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Design () ~ I used to doubt () if God really has a plan () for my life. I mean, out of the billions
() of other people, He has chosen a plan for ME specifically (). And He has a special () plan
for each one of you, too! God designed us to seek Him in order to experience () true joy (), and also;
He is the Master Designer, and we are a product of His unique design. All of His handiworks points to Him.
A design functions () best when all parts () are willing () to be with the others. No parts are
missing; they are where they were designed to belong. We are spiritually () restless () until we
fulfill () God's original purpose () for us.
Wisdom () ~ It can be defined () as: knowing what is true or right and proceeding (!") with the
right actions ("#). I think it was last week when me and my brother were quarreling ($%) about
something. (How many of you argue with your brother or sister? Yeah, we all do) But, do you think God is
happy (&') that we were fighting? NO!! So right there and then a verse struck me (()). It was Proverbs
15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (*+15:1,-./0123450
6789:;<=>45?) I have been reminded this verse very often when I am arguing with someone.
God will bug me with this verse until I stop, calm down, and ask forgiveness.
Theres also a verse from Ephesians that says: Be angry, and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your
wrath. (@AB0CDEFGHI0JGKL0JGMNOPQR 45? ) So basically, it means that
you are allowed (S@) to be angry (HI) (Jesus was angry when He saw the moneychangers (TUVWX
Y) in the temple, remember?), but dont sin while youre at it. I think that it is defiantly wisdom when you
apply (Z) Gods Word ([\) with understanding (>) into your daily lives (H]), and with the help of
the Holy Spirit, things that Jesus said and did will make sense. The One who wrote you the letter (the
Bible) can explain it and show you what He really means. You can begin getting wisdom by studying Gods
Word, and when we apply it to our life, then His wisdom affect our lives. And one more important thing:
only God's wisdom is the real ( ^ ) wisdom; our wisdom are not.
Authority (_`) ~ Your parents (abc) are your authorities. They tell you whats the right thing to do;
they provide (de) food (fg) for you; they protect (hi) you. (What other people do these things?
Examples: firefighters (jklm) -protect, serve/ doctors (nH) and nurses (io) -provide medicine.) You
should obey (pq/rs) them so that they can help ( t ) you. But when you get older you get more
responsibilities (uv) and your parents have less authority (_`) over you. BUT remember, GOD is always
watching over you (wxy), even when you think He doesnt see you. He certainly has the power (z{) to
stop (|}) you, but He doesnt force ( ~ ) you, He wants you to obey (pq/rs) and fear Him ( ) by
your own free will.
Did you know that we have the authority to choose life, or we can choose death? (Really, this is serious!)
God gave all of us some kind of authority, and our decisions have consequences (). Regardless of
whether you are a kid or an adult, we are responsible for the actions or words we say. Responsibility and
authority goes together.
Justice (^) ~ What exactly is justice? Well, lets say you did something wrong (JR), and you are
brought before the judge () (in this case, your Mom or Dad) and you get punished () for the wrong
thing you did. That is justice. It can also be treating people fairly. Everything that God has created was
originally good, but because of mans sins (L/2), it became bad. God is a God of justice. We want justice
on our enemies, even if that might not be God's plan. He punishes and He cares. We like to forget the
justice part of the balance: God of love and justice. Without justice there is no mercy, and without love there
is no justice. In Micah 6:8 God told us to do justice, meaning do right in everything you do. The whole
universe is built on God's system of justice, and we, like Him, must do what is just and right.
Responsibility (uv) ~ Everyone has responsibilities. What kind of responsibilities do you have? For me, I
am partly responsible if my brothers get hurt (), because they are also my responsibility, and they can
be scary () sometimes. For example: Any of you have a dog? Well, I have a dog, too, and you have to
walk them every day, or else they wont get enough exercise (), and they will become fat, and that is
not good! We are responsible for the words (\) we say, the actions (") we do.
Mercy () ~ Forgiving () can be hard. For example, on some occasions, when my brothers/mom/dad
ask () for my forgiveness, sometimes my first reaction is to say no (JG). After all, they were mean ()
to me! But God said that if you dont forgive, He wont forgive you. In Micah 6:8 (), it tells us to do
justice (^) and to love mercy ().
Suffering () ~ Have any of you suffered for Christ? It can be teasing or mocking, those kind of stuff.
They can really put you down, dont they? Well, I used to suffer rejection from friends because I didnt own
a Nintendo, DS, the newest games or, you know, the latest () gadgets ( ); and most of them were
church ( ) friends. Those were tough times (), but thankfully, I am all past that, and now some of
them are very close friends; though even now, I still dont get many of things most youths ( ) my age do.
Love () ~ I believe that love is the strongest force in the world. Because of Gods love He made us. And
not only that, He gave us the free will/choice whether to obey or disobey Him. It was because of His love
that God is giving us a second chance. He loved us so much that He gave His only Son to die on the cross to
pay the penalty for our sins. Do you know what the penalty of sin is? Death. Anyone of you ever lied or stole
cookies or stuff like that? If you say you didnt, I better check your pulse, because every one of us isnt
perfect. But in the Bible it says that the reward for sin is death.
Ownership (B_) ~ Everything that you and I own is Gods. He gave them to us, not the other way
around. We should be thankful for all that you have that the poor kids dont. For example: Did you know
that one in every four children in the world doesnt have enough food to eat?! And usually they only have
one or no meal a day, and is there anybody in here who doesnt eat three meals (plus lots of snacks) a day?!
Generosity () ~ It is easy to give something to your best friends because you love them, but how about
your enemies? Hard, isnt it? You all know the Golden Rule: Its better to give than to receive. But God
called us to give more than our physically things, He called us to give Him our hearts.
Freedom () ~ Because of the freedom that Christ provided, we can draw closer to God. But what really
is true freedom? Some of you may not be able to put pleasing God and freedom together. Well, true
freedom is the freedom to obey God and do what pleases Him. And through that, you will experience true
freedom. Christ provided freedom from sin through the gospel and His blood. Don't use your freedom to do
what you want to do, use your freedom to serve others and please God. If you seek freedom over obedience,
its not worth it.
Holiness ([) ~ What does it mean to be holy? Not holey as in your socks has holes; but holy as in
God is holy. According to the dictionary, holy means: dedicated or devoted to the service of God;
consecrated; sacred; set apart. We have some things that we need to set apart for God, like our hearts, our
Success () ~ Its every simple: when you obey and meditate on Gods Word, it leads to success. Real
success is found by fulfilling God's purpose for your life. And when you study and live by the direction God
has given you, you are also eternally successful. Everyone is looking for success in life; but how many is
looking to God for help?
Victory () ~ With Gods help, we can win every battle against Satan. Many of us just want to throw all
the responsibilities on God, and just sit around, watching God do these miracles (). But when we do
that, we are rejecting the very thing would cause us to walk in victory. We arent out there in the battlefield
(-), fighting aside our brothers and sisters in Christ. Instead, we are watching TV () at home,
becoming more like a couch potato ().
Notes on confronting a child to Jesus:
~Find key verses to share if asked The Question.
~Ask them how much they know. (They might know that they are sinners, but they dont understand the
penalty for sin is death. Jesus paid the penalty for sins.)
~Ask questions on what they believe. Be prepared to answer questions like: Who is Jesus ? How do you
know if youre going to spend eternity in heaven? How are you saved?
~Getting saved isnt going to make you sinless, but hopefully sin less. Belief is absolutely needed. No faith
in prayer, no need for prayer.

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