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LESSON PLAN - Geometry

Topic, class, and level Special Right Triangles, Grade 10

Objectives. (What are you trying to do in this lesson?)
1. Do a Do-o! in re"ie!ing ho! to calculate the altitude o# a right triangle.
$. Students !ill !or% in groups to #ind out the relationship &et!een hypotenuse, s'all side,
and 'ediu' side o# ()-()-*0 and +0-,0-*0 triangles.
Understandings (What do you !ant students to %no! and &e a&le to do at the end o# this
1. Students !ill &e a&le to use the special relationship to #ind out the length o# 'issing sides
in special right triangles (()-()-*0 triangle and +0-,0-*0 triangle).
!no"ledge O#tcomes (What content knowledge do you want your students to gain as a result
of this lesson? Please refer to the MA Curriculum Frameworks.)
G-SRT.-., .nderstand that &y si'ilarity, side ratios in right triangles are properties o#
the angles in the triangle, leading to de#initions o# trigono'etric ratios #or acute angles.
Assessment. (/o! !ill you chec% #or student achie"e'ent and understanding?)
Group acti"ity (students need to sho! teachers their ans!ers #ro' part one in order to
'o"e #or!ard to sol"e the second part o# 0uestions.), e1it tic%et, ho'e!or%.
$nstr#ctional Approac% (Descri&e acti"ities, allotted ti'e, and closure)
1. (10 'in.) Do-o! acti"ity2 gi"en the length o# hypotenuse o# an e0uilateral triangle is
10, #ind out the sides o# this triangle. /a"e students chec% !ith neigh&ors and co'pare
ans!ers. 3s% the class !hat 'ethod(s) they use to sol"e this pro&le', and !hat
nu'&er(s) they got 4 ensure that e"eryone has %no!n ho! to sol"e this pro&le' &e#ore
'o"ing into the ne1t session. While the students !or%, !al% around and chec%
ho'e!or%, etc. 5nce students are done, class cannot 'o"e into ne1t session.
$. ()-10 'in.) Go o"er the ho'e!or%.
+. (10-1) 'in.) Group acti"ity (!or%ing on handout one)2 $( students !ill &e split into ,
groups !ith ( students in each group. Students !ill #irst get a handout including ()-()-*0
triangles. The teacher !ill as% students #irst use the 6ythagorean Theore' to #ind the
length o# the hypotenuse. Then, as% the' i# they see any pattern #ro' sol"ing those
0uestions. Then, students !ill &e as%ed to #ind the 'issing side length #ast. Tea'
'e'&ers should help each other to #ind out the ans!er #or those pro&le's. 3#ter students
done #or the pro&le's #ro' handout one, they !ill sho! their ans!ers to the teacher. 7#
those are correct, students !ill get stic%ers and handout t!o #ro' the teacher.
(. (10-1) 'in.) Students s!itch the group 'e'&ers and !or% on the pro&le's o# +0-,0-*0
triangles. This ti'e, the pro&le's turn to &e harder. 7nstead o# a +0-,0-*0 triangle, they
!ill ans!er the 0uestions &ased on an e0uilateral triangle. Student needs to #inish the'
indi"idually. ) 'inutes later, they need to e1plain to their group 'e'&er a&out ho! they
sol"ed that pro&le', and !hat di##iculty they 'et. They !ill &e as%ed to gi"e a short
report o# ho! they sol"e that 0uestion and !hat di##iculty they 'et.
). (1$ 'in.) The teacher !ill use stations acti"ities. There are si1 stations around the
classroo'. 8ach group (( students) !ill choose a station and sol"e one pro&le'. $
'inutes later, they !ill s!itch to the ne1t station to do another pro&le'. 3ll the pro&le's
are related to the three relationships #or a +0-,0-*0 right triangle. This !ill 'a%e the 'ath
class #un.
,. () 'in.) 81it tic%et2 use the relationships o# ()-()-*0 triangles and +0-,0-*0 triangles to
#ind the 'issing length sides.
S&ills to be emp%asi'ed
1. .sing special relationships to #ind the 'issing length sides o# ()-()-*0 triangles and +0-
,0-*0 triangles.
(aterials needed
/andouts (1-+), e1it tic%et
Sponge activity (to soa% up e1tra ti'e).
Dragon pu99le 0uestion. (attached a#ter then)

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