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Which of the following will give maximum gas conversion ?

A. Fixed bed reactor.
B. Fluidised bed reactor.
C. Semi-fluidised bed reactor.
D. Plug-flow catalytic reactor.
__________ exlains the mechanism of catalysis.
A. Activated complex theory
B. !ollision theory
C. "hermodynamics
D. #one of these
From among the following% choose one which is not an exothermic rocess.
A. &ethanol synthesis
B. Catalytic cracking
C. 'mmonia synthesis
D. (xidation of sulhur
"he fractional volume change of the system for the isothermal gas hase reaction% A $B % between no
conversion and comlete conversion is
A. *.+ B. 1
D. $
' catalyst
A. initiates a reaction.
loers the activation energy of reacting
C. is caable of reacting with any one of the reactants.
can not be recovered chemically unchanged at the
end of a chemical reaction.
What is the order of a chemical reaction% % if the rate of formation of -C-% increases by a
factor of 2..2 on doubling the concentration of -A- and increases by a factor of / on trebling the concentration
of -B-?
B. 01)
C. +12 D. +1)
For high conversion in a highly exothermic solid catalysed reaction% use a __________ bed reactor.
A. fixed
B. fluidised bed reactor folloed by a fixed
C. fixed bed reactor followed by a fluidised
D. fluidised
Anser # $xplanation
Anser% (tion B
For every 1*2! rise in temerature% the rate of chemical reaction doubles. When the temerature is increased
from $* to 0*2!% the rate of reaction increases __________ times.
A. . B. 12
C. 1, D. $2
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"he single arameter model roosed for describing non-ideal flow is the __________ model.
A. tan3 in series
B. disersion
C. both &a' # &b'
D. neither 4a5 nor 4b5.
' first order reaction re6uires two e6ual si7ed !8"9. "he conversion is
A. less when they are connected in series.
B. more hen they are connected in series.
C. more when they are connected in arallel.
D. same whether they are connected in series or in arallel.
:n case of hysical adsortion% the heat of adsortion is of the order of __________ 3cal13g.mole.
A. 1** B. ()))
C. 1**** D. 1*****
"he most unsuitable reactor for carrying out reactions in which high reactant concentration favours high yields is
A. backmix reactor
B. lug flow reactor
C. series of !8"9
D. PF9 in series
Pic3 out the wrong statement ertaining to sace velocity of flow reactors.
A. "he unit of sace velocity is 4time5
"he sace velocity of $ hr
means that three reactor volumes of feed at secified conditions are being
fed into the reactor every hour.
*he space velocity of + hr
means that one third reactor volume of feed at specified
conditions are being fed into the reactor.
D. none of these.
' reactor is generally termed as an autoclave% when it is a
A. high pressure batch reactor.
B. atmosheric ressure tan3 reactor.
C. high ressure tubular reactor.
D. atmosheric ressure !8"9.
, ;g of carbon is burnt with an amount of air containing 1. gm oxygen. "he roduct contains 1,.+ gms !(2 and 2..
gms !( besides other constituents. What is the degree of conversion on the basis of disaearance of limiting
reactant ?
A. 1**< B. ,-.
C. 0+< D. 2*<
"he rate constant of a chemical reaction decreases by decreasing the
A. ressure
B. concentration of reactants
C. temperature
D. duration of reaction
9eaction rate e6uation for the reaction% . :f Sat is resent in
large excess% what is the order of this reaction?
A. 7ero B. one
C. two D. three
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9ate of a gaseous hase reaction is given by% . "he unit of rate constant is
A. 4atm5
B. 4hr5
C. 4atm5
D. atm.4hr5
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__________ is the resonse curve for a ste inut signal from a reactor.
A. S-curve
B. C-curve
C. I-curve
D. none of these
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-:f the catalyst ore si7e is small in comarison with the mean free ath% collisions with the ore wall controls the
rocess-. "he diffusivity under this condition is called -;nudsen diffusivity-% which is affected by the
A. ressure
B. temerature
C. both 4a5 = 4b5
D. neither 4a5 nor 4b5
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Which of the following is the most suitable for very high ressure gas hase reaction ?
A. >atch reactor
B. "ubular flow reactor
C. 8tirred tan3 reactor
D. Fluidised bed reactor
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"he reaction between oxygen and organic material is a1an __________ reaction.
A. exothermic B. endothermic
C. biochemical D. hotochemical
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With decrease in temerature% the e6uilibrium conversion of a reversible endother-mic reaction
A. decreases
B. increases
C. remains unaffected
D. increases linearly with temerature
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:n an exothermic chemical reaction% the reactants comared to the roducts have
A. higher temerature
B. more energy
C. less energy
D. same energy.
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For a reaction of the tye% % the rate of reaction 4- rx5 is given by
A. 4K1?K15CX
B. 4K1?K2?K$5CX
C. K1CV - K2CX
D. 4K1-K25CX
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:n a consecutive reaction system when E1 is much greater than E2% the yield of B increases with
A. increase of temerature.
B. decrease of temerature.
C. increase in initial concentration of A.
D. decrease in initial concentration of A.
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' reversible li6uid hase endothermic reaction is to be carried out in a lug flow reactor. For minimum reactor
volume% it should be oerated such that the temerature along the length
A. decreases.
B. increases.
C. is at the highest allowable temerature throughout.
D. first increases and then decreases.
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"he rate constant of a chemical reaction increases by 1** times when the temerature is increased from )** 2;
to +** 2;. 'ssuming transition state theory is valid% the value of @19 is
A. ./.02; B. /21*2;
C. .0,)2; D. .,212;
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' batch reactor is suitable for
A. achieving cent ercent conversion of reactants into roducts.
B. large scale gaseous hase reactions.
C. li6uid hase reactions.
D. obtaining uniform olymerisation roducts in highly exothermic reactions.
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For a heterogeneous catalytic reaction
free energy of activation is lowered in the resence of catalyst% which remains unchanged at the end of
a relatively small amount of catalyst can cause the conversion of large amount of reactants which does not
mean that catalyst concentration is imortant.
C. the catalyst does not form an intermediate comlex with the reactant.
D. the surface of the catalyst does not lay an imortant role during reaction.
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"he increase in the rate of reaction with temerature is due to
A. increase in the number of effective collisions.
B. decrease in activation energy.
C. increase in the average 3inetic energy of the reacting molecules.
D. none of these.
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' catalyst loses its activity due to
A. loss in surface area of the active comonent.
B. agglomeration of metal articles caused by thermal sintering of the solid surface.
C. covering of the catalytic active sites by a foregin substance.
D. all 4a5% 4b5 and 4c5.
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-N- lug flow reactors in series with a total volume -V- gives the same conversion as a single lug flow reactor of
volume -V- for __________ order reactions.
A. first B. second
C. third D. any
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Anser% (tion D
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8ecific rate constant for a second order reaction
A. is indeendent of temerature.
B. varies with temerature.
C. deends on the nature of the reactants.
D. both 4b5 and 4c5.
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For the irreversible elementary reactions in arallel viz % the rate of disaearance of -X- is
e6ual to
A. CA4K1?K25
B. CA4K1 ? K2512
C. CA . K112
D. CA . K212
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Anser% (tion A
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For an isothermal variable volume batch reactor% the following relation is alicable for a first order irreversible
A. XA A k . t
C. -ln41 - XA5 A kt
D. BA . ln 41 - XA5 A k . t
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For a 7ero order chemical reaction% the
A. half life eriod is directly roortion to the initial concentration of the reac-tants.
B. lot of roducts concentration with time is a straight line through the origin.
C. roducts concentration increases linerarly with time.
D. all 4a5% 4b5 and 4c5.
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Anser% (tion D
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>@" aaratus
A. measures the catalyst surface area directly.
B. oerates at very high ressure.
C. is made entirely of stainless steel.
D. none of these.
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9adioactive decay follows __________ order 3inetics.
A. first B. second
C. third D. 7ero.
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"he excess energy of reactants in a chemical reaction re6uired to dissociate into roducts is termed as the
__________ energy.
A. activation B. otential
C. binding D. threshold
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For a solid catalysed chemical reaction% the effectiveness of solid catalyst deends uon the __________ adsortion.
A. hysical
B. chemical
C. both 4a5 and 4b5
D. neither 4a5 nor 4b5
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Anser% (tion B
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Pic3 out the correct statement.
A. :n catalytic reactions% the catalyst reacts with the reactants.
B. ' catalyst initiates a chemical reaction.
C. ' catalyst lowers the activation energy of the reacting molecules.
D. ' catalyst can not be recovered chemi cally unchanged at the end of the chemical reaction.
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"he dimensions of rate constant for reaction $A B are 4l1gm mole51min. "herefore the reaction order is
A. * B. 1
C. 2 D. $
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Pic3 out the correct statement
A. 9eactions with high activation energies are very temerature sensitive.
B. !hemical e6uilibrium is a static state.
C. ' hotochemical reaction is catalysed by light.
' chemical reaction occurs when the energy of the reacting molecule is less than the activation energy
of the reaction.
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Anser% (tion A
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:f the time re6uired to comlete a definite fraction of reaction varies inversely as the concentration of the reactants%
then the order of reaction is
A. * B. 1
C. 2 D. $
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8ulhuric acid is used as a catalyst in the
A. hydrogenation of oils.
B. gas hase oxidation of 8(2 in chamber rocess.
C. al3ylation of hydrocarbons.
D. none of these.
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Fractional conversion __________ with increase in ressure for ammonia synthesis reaction i.e.% #2 ?
$C2 2#C$.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains unchanged
D. unredictable from the data
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Anser% (tion A
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Pic3 out the wrong statement.
"he vessel disersion number 4D1UL5 for lug flow and mixed flow aroaches 7ero and infinity
8ace time in a flow reactor is a measure of its caacity and is e6ual to the residence time when the
density of reaction mixture is constant.
&ixed reactor is always smaller than the lug flow reactor for all ositive reaction orders for a articular
:n an ideal tubular flow reactor% mixing ta3es lace in radial direction and there is no mixing in
logitudinal direction.
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"he reason why a catalyst increases the rate of reaction is that% it
A. decreases the energy barrier for reaction.
B. increases the activation energy.
C. decreases the molecular collision diameter.
D. none of these.
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Anser% (tion A
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' first order irreversible reaction% A B is carried out searately in a constant volume as well as in a variable
volume reactor for a articular eriod. :t signifies that __________ in the two reactors.
A. both conversion as well as concentration are same
B. conversion in both will be the same but concentrations will be different
C. both the conversion as well as concentrations will be different
D. none of these.
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Anser% (tion B
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When the density of the reaction mixture is constant in a chemical reaction% the ratio of the mean residence time to
sace time is
A. D 1
B. E 1
C. 1
D. *
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:n an ideal tubular-flow reactor
A. there is no mixing in longitudinal direction.
B. mixing ta3es lace in radial direction.
C. there is a uniform velocity across the radius.
D. all 4a5% 4b5 and 4c5.
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't a given value of @19 4ratio of activation energy and gas constant5% the ratio of the rate constants at +**2;
and )**2; is 2% if 'rrhenious law is used. What will be this ratio% if transition state theory is used with the same
value of @19?
A. 1., B. 2
C. 2.2) D. 2.+
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Anser% (tion D
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__________ is the controlling ste in a highly temerature sensitive fluid-solid non-catalytic reaction.
A. Fas film diffusion
B. 'sh diffusion
C. !hemical reaction
D. none of these
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'n autothermal reactor is
A. most suitable for a second order reaction.
B. most suitable for a reversible reaction.
C. comletely self-suorting in its thermal energy re6uirements.
D. isothermal in nature.
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Anser% (tion C
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"he rate constant of a first order reaction deends on the
A. concentration of the reactant.
B. temerature.
C. concentration of the roduct.
D. time.
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Anser% (tion B
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' reaction in which one of the roducts of reaction acts as a catalyst is called a1an __________ reaction.
A. catalytic
B. autocatalytic
C. hotochemical
D. none of these
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"he ratio of volume of mixed reactor to the volume of P.F.9. 4for identical flow rate% feed comosition and
conversion5 for 7ero order reaction is
A. G
B. *
C. 1
D. D 1
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Which of the following will favour the reverse reaction in a chemical e6uilibrium reaction ?
A. :ncreasing the concentration of one of the reactants.
B. :ncreasing the concentration of one or more of the roducts.
C. 9emoval of at least one of the roducts at regular interval.
D. #one of these.
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Anser% (tion B
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!onversion increases with increase in temerature in case of a an __________ reaction.
A. autocatalytic
B. irreversible
C. reversible endothermic
D. reversible exothermic
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@ffective diffusivity 4DE5 in a catalyst ellet is related to molecular diffusivity 4DN5 and ;nudsen diffusivity 4DK5 as
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' hotochemical reaction is __________ light.
A. initiated by
B. accomanied with emission of
C. catalysed by
D. used to convert heat energy into
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Pic3 out the wrong statement.
:n a batch reactor% which is exclusively used for li6uid hase reactionsH temerature ressure and
comosition may vary with time.
B. :n a semi-batch reactor% one reactant is charged batchwise% while the other reactant is fed continuously.
:n a continuous flow reactor% uniform concentration can not be maintained throughout the vessel even in
a well agitated system.
D. :n a continuous flow reactor% both the reactants and the roducts flow out continuously.
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:n a1an __________ reactor% there is exchange of heat with the surroundings with si7eable temerature
A. adiabatic
B. isothermal
C. non-adiabatic
D. none of these.
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-Inreacted core model- reresents the reaction involving
A. combustion of coal articles.
B. roasting of sulhide ores.
C. manufacture of carbon disulhide from elements.
D. none of these.
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Anser% (tion B
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For a vaour hase catalytic reaction 4A ? B P5 which follows the 9idel mechanism and the reaction ste is rate
controlling% the rate of reaction is given by 4reaction rate is irreversible% roduct also absorbs5.
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:f a solid-gas non-catalytic reaction occurs at very high temerature% the rate controlling ste is the __________
A. film
B. ash layer
C. ore
D. none of these
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"he units of fre6uency factor in 'rhenious e6uation
A. are the same as those of the rate constant.
B. deend on the order of the reaction.
C. deend on temerature% ressure etc. of the reaction.
D. are cycles er unit time.
Which of the following is not a chemical ste in a fluid solid catalytic reaction ?
A. 8urface chemical reaction
B. 'dsortion
C. Jesortion
D. 0one of these
For a series of reactions having k1 EE k2% the reaction system can be aroximated as
't a given temerature% K1% K2 and K$ are e6uilibrium constants for the following reactions 1% 2% $ resectively.
!C)4g5 ? C2(4g5 !(4g5 ? $C24g5%
!(4g5 ? C2(4g5 !(24g5 ? C24g5
!C)4g5 ? 2C2(4g5 !(24g5 ? )C24g5
"hen K1% K2 and K$ are related asK
A. K+ 1 K (.K 2
B. K$ A 4K1.K25
C. K$4K1?K2512
D. K$ A 4K1.K25
:n case of __________ reactions% the reaction rate does not decrease areciably as the reaction roceeds.
A. catalytic
B. arallel
C. series
D. auto catalytic
For nearly isothermal oeration involving large reaction time in a li6uid-hase reaction% the most suitable reactor
is a __________ reactor.
A. stirred tank
B. tubular flow
C. batch
D. fixed bed
What is the "hiele modulus of the solid catalysed first order reaction% % if the ore diffusion offers
negligible resistance to reaction ?
A. E +
B. 2 ).-
C. D 1
D. +
>.@.". method can be used to determine the __________ of a orous catalyst.
A. solid density
B. ore volume
C. surface area
D. all 4a5% 4b5 and 4c5

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