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Andrea PorwaLh, Leader, CnLarlo new uemocraLlc arLy

1lm Pudak, Leader, rogresslve ConservaLlve arLy of CnLarlo

kaLhleen Wynne, Leader, CnLarlo Llberal arLy
Cueen's ark, 111 Wellesley SLreeL WesL, 1oronLo, Cn M7A 1A2

uear Ms. PorwaLh, Mr. Pudak, & Ms. Wynne:

l am wrlLlng Lo ask LhaL you make Lhe war on congesLlon ln 1oronLo and Lhe C1PA a Lop prlorlLy for your
elecLlon campalgn and a key focus of your governmenL should you become remler on !une 12, 2014.

Speclflcally, l am asklng you Lo help 1oronLo's war on congesLlon by:

1. LlfLlng Lhe punlLlve Lransfer Lax on Lhe sale of more Lhan 10 of 1oronLo Pydro. l have a plan Lo
unlock value from ClLy asseLs Lo fund a sLronger LransporLaLlon neLwork ln 1oronLo Lhrough Lhe
sale of 31 of Lhe ClLy's lnLeresL ln 1oronLo Pydro. Powever, provlnclal leglslaLlon makes lL
lmposslble for Lhe ClLy Lo unlock value from 1oronLo Pydro Lo lnvesL ln crlLlcal LransporLaLlon
lnfrasLrucLure. Should your parLy form Lhe nexL governmenL, flxlng Lhls law ls essenLlal.

2. A commlLmenL Lo honour Lhe declslon of ClLy Councll Lo exLend Lhe 8loor uanforLh subway llne
lnLo Scarborough. 8ecenL commenLs by Lhe Chalrman of MeLrollnx have casL doubL on Lhe
provlnce's commlLmenL Lo Lhe Scarborough subway. As you know, Lhe pro[ecLed rldershlp levels
on Lhe 8loor uanforLh exLenslon lnLo Scarborough are greaLer Lhan Lhe pro[ecLed levels on Lhe
Spadlna subway exLenslon under consLrucLlon. When we Lalk abouL bulldlng a subway neLwork
across 1oronLo, my 1oronLo lncludes Scarborough. l ask LhaL you and your candldaLes ln
Scarborough commlL Lo Lhls crlLlcal expanslon of Lhe subway neLwork.

3. LxpedlLlng Lhe plannlng, englneerlng and fundlng for Lhe 1oronLo 8ellef Llne. ln 2012 l wroLe Lo
remler McCulnLy seeklng provlnclal supporL for Lhe 1oronLo 8ellef Llne. 1he 1oronLo 8ellef Llne
ls essenLlal Lo connecLlng Lhe nelghbourhoods on Lhe easL and wesL slde of our ClLy Lo Lhe
downLown core and reduclng congesLlon on Lhe ?onge subway llne. l have ouLllned my plan Lo
fund 1oronLo's share of Lhls reglonally slgnlflcanL pro[ecL and l ask LhaL you make Lhe same

CongesLlon and grldlock ls cosLlng 1oronLo and Lhe C1PA more Lhan $11 bllllon a year ln losL economlc
acLlvlLy. 1lme LhaL could be spenL wlLh famlly and frlends ls losL. As a mayoral candldaLe l have
commlLLed myself Lo waglng a war on congesLlon. l have lald ouL a range of plans and way Lo pay for
1oronLo's porLlon. Cver Lhe pasL few years l have played a leadershlp role ln geLLlng shovels ln Lhe
ground by worklng ln co-operaLlon wlLh my fellow counclllors, and Lhe provlnclal and federal
governmenLs. Much has been done and much ls belng bullL, buL we are playlng caLch up for years of

1he provlnclal governmenL needs Lo be a fully lnvesLed parLner ln Lhe war on congesLlon. ?our clear
commlLmenL Lo Lhe pollcles and pro[ecLs above ls needed and l ask LhaL you make your commlLmenL
clear durlng Lhls elecLlon campalgn.

1hank-you on behalf of Lhe clLlzens of 1oronLo.

Counclllor karen SLlnLz
ClLy of 1oronLo, Mayoral CandldaLe

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