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GGR252 LEC 3

Retail typology
- Retail Strips- highly visible, highly accessible
- Shopping Centers(Malls)- Shopping mall(Yorkdale, big anchors at the opposite end of
the mall, small stores in the middle, large, middle income, similar stores like many
shoe stores to create more exposure and more traffic, entertainment is present) vs
Power center(shopping malls are in the suburbs where as these are further suburban.
Easy to get into hard to get out of, acc by car and private transport, not enclosed
together each store has independent access, no pretext about replicating the tradition
shopping experience, similar to a street but more enclosed and controlled. 2 power
centers are a power node )
- Ancillary Retail- In someother predomiant landuse like airports. Main purpose is to
manage air stuff but you have a captive market, tim hortons at Med Sci Building,
railway station, subway station. Under Aura aka college park. Doesnt always occur
downtown happens in suburbs as well: young and sheppard.
- Shopping and recreation go hand in hand as seen in west Edmonton mall. Shopping
generates traffic for recreation and recreation generates traffic for shopping. Parents
and children for example
- Power retailing(big boxes, category killers, Power centers, Power Nodes):
- Fastest growing type of retailing?: None of these its online but it wont take over the
traditional method of doing so. People prefer going to the store and do it themselves
NOTE: Eaton center is a shopping mall but atypical as a torsional shopping mall due to
its location and other things
Corolplath map: Higher the intensity the shading high the whatever. Income I think
Distance decay: The further away from the store the less the people. Clusters
Intervening opportunities: crossing over other stores to get to yours
Home depot is a retail chain(essentially identical) Maybe people pass over one to get to
another because they are traveling from work or for work
You can match license plates to see where people are coming from. Its more traditional.
Basic Spatial Concepts:
- Distance Decay: Decrease in number of people. It s a pattern. Why does it occur?:
Cost in time and money to cover distance. Distance is measured in time
- Disincentive nature of distance/ friction of distance: Apprehensive to travel longer
distances as greater the cost of time and money
- Intervening opportunities
- Range: Its so far they dont go there. Interaction is forced to zero
- Gravity models: great of the mass or something?
- Diffusion: Just the spread of things. Ex: migration, cold, knowledge is an example of
contagious diffusion. Stays with him but passes to us but stays with him. Innovation
starts at the top and goes to the bottom: hierarchal diffusion
Note: Market is dynamic is always changing. Did a case study on target marketing:
Francophone Yuppies in Ottawa. We finally find the target market for club med what do
ow do? You advertise. When you know where they are you can advertise to them
Target marketing- geographically:
- Not just who they are but where they are
- Why target market?- Less effort for more return
Lines joining destination with the customer is known as a spider diagram. Market has
become more mobile as seen with the mennonite case study. Gravity concept: a big
shopping place will pull people towards it making them pass by intervening opportunities
Cultural component to understand patterns. Mennonites wont go to places that dont sell
what they want.
Changing mobility:
- Implications : Public(you have to spend the money(tax) that services the entire
population) vs private(you do what you have to to make profit)
- Retail strategies:
- Both have tended to have fewer locations but larger. Example of cinema(private
sector): That is poorer service, you have to travel so far to get there that some people
just dont go, New Liquor stores are big box like: less in comaprision to population and
not as convinent for all. Hospital(public): Smaller but bigger. Argumentt is yes you have
to travel farther but theyre much better.
- This anticipates higher mobility
Geo of market/demand:
2) Where?
3) Why?
4) Where next?
Geo of Supply:
1) What types?: Malls, nodes, strips
2) Where?Power: suburbs, ancillary is downtown
3) Why? Ref to demand. Suburban malls were built because people moved there in 50s
4) Where next?
These to are connected in:
Market analysis
Site selection techniques

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