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Unit: 1, Page 7; Lesson: Hello again!

Lesson aims:
1. Speaking skills: by the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to present a picture story.
2. To develop students abilities to identify and name rides.
. !anguage skills: "ocabulary # to develop pupils abilities to ac$uire a new set of words.
%. To further practice the use of numbers, colours, toys and prepositions.
&'upils (ook)* &+ctivity (ook)* ,-
Target langage:
!e" langage: language from the unit.
A##itional langage: look, listen, open/close your books/ the door, point to, pick up.
$e%ise# langage: the alphabet, colours, Can you spell?, numbers 1-10, character names, toy names,
Pre&aration: before the class starts, the teacher opens the windows, makes light in the classroom, arranges all
the pupils chairs. desks in semi/circle, makes sure the ,- player works and all the tracks are in order, writes all
the pupils names on the board and places all the necessary materials on the desk.
A'T()(T* 1: 'laying the Obects! game
Aim: 0dentifying the right ride.
1. The T informs the Ss that they will listen to a story and play a game, and then she points to a nearby ob1ect,
for e.g. the desk, asking a pupil to name and describe it in terms of dimension and colour. Ss answer, and then
take turns to point. 2epeat.
(ntera+tion: The teacher encourages pupils to elicit ob1ects and point.
Timing: , minutes
A'T()(T* - .P/ 7, A+ti%it" 110 "isten to the story
Aim: !istening to the ,- 3,- 1, track 114 and pointing
1. The teacher asks children to open their books by saying: &Open the #upil!s $ook at page %, please& and tells
them to hold the books so that she may see them 3demonstrating this4. 5olding up the book to check pupils have
the right page.
2. The T tells them &#oint to 'arie.) The pupils point. The teacher repeats for (re)or, 'askman and 'onty. .
The T points to the se$uences 1/6 to make sure the Ss know the order, then tells them to listen and look.
%. The teacher plays the ,-, the first time without stopping it so that pupils are able to hear the dialogue
without any interruption. They listen and point.
7. The T plays the ,- again. The Ss listen and point a second time. The T holds up her book, pointing to Stella.
Su8y etc: &*hat!s her/ his name? *hat is she +earing? &*here is 'askman?&, etc ., then repeats for the other
6. 'laying the ,- one more time: checking with the class and if there is sufficient time, reading and translating
some of the sentences for them to become ac$uainted with this method.
(ntera+tion: The teacher checks understanding of the listening part with the class.
Timing: 11 minutes
'2 1311
(oys in the bo-,
Come ali)e.
*alk and talk,
On the count of fi)e.
One, t+o, three, four, fi)e.
.ll four toys/ 0singing the abc rap from earlier in
the unit1/ a, b, c, d
'arie/ "et!s play a game. *hat!s this colour? $-
'askman/ 2 kno+. 2t!s blue. 'y car!s blue. "ook3
'askman/ no+, it!s my turn. *hat!s this +ord?
'onty/ 2 kno+. (hat!s four. 5ere are four pencils. 'y turn.
'onty/ +hat!s this, (re)or? #-u-r-p-l-e.
(re)or/ er. 2s it a pencil? #encils are my fa)ourite food.
'arie/ no, (re)or. 2t!0s purple. 6our hair!s purple.
'askman/ Ok, (re)or. 2t!s your turn.
(re)or/ er, +hat!s this? (-h-r-e-e.
'onty/ three. 2!)e only got three pencils3
'onty/ +here!s the red pencil?
'arie/ are pencils your fa)ourite food, (re)or?
(re)or/ er, yes, they are. 7orry, (re)or.
A'T()(T* 4 .P/ 5,, A+ti%it" 110 "isten and say the number
Aim: !istening to the ,- 3,- 1, track 124, identifying the number.
1. The teacher asks children to open their books by saying: &Open the #upil!s $ook at page %, please& and tells
them to hold the books so that she may see them 3demonstrating this4.
2. The teacher e9plains to the pupils that they are to relate what they hear with the right image, and then tell the
number which matches it.
. The teacher plays the ,-, the first time without stopping it so that pupils are able to hear the dialogue
without any interruption. They listen and make connections. The teacher plays the ,- again, stopping after
each picture, in order to give the pupils enough time to think and check with each other.
%. 'laying the ,- one more time: checking with the class and if there is sufficient time, translating some of the
sentences for them to become ac$uainted with this method.
(ntera+tion: The teacher checks understanding of the listening part with the class.
Timing: , minutes
:ey: %.1.6.2..7.
'2 131-
Story as above, but in the order of the key.
A'T()(T* 6: 7riting
Aim: 'racticing writing and spelling
Pro+e#re an# intera+tion:
1. The T asks the children to put aside their books because they will not need them for the ne9t e9ercise.
2. The T will revise the words. structures Ss already know, by asking them to write them down, while spelling
them accordingly: +hat!s this colour? 2s it a pencil? etc.
. Ss are to come to the front and write the words on the blackboard, so that they can check them with their
colleagues, while the others write them in their notebooks.
Timing: ; minutes.
A'T()(T* , .A/ 70 'y picture dictionary
Aim: !istening and sticking the clothing item
1. The teacher asks children to open their books by saying: &Open the .cti)ity $ook at page %, please) and tells
them to hold the books so that she may see them 3demonstrating this4. 5olding up the book to check pupils have
the right page.
2. The T tells pupils to prepare their stickers, and then says the words, in turn. 'upils have to point to the correct
sticker. 2epeat the action, switching the order of the words # pupils point to the word in their books.
. 'upils stick the stickers in the right place, then write the word under the picture. ,heck in pairs.
(ntera+tion: + check in pairs is being done at the end of this particular activity.
Timing: % minutes
A'T()(T* 5 .A/ 70 'y progress
Aim: (hick or cross
1. The teacher asks children to open their books by saying: &Open the .cti)ity $ook at page %, please) and tells
them to hold the books so that she may see them 3demonstrating this4. 5olding up the book to check pupils have
the right page.
2. 8Can you count to ten?& - The T points to the first line, eliciting the answers first in chorus, and then at
random, and e9plaining that if the answers is &yes), they have to thick* if not, then they are to put a cross.
. The Ss work in pairs, taking turns to read and point to a sentence and fulfil the task, then say yes. no.
%. The teacher encourages pupils to show each other their final answers, and then she asks several pupils to
offer their answers, checking whether they were right in offering them.
(ntera+tion: +sking pupils at random for the answer in order to keep them focused and be ready to actively
participate in this activity.
Timing: , mintes
A'T()(T* 53 9-tra .cti)ity
Aim: 2eviewing recently learned words
1. The teacher displays a large piece of paper with the split words: heli # us* b # copter* lo # ain* tr # rry* etc.
2. The teacher allows pupils to figure put by themselves what to do with the groups of letters. +s they do, they
come and draw lines to make the words whole again.
Timing: if time
A'T()(T* 7: <eeding the class monster
Aim: 2eviewing =( words 3from Starters al&8a9eti+ %o+a9lar" list4
Pro+e#re an# intera+tion:
1. The T asks the children to put aside their books because they will not need them for the ne9t e9ercise.
2. The T will revise the words Ss already know. She writes the first letters of each word on the board,
encouraging Ss to guess the word and do the spelling themselves, then translate them in a funny way. 3boy,
bread, breakfast, brother, brown, burger, bus, but, bye, between:.
. The spelled words that are correct will help the class monster to grow big and strong. The wrong spellings are
bad for >ack 3the class monster4. The teacher checks with the class.
Timing: 1? minutes.
A'T()(T* :3 @nding the lesson
Aim: reviewing newly learnt vocabulary.
Pro+e#re an# intera+tion:
1. The teacher asks the pupils to sing the song from the unit again, first as a class, then in groups.

2. The teacher tells the pupils that ne9t time they will be learning about their schools: &(omorro+ +e!ll learn
about your schools and your fa)ourite school obects and acti)ities. 'y fa)ourite school obect is the
blackboard. *hat 2 like most about it are that 2 can +rite and dra+ a lot of different things. ;o you ha)e any
fa)ourite school obects? (omorro+ +e!ll discuss about them& .
Timing: 4 minutes.

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