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Miriam: Good evening, thank you for joining me tonight on Miriam Cooney knows it all.

In the
studio tonight we have Professor Green (scientist, !ily "ree (environmentalist who works
with the #ustralian $ainforest Conservation %ociety, Mrs Menny Plans and &olly &ollar who
works with the 'ris(ane "ourist Centre.
%o, &olly what are your )lans for an ice skating rink in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park+
&olly: "hankyou Miriam, It is my )leasure to (e joining you in the studio tonight. ,ur )lan is
to (uild an ecologically sound ice skating rink in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park. "he
outer walls will (e constructed com)letely from glass and the entire surface of the roof will (e
a solar )anel generating electricity to free-e the ice. "his will give a uni.ue e/)erience for
skaters to a))reciate the (eauty of the rainforest.
Miriam: "hankyou &olly, so Professor Green what is your o)inion the construction of the ice
skating rink. &o you for see any re)ercussions+
Professor Green: 0es Miriam I do (elieve there would (e a large detrimental im)act on the
delicate ecosystem in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park. Ice rinks are notorious for their
massive energy consum)tion. %olar )anels technology is not advanced enough to (e a(le to
)rovide sufficient )ower to the com)le/. #s a result technologies such as 1am(oni machines
will (e used to re2surface the ice, instead of electric )owered re2surfaces. "his technology
which (urns diesel fuel or )ro)ane generate huge nitrogen, dio/ide and car(on mono/ide
levels which seriously im)acts the air .uality in the local area.
Miriam: #nd how will this affect the flora and fauna of the rainforest+
Professor Green: 3ell, rainforests are delicate ecosystems which are highly sensitive to
even the slightest changes. #ir )ollution can seriously effect t4he immediate vicinity.
*itrogen dio/ide directly effects the foliage and )hotosynthesis of a vast array of )lants.
Mount "am(ourine *ational Park is home to a))ro/imately 456 of the varieties of flora and
fauna in 7ueensland, many of which are highly endangered. 8or e/am)le, the $ichmond
(ird wing (utterfly is one of the most endangered s)ecies of (utterfly in the world and is
almost solely found in this area. 'utterfly s)ecies rely on foliage to survive and the adverse
effects of the air )ollution.
s)ecies rely on foliage to survive and the adverse effects of the air )ollution will seriously
harm this )recious creature. "his is just one e/am)le of many that will (e a result of the
(uilding of the ice rink.
Miriam: "hankyou Professor Green for those alarming facts. !ily "ree, could you )lease tell
us a (it a(out the #ustralian $ainforest Conservation %ociety.
!ily: "he society was founded in 9:;< and is a national nongovernment organisation with its
main head .uarters in 'ris(ane. ,ur main aim is to )rotect, re)air and restore the rainforests
of #ustralia in order to ma/imi-e the )rotection of forest (iodiversity. 3e aim to achieve this
through research lo((ying, )u(lic education and through grass routes su))ort.
Miriam: 3hy is this so im)ortant to you+
!ily: #lthough rainforests cover (arely =.>6 of the continent they are home to more than half
of our )lants and animals. %o it is e/tremely im)ortant for us to )rotect what remains of our
Miriam: 3hat are some of your )roud achievements of the #.$.?.%.+
!ily: 3e led the cam)aign that resulted in the sto))ing of logging in *orth 7ueensland@s
"ro)ical $ainforests, we com)iled and )resented scientific arguments to the commission of
in.uiry that resulted in an end to logging on 8raser Island, we instigated a national cam)aign
Miriam: Good evening, thank you for joining me tonight on Miriam Cooney knows it all. In the
studio tonight we have Professor Green (scientist, !ily "ree (environmentalist who works
with the #ustralian $ainforest Conservation %ociety, Mrs Menny Plans and &olly &ollar who
works with the 'ris(ane "ourist Centre.
%o, &olly what are your )lans for an ice skating rink in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park+
&olly: "hankyou Miriam, It is my )leasure to (e joining you in the studio tonight. ,ur )lan is
to (uild an ecologically sound ice skating rink in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park. "he
outer walls will (e constructed com)letely from glass and the entire surface of the roof will (e
a solar )anel generating electricity to free-e the ice. "his will give a uni.ue e/)erience for
skaters to a))reciate the (eauty of the rainforest.
Miriam: "hankyou &olly, so Professor Green what is your o)inion the construction of the ice
skating rink. &o you for see any re)ercussions+
Professor Green: 0es Miriam I do (elieve there would (e a large detrimental im)act on the
delicate ecosystem in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park. Ice rinks are notorious for their
massive energy consum)tion. %olar )anels technology is not advanced enough to (e a(le to
)rovide sufficient )ower to the com)le/. #s a result technologies such as 1am(oni machines
will (e used to re2surface the ice, instead of electric )owered re2surfaces. "his technology
which (urns diesel fuel or )ro)ane generate huge nitrogen, dio/ide and car(on mono/ide
levels which seriously im)acts the air .uality in the local area.
Miriam: #nd how will this affect the flora and fauna of the rainforest+
Professor Green: 3ell, rainforests are delicate ecosystems which are highly sensitive to
even the slightest changes. #ir )ollution can seriously effect t4he immediate vicinity.
*itrogen dio/ide directly effects the foliage and )hotosynthesis of a vast array of )lants.
Mount "am(ourine *ational Park is home to a))ro/imately 456 of the varieties of flora and
fauna in 7ueensland, many of which are highly endangered. 8or e/am)le, the $ichmond
(ird wing (utterfly is one of the most endangered s)ecies of (utterfly in the world and is
almost solely found in this area. 'utterfly s)ecies rely on foliage to survive and the adverse
effects of the air )ollution.
to )rotect, restore and re)air #ustralia@s uni.ue rainforest world heritage and most relevant
to this discussion tonight was the leading of and critical role we )layed in the highly
successful %outh Aast 7ueensland forest agreement which will ho)efully )rotect more than
9million hectares of forest from logging.
Miriam: %ome achievements to (e )roud of. 3hat are the #.$.?.%. stance regarding the
'ris(ane "ourist Centres Ice $ink )ro)osal+
!ily: Bere at #$?% we are e/tremely concerned a(out the environmental im)act that the
)ro)osed ice rink will have on the flora and fauna of the )ro)osed site.
%outh Aast 7ueensland )rovides ha(itat for C:6 of #ustralia@s ferns, C56 of cycads and
<>6 of #ustralia@s vascular )lant s)ecies over all. "here are a(out <D> s)ecies that are
endemic to the region with C<6 of these (eing rare or threatened with e/tinction. "his
means there are a(out <49 s)ecies of flora in this area that are already in danger of
(ecoming e/tinct. 3ith so many s)ecies already under threat, how can Miss &ollar )ro)ose
such an environmentally detrimental develo)ment+
%uch a develo)ment would have a negative im)act on the (iodiversity of the area, (e
detrimental to forest ecology (y causing a reduction in ha(itat and foraging trees change the
micro climate and create ha(itat fragmentation. 3e at the #$?% will fight this develo)ment
to the end. If we are to continue to have rainforests in the future we must do all that we can
to )rotect them in the )resent.
Miriam: Good evening, thank you for joining me tonight on Miriam Cooney knows it all. In the
studio tonight we have Professor Green (scientist, !ily "ree (environmentalist who works
with the #ustralian $ainforest Conservation %ociety, Mrs Menny Plans and &olly &ollar who
works with the 'ris(ane "ourist Centre.
%o, &olly what are your )lans for an ice skating rink in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park+
&olly: "hankyou Miriam, It is my )leasure to (e joining you in the studio tonight. ,ur )lan is
to (uild an ecologically sound ice skating rink in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park. "he
outer walls will (e constructed com)letely from glass and the entire surface of the roof will (e
a solar )anel generating electricity to free-e the ice. "his will give a uni.ue e/)erience for
skaters to a))reciate the (eauty of the rainforest.
Miriam: "hankyou &olly, so Professor Green what is your o)inion the construction of the ice
skating rink. &o you for see any re)ercussions+
Professor Green: 0es Miriam I do (elieve there would (e a large detrimental im)act on the
delicate ecosystem in the Mount "am(ourine *ational Park. Ice rinks are notorious for their
massive energy consum)tion. %olar )anels technology is not advanced enough to (e a(le to
)rovide sufficient )ower to the com)le/. #s a result technologies such as 1am(oni machines
will (e used to re2surface the ice, instead of electric )owered re2surfaces. "his technology
which (urns diesel fuel or )ro)ane generate huge nitrogen, dio/ide and car(on mono/ide
levels which seriously im)acts the air .uality in the local area.
Miriam: #nd how will this affect the flora and fauna of the rainforest+
Professor Green: 3ell, rainforests are delicate ecosystems which are highly sensitive to
even the slightest changes. #ir )ollution can seriously effect t4he immediate vicinity.
*itrogen dio/ide directly effects the foliage and )hotosynthesis of a vast array of )lants.
Mount "am(ourine *ational Park is home to a))ro/imately 456 of the varieties of flora and
fauna in 7ueensland, many of which are highly endangered. 8or e/am)le, the $ichmond
(ird wing (utterfly is one of the most endangered s)ecies of (utterfly in the world and is
almost solely found in this area. 'utterfly s)ecies rely on foliage to survive and the adverse
effects of the air )ollution.
Miriam: #s a re)resentative of the local council, Mrs Menny Plans can you )lease outline
your views on the )ro)osal+
Menny: "hank you Miriam. 0es I am delighted to )resent a more (alanced argument to
counteract the hysteria of your other guests. My fellow council mem(ers and I have (een
e/cited as we have worked alongside &olly &ollar on this most (eneficial )roject. "he actual
rink itself will (e (uilt adjacent to the e/isting Mount "am(ourine %kywalk resort. "his means
that the access road will (e shared and therefore will not have a huge im)act on the
environment. 3hile I am sensitive to concerns a(out the (alance of the rainforest
ecosystem, the (enefits to our community far outweigh any environmental concerns a(out
the (alance of the rainforest ecosystem

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