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resldenL 8ush was born on !uly 6, 1946, ln new Paven, ConnecLlcuL, and grew up ln Mldland and
PousLon, 1exas. Pe recelved a bachelor's degree ln hlsLory from ?ale unlverslLy ln 1968, resldenL 8ush
recelved a MasLer of 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon from Parvard 8uslness School ln 1973and Lhen served as
an l-102 flghLer plloL ln Lhe 1exas Alr naLlonal Cuard. he was Lhe son of 41sL presldenL of Lhe unlLed
AfLer Lhe aLLacks on 9/11 Lhe naLlon was ln a very dlsLressed. resldenL 8ush aLLempLs Lo unlLe Lhe
naLlon ln hls speech desplLe lL belng recenLly Lorn. lL ls evldenL LhaL by creaLlng a momenL wlLhln hls
speech he aLLempLs Lo sLrengLhen Lhe noLlon of unlLy Lowards an aggresslve approach Lo Lhe aLLacks,
Lhls clalm ls sLrengLhened when 8ush says, We have seen Lhe sLaLe of our unlon ln Lhe endurance of
rescuers worklng pasL exhausLlon. We've seen Lhe unfurllng of flags, Lhe llghLlng of candles, Lhe glvlng of
blood, and Lhe saylng of prayers ln Lngllsh, Pebrew and Arablc. We have seen Lhe decency of a lovlng
and glvlng people who have made Lhe grlef of sLrangers Lhelr own. My fellow clLlzens, for Lhe lasL nlne
days, Lhe enLlre world has seen for lLself Lhe sLaLe of unlon and lL ls sLrong". Pere 8ush dlscusses how
Lhe naLlon ls ln facL unlLed and sLronger afLer Lhe aLLacks. 8y unlfylng Lhe audlence of hls speech 8ush ls
creaLlng an opporLune momenL Lo make hls larger polnL ln Lhe speech. lf Lhe maln polnL prevlously
applled only Lo a segmenL of Lhe audlence lL now applles Lo all because Lhey are unlfled. 1hls ls a means
Lo sLrengLhen 8ush's maln polnL and poLenLlally rally more supporL for hls cause. WlLhln Lhls segmenL of
resldenL 8ush's speech Lhere are Lwo very dlsLlncL rheLorlcal sLraLegles aL work, Lhe flrsL Lo be
dlscussed ls Lhe CommoraLlo. CommoraLlo ls Lhe LaLln Lerm for dwelllng on or reLurnlng Lo ones
sLrongesL argumenL. AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls segmenL Lhe presldenL sLaLes LhaL we, have seen Lhe sLaLe
of our unlon," Lhls ls hls maln argumenL LhroughouL Lhls porLlon of Lhe speech. AfLer havlng backed lL up
wlLh mulLlple reasons and emoLlonal examples he Lhen ampllfles Lhe argumenL by reLurnlng Lo lL aL Lhe
end of Lhe segmenL, Lhe enLlre world has seen for lLself Lhe sLaLe of unlon." 1hls helps relLeraLe Lhe
argumenL and furLher lmbed lL lnLo Lhe audlences mlnd. 1hls rheLorlcal sLraLegy ls very effecLlve when
comblned wlLh Lhe nexL rheLorlcal sLraLegy presenL ln Lhls segmenL of Lhe speech, LhaL second rheLorlcal
sLraLegy ls repeLlLlon. ln Lhls porLlon of Lhe speech 8ush repeaLs, we have seen" Lhree Llmes. 8ush does
so Lo produce emphasls, clarlLy, ampllflcaLlon, and an emoLlonal effecL. 8epeLlLlon ls a ma[or rheLorlcal
sLraLegy LhaL provldes all Lhe appeals LhaL 8ush wanLed Lo achleve Loward hls audlence. 1onlghL, we
are a counLry awakened Lo danger and called Lo defend freedom. Cur grlef has Lurned Lo anger and
anger Lo resoluLlon. WheLher we brlng our enemles Lo [usLlce or brlng [usLlce Lo our enemles, [usLlce wlll
be done."
resldenL 8ush uLlllzes Lhe global audlence of hls speech Lo galn Lhe supporL of Lhe world agalnsL Lhe
alleged LerrorlsL reglme he ls LargeLlng. resldenL 8ush says, We wlll noL forgeL Lhe clLlzens of 80 oLher
naLlons who dled wlLh our own. uozens of aklsLanls, more Lhan 130 lsraells, more Lhan 230 clLlzens of
lndla, men and women from Ll Salvador, lran, Mexlco, and !apan, and hundreds of 8rlLlsh clLlzens".
WlLhln Lhe speech 8ush could have [usL as easlly sald LhaL many people dled and LhaL Lhls was a Lerrlble
Lragedy for Lhe enLlre world. 8uL he declded Lo lnsLead sLaLe exacL numbers and exacL counLrles. Pe
does so Lo galn Lhe supporL of a larger audlence conslsLlng of lndlvlduals from many dlfferenL counLrles
and Lo evoke cerLaln emoLlons from Lhem. 8ush wanLs hls audlence Lo feel vengeance and fear Lowards
Lhe LerrorlsLs. Pe also wanLs Lhe world Lo undersLand how lmporLanL lL ls LhaL Lhey supporL hls cause,
and Lo ensure LhaL evenLs llke Lhls never happen agaln. Pere 8ush emphaslzes LhaL lL was noL only
Amerlcans who dled ln Lhe aLLacks, buL a very dlverse group of people from all over Lhe world. Pe ls
sLrengLhenlng Lhe facL Lhe Amerlca should have Lhe supporL of Lhe enLlre world ln Lhls war on Lerror."
lurLhermore Lhls ls evldence when he sLaLe, Lhls ls Lhe worlds flghL. 1hls clvlllzaLlons flghL. 1hls ls Lhe
flghL of all who belleve ln progress and plurallsm, Lolerance and freedom.and aLLack on one ls an aLLack
on all". Pere 8ush ls gesLurlng Lowards a noLlon LhaL lL ls obvlous LhaL all naLlons should be on Lhe
Amerlcan slde of Lhe confllcL. ln Lhls segmenL of Lhe speech Lhere ls also use of repeLlLlon. 8y repeaLlng,
1hls ls Lhe flghL," 8ush wanLs Lo evoke anger and moLlvaLe hls audlence Lo flghL on hls slde. 8y
appeallng Lo hls audlence's emoLlons 8ush successfully does rally forelgn supporL for Amerlca.
8ush pushes Lhe boundarles of whaL ls consldered normal" ln order Lo make hls polnL by saylng, ln
AfghanlsLan we see Al Caeda's vlslon for Lhe world. AfghanlsLan's people have been bruLallzed, many
are sLarvlng and many have fled. Women are noL allowed Lo aLLend school. ?ou can be [alled for ownlng
a Lelevlslon. 8ellglon can be pracLlced only as Lhelr leaders dlcLaLe. A man can be [alled ln AfghanlsLan lf
hls beard ls noL long enough". Pere Lhe presldenL ls uslng whaL Amerlcans conslder as normal Lo make
hls polnL agalnsL Al Caeda. Amerlca ls known as a free counLry" ln Lhe sense LhaL Amerlcans have
freedoms such as freedom of speech, rellglon, and expresslon. All men and women are consldered equal
by law and all famllles ln need of asslsLance are granLed lL ln mosL cases. 8y descrlblng Lo Amerlcans how
resLrlcLlve and dlfferenL Lhe leadershlp ln AfghanlsLan ls, when compared Lo Amerlca, he assumes LhaL
Amerlcans wlll sympaLhlze wlLh Lhe AfghanlsLan people and Lake hls slde agalnsL Al Caeda who was aL
Lhe Llme Lhe leadershlp LhaL dlcLaLed all Lhese abnormal laws (abnormal from Lhe Amerlcan polnL of
vlew). 8ush ls also uslng Lhe rheLorlcal sLraLegy of aporla ln Lhls porLlon of Lhe speech. Aporla ls asklng
oneself, or rheLorlcally asklng one's audlence, whaL ls Lhe besL or approprlaLe way Lo approach
someLhlng. AlLhough 8ush ls noL dlrecLly asklng Lhe audlence for an approprlaLe way Lo approach Lhls
lssue, he ls lmplylng LhaL Lhere ls a quesLlon Lo be answered. 1he quesLlon of, wheLher an end Lo Lhls
behavlor can be prolonged any longer? 8y dolng Lhls 8ush ls asklng hls audlence Lo Lhlnk more lnLo hls
argumenL and lnLerpreL lL as opposed Lo slmply sLaLlng hls argumenL and havlng hls audlence agree or
dlsagree. 1hls ls a rheLorlcal meLhod LhaL hooks Lhe audlence furLher lnLo Lhe speech.
Pe uses conLrasL ln hls speech Lo galn Lhe favor of Lhe audlence. 8ush compares Lhe acLlons of Al Caeda
Lo hlsLorlcal enemles of Lhe naLlon. 1hese are enemles LhaL lnherenLly are haLed by Amerlcans, famllles
ralse Lhelr chlldren Lo learn and dlsapprove of Lhe meLhods of Lhe enemles he dlscusses ln hls speech.
lor example every Amerlcan haLes Lhe nazls and CommunlsLs because we are ralsed ln a socleLy LhaL
frowns upon Lhem. 1he enemles he compares Al Caeda Lo were presenLed ln Lhls segmenL of Lhe
speech, We have seen Lhelr klnd before. 1hey're Lhe helrs of all Lhe murderous ldeologles of Lhe 20Lh
cenLury. 8y sacrlflclng human llfe Lo serve radlcal vlslons, by abandonlng every value excepL Lhe wlll Lo
power, Lhey follow ln Lhe paLh of fasclsm, nazlsm and LoLallLarlanlsm.". 1hls sLraLegy makes sense
because Lhe enLlre audlence ls meanL Lo be remlnded of Lhe Lerrlble acLs LhaL happened ln Lhe pasL aL
Lhe hands of Lhe hlsLorlcal enemles and Lhe audlence wlll mosL llkely supporL 8ush's cause Lo ellmlnaLe
Lhe currenL enemy.
Pe wroLe hls speech ln a way LhaL uLlllzes rheLorlcal sLraLegles Lo galn Lhe supporL of hls audlence. AfLer
an analysls of how Lhe presldenL used rheLorlcal sLraLegles ln hls speech Lo LargeL hls audlence lL
becomes slgnlflcanLly clearer as Lo how he managed Lo galn sLrong supporL form hls LargeL audlence.

7'89:!;< =!::!8'>9
My name ls Ahmed lssa l was born ln Somalla buL grew up ln a refugee camp ln norLh easLern kenya
growlng up l felL llke someone wlLhouL ldenLlLy,
l am embarrassed when l'm forced Lo lnLroduce myself as 'a Somall refugee llvlng ln kenya'. l am no
longer ln Somalla and yeL l am noL a kenyan clLlzen, so where do l belong? Am l golng Lo be a refugee for
ever? l feel l am losL ln beLween. 8uL l belleve ln who l am.
l was only 3 years old when we flrsL arrlved ln uadaab from Somalla ln laLe 1993. My famlly dld noL flee
when Lhe clvll war erupLed ln 1991. 1he beauLlful coasLal Lown of klsmayo ln whlch l was born Lurned
lnLo a baLLlefleld. And Lhere was no opLlon buL Lo escape. My slbllngs and l were separaLed from our
moLher ln our sLruggle Lo escape Lhe hearLbreaklng and lndlscrlmlnaLe clvll vlolence.
1he [ourney was full of horror, exacerbaLed by ugly lmages LhaL we came across, llke famllles who
were lefL along Lhe road because Lhey were Loo exhausLed Lo go on. l sLlll have bad memorles abouL lL.
Cur much anLlclpaLed desLlnaLlon was uadaab, a refugee camp abouL 100km from Lhe Somall border.
lorLunaLely, afLer Lravelllng Lhe way wlLh relaLlves, my slbllngs and l were reunlLed wlLh our moLher
once we reached Lhe camp. lL was Lhe mosL lncredlble reunlon of my llfe.
We reglsLered wlLh Lhe un 8efugee Agency [unPC8] when we flnally arrlved - a mllesLone for all
refugees because Lhe raLlon cards lL provlded enLlLled us Lo food, shelLer, waLer and healLhcare.
l Lruly honor Lhe supporL Lhey offered Lo all Lhe refugees, speclflcally Lhe Somall communlLy, whlch
makes up Lhe largesL refugee populaLlon ln Lhe world. 1here ls noLhlng l can compare Lo kenya's
generoslLy for hosLlng us for more Lhan Lwo decades.
8uL when we flrsL arrlved Lhere, we dldn'L reallze LhaL Lhe camp would unforLunaLely become our
permanenL home
l lmmedlaLely enrolled ln one of Lhe few prlmary schools ln llC, one of Lhree camps LhaL make up Lhe
uadaab complex. l was puL ln flrsL grade. l had no books or paper Lo use.
Lucklly our class was under Lhe blg Lree rlghL ln fronL of Lhe prlnclpal's offlce. Many days we mlssed
classes due Lo heavy ralns LhaL Lhe Lree dld noL shleld us from. Slnce we couldn'L all flL ln Lhe classrooms,
we were forced Lo sLay away from school unLll Lhe ground drles.
All Lhe lessons were ln Lngllsh, excepL for our courses ln klswahlll, as dlcLaLed by Lhe kenyan currlculum.
1hroughouL my prlmary educaLlon, l rarely heard abouL my home counLry. MosL of my hlsLory classes
were abouL kenya and when we learned abouL LasL Afrlca, Somalla was a slde noLe. l can llsL all Lhe
dlfferenL Lrlbes of kenya and explaln Lhe counLry's hlsLory and pollLlcal sysLem, buL l know almosL
noLhlng abouL Lhe people, hlsLory and pollLlcs of my naLlve soll. We memorlzed Lhe kenyan naLlonal
anLhem. l forgoL LhaL of my moLherland.
1here was only one secondary school ln llC camp and every pupll was sLruggllng Lo geL a spoL ln lL. AL
Lhe end of 2001, we dld our flnal prlmary examlnaLlon. AfLer Lhe resulLs were released by Lhe kenya
naLlonal examlnaLlon councll, unPC8 and lLs parLners ln uadaab had Lo see how much fundlng was
avallable and declde how many refugee puplls could be admlLLed Lo hlgh school. lL dldn'L maLLer how
many quallfled candldaLes Lhere were. CuL of more Lhan 800 puplls who saL for Lhe exams, only 120
were selecLed from llC camp Lo conLlnue Lhelr sLudles. l was among Lhe lucky ones.
1he large school compound was fenced wlLh Lhorny branches cuL from Lhe bush. 1he walls of Lhe
classrooms were made of flaLLened meLal recycled from Lhe uSAlu oll Llns LhaL were aLLached Lo one
anoLher and flxed round Lhe walls.
Lven Lhe upper class rooms were LlghLly congesLed wlLh 80 puplls crammed lnLo one small classroom.
Many of us were seaLed on Lhe ground and Lhe lucky ones shared a desk wlLh four oLher chlldren. lL was
a LoLal mess, 80 klds llsLenlng Lo one Leacher. 1eachers could barely creaLe a paLh Lo reach Lhe sLudenLs
ln Lhe back benches. 1hose who dldn'L geL Lhe chance Lo go Lo hlgh school had no chance. 1hey were lefL
sLranded. Pavlng noLhlng Lo do, mosL of Lhem sLarLed abuslng drugs LhaL can be boughL ln Lhe markeL.
Many oLhers musL have [olned Lhe mlllLla flghLlng back home.
1hroughouL my school days l was dreamlng and galnlng momenLum. l developed amblLlons and
professlonal goals, and belleved ln Lhe power of knowledge and Lhe opporLunlLy LhaL educaLlon would
brlng me. AL Lhe end of my flnal days ln hlgh school, my enLhuslasm Lo keep learnlng was almosL
l compleLed my secondary educaLlon ln 2003 and aLLalned an [average] grade of 8-, a grade LhaL
quallfled me Lo [oln any unlverslLy ln kenya. 8uL all my dreams were shaLLered abrupLly. 1here was no
more! 1he auLhorlLles sald even secondary educaLlon was a prlvllege for refugees, and Lhere was no
posslblllLy of hlgher learnlng.
now LhaL l flnlshed hlgh school and Lhe unlLed naLlon sald LhaL ls all Lhey can afford never sLopped me
and l sLlll wanLed Lo conLlnue my educaLlon and become an englneer of any klnd buL all my hopes were
fadlng away l when l reallzed LhaL resLrlcLlon of movemenL. l haLe looklng for a Lravel documenL [usL Lo
go ouLslde Lhe camp. 1he encampmenL pollcy crlppled my poLenLlal. l respecL Lhe kenyan governmenL
for dolng lLs [ob buL l feel l am ln prlson. Lven LhaL dld noL sLop me l Lrled Lo apply scholarshlps onllne ln
developed counLrles, one lucky mornlng l checked my emall as usual and l found ouL LhaL l had emall
from Lhe uS embassy ln kenya and afLer lnLervlew Lhey approved my appllcaLlon and reseLLled me, aL
Lhe end of 2009 l ended up ln uLah. now l feel llke my dream ls comlng Lrue.

Offshore Drilling

eLroleum ln some form or anoLher have been around slnce anclenL Llmes for boaL caulklng,
road mendlng, and as medlclne, however, Lhe modern peLroleum lndusLry was Lruly born wlLh
Lhe flrsL drllled oll well ln AugusL 1839 by Ldwln L. urake aL 1lLusvllle, A. (Laudon, 347) AL flrsL,
ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, oll producLlon was conLrolled by small operaLors buL by Lhe laLe 1870's
!ohn u. 8ockefeller had purchased mosL of Lhe naLlon's reflnerles-conLrolllng Lhe unlLed SLaLes
lndusLry. 1he Sherman AnLl-1rusL AcL of 1911 spllL 8ockefeller's sLandard 1rusL lnLo Lhree
smaller companles, Loday Lhey are known as Mobll, Chevron, and Lxxon. (Lynch, 214) Slnce LhaL
Llme, oll has become a ma[or parL of everyone's way of llfe. Cll ls used Lo provlde fuel for
auLomoblles, LracLors, Lrucks, alrcrafL and shlps. eLroleum producLs are Lhe baslc maLerlals
used for Lhe manufacLure of synLheLlc flbers for cloLhlng and ln plasLlcs, palnLs, ferLlllzers,
lnsecLlcldes, soaps, and synLheLlc rubber eLc... (Lynch, 207) uue Lo Lhls demand, companles are
consLanLly searchlng for more oll deposlLs.

1oday Lhe peLroleum companles have progressed so much LhaL Lhey are able Lo drlll offshore.
1he reason LhaL we drlll offshore ls because approxlmaLely one Lhlrd of Lhe world's oll resldes ln
offshore flelds. (Lynch, 213) 1here are many ways Lo drlll oll from Lhe ocean floor.

1he mosL common way ls Lo consLrucL a sLeel drllllng plaLform on Lhe ocean floor. CLher ways
are, flrsL a [ack-up rlg whlch ls used ln waLers of up Lo 200 feeL. 1he rlg resLs on a floaLlng
plaLform aLLached Lo sLeel legs LhaL can be [acked up or down. lL ls moved by workers lowerlng
Lhe plaLform lnLo Lhe waLer and [acklng up Lhe legs off Lhe ocean floor. Cenerally, boaLs Low Lhe
rlg Lo Lhe new drllllng slLe. 1here Lhe legs are lowered Lo Lhe ocean floor, and Lhe floaLlng
plaLform ls [acked up clear of Lhe waLers surface. Second, a seml submerslble rlg whlch ls used ln
lnLermedlaLe waLer depLhs (up Lo 4000 feeL). 1hls Lype of rlg has legs fllled wlLh alr , enabllng lL
Lo floaL above Lhe surface of Lhe ocean. Anchors hold Lhe rlg ln place. 1hlrd, drlll shlps are used
ln waLer depLhs of up Lo 8,000 feeL. Anchors cannoL be used aL such depLhs so a drlll shlp musL
use preclse, compuLered navlgaLlonal procedures Lo malnLaln lLs poslLlon above Lhe well slLe.
1he derrlck and oLher drllllng equlpmenL are mounLed on Lhe deck, and Lhe drlll plpe ls lowered
Lhrough an openlng ln Lhe boLLom of Lhe shlp. urlll shlps are exLremely expenslve Lo operaLe.
(Laudon, 340-341) lourLh, a sub-sea saLelllLe plaLform, where all of Lhe necessary equlpmenL ls
locaLed on Lhe ocean bed aL Lhe well slLe. (Lynch, 209-210) uslng Lhese four dlfferenL Lypes of
offshore drllllng plaLforms, can conLamlnaLe Lhe marlne llfe LhaL lnhablLs Lhe surroundlng
waLers. 1he oll companles argue LhaL naLural seepage from cracks ln Lhe ocean floor are whaL
make up a large percenLage of Lhe conLamlnaLlon. lor example, ln Lhe SanLa 8arbara Channel,
LwenLy oll and gas seeps have been recorded beLween olnL ConcepLlon, and Coal Cll olnL. 1ar
parLlcles have also been reporLed on boLLom sedlmenLs LhroughouL Lhe sLudy area. 1hese
naLural seepages of oll from cracks ln Lhe ground have proven Lo be a prlnclpal source of
peLroleum on Lhe sedlmenL. 1he naLural seepage ln Lhls area, off Lhe coasL of SanLa 8arbara ln
Lhe olnL Arguello vlclnlLy, ls so greaL LhaL reporLs of fouled flshlng gear and slghLlngs of acLual
oll sllcks have been seen ln Lhe waLers and on Lhe beaches. (SLelnhauer eL al. 78) An analysls of
drllllng flulds, and cuLLlngs dlscharged ln Lhe souLhern SanLa Marla 8asln, offshore Callfornla,
lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe amounL of meLal and hydrocarbon conLamlnanLs from drllllng operaLlons ls
small relaLlve Lo LhaL from naLural sources. (SLelnhauer eL al. 74) lrom Lhe envlronmenLallsLs
polnL of vlew any oll LhaL conLamlnaLes Lhe marlne llfe and waLer, LhaL ls unnaLural ls consldered
dangerous. 1herefore, Lhere are sLrlcL regulaLlons from Lhe naLlonal polluLlon ulscharge
LllmlnaLlon SysLems. 1hls group presenLs permlLs Lo oll companles who pass Lhelr crlLerla as a
safe plaLform. 1he npdes reallzes LhaL a varleLy of solld and llquld wasLes are generaLed durlng
drllllng and producLlon. 1herefore, Lhey allow dlscharge of some wasLes such as deck wash
downs and sanlLary wasLes because Lhese conLamlnanLs are relaLlvely mlnor dlscharges LhaL
conLlnue LhroughouL Lhe llfe of a plaLform. (SLelnhauer eL al. 81) 1he wasLes LhaL are of
envlronmenLal concern occur durlng drllllng operaLlons. 1hese wasLes conslsL of large amounLs
of drllllng flulds and cuLLlngs LhaL are dlscharged lnLo Lhe ocean. (SLelnhauer eL al. 82)

1hese drllllng flulds and cuLLlngs deposlL meLals and peLroleum hydrocarbons whlch are
consldered Lo be unbeneflclal Lo Lhe marlne llfe. ln Lhe speclflc cases of Lhe plaLforms Pldalgo,
ParvesL, and Permosa locaLed off Lhe shore of SanLa 8arbara a hase 3 program wlll conLlnue Lo
monlLor eplfauna near Lhe olnL Arguello lleld for Lhe nexL Lhree years. A hase 3 program ls a
group of sclenLlsLs who devoLe Lhelr Llme Lo laboraLory and fleld sLudles deslgned Lo resolve
lssues of naLural populaLlon change ln hard boLLom communlLles, and run sLudles Lo deLermlne
Lhe LoxlclLy of drllllng flulds Lo lndlgenous specles of marlne anlmals. (SLelnhauer eL al. 90) 1he
LoLal effecLs on Lhe envlronmenL from offshore drllllng are noL yeL known alLhough Lhey are of
wlde concern. (SLelnhauer eL al. 90) uesplLe whaL Lhe oll companles wanL us Lo know Lhe LruLh ls
LhaL oll spllls lnLo Lhe ocean are deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe envlronmenLs well-belng. Cne of Lhe mosL
well known Lankers Lo splll lnLo Lhe domesLlc waLers was Lhe Lxxon valdez, where a quarLer of a
mllllon barrels was losL ln Alaskan coasLal waLers. (Lynch, 213)

Cll ls a hydrocarbon, Lherefore lL ls LheoreLlcally blodegradable, however when large spllls are
dumped lnLo concenLraLed areas, Lhe ecosysLem looses lLs ablllLy Lo break down Lhe oll. Cver a
perlod of Llme Lhe llghLer porLlons of Lhe crude oll evaporaLe, leavlng Lhe heavy, Larllke porLlon.
1he Larllke porLlon breaks down Lhe proLecLlve waxes and olls ln Lhe feaLhers and furs of blrds
and anlmals, resulLlng ln a loss of heaL reLenLlon causlng deaLh by freezlng. (Calrns, 110) 1he
lngesLlon of Lhe oll also can klll Lhe anlmal by lnLerferlng wlLh Lhelr ablllLy Lo dlgesL food. Some
crude oll even conLalns Loxlc meLals whlch can polson Lhe anlmals and blrds. (8urger, 78)

eLroleum, llke oLher mlnerals, cannoL be replaced afLer lL has been used. eople are uslng more
and more peLroleum each year, and some skepLlcs say LhaL Lhe world's supply ls runnlng ouL.
1hey clalm LhaL lf presenL raLes of consumpLlon conLlnue peLroleum may become scarce
someLlme ln Lhe mld LwenLleLh-cenLury. (Lynch, 213) 1o prevenL a full scale energy shorLage,
sclenLlsLs are experlmenLlng wlLh arLlflclal forms of oll and wlLh oLher sources of fuel. 1hey fear
LhaL even lf new energy sources appear qulckly, people wlll have Lo rely on peLroleum for many
years. (Laudon, 330) AlLhough, oLhers belleve LhaL subsLanLlal amounLs of oll and gas remaln Lo
be found and LhaL unconvenLlonal sources wlll evenLually be explolLed. (Lynch, 213) 1he
unconvenLlonal sources lnclude meLhane dlssolved ln subsurface waLers, whlch wlll posslbly
provlde an lmmense source of naLural gas. AnoLher poLenLlal source of oll lncludes Lhe
exLracLlon of oll from Lar sands and oll shale (whlch conLalns bllllons of barrels of fuel). 1ar sands
(blLumlnous sands) are sands soaked wlLh an oll-produclng subsLance. 1hese deposlLs, whlch are
esLlmaLed Lo conLaln up Lo a Lrllllon barrels of oll, lle along Lhe ALhabasca 8lver ln AlberLa.

roducLlon of oll from Lhe sands began ln 1967. ln Llme oll shale may help lncrease Lhe unlLed
SLaLes oll reserves. lL ls plenLlfully found ln Colorado, Wyomlng, and uLah. lL conLalns kerogen, a
waxy subsLance LhaL ylelds oll when heaLed. (Laudon, 333-334) Cne lasL unconvenLlonal source
of fuel ls Lhe llquefacLlon and gaslflcaLlon of coal. So far all aLLempLs Lo uLlllze Lhese sources
have proved Lo be uneconomlc compared Lo cosLs of produclng oll and naLural gas. An lncreased
use of meLhanol and eLhanol ls belng promoLed for envlronmenLal reasons, buL ma[or
uncerLalnLles abouL boLh Lhelr economlcs and Lhelr emlsslons remalns. luLure Lechnologles may
flnd ways of creaLlng vlable fuels from Lhese varlous subsLances however, due Lo lLs much lower
emlsslons and greaLer abundance naLural gas ls belng advocaLed as Lhe alLernaLlve Lo oll ln Lhe
fuLure. (Lynch, 213) Powever, naLural gas has a few negaLlve aspecLs. 8efore World War ll lLs
use was llmlLed by Lhe dlfflculLy ln LransporLlng lL over long dlsLances. ln facL, frequenLly Lhe gas
found ln oll flelds was frequenLly burned off and Lhe gas found ln flelds wlLhouL oll was usually
abandoned. AfLer Lhe war, new sLeel alloys permlLLed Lhe laylng of large-dlameLer plpes for gas
LransporL. 1hls made lL aL leasL posslble Lo LransporL some naLural gas. 1he problem LhaL sLlll
remalns ls Lhe facL LhaL because of lLs lower denslLy naLural gas ls much more expenslve Lo shlp
Lhan crude oll . MosL naLural gas moves by plpellne, buL ln Lhe laLe 1960s Lanker shlpmenL of
cryogenlcally llquefled naLural gas (LnC) began. Speclal alloys are requlred Lo prevenL Lhe Lanks
from becomlng brlLLle aL Lhe low LemperaLures (-238 l) requlred Lo keep Lhe gas llquld. 1he
maln problem wlLh naLural gas ls Lhe greaL expense lL Lakes Lo shlp lL.

1he llkellhood LhaL offshore drllllng wlll remaln vlable ln Lodays socleLy appears Lo be poslLlve.
lrom anclenL Lo presenL Llmes oll has been and conLlnues Lo be a ma[or parL of everyones llfe.
Slnce one Lhlrd of all oll on earLh ls conLalned on Lhe ocean floor, offshore drllllng ls a necessary
way Lo obLaln Lhls large quanLlLy of oll. 1he effecLs on Lhe marlne envlronmenL are a very
conLroverslal sub[ecL.

1he oll companles belleve LhaL Lhe polluLlon ls malnly from naLural oll seepage. Powever, Lhe
envlronmenLallsLs belleve LhaL Lhe exLra conLamlnaLlon Lo Lhe marlne waLers Lhrough offshore
drllllng ls very dangerous. l belleve lL ls Lrue LhaL offshore drllllng can be very conLamlnaLlng Lo
Lhe oceans envlronmenL, however when closely monlLored Lhese negaLlve effecLs can be
mlnlmlzed. Slnce we know LhaL one day our oll supply wlll dlmlnlsh we are concerned abouL
fuLure ways Lo malnLaln energy. 1he mosL common alLernaLlve Lo oll ls naLural gas.

AlLhough, even naLural gas has lLs negaLlve and poslLlve aspecLs. 1he maln negaLlve aspecL ls Lhe
facL LhaL LransporLaLlon of naLural gas ls very expenslve. 1he maln poslLlve aspecL ls LhaL, when
burned, naLural gas glves off lower emlsslons Lo our envlronmenL oll. ln Lhe fuLure, due Lo lLs
greaL abundance, l am sure LhaL offshore drllllng wlll remaln vlable Lo our socleLy for many years
Lo come.

Works ClLed

8urger, !oanna.8efore and AfLer an Cll Splll. new !ersey:

8uLger unlverslLy ress, 1994.

Calrns, !ohn !r., and ArLhur L.8ulkema, !r8esLoraLlon of

PablLaLs lmporLed 8y Cll Spllls.8osLon:8uLLerworLh ubllshers, 1984.

Laudon, 8oberL C. "eLroleum." Cas and LlecLrlc 8 !uly

1992: 330-330.

Lynch, Mlchael C. "lundamenLals of Lhe eLroleum lndusLry. Cll and

Cas !ournal 6 AugusL 1990: 207-213.

SLelnhauer, Wllllam C. "Callfornla SLudy Compares naLural urllllng

ulscharge ConLamlnanLs Cffshore."Cll and Cas !ournal 6 AugusL 74-92.

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