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"#$%&'()*+ In 19S7, Ray-Ban initially staiteu as a fiim that cieateu piotective sunglasses foi the
0niteu States Aii Coips. 0vei the yeais, many famous movie pilots, like Tom Ciuise in Top uun
have iepiesenteu the bianu. The sunglasses became moie populai to the geneial public with the
aviatoi style in the 8u's. In 1999, Bausch anu Lomb solu the bianu to the Italian Luxottica gioup foi
$68u million. In iecent yeais, Ray-Ban has been the top selling sunglass bianu with many signatuie
styles like the Wayfaiei, Clubmastei anu }ackie 0hh. Ray-Ban also offeis theii consumeis
piesciiption fiames so that they can spoit the Ray-Ban style all uay long.

,-. "&0 10 "*20&3454)%6 Ray-Ban has veiy high bianu awaieness among the 18-22+ taiget
maiket. Bowevei, theie is not as high a iate of puichase. Ray-Ban offeis high quality, fashionable
sunglasses that any peison woulu love to own. The cuiient campaign "nevei hiue" uoes not offei
incentive to puichase that involves a peison's appeaiance anu feelings if they own a paii of Ray-
Ban's. The new campaign will show the consumei "stanuing out" by weaiing the Ray-Ban's.

,-' "&0 10 3"7$4)% 3'6 The taiget maiket foi this campaign is men anu women ages 18-S4.

,-"3 *' 10 $)'1 "8'(3 3-09 3-"3 1477 -07: (56 This age gioup is veiy image conscious anu
wants the best quality in the piouucts they buy when spenuing a faiily laige amount of money.
Consumeis in this taiget aie also gieatly influenceu by theii fiienus when it comes to style choices
anu ultimately puichases.

,-"3 45 3-0 9"4) 4*0" 3-"3 10 1")3 3' %03 "#&'556 Ray-Ban piomises timeless, fashionable
eyeweai that will keep you looking young anu fiesh no mattei wheie you aie.

,-"3 45 3-0 8053 1". '; *'4)% 3-"36 Cieating a campaign that engages the consumei thiough
piint auveitisement, an inteiactive mobile app anu a bannei au is the most effective way to ieach
potential consumeis. Ray-Ban can piove to potential consumeis that they aie the bianu that can
make them feel, young anu cool. The piint aus show how the piouuct can uo this in thiee uiffeient
ieal life scenaiios. The mobile app actually allows you to see which paii looks best on you, anu the
bannei au shows how you will stanu out in a paii of Ray-Ban's.

<)*0&7.4)% 09'34')"7 )00* ")* -'1 3' ;(7;477 43= Puichasing anu weaiing Ray-Ban's will give the
consumei confiuence they want. They will be tienuy, just like theii peeis anu they will have a
timeless, high quality paii of sunglasses.

The cuiient logo
A NEW tagline: "Stanu 0ut"
A call to action: "shaie youi stanu out moment on Facebook"

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