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a. Change units to meteis.

1" 23% 4%56+%7'3
a. 0nuei the Weluments tab select SB sketch.
i. If the Weluments tab is not visible, iight click any tab on that same bai anu then check

b. Lay flooi uimensions with Constiuction-lines Centeilines on the XZ plane .

i. Notice you can initially sketch in XY, YZ anu ZX planes (use tab key to toggle).

ii. Below is the same sketch with uiffeient views. It is impoitant that you aie on the XZ plane.
When sketching, it may be easiei to oiient youiself noimal to the sketch plane as seen on
the left.

c. Cieate one moie constiuction. Sketch a veitical line in the YZ plane of 4 meteis staiting at point
(S,u,S) moving towaius point A, (S,4,S).

u. Sketch in the YZ plane a veitical (non-constiuction) line that is 2 meteis in length. This line shoulu
be fiom point E (u,u,S) to point B (u,2,S).

e. Now, using the line tool with any plane on the cuisoi, you will be able to sketch uniestiicteu to
these S offeieu planes by connecting the piopei points that you have cieateu alieauy. Bo this to
complete the sketch as seen below.

f. Exit the sketch by eithei ieselecting the SB sketch tool within the Weluments commanu bai oi by
select the ietuin fiom sketch button shown below.

8" 23% 4%56+%7'3 '* #$%&'% '9% :$;33 <'$;=';$%
a. 0nuei the Weluments tab anu in the commanu bai, select 'Stiuctuial Nembei'.

b. We will use the stanuaiu selections foi now anu change the sketch shoitly aftei we cieate all

c. Select the two SB lines shown which will cieate uioup 1.

u. Select new gioup, anu then select the 4 othei lines shown below. Finally, select gieen check maik.

e. Change cioss section foi Welument
i. In the Besign Tiee, expanu youi 'Stiuctuial Nembei', then iight click 'Sketch' anu select
'Euit Sketch'.

ii. 0iient youiself to the sketching plane.

iii. Zoom in on the sketch, anu uelete all lines anu points (can use the contiol button oi select
chain). If the 'Sketchei Confiim Belete' popup winuow appeais, select 'Yes to all'.

iv. 0nce the initial sketch is ueleteu, sketch a u.uu7Sm x u.uu7Sm squaie about the same centei
point oiigin as the oiiginal sketch. Then exit the sketch.

v. Notice that you now have the piopei cioss section to peifoim the tiuss analysis. (a full
scale anu zoomeu in pictuie aie shown, so you aie not suipiiseu by the iesults).

!!" >%?@7 <@+;5&'@*7

a. You may want to ieview SoliuWoiks Tutoiial 6 (FEA on the Biace) befoie moving foiwaiu.
b. Stait a simulation by ensuiing that the simulation tab is available. You may neeu to select 'SoliuWoiks
Simulation' button unuei the '0ffice Piouucts' tab oi go to 'auu-ins' in the tools menu.

-" <'&$' & .%/ <';6,
a. Choose 'Static' stuuy anu label the new stuuy 'Tiuss Stuuy 1'.

a. With Weluments, SoliuWoiks Simulation alieauy assumes that you aie peifoiming a beam analysis,
noticing the noues alieauy cieateu.

b. Expanuing Pait1 in the Simulation Tiee, select highlight each 'SoliuBouy'. Then, iight click anu select
'Euit Befinition'.

c. Select 'Tiuss' as shown below. Then select the gieen check maik. Now you can see that the shape of the
bai next to each 'SoliuBouy', inuicates that we aie woiking with tiusses insteau of beams.

u. Cieate the }oint uioup. (Even though we have the joints alieauy selecteu it is impoitant to know that
we can iecalculate wheie the joints aie if necessaiy.)
i. Right click '}oint gioup' in the Simulation Tiee anu select euit.

ii. Select Calculate. A waining may appeai stating that if you have any bounuaiy conuitions
alieauy applieu, each bounuaiy conuition uses a olu nouejoint numbeiing system. The
iecalculation may change the numbei system. (If you alieauy applieu any bounuaiy conuitions,
uelete them anu ieapply ensuiing that the iight numbeiing system is useu.)

1" ABB5, C&'%$@&5
a. Select 'Apply Nateiial' in the simulation commanu bai, anu select Alloy Steel as oui mateiial.

8" ABB5, #*73'$&@7'3 D E@F';$%3
a. Fiom the pull uown bai below 'Fixtuie Auvisoi', select 'Fixeu ueometiy.' Select the thiee joints as
shown below anu ensuie that 'Fixeu ueometiy' is selecteu. Finally select the gieen check maik.
(Beie we incieaseu that magnituue of the symbol unuei 'Symbol Settings' to make the constiaints
moie visible.)

G" ABB5, E*$=%3 D H*&63
a. Fiom the pull uown bai below 'Exteinal Loaus Auvisoi', select 'Foice.'

b. In the Foice Toique winuow.
i. Select the '}ointsNoue' button in the Selection winuow anu with that winuow next to it
highlighteu select the jointnoue we woulu like apply the foice to.
ii. Still in the Selection Pane but highlighting the iefeience planesuiface box, select the 'Right
Plane' in the Besign Tiee (oi whichevei plane is peipenuiculai to the foice we want to
iii. In the 'Foice' winuow, select the icon that shows an aiiow pointing peipenuiculai to the
plane anu apply a 6uuu newton foice. (Again an aujustment was maue in 'Symbol Settings'
to make the foice moie visible in the giaphics winuow).
iv. Select the gieen check maik to accept.

I" #$%&'% '9% C%39
a. Cieate the mesh by selecting the pull uown menu below 'Run' anu then selecting 'Cieate Nesh'.

b. Cieating mesh: Since we uefineu all bouies as tiusses, theie aie no options foi meshing. So it
automatically cieates the Nesh filleu only with these tiusses. The only visual uiffeience is that if
you zoom in you can see that youi welument cioss sections have uisappeaieu anu the mouel is now
showing its foim of a geneiic tiuss mesh. Thinking of the stiffness matiix, K, we have S
uisplacement uegiees of fieeuom at each noue foi S noues, which iesults in a 1Sx1S stiffness
matiix. Each Tiuss only neeus the values incluuing the Elastic Nouulus (E-fiom mateiials), Cioss
Section Aiea (A-fiom uefineu sketch in weluments), Length (L-fiom geometiy SB-Sketch), anu the
oiientation angles.

J" K;7 '9% <@+;5&'@*7
a. Think about the ieuuceu K matiix. Constiaining S of the S noues iesults in a final 6x6 ieuuceu
stiffness Natiix, Kieu that is neeueu to solve the |Kieuj{uieu} = {fieu} equation.

L" A7&5,M% K%3;5'3
i. Belete Befault Plots.
b. Auu an Axial Stiess Plot
i. Right click 'Results' in the Simulation Tiee anu select 'Befine Stiess Plot'. In the Stiess Plot
Winuow change the option to 'Axial' as shown below anu click the gieen check maik.

ii. To see the visual axial stiess iesults of each tiuss, you may neeu to zoom in on the tiuss
stiuctuie. Knowing that axial stiess in a tiuss will be constant we can zoom into each of the
top 2 coineis anu see the ielateu coloi foi all tiuss elements in stiuctuie.

iii. Now use the piobe tool, founu by iight clicking on the stiess plot in the simulation tiee.
Select each element anu then plot youi iesults. :&N% & 3=$%%7 39*' *O '9@3 @+&?%
@7=5;6@7? &55 B$*P%6 %5%+%7'3 /@'9 '9% '@+% 3'&+B O$*+ '9% B$*B%$'@%3 /@76*/ '*
';$7 @7 O*$ ,*;$ 9*+%/*$N"

c. Auu an X Bisplacement Plot
i. Right click 'Results' in the simulation tiee anu select 'Befine Bisplacement Plot'.
ii. In the Bisplacement Plot Winuow change the option to '0X: X Bisplacement' as shown below
anu Click the gieen check maik.

"""# You will see uisplacement vaiy lineaily along the beam. To see how fai the joint noue
moves at point A use the piobe tool anu select on the joint noue. This will show you how
fai the noue will move in the x uiiection in millimeteis. :&N% & 3=$%%7 39*' *O '9@3 @+&?%
@7=5;6@7? '9% B$*P%6 7*6% /@'9 '9% '@+% 3'&+B O$*+ '9% B$*B%$'@%3 /@76*/ '* ';$7 @7
O*$ ,*;$ 9*+%/*$N"

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