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The Wicket Gate Magazine

A Continuing Witness
Internet Edition 108 issued May 2014
1. The "Blessed Promise" The Pastor's etter !anuary 1"#$
2. The %on&i'tin( and %on&ertin( o) !ohn *ar+urton
,. - %hur'h .esired Poem +y an /n0no1n *riter
4. Mrs 2eaton's etter to Boys and 3irls *hat 4a55ened to -dam and E&e6
$. 3leanin(s in the Psalms Psalm 7#
7. 2ni55ets
-t the *e+ 2ite o) the *i'0et 3ate ma(a8ine 111.1i'0et(ate.'o.u0 you 1ill also
)ind the )ollo1in( re'ordin(s9
Throu(h the Bi+le 1ith the %hildren Bi+le 2tories told +y Mr 2eaton.
%on(re(ational Praise the sin(in( o) our %hur'h durin( *orshi5 2er&i'es
2ermons 5rea'hed +y .r :eedham and Mr 2eaton
4istori'al e'tures (i&en in the %hur'h +y .r :eedham
Pod'ast 2er&i'e a&aila+le at 111.1i'0et(ate.'o.u0
The "Blessed Promise"
;The Pastor's etter !anuary 1"#$<
.ear =riends>
It 1as the taunt o) the un+elie&ers in the early days o)
%hristianity that %hrist had )ailed to "'ome a(ain" )or 4is 'hur'h> as
4e said 4e 1ould. "*here is the 5romise o) his 'omin(6" they
taunted. -nd> o) 'ourse> they 0ne1 1here to hit the +elie&ers hardest>
)or the (reat moti&atin( 5o1er o) the 'hur'h o) that day 1as the
+lessed )a't that "this same !esus>" 1ho had +een ta0en u5 into
hea&en> 1ould "so 'ome a(ain in li0e manner" as they had seen 4im
(o into hea&en. !esus 1as 'omin( a(ain? That 1as all they 0ne1 and
all they 1anted to 0no1. -nd althou(h some o) the saints had a'ted
some1hat )oolish 1ith re(ards to the +lessed ho5e> it 1as still the
+lessed ho5e )or all that> and 1ell the un+elie&in( s'e5ti's realised it
and so> used its a55arent )ailure to o''ur as a handle )or their atta'0s
on that youn( 'hur'h.
:o1> the de&il doesn't seem to stir u5 the un+elie&ers in our o1n
day to thro1 dou+ts> and s'orn> and dis+elie) on the truth o) our ord's
'omin( a(ain )or 4is 5eo5le> and this is si(ni)i'ant. @ou see> as
+elie&ers> 1e should +e on the alert 'on'ernin(> not only 1hat the
de&il is doin(> +ut 1hat he is not doin(. -nd 1hy he is not atta'0in(
this (reat do'trine o) the se'ond 'omin( o) our 2a&iour this +lessed
truth6 *ell +rethren> 5erha5s it's +e'ause it is not a "+lessed truth>" in
the hearts and minds o) so many in the ord's 5ro)essin( 'hur'h today.
Ah? - truth> it may +e> +ut a blessed truth it 'ertainly does not a55ear
to +e.
A) 'ourse> some o) the ord's 5eo5le ha&e a'ted )oolishly in the
5ast 1ith re(ards to the do'trine o) our ord's se'ond ad&ent and
there> the de&il has +een +usy> )illin( the minds o) many 1ith mere
s5e'ulation and )an'i)ul )a+les. But surely> i) e&er there 1as an a(e
that needed a )irm (ri5 o) the fact and the (lorious 5ros5e't o) %hrist's
a55earin( )or 4is Bride> it is this a(e in 1hi'h 1e )ind oursel&es.
E&ery one o) us needs that same yearnin( that 1as in the heart o) the
'hur'h in the last 'ha5ter o) Be&elation9 "-nd the 25irit and the +ride
say> %ome." 2he had (ot a (lim5se o) her 4ea&enly Bride(room and
she had heard 4is &oi'e s5ea0in( to her and remindin( her o) 4is
tender mer'y in sendin( 4is *ord o) truth throu(hout the 'hur'hes
"I !esus ha&e sent mine an(el to testi)y unto you these thin(s in the
'hur'hes." 4e has also sho1n 4imsel) to her in all his Cin(ly>
2o&erei(n MaDesty "I am the root and the o))s5rin( o) .a&id." -nd
in all 4is enli(htenin( (ra'e "-nd the +ri(ht and mornin( star."
-nd> +eholdin( that &ision> the es5oused o) the ord 'an do nothin(
else +ut 5lead )or 4is a55earin( a(ain9 "-nd the 25irit and the +ride
say> 'ome."
Is the desire "o) the )lesh"6 -h> noE it is "o) the 25irit" *ho is
d1ellin( in the 'hur'h and holdin( s1ay in the 'hur'h and 5rom5tin(
the desire )or %hrist's 'omin(. -nd surely> +rethren> the &ery a+sen'e
o) su'h a desire in the 5ro)essin( 'hur'h o) %hrist today only +etrays
the a+sen'e o) the 25irit o) 3od in those 5la'es 1here the :ame o)
%hrist is named. It 1as said o) -ndre1 Bonar that he 1ould loo0 out
o) his 1indo1 e&ery mornin( to see i) "%hrist 1as 'omin(."
*hy are 1e so im5otent6 2o ine))e'ti&e6 2o unholy6 2o
la'0in( in testimony6 2o 'om5romisin(6 2o /nF%hristline6 2o
sloth)ul in our day and a(e6 Where is the promise of His coming? In
our 5lans6 In our hearts6 In our minds6 In our +eha&iour6 In our
'hur'hes6 In our 1ords and a'tions6 "*here is the 5romise o) his
*ould that 1e really )elt the dar0ness o) the days in 1hi'h 1e
li&e> then> 5erha5s 1e 1ould yearn li0e the 'hur'h in the Be&elation
)or the a55earin( o) "the +ri(ht and mornin( star" to s'atter our
dar0ness. *ould that 1e 0ne1 more o) the +urden and heat o) the
+attle )or surely> that 1ould 5ut a ne1> mu'h needed son(> into our
mouth in these days.
*. !. 2eaton
Maranatha The Lord Cometh.
"I'&e 1restled on to1ards hea&en>
'3ainst 1ind and rain and tideE
:o1 li0e a 1eary tra&eller that leaneth on his (uide.
-midst the shades o) e&enin(>
*hile sin0s li)e's lin(erin( sandE
I'll hail the (lory da1nin(> in Emmanuel's and."
"G I (o to 5re5are a 5la'e )or youE and i) I (o and 5re5are a 5la'e )or
you I will come again and receive yo nto myself> that 1here I am>
there ye me +e also."
The Convicting and Converting
John Warurton
-nd then 3od sent home that text to my soul 1ith so mu'h 5o1er that
I thou(ht I 1as dro55in( into hell at on'e9 "%ursed is e&eryone that
'ontinueth not in all thin(s 1ritten in the +oo0 o) the la1 to do them."
;3alatians ,910< I no1 sa1 as 'learly as at noonFday> 3od's holiness>
and his Dusti'e in my damnationE and I told him that 1hen I 'ame into
hell> I 1ould tell all the de&ils there that no inDusti'e had +een done
me> that I 1ould ta0e all the +lame to mysel) and 'lear 3od o) all
1ron( in exe'utin( his 1rath u5on one so &ile> 1ho had (one to su'h
len(ths in iniHuity. :o1> ho1e&er> I sa1 'learly that my doom 1as
sealed> )or these 1ords 'ome on the +a'0 o) the other "Till hea&en
and earth 5ass a1ay> one Dot or one tittle shall in no 1ise 5ass )rom the
la1 till all +e )ul)illed." Thus> I sa1 that 3od is immuta+ly )ixed in
his holiness and Dusti'e> and that he 'an no 1ise aHuit the (uilty.
*ell> thou(ht I> let me ha&e a little enDoyment here to dro1n the
misery o) my 5resent )eelin(sE as to the herea)ter> I 'an +e +ut lost.
The +est method o) )ul)illin( this resolution a55eared to +e +y (oin(
hayFma0in(. But> u5on Doinin( the men> 1ho all 0ne1 me> and had
heard that I had turned "Methodist"> some Deered me and others 'alled
out> "*ar+urton is turned Methodist"> and all Doined in lau(hin( at
I tried to 5ut it o)) 1ith a lau(h> too> +ut it 1as 1ith a hea&y heart.
@et> thou(ht I> these are all (oin( to hell as 1ell as I> and see ho1
'om)orta+le they are? -nd a(ain> I resol&ed to +e as 'om)orta+le as
theyE )or i) I do (o to hell> said I> they 1ill (o 1ith me> and I shall not
+e alone. In the a)ternoon o) the )irst day there 1as 1hat 1e 'all a
"Wa!e"" held at a 5la'e a+out )our miles distant> and my )ello1F
1or0men as0ed me to a''om5any them. To this I 'onsentedE and
se&en o) us a''ordin( set out. But> A 1hat )eelin(s I had u5on the
road? *hen 1e arri&ed there> the )irst thin( 1as> o) 'ourse> the
5u+li'Fhouse> and I determined to (et drun0 and dro1n my misery>
and to enDoy mysel) as 1ell as others. I had not> ho1e&er> +een many
minutes in the house until that text o) s'ri5ture sounded li0e thunder in
my 5oor soul9 "Be'ause he hath a55ointed a day> in 1hi'h he 1ill
Dud(e the 1orld in ri(hteousness +y that man> !esus %hrist> 1hom he
hath ordained." -nd that other text )ollo1ed u5on it li0e )lames o)
li(htenin(9 "It is a55ointed unto men on'e to die> +ut a)ter this the
Dud(ment." My 5oor 0nees smote to(ether> my &ery hairs +e(an to
mo&e u5on my head> and I (ot u5 and 1ent out 1ith all the horrors o)
damnation in my soul.
*hat dread)ul and re+ellious thou(hts arose in my mind a(ainst 3od
)or ha&in( made me a human +ein(> that had a ne&erFdyin( soul that
must endure all the torments o) his 1rath in hell. 4o1 I en&ied the
&ery +easts o) the )ield. "These 5oor 'reatures>" said I> "ha&e no souls
to +e Dud(ed." -nd A the an(er and 1rath that +oiled u5 in my heart
a(ainst 3od> +e'ause he had not made me a do(> or anythin( 1ithout a
soul to +e Dud(ed at this ri(hteous +ar.
I had )reHuently +e)ore this time had many 5o1er)ul tem5tations to
5ut an end to my misera+le li)e> +ut no1 I 1as )ully determined to do
it. 2e&eral times I 1ent into my +edroom 1ith my ra8or> +ein( )ully
determined to 'ut my throatE +ut instead o) so doin(> 1as al1ays
o+li(ed to )all u5on my 0nees and im5lore the ord that> i) it 1ere
5ossi+le> he 1ould sho1 mer'y to one so &ile as I. I thin0 I shall
ne&er )or(et the ni(ht +e)ore 3od deli&ered my 5oor soul.
=ully resol&ed to destroy mysel)> I 1ent on 2aturday a+out midni(ht
to a 5ool o) 1ater> ma0in(> as I 5ro'eeded thither> a solemn &o1 that
nothin( should 5re&ent my )ul)illin( my 5ur5ose. I rose u5 to ta0e a
lea5 into the 5ool> 1hen these 1ords sounded in my ears as loud to
my thin0in( as i) a man had 'alled them out to me "*ho 'an tell6" I
made a dead stand> and said> "*hat 'an that +e6" "*ho 'an tell6"
The 1ords sounded a(ain and a(ain in my &ery soul and somethin(
seemed to s5rin( u5 in my heart> and thus inter5ret them. *ho 'an
tell +ut 3od may yet ha&e mer'y u5on my 5oor soul6 Manasseh> the
thie) u5on the 'ross> 2aul o) Tarsus> Mary Ma(dalene> and many
others ha&e ex5erien'ed his 5ardonin( mer'yE and 1ho 'an tell +ut
that 5oor 1ret'h> !ohn *ar+urton> may )ind mer'y yet6"
This 5ut a sto5 to dro1nin( mysel). I) )elt my heart a little so)ter> and
i) e&er my soul 1ent out to 5rayer> I +elie&e it 1as then. I +e(an to
)eel a little ho5e shine into me. *ho 'an tell> thou(ht I> +ut that 3od
1ill at len(th hear my 'ry6 I made u5 my mind that> as the next day
1as 2unday> I 1ould (o in the mornin( to Man'hester> and try on'e
more to o+tain a little 'onsolation.
In the mornin( I 1ent to Mosley 2treet %ha5el> and soon a)ter I 1as
seated> a solemn old man as'ended the 5ul5it> and A ho1 my soul
trem+led lest he should +ear a messa(e )rom 3od to me o) 1rath and
'ondemnation. *hat horror and distress I )elt 1hen> in readin( the
'ha5ter> he 'ame to these 1ords> "%ursed is e&ery one that 'ontinueth
not in all thin(s that are 1ritten in the +oo0 o) the la1 to do them." I
sa1 that my soul 1as doomed to 'ertain destru'tion )or e&er and e&er.
*hat the old man 5rea'hed a+out I 'ould not tellE +ut this I 0ne1> that
damned I 1as> and sometimes thou(ht I should ha&e dro55ed into hell
1hilst in the 'ha5el.
The ser&i'e +ein( 'on'luded> I thou(ht I 1ould (o home and 5ut an
end to my misera+le li)e. "@es>" said I> "I 1ill 'ome to an end> and
0no1 the 1orst at on'e." An my 1ay home> I (ot into %annon 2treet>
and o+ser&in( a 'ha5el there> into 1hi'h 5eo5le 1ere then 'ro1din(> I
remem+ered it 1as the 'ha5el o) Mr. Bo+y> to 1hi'h I had +een on'e
or t1i'e in 'om5any 1ith my mother. I sto55ed and said> "2hall I (o
in6" ":o>" thou(ht I> "I 1ill not. The minister 1ill ta0e as his text>
'%ursed is e&ery one that 'ontinueth not in all thin(s 1ritten in the
+oo0 o) the la1 to do them.'" I 5ro'eeded a short distan'e do1n the
street> and sto55ed a(ain. "*ho 'an tell6" 'ame on'e more into my
mind. "*ell>" said I> "I 'an +ut +e damned." -nd so I 'ame to the
resolution o) (oin( into the 'ha5el> and "I) I 5erish>" said I> "I 5erish."
-t the 'on'lusion o) the )irst hymn> Mr. Bo+y 1ent to 5rayer> and
to1ards the end o) it he dro55ed a )e1 1ords 1hi'h I +elie&ed 1ere
)or no+ody +ut me. 4e +e((ed 3od that i) there 1ere any one 5resent
1ho had 'ome to ma0e a last trial o) his mer'y> he 1ould sho1
himsel) to su'h a one as His 3od. It 1as hard 1or0 that I 'ould 0ee5
)rom 'allin( out> "@es> here is 5oor lost !ohn *ar+urton. 4ere I am>
'ome to ma0e the last trial." But all my ho5es seemed dashed to
5ie'es> ho1e&er> 1hen I sa1 the minister ta0e the Bi+le )rom the
'ushion to )ind his text. "A>" thou(ht I> "he is 'ertainly see0in( )or
that a1)ul text 1hi'h has so torn my heart asunder all these months."
A the )eelin(s I ex5erien'ed? I 'ould not ima(ine 1hy he delayed so
lon( to 5ut the Bi+le +a'0 u5on the 'ushion.
-t last he did so> and I 'ould see that it 1as o5ened a+out the middle.
"Blessed +e 3od>" my soul 1his5ered> "The text is not> '%ursed is
e&ery one that 'ontinueth not G'" A the ex5e'tation that s5ran( u5
1ithin me. -nd 1hen Mr. Bo+y read his text> A the 1onder and the
(lory that shone into my soul? The 5re'ious text 1as this> "Thou hast
as'ended on hi(h> thou hast led 'a5ti&ity 'a5ti&eE thou has re'ei&ed
(i)ts )or menE yea> )or the re+ellious also> that the ord 3od mi(ht
d1ell amon( them." ;Psalm 78918.< A the lo&e> 5ea'e> and Doy that
+ro0e into my heart as the 1ords 'ame out o) his mouth? They 1ere
truly s1eeter to my soul than ten thousands o) (old and sil&er. I
1ondered a(ain 1ith astonishment> and said in my soul> "*hat 'an
this mean6 *here are my sins6 *hat 'an +e the meanin( o) all this6
*here is my +urden> and the 1rath and terror I ha&e had so many
months6" -nd a(ain the text )lo1ed into my soul> "Thou hast led
'a5ti&ity 'a5ti&eE thou hast re'ei&ed (i)ts )or menE yea> )or the
re+ellious> that the ord 3od mi(ht d1ell amon(st them."
;Ta0en )rom> the Mer'ies o) a %o&enant 3od F
the auto+io(ra5hy o) !ohn *ar+urton o)
# Chrch $esired
4o1 +eauti)ul that %hur'h must +e
*here *at'h)ul is the Porter>
*hile Pruden'e has the o&ersi(ht>
-nd Patien'e the exhorter.
*here 4armony 'ondu'ts the 5raise>
-nd Be&eren'e the 1orshi5>
*here oyalty as'ri+es to %hrist
The undis5uted ordshi5.
4umility 5re&ades the 5la'e
-nd Piety s1eet smileth.
*here Purity her )ra(ran'e +reathes>
-nd 3entleness +e(uileth.
2im5li'ity adorns the 1alls>
-nd 3ra'e all 'a5ti&atin(
Bene&olen'e is 5rominent
*hile Ieal is o5eratin(.
4ere Mer'y 1ears her diadem>
-nd Mea0ness 'onHuers )ri'tion>
*hile Truth exerts its in)luen'e>
!oy adds its +enedi'tion.
4ere Bi(hteousness is 5la'ed on (uard>
-nd )aith is e&er a'ti&eE
*hile 3oodness e&ermore a+ounds
-nd %hrist is all attra'ti&e.
A ord? Bestore Thy %hur'h to this
4er 5rimiti&e 5osition
-nd let us taste on earth the +liss
o) this di&ine 'ondition.
;*riter /n0no1n.<
.ear Boys and 3irls>
2ometimes 1hen 1e read the Bi+le 1e )ind it di))i'ult to
understand some 5arts o) it> and need to ha&e some thin(s ex5lained to
us. There are some &ery (ood +oo0s to hel5 us to understand the
Bi+le> and in this letter I 1ant to +rin( you a lesson out o) one o) these
+oo0s> and then> you mi(ht +e a+le to (et the +oo0 and read it )or
yoursel)> or 1ith your 5arents. It is 'alled> eadin( ittle Anes to
3od> and the author is 'alled Marian 2'hoolland> and it is 5u+lished
+y the Banner o) Truth Trust.
What Happened to #dam and %ve?
.o you remem+er 1hat 3od said to -dam and E&e a+out the
tree in the (arden6 .o you remem+er 1hat 4e said 1ould ha55en i)
they ate o) it6 4e said "The day you eat o) the tree o) 0no1led(e o)
(ood and e&il you shall surely die."
.id -dam and E&e die that day6
Their +odies did not die that day. In that 1ay -dam and E&e
li&ed many years more. But they died in another 1ay.
They 1ere se5arated )rom 3od.
To +e ha55y> 1e must li&e 1ith 3od. It is terri+le to li&e
1ithout 3od> to +e se5arated )rom 3od. -nd that is 1hat ha55ened to
-dam and E&e.
3od used to 'ome to the (arden. 4e 1ould 1al0 1ith -dam and
E&e> and tal0 1ith them.
Bi(ht a)ter they ate the )ruit that 3od had told them not to eat>
-dam and E&e 1ere a)raid o) 3od. -nd they 1ere ashamed. They
ran a1ay. They tried to hide. They tried to hide a1ay )rom 3odE +ut
no+ody 'an do that?
-)ter a 1hile 3od 'ame to the (arden. 4e 'alled> "-dam> 1here
are you6"
-dam 0ne1 he 'ould not hide )rom 3od. 3od sees e&erythin(.
-dam 'ame out o) his hidin( 5la'e. 4e told 3od he 1as a)raid.
3od said> "*hat did you do6"
Then -dam had to tell 3od 1hat they had done. Ah> he 1as so
ashamed and so a)raid?
3od is &ery holy. There is no sin in 3od. 2in ma0es us unholy.
-nd it 0ee5s us a1ay )rom 3od. I) 1e are unholy> 1e 'annot li&e
'lose to 3od.
-dam and E&e 0ne1 they had sinned. They had diso+eyed 3od.
That is 1hy they 1ere a)raid. They 0ne1 3od is holy. They 0ne1
that they had to +e 5unished )or their sin.
3od told -dam and E&e that no1 5ain and si'0ness 1ould
'ome. 4e told them that a)ter a 1hile their +odies 1ould die. 4e sent
them out o) the +eauti)ul (arden. They 1ere not )it to li&e there any
more. The (arden 1as too 1onder)ul )or sin)ul 5eo5le. 4e told them
that no1 they 1ould ha&e to 1or0 hard to 0ee5 ali&e. -nd he did not
'ome a(ain to 1al0 and tal0 1ith them> as 4e used to.
Many un5leasant thin(s +e(an on the day -dam and E&e sinned.
The 1orst 1as this9 they 1ere se5arated )rom 3od> and a)raid o) 4im.
E&er sin'e that day> 5eo5le ha&e +een a)raid o) 3od. *e 'annot
hel5 +ein( a)raid 1hen 1e remem+er that 3od is &ery holy> and 1e
are &ery sin)ul.
But on that same day 3od 5romised -dam and E&e that
someday e&erythin( 1ould +e 1onder)ul a(ain. 4e 5romised a
2a&iour> 1ho 1ould ta0e sin a1ay and +rin( us +a'0 to 3od> so that
1e need not +e a)raid any more.
&omething to tal! abot'
*hy 1ere -dam and E&e a)raid o) 3od6
*hat did they try to do6
%an you tell in 1hat 1ay they died that &ery day6
%an you name some other un5leasant thin(s that ha55ened6
4ere is a Bi+le &erse that tells 1hy 1e are sometimes a)raid o) 3od9
"@our sins ha&e hid his )a'e )rom you" ;Isaiah $"92<.
&ggested (eading'
3enesis 'ha5ter , &erses # to 10
)leanings in the *salms
(Psalm 67)
!erse " "God e merciful unto us# and less us$ and cause his face
to shine u%on us$ &elah'"
(") The Psalm egins at the eginning *ith a cr+ for mercy.
=or(i&eness o) sin is al1ays the )irst lin0 in the 'hain o) mer'ies
ex5erien'ed +y us. Mer'y is a )oundation attri+ute in our
sal&ation. The +est saints and the 1orst sinners may unite in this
5etition. It is addressed to the 3od o) mer'y> +y those 1ho )eel
their need o) mer'y> and it im5lies the death o) all le(al ho5es or
'laims o) merit
(,) :ext> the %hur'h +e(s )or a +lessin(E "+less us" a &ery
'om5rehensi&e and )ar rea'hin( 5rayer. *hen 1e +less 3od 1e
do +ut little> )or or +lessin(s are +ut 1ordsE +ut 1hen 3od
+lesses 4e enri'hes us indeed> )or all his +lessin(s are (i)ts and
;,< But 4is +lessin( alone is not all 4is 5eo5le 'ra&eE they
desire a 5ersonal 'ons'iousness o) 4is )a&our> and 5ray )or a
smile )rom 4is )a'e "his )a'e to shine u5on" them. These three
5etitions in'lude all that 1e need here or herea)ter.
C.H. Spurgeon
!erse ,' "That th+ *a+ ma+ e kno*n u%on earth# th+ saving
health among all nations'" -s sho1ers 1hi'h )irst )all u5on the hills
a)ter1ards run do1n in streams into the &alleys> so the +lessin( o) the
Most 4i(h 'omes to the 1orld throu(h the %hur'h. *e are +lessed
)or the sa0e o) others as 1ell as oursel&es. 3od deals in a 1ay o)
mer'y 1ith 4is saints> and then they ma0e that 1ay 0no1n )ar and
1ide> and the ord's name is made )amous in the earth. I(noran'e o)
3od is the (reat enemy o) man0ind> and the testimonies o) the saints>
ex5erimental and (rate)ul> o&er'ome this deadly )oe. 3od has a set
1ay and method o) dealin( out mer'y to men> and it is the duty and
5ri&ile(e o) a re&i&ed %hur'h to ma0e that 1ay to +e e&ery1here
!erse ,' "That th+ *a+" etc' :ote that the s5readin( o) the truth
a+road s5rin(s out o) the re'ei&in( o) the truth at home "3od +e
mer'i)ul unto sE and +less sE and 'ause his )a'e to shine u5on s>
that thy way may be !nown pon earth +, 25readin( %hristianity
a+road is sometimes and the ex'use )or not ha&in( it at home. - man
may 'ut (ra)ts )rom his tree> till the tree itsel) has no to5 le)t 1ith
1hi'h to +ear )ruit. In the end> the 5o1er o) %hristian missions 1ill
+e measured +y the 8eal o) enli(htened 5iety at homeE as the
'ir'ulation o) the +lood at the extremities o) the +ody 1ill de5end on
the soundness o) the lun(s and heart. I do not say that 1e should not
send the (os5el a+road? But that 1e may do it> there must +e more o)
it at home. *e must dee5en the 1ells o) sal&ation> or dra1in( 1ill
run them dry.
!erse -' ".et the %eo%le %raise thee# O God$ let all the %eo%le
%raise thee'" Mar0 the s1eet order o) the +lessed 25irit9 )irst> mer'yE
then> 0no1led(eE last o) all> 5raisin( o) 3od. *e 'annot see 4is
'ountenan'e ex'e5t 4e +e mer'i)ul to usE and 1e 'annot 5raise 4im
ex'e5t 4is 1ay +e 0no1n u5on earth. 4is mer'y +reeds 0no1led(eE
4is 0no1led(e> 5raise.
John Boys
!erses / and 0' ".et the %eo%le %raise thee# O God$ let all the
%eo%le %raise thee'" What then? "Then shall the earth yield her
in'rease> and 3od e&en our o1n 3od> shall +less us." *e ha&e
'om)orts in'reased the more 1e 5raise 3od )or 1hat 1e ha&e already
re'ei&ed. The more &a5ours (o u5> the more sho1ers 'ome do1nE as
the ri&ers re'ei&e> so they 5our out> and all run into the sea a(ain.
There is a 'onstant 'ir'ular 'ourse and re'ourse )or the sea and into
the seaE so there is +et1een 3od and us. The more 1e 5raise 4im> the
more our +lessin(s 'ome do1n> the more 1e 5raise 4im a(ainE so that
1e do not so mu'h +less 3od as +less oursel&es. *hen the s5rin( lies
lo1> 1e 5our a little 1ater into the 5um5> not to enri'h the )ountain>
+ut to +rin( u5 more )or oursel&es.
Thomas Manton
!erses / and 0' ".et the %eo%le %raise 1 then shall the earth"
et'. *hile man is +lessin( 3od for 4is mer'ies> 4e is +lessin( man
with 4is mer'ies.
William Secer
!erse 0' "Then shall the earth +ield her increase 1" Those trees
)lourish most and +ear s1eetest )ruit> 1hi'h stand most in the sun.
The 5rayin(> 5raisin( %hristian stands near to 3od and has 3od near
to him in all that he 'alls u5on 4im )orE there)ore> you may ex5e't that
%hristian's )ruit to +e s1eet and ri5e. -nother %hristian 1ho stands>
as it 1ere> in the shade and at a distan'e )rom 3od> throu(h ne(le't o)
this duty o) 5rayer and 5raise> 1ill ha&e little )ruit )ound on his
+ran'hes> and as su'h as there is 1ill +e (reen and sour.
William !urnall

Measuring Time'
An one o''asion> Phili5 4enry heard o) a 'hristian 1ho
1as (i&in( his a(e as +ein( "on the 1ron( side o) )i)ty."
"That man should not say that"> Phili5 4enry de'lared>
")or i) he is "o&er" )i)ty> then he is on the ri(ht side o)
)i)ty> )or he 1ill +e all the sooner in hea&en.
Choosing O%inions
Many 'hoose their o5inions as 2amson did his 1i)e
!ust +e'ause they 5lease him.
*illiam 3urnall

2r' Gill and 3ree*ill'
=ollo1in( a sermon 1hi'h he 5rea'hed on the do'trine
o) human ina+ilility in the thin(s o) sal&ation> .r. !ohn
3ill 1as "set u5on" +y a man 1ho +elie&ed that 3ill had
de(raded human nature. "Pray> then>" said 3ill to the
o))ended listener> "*hat do you thin0 man 'an
'ontri+ute to his 'on&ersion6" The man listed a 1hole
strin( o) Hualities that he thou(ht man 'ould use to meet
3od hal)F1ay in sal&aton. "-nd ha&e you done all these
thin(s6" as0ed the .r. "*hy> no> I ha&en't>" said the
man> "+ut I intend to do them soon." "*ell>" said 3ill>
"I) you ha&e all thin(s in your 5o1er to do them and
ha&e not done them> you deser&e to +e dou+ly damned>
and are +ut illFHuali)ied to +e an ad&o'ate o) that
)ree1ill 1hi'h has done you so little (ood."
The Bird that &oars + James Montgomer+'
The +ird that soars on hi(hest 1in(
Builds on the (round her lo1ly nest
-nd she that doth most s1eetly sin(>
2in(s in the shade 1hen all thin(s rest F
In lar0 and ni(htin(ale 1e see
*hat honour hath humility.
The saint that 1ears hea&en's +ri(htest 'ro1n>
In dee5est adoration +ends F
The 1ei(ht o) (lory +ends him do1n
The most> 1hen most his soul as'ents9
:earest the throne itsel) must +e
The )ootstool o) humility.

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