, Harold was approached by many
people and received many very favourable comments. Brian Connelly is a very experienced bodybuilder and after
watching the whole of the class judging, he said that Harold was equal to, if not better than everyone in all body parts
and nobody in the whole contest could match Harolds outstanding legs. He had the best condition and was also the
heaviest and in my book thats usually an unbeatable combination.
The Evening Show
At the finals that same evening there was a tremendous and electric atmoshpere; the crowd was very responsive and
Mick Harts NBC - 23
Mick Harts NBC - 23
appreciative of the athletes and particular supportive
of winners irrespective of nationality. All teams and
officials were paraded on stage for the opening cer-
emony. After they left the stage, Harold was called
back and given a special award by the president,
Michael Guthier for being the most impressive new-
Then the posing and routines got under way.
Judging seemed to have been fair throughout with
no complaints about lack of callouts, comparisons,
except etc. (this must be some sort of record).
Harold was back on stage 11.00pm and he really put
everything into his final posing routine. Posing to the
Prodigy and Minefields, the French crowd gave
him one of the most rousing welcomes of all the
competitors. On finishing his routine, there were cheers and shouts of "encore, encore". After every competitor had
gone through his routine all the competitors filed back onto the stage for the posedown and the final selections.
Harold went for it head to head with Antonio. Then it was result time. The Algerian was sixth, the Frenchman was fifth,
the other Italian 4th, the German 3rd, Antoino was 2nd and Harold came out the winner. He thought he would place
in the first three but being crown Mr. World, Tall Class, his first internaional victory was the sweetest thing ever.
Afterwards, the score sheets showed that he had got straight 1st places from ALL the judges. Back stage Brian
Connolly who had beated 16 high class competitors to take the medium class and Harold both were mobbed by pho-
tographers and by crowds of people all wanting full details of winners and their careers, as well as autographs and to
be photographed with the TOP men. But the class winners had to get back on stage for the posedwon for the overall
After a tough fight the winners of the seniors and the short class, the Spaniard with the Lee Priest proportions took the
title by the mere fact that he carried so much dense muscle on his short frame.
The Return
After the show, Brian Connolly and Harold wandered the streets of Auxere to relax and come down from the high that
they were both feeling after their receptions at the show. After a mere three hours of sleep, they went to the dining room
to demolish massive breakfasts before boarding the bus for the journey back to Charles De Gaulle airport.
Once again on the flight back to Gatwick the BA crew upgraded Harold to first class and has he says, tendered to his
needs as though he were royalty which was a ncie suprise. They also let the other passengers know of his success
and he was quite embarassed when they all applauded as he left the plane at Gatwick. Back home he was met by
Karen who rushed him to the Smith & Weston Steak house in Horesham for emergency feeding were, I am told, he ate
till he was about to burst.
His reflections on the show were all good ones. The whole event from start to finish was well organized; the people
and the spectators were friendly and very welcoming. The officials treated the bodybuilders like true athletes and not
(as Harold said) like some low-life form upsetting the quiet life and junketings of petty officials as can happen with some
federations. There was a tremedous camaraderie between all competitors irrespective of language and nationality.
Harold was suprised and embarrased when he was treated like a champion; he should not have been; it is something
that he should expect. The contrast between the two events is revealing. One were the competitors were treated badly
and one were ther were treated with sense and courtesy; their efforts fully appreciated. But even Mr. Olympia com-
petitors have been treated with contempt - IFBB GP's held on a fairground (in a tent?), (Italy) and in an ice rink (Finland)
squeezed in before an ice hockey game.
By contrast last year the IFBB GP competitors in Manchester thought that Kerry Kayes and DorianYates had looked
after them better than the officials at the real Olympia in the USA. There seems to be moves afoot in the USA via man-
agement agency to look after the interests of professional bodybuilders and to see that they get properly paid by sup-
plement companies, promotors, etc. Let us hope that things start to improve for everyone.
The pictures with this article were all taken at the Mr. World contest in Auxenne and show the standard of Harolds
physique. You will agree he has got a great future in bodybuilding.
Ed Note: Harold, we are proud of you! Quick, get that UK citizenship mate, we might be able to kick some more ass
with you along! Nice one
Mick Harts NBC - 23
Having spoken to the steroid users who utilize the needle exchange where I work as a
nurse, I felt it was important to inform other steroid users about these services. Many
people have told me they thought needle exchanges were just for people who use hero-
in, this is not the case.
Most community drug teams have needle exchange as part of their service. This is not
just aimed at people who inject heroin; it is also there to provide support to steriod
The exchanges provides an opportunity for individuals who inject steroids to access
clean injecting equipment. Equipment can also be returned to be disposed of safely,
after it has been used. A variety of injecting equipment is usually available from
exchanges, free of charge.
The service is anonymous and confidential. To access it you may be asked to register by
providing your date of birth and your initials. This information is used or statistics relat-
ing to the equipment used and number of clients. It is not passed on to any other
The needle exchanges accept that individuals may choose to inject steroids. The serv-
ice is not intended to encourage individuals to stop what they are doing. It is about
reducing the harm an individual can do themselves whilst they chose to inject steroids.
There is always advice and information available about the best way to approach inject-
ing. Some services have a nurse on site that will be able to give you specific information
about injecting techniques. Information and advice on how to avoid infections is also
Leaflets from related services should be accessible and available to take away. Local
information, perhaps relating to steroids currently in the area or local problems may also
be available.
The needle exchanges are an important service for you. Go in and see for yourself- you
may be suprised!
To find your nearest needle exchange service contact your local community drug team,
whose telephone number should be listed in the yellow pages, it may be under the
Counselling and Advice section.
Eds Note:
Unfortunately the government does not allow advertising and so therefore the nurse in
question has to remain anonymous. Wierd eh, but the information is their for your own
good. I have worked closely with these great people. Should you need any further
advice, call your local exchange or if in any doubt, please, call me.
Mick Hart
Mick Harts NBC - 24
I am asked by bodybuilders the world over the same question time after time, ..... yeah but Mick, there must be a
big secret to bodybuilding, after all, the pros do not get that big just doing what we do, do they? They must be on
far more gear than me AND it must be better quality!
Most of these people usually assume the same things time after time without looking at the basic problems that are
in front of them. These come in many different formats. To them it has got to be one or all of the following:
1. The amount or quality of the gear that they are using.
2. The equipment that they are using.
3. Their training partners are not pushing them hard enough.
4. The lack of a training partner!
5. Their training system is not hard enough.
6. The wife doesnt like me to be to muscular.
7. The wife is a fat ugly cow and she doesnt want me to look good as the girls will like me instead of her and her fat
ugly arse! (I like that one a lot!).
8. The hubby is a fat ugly bastard and HE doesnt want YOU to look good as the BOYS will like YOU even more! (I
like THAT one even better) ha!
9. The gym is not open on the hours that I like!
10. I cannot train at home, it is not the same. The weights are different!
11. I cannot afford to eat properly, plus the supplements are to expensive!
12. I cannot afford a personal trainer.
The list is literally endless and the
excuses are even more varied but for
now we will deal with the ones that
we have here. There is more than
enough to shame most of you into
getting back into the gym.
The Secrets?
Although in reality you may think that
these secrets are not really secrets,
you are so very wrong. The first BIG
secret is to TURN UP! Yep it is that
easy. Missing workouts becomes a
routine in itself. Once you have
started a training system you have to
keep up the momentum as best you
can. OK, if you HAVE to miss a
training session, let it be for a bloody
Well here it is - BIG style! The secrets that you ALL have been seeking, the
Holy Grails of the bodybuilding - how to succeed in bodybuilding!
The last quest for knowledge led to my house. They left with a vast amount of secrets AND my telly,
pots, pans, silverware, mucky videos and worst of all - my strimmer.
Mick Hart is about to tell you about the..............................
Mick Harts NBC - 25
good reason. Arnold was right (at least if wasnt lying his bollocks off for the camera) if you want to succeed nothing
should deter you from your goals - NOTHING! It is like people who moan when someone else has won the lottery.
Lucky bastards! Too right too, but they would not have won if they had not bought a ticket. It is no good moaning
about it when you cannot be arsed to go out and buy a ticket that at least will give you a chance. Same thing goes
for training; you cannot pull someone down for looking good when you cannot get your arse of that sofa nad get
down to the gym or upstairs in your own gym.
A great example is one of my friends friend who is actually very well off, he had built a beautiful gym extension onto
his home, with ALL the trimmings, cost him above 20 big ones plus! He has trained in it maybe half a dozen times
and has not been in there since. A few weeks ago, I was in the local pub and my mate said that he was pulling me
down about my physique, basically saying that it is maybe ALL gear! I smiled and enjoyed the moment, if fact every
time I see him, I do. To be honest there is gear in me, a shit load to be honest, but there is even more TRAINING
time and hard work to back it up!
On a personal level, I am very proud to say that I have not missed ONE single training session in the last year and
the results are very good indeed. Psychologically, if I did miss one now until I want to compete again (maybe) then
to ME it could be quite disastrous, well to me anyway.
Secret No. 2
There has to be good reason to train. Without it you cannot expect success. Simply turning up without the right atti-
tude needed to encourage the training it is not worth it. Your reasons have to be strong enough to keep you turning
up whatever they may be.
Being in shape can give you a spark in your life second to none. The self-confidence that will ooze out of you will
indeed shape the life that you have not seen as yet. It IS a real buzz I can tell you, but it has to be worked at. Stop
kidding yourself and get on with the job that you started - or arent you man (or woman) enough??
Another good point. If you follow a Master, a guide, a coach, then stick with them until you KNOW you have given
your all. Its no good following your mentors advice for a few weeks only to give up without a fight. That reason
alone really pisses me off big style! I have advised so many in my time and I KNOW that the advice IF followed will
work, only to find that the advice and systems that I have followed have beed drastically changed by some fat
arsed, pimple covered no-one who has only been training in equivalent years for as long as his dick actually is! Not
long! Many of the great coaches have seen this over the years, it is so true.
Analyzing the Twelve Points!
The list of points that you have read are just a few that I have experienced over the years. There are of course
more, but for the sake of time we will cover these for now, there should be enought to make you think a while - of
this I am sure!
1. The amounts of gear, in SOME cases does affect the gains of SOME people - but note, as I have, the word
SOME! Different people require all sorts of amounts in order that the gains kick in. But that does NOT mean it is a
signal to take shit loads of gear, do not let that fool you, dont be tricked into it. Some pros will tell you (in a round-
about way) that they take more than they do but most of it is a load of bollocks. I know a lot of athletes that take
more than some pro bodybuilders. (Shhhh, Mick).
This very fit lady may have a few
secrets, we just do not know. But it
reminds me of the sad case of a lady
friend of mine who did the same pose
with no knickers on in her kitchen. Her
husband had just re-tiled the floor and
she slipped onto the tiles literally suc-
tioning herself onto the tiles. My friend
called me to assist. He wanted to pour
washing up liquid onto the floor near to
her, er, sucker so that we could slide her
into the hall where the cheaper tiles
where. He didnt want to dmage the new
tiles!! A very sad case indeed! NOT!!
Mick Harts NBC - 26
As for the quality? Well in this category I have to disagree that ALL pros take quality gear. I will tell you why. Not
many years ago, a few famous Olympians came over here to compete and guest pose in no certain order. I saw
what gear that they were taking back with them. In all cases, no one would listen, why would they? Little old me
telling BIG old them that their gear was shit? Tsk, tsk! Well if you are reading this old pros, I think that you know
NOW that it was shit! Told yas you TOO self confident bastards!! Hee hee, didnt do TOO well did ya? Well you
wouldnt on ordinary peanut oil eh? Ah well, I know that you are listening now, but it is too late.
2. The equipment they are using? Not in all cases, but of course if you have a VARIED amount of training tackle
available then different muscles can be worked but in a lot of cases, nahh, another load of bull. Even with an old
barbell and dumbell set a fair physique can be built. The good old pros of yester year didnt do to bad did they?
The differences that would be marked would be on the leg department of course. Heavy squatting for example,
would be hard without stands so that would not only make a difference but it would be dangerous to perform good
squats without to be honest. But with the right attitude, great physiques can be built with the basics - that IS fact!
3 & 4. No! If you cannot even think about doing it alone, pack it in. OK partner DOES help mainly in the safety
department, but if you are not prepared to push yourselves, take up a sport that needs only you - like bashing the
old bishop for instance! It may work then! The belief that you an do it no matter how hard should be the greatest
strength and asset.
5. Whatever training system you have, you can make it as hard or as easy as you want. They all will work, but it
depends on how much you want it to! Many have tried the old three day system that I have advised for years with
great success, but those that have come back with zero results have, in most cases, given it no more than zero in
the first place. That kind of attitude sucks especially if it is the advisors that get it in the neck because of the failure
of the student.
Not turning up for training is the first step to failure. If you want to be a bodybuilder, then think like a champion - now
that is one of the TRUE reasons a champ is a champ; they know that they will succeed before they even get there!!
6. Hmnnn, this one seems to be more apparent than we realize and it goes for both genders. But for the fact that I
am a bloke, I have to speak from this side - ahem! Here goes...
Being in shape can have its advantages, looking good and feeling fit is the BEST revenge as most who have had
arguements with the opposites will agree. Lots of guys have a problem when their training starts to take shape.
Some don't like this as you tend to get a few more looks than normal. But on another level, if you start to get prob-
lems from your partner this can and does lead to missed workouts and eventually, if you are an under-the-thumb-
pussy-whipped-limp dick, then you are in for big trouble. However, if you are of a strong mind and determined to
succeed in your goals, then there is an answer to this type of problem. Go tell her to fuck off, get the pots washed
and when she has done that, the lawn needs mowing whilst you are at the gym!! (Hee hee, that should get a few let-
ters - I hope). By the way, it swings the otherside too (must be these shorts??).
7 & 8 These two are really linked but explained easily. You must be one ugly twat if she is that bad. You will need
some serious training up if she looks like a bulldog sucking a lemon flavoured wasp!
9. Well whoopdeefucking woo! Those selfish gym owners eh? Fancy not opening a gym up just for you? Me, me,
me eh? Well looks like you are going to have to kick your own fat arse and maybe get in when there is a gap -
tough! Who said training was going to be easy, bet it was you?
10. Another doozy! What difference? OK maybe the gym tackle is a bit prettier, more of it but it still is the same
basically, it is heavy. No matter WHAT it is. A barbell will build muscle if you make it work for you. It WON'T if you
are a couch potato. Get up them stairs or in that garage and start training for crying out loud!
11. I suggest that you get into fast food a bit more! Surprised? Shouldn't be, 'cos one of, nay THE best food that
you can eat for bodybuilding is also one of the fastest - EGGS! Now you cannot get much better than that. At about
6 grams of near perfect protein you cannot lose and I still think that the price of eggs is good. I know a farm near
me that sells cracked eggs - only a couple of quid a tray! When I called down there last week for a couple of trays
he said that he didn't have any cracked eggs left, he only had the uncracked sort. I thought I was being funny when
I said, "OK mate, then will ya crack me a couple of dozen!!" Nahh, he didn't laugh too - just like you!
12. You snobby arse! I thought a personal trainer was a single track shoe that was your own! Why not take up tid-
dlywinks if you need a personal trainer - pussy!
No Secrets
There are none really - sorry and all that. Training has to be wanted so bad, you have to literally taste it, live it and
believe that you can succeed in order to have a chance at being a success. The pro's do have an edge - they
believe in what they do and that is why they will always get where they want to go.
That belief can win you trophies, it can bring you success, it can make you a better person for trying. My good friend
Mike Mitchell, Scottish NABBA President is a perfect example of a man with such beliefs. He came to me for
advice many years ago and I am honoured to say that I guided him some of the way. He has beaten near every-
thing in his path, including leaukimia, to be a winner, now he is the President of a bodybuilding union - NOW THAT is
a true winner. He is a champion and he is my friend. It is MY honour to have been a small part of his success story.
You can blame everyone else for your own failures, but how quick are you to praise yourself when something goes
right. There has to be a perfect balance. When things are not going to good, don't stop and pack it in, slow things
down a little but keep going, that is the main thing. If you are not strong, be as strong as you can be, but keep
going. Mark on the wall the days that you have turned up, not missing a workout and keeping the weeks totting up
can be a great psychological boost to your ego. I can guarantee that this works a lot.
Remember this, my favourite quotation:
The tree which needs two arms to span its girth sprang from the tiniest shoot. Yon tower, nine stories
high, rose from a little mound of earth. A journey of a thousand miles begins with just one single step.
Mick Harts NBC - 28
Born in Bury, Lancs on 8th of March, 1935, 67 year old
Linberg, real name Peter Lindop, is indeed an extraor-
dinary stongman. Now President of the International
Steel Strandpullers Association, and referee, with a
world record 456lbs right arm upward push on
expanders (in 1980) to his credit. Peter is one of those
great all rounders, like Bob Smith (now 75+ and still
training) and Jim Bartlett etc., who really are the back-
bone to physical culture.
Peter a stalwart of strandpulling from his earliest train-
ing days, has had a life time interest in srength in all of
its multi various forms, especially liking the art of nail
and bar bending - a real strong mans art. He teamed
up at first with Geoff Morris, a noted nail bender in the
1960's and went on to develop hs own strong man act
after working in a circus and also taking a spell in the
groan and grunt game of professional wrestling.
Peter's main interest has always been in the search for
power, but says, Theres no sense in bulking up for
great strength at the expense of losing ones physique
and health. Like millions of other muscle fans, Peters
Thanks, but ENGLAND has its VERY own.........
World Record's
1985 6"Nail Breaking, 56 in
one hour
1980 456LB'S Right arm
upward push on expanders
TV & Film
Young Indiana Jones,Century
Talking Parts In
Various T.V. Specials
Chalk Face
Strength feats on
several T.V. shows
1992 Hit Man And Her
1985 News From The North
1973 Science All Around
1970 Frost Over America
1968 David Frost Show
Mick Harts NBC - 29
ideal was always great John Carroll Grimek, who used strands many a
time in his own all round training programmes both for development and
tests of muscular might; strands being ideal for triceps and deltoid
developments as most soon discover on using this exercise medium.
Peter comments, I doubt very much if any of todays steroid monsters
will still be alive at the age of 80 let alone looking great.
Peter's experienced and enthusiasim is easy to discover in his delighful
long running series of articals in The Strandpulling Magazine, called
Rambling Round The World Of Strength, bringing to others snippets of
new and views from the world of both strandpullers and
weightlifting/training keeping its many characters in touch. He trains
regularly using what he terms the super slow style of training, with lots
of concentration on style, learnt from Ken Hutchins via Hard Gainer....
using this system for his strongman act, which is in itself a balanced
mixture of humour, danger and real power.
In 1980 he performed his pre-mentioned expander push record by 1985
he was in the record books by breaking 56 x 6" nails in just ONE hour!
A great performer with a gift for the theatre, he appeared on T.V. in
1987 pulling with his teeth a vintage (i.e. heavy) 1907 Peugeot over 70
yards! Later pulling an even heavier model in the same style.
Peter Lindop has been in T.V. & films, in acting parts including Young
Indiana Jones and T.V. special, Chalk Face and also exhibited his
great strength on T.V. From 1968 David Frost shows to 1973 Science
all Around, 1985 News from the North, 1992 Hit Man & Her ..etc. All
the time making sure that he never neglected his family responsibilities,
unlike some who give up all for the illusion of fame.
Regularly presenting his strong man show, which includes the danger-
ous stunt of blowing up to bursting point, tough quality hot water bottles.
Peter is also kept with his involvement in strandpulling a relatively
unsung sport despite its illustrious history, with star strongmen recom-
mending the usage of strands (rubber or steel) from early Eugen
Sandow, Liederman, Charles Atlas via Lewis, Alfred Danks.. who could
tear packs of cards in half when near 70yrs of age, to Joe Bonomo, Reg
Parks c.o. Hercules Hints By Tony Chikes in MD. USA to Joe Weider's
Muscle Power and Your Physique mag adverts millions of chest
expanders were sold and used regularly by muscle, fitness and strengh
From early British Amateur Strandpulling Association back in 1930s in
Health and strength magazine, to Universe muscle stars of the 1950s
like Monotosh Roy and Monohar Aich, both who used and enjoyed
strands and used to thrill the fans with their muscle control acts and the
fabled spear stunt where they had the ability to put needle sharp spears
on their throats and throw their whole weight onto the weapon until the
metal shaft holding the spear head bent under pressure. Today springs are still the best for pre-contest pumping
and Peter Lindop along with predecessor David Webster OBE 1954 world champion steel strandpulling, Jim Bartlett,
and Derek Smith and associates deserve more recognition for there efforts in keeping this sport alive, with the
I.S.S.A. catering for all divisions from schoolboys to seniors.
Update. Sadly, 5 yers ago Peter developed M.S. and no longer competes in strand pulling contests because of his ill
health. However this does not distract him from his love of training, nor the lack of it. He regularly writes for Strand
magazine and still referees in contests on a regular basis.
David Gentle
Thie article was very kindly put together by David Gentle on a request from Mick Hart. Peter had no idea that this
article was planned. It is a tribute from us all for his dedication and devotion to the sport and for the many charity
events that this man has contributed too.
Sir, you have our sincerest respects and regards. Mick Hart
Way back when I was probably the World's
weakest bodybuilder, with an 11 inch arm
(fully pumped) and could bench press
8Olbs for reps, Marvin Eder was being
credited as being the "Worlds
Strongest Youth". He certainly had
incredible power and a magnificent
physique years ahead of his time.
Recently he wrote to me, now in his late
6O's and told me he still feels strong,
currently training on high repetition chins,
dips, and squat jumps for fitness and health, and other-
wise lives a quiet and relaxed life. Recognised for his achievements at Vic Boff's Association of Oldetime Barbell and Strongmen at
the 7th Annual reunion. Marvin is now also taking top honors at the IOth Annual Oscar Heidenstam Foundation Awards in London
March 2OOI.A tribute well deserved. Heres his story.........
For decades recognised as one of the most powerful bodybuilders of all time MARVIN EDER a star of the I95O's and pre steroid
era, used poundages in basic exercises and trained with an intensity that few even of today's over supplemented or drug assisted
bodybuilders, complete with well padded lifting suits can approach, let alone excel. Examples will follow, but consider for now the
power of being able to side press single handed more than your own bodyweight (22Olbs at 2OOlbs b/w) or complete 8 wide grip
chins with an extra 2OOlbs attached... a real 'lat' stretcher.
Although I was well accustomed to seeing and reading of the 'Biceps from the Bronx' Marvin Eder in my early training days, it was
to be 45 years or later before I actually met him in person in London, at an earlier OHF awards, yet he still radiated keenness and
sustained a high interest in bodybuilding and lifting although he was unhappy with the abuse and misuse of steroids. 'Marvin always
trained 'naturally' and of course it is a lot tougher than using chemical aids to energize and assist rapid recovery. Natural recuper-
ation takes longer, when your own individual body physiology is ready, but it also builds life long vitality, rather than short term stim-
ulation. Delighted to meet him after such a long time of admiring him from afar, the very first question I asked Marvin, aware of his
awesome prowess and power, was "Where the hell did you get your energy from?", and he replied casually, "Just natural I guess.
I was full of energy, often trained several times daily" (note we do not recommend other bodybuilders,especially newcomers, attempt
to follow his example, Eder was unique).
Although being pictured in many muscle journals of his era, Marvin Eder featured most often and prominently in Joe Weider's YOUR
PHYSIQUE and MUSCLE POWER magazines of the late I94Os and early 5Os displaying phenomenal power, being one of the
Mick Harts NBC - 30
by David Gentle
Long time fan, author David Gentle takes a look back at the extraordinary muscular and
powerful weight training pioneer MARVIN EDER, the original "Mr Intensity." Pound for
pound, one of the strongest bodybuilders in the history of the 'Iron Game'
Mick Harts NBC - 31
first to bench press close to 5OOlbs at under 2OOlbs
bodyweight. A terrifically strong Olympic presser, i.e.
the two hands MILITARY press, his supposedly pro-
fessional status denied him the opportunity to compete
in the USA OLYMPIC team or the AAU Mr America,
both being the losers, as Eder would undoubtably have
won many other top titles in bodybuilding and the
Olympic games for America if given the chance.
In I952 at a YMCA Championship in New York on
November I5th he strict pressed overhead 32Olbs at
just I98lbs bodyweight, beating the then World record
press held by the Olympic Russian champion Gregory
Marvin Eder could clean and press 355lbs in STRICT
style at a bodyweight of just I96lbs, back in I953 and it
was to be another 10 years before this record was sur-
passed by a heavier BILL MARCH who openly admit-
ted to steroid usage. Marvin Eder had no such artificial
aids. Formally an editor of Joe Weider and friend of
mine, Charles Smith originally from the UK. and later
resident of Texas USA, a recognised top authority on
lifting, witnessed and judged Eders presses, and no
one cheated old Chas Smith when he was in the
judges seat.. Other judges included Rudy Sablo and
John Terpak..
Marvin Eder was born of Austrian ancestry on 22nd
October I93I, the youngest of a family, with two other
brothers and a sister. His father, a truck driver, was a
naturally powerful man, and Marvin lived most of his life
in Brooklyn NEW YORK. He commenced training
when aged around I5 years using weights plus plenty of free exercises especially chins or pull ups, and dips (parallel bar dips). The
latter proved to be his forte. His inspiration was the late John Grimek. By the time he was I7 he could bench press with 34Olbs x
2 reps, clean and press 255lbs, squat to parallel 37O x IO and parallel bar dips,with an added 26Olbs attached just to make it a lit-
tle harder. He then had biceps of over I6ins, a size good enough to take top titles in most contests, thighs of near 26ins and weighed
I8lbs - all of it muscle!
Marvin trained mainly outside in the open air, and this is in Brooklyn, not sunny California (although later for a brief period he did
stay in California and visited Muscle Beach) often in severely cold weather. Approached by physique champion Abe Goldberg,
another popular Weider cover man, famed for his huge chest expansion, Marvin took up employment as manager and instructor in
Abe's N.Y. gym. It was Abe Goldberg who first introduced Eder to Joe Weider and the astute Joseph immediately recognised Eder's
talent and potential and featured him often in his magazines, (as he was to recognize another guy from Austria decades later Arnold
something or other) illustrating training articles and marketing various gadgets, giving the impression, that Marvin was being paid
for advertising and sponsoring Weider products. Marvin however always denied ever receiving monies or payment at any time. He
certainly received a lot of space in Joe's Mag's. e.g. October I95I Your Physique mag carried many pose pictures of Eder, including
photos of Marvin with Weider barbells and other such apparatus. Pictured by Russ Warner, details of the I95I Mr America contest
were carried and comparison shots of Eder with contempories. His photo on page 47 of October issue 5I Your Physique, carries
the blurb, His (Eders) appearance on the coast created a furor and gained him a host of admirers. He was then 5ft 8ins and I95lbs
b/w. with a I9 inch arm benching 4OOlbs and using IOOlb dumbbells in curls. MUSCLE POWER I95I used exercise photos of Marvin
for an Earle Liederman training article, photographed by Lon, showing Marvin doing parallel dips,saying Marvin performs as many
as 1000 dips presumably in sets? There was also a terrific side shot showing high pectorals and great triceps of Marvin, (Sept I95I
Your Physique) labeling him as The strongest youngest bodybuilder in the World with him winning the Mr. Eastern America title.
Again he makes cover man on Dec 5I Muscle Power.
Same year (5I) a few days before the Mr America contest, in a training session, when not yet 2O years of age, he did a reverse grip
(curl grip) standing press with 25Olbs and a regular press with 295lbs. He was then bench pressing 4OOlbs and squatting with
5OOlbs and using 100lbs in dumbbell curls. Marvin at that period favored low reps and high sets for power (high intensity??).
Training in Abe Goldberg's gym when in New York. At the I95I Mr America contest won by Roy Hilligen, with giant Malcolm Brenner
2nd, Marvin made a great third placing. Beaten by just half a point in the Junior Mr America Contest, won by George Paine (one
of the first coloured bodybuilders to place high), he managed to take Best Arms, Best Chest and Best back. awards, so it is hard to
know exactly the judges were looking for?? At the I952 Mr Canada Contest at just I9Olbs b/w. he pressed 3OOlbs, using no other
aids than a normal lifting belt. The same year he pressed 32Olbs.
Earle Liederman, famed Muscle By Mail merchant and author of note said of Marvin on seeing him for first time:
Under the lights, I particularly observed Marvin's arms which performed a most unusual biceps contraction. His biceps would
become fully flexed and remain in that state for a moment, and then with a faint forearm movement, the same biceps took on anoth-
Mick Harts NBC - 34
er contraction so that the belly of the muscle seemed to roll, or creep,
towards his deltoid. He did this with either arm. This cannot be fully
explained, nor appreciated with words, and must be seen for better
wonderment. Anyway you can imagine seeing an I8 inch arm, such
as he owns, become bent and then firmly flexed so that the huge
base ball size biceps knots up into exceptional height. Right there you
become satisfied and your hands applaud, yet right before your eyes,
and when you feel that no greater contraction could be made with
such a biceps, this same biceps begins to move, starting from the
highest point, which apparently separates itself from the mass, to
creep inwardly toward the shoulder, thereby causing the biceps to
become even large, though not any higher.
All quarrels result in victims and unfortunately this era being the peri-
od of the so called Hoffman/Weider Muscle Wars. Marvin Eder
became a casualty and lost out on any possibility of becoming a
member of the AAU. Hoffman who had declared war on Joe Weider,
feeling commercially threatened by Joe's better understanding of the
way bodybuilding was heading, blocked out every move of Marvins'
to become re instated after losing out his AAU membership. Charles
Smith is quoted as saying in THE IRON MASTER Dec.I993:
In my opinion, Eder was given a dirty deal by the AAU who at the
time was controlled by Hoffman. What Hoffman said went. It was
nothing more than dirty politics. What Marvin was guilty of was being
tied in with Weider. That's all.
Joe Weider, published a letter from Eder in his magazines, dated Nov.
I2 I953, with the brief note:
Dear Mr Weider. This is to state that you have never at anytime acted
inimical to my interests. Any actions which may have tended to profes-
sionalise me have been my own. Signed, Marvin Eder.
Elsewhere in a Questions and Answer column in Muscle Power June
53 a question was asked Is Marvin Eder a Weider Pupil? and the
answer was technically no, although he endorses our methods. Thus
the squabble went on. Disappointed but never the less undeterred
Marvin thinking positively, went it alone continued using/mixing Olympic
lifting with more general bodybuilding routines, training most week
days,but resting week ends. All the time training heavy. His genetically
enhanced recuperation abilities were exceptional, allowing him to work
out longer and tougher than most, building an almost unbelievable
power pound for pound making him surely one of the strongest men
ever to have lifted and trained with weights. With a physique able to
grace any competitive bodybuilding show.
Legendary bodybuilder and strength athlete Reg Park talking of the
early days, said of Eder:
Marvin and I became quite close to a large extent because we had a
lot in common in that we were more strength athletes than bodybuilders.
Marvin and I had some great workouts, for example we did I2Olbs
dumbbells in seated press, and barbell rows with 4OOlbs. Marvin was
later to state that Reg Park was one of the few that could keep pace with him in a workout, they were then squatting with 475lbs for
10 sets of 8 and 52Olbs for 3 reps. Both of course later did even more. Marvin currently (2OOI) does high reps squat jumps still
having tough legs, but now aiming for cardiovascular fitness. Age brings its own wisdom..
On September 6th, I953 at a Strength and Health Picnic in YORK PA. Eder benched 48Olbs in strict style, no arching or bouncing
and just failed with 5OOlbs. (His best bench was to be 53Olbs later). Two years later in an article in April issue of Strength and
Health (Hoffman's mag) Marvin is featured in a report as working out in YORK Barbell Club with Dave Sheppard and a comment,
Only ineligibility for AAU membership prevents Eder from setting an official world record for the press, when he worked up to 325lbs
at under 2OOlbs b/w in the mid heavies class. He was then parallel squatting with 5OOLbs. The late Art Zeller, with whom Marvin
trained said, I remember seeing Marvin doing parallel dips with a guy who must have weighed close to 4OOLbs wrapped around
him. He was only I8 or I9 years old when doing these phenomenal weights. (Source Art Zeller in Muscular Development July I988).
In fact his single parallel bar dip with 434lbs at I98lbs b/w. has never been approached.
Eder also made a straight arm pullover with 210lbs at I97lbs b/w. David Willoughby author of reference book Super Athletes and
numerous training and serious in depth articles, the famous authority, rated this as best lift on record. (Your author D.G. made I2Olbs
at I4Olbs b/w good enough to win a medal, and tough enough to really appreciate Eder's lift). Mighty Pat Casey the legendary power
lifter later in I985 rated Eder as Pound for pound the strongest man who ever walked the face of the earth Most other strength his-
Bodyweight 2O3 Height 5ft 8 ins Waist 34
Chest close to 5O expanded Neck I9ins Biceps over
I9ins Forearms I5ins Thighs 26. Calves I7ins.
5th Mr America I95O
2nd Mr Junior America I95I.
Most Muscular I95I
Best Arms,Back,Chest I95I.
3rd Mr America I95I (CA)
Winner Mr Eastern America I95I.
Highest Achievement Award.AOBS. I989
Ditto to be awarded.London 2OOI at OHF Awards
include: Strict curled 210lbs at a YORK picnic.
Clean and pressed 355lbs
Side pressed live weight 22Olbs with left arm.
Crucifix with 2 x 100lbs dumbbells
Lateral raises I2Olbs dumbbells for reps
Deadlift, without practice. 665lbs.
Parallel bar dip with 434lbs, plus of course his own
bodyweight of I98lbs.
Mick Harts NBC - 35
torians and armchair experts agree. Marvin's own choice was John Davis..
Marvin married in I957 to wife Adele and with a son who is a chiropractor and all round sportsman, and now has grandchildren. He
(Marvin) became a master plumber back in I968, later running his own company. During this interesting period he plumbed many
a home of the rich and famous, including Beatle John Lennon, The Kennedys and old time movie stars like Greta Garbo etc. At
one time Marvin spent time in the US Army being entitled the Strongest Man of his division. His many interests include reading
medicine and science, he also likes basket ball, baseball and used to be a fine wrestler and ocean distance swimmer.
The thousand dollar question must be where did Marvin get all his strength and development? Well for starters he was a genuine
natural. Genetically gifted, he had enormous recuperative powers and limitless drive, yet never ever used steroids or drugs of any
kind. He enjoyed food, but did not take supplements, just having a good appetite for natural foods. Marvin believed and still
believes, one should train for health and fitness as well as size and power. He readily admits being an easy gainer. His workouts
covered a wide range of activities, from weight lifting to powerlifting, bodybuilding, agility, balancing and wrestling. Even after a work-
out he still had energy and the enthusiasm to do 5O sets of chins and dips. He could chin 7 or 8 times with added weight of 2OOlbs
attached to his feet and regularly did 8 dips with an extra 4OOlbs fixed to his legs and was capable of completing 8 one hand chins
when around 2OOlbs bodyweight.
Eder used many routines over the years. Enjoyed Olympic lifting best perhaps, the standing press now an exercise or lift rarely
practiced, yet his favorite exercise. For bodybuilding he mainly trained on the split routine system of 2 days with 3rd day resting.
Usually using 5 sets of 10 reps, always very heavy poundages e.g.
Day I - five sets of 10 reps dumbbell laterals using I2Olb dumbbells (unlocked elbows), 5 x 10 seated dumbbell curls same I2Olb
dumbbells. Ditto bench presses and triceps curls (5 x 10 x I2Olb dumbbells) followed by lat machine pulldowns 5 x 10 x 35Olbs.
Day 2 - exercises for abdominals, sit ups plus added resistance i.e. 5 x I5 plus 5Olbs. He once completed 100 reps sit ups with
5Olbs added. HIgh repetitions on calf machine 5 x 5O reps and parallel squats 5 x 10 x 475lbs. He could squat 10 x 8 x 475lbs.
and make 3 reps with 52Olbs or 5O repetitions with 3OOlbs on parallel squats!
His best measurements were probably height 5ft 8ins. Weight 2O3lbs, neck I9ins, chest 49ins, waist 34ins, forearm I5ins, biceps
I9 plus, thighs 26 and calves I7ins. David Willoughby lists Marvins lifts in his fine to me Super Athletes. As does Osmo Kiiha in a
superb coverage interview of Eder in Iron Master Dec I993 issue and for whom we acknowledge help in preparing this article.
(Regrettably Iron Master has now ended on issue 29). These include his parallel bar dip using extra 434lbs, this plus his own weight
of I98lbs making a total of 632lbs and 7 reps with 4OOlbs. 100 wide arm chins without weights, Single chin with added 25Olbs,
strict barbell curl 210lbs, cheat curls with 255lbs, clean and press two dumbbell at same time using I2O lb dumbbells for 10 reps.
He could press behind neck 3O5lbs and side press with his left hand 22Olbs. Plus a lot more. Herb Glossbrenner, statistition,
weight training historian said, Marvin Eder was for real. It is indeed a shame that we will never know just what he could have done
had he been given a fair shake.
For long recognized the world over for his super strength and record, at their 7th Annual reunion, the Association Of Oldetime
Barbell and Strongmen conferred their highest honour to Marvin Eder on 8th October I989.with the tribute saying, His feats of
incredible muscular power and magnificent physique will remain legendary in the records of the Iron Game History.
Regularly attending similar Iron Game events, he also come over to the Oscar Heidenstam Awards in London to the delight of his
fans. His feelings then were that, Bodybuilding has degenerated because of steroids and drug abuse and that Olympic lifting is on
the slide. Currently still mighty active, he trains without weights, but instead uses the exercises he loves, i.e.high reps wide arm
chins 2 sets 3O to 6O reps., 2 x 4O to 7O dips, (parallel bar dips,not push ups), 4 x 2OO squat jumps and 2 x I5 leg raises hang-
ing from chin bar. He also swims a lot and keeps active bodily and in mind, a true example of a real champion.
Sources, acknowledgments and many thanks to Joe Weider's MUSCLE POWER and YOUR PHYSIQUE magazines I94O's and
5O's. Bob Hoffman's STRENGTH AND HEALTH magazines. Osmo Kiiha's IRON MASTER December I993. Private conversa-
tions with the late Charles Smith former Weider editor and correspondence with same. Personal conversations with Marvin Eder in
London at the O.H Foundation Awards and personal correspondence, Ian Duckett of Natural Press magazine and finally data from
David Willoughby's SUPER ATHLETES.
Marvin Eder was for real. It is indeed a shame that we will Marvin Eder was for real. It is indeed a shame that we will
never know just what he could have done had he been given a never know just what he could have done had he been given a
fair shake ....... fair shake .......Herb Glossbrenner Herb Glossbrenner
Mick Harts NBC - 38

& makes me piss myself laughing!
It was Postman Pat's last day on the job after 35 years of car-
rying the post through all kinds of weather to the same neigh-
When he arrived at the first house on his route, the whole
family there greeted him. They all hugged and congratulated
him and sent him on his way with a gift cheque for 500.
At the second house they presented him fine Cuban cigars in
an 18-carat gold box.
The people at the third house handed him a case of 30-year
old Scotch whisky.
At the fourth house a dumb blonde in her lingerie met him at
the door. She took him by the arm and led him up the stairs
to the bedroom where she blew his mind with the most pas-
sionate sex he had ever experienced.
When he had had enough they went downstairs, where the
dumb blonde fixed him a giant breakfast of eggs, bacon,
tomatoes, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms, and freshly
squeezed orange juice. When he was truly satisfied she
poured him a cup of steaming coffee. As she was pouring, he
noticed a five pound note sticking out from under the
cup's bottom edge.
"All this was just too wonderful for words," he said, "but
what's the fiver for?"
"Well," said the dumb blonde, "last night, I told my husband
that today would be your last day, and that we should do
something special for you. I asked him what to give you.
"He said, 'Fuck him. Give him a fiver'. The breakfast was my
At an international women's conference the
topic for discussion was how to empower
women in the home. The first speaker was
the British representative.
She stood up and said, I decided to make
a stand against my husband's oppression
and so I told him that I would no longer be
doing the washing,
After the first day I saw no result; after the
second day I saw nothing; but after the
third day he did his own washing. The
delegates applauded this brave stand for
women's rights.
The second speaker was from America.
She stood up and said; I told my husband
that I was no longer prepared to cook for
him as it was a form of enslavement.
After the first day I saw no result, after the
second day I saw no result; but after the
third day he cooked a meal for the both of
Again the conference applauded.
Next came the Australian delegate. She
I told my husband that I would no longer
be doing the shopping. After the first day I
saw nothing, after the second day I saw
nothing; but after the third day I could see
a little bit out of my left eye....

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