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anniversary aniversario

Autumn otoo
bad mal / malo
beach playa
beautiful hermoso
better mejor
by por, en (con transportes)
cheap barato
city ciudad
comfortable cmodo
dangerous peligroso
expensive caro
fast rpido
football match partido de ftbol
garage garaje
lift ascensor
long largo
museum museo
old viejo
pair par
rice arroz
roof tejado
safe seguro
sea mar
sick enfermo
Spring primavera
strong fuerte
Summer verano
that que
to ask for pedir
to break romper
to come back volver, regresar
to meet encontrar o conocer (a una persona)
to reserve reservar
to stay quedarse, permanecer
to think pensar
to understand entender
travel agency agencia de viajes
vampire vampiro
Winter invierno
wonderful maravilloso
worse peor
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Megans mother
Part 1, 2, 3
by en (con transportes)
call for help pedir ayuda
verb + back ... de vuelta
to go shopping ir de compras
Pasado simple, forma negativa e interrogativa
La forma negativa de este tiempo verbal se forma con la
partcula did aadiendo la partcula negativa not seguido
del verbo en infinitivo sin to, ya que al poner el auxiliar en
pasado no hace falta poner el verbo tambin en pasado.
Eg.: I did not / didnt work Yo no trabajaba o trabaj
La interrogativa en pasado tambin se forma con did y el
infinitivo del verbo principal, pero, como en todas las
interrogativas, invirtiendo el orden.
Eg.: Did you work? Trabajabas o trabajaste t?
En el siguiente ejemplo veremos el verbo to want conjugado en
pasado en todas sus formas:
I wanted yo quise, yo quera
You wanted t quisiste, t queras, usted quiso, usted
quera (ustedes, vosotros)
He wanted l quiso, l quera
She wanted ella quiso, ella quera
It wanted ello (cosa, animal) quiso, quera
We wanted nosotros quisimos, nosotros queramos
They wanted ellos / ellas quisieron, ellos / ellas queran
Negativo: Contrado:
I did not want yo no quise, yo no quera I didnt want
You did not want t no quisiste, t no queras, You didnt want
usted no quiso, usted no
quera (ustedes, vosotros no) ...
He did not want l no quiso, l no quera he didnt want
She did not want ella no quiso, ella no quera she didnt want
It did not want ello (cosa, animal) no quiso, it didnt want
no quera
We did not want nos. no quisimos, nos. no we didnt want
They did not want ellos / ellas no quisieron, they didnt want
ellos / ellas no queran
Did I want? quise yo?, quera yo?
Did you want? quisiste t?, queras t?, quiso usted?,
quera usted? (ustedes,vosotros) ...
Did he want? quiso l?, quera l?
Did she want? quiso ella?, quera ella?
Did it want? quiso ello (cosa, animal)?; quera ello
(cosa, animal)?
Did we want? quisimos nosotros?, queramos nosotros?
Did they want? quisieron ellos / ellas?, queran ellos / ellas?
Para responder se suele utilizar la forma corta para evitar
repetirlo todo. Esta forma corta consiste en contestar con el
sujeto seguido de la partcula que se usa en el pasado, es decir,
did en afirmativa o negativa, segn convenga. Esta forma es
ms usual en lenguaje oral y coloquial.
Eg.: Did you go to the party?
Yes, I did. No, I didnt.
Hasta ahora hemos visto el pasado de los verbos regulares, pero
en ingls hay tambin verbos irregulares que para formar el
pasado no aaden ed al infinitivo, sino que tienen formas
diferentes. Estos verbos no tienen ninguna regla a la hora de
formar el pasado; simplemente hay que aprenderlas, aunque con
el uso tambin se pueden ir adquiriendo de un modo ms fcil.
Pasado simple: Verbos irregulares
A continuacin damos una serie de verbos irregulares con su
pasado. Debemos recordar que slo se usa la forma en pasado
del verbo para la afirmativa; por lo tanto, en las negativas e
interrogativas la estructura seguir siendo la misma. En pasado
todas las personas son iguales.
Pasado simple irregulares:
to go (ir) went
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to eat (comer) ate
to see (ver) saw
to buy (comprar) bought
to meet (encontrar persona) met
to leave (salir, dejar) left
to take (tomar) took
to read (leer) read
to come (venir) came
to think (pensar, creer) thought
I ate Yo com / coma
I did not / didnt eat Yo no com / coma
Did I eat? Com / Coma yo?
She saw Ella vi / vea
She did not / didnt see Ella no vi / vea
Did she see? Vi / Vea ella?
Comparativos: Para saber cmo se forman, revisa la leccin
anterior (lesson 17).
Comparativos irregulares
good better
bad worse
far farther / further
little less
En ingls los nmeros ordinales se usan para decir el da del mes
y para indicar el orden de varias cosas.
First 1st Primer (o, a)
Second 2nd Segundo (a)
Third 3rd Tercer (o, a)
Fourth 4th Cuarto (a)
Fifth 5th Quinto (a)
Sixth 6th Sexto (a)
Seventh 7th Sptimo (a)
Eighth 8th Octavo (a)
Ninth 9th Noveno (a)
Tenth 10th Dcimo (a)
Eleventh 11th Decimoprimero
Twelfth 12th Decimosegundo
Thirteenth 13th Decimotercero
Fourteenth 14th Decimocuarto
Fifteenth 15th Decimoquinto
Sixteenth 16th Decimosexto
Seventeenth 17th Decimosptimo
Eighteenth 18th Decimoctavo
Nineteenth 19th Decimonoveno
Twentieth 20th Vigsimo
Twenty-first 21st Vigesimoprimero
Twenty-second 22nd Vigesimosegundo
Twenty-third 23rd Vigesimotercero
Twenty-fourth 24th Vigesimocuarto
Thirtieth 30th Trigsimo
Fortieth 40th Cuadragsimo
Fiftieth 50th Quincuagsimo
Complete the chart with the correct form of the verbs.
(Completa la tabla con la forma correcta del verbo)
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Put the verbs in brackets into the past form. (Escribe la
forma de pasado del verbo entre parentesis)
Yesterday we __________ (go) to the cinema and we __________
(see) the new film.
When we ____________ (go out) of the cinema we ___________
(meet) our Irish friends in the pub and we ___________ (have)
some drinks. After that, we _______________ (come back) home
and ____________ (have) some food. Peter ____________ (buy)
some sandwiches in the supermarket next to the cinema, but he
_____________ (not buy) any drinks.
We _____________ (eat) the sandwiches and _____________
(drink) some soft drinks I ______________ (have). My friends
________________ (not leave) the house until midnight.
When they ___________ (leave) I ___________ (have) a shower,
and as I ___________ (be) very tired I _____________ (not read)
my favourite book as usual. Suddenly, when I _____________
(want) to switch the light off I ______________ (not see) a glass
of water I __________ (have) on the little table and I __________
(break) it.
That is what _______________ (happen) yesterday.
Compare the two people with the adjectives from the box.
(Compara las dos personas con los adjetivos del cuadro)
handsome intelligent
ugly short
tall interesting
wide narrow
fascinating fat
thin dark
Eg.: Man B has darker hair than man A.
Write down the corresponding ordinal number
according to the picture. (Escribe el nmero ordinal que
corresponda segn el dibujo)
1. The _______________ person is a little boy.
2. The _______________ person is a young pretty woman.
3. The _______________ person is an old woman.
4. The _______________ person is a doctor.
5. The _______________ person is a man with a beard.
6. The _______________ person is a little girl.
7. The _____________ person is a young man with a cat in his arms.
8. The _______________ person is a fat woman with glasses.
9. The _______________ person is an old man.
10. The _______________ person is a young man with a dog.
11. The _______________ person is a young fat boy.
12. The _______________ person is a young woman with dark hair.
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Classify the names of the months of the year according
the seasons. (Clasifica los meses del ao segn las

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