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Vision of Eternity.

(* What has - one or more stars - is my own comments.)

The first life was created eternal.

The death - was unknown - and the time was not "born".

This "power" COULD have a body, but did not NEED one.
For practical reasons, most prefeared a body (that mainly
was indestructable).

They knew (through a kind of instinct) that they were not

alone, so they started to search the universe for other
They found many planets under developement and understood
more and more about the foundation for life.
After many (what must be COMPARED to years, as time didn't
exist) two of them, discovered the first "Black Whole".

They agreed that only ONE of them should examine this

"structure" closer - and if it was safe - the other should
(* Lucky for them.)
The one "going into the structure" was sucked "in/down" and
did not understand what was happening.
The only thing he understood was that he was unable to get

Through "sending thoughts" he told his friend that he could

not come out and that he needed help (to express it in human

His friend "went back" to the planet and told his people what
had happened.
Many followed him back to "The Black Whole" and they all tried
to understand what had happened - AND - what kind of structure
this was.

*** To shorten the story a bit. ***

For the first time - ships were buildt.
For the first times - machines were buildt (to increase energy,
needed for the resque).
By means of the nature of "The Tachyon Beam" (which is the only
thing - capable of leaving a "Black Whole"), the nature of thoughts
and something that we don't have words to describe, but it has to
do with being in a kind of a ball or a cylinder - but you yourself
are not there - but "the essence of you" .. the person was saved.

(The last mentioned - was discowered - under this saving-operation.)


After much search they had found other species in the universe.
(* Here the story is a bit unclear. It MAY INDIRECTLY be understood
that they did not find any other, created exactly the same way,
as they were created ... There IS however, an indication that it
was "a people" of a kind - similar ... or very close... to them:
"THE PEOPLE THAT DOES NOT EXIST" - where "exist" has a different
meaning than what it has to day.
Something close to:
Be IN a creation. [exist]
Be OUTSIDE a creation. [does not exist] or
Doesn't belong to any creation {also} [does not exist] - even though
they - here - can participate IN a

HOW "The Place of The Gods" or "The City of The Gods" - on "The place",
BORN (not CREATED) by "The ETERNAL ETERNITY" or "The Eternity OF
ETERNITIES" ["FAR" outside EVERY creation] - fits into this picture,

**Yes - you read correct. In the last expression, "ETERNITIES" is

plural - not singular.**

Around half of "the people" began a spiritual developement, through

This choice, was a direct result of the discowery of :
"A Person Being two (or several) places - at the same time."{} the discowery of "the essence being in a ball or a cylinder" - was
named (in the first place).

{} More precise words was: without moving ("Translated to"

at the same time
[by me]).
I can do this because the word "move" only partly was used the same way
we do. It also meant something like "transforming into a different state".
(Changing between a state WITH a body and WITHOUT a body. The last - "as
pure power.
("POWER:" NOT ENERGY, but THE ABILITY to control energy).

The same "instincts" that told them that they were not alone, also
told them that "In Themselves" they would find knowledge, wisdom and
insight - about The Creator (also called: "The Highest" and "The
Creator of All Things").

The other half however, started to subjugate, the other species

they had found - and - this resulted in war.
As time was born (at least in great parts) of the universe, makes it
now possible to measure - in Years, although it is not "Earthly years,
we are talking about.)

For several thousands of years the

- war went on - on one side.
- meditation went on - on the other side.

Then - "The First Planet" (were life began) was visited by peaople who
was subjugated by the other part - of this people.
They pleeded for help - to stop the war - and to get their freedom back.

In the beginning they were only listened to, as

1. The interrest of stopping any war - was small.
2. They (who asked for help) were considdered to xaggerate.
3. They (meditating part) couldn't believe that their own
people could be so cruel - as they were told.
After several visits by subjugated people, they decided to examine
the matter.
This convinced them to do something about this war.

*** AND - The war - that was won - without shooting

one single shot or
one single missile or
one single bomb
began. ***
(I refear to the meditating part of the people. They didn't shoot

One representative (from the meditating people) were sent to ask

their brothers - to stop the war.
(* IT IS a while since I read "The Akasha Scrolls", so I MAY
remember wrong. Maybe it was 2 or 3, but according to the way I
remeber it - only 1 were sent. *)

He was well received and treated with great respect by his brothers.
They listened to his "pleed" about stopping the war, but told him
(in a gentle manner) that they would not stop the war.

He went back to his people, with this message.

It lead to discussions and it was decided that THEY (the meditating
part) had to stop the war.
The war was unacceptable.


"The BrotherPeople" had extended their war - thousands of

lightyears - from the planet they now lived on.
A great part of their fleet was pretty far avay.

This was not good - when they again got a representative from the
meditating part - telling that if they didn't stop the war
willingly, it would be stopped another way.

Much discussion "behind closed doors" were done, but they came to
the conclusion that their brothers didn't have ships or technology
to stop them.
They had developed technology for thousands of years and the
meditating people - had not...

(can not say it a different way, because I don't know the exact
words - used here. To express things - using time, as a
measurement - was very rare among this people), they should be superior, compared to what their brothers - that

had used the time to meditate - could have achieved of technology.
Their brothers was not able to carry out their task, to stop the
This was the general opinion.


The meditating people, was "VERY MUCH AWARE" of the lack of technology,
for stopping their "BrotherPeople".
The were discussing this - at the highest level - among themselves.

Then - one of them said:

I have the solution.
I KNOW about some equipment that can create shields that will be
We however, don't have the neccesary material to build it, so we
must THINK it - into existence.

The "Triangle" was formed - and - the three people ...thought... a

spesial unit - into existence.

One of the few ships - ever made, on THIS planet - was again, taken
in use.
They installed the unit - into the old shieldemitter - and tested
Whatever they tried to shoot at the shield - they couldn't harm it.

They knew that the weapons were old - and that thwy also were veak,
compared to the weapons their BrotherPeople had develloped, but they
agreed that there were no other way for them, then to test it in a
real battle.

A minor fleet (of the "WarPeople") was attacking some rebbels, when
a small ship came between them (the attacking fleet and the rebbels).
The small ship let itself be hit by all the veapons used, so no-one
were hit - neither the rebbels nor the attacking fleet.

How many shots, bombs or missiles that hit the small ship, the shields
seemed to be undamaged.

The most important part was that none of the other ships had instruments
that could verify - what happened to the shields.
According to the instruments (on both sides), this ship didn't have

BUT - it obvously had, as it was not damaged - whatever hit it.

After a while, no one had more weapons left (exept for "electrical
weapons" [again an approximate expression] which had little effect),
so both sides gave up and left the aeria.

The report that came to "The WarPeople" was so shocking, that they
decided to go against their brothers - to stop them, once and for

(Again I will have to use) A minor fleet (as I don't remember how
many ships were used) was sent to the planet of "The meditating".
The first ship that tried to go into the atmosphere of the planet, was
stopped by a shield - that it couldn't detect.

A tremendes bombardment started, but how many bombs or missiles that

were used, nothing seemed to help.
The shield around the planet was not influenced in any way.
(Although - again - no instrument were able to registrate this shield.
The only registration was that the missiles exploded when they hit
the shield - and that was long before they entered the atmosphiere.)

Again - the fleet had to return home without fullfilling its


Now - "The WarPeople" began to fear their (distant) brothers.

They agreed to send a message to the part of the fleet - that was
in other parts of the universe - to return home ... immediately.

The other "part of the plan" was to continue the bombardment of

the planet (to "The Meditating").
Their shield HAD TO GO - BEFORE OR LATER - WHATEVER it was made

For a long time (whatever that means) the planet was bombarded.
The resources to build new missiles and bombs (and eventual other
weapons) was greatly reduced.

Now their enemies (people that were subjugated by "The WarPeople")

saw a chance of being free, because their enemy didn't have weapons
enough to stop them.
SOME - reminded the others - that this was only true, until the rest
of the fleet (to "The WarPeople") came back.
But the majority thought that they couldn't let a chance like this,
pass away - without doing anything about it.

They gathered every ship that could fly, equipped them with weapons
and sent them away - to attack ("The WarPeople").

The rest of the fleet (to "The WarPeople") had not come back yet,
but were closing.
It might however, be too late.

The people bombarding the planet were disappointed, tired and

The bombardment had been going on for months (time-expression
commented for the "last time").
The shield around the planet seemed as strong as it was, the first
time it was bombarded.

Now - "a fleet of slaves" (their slaves) were approaching.

They had to stop bombarding the planet, as they needed the weapons
they had - to defend themselves.

* A small part of what happened on the planet, is skipped - as I

only remember fragments. *

ONE SHIP - came from the planet - and placed itself between the
two fleets.
Not one missile or another weapon - reached the other part, they
were catched by the ship, from the planet.
The ship (from the planet) did "impossible moves" to "cath" every
missilie, bomb and any other weapons used.

After "some time" - no-one had weapons of significance.

Everything came to a standstill.

Now - the rest of the fleet (to "The WarPeople") started to come back.
The subjugated people thought that they were finished - that they would
be killed.

"The WarPeople" saw that they could not win over their brothers, so they
arranged a meeting - where they gave all the "slaves", their freedom
"The Meditating" part let this happend, as if their brothers - from
pure mercy .. and .. not under any press - villingly gave back the
freedom .. to the subjugated people.
"The WarPeople" were even honoured (in some manner) for giving these
people their freedom back.

(The HONOUR for this to happend - BELONGED - to the meditating people.

The Medidtating people - let this happend - AS IF the honour belonged
to the "WarPeople.
This resulted in that "The WarPeople" became very popular, which - in
turn - led to a different behaviour against them.


After this, they ("The WarPeople") joined their brothers - in meditation.

** The story continues, but not here. **

An addition - that is only ... indirectly...-connected to the story.

This we can talk about - later.


"The Guardians of The Universe" is one of the results, coming from this.
People (and planets) under developement - are protected, even if the last
"disagreement" between these "two" people, hadn't ended.
("disagreement" is describing war-like situations.)

1. What vision - can we see here (for humanity .. "The [part of] the Race
that has the right of inheritance")?
Can we lwearn something eternal (from this story)?

2. Who gave us the right - to inherit?

Is - beleiving in this (person?) - vital for our destiny (in the eternity)?

3. Are sombody - waiting - for us? (us=humanity)

If so - how long will they wait?

4. What can be done, when the creation is destroyed - and we discower that
we ONLY can exist WITHIN a creation?

5. Is there a way to exist - outside a creation?

Only those - who doesn't have the answers - should take the questions

Those who think that "we come from nothing" and "go back to nothingness"
(to express a MENTALITY - with words), will first be aware of that knowing
the answers to these questions - could have changed THEIR eternity.
THEN - everything will happend - according to their belief.

Those who belive in an eternal life - CAN have it - if they take their
own belief ... seriously.
These questions are important - whereof the two first - are the most
important. Knowing the answer to them - CAN be enough (and for many - will
be enough).


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