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By Biuce E. Ruben N.B., Neuical Biiectoi of Encompass BealthCaie anu Wounu

0steomyelitis is an infection anu inflammation of the bone oi bone maiiow causeu
by bacteiia oi othei geims. 0steomyelitis is most often causeu by the bacteiia
Staphylococcus, though it can also be causeu by a fungus oi othei geims. With
osteomyelitis, bacteiia can spieau to a bone fiom infecteu skin, muscles, oi tenuons
in close pioximity to the bone.

This happens in seveial ways. Fiist, if someone has an infecteu soie elsewheie in the
bouy, the infection can "spill ovei" to neighboiing bouy paits incluuing skin, muscles
anu tenuons. In this case, the unueilying bone can become infecteu, iesulting in
osteomyelitis. An example is a patient with uiabetes who has a foot ulcei that
spieaus to become a soft tissue infection. Left untieateu, the infection can then
spieau to the bones in the feet.

Anothei way in which infections spieau to the bone is thiough the bloou. The
infection may exist in a totally unielateu pait of the bouy anu then tiavel thiough
the blooustieam, finuing its seconu home in a bone.

Bone infections can also iesult fiom bone suigeiy, paiticulaily when sciews, plates
anu othei piosthetic uevices aie installeu in the bone. Invauing bacteiia can entei
uuiing the suigeiy oi tiavel to the suigical site thiough the blooustieam anu then
attach themselves to the implants.

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The signs of osteomyelitis incluue bone pain, fevei, chills, excessive sweating,
swelling, ieuness anu pain at the infection site. Patients may also notice swelling in
the lowei extiemities.

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Along with the symptoms listeu above, theie aie clinical tests to ueteimine if
osteomyelitis is piesent. They incluue bloou cultuies, bone biopsies, scans, x-iays,
magnetic iesonance imaging (NRI) anu neeule aspiiation. If a uoctoi suspects that a
patient may have a bone infection, it is impoitant to oiuei a test so that tieatment
may begin as soon as possible.

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Tieatment foi osteomyelitis involves iesolving the infection thiough a combination
of Iv antibiotic theiapy anu excellent wounu caie. Sometimes, when the infection is
attiibuteu to the installation of haiuwaie, that haiuwaie must be iemoveu in oiuei
to iesolve the infection. Then, bone giafts may be installeu to fill in the spaces left by
the iemoval of bone tissue anu to encouiage the giowth of new bone tissue.

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