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Johan David Mendoza Vargas

Jose Luis Castro Coronado


The stress is a principal factor that influence in the performance of an individual and in general in
the quality of life, for the appearance of stress and their consequences is necessary a mixture of
diverse characteristics in the person and the surrounding environment, in the case of the
university student influences (Brogaard, 2013), for example:
Peer group and Competitiveness.
Overload Academic.
Little time for present the homework.
The stress is an emotional state that can affect to anyone, in major or less measure, by the
situation which we are passing, in many times, the people lose the control and they dont have
arms to fight against the problem with they are sinking. The form that we feel affected by the
situations, depends of our personality and the form to face the problems. In the majority of cases
the students have situations that require changes in their behaviors, that in normal circumstances
are situations that not are stressful because dont have are accompanied by threats, but there
situations that generate a need of adjustment requiring changes for adaptation, and this situation
is called stress (Cardenas, 2012), that is the principal reason to lose our way because our brain is
defended with adaptation to the situation, and in these moments, its impossible to remember
what are our dreams and ethical thoughts.
The students of engineering degree at Manuela Beltrn University are those who are affected
because in this place they need present a big quantity of activity overload that must to give
solutions, with one opportunity that they cant lose due to they have credits that requiring an
average to continuous with this help, and for the master too, so in this cases the pressure is
greater, but the student only can dream with motivational education where the real interest in
learning will be the reason to be passionate and may be the quality training where not comply to a
load that is difficult to carry. Must pass over seven subjects each semester, which is a high level of
academic load, and this is the main cause of progressive abandonment of care towards the health
care of students, that hinder concentration and creating of good habits, beside is the cause of
psychological reactions like inability to relax, anxiety and distress.
The academic student that have stress everyday day, cant handle all overload, and then the
performance academic is affected, for lack of information to cope with different situations that we
Our student life and our environment (family, social, work) constantly changing, we require
continuous adjustments; that is why a certain amount of stress becomes also necessary. (Amaya,
In general, we tend to believe that college stress is the result of external circumstances to us,
when in fact it relates to a process of interaction between the events of the school environment
(such as excessive work or tasks, lack of time management, etc..) and our emotional and physical
Have a circle of friends not only for entertainment, but a panel supports us in the studies and
work. Have a study circle.
The lack of time to meet the academic activities raises levels of academic stress on students as
they perceive that they have many things to do and little time to do.


Amaya, J. c. (10 de December de 2008). blogpsikologa. Recuperado el 20 de April de 2014, de
Brogaard, B. (8 de March de 2013). Academic stress and its relation to anxiety in college students.
Recuperado el 20 de April de 2014, de ehowenespanol:
Cardenas, J. C. (13 de November de 2012). Cancelaciones. Recuperado el 20 de April de 2014, de

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