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Samantha Johnson

Marcia Smith
Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Tracie O. Afifi, PhD, Natalie P. Mota, MA, Patricia Dasiewicz, MSc, Hariet L.
Macmillan, MD, FRCP, and Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCP. Physical Punishment and
Mental Disorders: Results From A Nationally Representative US Sample. Official
Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. July 2, 2012. Online.
This article provides a clear relation between physical discipline/abuse and
mental disorders using data and research. The study uses data from the
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions from
2004-2005. Using different Methods like logistic regression models they
concluded that harsh physical treatment like spanking leads to different
mental disorders.

This article helped with my paper because it shows clear evidence that
supports the belief spanking and corporal punishment is wrong because it
leads to problems in the childrens future. Using this evidence I can clearly
show that perspective on spanking and show why some have that

Samantha Johnson
Marcia Smith
Annotated Bibliography
Nestor Lopez-Duran, PhD. Why Spanking is Never Okay. September 27,2010.
Peaceful Parenting. Online.

This article goes into further details about the study done by the American
Academy of Pediatrics. It then goes to discuss Lopez-Durans personal
opinion on the issue and why he has that opinion.

Why Spanking is Never Okay was very helpful, it provided a clear
perspective on the issue and provided more detailed, very helpful data and
results from the study above.

Jan Faull. Discipline is constant but spanking is never OK. Seattle Times.
November 12,2005. Print.
Jan Faull does an excellent job at explaining her personal opinion on the
matter of spanking. She feels it is wrong and an unfair fight. Like others she
explains why although she incudes a new idea of it being an unfair fight.

This article was very insightful and helpful and shed a new light in the matter
that I can use with my own audience.

Samantha Johnson
Marcia Smith
Annotated Bibliography
Andrea Nair. Is it ever okay to spank a child? The Atlantic Magazine. July 30, 2013.
In this Article she discusses why people think that spanking is okay and why
it is wrong. She mentions the affects of spanking in children and when they
become adults. She explains and contradicts he opinions of those who thinks
its okay to spank their children. She mentions that 29 countries have banned
spanking in homes and schools and mentions the US not being one of those e
countries. She says although children may turn out okay we still have
better discipline alternatives.

This article is helpful because it gives you clear perspectives on spanking. Not
only does it mention different perspectives but also it contradicts them.
Having multiple view points on the topic in an article help me see the overall
picture and allow me to write a clearer better paper.

Murray Wardrop. Smacked Children More successful later in Life. The Telegraph.
January 2013. Print.
This article discusses how studies done on spanking dont match up. It
provides information about what physical punishment is allowed by law,
Samantha Johnson
Marcia Smith
Annotated Bibliography
how physical punishment produces more successful adults. It mentions how
spanking is more productive at sending am message to young children
because they are not able to comprehend other punishments such as a firm

It was very helpful to see the other viewpoints on spanking explained and it
provided very helpful information and facts that I can use in my article. It
helped me get a clearer perspective on why people may choose to use
corporal punishment in their homes.

Selwyn Duke. New study Finds spanking is Good for Kids. The New American.
January 6,2010. Online.
This article shows the positive sides to spanking your child. It states that
theory by giving examples and different out comes of spanking. It then
discuses how disciplining your child is a right that should not be taken away.

This article was very helpful in showing the positive outcomes of spanking
and corporal punishment usage.

Samantha Johnson
Marcia Smith
Annotated Bibliography
Darah Zeledon. Sometimes, Spanking is Okay. Girl with the Crooked Smile. April
20,2010. Online.

Zeledon describes her experience as a mother of five and how her parenting
changes or has changes in time. She talks about how she was predetermined
to never spank her children and thought spanking was very wrong but as she
became a mother her perspective changed. She goes into how certain times
and situations call for certain measures. She states the fine line between
abuse and discipline.

This article was very helpful for my perspective in the paper. It shows me
how to explain in a clear way my beliefs on the topic.

Ronald Gray, Volume 49: Nature vs. Nurture and Bad-Ass Kids. Random Thoughts
of Ronald Gray, Online.

This article provided very great Quotes such as the one from Dr. Annon. It
helped me get learn more about why spanking is not okay and how to
discipline in other ways.

Samantha Johnson
Marcia Smith
Annotated Bibliography
This article was very helpful in helping me see that perspective clearer and it
gave me great quotes for my paper.

Zvi Strassberg, Kenneth A. Dodge, Gregory S. Pettit, John E. Bates, Spanking in the
Home and Childrens Subsequent Aggression toward Kindergarten Peers.
Cambridge Journals, Online.
This Article discusses a study done to show the link between corporal
punishment and how children react with peers. It shows that children
become more aggressive with peers when they are spanked at home.

This article helped me show evidence of the harms of spanking.
This website provided me with specific definitions for my paper.

Samantha Johnson
Marcia Smith
Annotated Bibliography

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